939 lines
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939 lines
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* BlobStore.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "BlobStore.h"
#include "md5/md5.h"
#include "libb64/encode.h"
#include "sha1/SHA1.h"
#include "time.h"
#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp>
#include "IAsyncFile.h"
json_spirit::mObject BlobStoreEndpoint::Stats::getJSON() {
json_spirit::mObject o;
o["requests_failed"] = requests_failed;
o["requests_successful"] = requests_successful;
o["bytes_sent"] = bytes_sent;
return o;
BlobStoreEndpoint::Stats BlobStoreEndpoint::Stats::operator-(const Stats &rhs) {
Stats r;
r.requests_failed = requests_failed - rhs.requests_failed;
r.requests_successful = requests_successful - rhs.requests_successful;
r.bytes_sent = bytes_sent - rhs.bytes_sent;
return r;
BlobStoreEndpoint::Stats BlobStoreEndpoint::s_stats;
BlobStoreEndpoint::BlobKnobs::BlobKnobs() {
bool BlobStoreEndpoint::BlobKnobs::set(StringRef name, int value) {
#define TRY_PARAM(n, sn) if(name == LiteralStringRef(#n) || name == LiteralStringRef(#sn)) { n = value; return true; }
TRY_PARAM(connect_tries, ct);
TRY_PARAM(connect_timeout, cto);
TRY_PARAM(max_connection_life, mcl);
TRY_PARAM(request_tries, rt);
TRY_PARAM(request_timeout, rto);
TRY_PARAM(requests_per_second, rps);
TRY_PARAM(concurrent_requests, cr);
TRY_PARAM(multipart_max_part_size, maxps);
TRY_PARAM(multipart_min_part_size, minps);
TRY_PARAM(concurrent_uploads, cu);
TRY_PARAM(concurrent_lists, cl);
TRY_PARAM(concurrent_reads_per_file, crpf);
TRY_PARAM(concurrent_writes_per_file, cwpf);
TRY_PARAM(read_block_size, rbs);
TRY_PARAM(read_ahead_blocks, rab);
TRY_PARAM(read_cache_blocks_per_file, rcb);
TRY_PARAM(max_send_bytes_per_second, sbps);
TRY_PARAM(max_recv_bytes_per_second, rbps);
#undef TRY_PARAM
return false;
// Returns a Blob URL parameter string that specifies all of the non-default options for the endpoint using option short names.
std::string BlobStoreEndpoint::BlobKnobs::getURLParameters() const {
static BlobKnobs defaults;
std::string r;
#define _CHECK_PARAM(n, sn) if(n != defaults. n) { r += format("%s%s=%d", r.empty() ? "" : "&", #sn, n); }
_CHECK_PARAM(connect_tries, ct);
_CHECK_PARAM(connect_timeout, cto);
_CHECK_PARAM(max_connection_life, mcl);
_CHECK_PARAM(request_tries, rt);
_CHECK_PARAM(request_timeout, rto);
_CHECK_PARAM(requests_per_second, rps);
_CHECK_PARAM(concurrent_requests, cr);
_CHECK_PARAM(multipart_max_part_size, maxps);
_CHECK_PARAM(multipart_min_part_size, minps);
_CHECK_PARAM(concurrent_uploads, cu);
_CHECK_PARAM(concurrent_lists, cl);
_CHECK_PARAM(concurrent_reads_per_file, crpf);
_CHECK_PARAM(concurrent_writes_per_file, cwpf);
_CHECK_PARAM(read_block_size, rbs);
_CHECK_PARAM(read_ahead_blocks, rab);
_CHECK_PARAM(read_cache_blocks_per_file, rcb);
_CHECK_PARAM(max_send_bytes_per_second, sbps);
_CHECK_PARAM(max_recv_bytes_per_second, rbps);
return r;
Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> BlobStoreEndpoint::fromString(std::string const &url, std::string *resourceFromURL, std::string *error) {
try {
StringRef t(url);
StringRef prefix = t.eat("://");
if(prefix != LiteralStringRef("blobstore"))
throw std::string("Invalid blobstore URL.");
StringRef cred = t.eat("@");
StringRef hostPort = t.eat("/");
StringRef resource = t.eat("?");
// hostPort is at least a host or IP address, optionally followed by :portNumber or :serviceName
StringRef h(hostPort);
StringRef host = h.eat(":");
if(host.size() == 0)
throw std::string("host cannot be empty");
StringRef service = h.eat();
BlobKnobs knobs;
while(1) {
StringRef name = t.eat("=");
if(name.size() == 0)
StringRef value = t.eat("&");
char *valueEnd;
int ivalue = strtol(value.toString().c_str(), &valueEnd, 10);
if(*valueEnd || ivalue == 0)
throw format("%s is not a valid value for %s", value.toString().c_str(), name.toString().c_str());
if(!knobs.set(name, ivalue))
throw format("%s is not a valid parameter name", name.toString().c_str());
if(resourceFromURL != nullptr)
*resourceFromURL = resource.toString();
StringRef c(cred);
StringRef key = c.eat(":");
StringRef secret = c.eat();
return Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>(new BlobStoreEndpoint(host.toString(), service.toString(), key.toString(), secret.toString(), knobs));
} catch(std::string &err) {
if(error != nullptr)
*error = err;
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "BlobStoreEndpointBadURL").detail("Description", err).detail("Format", getURLFormat()).detail("URL", url).suppressFor(60, true);
