756 lines
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756 lines
28 KiB
* LoadBalance.actor.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
// When actually compiled (NO_INTELLISENSE), include the generated version of this file. In intellisense use the source
// version.
#include "fdbrpc/LoadBalance.actor.g.h"
#include "flow/flow.h"
#include "flow/Knobs.h"
#include "fdbrpc/FailureMonitor.h"
#include "fdbrpc/fdbrpc.h"
#include "fdbrpc/Locality.h"
#include "fdbrpc/QueueModel.h"
#include "fdbrpc/MultiInterface.h"
#include "fdbrpc/simulator.h" // for checking tss simulation mode
#include "fdbrpc/TSSComparison.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
using std::vector;
struct ModelHolder : NonCopyable, public ReferenceCounted<ModelHolder> {
QueueModel* model;
bool released;
double startTime;
double delta;
uint64_t token;
ModelHolder(QueueModel* model, uint64_t token) : model(model), token(token), released(false), startTime(now()) {
if (model) {
delta = model->addRequest(token);
void release(bool clean, bool futureVersion, double penalty, bool measureLatency = true) {
if (model && !released) {
released = true;
double latency = (clean || measureLatency) ? now() - startTime : 0.0;
model->endRequest(token, latency, penalty, delta, clean, futureVersion);
~ModelHolder() { release(false, false, -1.0, false); }
// Subclasses must initialize all members in their default constructors
// Subclasses must serialize all members
struct LoadBalancedReply {
double penalty;
Optional<Error> error;
LoadBalancedReply() : penalty(1.0) {}
Optional<LoadBalancedReply> getLoadBalancedReply(const LoadBalancedReply* reply);
Optional<LoadBalancedReply> getLoadBalancedReply(const void*);
ACTOR template <class Req, class Resp>
Future<Void> tssComparison(Req req,
Future<ErrorOr<Resp>> fSource,
Future<ErrorOr<Resp>> fTss,
TSSEndpointData tssData) {
state double startTime = now();
state Future<Optional<ErrorOr<Resp>>> fTssWithTimeout = timeout(fTss, FLOW_KNOBS->LOAD_BALANCE_TSS_TIMEOUT);
state int finished = 0;
state double srcEndTime;
state double tssEndTime;
loop {
choose {
when(state ErrorOr<Resp> src = wait(fSource)) {
srcEndTime = now();
fSource = Never();
if (finished == 2) {
when(state Optional<ErrorOr<Resp>> tss = wait(fTssWithTimeout)) {
tssEndTime = now();
fTssWithTimeout = Never();
if (finished == 2) {
// we want to record ss/tss errors to metrics
int srcErrorCode = error_code_success;
int tssErrorCode = error_code_success;
if (src.isError()) {
srcErrorCode = src.getError().code();
if (!tss.present()) {
} else if (tss.get().isError()) {
tssErrorCode = tss.get().getError().code();
if (!src.isError() && tss.present() && !tss.get().isError()) {
Optional<LoadBalancedReply> srcLB = getLoadBalancedReply(&src.get());
Optional<LoadBalancedReply> tssLB = getLoadBalancedReply(&tss.get().get());
ASSERT(srcLB.present() ==
tssLB.present()); // getLoadBalancedReply returned different responses for same templated type
// if Resp is a LoadBalancedReply, only compare if both replies are non-error
if (!srcLB.present() || (!srcLB.get().error.present() && !tssLB.get().error.present())) {
// only record latency difference if both requests actually succeeded, so that we're comparing apples to
// apples
tssData.metrics->recordLatency(req, srcEndTime - startTime, tssEndTime - startTime);
// expect mismatches in drop mutations mode.
