830 lines
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830 lines
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* DataDistributionTracker.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h"
#include "fdbrpc/FailureMonitor.h"
#include "fdbclient/SystemData.h"
#include "DataDistribution.h"
#include "Knobs.h"
#include "fdbclient/DatabaseContext.h"
#include "flow/ActorCollection.h"
enum BandwidthStatus {
BandwidthStatus getBandwidthStatus( StorageMetrics const& metrics ) {
if( metrics.bytesPerKSecond > SERVER_KNOBS->SHARD_MAX_BYTES_PER_KSEC )
return BandwidthStatusHigh;
else if( metrics.bytesPerKSecond < SERVER_KNOBS->SHARD_MIN_BYTES_PER_KSEC )
return BandwidthStatusLow;
return BandwidthStatusNormal;
ACTOR Future<Void> updateMaxShardSize( Standalone<StringRef> dbName, Reference<AsyncVar<int64_t>> dbSizeEstimate, Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<int64_t>>> maxShardSize ) {
state int64_t lastDbSize = 0;
state int64_t granularity = g_network->isSimulated() ?
loop {
auto sizeDelta = std::abs(dbSizeEstimate->get() - lastDbSize);
if( sizeDelta > granularity || !maxShardSize->get().present() ) {
auto v = getMaxShardSize( dbSizeEstimate->get() );
maxShardSize->set( v );
lastDbSize = dbSizeEstimate->get();
Void _ = wait( dbSizeEstimate->onChange() );
struct ShardTrackedData {
Future<Void> trackShard;
Future<Void> trackBytes;
Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<StorageMetrics>>> stats;
struct DataDistributionTracker {
Database cx;
UID masterId;
KeyRangeMap< ShardTrackedData > shards;
ActorCollection sizeChanges;
Reference<AsyncVar<int64_t>> dbSizeEstimate;
Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<int64_t>>> maxShardSize;
Future<Void> maxShardSizeUpdater;
// CapacityTracker
PromiseStream<RelocateShard> output;
Promise<Void> readyToStart;
Reference<AsyncVar<bool>> anyZeroHealthyTeams;
DataDistributionTracker(Database cx, UID masterId, Promise<Void> const& readyToStart, PromiseStream<RelocateShard> const& output, Reference<AsyncVar<bool>> anyZeroHealthyTeams)
: cx(cx), masterId( masterId ), dbSizeEstimate( new AsyncVar<int64_t>() ),
maxShardSize( new AsyncVar<Optional<int64_t>>() ),
sizeChanges(false), readyToStart(readyToStart), output( output ), anyZeroHealthyTeams(anyZeroHealthyTeams) {}
//Cancel all actors so they aren't waiting on sizeChanged broken promise
shards.insert( allKeys, ShardTrackedData() );
void restartShardTrackers(
DataDistributionTracker* self,
KeyRangeRef keys,
Optional<StorageMetrics> startingSize = Optional<StorageMetrics>());
// Gets the permitted size and IO bounds for a shard. A shard that starts at allKeys.begin
// (i.e. '') will have a permitted size of 0, since the database can contain no data.
