566 lines
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566 lines
21 KiB
* BlobManifest.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "fdbclient/BackupContainer.h"
#include "fdbclient/BlobGranuleCommon.h"
#include "fdbclient/ClientBooleanParams.h"
#include "fdbserver/Knobs.h"
#include "flow/FastRef.h"
#include "flow/Trace.h"
#include "flow/flow.h"
#include "fdbclient/NativeAPI.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/BlobConnectionProvider.h"
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "fdbclient/KeyRangeMap.h"
#include "fdbclient/SystemData.h"
#include "fdbclient/BackupContainerFileSystem.h"
#include "fdbclient/BlobGranuleReader.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/BlobGranuleServerCommon.actor.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // has to be last include
// This module offers routines to dump or load blob manifest file, which is used for full restore from granules
// Default manifest folder on external blob storage
#define MANIFEST_FOLDER "manifest"
template <typename... T>
inline void dprint(fmt::format_string<T...> fmt, T&&... args) {
fmt::print(fmt, std::forward<T>(args)...);
// Defines a manifest file. THe file name includes the epoch of blob manager and a dump sequence number.
struct BlobManifestFile {
std::string fileName;
int64_t epoch{ 0 };
int64_t seqNo{ 0 };
BlobManifestFile(const std::string& path) {
if (sscanf(path.c_str(), MANIFEST_FOLDER "/" MANIFEST_FOLDER ".%" SCNd64 ".%" SCNd64, &epoch, &seqNo) == 2) {
fileName = path;
// Sort in descending order of {epoch, seqNo}
bool operator<(const BlobManifestFile& rhs) const {
return epoch == rhs.epoch ? seqNo > rhs.seqNo : epoch > rhs.epoch;
// List all blob manifest files, sorted in descending order
ACTOR static Future<std::vector<BlobManifestFile>> list(Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> reader) {
std::function<bool(std::string const&)> filter = [=](std::string const& path) {
BlobManifestFile file(path);
return file.epoch > 0 && file.seqNo > 0;
BackupContainerFileSystem::FilesAndSizesT filesAndSizes = wait(reader->listFiles(MANIFEST_FOLDER "/", filter));
std::vector<BlobManifestFile> result;
for (auto& f : filesAndSizes) {
BlobManifestFile file(f.first);
std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
return result;
// Find the last manifest file
ACTOR static Future<std::string> last(Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> reader) {
std::vector<BlobManifestFile> files = wait(list(reader));
return files.front().fileName;
// This class dumps blob manifest to external blob storage.
class BlobManifestDumper : public ReferenceCounted<BlobManifestDumper> {
BlobManifestDumper(Database& db, Reference<BlobConnectionProvider> blobConn, int64_t epoch, int64_t seqNo)
: db_(db), blobConn_(blobConn), epoch_(epoch), seqNo_(seqNo) {}
virtual ~BlobManifestDumper() {}
// Execute the dumper
ACTOR static Future<Void> execute(Reference<BlobManifestDumper> self) {
try {
state Standalone<BlobManifest> manifest;
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> rows = wait(getSystemKeys(self));
if (rows.size() == 0) {
return Void();
manifest.rows = rows;
Value data = encode(manifest);
wait(writeToFile(self, data));
} catch (Error& e) {
dprint("WARNING: unexpected blob manifest dumper error {}\n", e.what()); // skip error handling for now
return Void();
// Return system keys that to be backed up
ACTOR static Future<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>> getSystemKeys(Reference<BlobManifestDumper> self) {
state Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> rows;
state Transaction tr(self->db_);
loop {
try {
state std::vector<KeyRangeRef> ranges = {
blobGranuleMappingKeys, // Map granule to workers. Track the active granules
blobGranuleFileKeys, // Map a granule version to granule files. Track files for a granule
blobGranuleHistoryKeys, // Map granule to its parents and parent bundaries. for time-travel read
blobRangeKeys // Key ranges managed by blob
for (auto range : ranges) {
state GetRangeLimits limits(SERVER_KNOBS->BLOB_MANIFEST_RW_ROWS);
limits.minRows = 0;
state KeySelectorRef begin = firstGreaterOrEqual(range.begin);
state KeySelectorRef end = firstGreaterOrEqual(range.end);
loop {
RangeResult result = wait(tr.getRange(begin, end, limits, Snapshot::True));
for (auto& row : result) {
rows.push_back_deep(rows.arena(), KeyValueRef(row.key, row.value));
if (!result.more) {
