2267 lines
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2267 lines
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* ConsistencyCheck.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <math.h>
#include "boost/lexical_cast.hpp"
#include "flow/IRandom.h"
#include "flow/Tracing.h"
#include "fdbclient/NativeAPI.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/TesterInterface.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/workloads/workloads.actor.h"
#include "fdbrpc/IRateControl.h"
#include "fdbrpc/simulator.h"
#include "fdbserver/Knobs.h"
#include "fdbserver/StorageMetrics.h"
#include "fdbserver/DataDistribution.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/QuietDatabase.h"
#include "fdbserver/TSSMappingUtil.actor.h"
#include "flow/DeterministicRandom.h"
#include "fdbclient/ManagementAPI.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/StorageServerInterface.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
#include "flow/network.h"
//#define SevCCheckInfo SevVerbose
#define SevCCheckInfo SevInfo
struct ConsistencyCheckWorkload : TestWorkload {
// Whether or not we should perform checks that will only pass if the database is in a quiescent state
bool performQuiescentChecks;
// Whether or not perform consistency check between storage cache servers and storage servers
bool performCacheCheck;
// Whether or not to perform consistency check between storage servers and pair TSS
bool performTSSCheck;
// How long to wait for the database to go quiet before failing (if doing quiescent checks)
double quiescentWaitTimeout;
// If true, then perform all checks on this client. The first client is the only one to perform all of the fast
// checks All other clients will perform slow checks if this test is distributed
bool firstClient;
// If true, then the expensive checks will be distributed to multiple clients
bool distributed;
// Determines how many shards are checked for consistency: out of every <shardSampleFactor> shards, 1 will be
// checked
int shardSampleFactor;
// The previous data distribution mode
int oldDataDistributionMode;
// If true, then any failure of the consistency check will be logged as SevError. Otherwise, it will be logged as
// SevWarn
bool failureIsError;
// Max number of bytes per second to read from each storage server
int rateLimitMax;
// DataSet Size
int64_t bytesReadInPreviousRound;
// Randomize shard order with each iteration if true
bool shuffleShards;
bool success;
// Number of times this client has run its portion of the consistency check
int64_t repetitions;
// Whether to continuously perfom the consistency check
bool indefinite;
// Whether to suspendConsistencyCheck
AsyncVar<bool> suspendConsistencyCheck;
Future<Void> monitorConsistencyCheckSettingsActor;
ConsistencyCheckWorkload(WorkloadContext const& wcx) : TestWorkload(wcx) {
performQuiescentChecks = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("performQuiescentChecks"), false);
performCacheCheck = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("performCacheCheck"), false);
performTSSCheck = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("performTSSCheck"), true);
quiescentWaitTimeout = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("quiescentWaitTimeout"), 600.0);
distributed = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("distributed"), true);
shardSampleFactor = std::max(getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("shardSampleFactor"), 1), 1);
failureIsError = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("failureIsError"), false);
rateLimitMax = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("rateLimitMax"), 0);
shuffleShards = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("shuffleShards"), false);
indefinite = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("indefinite"), false);
success = true;
firstClient = clientId == 0;
repetitions = 0;
bytesReadInPreviousRound = 0;
std::string description() const override { return "ConsistencyCheck"; }
Future<Void> setup(Database const& cx) override { return _setup(cx, this); }
ACTOR Future<Void> _setup(Database cx, ConsistencyCheckWorkload* self) {
// If performing quiescent checks, wait for the database to go quiet
if (self->firstClient && self->performQuiescentChecks) {
if (g_network->isSimulated()) {
try {
wait(timeoutError(quietDatabase(cx, self->dbInfo, "ConsistencyCheckStart", 0, 1e5, 0, 0),
self->quiescentWaitTimeout)); // FIXME: should be zero?
} catch (Error& e) {
self->testFailure("Unable to achieve a quiet database");
self->performQuiescentChecks = false;
self->monitorConsistencyCheckSettingsActor = self->monitorConsistencyCheckSettings(cx, self);
return Void();
Future<Void> start(Database const& cx) override {
return _start(cx, this);
Future<bool> check(Database const& cx) override { return success; }
void getMetrics(vector<PerfMetric>& m) override {}
void testFailure(std::string message, bool isError = false) {
success = false;
TraceEvent failEvent((failureIsError || isError) ? SevError : SevWarn, "TestFailure");
if (performQuiescentChecks)
failEvent.detail("Workload", "QuiescentCheck");
failEvent.detail("Workload", "ConsistencyCheck");
failEvent.detail("Reason", "Consistency check: " + message);
ACTOR Future<Void> monitorConsistencyCheckSettings(Database cx, ConsistencyCheckWorkload* self) {
loop {
state ReadYourWritesTransaction tr(cx);
try {
state Optional<Value> ccSuspendVal = wait(tr.get(fdbShouldConsistencyCheckBeSuspended));
bool ccSuspend = ccSuspendVal.present()
? BinaryReader::fromStringRef<bool>(ccSuspendVal.get(), Unversioned())
: false;
state Future<Void> watchCCSuspendFuture = tr.watch(fdbShouldConsistencyCheckBeSuspended);
} catch (Error& e) {
ACTOR Future<Void> _start(Database cx, ConsistencyCheckWorkload* self) {
loop {
while (self->suspendConsistencyCheck.get()) {
choose {
when(wait(self->runCheck(cx, self))) {
if (!self->indefinite)
when(wait(self->suspendConsistencyCheck.onChange())) {}
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> runCheck(Database cx, ConsistencyCheckWorkload* self) {
TEST(self->performQuiescentChecks); // Quiescent consistency check
TEST(!self->performQuiescentChecks); // Non-quiescent consistency check
if (self->firstClient || self->distributed) {
try {
state DatabaseConfiguration configuration;
state std::map<UID, StorageServerInterface> tssMapping;
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
if (self->performTSSCheck) {
wait(readTSSMapping(&tr, &tssMapping));
RangeResult res = wait(tr.getRange(configKeys, 1000));
if (res.size() == 1000) {
self->testFailure("Read too many configuration options");
for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++)
configuration.set(res[i].key, res[i].value);
} catch (Error& e) {
// Perform quiescence-only checks
if (self->firstClient && self->performQuiescentChecks) {
// Check for undesirable servers (storage servers with exact same network address or using the wrong
// key value store type)
state bool hasUndesirableServers = wait(self->checkForUndesirableServers(cx, configuration, self));
// Check that nothing is in-flight or in queue in data distribution
int64_t inDataDistributionQueue = wait(getDataDistributionQueueSize(cx, self->dbInfo, true));
if (inDataDistributionQueue > 0) {
.detail("QueueSize", inDataDistributionQueue);
self->testFailure("Non-zero data distribution queue/in-flight size");
// Check that the number of process (and machine) teams is no larger than
// the allowed maximum number of teams
bool teamCollectionValid = wait(getTeamCollectionValid(cx, self->dbInfo));
if (!teamCollectionValid) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "ConsistencyCheck_TooManyTeams");
self->testFailure("The number of process or machine teams is larger than the allowed maximum "
"number of teams");
// Check that nothing is in the TLog queues
std::pair<int64_t, int64_t> maxTLogQueueInfo = wait(getTLogQueueInfo(cx, self->dbInfo));
if (maxTLogQueueInfo.first > 1e5) // FIXME: Should be zero?