ShardSizeBounds getShardSizeBounds(KeyRangeRef shard, int64_t maxShardSize) {
ShardSizeBounds bounds;
if(shard.begin >= keyServersKeys.begin) {
} else {
bounds.max.bytes = maxShardSize;
bounds.max.bytesPerKSecond = bounds.max.infinity;
bounds.max.iosPerKSecond = bounds.max.infinity;
//The first shard can have arbitrarily small size
if(shard.begin == allKeys.begin) {
bounds.min.bytes = 0;
} else {
bounds.min.bytes = maxShardSize / SERVER_KNOBS->SHARD_BYTES_RATIO;
bounds.min.bytesPerKSecond = 0;
bounds.min.iosPerKSecond = 0;
//The permitted error is 1/3 of the general-case minimum bytes (even in the special case where this is the last shard)
bounds.permittedError.bytes = bounds.max.bytes / SERVER_KNOBS->SHARD_BYTES_RATIO / 3;
bounds.permittedError.bytesPerKSecond = bounds.permittedError.infinity;
bounds.permittedError.iosPerKSecond = bounds.permittedError.infinity;
return bounds;
int64_t getMaxShardSize( double dbSizeEstimate ) {
ACTOR Future<Void> trackShardBytes(
DataDistributionTracker* self,
KeyRange keys,
Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<StorageMetrics>>> shardSize,
UID trackerID,
bool addToSizeEstimate = true)
state Transaction tr(self->cx);
Void _ = wait( delay( 0, TaskDataDistribution ) );
.detail("TrackerID", trackerID)
.detail("Keys", printable(keys))
.detail("TrackedBytesInitiallyPresent", shardSize->get().present())
.detail("StartingSize", shardSize->get().present() ? shardSize->get().get().metrics.bytes : 0)
.detail("StartingMerges", shardSize->get().present() ? shardSize->get().get().merges : 0);*/
try {
loop {
try {
state ShardSizeBounds bounds;
if( shardSize->get().present() ) {
auto bytes = shardSize->get().get().bytes;
auto bandwidthStatus = getBandwidthStatus( shardSize->get().get() );
bounds.max.bytes = std::max( int64_t(bytes * 1.1), (int64_t)SERVER_KNOBS->MIN_SHARD_BYTES );
bounds.min.bytes = std::min( int64_t(bytes * 0.9), std::max(int64_t(bytes - (SERVER_KNOBS->MIN_SHARD_BYTES * 0.1)), (int64_t)0) );
bounds.permittedError.bytes = bytes * 0.1;
if( bandwidthStatus == BandwidthStatusNormal ) { // Not high or low
bounds.max.bytesPerKSecond = SERVER_KNOBS->SHARD_MAX_BYTES_PER_KSEC;
bounds.min.bytesPerKSecond = SERVER_KNOBS->SHARD_MIN_BYTES_PER_KSEC;
bounds.permittedError.bytesPerKSecond = bounds.min.bytesPerKSecond / 4;
} else if( bandwidthStatus == BandwidthStatusHigh ) { // > 10MB/sec for 100MB shard, proportionally lower for smaller shard, > 200KB/sec no matter what
bounds.max.bytesPerKSecond = bounds.max.infinity;
bounds.min.bytesPerKSecond = SERVER_KNOBS->SHARD_MAX_BYTES_PER_KSEC;
bounds.permittedError.bytesPerKSecond = bounds.min.bytesPerKSecond / 4;
} else if( bandwidthStatus == BandwidthStatusLow ) { // < 10KB/sec
bounds.max.bytesPerKSecond = SERVER_KNOBS->SHARD_MIN_BYTES_PER_KSEC;
bounds.min.bytesPerKSecond = 0;
bounds.permittedError.bytesPerKSecond = bounds.max.bytesPerKSecond / 4;
} else
ASSERT( false );
} else {
bounds.max.bytes = -1;
bounds.min.bytes = -1;
bounds.permittedError.bytes = -1;
bounds.max.bytesPerKSecond = bounds.max.infinity;
bounds.min.bytesPerKSecond = 0;
bounds.permittedError.bytesPerKSecond = bounds.permittedError.infinity;
bounds.max.iosPerKSecond = bounds.max.infinity;
bounds.min.iosPerKSecond = 0;
bounds.permittedError.iosPerKSecond = bounds.permittedError.infinity;
StorageMetrics metrics = wait( tr.waitStorageMetrics( keys, bounds.min, bounds.max, bounds.permittedError, CLIENT_KNOBS->STORAGE_METRICS_SHARD_LIMIT ) );
.detail("Keys", printable(keys))
.detail("UpdatedSize", metrics.metrics.bytes)
.detail("Bandwidth", metrics.metrics.bytesPerKSecond)
.detail("BandwithStatus", getBandwidthStatus(metrics))