if (result.readThrough.present()) {
begin = firstGreaterOrEqual(result.readThrough.get());
} else {
begin = firstGreaterThan(result.end()[-1].key);
return rows;
} catch (Error& e) {
// Write data to blob manifest file
ACTOR static Future<Void> writeToFile(Reference<BlobManifestDumper> self, Value data) {
static int32_t lastWrittenBytes = 0;
if (data.size() == lastWrittenBytes) {
dprint("Skip writting blob manifest with same size {}\n", lastWrittenBytes);
return Void();
lastWrittenBytes = data.size();
state Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> writer;
state std::string fullPath;
std::tie(writer, fullPath) = self->blobConn_->createForWrite(MANIFEST_FOLDER);
state std::string fileName =
format(MANIFEST_FOLDER "/" MANIFEST_FOLDER ".%lld.%lld", self->epoch_, self->seqNo_);
state Reference<IBackupFile> file = wait(writer->writeFile(fileName));
wait(file->append(data.begin(), data.size()));
dprint("Write blob manifest file {} with {} bytes\n", fileName, data.size());
return Void();
// Encode manifest as binary data
static Value encode(BlobManifest& manifest) {
BinaryWriter wr(IncludeVersion(ProtocolVersion::withBlobGranuleFile()));
wr << manifest;
return wr.toValue();
// Remove old manifest file
ACTOR static Future<Void> cleanup(Reference<BlobManifestDumper> self) {
state Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> writer;
state std::string fullPath;
std::tie(writer, fullPath) = self->blobConn_->createForWrite(MANIFEST_FOLDER);
std::vector<BlobManifestFile> files = wait(BlobManifestFile::list(writer));
if (files.size() > sMaxCount_) {
for (auto iter = files.begin() + sMaxCount_; iter < files.end(); ++iter) {
dprint("Delete manifest file {}\n", iter->fileName);
return Void();
Database db_;
Reference<BlobConnectionProvider> blobConn_;
int64_t epoch_; // blob manager epoch
int64_t seqNo_; // manifest seq number
static const int sMaxCount_{ 5 }; // max number of manifest file to keep
// Defines filename, version, size for each granule file that interests full restore
struct GranuleFileVersion {
Version version;
uint8_t fileType;
std::string filename;
int64_t sizeInBytes;
// This class is to load blob manifest into system key space, which is part of for bare metal restore
class BlobManifestLoader : public ReferenceCounted<BlobManifestLoader> {
BlobManifestLoader(Database& db, Reference<BlobConnectionProvider> blobConn) : db_(db), blobConn_(blobConn) {}
virtual ~BlobManifestLoader() {}
// Execute the loader
ACTOR static Future<Void> execute(Reference<BlobManifestLoader> self) {
try {
Value data = wait(readFromFile(self));
state Standalone<BlobManifest> manifest = decode(data);
wait(writeSystemKeys(self, manifest.rows));
BlobGranuleRestoreVersionVector _ = wait(listGranules(self));
} catch (Error& e) {
dprint("WARNING: unexpected manifest loader error {}\n", e.what()); // skip error handling so far
return Void();
// Iterate active granules and return their version/sizes
ACTOR static Future<BlobGranuleRestoreVersionVector> listGranules(Reference<BlobManifestLoader> self) {
state Transaction tr(self->db_);
loop {
state BlobGranuleRestoreVersionVector results;
try {
state Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRef>> blobRanges;
// Read all granules
state GetRangeLimits limits(SERVER_KNOBS->BLOB_MANIFEST_RW_ROWS);
limits.minRows = 0;
state KeySelectorRef begin = firstGreaterOrEqual(blobGranuleMappingKeys.begin);
state KeySelectorRef end = firstGreaterOrEqual(blobGranuleMappingKeys.end);
loop {
RangeResult rows = wait(tr.getRange(begin, end, limits, Snapshot::True));
for (auto& row : rows) {
blobRanges.push_back_deep(blobRanges.arena(), row.key);
if (!rows.more) {
if (rows.readThrough.present()) {
begin = firstGreaterOrEqual(rows.readThrough.get());
} else {
begin = firstGreaterThan(rows.end()[-1].key);
// check each granule range
state int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < blobRanges.size() - 1; i++) {
Key startKey = blobRanges[i].removePrefix(blobGranuleMappingKeys.begin);
Key endKey = blobRanges[i + 1].removePrefix(blobGranuleMappingKeys.begin);
state KeyRange granuleRange = KeyRangeRef(startKey, endKey);
try {
Standalone<BlobGranuleRestoreVersion> granule = wait(getGranule(&tr, granuleRange));
results.push_back_deep(results.arena(), granule);
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_restore_missing_data) {
dprint("missing data for key range {} \n", granuleRange.toString());