TraceEvent("ConsistencyCheck_NonZeroTLogQueue").detail("MaxQueueSize", maxTLogQueueInfo.first);
self->testFailure("Non-zero tlog queue size");
if (maxTLogQueueInfo.second > 30e6) {
.detail("PoppedVersionLag", maxTLogQueueInfo.second);
self->testFailure("large popped version lag");
// Check that nothing is in the storage server queues
try {
int64_t maxStorageServerQueueSize = wait(getMaxStorageServerQueueSize(cx, self->dbInfo));
if (maxStorageServerQueueSize > 0) {
.detail("MaxQueueSize", maxStorageServerQueueSize);
self->testFailure("Storage server queue size exceeds limit");
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_attribute_not_found) {
.detail("Reason", "Could not read queue size");
// This error occurs if we have undesirable servers; in that case just report the
// undesirable servers error
if (!hasUndesirableServers)
self->testFailure("Could not read storage queue size");
} else
wait(::success(self->checkForStorage(cx, configuration, tssMapping, self)));
wait(::success(self->checkForExtraDataStores(cx, self)));
// Check that each machine is operating as its desired class
bool usingDesiredClasses = wait(self->checkUsingDesiredClasses(cx, self));
if (!usingDesiredClasses)
self->testFailure("Cluster has machine(s) not using requested classes");
bool workerListCorrect = wait(self->checkWorkerList(cx, self));
if (!workerListCorrect)
self->testFailure("Worker list incorrect");
bool coordinatorsCorrect = wait(self->checkCoordinators(cx));
if (!coordinatorsCorrect)
self->testFailure("Coordinators incorrect");
// Get a list of key servers; verify that the TLogs and master all agree about who the key servers are
state Promise<std::vector<std::pair<KeyRange, std::vector<StorageServerInterface>>>> keyServerPromise;
bool keyServerResult = wait(self->getKeyServers(cx, self, keyServerPromise, keyServersKeys));
if (keyServerResult) {
state std::vector<std::pair<KeyRange, vector<StorageServerInterface>>> keyServers =
// Get the locations of all the shards in the database
state Promise<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>> keyLocationPromise;
bool keyLocationResult = wait(self->getKeyLocations(cx, keyServers, self, keyLocationPromise));
if (keyLocationResult) {
state Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> keyLocations = keyLocationPromise.getFuture().get();
// Check that each shard has the same data on all storage servers that it resides on
wait(::success(self->checkDataConsistency(cx, keyLocations, configuration, tssMapping, self)));
// Cache consistency check
if (self->performCacheCheck)
wait(::success(self->checkCacheConsistency(cx, keyLocations, self)));
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_transaction_too_old || e.code() == error_code_future_version ||
e.code() == error_code_wrong_shard_server || e.code() == error_code_all_alternatives_failed ||
e.code() == error_code_process_behind)
.error(e); // FIXME: consistency check does not retry in this case
self->testFailure(format("Error %d - %s", e.code(), e.name()));
TraceEvent("ConsistencyCheck_FinishedCheck").detail("Repetitions", self->repetitions);
return Void();
// Check the data consistency between storage cache servers and storage servers
// keyLocations: all key/value pairs persisted in the database, reused from previous consistency check on all
// storage servers
ACTOR Future<bool> checkCacheConsistency(Database cx,
VectorRef<KeyValueRef> keyLocations,
ConsistencyCheckWorkload* self) {
state Promise<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>> cacheKeyPromise;
state Promise<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>> cacheServerKeyPromise;
state Promise<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>> serverListKeyPromise;
state Promise<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>> serverTagKeyPromise;
state Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> cacheKey; // "\xff/storageCache/[[begin]]" := "[[vector<uint16_t>]]"
state Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>
cacheServer; // "\xff/storageCacheServer/[[UID]] := StorageServerInterface"
state Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>
serverList; // "\xff/serverList/[[serverID]]" := "[[StorageServerInterface]]"
state Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> serverTag; // "\xff/serverTag/[[serverID]]" = "[[Tag]]"
std::vector<Future<bool>> cacheResultsPromise;
cacheResultsPromise.push_back(self->fetchKeyValuesFromSS(cx, self, storageCacheKeys, cacheKeyPromise, true));
self->fetchKeyValuesFromSS(cx, self, storageCacheServerKeys, cacheServerKeyPromise, false));
self->fetchKeyValuesFromSS(cx, self, serverListKeys, serverListKeyPromise, false));
cacheResultsPromise.push_back(self->fetchKeyValuesFromSS(cx, self, serverTagKeys, serverTagKeyPromise, false));
std::vector<bool> cacheResults = wait(getAll(cacheResultsPromise));
if (std::all_of(cacheResults.begin(), cacheResults.end(), [](bool success) { return success; })) {
cacheKey = cacheKeyPromise.getFuture().get();
cacheServer = cacheServerKeyPromise.getFuture().get();
serverList = serverListKeyPromise.getFuture().get();
serverTag = serverTagKeyPromise.getFuture().get();
} else {
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "CheckCacheConsistencyFailed")
.detail("CacheKey", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(cacheResults[0]))
.detail("CacheServerKey", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(cacheResults[1]))
.detail("ServerListKey", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(cacheResults[2]))
.detail("ServerTagKey", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(cacheResults[3]));
return false;
state int rateLimitForThisRound =
self->bytesReadInPreviousRound == 0
? self->rateLimitMax
: std::min(
static_cast<int>(ceil(self->bytesReadInPreviousRound /
ASSERT(rateLimitForThisRound >= 0 && rateLimitForThisRound <= self->rateLimitMax);
TraceEvent("CacheConsistencyCheck_RateLimitForThisRound").detail("RateLimit", rateLimitForThisRound);
state Reference<IRateControl> rateLimiter = Reference<IRateControl>(new SpeedLimit(rateLimitForThisRound, 1));
state double rateLimiterStartTime = now();
state int bytesReadInRange = 0;
// Get all cache storage servers' interfaces
// Note: currently, all storage cache servers cache the same data
// Thus, no need to differentiate them for now
state std::vector<StorageServerInterface> cacheServerInterfaces;
for (const auto& kv : cacheServer) {
StorageServerInterface cacheServer = decodeServerListValue(kv.value);
// Uniqueness
ASSERT(std::find(cacheServerInterfaces.begin(), cacheServerInterfaces.end(), cacheServer) ==
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "CheckCacheConsistencyCacheServers")
.detail("CacheSSInterfaces", describe(cacheServerInterfaces));
// Construct a key range map where the value for each range,
// if the range is cached, then a list of cache server interfaces plus one storage server interfaces(randomly
// pick) if not cached, empty
state KeyRangeMap<std::vector<StorageServerInterface>> cachedKeysLocationMap;
// First, for any range is cached, update the list to have all cache storage interfaces
for (int k = 0; k < cacheKey.size(); k++) {
std::vector<uint16_t> serverIndices;
decodeStorageCacheValue(cacheKey[k].value, serverIndices);
// non-empty means this is the start of a cached range
if (serverIndices.size()) {
KeyRangeRef range(cacheKey[k].key, (k < cacheKey.size() - 1) ? cacheKey[k + 1].key : allKeys.end);
cachedKeysLocationMap.insert(range, cacheServerInterfaces);
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "CheckCacheConsistency")
.detail("CachedRange", range.toString())
.detail("Index", k);
// Second, insert corresponding storage servers into the list
// Here we need to construct a UID2SS map
state std::map<UID, StorageServerInterface> UIDtoSSMap;
for (const auto& kv : serverList) {
UID serverId = decodeServerListKey(kv.key);
UIDtoSSMap[serverId] = decodeServerListValue(kv.value);
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "CheckCacheConsistencyStorageServer").detail("UID", serverId);
// Now, for each shard, check if it is cached,
// if cached, add storage servers that persist the data into the list
for (int k = 0; k < keyLocations.size() - 1; k++) {
KeyRangeRef range(keyLocations[k].key, keyLocations[k + 1].key);
std::vector<UID> sourceStorageServers;
std::vector<UID> destStorageServers;
decodeKeyServersValue(RangeResultRef(serverTag, false),
bool isRelocating = destStorageServers.size() > 0;
std::vector<UID> storageServers = (isRelocating) ? destStorageServers : sourceStorageServers;
std::vector<StorageServerInterface> storageServerInterfaces;
for (const auto& UID : storageServers) {
std::vector<StorageServerInterface> allSS(cacheServerInterfaces);
allSS.insert(allSS.end(), storageServerInterfaces.begin(), storageServerInterfaces.end());
// The shard may overlap with several cached ranges
// only insert the storage server interface on cached ranges
// Since range.end is next range.begin, and both begins are Key(), so we always hold this condition
// Note: both ends are allKeys.end
auto begin_iter = cachedKeysLocationMap.rangeContaining(range.begin);
ASSERT(begin_iter->begin() == range.begin);
// Split the range to maintain the condition
auto end_iter = cachedKeysLocationMap.rangeContaining(range.end);
if (end_iter->begin() != range.end) {
cachedKeysLocationMap.insert(KeyRangeRef(end_iter->begin(), range.end), end_iter->value());
for (auto iter = cachedKeysLocationMap.rangeContaining(range.begin);
iter != cachedKeysLocationMap.rangeContaining(range.end);
++iter) {
if (iter->value().size()) {
// randomly pick one for check since the data are guaranteed to be consistent on any SS
// Once having the KeyRangeMap, iterate all cached ranges and verify consistency
state RangeMap<Key, std::vector<StorageServerInterface>, KeyRangeRef>::Ranges iter_ranges =
state RangeMap<Key, std::vector<StorageServerInterface>, KeyRangeRef>::iterator iter = iter_ranges.begin();
state std::vector<StorageServerInterface> iter_ss;
state int effectiveClientCount = (self->distributed) ? self->clientCount : 1;
state int increment = self->distributed ? effectiveClientCount * self->shardSampleFactor : 1;
state int shard = 0; // index used for spliting work on different clients
// move the index to the first responsible cached range
while (shard < self->clientId * self->shardSampleFactor && iter != iter_ranges.end()) {
if (iter->value().empty()) {
for (; iter != iter_ranges.end(); ++iter) {
iter_ss = iter->value();
if (iter_ss.empty())
if (shard % increment != (self->clientId * self->shardSampleFactor) % increment) {
// TODO: in the future, run a check based on estimated data size like the existing storage servers'
// consistency check on the first client
state Key lastSampleKey;
state Key lastStartSampleKey;
state int64_t totalReadAmount = 0;
state KeySelector begin = firstGreaterOrEqual(iter->begin());
state Transaction onErrorTr(cx); // This transaction exists only to access onError and its backoff behavior
// Read a limited number of entries at a time, repeating until all keys in the shard have been read
loop {
try {
lastSampleKey = lastStartSampleKey;
// Get the min version of the storage servers
Version version = wait(self->getVersion(cx, self));
state GetKeyValuesRequest req;
req.begin = begin;
req.end = firstGreaterOrEqual(iter->end());
req.limit = 1e4;
req.version = version;
req.tags = TagSet();
// Try getting the entries in the specified range
state vector<Future<ErrorOr<GetKeyValuesReply>>> keyValueFutures;