.detail("BytesLower", bounds.min.bytes)
.detail("BytesUpper", bounds.max.bytes)
.detail("BandwidthLower", bounds.min.bytesPerKSecond)
.detail("BandwidthUpper", bounds.max.bytesPerKSecond)
.detail("ShardSizePresent", shardSize->get().present())
.detail("OldShardSize", shardSize->get().present() ? shardSize->get().get().metrics.bytes : 0 )
.detail("TrackerID", trackerID);*/
if( shardSize->get().present() && addToSizeEstimate )
self->dbSizeEstimate->set( self->dbSizeEstimate->get() + metrics.bytes - shardSize->get().get().bytes );
shardSize->set( metrics );
} catch( Error &e ) {
//TraceEvent("ShardSizeUpdateError").detail("Begin", printable(keys.begin)).detail("End", printable(keys.end)).detail("TrackerID", trackerID).error(e, true);
Void _ = wait( tr.onError(e) );
} catch( Error &e ) {
if (e.code() != error_code_actor_cancelled)
self->output.sendError(e); // Propagate failure to dataDistributionTracker
throw e;
ACTOR Future<Void> extrapolateShardBytes( Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<int64_t>>> inBytes, Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<int64_t>>> outBytes ) {
state std::deque< std::pair<double,int64_t> > past;
loop {
Void _ = wait( inBytes->onChange() );
if( inBytes->get().present() ) {
past.push_back( std::make_pair(now(),inBytes->get().get()) );
if (past.size() < 2)
outBytes->set( inBytes->get() );
else {
while (past.size() > 1 && past.end()[-1].first - past.begin()[1].first > 1.0)
double rate = std::max(0.0, double(past.end()[-1].second-past.begin()[0].second)/(past.end()[-1].first - past.begin()[0].first));
outBytes->set( inBytes->get().get() + rate * 10.0 );
ACTOR Future<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRef>>> getSplitKeys( DataDistributionTracker* self, KeyRange splitRange, StorageMetrics splitMetrics, StorageMetrics estimated ) {
loop {
state Transaction tr(self->cx);
try {
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRef>> keys = wait( tr.splitStorageMetrics( splitRange, splitMetrics, estimated ) );
return keys;
} catch( Error &e ) {
Void _ = wait( tr.onError(e) );
ACTOR Future<int64_t> getFirstSize( Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<StorageMetrics>>> stats ) {
loop {
return stats->get().get().bytes;
Void _ = wait( stats->onChange() );
ACTOR Future<Void> changeSizes( DataDistributionTracker* self, KeyRangeRef keys, int64_t oldShardsEndingSize ) {
state vector<Future<int64_t>> sizes;
for (auto it : self->shards.intersectingRanges(keys) ) {
sizes.push_back( getFirstSize( it->value().stats ) );
Void _ = wait( waitForAll( sizes ) );
Void _ = wait( yield(TaskDataDistribution) );
int64_t newShardsStartingSize = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < sizes.size(); i++ )
newShardsStartingSize += sizes[i].get();
int64_t totalSizeEstimate = self->dbSizeEstimate->get();
.detail("TotalSizeEstimate", totalSizeEstimate)
.detail("EndSizeOfOldShards", oldShardsEndingSize)
.detail("StartingSizeOfNewShards", newShardsStartingSize);*/
self->dbSizeEstimate->set( totalSizeEstimate + newShardsStartingSize - oldShardsEndingSize );
return Void();
struct HasBeenTrueFor : NonCopyable {
explicit HasBeenTrueFor( double seconds, bool value ) : enough( seconds ), trigger( value ? Void() : Future<Void>() ) {}
Future<Void> set() {
if( !trigger.isValid() ) {
cleared = Promise<Void>();
trigger = delayJittered( enough, TaskDataDistribution - 1 ) || cleared.getFuture();
return trigger;
void clear() {
if( !trigger.isValid() ) {
trigger = Future<Void>();
cleared.send( Void() );
// True if this->value is true and has been true for this->seconds