Severity traceSeverity =
(g_network->isSimulated() && g_simulator.tssMode == ISimulator::TSSMode::EnabledDropMutations)
? SevWarnAlways
: SevError;
if (!TSS_doCompare(req, src.get(), tss.get().get(), traceSeverity, tssData.tssId)) {
} else if (tssLB.present() && tssLB.get().error.present()) {
tssErrorCode = tssLB.get().error.get().code();
} else if (srcLB.present() && srcLB.get().error.present()) {
srcErrorCode = srcLB.get().error.get().code();
if (srcErrorCode != error_code_success && tssErrorCode != error_code_success && srcErrorCode != tssErrorCode) {
// if ss and tss both got different errors, record them
.detail("TSSID", tssData.tssId)
.detail("SSError", srcErrorCode)
.detail("TSSError", tssErrorCode);
return Void();
// Stores state for a request made by the load balancer
template <class Request>
struct RequestData : NonCopyable {
typedef ErrorOr<REPLY_TYPE(Request)> Reply;
Future<Reply> response;
Reference<ModelHolder> modelHolder;
bool triedAllOptions = false;
bool requestStarted = false; // true once the request has been sent to an alternative
bool requestProcessed = false; // true once a response has been received and handled by checkAndProcessResult
// Whether or not the response future is valid
// This is true once setupRequest is called, even though at that point the response is Never().
bool isValid() { return response.isValid(); }
static void maybeDuplicateTSSRequest(RequestStream<Request> const* stream,
Request& request,
QueueModel* model,
Future<Reply> ssResponse) {
if (model) {
// Send parallel request to TSS pair, if it exists
Optional<TSSEndpointData> tssData = model->getTssData(stream->getEndpoint().token.first());
if (tssData.present()) {
// FIXME: optimize to avoid creating new netNotifiedQueue for each message
RequestStream<Request> tssRequestStream(tssData.get().endpoint);
Future<ErrorOr<REPLY_TYPE(Request)>> fTssResult = tssRequestStream.tryGetReply(request);
model->addActor.send(tssComparison(request, ssResponse, fTssResult, tssData.get()));
// Initializes the request state and starts it, possibly after a backoff delay
void startRequest(double backoff,
bool triedAllOptions,
RequestStream<Request> const* stream,
Request& request,
QueueModel* model) {
modelHolder = Reference<ModelHolder>();
requestStarted = false;
if (backoff > 0) {
response = mapAsync<Void, std::function<Future<Reply>(Void)>, Reply>(
delay(backoff), [this, stream, &request, model](Void _) {
requestStarted = true;
modelHolder = Reference<ModelHolder>(new ModelHolder(model, stream->getEndpoint().token.first()));
Future<Reply> resp = stream->tryGetReply(request);
maybeDuplicateTSSRequest(stream, request, model, resp);
return resp;
} else {
requestStarted = true;
modelHolder = Reference<ModelHolder>(new ModelHolder(model, stream->getEndpoint().token.first()));
response = stream->tryGetReply(request);
maybeDuplicateTSSRequest(stream, request, model, response);
requestProcessed = false;
this->triedAllOptions = triedAllOptions;
// Implementation of the logic to handle a response.