throw backup_invalid_url();
std::string BlobStoreEndpoint::getResourceURL(std::string resource) {
std::string hostPort = host;
if(!service.empty()) {
// If secret isn't being looked up from credentials files then it was passed explicitly in th URL so show it here.
std::string s;
s = std::string(":") + secret;
std::string r = format("blobstore://%s%s@%s/%s", key.c_str(), s.c_str(), hostPort.c_str(), resource.c_str());
std::string p = knobs.getURLParameters();
return r;
ACTOR Future<bool> objectExists_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> b, std::string bucket, std::string object) {
std::string resource = std::string("/") + bucket + "/" + object;
HTTP::Headers headers;
Reference<HTTP::Response> r = wait(b->doRequest("HEAD", resource, headers, NULL, 0, {200, 404}));
return r->code == 200;
Future<bool> BlobStoreEndpoint::objectExists(std::string const &bucket, std::string const &object) {
return objectExists_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this), bucket, object);
ACTOR Future<Void> deleteObject_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> b, std::string bucket, std::string object) {
std::string resource = std::string("/") + bucket + "/" + object;
HTTP::Headers headers;
Reference<HTTP::Response> r = wait(b->doRequest("DELETE", resource, headers, NULL, 0, {200, 204, 404}));
// 200 means object deleted, 404 means it doesn't exist already, so either success code passed above is fine.
return Void();
Future<Void> BlobStoreEndpoint::deleteObject(std::string const &bucket, std::string const &object) {
return deleteObject_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this), bucket, object);
ACTOR Future<Void> deleteRecursively_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> b, std::string bucket, std::string prefix, int *pNumDeleted) {
state PromiseStream<BlobStoreEndpoint::ListResult> resultStream;
// Start a recursive parallel listing which will send results to resultStream as they are received
state Future<Void> done = b->listBucketStream(bucket, resultStream, prefix, '/', std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
// Wrap done in an actor which will send end_of_stream since listBucketStream() does not (so that many calls can write to the same stream)
done = map(done, [=](Void) {
return Void();
state std::list<Future<Void>> deleteFutures;
try {
loop {
choose {
// Throw if done throws, otherwise don't stop until end_of_stream
when(Void _ = wait(done)) {
done = Never();
when(BlobStoreEndpoint::ListResult list = waitNext(resultStream.getFuture())) {
for(auto &object : list.objects) {
int *pNumDeletedCopy = pNumDeleted; // avoid capture of this
deleteFutures.push_back(map(b->deleteObject(bucket, object.name), [pNumDeletedCopy](Void) -> Void {
if(pNumDeletedCopy != nullptr)
return Void();
// This is just a precaution to avoid having too many outstanding delete actors waiting to run
Void _ = wait(deleteFutures.front());
} catch(Error &e) {
if(e.code() != error_code_end_of_stream)
while(deleteFutures.size() > 0) {
Void _ = wait(deleteFutures.front());
return Void();
Future<Void> BlobStoreEndpoint::deleteRecursively(std::string const &bucket, std::string prefix, int *pNumDeleted) {
return deleteRecursively_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this), bucket, prefix, pNumDeleted);
ACTOR Future<Void> createBucket_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> b, std::string bucket) {
std::string resource = std::string("/") + bucket;
HTTP::Headers headers;
Reference<HTTP::Response> r = wait(b->doRequest("PUT", resource, headers, NULL, 0, {200, 409}));
return Void();
Future<Void> BlobStoreEndpoint::createBucket(std::string const &bucket) {
return createBucket_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this), bucket);
ACTOR Future<int64_t> objectSize_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> b, std::string bucket, std::string object) {
std::string resource = std::string("/") + bucket + "/" + object;
HTTP::Headers headers;
Reference<HTTP::Response> r = wait(b->doRequest("HEAD", resource, headers, NULL, 0, {200, 404}));
if(r->code == 404)
throw file_not_found();
return r->contentLen;
Future<int64_t> BlobStoreEndpoint::objectSize(std::string const &bucket, std::string const &object) {
return objectSize_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this), bucket, object);
// Try to read a file, parse it as JSON, and return the resulting document.