bool hasBeenTrueForLongEnough() const {
return trigger.isValid() && trigger.isReady();
Future<Void> trigger;
Promise<Void> cleared;
const double enough;
ACTOR Future<Void> shardSplitter(
DataDistributionTracker* self,
UID trackerId,
KeyRange keys,
Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<StorageMetrics>>> shardSize,
ShardSizeBounds shardBounds )
state StorageMetrics metrics = shardSize->get().get();
state BandwidthStatus bandwidthStatus = getBandwidthStatus( shardSize->get().get() );
TEST(true); // shard to be split
StorageMetrics splitMetrics;
splitMetrics.bytes = shardBounds.max.bytes / 2;
splitMetrics.bytesPerKSecond = keys.begin >= keyServersKeys.begin ? splitMetrics.infinity : SERVER_KNOBS->SHARD_SPLIT_BYTES_PER_KSEC;
splitMetrics.iosPerKSecond = splitMetrics.infinity;
state Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRef>> splitKeys = wait( getSplitKeys(self, keys, splitMetrics, metrics ) );
//fprintf(stderr, "split keys:\n");
//for( int i = 0; i < splitKeys.size(); i++ ) {
// fprintf(stderr, " %s\n", printable(splitKeys[i]).c_str());
int numShards = splitKeys.size() - 1;
if( g_random->random01() < 0.01 ) {
TraceEvent("RelocateShardStartSplitx100", self->masterId)
.detail("Begin", printable(keys.begin))
.detail("End", printable(keys.end))
.detail("TrackerID", trackerId)
.detail("MaxBytes", shardBounds.max.bytes)
.detail("MetricsBytes", metrics.bytes)
.detail("Bandwidth", bandwidthStatus == BandwidthStatusHigh ? "High" : bandwidthStatus == BandwidthStatusNormal ? "Normal" : "Low")
.detail("BytesPerKSec", metrics.bytesPerKSecond)
.detail("numShards", numShards);
if( numShards > 1 ) {
int skipRange = g_random->randomInt(0, numShards);
// The queue can't deal with RelocateShard requests which split an existing shard into three pieces, so
// we have to send the unskipped ranges in this order (nibbling in from the edges of the old range)
for( int i = 0; i < skipRange; i++ )
restartShardTrackers( self, KeyRangeRef(splitKeys[i], splitKeys[i+1]) );
restartShardTrackers( self, KeyRangeRef( splitKeys[skipRange], splitKeys[skipRange+1] ) );
for( int i = numShards-1; i > skipRange; i-- )
restartShardTrackers( self, KeyRangeRef(splitKeys[i], splitKeys[i+1]) );
for( int i = 0; i < skipRange; i++ )
self->output.send( RelocateShard( KeyRangeRef(splitKeys[i], splitKeys[i+1]), PRIORITY_SPLIT_SHARD) );
for( int i = numShards-1; i > skipRange; i-- )
self->output.send( RelocateShard( KeyRangeRef(splitKeys[i], splitKeys[i+1]), PRIORITY_SPLIT_SHARD) );
self->sizeChanges.add( changeSizes( self, keys, shardSize->get().get().bytes ) );
} else {
Void _ = wait( delay(1.0, TaskDataDistribution) ); //In case the reason the split point was off was due to a discrepancy between storage servers
return Void();
Future<Void> shardMerger(
DataDistributionTracker* self,
UID trackerId,
KeyRange const& keys,
Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<StorageMetrics>>> shardSize )
int64_t maxShardSize = self->maxShardSize->get().get();
auto prevIter = self->shards.rangeContaining(keys.begin);
auto nextIter = self->shards.rangeContaining(keys.begin);
TEST(true); // shard to be merged
ASSERT( keys.begin > allKeys.begin );
// This will merge shards both before and after "this" shard in keyspace.
int shardsMerged = 1;
bool forwardComplete = false;
KeyRangeRef merged;
StorageMetrics endingStats = shardSize->get().get();
loop {
Optional<StorageMetrics> newMetrics;
if( !forwardComplete ) {
if( nextIter->range().end == allKeys.end ) {
forwardComplete = true;
newMetrics = nextIter->value().stats->get();
// If going forward, give up when the next shard's stats are not yet present.
