
346 lines
9.4 KiB

# This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
# Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import fdb
import fdb.tuple
def nextStopToNone(gen):
except StopIteration:
return None
class FdbSet (object):
def __init__(self, path):
self._path = path
def length(self, tr):
setLength = 0
for k, v in tr[fdb.tuple.range((self._path,))]:
setLength += 1
return setLength
def iterate(self, tr):
for k, v in tr[fdb.tuple.range((self._path,))]:
yield fdb.tuple.unpack(k)[1]
def contains(self, tr, x):
return tr[fdb.tuple.pack((self._path, x))].present()
def issubset(self, tr, t): # s <= t
for k, v in tr[fdb.tuple.range((self._path,))]:
if not t.contains(tr, fdb.tuple.unpack(k)[1]):
return False
return True
def issuperset(self, tr, t): # s >= t
return t.issubset(tr, self)
def union(self, tr, t): # s | t
s_gen = self.iterate(tr)
t_gen = t.iterate(tr)
s_key = nextStopToNone(s_gen)
t_key = nextStopToNone(t_gen)
while True:
if t_key == None and s_key == None:
elif t_key == None or (s_key != None and s_key < t_key):
yield s_key
s_key = nextStopToNone(s_gen)
elif s_key == None or s_key > t_key:
yield t_key
t_key = nextStopToNone(t_gen)
yield s_key
s_key = nextStopToNone(s_gen)
t_key = nextStopToNone(t_gen)
def intersection(self, tr, t): # s & t
s_key = self.first_greater_or_equal(tr, "")
t_key = t.first_greater_or_equal(tr, "")
while True:
if t_key == None or s_key == None:
elif s_key < t_key:
s_key = self.first_greater_or_equal(tr, t_key)
elif s_key > t_key:
t_key = t.first_greater_or_equal(tr, s_key)
yield s_key
s_key = self.first_greater_than(tr, s_key)
t_key = t.first_greater_than(tr, t_key)
def difference(self, tr, t): # s - t
s_gen = self.iterate(tr)
s_key = nextStopToNone(s_gen)
t_key = t.first_greater_or_equal(tr, "")
while True:
if s_key == None:
elif t_key == None or s_key < t_key:
yield s_key
s_key = nextStopToNone(s_gen)
elif s_key > t_key:
t_key = t.first_greater_or_equal(tr, s_key)
s_key = nextStopToNone(s_gen)
def symmetric_difference(self, tr, t): # s ^ t
s_gen = self.iterate(tr)
t_gen = t.iterate(tr)
s_key = nextStopToNone(s_gen)
t_key = nextStopToNone(t_gen)
while True:
if t_key == None and s_key == None:
elif t_key == None or (s_key != None and s_key < t_key):
yield s_key
s_key = nextStopToNone(s_gen)
elif s_key == None or s_key > t_key:
yield t_key
t_key = nextStopToNone(t_gen)
s_key = nextStopToNone(s_gen)
t_key = nextStopToNone(t_gen)
def update(self, tr, t): # s |= t T
for k in t.iterate(tr):
self.add(tr, k)
def intersection_update(self, tr, t): # s &= t
lastValue = fdb.tuple.pack((self._path,))
for k in self.intersection(tr, t):
if k != lastValue:
del tr[lastValue + '\x00':fdb.tuple.pack((self._path, k))]
lastValue = fdb.tuple.pack((self._path, k))
del tr[lastValue + '\x00':fdb.tuple.pack((self._path + chr(0),))]
def difference_update(self, tr, t): # s -= t
for k in self.intersection(tr, t):
del tr[fdb.tuple.pack((self._path, k))]
def symmetric_difference_update(self, tr, t): # s ^ t
s_gen = self.iterate(tr)
t_gen = t.iterate(tr)
s_key = nextStopToNone(s_gen)
t_key = nextStopToNone(t_gen)
while True:
if t_key == None and s_key == None:
elif t_key == None or (s_key != None and s_key < t_key):
s_key = nextStopToNone(s_gen)