// It will NOT throw if any errors are encountered, it will just return an empty
// JSON object and will log trace events for the errors encountered.
ACTOR Future<Optional<json_spirit::mObject>> tryReadJSONFile(std::string path) {
state std::string content;
// Event type to be logged in the event of an exception
state const char *errorEventType = "BlobCredentialFileError";
try {
state Reference<IAsyncFile> f = wait(IAsyncFileSystem::filesystem()->open(path, IAsyncFile::OPEN_NO_AIO | IAsyncFile::OPEN_READONLY | IAsyncFile::OPEN_UNCACHED, 0));
state int64_t size = wait(f->size());
state Standalone<StringRef> buf = makeString(size);
int r = wait(f->read(mutateString(buf), size, 0));
ASSERT(r == size);
content = buf.toString();
// Any exceptions from hehre forward are parse failures
errorEventType = "BlobCredentialFileParseFailed";
json_spirit::mValue json;
json_spirit::read_string(content, json);
if(json.type() == json_spirit::obj_type)
return json.get_obj();
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "BlobCredentialFileNotJSONObject").detail("File", path).suppressFor(60, true);
} catch(Error &e) {
if(e.code() != error_code_actor_cancelled)
TraceEvent(SevWarn, errorEventType).detail("File", path).error(e).suppressFor(60, true);
return Optional<json_spirit::mObject>();
ACTOR Future<Void> updateSecret_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> b) {
std::vector<std::string> *pFiles = (std::vector<std::string> *)g_network->global(INetwork::enBlobCredentialFiles);
if(pFiles == nullptr)
return Void();
state std::vector<Future<Optional<json_spirit::mObject>>> reads;
for(auto &f : *pFiles)
Void _ = wait(waitForAll(reads));
std::string key = b->key + "@" + b->host;
int invalid = 0;
for(auto &f : reads) {
// If value not present then the credentials file wasn't readable or valid. Continue to check other results.
if(!f.get().present()) {
JSONDoc doc(f.get().get());
if(doc.has("accounts") && doc.last().type() == json_spirit::obj_type) {
JSONDoc accounts(doc.last().get_obj());
if(accounts.has(key, false) && accounts.last().type() == json_spirit::obj_type) {
JSONDoc account(accounts.last());
std::string secret;
// Once we find a matching account, use it.