state int j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < iter_ss.size(); j++) {
keyValueFutures.push_back(iter_ss[j].getKeyValues.getReplyUnlessFailedFor(req, 2, 0));
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "CheckCacheConsistencyComparison")
.detail("Begin", req.begin.toString())
.detail("End", req.end.toString())
.detail("SSInterfaces", describe(iter_ss));
// Read the resulting entries
state int firstValidServer = -1;
totalReadAmount = 0;
for (j = 0; j < keyValueFutures.size(); j++) {
ErrorOr<GetKeyValuesReply> rangeResult = keyValueFutures[j].get();
// if (rangeResult.isError()) {
// throw rangeResult.getError();
// }
// Compare the results with other storage servers
if (rangeResult.present() && !rangeResult.get().error.present()) {
state GetKeyValuesReply current = rangeResult.get();
totalReadAmount += current.data.expectedSize();
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "CheckCacheConsistencyResult")
.detail("SSInterface", iter_ss[j].uniqueID);
// If we haven't encountered a valid storage server yet, then mark this as the baseline
// to compare against
if (firstValidServer == -1)
firstValidServer = j;
// Compare this shard against the first
else {
GetKeyValuesReply reference = keyValueFutures[firstValidServer].get().get();
if (current.data != reference.data || current.more != reference.more) {
// Be especially verbose if in simulation
if (g_network->isSimulated()) {
int invalidIndex = -1;
printf("\nSERVER %d (%s); shard = %s - %s:\n",
for (int k = 0; k < current.data.size(); k++) {
printf("%d. %s => %s\n",
if (invalidIndex < 0 && (k >= reference.data.size() ||
current.data[k].key != reference.data[k].key ||
current.data[k].value != reference.data[k].value))
invalidIndex = k;
printf("\nSERVER %d (%s); shard = %s - %s:\n",
for (int k = 0; k < reference.data.size(); k++) {
printf("%d. %s => %s\n",
if (invalidIndex < 0 && (k >= current.data.size() ||
reference.data[k].key != current.data[k].key ||
reference.data[k].value != current.data[k].value))
invalidIndex = k;
printf("\nMISMATCH AT %d\n\n", invalidIndex);
// Data for trace event
// The number of keys unique to the current shard
int currentUniques = 0;
// The number of keys unique to the reference shard
int referenceUniques = 0;
// The number of keys in both shards with conflicting values
int valueMismatches = 0;
// The number of keys in both shards with matching values
int matchingKVPairs = 0;
// Last unique key on the current shard
KeyRef currentUniqueKey;
// Last unique key on the reference shard
KeyRef referenceUniqueKey;
// Last value mismatch
KeyRef valueMismatchKey;
// Loop indeces
int currentI = 0;
int referenceI = 0;
while (currentI < current.data.size() || referenceI < reference.data.size()) {
if (currentI >= current.data.size()) {
referenceUniqueKey = reference.data[referenceI].key;
} else if (referenceI >= reference.data.size()) {
currentUniqueKey = current.data[currentI].key;
} else {
KeyValueRef currentKV = current.data[currentI];
KeyValueRef referenceKV = reference.data[referenceI];
if (currentKV.key == referenceKV.key) {
if (currentKV.value == referenceKV.value)
else {
valueMismatchKey = currentKV.key;
} else if (currentKV.key < referenceKV.key) {
currentUniqueKey = currentKV.key;
} else {
referenceUniqueKey = referenceKV.key;
.detail(format("StorageServer%d", j).c_str(), iter_ss[j].toString())
.detail(format("StorageServer%d", firstValidServer).c_str(),
.detail("ShardBegin", printable(req.begin.getKey()))
.detail("ShardEnd", printable(req.end.getKey()))
.detail("VersionNumber", req.version)
.detail(format("Server%dUniques", j).c_str(), currentUniques)
.detail(format("Server%dUniqueKey", j).c_str(), printable(currentUniqueKey))
.detail(format("Server%dUniques", firstValidServer).c_str(), referenceUniques)
.detail(format("Server%dUniqueKey", firstValidServer).c_str(),
.detail("ValueMismatches", valueMismatches)
.detail("ValueMismatchKey", printable(valueMismatchKey))
.detail("MatchingKVPairs", matchingKVPairs);
self->testFailure("Data inconsistent", true);
return false;
// after requesting each shard, enforce rate limit based on how much data will likely be read
if (rateLimitForThisRound > 0) {
// Set ratelimit to max allowed if current round has been going on for a while
if (now() - rateLimiterStartTime >
rateLimitForThisRound != self->rateLimitMax) {
rateLimitForThisRound = self->rateLimitMax;
rateLimiter = Reference<IRateControl>(new SpeedLimit(rateLimitForThisRound, 1));
rateLimiterStartTime = now();
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "CacheConsistencyCheck_RateLimitSetMaxForThisRound")
.detail("RateLimit", rateLimitForThisRound);
bytesReadInRange += totalReadAmount;
// Advance to the next set of entries
if (firstValidServer >= 0 && keyValueFutures[firstValidServer].get().get().more) {
VectorRef<KeyValueRef> result = keyValueFutures[firstValidServer].get().get().data;
ASSERT(result.size() > 0);
begin = firstGreaterThan(result[result.size() - 1].key);
ASSERT(begin.getKey() != allKeys.end);
lastStartSampleKey = lastSampleKey;
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "CacheConsistencyCheckNextBeginKey").detail("Key", begin.toString());
} else
} catch (Error& e) {
state Error err = e;
if (bytesReadInRange > 0) {
.detail("Range", printable(iter->range()))
.detail("BytesRead", bytesReadInRange);
return true;
// Directly fetch key/values from storage servers through GetKeyValuesRequest
// In particular, avoid transaction-based read which may read data from storage cache servers
// range: all key/values in the range will be fetched
// removePrefix: if true, remove the prefix of the range, e.g. \xff/storageCacheServer/
ACTOR Future<bool> fetchKeyValuesFromSS(Database cx,
ConsistencyCheckWorkload* self,
KeyRangeRef range,
Promise<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>> resultPromise,
bool removePrefix) {
// get shards paired with corresponding storage servers
state Promise<std::vector<std::pair<KeyRange, std::vector<StorageServerInterface>>>> keyServerPromise;
bool keyServerResult = wait(self->getKeyServers(cx, self, keyServerPromise, range));
if (!keyServerResult)
return false;
state std::vector<std::pair<KeyRange, vector<StorageServerInterface>>> shards =
// key/value pairs in the given range
state Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> result;
state Key beginKey = allKeys.begin.withPrefix(range.begin);
state Key endKey = allKeys.end.withPrefix(range.begin);
state int i; // index
state Transaction onErrorTr(cx); // This transaction exists only to access onError and its backoff behavior
// If the responses are too big, we may use multiple requests to get the key locations. Each request begins
// where the last left off
for (i = 0; i < shards.size(); i++) {
while (beginKey < std::min<KeyRef>(shards[i].first.end, endKey)) {
try {
Version version = wait(self->getVersion(cx, self));
GetKeyValuesRequest req;
req.begin = firstGreaterOrEqual(beginKey);
req.end = firstGreaterOrEqual(std::min<KeyRef>(shards[i].first.end, endKey));
req.version = version;
req.tags = TagSet();
// Fetch key/values from storage servers
// Here we read from all storage servers and make sure results are consistent
// Note: this maybe duplicate but to make sure all storage servers available in a quiescent database
state vector<Future<ErrorOr<GetKeyValuesReply>>> keyValueFutures;
for (const auto& kv : shards[i].second) {
keyValueFutures.push_back(kv.getKeyValues.getReplyUnlessFailedFor(req, 2, 0));
int firstValidStorageServer = -1;
// Read the shard location results
for (int j = 0; j < keyValueFutures.size(); j++) {
ErrorOr<GetKeyValuesReply> reply = keyValueFutures[j].get();
if (!reply.present() || reply.get().error.present()) {
// If the storage server didn't reply in a quiescent database, then the check fails
if (self->performQuiescentChecks) {
.detail("StorageServer", shards[i].second[j].id().toString().c_str());
self->testFailure("Key server unavailable");
return false;
// If no storage servers replied, then throw all_alternatives_failed to force a retry
else if (firstValidStorageServer < 0 && j == keyValueFutures.size() - 1)
throw all_alternatives_failed();
// If this is the first storage server, store the locations to send back to the caller
else if (firstValidStorageServer < 0) {
firstValidStorageServer = j;
// Otherwise, compare the data to the results from the first storage server. If they are
// different, then the check fails
} else if (reply.get().data != keyValueFutures[firstValidStorageServer].get().get().data ||
reply.get().more != keyValueFutures[firstValidStorageServer].get().get().more) {
.detail("StorageServer1", shards[i].second[firstValidStorageServer].id())
.detail("StorageServer2", shards[i].second[j].id());
self->testFailure("Key servers inconsistent", true);
return false;
auto keyValueResponse = keyValueFutures[firstValidStorageServer].get().get();
for (const auto& kv : keyValueResponse.data) {
KeyValueRef(removePrefix ? kv.key.removePrefix(range.begin) : kv.key, kv.value));
// Next iteration should pick up where we left off
ASSERT(result.size() >= 1);
if (!keyValueResponse.more) {
beginKey = shards[i].first.end;
} else {
beginKey = keyAfter(keyValueResponse.data.end()[-1].key);
} catch (Error& e) {
state Error err = e;
return true;
// Gets a version at which to read from the storage servers
ACTOR Future<Version> getVersion(Database cx, ConsistencyCheckWorkload* self) {
loop {
state Transaction tr(cx);
try {
Version version = wait(tr.getReadVersion());
return version;
} catch (Error& e) {
// Get a list of storage servers(persisting keys within range "kr") from the master and compares them with the
// TLogs. If this is a quiescent check, then each commit proxy needs to respond, otherwise only one needs to
// respond. Returns false if there is a failure (in this case, keyServersPromise will never be set)
ACTOR Future<bool> getKeyServers(
Database cx,
ConsistencyCheckWorkload* self,
Promise<std::vector<std::pair<KeyRange, vector<StorageServerInterface>>>> keyServersPromise,
KeyRangeRef kr) {
state std::vector<std::pair<KeyRange, vector<StorageServerInterface>>> keyServers;
// Try getting key server locations from the master proxies
state vector<Future<ErrorOr<GetKeyServerLocationsReply>>> keyServerLocationFutures;
state Key begin = kr.begin;
state Key end = kr.end;
state int limitKeyServers = BUGGIFY ? 1 : 100;
state Span span(deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID(), "WL:ConsistencyCheck"_loc);
while (begin < end) {
state Reference<CommitProxyInfo> commitProxyInfo = wait(cx->getCommitProxiesFuture(false));
for (int i = 0; i < commitProxyInfo->size(); i++)
commitProxyInfo->get(i, &CommitProxyInterface::getKeyServersLocations)
GetKeyServerLocationsRequest(span.context, begin, end, limitKeyServers, false, Arena()),
state bool keyServersInsertedForThisIteration = false;
choose {
when(wait(waitForAll(keyServerLocationFutures))) {
// Read the key server location results
for (int i = 0; i < keyServerLocationFutures.size(); i++) {
ErrorOr<GetKeyServerLocationsReply> shards = keyServerLocationFutures[i].get();
// If performing quiescent check, then all master proxies should be reachable. Otherwise, only
// one needs to be reachable
if (self->performQuiescentChecks && !shards.present()) {
.detail("CommitProxyID", commitProxyInfo->getId(i));
self->testFailure("Commit proxy unavailable");
return false;
// Get the list of shards if one was returned. If not doing a quiescent check, we can break if
// it is. If we are doing a quiescent check, then we only need to do this for the first shard.