if( !newMetrics.present() ) {
forwardComplete = true;
} else {
newMetrics = prevIter->value().stats->get();
// If going backward, stop when the stats are not present or if the shard is already over the merge
// bounds. If this check triggers right away (if we have not merged anything) then return a trigger
// on the previous shard changing "size".
if( !newMetrics.present() ) {
if( shardsMerged == 1 ) {
TEST( true ); // shardMerger cannot merge anything
return prevIter->value().stats->onChange();
merged = KeyRangeRef( prevIter->range().begin, nextIter->range().end );
endingStats += newMetrics.get();
auto shardBounds = getShardSizeBounds( merged, maxShardSize );
if( endingStats.bytes >= shardBounds.min.bytes ||
getBandwidthStatus( endingStats ) != BandwidthStatusLow ||
shardsMerged >= SERVER_KNOBS->DD_MERGE_LIMIT ) {
// The merged range is larger than the min bounds se we cannot continue merging in this direction.
// This means that:
// 1. If we were going forwards (the starting direction), we roll back the last speculative merge.
// In this direction we do not want to go above this boundary since we will merge at least one in
// the other direction, even when that goes over the bounds.
// 2. If we were going backwards we always want to merge one more shard on (to make sure we go over
// the shard min bounds) so we "break" without resetting the merged range.
if( forwardComplete )
// If going forward, remove most recently added range
endingStats -= newMetrics.get();
merged = KeyRangeRef( prevIter->range().begin, nextIter->range().end );
forwardComplete = true;
//restarting shard tracker will derefenced values in the shard map, so make a copy
KeyRange mergeRange = merged;
TraceEvent("RelocateShardMergeMetrics", self->masterId)
.detail("OldKeys", printable(keys))
.detail("NewKeys", printable(mergeRange))
.detail("EndingSize", endingStats.bytes)
.detail("BatchedMerges", shardsMerged)
.detail("TrackerID", trackerId);
restartShardTrackers( self, mergeRange, endingStats );
self->output.send( RelocateShard( mergeRange, PRIORITY_MERGE_SHARD ) );
// We are about to be cancelled by the call to restartShardTrackers
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> shardEvaluator(
DataDistributionTracker* self,
KeyRange keys,
Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<StorageMetrics>>> shardSize,
HasBeenTrueFor *wantsToMerge,
UID trackerID)
Future<Void> onChange = shardSize->onChange() || yieldedFuture(self->maxShardSize->onChange());
// There are the bounds inside of which we are happy with the shard size.
// getShardSizeBounds() will allways have shardBounds.min.bytes == 0 for shards that start at allKeys.begin,
// so will will never attempt to merge that shard with the one previous.
ShardSizeBounds shardBounds = getShardSizeBounds(keys, self->maxShardSize->get().get());
StorageMetrics const& stats = shardSize->get().get();
bool shouldSplit = stats.bytes > shardBounds.max.bytes ||
( getBandwidthStatus( stats ) == BandwidthStatusHigh && keys.begin < keyServersKeys.begin );
bool shouldMerge = stats.bytes < shardBounds.min.bytes &&
getBandwidthStatus( stats ) == BandwidthStatusLow;
// Every invocation must set this or clear it
if(shouldMerge && !self->anyZeroHealthyTeams->get()) {
auto whenLongEnough = wantsToMerge->set();
if( !wantsToMerge->hasBeenTrueForLongEnough() ) {
onChange = onChange || whenLongEnough;
} else {
if(shouldMerge) {
onChange = onChange || self->anyZeroHealthyTeams->onChange();
/*TraceEvent("ShardEvaluator", self->masterId)
.detail("TrackerId", trackerID)
.detail("ShouldSplit", shouldSplit)
.detail("ShouldMerge", shouldMerge)
.detail("HasBeenTrueLongEnough", wantsToMerge->hasBeenTrueForLongEnough());*/
if(!self->anyZeroHealthyTeams->get() && wantsToMerge->hasBeenTrueForLongEnough()) {
onChange = onChange || shardMerger( self, trackerID, keys, shardSize );
if( shouldSplit ) {
onChange = onChange || shardSplitter( self, trackerID, keys, shardSize, shardBounds );
Void _ = wait( onChange );
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> shardTracker(
DataDistributionTracker* self,
KeyRange keys,
Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<StorageMetrics>>> shardSize,
UID trackerID )
// Survives multiple calls to shardEvaluator and keeps merges from happening too quickly.