if(account.tryGet("secret", secret)) {
b->secret = secret;
return Void();
// If any sources were invalid
if(invalid > 0)
throw backup_auth_unreadable();
// All sources were valid but didn't contain the desired info
throw backup_auth_missing();
Future<Void> BlobStoreEndpoint::updateSecret() {
return updateSecret_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this));
ACTOR Future<BlobStoreEndpoint::ReusableConnection> connect_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> b) {
// First try to get a connection from the pool
while(!b->connectionPool.empty()) {
BlobStoreEndpoint::ReusableConnection rconn = b->connectionPool.front();
// If the connection expires in the future then return it
if(rconn.expirationTime > now()) {
.detail("RemoteEndpoint", rconn.conn->getPeerAddress())
.detail("ExpiresIn", rconn.expirationTime - now())
.suppressFor(60, true);
return rconn;
state Reference<IConnection> conn = wait(INetworkConnections::net()->connect(b->host, b->service.empty() ? "https" : b->service, true));
.detail("RemoteEndpoint", conn->getPeerAddress())
.detail("ExpiresIn", b->knobs.max_connection_life)
.suppressFor(60, true);
Void _ = wait(b->updateSecret());
return BlobStoreEndpoint::ReusableConnection({conn, now() + b->knobs.max_connection_life});
Future<BlobStoreEndpoint::ReusableConnection> BlobStoreEndpoint::connect() {
return connect_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this));
void BlobStoreEndpoint::returnConnection(ReusableConnection &rconn) {
// If it expires in the future then add it to the pool in the front
if(rconn.expirationTime > now())
rconn.conn = Reference<IConnection>();
// Do a request, get a Response.
// Request content is provided as UnsentPacketQueue *pContent which will be depleted as bytes are sent but the queue itself must live for the life of this actor
// and be destroyed by the caller
ACTOR Future<Reference<HTTP::Response>> doRequest_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore, std::string verb, std::string resource, HTTP::Headers headers, UnsentPacketQueue *pContent, int contentLen, std::set<unsigned int> successCodes) {
state UnsentPacketQueue contentCopy;
headers["Content-Length"] = format("%d", contentLen);
headers["Host"] = bstore->host;
Void _ = wait(bstore->concurrentRequests.take());
state FlowLock::Releaser globalReleaser(bstore->concurrentRequests, 1);
state int maxTries = std::min(bstore->knobs.request_tries, bstore->knobs.connect_tries);
state int thisTry = 1;
state double nextRetryDelay = 2.0;
loop {
state Optional<Error> err;
state Optional<NetworkAddress> remoteAddress;
try {
// Start connecting
Future<BlobStoreEndpoint::ReusableConnection> frconn = bstore->connect();
// Make a shallow copy of the queue by calling addref() on each buffer in the chain and then prepending that chain to contentCopy
if(pContent != nullptr) {
PacketBuffer *pFirst = pContent->getUnsent();
PacketBuffer *pLast = nullptr;
for(PacketBuffer *p = pFirst; p != nullptr; p = p->nextPacketBuffer()) {
// Also reset the sent count on each buffer
p->bytes_sent = 0;
pLast = p;
contentCopy.prependWriteBuffer(pFirst, pLast);
// Finish connecting, do request
state BlobStoreEndpoint::ReusableConnection rconn = wait(timeoutError(frconn, bstore->knobs.connect_timeout));
// Finish/update the request headers (which includes Date header)
// This must be done AFTER the connection is ready because if credentials are coming from disk they are refreshed
// when a new connection is established and setAuthHeaders() would need the updated secret.
bstore->setAuthHeaders(verb, resource, headers);
remoteAddress = rconn.conn->getPeerAddress();
Void _ = wait(bstore->requestRate->getAllowance(1));
state Reference<HTTP::Response> r = wait(timeoutError(HTTP::doRequest(rconn.conn, verb, resource, headers, &contentCopy, contentLen, bstore->sendRate, &bstore->s_stats.bytes_sent, bstore->recvRate), bstore->knobs.request_timeout));
// Since the response was parsed successfully (which is why we are here) reuse the connection unless we received the "Connection: close" header.
if(r->headers["Connection"] != "close")
} catch(Error &e) {
if(e.code() == error_code_actor_cancelled)
err = e;
// If err is not present then r is valid.
// If r->code is in successCodes then record the successful request and return r.
if(!err.present() && successCodes.count(r->code) != 0) {
return r;
// Otherwise, this request is considered failed. Update failure count.