if (shards.present() && !keyServersInsertedForThisIteration) {
keyServers.end(), shards.get().results.begin(), shards.get().results.end());
keyServersInsertedForThisIteration = true;
begin = shards.get().results.back().first.end;
if (!self->performQuiescentChecks)
} // End of For
when(wait(cx->onProxiesChanged())) {}
} // End of choose
if (!keyServersInsertedForThisIteration) // Retry the entire workflow
} // End of while
return true;
// Retrieves the locations of all shards in the database
// Returns false if there is a failure (in this case, keyLocationPromise will never be set)
ACTOR Future<bool> getKeyLocations(Database cx,
std::vector<std::pair<KeyRange, vector<StorageServerInterface>>> shards,
ConsistencyCheckWorkload* self,
Promise<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>> keyLocationPromise) {
state Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> keyLocations;
state Key beginKey = allKeys.begin.withPrefix(keyServersPrefix);
state Key endKey = allKeys.end.withPrefix(keyServersPrefix);
state int i = 0;
state Transaction onErrorTr(cx); // This transaction exists only to access onError and its backoff behavior
// If the responses are too big, we may use multiple requests to get the key locations. Each request begins
// where the last left off
for (; i < shards.size(); i++) {
while (beginKey < std::min<KeyRef>(shards[i].first.end, endKey)) {
try {
Version version = wait(self->getVersion(cx, self));
GetKeyValuesRequest req;
req.begin = firstGreaterOrEqual(beginKey);
req.end = firstGreaterOrEqual(std::min<KeyRef>(shards[i].first.end, endKey));
req.version = version;
req.tags = TagSet();
// Try getting the shard locations from the key servers
state vector<Future<ErrorOr<GetKeyValuesReply>>> keyValueFutures;
for (const auto& kv : shards[i].second) {
keyValueFutures.push_back(kv.getKeyValues.getReplyUnlessFailedFor(req, 2, 0));
int firstValidStorageServer = -1;
// Read the shard location results
for (int j = 0; j < keyValueFutures.size(); j++) {
ErrorOr<GetKeyValuesReply> reply = keyValueFutures[j].get();
if (!reply.present() || reply.get().error.present()) {
// If the storage server didn't reply in a quiescent database, then the check fails
if (self->performQuiescentChecks) {
.detail("StorageServer", shards[i].second[j].id().toString().c_str());
self->testFailure("Key server unavailable");
return false;
// If no storage servers replied, then throw all_alternatives_failed to force a retry
else if (firstValidStorageServer < 0 && j == keyValueFutures.size() - 1)
throw all_alternatives_failed();
// If this is the first storage server, store the locations to send back to the caller
else if (firstValidStorageServer < 0) {
firstValidStorageServer = j;
// Otherwise, compare the data to the results from the first storage server. If they are
// different, then the check fails
} else if (reply.get().data != keyValueFutures[firstValidStorageServer].get().get().data ||
reply.get().more != keyValueFutures[firstValidStorageServer].get().get().more) {
.detail("StorageServer1", shards[i].second[firstValidStorageServer].id())
.detail("StorageServer2", shards[i].second[j].id());
self->testFailure("Key servers inconsistent", true);
return false;
auto keyValueResponse = keyValueFutures[firstValidStorageServer].get().get();
RangeResult currentLocations = krmDecodeRanges(
std::min<KeyRef>(shards[i].first.end, endKey).removePrefix(keyServersPrefix)),
RangeResultRef(keyValueResponse.data, keyValueResponse.more));
if (keyValueResponse.data.size() && beginKey == keyValueResponse.data[0].key) {
keyLocations.push_back_deep(keyLocations.arena(), currentLocations[0]);
if (currentLocations.size() > 2) {
keyLocations.arena(), ¤tLocations[1], currentLocations.size() - 2);
// Next iteration should pick up where we left off
ASSERT(currentLocations.size() > 1);
if (!keyValueResponse.more) {
beginKey = shards[i].first.end;
} else {
beginKey = keyValueResponse.data.end()[-1].key;
// If this is the last iteration, then push the allKeys.end KV pair
if (beginKey >= endKey)
keyLocations.push_back_deep(keyLocations.arena(), currentLocations.end()[-1]);
} catch (Error& e) {
state Error err = e;
return true;
// Retrieves a vector of the storage servers' estimates for the size of a particular shard
// If a storage server can't be reached, its estimate will be -1
// If there is an error, then the returned vector will have 0 size
ACTOR Future<vector<int64_t>> getStorageSizeEstimate(vector<StorageServerInterface> storageServers,
KeyRangeRef shard) {
state vector<int64_t> estimatedBytes;
state WaitMetricsRequest req;
req.keys = shard;
req.max.bytes = -1;
req.min.bytes = 0;
state vector<Future<ErrorOr<StorageMetrics>>> metricFutures;
try {
// Check the size of the shard on each storage server
for (int i = 0; i < storageServers.size(); i++) {
metricFutures.push_back(storageServers[i].waitMetrics.getReplyUnlessFailedFor(req, 2, 0));
// Wait for the storage servers to respond
int firstValidStorageServer = -1;
// Retrieve the size from the storage server responses
for (int i = 0; i < storageServers.size(); i++) {
ErrorOr<StorageMetrics> reply = metricFutures[i].get();
// If the storage server doesn't reply, then return -1
if (!reply.present()) {
.detail("Begin", printable(shard.begin))
.detail("End", printable(shard.end))
.detail("StorageServer", storageServers[i].id())
.detail("IsTSS", storageServers[i].isTss() ? "True" : "False")
// Add the result to the list of estimates
else if (reply.present()) {
int64_t numBytes = reply.get().bytes;
if (firstValidStorageServer < 0)
firstValidStorageServer = i;
else if (estimatedBytes[firstValidStorageServer] != numBytes) {
.detail("ByteEstimate1", estimatedBytes[firstValidStorageServer])
.detail("ByteEstimate2", numBytes)
.detail("Begin", printable(shard.begin))
.detail("End", printable(shard.end))
.detail("StorageServer1", storageServers[firstValidStorageServer].id())
.detail("StorageServer2", storageServers[i].id())
storageServers[i].isTss() || storageServers[firstValidStorageServer].isTss()
? "True"
: "False");
} catch (Error& e) {
.detail("Begin", printable(shard.begin))
.detail("End", printable(shard.end));
return estimatedBytes;
// Comparison function used to compare map elements by value
template <class K, class T>
static bool compareByValue(std::pair<K, T> a, std::pair<K, T> b) {
return a.second < b.second;
ACTOR Future<int64_t> getDatabaseSize(Database cx) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
StorageMetrics metrics =
wait(tr.getStorageMetrics(KeyRangeRef(allKeys.begin, keyServersPrefix), 100000));
return metrics.bytes;
} catch (Error& e) {
// Checks that the data in each shard is the same on each storage server that it resides on. Also performs some
// sanity checks on the sizes of shards and storage servers. Returns false if there is a failure
ACTOR Future<bool> checkDataConsistency(Database cx,
VectorRef<KeyValueRef> keyLocations,
DatabaseConfiguration configuration,
std::map<UID, StorageServerInterface> tssMapping,
ConsistencyCheckWorkload* self) {
// Stores the total number of bytes on each storage server
// In a distributed test, this will be an estimated size
state std::map<UID, int64_t> storageServerSizes;
// Iterate through each shard, checking its values on all of its storage servers
// If shardSampleFactor > 1, then not all shards are processed
// Also, in a distributed data consistency check, each client processes a subset of the shards
// Note: this may cause some shards to be processed more than once or not at all in a non-quiescent database
state int effectiveClientCount = (self->distributed) ? self->clientCount : 1;
state int i = self->clientId * (self->shardSampleFactor + 1);
state int increment =
(self->distributed && !self->firstClient) ? effectiveClientCount * self->shardSampleFactor : 1;
state int rateLimitForThisRound =
self->bytesReadInPreviousRound == 0
? self->rateLimitMax
: std::min(
static_cast<int>(ceil(self->bytesReadInPreviousRound /
ASSERT(rateLimitForThisRound >= 0 && rateLimitForThisRound <= self->rateLimitMax);
TraceEvent("ConsistencyCheck_RateLimitForThisRound").detail("RateLimit", rateLimitForThisRound);
state Reference<IRateControl> rateLimiter = Reference<IRateControl>(new SpeedLimit(rateLimitForThisRound, 1));
state double rateLimiterStartTime = now();
state int64_t bytesReadInthisRound = 0;
state double dbSize = 100e12;
if (g_network->isSimulated()) {
// This call will get all shard ranges in the database, which is too expensive on real clusters.
