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* IAsyncFile.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#pragma once
#include <ctime>
#include "flow/flow.h"
#include "fdbrpc/IRateControl.h"
// All outstanding operations must be cancelled before the destructor of IAsyncFile is called.
// The desirability of the above semantic is disputed. Some classes (AsyncFileS3BlobStore,
// AsyncFileCached) maintain references, while others (AsyncFileNonDurable) don't, and the comment
// is unapplicable to some others as well (AsyncFileKAIO). It's safest to assume that all operations
// must complete or cancel, but you should probably look at the file implementations you'll be using.
class IAsyncFile {
virtual ~IAsyncFile();
// Pass these to g_network->open to get an IAsyncFile
enum {
// Implementation relies on the low bits being the same as the SQLite flags (this is validated by a
// static_assert there)
// Further flag values are arbitrary bits
OPEN_UNCACHED = 0x20000,
OPEN_LOCK = 0x40000,
OPEN_ATOMIC_WRITE_AND_CREATE = 0x80000, // A temporary file is opened, and on the first call to sync() it is
// atomically renamed to the given filename
OPEN_LARGE_PAGES = 0x100000,
0x200000, // Don't use AsyncFileKAIO or similar implementations that rely on filesystem support for AIO
OPEN_CACHED_READ_ONLY = 0x400000, // AsyncFileCached opens files read/write even if you specify read only
OPEN_ENCRYPTED = 0x800000 // File is encrypted using AES-128-GCM (must be either read-only or write-only)
virtual void addref() = 0;
virtual void delref() = 0;
// For read() and write(), the data buffer must remain valid until the future is ready
virtual Future<int> read(void* data,
int length,
int64_t offset) = 0; // Returns number of bytes actually read (from [0,length])
virtual Future<Void> write(void const* data, int length, int64_t offset) = 0;
// The zeroed data is not guaranteed to be durable after `zeroRange` returns. A call to sync() would be required.
// This operation holds a reference to the AsyncFile, and does not need to be cancelled before a reference is
// dropped.
virtual Future<Void> zeroRange(int64_t offset, int64_t length);
virtual Future<Void> truncate(int64_t size) = 0;
virtual Future<Void> sync() = 0;
virtual Future<Void> flush() {
return Void();
} // Sends previous writes to the OS if they have been buffered in memory, but does not make them power safe
virtual Future<int64_t> size() const = 0;
virtual std::string getFilename() const = 0;
// Attempt to read the *length bytes at offset without copying. If successful, a pointer to the
// requested bytes is written to *data, and the number of bytes successfully read is
// written to *length. If unsuccessful, *data and *length are undefined.
// readZeroCopy may fail (returning io_error) at any time, even if the requested bytes are readable.
// For example, an implementation of IAsyncFile may not implement readZeroCopy or may implement it
// only in certain cases (e.g. when the requested range does not cross a page boundary). So callers
// should always retry a failed readZeroCopy as a read().
// Once readZeroCopy succeeds, the returned bytes will be pinned in memory until releaseZeroCopy is
// called, so the caller must always ensure that a matching call to releaseZeroCopy takes place.
// Between readZeroCopy and releaseZeroCopy, it is illegal (undefined behavior) to concurrently write
// to an overlapping range of bytes, whether or not using the same IAsyncFile handle.
virtual Future<Void> readZeroCopy(void** data, int* length, int64_t offset) { return io_error(); }
virtual void releaseZeroCopy(void* data, int length, int64_t offset) {}
virtual int64_t debugFD() const = 0;
// Used for rate control, at present, only AsyncFileCached supports it
virtual Reference<IRateControl> const& getRateControl() { throw unsupported_operation(); }
virtual void setRateControl(Reference<IRateControl> const& rc) { throw unsupported_operation(); }
typedef void (*runCycleFuncPtr)();
class IAsyncFileSystem {
// Opens a file for asynchronous I/O
virtual Future<Reference<class IAsyncFile>> open(const std::string& filename, int64_t flags, int64_t mode) = 0;
// Deletes the given file. If mustBeDurable, returns only when the file is guaranteed to be deleted even after a
// power failure.
virtual Future<Void> deleteFile(const std::string& filename, bool mustBeDurable) = 0;
// renames the file, doesn't sync the directory
virtual Future<Void> renameFile(std::string const& from, std::string const& to) = 0;
// Unlinks a file and then deletes it slowly by truncating the file repeatedly.
// If mustBeDurable, returns only when the file is guaranteed to be deleted even after a power failure.
virtual Future<Void> incrementalDeleteFile(const std::string& filename, bool mustBeDurable);
// Returns the time of the last modification of the file.
virtual Future<std::time_t> lastWriteTime(const std::string& filename) = 0;
static IAsyncFileSystem* filesystem() { return filesystem(g_network); }
static runCycleFuncPtr runCycleFunc() {
return reinterpret_cast<runCycleFuncPtr>(
static IAsyncFileSystem* filesystem(INetwork* networkPtr) {
return static_cast<IAsyncFileSystem*>(networkPtr->global(INetwork::enFileSystem));
IAsyncFileSystem() {}
virtual ~IAsyncFileSystem() {} // Please don't try to delete through this interface!