// All errors in err are potentially retryable as well as certain HTTP response codes...
bool retryable = err.present() || r->code == 500 || r->code == 502 || r->code == 503 || r->code == 429;
// But only if our previous attempt was not the last allowable try.
retryable = retryable && (thisTry < maxTries);
TraceEvent event(SevWarn, retryable ? "BlobStoreEndpointRequestFailedRetryable" : "BlobStoreEndpointRequestFailed");
event.detail("RemoteEndpoint", remoteAddress.get());
event.detail("RemoteHost", bstore->host);
event.detail("Verb", verb)
.detail("Resource", resource)
.detail("ThisTry", thisTry)
.suppressFor(60, true);
// If r is not valid or not code 429 then increment the try count. 429's will not count against the attempt limit.
if(!r || r->code != 429)
// We will wait delay seconds before the next retry, start with nextRetryDelay.
double delay = nextRetryDelay;
// Double but limit the *next* nextRetryDelay.
nextRetryDelay = std::min(nextRetryDelay * 2, 60.0);
// Attach err to trace event if present, otherwise extract some stuff from the response
else {
event.detail("ResponseCode", r->code);
if(retryable) {
// If r is valid then obey the Retry-After response header if present.
if(r) {
auto iRetryAfter = r->headers.find("Retry-After");
if(iRetryAfter != r->headers.end()) {
event.detail("RetryAfterHeader", iRetryAfter->second);
char *pEnd;
double retryAfter = strtod(iRetryAfter->second.c_str(), &pEnd);
if(*pEnd) // If there were other characters then don't trust the parsed value, use a probably safe value of 5 minutes.
retryAfter = 300;
// Update delay
delay = std::max(delay, retryAfter);
// Log the delay then wait.
event.detail("RetryDelay", delay);
Void _ = wait(::delay(delay));
else {
// We can't retry, so throw something.
// This error code means the authentication header was not accepted, likely the account or key is wrong.
if(r && r->code == 406)
throw http_not_accepted();
if(r && r->code == 401)
throw http_auth_failed();
throw http_request_failed();
Future<Reference<HTTP::Response>> BlobStoreEndpoint::doRequest(std::string const &verb, std::string const &resource, const HTTP::Headers &headers, UnsentPacketQueue *pContent, int contentLen, std::set<unsigned int> successCodes) {
return doRequest_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this), verb, resource, headers, pContent, contentLen, successCodes);
ACTOR Future<Void> listBucketStream_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore, std::string bucket, PromiseStream<BlobStoreEndpoint::ListResult> results, Optional<std::string> prefix, Optional<char> delimiter, int maxDepth, std::function<bool(std::string const &)> recurseFilter) {
// Request 1000 keys at a time, the maximum allowed
state std::string resource = "/";
resource.append("&delimiter=").append(HTTP::urlEncode(std::string(1, delimiter.get())));
state std::string lastFile;
state bool more = true;
state std::vector<Future<Void>> subLists;
while(more) {
Void _ = wait(bstore->concurrentLists.take());
state FlowLock::Releaser listReleaser(bstore->concurrentLists, 1);
HTTP::Headers headers;
state std::string fullResource = resource + HTTP::urlEncode(lastFile);
Reference<HTTP::Response> r = wait(bstore->doRequest("GET", fullResource, headers, NULL, 0, {200}));
try {
BlobStoreEndpoint::ListResult result;
// Parse the json assuming it is valid and contains the right stuff. If any exceptions are thrown, throw http_bad_response
json_spirit::mValue json;
json_spirit::read_string(r->content, json);
JSONDoc doc(json);
std::string isTruncated;
if (!doc.tryGet("truncated", more)) {
doc.get("ListBucketResult.IsTruncated", isTruncated);
more = isTruncated == "false" ? false : true;
if (doc.has("results")) {
for (auto &jsonObject : doc.at("results").get_array()) {
JSONDoc objectDoc(jsonObject);
BlobStoreEndpoint::ObjectInfo object;
objectDoc.get("size", object.size);
objectDoc.get("key", object.name);
if(doc.has("ListBucketResult.Contents")) {
if (doc.at("ListBucketResult.Contents").type() == json_spirit::array_type) {
for (auto &jsonObject : doc.at("ListBucketResult.Contents").get_array()) {
JSONDoc objectDoc(jsonObject);
BlobStoreEndpoint::ObjectInfo object;
std::string sizeVal;
objectDoc.get("Size", sizeVal);
object.size = strtoll(sizeVal.c_str(), NULL, 10);
objectDoc.get("Key", object.name);
else {
auto jsonObject = doc.at("ListBucketResult.Contents");
JSONDoc objectDoc(jsonObject);
BlobStoreEndpoint::ObjectInfo object;
std::string sizeVal;
objectDoc.get("Size", sizeVal);
object.size = strtoll(sizeVal.c_str(), NULL, 10);
objectDoc.get("Key", object.name);
if(doc.has("CommonPrefixes")) {
for(auto &jsonObject : doc.at("CommonPrefixes").get_array()) {
JSONDoc objectDoc(jsonObject);
std::string p;
objectDoc.get("Prefix", p);
// If recursing, queue a sub-request, otherwise add the common prefix to the result.