state HasBeenTrueFor wantsToMerge( SERVER_KNOBS->DD_MERGE_COALESCE_DELAY, shardSize->get().present() );
Void _ = wait( yieldedFuture(self->readyToStart.getFuture()) );
if( !shardSize->get().present() )
Void _ = wait( shardSize->onChange() );
if( !self->maxShardSize->get().present() )
Void _ = wait( yieldedFuture(self->maxShardSize->onChange()) );
// Since maxShardSize will become present for all shards at once, avoid slow tasks with a short delay
Void _ = wait( delay( 0, TaskDataDistribution ) );
/*TraceEvent("ShardTracker", self->masterId)
.detail("Begin", printable(keys.begin))
.detail("End", printable(keys.end))
.detail("TrackerID", trackerID)
.detail("MaxBytes", self->maxShardSize->get().get())
.detail("ShardSize", shardSize->get().get().bytes)
.detail("BytesPerKSec", shardSize->get().get().bytesPerKSecond);*/
try {
loop {
// Use the current known size to check for (and start) splits and merges.
Void _ = wait( shardEvaluator( self, keys, shardSize, &wantsToMerge, trackerID ) );
// We could have a lot of actors being released from the previous wait at the same time. Immediately calling
// delay(0) mitigates the resulting SlowTask
Void _ = wait( delay(0, TaskDataDistribution) );
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "ShardTrackerError", self->masterId)
.detail("TrackerID", trackerID)
.detail("Keys", printable(keys))
if (e.code() != error_code_actor_cancelled)
self->output.sendError(e); // Propagate failure to dataDistributionTracker
throw e;
void restartShardTrackers( DataDistributionTracker* self, KeyRangeRef keys, Optional<StorageMetrics> startingSize ) {
auto ranges = self->shards.getAffectedRangesAfterInsertion( keys, ShardTrackedData() );
for(int i=0; i<ranges.size(); i++) {
if( !ranges[i].value.trackShard.isValid() && ranges[i].begin != keys.begin ) {
// When starting, key space will be full of "dummy" default contructed entries.
// This should happen when called from trackInitialShards()
ASSERT( !self->readyToStart.isSet() );
Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<StorageMetrics>>> shardSize( new AsyncVar<Optional<StorageMetrics>>() );
// For the case where the new tracker will take over at the boundaries of current shard(s)
// we can use the old size if it is available. This will be the case when merging shards.
if( startingSize.present() ) {
ASSERT( ranges.size() == 1 );
/*TraceEvent("ShardTrackerSizePreset", self->masterId)
.detail("Keys", printable(keys))
.detail("Size", startingSize.get().metrics.bytes)
.detail("Merges", startingSize.get().merges);*/
TEST( true ); // shardTracker started with trackedBytes already set
shardSize->set( startingSize );
UID trackerID = g_random->randomUniqueID();
ShardTrackedData data;
data.stats = shardSize;
data.trackShard = shardTracker( self, ranges[i], shardSize, trackerID );
data.trackBytes = trackShardBytes( self, keys, shardSize, trackerID );
self->shards.insert( ranges[i], data );
ACTOR Future<Void> trackInitialShards(DataDistributionTracker *self, Reference<InitialDataDistribution> initData)
TraceEvent("TrackInitialShards", self->masterId).detail("InitialShardCount", initData->shards.size());
//This line reduces the priority of shard initialization to prevent interference with failure monitoring.