int64_t _dbSize = wait(self->getDatabaseSize(cx));
dbSize = _dbSize;
state vector<KeyRangeRef> ranges;
for (int k = 0; k < keyLocations.size() - 1; k++) {
KeyRangeRef range(keyLocations[k].key, keyLocations[k + 1].key);
state vector<int> shardOrder;
for (int k = 0; k < ranges.size(); k++)
if (self->shuffleShards) {
uint32_t seed = self->sharedRandomNumber + self->repetitions;
DeterministicRandom sharedRandom(seed == 0 ? 1 : seed);
for (; i < ranges.size(); i += increment) {
state int shard = shardOrder[i];
state KeyRangeRef range = ranges[shard];
state vector<UID> sourceStorageServers;
state vector<UID> destStorageServers;
state Transaction tr(cx);
state int bytesReadInRange = 0;
RangeResult UIDtoTagMap = wait(tr.getRange(serverTagKeys, CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY));
ASSERT(!UIDtoTagMap.more && UIDtoTagMap.size() < CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY);
UIDtoTagMap, keyLocations[shard].value, sourceStorageServers, destStorageServers, false);
// If the destStorageServers is non-empty, then this shard is being relocated
state bool isRelocating = destStorageServers.size() > 0;
// This check was disabled because we now disable data distribution during the consistency check,
// which can leave shards with dest storage servers.
// Disallow relocations in a quiescent database
/*if(self->firstClient && self->performQuiescentChecks && isRelocating)
TraceEvent("ConsistencyCheck_QuiescentShardRelocation").detail("ShardBegin", printable(range.start)).detail("ShardEnd", printable(range.end));
self->testFailure("Shard is being relocated in quiescent database");
return false;
// In a quiescent database, check that the team size is the same as the desired team size
if (self->firstClient && self->performQuiescentChecks &&
sourceStorageServers.size() != configuration.usableRegions * configuration.storageTeamSize) {
.detail("ShardBegin", printable(range.begin))
.detail("ShardEnd", printable(range.end))
.detail("SourceTeamSize", sourceStorageServers.size())
.detail("DestServerSize", destStorageServers.size())
.detail("ConfigStorageTeamSize", configuration.storageTeamSize)
.detail("UsableRegions", configuration.usableRegions);
// Record the server reponsible for the problematic shards
int i = 0;
for (auto& id : sourceStorageServers) {
TraceEvent("IncorrectSizeTeamInfo").detail("ServerUID", id).detail("TeamIndex", i++);
self->testFailure("Invalid team size");
return false;
state vector<UID> storageServers = (isRelocating) ? destStorageServers : sourceStorageServers;
state vector<StorageServerInterface> storageServerInterfaces;
//TraceEvent("ConsistencyCheck_GetStorageInfo").detail("StorageServers", storageServers.size());
loop {
try {
vector<Future<Optional<Value>>> serverListEntries;
for (int s = 0; s < storageServers.size(); s++)
state vector<Optional<Value>> serverListValues = wait(getAll(serverListEntries));
for (int s = 0; s < serverListValues.size(); s++) {
if (serverListValues[s].present())
else if (self->performQuiescentChecks)
self->testFailure("/FF/serverList changing in a quiescent database");
} catch (Error& e) {
// add TSS to end of list, if configured and if not relocating
if (!isRelocating && self->performTSSCheck) {
int initialSize = storageServers.size();
for (int i = 0; i < initialSize; i++) {
auto tssPair = tssMapping.find(storageServers[i]);
if (tssPair != tssMapping.end()) {
TEST(true); // TSS checked in consistency check
state vector<int64_t> estimatedBytes = wait(self->getStorageSizeEstimate(storageServerInterfaces, range));
// Gets permitted size range of shard
int64_t maxShardSize = getMaxShardSize(dbSize);
state ShardSizeBounds shardBounds = getShardSizeBounds(range, maxShardSize);
if (self->firstClient) {
// If there was an error retrieving shard estimated size
if (self->performQuiescentChecks && estimatedBytes.size() == 0)
self->testFailure("Error fetching storage metrics");
// If running a distributed test, storage server size is an accumulation of shard estimates
else if (self->distributed && self->firstClient)
for (int j = 0; j < storageServers.size(); j++)
storageServerSizes[storageServers[j]] += std::max(estimatedBytes[j], (int64_t)0);
// The first client may need to skip the rest of the loop contents if it is just processing this shard to
// get a size estimate
if (!self->firstClient || shard % (effectiveClientCount * self->shardSampleFactor) == 0) {
state int shardKeys = 0;
state int shardBytes = 0;
state int sampledBytes = 0;
state int splitBytes = 0;
state int firstKeySampledBytes = 0;
state int sampledKeys = 0;
state int sampledKeysWithProb = 0;
state double shardVariance = 0;
state bool canSplit = false;
state Key lastSampleKey;
state Key lastStartSampleKey;
state int64_t totalReadAmount = 0;
state KeySelector begin = firstGreaterOrEqual(range.begin);
state Transaction onErrorTr(
cx); // This transaction exists only to access onError and its backoff behavior
// Read a limited number of entries at a time, repeating until all keys in the shard have been read
loop {
try {
lastSampleKey = lastStartSampleKey;
// Get the min version of the storage servers
Version version = wait(self->getVersion(cx, self));
state GetKeyValuesRequest req;
req.begin = begin;
req.end = firstGreaterOrEqual(range.end);
req.limit = 1e4;
req.version = version;
req.tags = TagSet();
// Try getting the entries in the specified range
state vector<Future<ErrorOr<GetKeyValuesReply>>> keyValueFutures;
state int j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < storageServerInterfaces.size(); j++) {
storageServerInterfaces[j].getKeyValues.getReplyUnlessFailedFor(req, 2, 0));
// Read the resulting entries
state int firstValidServer = -1;
totalReadAmount = 0;
for (j = 0; j < keyValueFutures.size(); j++) {
ErrorOr<GetKeyValuesReply> rangeResult = keyValueFutures[j].get();
// Compare the results with other storage servers
if (rangeResult.present() && !rangeResult.get().error.present()) {
state GetKeyValuesReply current = rangeResult.get();
totalReadAmount += current.data.expectedSize();
// If we haven't encountered a valid storage server yet, then mark this as the baseline
// to compare against
if (firstValidServer == -1)
firstValidServer = j;
// Compare this shard against the first
else {
GetKeyValuesReply reference = keyValueFutures[firstValidServer].get().get();
if (current.data != reference.data || current.more != reference.more) {
// Be especially verbose if in simulation
if (g_network->isSimulated()) {
int invalidIndex = -1;
printf("\n%sSERVER %d (%s); shard = %s - %s:\n",
storageServerInterfaces[j].isTss() ? "TSS " : "",
for (int k = 0; k < current.data.size(); k++) {
printf("%d. %s => %s\n",
if (invalidIndex < 0 &&
(k >= reference.data.size() ||
current.data[k].key != reference.data[k].key ||
current.data[k].value != reference.data[k].value))
invalidIndex = k;
"\n%sSERVER %d (%s); shard = %s - %s:\n",
storageServerInterfaces[firstValidServer].isTss() ? "TSS " : "",
for (int k = 0; k < reference.data.size(); k++) {
printf("%d. %s => %s\n",
if (invalidIndex < 0 &&
(k >= current.data.size() ||
reference.data[k].key != current.data[k].key ||
reference.data[k].value != current.data[k].value))
invalidIndex = k;
printf("\nMISMATCH AT %d\n\n", invalidIndex);
// Data for trace event
// The number of keys unique to the current shard
int currentUniques = 0;
// The number of keys unique to the reference shard
int referenceUniques = 0;
// The number of keys in both shards with conflicting values
int valueMismatches = 0;
// The number of keys in both shards with matching values
int matchingKVPairs = 0;
// Last unique key on the current shard
KeyRef currentUniqueKey;
// Last unique key on the reference shard
KeyRef referenceUniqueKey;
// Last value mismatch
KeyRef valueMismatchKey;
// Loop indeces
int currentI = 0;
int referenceI = 0;
while (currentI < current.data.size() || referenceI < reference.data.size()) {
if (currentI >= current.data.size()) {
referenceUniqueKey = reference.data[referenceI].key;
} else if (referenceI >= reference.data.size()) {
currentUniqueKey = current.data[currentI].key;
} else {
KeyValueRef currentKV = current.data[currentI];
KeyValueRef referenceKV = reference.data[referenceI];
if (currentKV.key == referenceKV.key) {