if(maxDepth > 0) {
// If there is no recurse filter or the filter returns true then start listing the subfolder
if(!recurseFilter || recurseFilter(p))
subLists.push_back(bstore->listBucketStream(bucket, results, p, delimiter, maxDepth - 1, recurseFilter));
lastFile = std::move(p);
if(more) {
// lastFile will be the last commonprefix for which a sublist was started, if any
if(!result.objects.empty() && lastFile < result.objects.back().name)
lastFile = result.objects.back().name;
if(!result.commonPrefixes.empty() && lastFile < result.commonPrefixes.back())
lastFile = result.commonPrefixes.back();
if(lastFile.empty()) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "BlobStoreEndpointListNoNextMarker").detail("Resource", fullResource).suppressFor(60, true);
throw backup_error();
} catch(Error &e) {
if(e.code() != error_code_actor_cancelled)
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "BlobStoreEndpointListResultParseError").detail("Resource", fullResource).error(e).suppressFor(60, true);
throw http_bad_response();
Void _ = wait(waitForAll(subLists));
return Void();
Future<Void> BlobStoreEndpoint::listBucketStream(std::string const &bucket, PromiseStream<ListResult> results, Optional<std::string> prefix, Optional<char> delimiter, int maxDepth, std::function<bool(std::string const &)> recurseFilter) {
return listBucketStream_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this), bucket, results, prefix, delimiter, maxDepth, recurseFilter);
ACTOR Future<BlobStoreEndpoint::ListResult> listBucket_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore, std::string bucket, Optional<std::string> prefix, Optional<char> delimiter, int maxDepth, std::function<bool(std::string const &)> recurseFilter) {
state BlobStoreEndpoint::ListResult results;
state PromiseStream<BlobStoreEndpoint::ListResult> resultStream;
state Future<Void> done = bstore->listBucketStream(bucket, resultStream, prefix, delimiter, maxDepth, recurseFilter);
// Wrap done in an actor which sends end_of_stream because list does not so that many lists can write to the same stream
done = map(done, [=](Void) {
return Void();
try {
loop {
choose {
// Throw if done throws, otherwise don't stop until end_of_stream
when(Void _ = wait(done)) {
done = Never();
when(BlobStoreEndpoint::ListResult info = waitNext(resultStream.getFuture())) {
results.commonPrefixes.insert(results.commonPrefixes.end(), info.commonPrefixes.begin(), info.commonPrefixes.end());
results.objects.insert(results.objects.end(), info.objects.begin(), info.objects.end());
} catch(Error &e) {
if(e.code() != error_code_end_of_stream)
return results;
Future<BlobStoreEndpoint::ListResult> BlobStoreEndpoint::listBucket(std::string const &bucket, Optional<std::string> prefix, Optional<char> delimiter, int maxDepth, std::function<bool(std::string const &)> recurseFilter) {
return listBucket_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this), bucket, prefix, delimiter, maxDepth, recurseFilter);
std::string BlobStoreEndpoint::hmac_sha1(std::string const &msg) {
std::string key = secret;
// First pad the key to 64 bytes.
key.append(64 - key.size(), '\0');
std::string kipad = key;
for(int i = 0; i < 64; ++i)
kipad[i] ^= '\x36';
std::string kopad = key;
for(int i = 0; i < 64; ++i)
kopad[i] ^= '\x5c';
std::string hkipad = SHA1::from_string(kipad);
return SHA1::from_string(kopad);
void BlobStoreEndpoint::setAuthHeaders(std::string const &verb, std::string const &resource, HTTP::Headers& headers) {
time_t ts;
std::string &date = headers["Date"];
date = std::string(asctime(gmtime(&ts)), 24) + " GMT"; // asctime() returns a 24 character string plus a \n and null terminator.