//SOMEDAY: Figure out what this priority should actually be
Void _ = wait( delay( 0.0, TaskDataDistribution ) );
state int s;
for(s=0; s<initData->shards.size()-1; s++) {
restartShardTrackers( self, KeyRangeRef( initData->shards[s].key, initData->shards[s+1].key ) );
Void _ = wait( yield( TaskDataDistribution ) );
Future<Void> initialSize = changeSizes( self, KeyRangeRef(allKeys.begin, allKeys.end), 0 );
Void _ = wait( initialSize );
self->maxShardSizeUpdater = updateMaxShardSize( self->cx->dbName, self->dbSizeEstimate, self->maxShardSize );
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> fetchShardMetrics_impl( DataDistributionTracker* self, GetMetricsRequest req ) {
try {
loop {
Future<Void> onChange;
StorageMetrics returnMetrics;
for( auto t : self->shards.intersectingRanges( req.keys ) ) {
auto &stats = t.value().stats;
if( !stats->get().present() ) {
onChange = stats->onChange();
returnMetrics += t.value().stats->get().get();
if( !onChange.isValid() ) {
req.reply.send( returnMetrics );
return Void();
Void _ = wait( onChange );
} catch( Error &e ) {
if( e.code() != error_code_actor_cancelled && !req.reply.isSet() )
ACTOR Future<Void> fetchShardMetrics( DataDistributionTracker* self, GetMetricsRequest req ) {
choose {
when( Void _ = wait( fetchShardMetrics_impl( self, req ) ) ) {}
when( Void _ = wait( delay( SERVER_KNOBS->DD_SHARD_METRICS_TIMEOUT ) ) ) {
StorageMetrics largeMetrics;
largeMetrics.bytes = SERVER_KNOBS->MAX_SHARD_BYTES;
req.reply.send( largeMetrics );
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> dataDistributionTracker(
Reference<InitialDataDistribution> initData,
Database cx,
PromiseStream<RelocateShard> output,
PromiseStream<GetMetricsRequest> getShardMetrics,
FutureStream<Promise<int64_t>> getAverageShardBytes,
Promise<Void> readyToStart,
Reference<AsyncVar<bool>> anyZeroHealthyTeams,
UID masterId)
state DataDistributionTracker self(cx, masterId, readyToStart, output, anyZeroHealthyTeams);
state Future<Void> loggingTrigger = Void();
try {
Void _ = wait( trackInitialShards( &self, initData ) );
initData = Reference<InitialDataDistribution>();
loop choose {
when( Promise<int64_t> req = waitNext( getAverageShardBytes ) ) {
req.send( self.maxShardSize->get().get() / 2 );
when( Void _ = wait( loggingTrigger ) ) {
TraceEvent("DDTrackerStats", self.masterId)
.detail("Shards", self.shards.size())
.detail("TotalSizeBytes", self.dbSizeEstimate->get())
.trackLatest( format("%s/DDTrackerStats", printable(cx->dbName).c_str() ).c_str() );
when( GetMetricsRequest req = waitNext( getShardMetrics.getFuture() ) ) {
self.sizeChanges.add( fetchShardMetrics( &self, req ) );
when( Void _ = wait( self.sizeChanges.getResult() ) ) {}
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "dataDistributionTrackerError", self.masterId).error(e);
throw e;
vector<KeyRange> ShardsAffectedByTeamFailure::getShardsFor( Team team ) {
vector<KeyRange> r;
for(auto it = team_shards.lower_bound( std::pair<Team,KeyRange>( team, KeyRangeRef() ) ); it != team_shards.end() && it->first == team; ++it)
r.push_back( it->second );
return r;
int ShardsAffectedByTeamFailure::getNumberOfShards( UID ssID ) {
return storageServerShards[ssID];
vector<ShardsAffectedByTeamFailure::Team> ShardsAffectedByTeamFailure::getTeamsFor( KeyRangeRef keys ) {
return shard_teams[keys.begin];
void ShardsAffectedByTeamFailure::erase(Team team, KeyRange const& range) {
if(team_shards.erase( std::pair<Team,KeyRange>(team, range) ) > 0) {