TraceEvent("BlobRestoreMissingData").detail("KeyRange", granuleRange.toString());
} else {
return results;
} catch (Error& e) {
// Print out a summary for blob granules
ACTOR static Future<Void> print(Reference<BlobManifestLoader> self) {
state BlobGranuleRestoreVersionVector granules = wait(listGranules(self));
for (auto granule : granules) {
wait(checkGranuleFiles(self, granule));
return Void();
// Return max epoch from all manifest files
ACTOR static Future<int64_t> lastBlobEpoc(Reference<BlobManifestLoader> self) {
state Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> container = self->blobConn_->getForRead(MANIFEST_FOLDER);
std::vector<BlobManifestFile> files = wait(BlobManifestFile::list(container));
return files.front().epoch;
// Read data from a manifest file
ACTOR static Future<Value> readFromFile(Reference<BlobManifestLoader> self) {
state Reference<BackupContainerFileSystem> container = self->blobConn_->getForRead(MANIFEST_FOLDER);
std::string fileName = wait(BlobManifestFile::last(container));
state Reference<IAsyncFile> reader = wait(container->readFile(fileName));
state int64_t fileSize = wait(reader->size());
state Arena arena;
state uint8_t* data = new (arena) uint8_t[fileSize];
int readSize = wait(reader->read(data, fileSize, 0));
dprint("Blob manifest restoring {} bytes\n", readSize);
StringRef ref = StringRef(data, readSize);
return Value(ref, arena);
// Decode blob manifest from binary data
static Standalone<BlobManifest> decode(Value data) {
Standalone<BlobManifest> manifest;
BinaryReader binaryReader(data, IncludeVersion());
binaryReader >> manifest;
return manifest;
// Write system keys to database
ACTOR static Future<Void> writeSystemKeys(Reference<BlobManifestLoader> self, VectorRef<KeyValueRef> rows) {
state int start = 0;
state int end = 0;
for (start = 0; start < rows.size(); start = end) {
end = std::min(start + SERVER_KNOBS->BLOB_MANIFEST_RW_ROWS, rows.size());
wait(writeSystemKeys(self, rows, start, end));
return Void();
// Write system keys from start index to end(exclusive), so that we don't exceed the limit of transaction limit
ACTOR static Future<Void> writeSystemKeys(Reference<BlobManifestLoader> self,
VectorRef<KeyValueRef> rows,
int start,
int end) {
state Transaction tr(self->db_);
loop {
try {
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
tr.set(rows[i].key, rows[i].value);
dprint("Blob manifest loaded rows from {} to {}\n", start, end);
TraceEvent("BlobManifestLoader").detail("RowStart", start).detail("RowEnd", end);
return Void();
} catch (Error& e) {
// Find the newest granule for a key range. The newest granule has the max version and relevant files
ACTOR static Future<Standalone<BlobGranuleRestoreVersion>> getGranule(Transaction* tr, KeyRangeRef range) {
state Standalone<BlobGranuleRestoreVersion> granuleVersion;
KeyRange historyKeyRange = blobGranuleHistoryKeyRangeFor(range);
// reverse lookup so that the first row is the newest version
state RangeResult results =
wait(tr->getRange(historyKeyRange, GetRangeLimits::BYTE_LIMIT_UNLIMITED, Snapshot::True, Reverse::True));
for (KeyValueRef row : results) {
state KeyRange keyRange;
state Version version;
std::tie(keyRange, version) = decodeBlobGranuleHistoryKey(row.key);
Standalone<BlobGranuleHistoryValue> historyValue = decodeBlobGranuleHistoryValue(row.value);
state UID granuleID = historyValue.granuleID;
std::vector<GranuleFileVersion> files = wait(listGranuleFiles(tr, granuleID));
if (files.empty()) {
dprint("Granule {} doesn't have files for version {}\n", granuleID.toString(), version);
continue; // check previous version
granuleVersion.keyRange = KeyRangeRef(granuleVersion.arena(), keyRange);
granuleVersion.granuleID = granuleID;
granuleVersion.version = files.back().version;
granuleVersion.sizeInBytes = granuleSizeInBytes(files);
dprint("Granule {}: \n", granuleVersion.granuleID.toString());
dprint(" {} {} {}\n", keyRange.toString(), granuleVersion.version, granuleVersion.sizeInBytes);
for (auto& file : files) {
dprint(" File {}: {} bytes\n", file.filename, file.sizeInBytes);
return granuleVersion;
throw restore_missing_data(); // todo a better error code
// Return sum of last snapshot file size and delta files afterwards
static int64_t granuleSizeInBytes(std::vector<GranuleFileVersion> files) {
int64_t totalSize = 0;
for (auto it = files.rbegin(); it < files.rend(); ++it) {
totalSize += it->sizeInBytes;
if (it->fileType == BG_FILE_TYPE_SNAPSHOT)
return totalSize;