// Checks the state of the response, updates the queue model, and returns one of the following outcomes:
// A return value of true means that the request completed successfully
// A return value of false means that the request failed but should be retried
// A return value with an error means that the error should be thrown back to original caller
static ErrorOr<bool> checkAndProcessResultImpl(Reply const& result,
Reference<ModelHolder> modelHolder,
bool atMostOnce,
bool triedAllOptions) {
Optional<LoadBalancedReply> loadBalancedReply;
if (!result.isError()) {
loadBalancedReply = getLoadBalancedReply(&result.get());
int errCode;
if (loadBalancedReply.present()) {
errCode = loadBalancedReply.get().error.present() ? loadBalancedReply.get().error.get().code()
: error_code_success;
} else {
errCode = result.isError() ? result.getError().code() : error_code_success;
bool maybeDelivered = errCode == error_code_broken_promise || errCode == error_code_request_maybe_delivered;
bool receivedResponse =
loadBalancedReply.present() ? !loadBalancedReply.get().error.present() : result.present();
receivedResponse = receivedResponse || (!maybeDelivered && errCode != error_code_process_behind);
bool futureVersion = errCode == error_code_future_version || errCode == error_code_process_behind;
receivedResponse, futureVersion, loadBalancedReply.present() ? loadBalancedReply.get().penalty : -1.0);
if (errCode == error_code_server_overloaded) {
return false;
if (loadBalancedReply.present() && !loadBalancedReply.get().error.present()) {
return true;
if (!loadBalancedReply.present() && result.present()) {
return true;
if (receivedResponse) {
return loadBalancedReply.present() ? loadBalancedReply.get().error.get() : result.getError();
if (atMostOnce && maybeDelivered) {
return request_maybe_delivered();
if (triedAllOptions && errCode == error_code_process_behind) {
return process_behind();
return false;
// Checks the state of the response, updates the queue model, and returns one of the following outcomes:
// A return value of true means that the request completed successfully
// A return value of false means that the request failed but should be retried
// In the event of a non-retryable failure, an error is thrown indicating the failure
bool checkAndProcessResult(bool atMostOnce) {
requestProcessed = true;
ErrorOr<bool> outcome =
checkAndProcessResultImpl(response.get(), std::move(modelHolder), atMostOnce, triedAllOptions);
if (outcome.isError()) {
throw outcome.getError();
} else if (!outcome.get()) {
response = Future<Reply>();
return outcome.get();
// Convert this request to a lagging request. Such a request is no longer being waited on, but it still needs to be
// processed so we can update the queue model.
void makeLaggingRequest() {
QueueModel* model = modelHolder->model;
if (model->laggingRequestCount > FLOW_KNOBS->MAX_LAGGING_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING ||
model->laggingRequests.isReady()) {
model->laggingRequestCount = 0;
model->addActor = PromiseStream<Future<Void>>();
model->laggingRequests = actorCollection(model->addActor.getFuture(), &model->laggingRequestCount);
// We need to process the lagging request in order to update the queue model
Reference<ModelHolder> holderCapture = std::move(modelHolder);
bool triedAllOptionsCapture = triedAllOptions;
Future<Void> updateModel = map(response, [holderCapture, triedAllOptionsCapture](Reply result) {
checkAndProcessResultImpl(result, holderCapture, false, triedAllOptionsCapture);
return Void();
~RequestData() {
// If the request has been started but hasn't completed, mark it as a lagging request
if (requestStarted && !requestProcessed && modelHolder && modelHolder->model) {
// Try to get a reply from one of the alternatives until success, cancellation, or certain errors.
// Load balancing has a budget to race requests to a second alternative if the first request is slow.
// Tries to take into account failMon's information for load balancing and avoiding failed servers.
// If ALL the servers are failed and the list of servers is not fresh, throws an exception to let the caller refresh the
// list of servers.
// When model is set, load balance among alternatives in the same DC aims to balance request queue length on these
// interfaces. If too many interfaces in the same DC are bad, try remote interfaces.
ACTOR template <class Interface, class Request, class Multi>
Future<REPLY_TYPE(Request)> loadBalance(
Reference<MultiInterface<Multi>> alternatives,
RequestStream<Request> Interface::*channel,
Request request = Request(),
TaskPriority taskID = TaskPriority::DefaultPromiseEndpoint,
bool atMostOnce = false, // if true, throws request_maybe_delivered() instead of retrying automatically
QueueModel* model = nullptr) {
state RequestData<Request> firstRequestData;
state RequestData<Request> secondRequestData;
state Optional<uint64_t> firstRequestEndpoint;
state Future<Void> secondDelay = Never();
state Promise<Void> requestFinished;
state double startTime = now();
setReplyPriority(request, taskID);
if (!alternatives)
return Never();
state int bestAlt = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, alternatives->countBest());
state int nextAlt = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, std::max(alternatives->size() - 1, 1));
if (nextAlt >= bestAlt)
if (model) {
double bestMetric = 1e9; // Storage server with the least outstanding requests.
double nextMetric = 1e9;
double bestTime = 1e9; // The latency to the server with the least outstanding requests.
double nextTime = 1e9;
int badServers = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < alternatives->size(); i++) {
// countBest(): the number of alternatives in the same locality (i.e., DC by default) as alternatives[0].