if (currentKV.value == referenceKV.value)
else {
valueMismatchKey = currentKV.key;
} else if (currentKV.key < referenceKV.key) {
currentUniqueKey = currentKV.key;
} else {
referenceUniqueKey = referenceKV.key;
.detail(format("StorageServer%d", j).c_str(), storageServers[j].toString())
.detail(format("StorageServer%d", firstValidServer).c_str(),
.detail("ShardBegin", printable(req.begin.getKey()))
.detail("ShardEnd", printable(req.end.getKey()))
.detail("VersionNumber", req.version)
.detail(format("Server%dUniques", j).c_str(), currentUniques)
.detail(format("Server%dUniqueKey", j).c_str(), printable(currentUniqueKey))
.detail(format("Server%dUniques", firstValidServer).c_str(),
.detail(format("Server%dUniqueKey", firstValidServer).c_str(),
.detail("ValueMismatches", valueMismatches)
.detail("ValueMismatchKey", printable(valueMismatchKey))
.detail("MatchingKVPairs", matchingKVPairs)
storageServerInterfaces[j].isTss() ||
? "True"
: "False");
if ((g_network->isSimulated() &&
g_simulator.tssMode != ISimulator::TSSMode::EnabledDropMutations) ||
(!storageServerInterfaces[j].isTss() &&
!storageServerInterfaces[firstValidServer].isTss())) {
self->testFailure("Data inconsistent", true);
return false;
// If the data is not available and we aren't relocating this shard
else if (!isRelocating) {
Error e =
rangeResult.isError() ? rangeResult.getError() : rangeResult.get().error.get();
.detail("StorageServer", storageServers[j])
.detail("ShardBegin", printable(range.begin))
.detail("ShardEnd", printable(range.end))
.detail("Address", storageServerInterfaces[j].address())
.detail("UID", storageServerInterfaces[j].id())
.detail("IsTSS", storageServerInterfaces[j].isTss() ? "True" : "False")
// All shards should be available in quiscence
if (self->performQuiescentChecks && !storageServerInterfaces[j].isTss()) {
self->testFailure("Storage server unavailable");
return false;
if (firstValidServer >= 0) {
VectorRef<KeyValueRef> data = keyValueFutures[firstValidServer].get().get().data;
// Calculate the size of the shard, the variance of the shard size estimate, and the correct
// shard size estimate
for (int k = 0; k < data.size(); k++) {
ByteSampleInfo sampleInfo = isKeyValueInSample(data[k]);
shardBytes += sampleInfo.size;
double itemProbability = ((double)sampleInfo.size) / sampleInfo.sampledSize;
if (itemProbability < 1)
shardVariance += itemProbability * (1 - itemProbability) *
pow((double)sampleInfo.sampledSize, 2);
if (sampleInfo.inSample) {
sampledBytes += sampleInfo.sampledSize;
if (!canSplit && sampledBytes >= shardBounds.min.bytes &&
data[k].key.size() <= CLIENT_KNOBS->SPLIT_KEY_SIZE_LIMIT &&
sampledBytes <= shardBounds.max.bytes *
canSplit = true;
splitBytes = sampledBytes;
/*TraceEvent("ConsistencyCheck_ByteSample").detail("ShardBegin", printable(range.begin)).detail("ShardEnd", printable(range.end))
.detail("SampledBytes", sampleInfo.sampledSize).detail("Key",
printable(data[k].key)).detail("KeySize", data[k].key.size()).detail("ValueSize",
// In data distribution, the splitting process ignores the first key in a shard.
// Thus, we shouldn't consider it when validating the upper bound of estimated shard
// sizes
if (k == 0)
firstKeySampledBytes += sampleInfo.sampledSize;
if (itemProbability < 1) {
// Accumulate number of keys in this shard
shardKeys += data.size();
// after requesting each shard, enforce rate limit based on how much data will likely be read
if (rateLimitForThisRound > 0) {
// Set ratelimit to max allowed if current round has been going on for a while
if (now() - rateLimiterStartTime >
rateLimitForThisRound != self->rateLimitMax) {
rateLimitForThisRound = self->rateLimitMax;
rateLimiter = Reference<IRateControl>(new SpeedLimit(rateLimitForThisRound, 1));
rateLimiterStartTime = now();
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "ConsistencyCheck_RateLimitSetMaxForThisRound")
.detail("RateLimit", rateLimitForThisRound);
bytesReadInRange += totalReadAmount;
bytesReadInthisRound += totalReadAmount;
// Advance to the next set of entries
if (firstValidServer >= 0 && keyValueFutures[firstValidServer].get().get().more) {
VectorRef<KeyValueRef> result = keyValueFutures[firstValidServer].get().get().data;
ASSERT(result.size() > 0);
begin = firstGreaterThan(result[result.size() - 1].key);
ASSERT(begin.getKey() != allKeys.end);
lastStartSampleKey = lastSampleKey;
} else
} catch (Error& e) {
state Error err = e;
canSplit = canSplit && sampledBytes - splitBytes >= shardBounds.min.bytes && sampledBytes > splitBytes;
// Update the size of all storage servers containing this shard
// This is only done in a non-distributed consistency check; the distributed check uses shard size
// estimates
if (!self->distributed)
for (int j = 0; j < storageServers.size(); j++)
storageServerSizes[storageServers[j]] += shardBytes;
bool hasValidEstimate = estimatedBytes.size() > 0;
// If the storage servers' sampled estimate of shard size is different from ours
if (self->performQuiescentChecks) {
for (int j = 0; j < estimatedBytes.size(); j++) {
if (estimatedBytes[j] >= 0 && estimatedBytes[j] != sampledBytes) {
.detail("EstimatedBytes", estimatedBytes[j])
.detail("CorrectSampledBytes", sampledBytes)
.detail("StorageServer", storageServers[j])
.detail("IsTSS", storageServerInterfaces[j].isTss() ? "True" : "False");
if (!storageServerInterfaces[j].isTss()) {
self->testFailure("Storage servers had incorrect sampled estimate");
hasValidEstimate = false;
} else if (estimatedBytes[j] < 0 &&
(g_network->isSimulated() || !storageServerInterfaces[j].isTss())) {
self->testFailure("Could not get storage metrics from server");
hasValidEstimate = false;
// Compute the difference between the shard size estimate and its actual size. If it is sufficiently
// large, then fail
double stdDev = sqrt(shardVariance);
double failErrorNumStdDev = 7;
int estimateError = abs(shardBytes - sampledBytes);
// Only perform the check if there are sufficient keys to get a distribution that should resemble a
// normal distribution
if (sampledKeysWithProb > 30 && estimateError > failErrorNumStdDev * stdDev) {
double numStdDev = estimateError / sqrt(shardVariance);
.detail("Min", shardBounds.min.bytes)
.detail("Max", shardBounds.max.bytes)
.detail("Estimate", sampledBytes)
.detail("Actual", shardBytes)
.detail("NumStdDev", numStdDev)
.detail("Variance", shardVariance)
.detail("StdDev", stdDev)
.detail("ShardBegin", printable(range.begin))
.detail("ShardEnd", printable(range.end))
.detail("NumKeys", shardKeys)
.detail("NumSampledKeys", sampledKeys)
.detail("NumSampledKeysWithProb", sampledKeysWithProb);
self->testFailure(format("Shard size is more than %f std dev from estimate", failErrorNumStdDev));
// In a quiescent database, check that the (estimated) size of the shard is within permitted bounds
// Min and max shard sizes have a 3 * shardBounds.permittedError.bytes cushion for error since shard
// sizes are not precise Shard splits ignore the first key in a shard, so its size shouldn't be
// considered when checking the upper bound 0xff shards are not checked
if (canSplit && sampledKeys > 5 && self->performQuiescentChecks &&
!range.begin.startsWith(keyServersPrefix) &&
(sampledBytes < shardBounds.min.bytes - 3 * shardBounds.permittedError.bytes ||
sampledBytes - firstKeySampledBytes >
shardBounds.max.bytes + 3 * shardBounds.permittedError.bytes)) {
.detail("Min", shardBounds.min.bytes)
.detail("Max", shardBounds.max.bytes)
.detail("Size", shardBytes)
.detail("EstimatedSize", sampledBytes)
.detail("ShardBegin", printable(range.begin))
.detail("ShardEnd", printable(range.end))
.detail("ShardCount", ranges.size())
.detail("SampledKeys", sampledKeys);
self->testFailure(format("Shard size in quiescent database is too %s",
(sampledBytes < shardBounds.min.bytes) ? "small" : "large"));
return false;
if (bytesReadInRange > 0) {
.detail("Range", printable(range))
.detail("BytesRead", bytesReadInRange);
// SOMEDAY: when background data distribution is implemented, include this test
// In a quiescent database, check that the sizes of storage servers are roughly the same
auto minStorageServer = std::min_element(storageServerSizes.begin(), storageServerSizes.end(),