for(auto uid = team.servers.begin(); uid != team.servers.end(); ++uid)
void ShardsAffectedByTeamFailure::insert(Team team, KeyRange const& range) {
if(team_shards.insert( std::pair<Team,KeyRange>( team, range ) ).second) {
for(auto uid = team.servers.begin(); uid != team.servers.end(); ++uid)
void ShardsAffectedByTeamFailure::defineShard( KeyRangeRef keys ) {
std::set<Team> teams;
auto rs = shard_teams.intersectingRanges(keys);
for(auto it = rs.begin(); it != rs.end(); ++it) {
for(auto t=it->value().begin(); t!=it->value().end(); ++t) {
teams.insert( *t );
erase(*t, it->range());
.detail("KeyBegin", printable(keys.begin))
.detail("KeyEnd", printable(keys.end))
.detail("TeamCount", teams.size()); */
auto affectedRanges = shard_teams.getAffectedRangesAfterInsertion(keys);
shard_teams.insert( keys, vector<Team>(teams.begin(), teams.end()) );
for(auto r=affectedRanges.begin(); r != affectedRanges.end(); ++r) {
auto& teams = shard_teams[r->begin];
for(auto t=teams.begin(); t!=teams.end(); ++t) {
insert(*t, *r);
void ShardsAffectedByTeamFailure::moveShard( KeyRangeRef keys, std::vector<Team> destinationTeams ) {
.detail("KeyBegin", printable(keys.begin))
.detail("KeyEnd", printable(keys.end))
.detail("NewTeamSize", destinationTeam.size())
.detail("NewTeam", describe(destinationTeam));*/
auto ranges = shard_teams.intersectingRanges( keys );
std::vector< std::pair<std::vector<Team>,KeyRange> > modifiedShards;
for(auto it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it) {
if( keys.contains( it->range() ) ) {
// erase the many teams that were associated with this one shard
for(auto t = it->value().begin(); t != it->value().end(); ++t) {
erase(*t, it->range());
// save this modification for later insertion
modifiedShards.push_back( std::pair<std::vector<Team>,KeyRange>( destinationTeams, it->range() ) );
} else {
// for each range that touches this move, add our team as affecting this range
for(auto& team : destinationTeams) {
insert(team, it->range());
// if we are not in the list of teams associated with this shard, add us in
auto& teams = it->value();
if( std::find( teams.begin(), teams.end(), team ) == teams.end() ) {
teams.push_back( team );
// we cannot modify the KeyRangeMap while iterating through it, so add saved modifications now
for( int i = 0; i < modifiedShards.size(); i++ ) {
for( auto& t : modifiedShards[i].first) {
insert(t, modifiedShards[i].second);
shard_teams.insert( modifiedShards[i].second, modifiedShards[i].first );
void ShardsAffectedByTeamFailure::check() {
for(auto t = team_shards.begin(); t != team_shards.end(); ++t) {
auto i = shard_teams.rangeContaining(t->second.begin);
if (i->range() != t->second ||
!std::count(i->value().begin(), i->value().end(), t->first))
auto rs = shard_teams.ranges();
for(auto i = rs.begin(); i != rs.end(); ++i)
for(vector<Team>::iterator t = i->value().begin(); t != i->value().end(); ++t)
if (!team_shards.count( std::make_pair( *t, i->range() ) )) {
std::string teamDesc, shards;
for(int k=0; k<t->servers.size(); k++)
teamDesc += format("%llx ", t->servers[k].first());
for(auto x = team_shards.lower_bound( std::make_pair( *t, KeyRangeRef() ) ); x != team_shards.end() && x->first == *t; ++x)
shards += printable(x->second.begin) + "-" + printable(x->second.end) + ",";
.detail("KB", printable(i->begin()))
.detail("KE", printable(i->end()))
.detail("Team", teamDesc)
.detail("Shards", shards);