elif s_key == None or s_key > t_key:
self.add(tr, t_key)
t_key = nextStopToNone(t_gen)
remove_key = s_key
s_key = nextStopToNone(s_gen)
t_key = nextStopToNone(t_gen)
self.remove(tr, remove_key)
def add(self, tr, x):
tr[fdb.tuple.pack((self._path, x))] = ""
def remove(self, tr, x):
if tr[fdb.tuple.pack((self._path, x))] == None:
raise KeyError
del tr[fdb.tuple.pack((self._path, x))]
def discard(self, tr, x):
del tr[fdb.tuple.pack((self._path, x))]
def pop(self, tr):
key = tr.get_key(fdb.KeySelector.first_greater_or_equal(self._path))
if self._keyInRange(key):
del tr[key]
return fdb.tuple.unpack(key)[1]
raise KeyError
def clear(self, tr):
def first_greater_than(self, tr, x):
key = tr.get_key(fdb.KeySelector.first_greater_than(fdb.tuple.pack((self._path, x))))
if self._keyInRange(key):
return fdb.tuple.unpack(key)[1]
return None
def first_greater_or_equal(self, tr, x):
key = tr.get_key(fdb.KeySelector.first_greater_or_equal(fdb.tuple.pack((self._path, x))))
if self._keyInRange(key):
return fdb.tuple.unpack(key)[1]
return None
def _keyInRange(self, key):
return key < fdb.tuple.pack((self._path + chr(0),))
def test(db):
print "starting set test"
tr = db.create_transaction()
del tr[:]
a = FdbSet("a")
a.add(tr, "apple")
a.add(tr, "banana")
a.add(tr, "orange")
b = FdbSet("b")
b.add(tr, "banana")
b.add(tr, "grape")
b.add(tr, "strawberry")
c = FdbSet("c")
c.add(tr, "grape")
print "set a:"
for k in a.iterate(tr):
print k
print "set b:"
for k in b.iterate(tr):
print k
print "set c:"
for k in c.iterate(tr):
print k
print "b contains strawberry: {0}".format(b.contains(tr, "strawberry"))
print "remove strawberry from b"
b.remove(tr, "strawberry")
print "b contains strawberry: {0}".format(b.contains(tr, "strawberry"))
b.remove(tr, "strawberry")
print "survived second remove of strawberry"
except KeyError:
print "failed second remove of strawberry"
print "insert strawberry into b"
b.add(tr, "strawberry")
print "b contains strawberry: {0}".format(b.contains(tr, "strawberry"))
print "discard strawberry from b"
b.discard(tr, "strawberry")
print "b contains strawberry: {0}".format(b.contains(tr, "strawberry"))
b.discard(tr, "strawberry")
print "b length: {0}".format(b.length(tr))
print "c issubset a: {0}".format(c.issubset(tr, a))
print "c issubset b: {0}".format(c.issubset(tr, b))
print "a union b:"
for k in a.union(tr, b):
print k
print "a intersection b:"
for k in a.intersection(tr, b):
print k
print "a difference b:"
for k in a.difference(tr, b):
print k
print "b difference a:"
for k in b.difference(tr, a):
print k
print "a symmetric_difference b:"
for k in a.symmetric_difference(tr, b):
print k
print "a update c:"
a.update(tr, c)
for k in a.iterate(tr):
print k
print "b intersection_update a:"
b.intersection_update(tr, a)
for k in b.iterate(tr):
print k
print "a difference_update c"
a.difference_update(tr, c)
for k in a.iterate(tr):
print k
print "b symmetric_difference_update a"
b.symmetric_difference_update(tr, a)
for k in b.iterate(tr):
print k
print "popping items from a"
while True:
print "popped {0}".format(a.pop(tr))
except KeyError:
print "finished popping"
print "a length: {0}".format(a.length(tr))
print "clearing b"
print "b length: {0}".format(b.length(tr))
db =