ConsistencyCheckWorkload::compareByValue<UID, int64_t>); auto maxStorageServer =
std::max_element(storageServerSizes.begin(), storageServerSizes.end(),
ConsistencyCheckWorkload::compareByValue<UID, int64_t>);
if(1.1 * (minStorageServer->second + SERVER_KNOBS->MIN_SHARD_BYTES) < maxStorageServer->second +
TraceEvent("ConsistencyCheck_InconsistentStorageServerSizes").detail("MinSize", minStorageServer->second).detail("MaxSize", maxStorageServer->second)
.detail("MinStorageServer", minStorageServer->first).detail("MaxStorageServer",
self->testFailure(format("Storage servers differ significantly in size by a factor of %f",
((double)maxStorageServer->second) / minStorageServer->second)); return false;
self->bytesReadInPreviousRound = bytesReadInthisRound;
return true;
// Returns true if any storage servers have the exact same network address or are not using the correct key value
// store type
ACTOR Future<bool> checkForUndesirableServers(Database cx,
DatabaseConfiguration configuration,
ConsistencyCheckWorkload* self) {
state int i;
state int j;
state vector<StorageServerInterface> storageServers = wait(getStorageServers(cx));
// Check each pair of storage servers for an address match
for (i = 0; i < storageServers.size(); i++) {
// Check that each storage server has the correct key value store type
ReplyPromise<KeyValueStoreType> typeReply;
ErrorOr<KeyValueStoreType> keyValueStoreType =
wait(storageServers[i].getKeyValueStoreType.getReplyUnlessFailedFor(typeReply, 2, 0));
if (!keyValueStoreType.present()) {
TraceEvent("ConsistencyCheck_ServerUnavailable").detail("ServerID", storageServers[i].id());
self->testFailure("Storage server unavailable");
} else if ((!storageServers[i].isTss() &&
keyValueStoreType.get() != configuration.storageServerStoreType) ||
(storageServers[i].isTss() &&
keyValueStoreType.get() != configuration.testingStorageServerStoreType)) {
.detail("ServerID", storageServers[i].id())
.detail("StoreType", keyValueStoreType.get().toString())
.detail("DesiredType", configuration.storageServerStoreType.toString());
self->testFailure("Storage server has wrong key-value store type");
return true;
// Check each pair of storage servers for an address match
for (j = i + 1; j < storageServers.size(); j++) {
if (storageServers[i].address() == storageServers[j].address()) {
.detail("StorageServer1", storageServers[i].id())
.detail("StorageServer2", storageServers[j].id())
.detail("Address", storageServers[i].address());
self->testFailure("Multiple storage servers have the same address");
return true;
return false;
// Returns false if any worker that should have a storage server does not have one
ACTOR Future<bool> checkForStorage(Database cx,
DatabaseConfiguration configuration,
std::map<UID, StorageServerInterface> tssMapping,
ConsistencyCheckWorkload* self) {
state vector<WorkerDetails> workers = wait(getWorkers(self->dbInfo));
state vector<StorageServerInterface> storageServers = wait(getStorageServers(cx));
std::vector<Optional<Key>> missingStorage; // vector instead of a set to get the count
for (int i = 0; i < workers.size(); i++) {
NetworkAddress addr = workers[i].interf.stableAddress();
if (!configuration.isExcludedServer(workers[i].interf.addresses()) &&
(workers[i].processClass == ProcessClass::StorageClass ||
workers[i].processClass == ProcessClass::UnsetClass)) {
bool found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < storageServers.size(); j++) {
if (storageServers[j].stableAddress() == addr) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
.detail("Address", addr)
.detail("ProcessId", workers[i].interf.locality.processId())
(int)(workers[i].processClass == ProcessClass::StorageClass));
int missingDc0 = configuration.regions.size() == 0
? 0
: std::count(missingStorage.begin(), missingStorage.end(), configuration.regions[0].dcId);
int missingDc1 = configuration.regions.size() < 2
? 0
: std::count(missingStorage.begin(), missingStorage.end(), configuration.regions[1].dcId);
if ((configuration.regions.size() == 0 && missingStorage.size()) ||
(configuration.regions.size() == 1 && missingDc0) ||
(configuration.regions.size() == 2 && configuration.usableRegions == 1 && missingDc0 && missingDc1) ||
(configuration.regions.size() == 2 && configuration.usableRegions > 1 && (missingDc0 || missingDc1))) {
// TODO could improve this check by also ensuring DD is currently recruiting a TSS by using quietdb?
bool couldExpectMissingTss = (configuration.desiredTSSCount - tssMapping.size()) > 0;
int countMissing = missingStorage.size();
int acceptableTssMissing = 1;
if (configuration.regions.size() == 1) {
countMissing = missingDc0;
} else if (configuration.regions.size() == 2) {
if (configuration.usableRegions == 1) {
// all processes should be missing from 1, so take the number missing from the other
countMissing = std::min(missingDc0, missingDc1);
} else if (configuration.usableRegions == 2) {
countMissing = missingDc0 + missingDc1;
acceptableTssMissing = 2;
} else {
ASSERT(false); // in case fdb ever adds 3+ region support?
if (!couldExpectMissingTss || countMissing > acceptableTssMissing) {
self->testFailure("No storage server on worker");
return false;
} else {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "ConsistencyCheck_TSSMissing");
return true;
ACTOR Future<bool> checkForExtraDataStores(Database cx, ConsistencyCheckWorkload* self) {
state std::vector<WorkerDetails> workers = wait(getWorkers(self->dbInfo));
state std::vector<StorageServerInterface> storageServers = wait(getStorageServers(cx));
state std::vector<WorkerInterface> coordWorkers = wait(getCoordWorkers(cx, self->dbInfo));
auto& db = self->dbInfo->get();
state std::vector<TLogInterface> logs = db.logSystemConfig.allPresentLogs();
state std::vector<WorkerDetails>::iterator itr;
state bool foundExtraDataStore = false;
state std::vector<struct ProcessInfo*> protectedProcessesToKill;
state std::map<NetworkAddress, std::set<UID>> statefulProcesses;
for (const auto& ss : storageServers) {
// A process may have two addresses (same ip, different ports)
if (ss.secondaryAddress().present()) {
TraceEvent(SevCCheckInfo, "StatefulProcess")
.detail("StorageServer", ss.id())
.detail("PrimaryAddress", ss.address().toString())
ss.secondaryAddress().present() ? ss.secondaryAddress().get().toString() : "Unset");
for (const auto& log : logs) {
if (log.secondaryAddress().present()) {
TraceEvent(SevCCheckInfo, "StatefulProcess")
.detail("Log", log.id())
.detail("PrimaryAddress", log.address().toString())
log.secondaryAddress().present() ? log.secondaryAddress().get().toString() : "Unset");
// Coordinators are also stateful processes
for (const auto& cWorker : coordWorkers) {
if (cWorker.secondaryAddress().present()) {
TraceEvent(SevCCheckInfo, "StatefulProcess")
.detail("Coordinator", cWorker.id())
.detail("PrimaryAddress", cWorker.address().toString())
cWorker.secondaryAddress().present() ? cWorker.secondaryAddress().get().toString() : "Unset");
for (itr = workers.begin(); itr != workers.end(); ++itr) {
ErrorOr<Standalone<VectorRef<UID>>> stores =
wait(itr->interf.diskStoreRequest.getReplyUnlessFailedFor(DiskStoreRequest(false), 2, 0));
if (stores.isError()) {
.detail("Address", itr->interf.address());
self->testFailure("Failed to get data stores");
return false;
TraceEvent(SevCCheckInfo, "ConsistencyCheck_ExtraDataStore")
.detail("Worker", itr->interf.id().toString())
.detail("PrimaryAddress", itr->interf.address().toString())
itr->interf.secondaryAddress().present() ? itr->interf.secondaryAddress().get().toString()
: "Unset");
for (const auto& id : stores.get()) {
if (statefulProcesses[itr->interf.address()].count(id)) {
// For extra data store
.detail("Address", itr->interf.address())
.detail("DataStoreID", id);
if (g_network->isSimulated()) {
// FIXME: this is hiding the fact that we can recruit a new storage server on a location the has
// files left behind by a previous failure
// this means that the process is wasting disk space until the process is rebooting
ISimulator::ProcessInfo* p = g_simulator.getProcessByAddress(itr->interf.address());
// Note: itr->interf.address() may not equal to p->address() because role's endpoint's primary
// addr can be swapped by choosePrimaryAddress() based on its peer's tls config.