// List all files for given granule
ACTOR static Future<std::vector<GranuleFileVersion>> listGranuleFiles(Transaction* tr, UID granuleID) {
state std::vector<GranuleFileVersion> files;
state KeyRange fileKeyRange = blobGranuleFileKeyRangeFor(granuleID);
state GetRangeLimits limits(SERVER_KNOBS->BLOB_MANIFEST_RW_ROWS);
limits.minRows = 0;
state KeySelectorRef begin = firstGreaterOrEqual(fileKeyRange.begin);
state KeySelectorRef end = firstGreaterOrEqual(fileKeyRange.end);
loop {
RangeResult results = wait(tr->getRange(begin, end, limits, Snapshot::True));
for (auto& row : results) {
UID gid;
Version version;
uint8_t fileType;
Standalone<StringRef> filename;
int64_t offset;
int64_t length;
int64_t fullFileLength;
Optional<BlobGranuleCipherKeysMeta> cipherKeysMeta;
std::tie(gid, version, fileType) = decodeBlobGranuleFileKey(row.key);
std::tie(filename, offset, length, fullFileLength, cipherKeysMeta) =
GranuleFileVersion vs = { version, fileType, filename.toString(), length };
if (!results.more) {
if (results.readThrough.present()) {
begin = firstGreaterOrEqual(results.readThrough.get());
} else {
begin = firstGreaterThan(results.end()[-1].key);
return files;
// Read data from granules and print out summary
ACTOR static Future<Void> checkGranuleFiles(Reference<BlobManifestLoader> self, BlobGranuleRestoreVersion granule) {
state KeyRangeRef range = granule.keyRange;
state Version readVersion = granule.version;
state Transaction tr(self->db_);
loop {
try {
state Standalone<VectorRef<BlobGranuleChunkRef>> chunks =
wait(tr.readBlobGranules(range, 0, readVersion));
state int count = 0;
for (const BlobGranuleChunkRef& chunk : chunks) {
RangeResult rows = wait(readBlobGranule(chunk, range, 0, readVersion, self->blobConn_));
count += rows.size();
dprint("Restorable blob granule {} @ {}\n", granule.granuleID.toString(), readVersion);
dprint(" Range: {}\n", range.toString());
dprint(" Keys : {}\n", count);
dprint(" Size : {} bytes\n", granule.sizeInBytes);
return Void();
} catch (Error& e) {
Database db_;
Reference<BlobConnectionProvider> blobConn_;
// API to dump a manifest copy to external storage
ACTOR Future<Void> dumpManifest(Database db, Reference<BlobConnectionProvider> blobConn, int64_t epoch, int64_t seqNo) {
Reference<BlobManifestDumper> dumper = makeReference<BlobManifestDumper>(db, blobConn, epoch, seqNo);
return Void();
// API to load manifest from external blob storage
ACTOR Future<Void> loadManifest(Database db, Reference<BlobConnectionProvider> blobConn) {
Reference<BlobManifestLoader> loader = makeReference<BlobManifestLoader>(db, blobConn);
return Void();
// API to print summary for restorable granules
ACTOR Future<Void> printRestoreSummary(Database db, Reference<BlobConnectionProvider> blobConn) {
Reference<BlobManifestLoader> loader = makeReference<BlobManifestLoader>(db, blobConn);
return Void();
// API to list blob granules
ACTOR Future<BlobGranuleRestoreVersionVector> listBlobGranules(Database db,
Reference<BlobConnectionProvider> blobConn) {
Reference<BlobManifestLoader> loader = makeReference<BlobManifestLoader>(db, blobConn);
BlobGranuleRestoreVersionVector result = wait(BlobManifestLoader::listGranules(loader));
return result;
// API to get max blob manager epoc from manifest files
ACTOR Future<int64_t> lastBlobEpoc(Database db, Reference<BlobConnectionProvider> blobConn) {
Reference<BlobManifestLoader> loader = makeReference<BlobManifestLoader>(db, blobConn);
int64_t epoc = wait(BlobManifestLoader::lastBlobEpoc(loader));
return epoc;
// Return true if the given key range is restoring
ACTOR Future<bool> isFullRestoreMode(Database db, KeyRangeRef keys) {
state Transaction tr(db);
loop {
try {
state GetRangeLimits limits(SERVER_KNOBS->BLOB_MANIFEST_RW_ROWS);
limits.minRows = 0;
state KeySelectorRef begin = firstGreaterOrEqual(blobRestoreCommandKeys.begin);
state KeySelectorRef end = firstGreaterOrEqual(blobRestoreCommandKeys.end);
loop {
RangeResult ranges = wait(tr.getRange(begin, end, limits, Snapshot::True));
for (auto& r : ranges) {
KeyRange keyRange = decodeBlobRestoreCommandKeyFor(r.key);
if (keyRange.contains(keys)) {
Standalone<BlobRestoreStatus> status = decodeBlobRestoreStatus(r.value);
return status.progress < 100; // progress is less than 100
if (!ranges.more) {
if (ranges.readThrough.present()) {
begin = firstGreaterOrEqual(ranges.readThrough.get());
} else {
begin = firstGreaterThan(ranges.end()[-1].key);
return false;
} catch (Error& e) {