std::string msg;
StringRef x;
auto contentMD5 = headers.find("Content-MD5");
if(contentMD5 != headers.end())
auto contentType = headers.find("Content-Type");
if(contentType != headers.end())
for(auto h : headers) {
StringRef name = h.first;
if(name.startsWith(LiteralStringRef("x-amz")) ||
name.startsWith(LiteralStringRef("x-icloud"))) {
if(verb == "GET") {
size_t q = resource.find_last_of('?');
if(q != resource.npos)
msg.resize(msg.size() - (resource.size() - q));
std::string sig = base64::encoder::from_string(hmac_sha1(msg));
// base64 encoded blocks end in \n so remove it.
sig.resize(sig.size() - 1);
std::string auth = "AWS ";
headers["Authorization"] = auth;
ACTOR Future<std::string> readEntireFile_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore, std::string bucket, std::string object) {
std::string resource = std::string("/") + bucket + "/" + object;
HTTP::Headers headers;
Reference<HTTP::Response> r = wait(bstore->doRequest("GET", resource, headers, NULL, 0, {200, 404}));
if(r->code == 404)
throw file_not_found();
return r->content;
Future<std::string> BlobStoreEndpoint::readEntireFile(std::string const &bucket, std::string const &object) {
return readEntireFile_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this), bucket, object);
ACTOR Future<Void> writeEntireFileFromBuffer_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore, std::string bucket, std::string object, UnsentPacketQueue *pContent, int contentLen, std::string contentMD5) {
if(contentLen > bstore->knobs.multipart_max_part_size)
throw file_too_large();
Void _ = wait(bstore->concurrentUploads.take());
state FlowLock::Releaser uploadReleaser(bstore->concurrentUploads, 1);
std::string resource = std::string("/") + bucket + "/" + object;
HTTP::Headers headers;
// Send MD5 sum for content so blobstore can verify it
headers["Content-MD5"] = contentMD5;
state Reference<HTTP::Response> r = wait(bstore->doRequest("PUT", resource, headers, pContent, contentLen, {200}));
// For uploads, Blobstore returns an MD5 sum of uploaded content so check it.
if (!r->verifyMD5(false, contentMD5))
throw checksum_failed();
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> writeEntireFile_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore, std::string bucket, std::string object, std::string content) {
state UnsentPacketQueue packets;
PacketWriter pw(packets.getWriteBuffer(), NULL, Unversioned());
if(content.size() > bstore->knobs.multipart_max_part_size)
throw file_too_large();
// Yield because we may have just had to copy several MB's into packet buffer chain and next we have to calculate an MD5 sum of it.
// TODO: If this actor is used to send large files then combine the summing and packetization into a loop with a yield() every 20k or so.
Void _ = wait(yield());
MD5_CTX sum;
::MD5_Update(&sum, content.data(), content.size());
std::string sumBytes;
::MD5_Final((unsigned char *)sumBytes.data(), &sum);
std::string contentMD5 = base64::encoder::from_string(sumBytes);
contentMD5.resize(contentMD5.size() - 1);
Void _ = wait(writeEntireFileFromBuffer_impl(bstore, bucket, object, &packets, content.size(), contentMD5));
return Void();
Future<Void> BlobStoreEndpoint::writeEntireFile(std::string const &bucket, std::string const &object, std::string const &content) {
return writeEntireFile_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this), bucket, object, content);
Future<Void> BlobStoreEndpoint::writeEntireFileFromBuffer(std::string const &bucket, std::string const &object, UnsentPacketQueue *pContent, int contentLen, std::string const &contentMD5) {
return writeEntireFileFromBuffer_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this), bucket, object, pContent, contentLen, contentMD5);
ACTOR Future<int> readObject_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore, std::string bucket, std::string object, void *data, int length, int64_t offset) {
if(length <= 0)
return 0;
std::string resource = std::string("/") + bucket + "/" + object;
HTTP::Headers headers;
headers["Range"] = format("bytes=%lld-%lld", offset, offset + length - 1);
Reference<HTTP::Response> r = wait(bstore->doRequest("GET", resource, headers, NULL, 0, {200, 206, 404}));
if(r->code == 404)
throw file_not_found();
if(r->contentLen != r->content.size()) // Double check that this wasn't a header-only response, probably unnecessary
throw io_error();