itr->interf.address()) // worker's primary address (i.e., the first address)
.detail("ProcessPrimaryAddress", p->address)
.detail("ProcessAddresses", p->addresses.toString())
.detail("DataStoreID", id)
.detail("Protected", g_simulator.protectedAddresses.count(itr->interf.address()))
.detail("Reliable", p->isReliable())
.detail("ReliableInfo", p->getReliableInfo())
.detail("KillOrRebootProcess", p->address);
if (p->isReliable()) {
g_simulator.rebootProcess(p, ISimulator::RebootProcess);
} else {
g_simulator.killProcess(p, ISimulator::KillInstantly);
foundExtraDataStore = true;
if (foundExtraDataStore) {
self->testFailure("Extra data stores present on workers");
return false;
return true;
ACTOR Future<bool> checkWorkerList(Database cx, ConsistencyCheckWorkload* self) {
if (g_simulator.extraDB)
return true;
vector<WorkerDetails> workers = wait(getWorkers(self->dbInfo));
std::set<NetworkAddress> workerAddresses;
for (const auto& it : workers) {
NetworkAddress addr = it.interf.tLog.getEndpoint().addresses.getTLSAddress();
ISimulator::ProcessInfo* info = g_simulator.getProcessByAddress(addr);
if (!info || info->failed) {
TraceEvent("ConsistencyCheck_FailedWorkerInList").detail("Addr", it.interf.address());
return false;
workerAddresses.insert(NetworkAddress(addr.ip, addr.port, true, addr.isTLS()));
vector<ISimulator::ProcessInfo*> all = g_simulator.getAllProcesses();
for (int i = 0; i < all.size(); i++) {
if (all[i]->isReliable() && all[i]->name == std::string("Server") &&
all[i]->startingClass != ProcessClass::TesterClass &&
all[i]->protocolVersion == g_network->protocolVersion()) {
if (!workerAddresses.count(all[i]->address)) {
TraceEvent("ConsistencyCheck_WorkerMissingFromList").detail("Addr", all[i]->address);
return false;
return true;
static ProcessClass::Fitness getBestAvailableFitness(
const std::vector<ProcessClass::ClassType>& availableClassTypes,
ProcessClass::ClusterRole role) {
ProcessClass::Fitness bestAvailableFitness = ProcessClass::NeverAssign;
for (auto classType : availableClassTypes) {
bestAvailableFitness = std::min(
bestAvailableFitness, ProcessClass(classType, ProcessClass::InvalidSource).machineClassFitness(role));
return bestAvailableFitness;
template <class T>
static std::string getOptionalString(Optional<T> opt) {
if (opt.present())
return opt.get().toString();
return "NotSet";
ACTOR Future<bool> checkCoordinators(Database cx) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
Optional<Value> currentKey = wait(tr.get(coordinatorsKey));
if (!currentKey.present()) {
return false;
state ClusterConnectionString old(currentKey.get().toString());
vector<ProcessData> workers = wait(::getWorkers(&tr));
std::map<NetworkAddress, LocalityData> addr_locality;
for (auto w : workers) {
addr_locality[w.address] = w.locality;
std::set<Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>> checkDuplicates;
for (const auto& addr : old.coordinators()) {
auto findResult = addr_locality.find(addr);
if (findResult != addr_locality.end()) {
if (checkDuplicates.count(findResult->second.zoneId())) {
.detail("Addr", addr)
.detail("NotFound", findResult == addr_locality.end());
return false;
return true;
} catch (Error& e) {
// Returns true if all machines in the cluster that specified a desired class are operating in that class
ACTOR Future<bool> checkUsingDesiredClasses(Database cx, ConsistencyCheckWorkload* self) {
state Optional<Key> expectedPrimaryDcId;
state Optional<Key> expectedRemoteDcId;
state DatabaseConfiguration config = wait(getDatabaseConfiguration(cx));
state vector<WorkerDetails> allWorkers = wait(getWorkers(self->dbInfo));
state vector<WorkerDetails> nonExcludedWorkers =
wait(getWorkers(self->dbInfo, GetWorkersRequest::NON_EXCLUDED_PROCESSES_ONLY));
auto& db = self->dbInfo->get();
std::map<NetworkAddress, WorkerDetails> allWorkerProcessMap;
std::map<Optional<Key>, std::vector<ProcessClass::ClassType>> dcToAllClassTypes;
for (const auto& worker : allWorkers) {
allWorkerProcessMap[worker.interf.address()] = worker;
Optional<Key> dc = worker.interf.locality.dcId();
if (!dcToAllClassTypes.count(dc))
std::map<NetworkAddress, WorkerDetails> nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap;
std::map<Optional<Key>, std::vector<ProcessClass::ClassType>> dcToNonExcludedClassTypes;
for (const auto& worker : nonExcludedWorkers) {
nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap[worker.interf.address()] = worker;
Optional<Key> dc = worker.interf.locality.dcId();
if (!dcToNonExcludedClassTypes.count(dc))
if (!allWorkerProcessMap.count(db.clusterInterface.clientInterface.address())) {
.detail("CCAddress", db.clusterInterface.clientInterface.address().toString());
return false;
if (!allWorkerProcessMap.count(db.master.address())) {
.detail("MasterAddress", db.master.address().toString());
return false;
Optional<Key> ccDcId =
Optional<Key> masterDcId = allWorkerProcessMap[db.master.address()].interf.locality.dcId();
if (ccDcId != masterDcId) {
.detail("ClusterControllerDcId", getOptionalString(ccDcId))
.detail("MasterDcId", getOptionalString(masterDcId));
return false;
// Check if master and cluster controller are in the desired DC for fearless cluster when running under
// simulation
// FIXME: g_simulator.datacenterDead could return false positives. Relaxing checks until it is fixed.
if (g_network->isSimulated() && config.usableRegions > 1 && g_simulator.primaryDcId.present() &&
!g_simulator.datacenterDead(g_simulator.primaryDcId) &&
!g_simulator.datacenterDead(g_simulator.remoteDcId)) {
expectedPrimaryDcId = config.regions[0].dcId;
expectedRemoteDcId = config.regions[1].dcId;
// If the priorities are equal, either could be the primary
if (config.regions[0].priority == config.regions[1].priority) {
expectedPrimaryDcId = masterDcId;
expectedRemoteDcId = config.regions[0].dcId == expectedPrimaryDcId.get() ? config.regions[1].dcId
: config.regions[0].dcId;
if (ccDcId != expectedPrimaryDcId) {
.detail("PreferredDcId", getOptionalString(expectedPrimaryDcId))
.detail("ExistingDcId", getOptionalString(ccDcId));
return false;
if (masterDcId != expectedPrimaryDcId) {
.detail("PreferredDcId", getOptionalString(expectedPrimaryDcId))
.detail("ExistingDcId", getOptionalString(masterDcId));
return false;
// Check CC
ProcessClass::Fitness bestClusterControllerFitness =
getBestAvailableFitness(dcToNonExcludedClassTypes[ccDcId], ProcessClass::ClusterController);
if (!nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap.count(db.clusterInterface.clientInterface.address()) ||
ProcessClass::ClusterController) != bestClusterControllerFitness) {
.detail("BestClusterControllerFitness", bestClusterControllerFitness)
? nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap[db.clusterInterface.clientInterface.address()]
: -1);
return false;
// Check Master
ProcessClass::Fitness bestMasterFitness =
getBestAvailableFitness(dcToNonExcludedClassTypes[masterDcId], ProcessClass::Master);
if (bestMasterFitness == ProcessClass::NeverAssign) {
bestMasterFitness = getBestAvailableFitness(dcToAllClassTypes[masterDcId], ProcessClass::Master);
if (bestMasterFitness != ProcessClass::NeverAssign) {
bestMasterFitness = ProcessClass::ExcludeFit;
if ((!nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap.count(db.master.address()) &&
bestMasterFitness != ProcessClass::ExcludeFit) ||
nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap[db.master.address()].processClass.machineClassFitness(ProcessClass::Master) !=
bestMasterFitness) {
.detail("BestMasterFitness", bestMasterFitness)
? nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap[db.master.address()].processClass.machineClassFitness(
: -1);
return false;
// Check commit proxy
ProcessClass::Fitness bestCommitProxyFitness =
getBestAvailableFitness(dcToNonExcludedClassTypes[masterDcId], ProcessClass::CommitProxy);
for (const auto& commitProxy : db.client.commitProxies) {
if (!nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap.count(commitProxy.address()) ||
ProcessClass::CommitProxy) != bestCommitProxyFitness) {
.detail("BestCommitProxyFitness", bestCommitProxyFitness)
? nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap[commitProxy.address()].processClass.machineClassFitness(
: -1);
return false;
// Check grv proxy
ProcessClass::Fitness bestGrvProxyFitness =
getBestAvailableFitness(dcToNonExcludedClassTypes[masterDcId], ProcessClass::GrvProxy);
for (const auto& grvProxy : db.client.grvProxies) {
if (!nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap.count(grvProxy.address()) ||
ProcessClass::GrvProxy) != bestGrvProxyFitness) {
.detail("BestGrvProxyFitness", bestGrvProxyFitness)
? nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap[grvProxy.address()].processClass.machineClassFitness(
: -1);
return false;
// Check resolver
ProcessClass::Fitness bestResolverFitness =
getBestAvailableFitness(dcToNonExcludedClassTypes[masterDcId], ProcessClass::Resolver);
for (const auto& resolver : db.resolvers) {
if (!nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap.count(resolver.address()) ||
ProcessClass::Resolver) != bestResolverFitness) {
.detail("BestResolverFitness", bestResolverFitness)
? nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap[resolver.address()].processClass.machineClassFitness(
: -1);
return false;
// Check LogRouter
if (g_network->isSimulated() && config.usableRegions > 1 && g_simulator.primaryDcId.present() &&
!g_simulator.datacenterDead(g_simulator.primaryDcId) &&
!g_simulator.datacenterDead(g_simulator.remoteDcId)) {
for (auto& tlogSet : db.logSystemConfig.tLogs) {
if (!tlogSet.isLocal && tlogSet.logRouters.size()) {
for (auto& logRouter : tlogSet.logRouters) {
if (!nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap.count(logRouter.interf().address())) {
.detail("Id", logRouter.id());
return false;
if (logRouter.interf().filteredLocality.dcId() != expectedRemoteDcId) {
.detail("expectedDC", getOptionalString(expectedRemoteDcId))
.detail("ActualDC", getOptionalString(logRouter.interf().filteredLocality.dcId()));
return false;
// Check DataDistributor
ProcessClass::Fitness fitnessLowerBound =
if (db.distributor.present() &&
(!nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap.count(db.distributor.get().address()) ||
ProcessClass::DataDistributor) > fitnessLowerBound)) {
.detail("DataDistributorFitnessLowerBound", fitnessLowerBound)
? nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap[db.distributor.get().address()].processClass.machineClassFitness(
: -1);
return false;
// Check Ratekeeper
if (db.ratekeeper.present() &&
(!nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap.count(db.ratekeeper.get().address()) ||
ProcessClass::Ratekeeper) > fitnessLowerBound)) {
.detail("BestRatekeeperFitness", fitnessLowerBound)
? nonExcludedWorkerProcessMap[db.ratekeeper.get().address()].processClass.machineClassFitness(
: -1);
return false;
// TODO: Check Tlog
return true;
WorkloadFactory<ConsistencyCheckWorkload> ConsistencyCheckWorkloadFactory("ConsistencyCheck");