// Copy the output bytes, server could have sent more or less bytes than requested so copy at most length bytes
memcpy(data, r->content.data(), std::min<int64_t>(r->contentLen, length));
return r->contentLen;
Future<int> BlobStoreEndpoint::readObject(std::string const &bucket, std::string const &object, void *data, int length, int64_t offset) {
return readObject_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this), bucket, object, data, length, offset);
ACTOR static Future<std::string> beginMultiPartUpload_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore, std::string bucket, std::string object) {
std::string resource = std::string("/") + bucket + "/" + object + "?uploads";
HTTP::Headers headers;
Reference<HTTP::Response> r = wait(bstore->doRequest("POST", resource, headers, NULL, 0, {200}));
int start = r->content.find("<UploadId>");
if(start == std::string::npos)
throw http_bad_response();
start += 10;
int end = r->content.find("</UploadId>", start);
if(end == std::string::npos)
throw http_bad_response();
return r->content.substr(start, end - start);
Future<std::string> BlobStoreEndpoint::beginMultiPartUpload(std::string const &bucket, std::string const &object) {
return beginMultiPartUpload_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this), bucket, object);
ACTOR Future<std::string> uploadPart_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore, std::string bucket, std::string object, std::string uploadID, unsigned int partNumber, UnsentPacketQueue *pContent, int contentLen, std::string contentMD5) {
Void _ = wait(bstore->concurrentUploads.take());
state FlowLock::Releaser uploadReleaser(bstore->concurrentUploads, 1);
std::string resource = format("/%s/%s?partNumber=%d&uploadId=%s", bucket.c_str(), object.c_str(), partNumber, uploadID.c_str());
HTTP::Headers headers;
// Send MD5 sum for content so blobstore can verify it
headers["Content-MD5"] = contentMD5;
state Reference<HTTP::Response> r = wait(bstore->doRequest("PUT", resource, headers, pContent, contentLen, {200}));
// TODO: In the event that the client times out just before the request completes (so the client is unaware) then the next retry
// will see error 400. That could be detected and handled gracefully by retrieving the etag for the successful request.
// For uploads, Blobstore returns an MD5 sum of uploaded content so check it.
if (!r->verifyMD5(false, contentMD5))
throw checksum_failed();
// No etag -> bad response.
std::string etag = r->headers["ETag"];
throw http_bad_response();
return etag;
Future<std::string> BlobStoreEndpoint::uploadPart(std::string const &bucket, std::string const &object, std::string const &uploadID, unsigned int partNumber, UnsentPacketQueue *pContent, int contentLen, std::string const &contentMD5) {
return uploadPart_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this), bucket, object, uploadID, partNumber, pContent, contentLen, contentMD5);
ACTOR Future<Void> finishMultiPartUpload_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore, std::string bucket, std::string object, std::string uploadID, BlobStoreEndpoint::MultiPartSetT parts) {
state UnsentPacketQueue part_list(); // NonCopyable state var so must be declared at top of actor
std::string manifest = "<CompleteMultipartUpload>";
for(auto &p : parts)
manifest += format("<Part><PartNumber>%d</PartNumber><ETag>%s</ETag></Part>\n", p.first, p.second.c_str());
manifest += "</CompleteMultipartUpload>";
std::string resource = format("/%s/%s?uploadId=%s", bucket.c_str(), object.c_str(), uploadID.c_str());
HTTP::Headers headers;
PacketWriter pw(part_list.getWriteBuffer(), NULL, Unversioned());
Reference<HTTP::Response> r = wait(bstore->doRequest("POST", resource, headers, &part_list, manifest.size(), {200}));
// TODO: In the event that the client times out just before the request completes (so the client is unaware) then the next retry
// will see error 400. That could be detected and handled gracefully by HEAD'ing the object before upload to get its (possibly
// nonexistent) eTag, then if an error 400 is seen then retrieve the eTag again and if it has changed then consider the finish complete.
return Void();
Future<Void> BlobStoreEndpoint::finishMultiPartUpload(std::string const &bucket, std::string const &object, std::string const &uploadID, MultiPartSetT const &parts) {
return finishMultiPartUpload_impl(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint>::addRef(this), bucket, object, uploadID, parts);