// if the if-statement is correct, it won't try to send requests to the remote ones.
if (badServers < std::min(i, FLOW_KNOBS->LOAD_BALANCE_MAX_BAD_OPTIONS + 1) &&
i == alternatives->countBest()) {
// When we have at least one healthy local server, and the bad
// server count is within "LOAD_BALANCE_MAX_BAD_OPTIONS". We
// do not need to consider any remote servers.
RequestStream<Request> const* thisStream = &alternatives->get(i, channel);
if (!IFailureMonitor::failureMonitor().getState(thisStream->getEndpoint()).failed) {
auto& qd = model->getMeasurement(thisStream->getEndpoint().token.first());
if (now() > qd.failedUntil) {
double thisMetric = qd.smoothOutstanding.smoothTotal();
double thisTime = qd.latency;
if (FLOW_KNOBS->LOAD_BALANCE_PENALTY_IS_BAD && qd.penalty > 1.001) {
// When a server wants to penalize itself (the default
// penalty value is 1.0), consider this server as bad.
// penalty is sent from server.
if (thisMetric < bestMetric) {
if (i != bestAlt) {
nextAlt = bestAlt;
nextMetric = bestMetric;
nextTime = bestTime;
bestAlt = i;
bestMetric = thisMetric;
bestTime = thisTime;
} else if (thisMetric < nextMetric) {
nextAlt = i;
nextMetric = thisMetric;
nextTime = thisTime;
} else {
} else {
if (nextMetric > 1e8) {
// If we still don't have a second best choice to issue request to,
// go through all the remote servers again, since we may have
// skipped it.
for (int i = alternatives->countBest(); i < alternatives->size(); i++) {
RequestStream<Request> const* thisStream = &alternatives->get(i, channel);
if (!IFailureMonitor::failureMonitor().getState(thisStream->getEndpoint()).failed) {
auto& qd = model->getMeasurement(thisStream->getEndpoint().token.first());
if (now() > qd.failedUntil) {
double thisMetric = qd.smoothOutstanding.smoothTotal();
double thisTime = qd.latency;
if (thisMetric < nextMetric) {
nextAlt = i;
nextMetric = thisMetric;
nextTime = thisTime;
if (nextTime < 1e9) {
// Decide when to send the request to the second best choice.
(model->secondMultiplier * (nextTime) + FLOW_KNOBS->BASE_SECOND_REQUEST_TIME)) {
secondDelay = Void();
} else {
secondDelay = delay(model->secondMultiplier * nextTime + FLOW_KNOBS->BASE_SECOND_REQUEST_TIME);
} else {
secondDelay = Never();
state int startAlt = nextAlt;
state int startDistance = (bestAlt + alternatives->size() - startAlt) % alternatives->size();
state int numAttempts = 0;
state double backoff = 0;
state bool triedAllOptions = false;
// Issue requests to selected servers.
loop {
if (now() - startTime > (g_network->isSimulated() ? 30.0 : 600.0)) {
TraceEvent ev(g_network->isSimulated() ? SevWarn : SevWarnAlways, "LoadBalanceTooLong");
ev.detail("Duration", now() - startTime);
ev.detail("NumAttempts", numAttempts);
ev.detail("Backoff", backoff);
ev.detail("TriedAllOptions", triedAllOptions);
if (ev.isEnabled()) {
for (int alternativeNum = 0; alternativeNum < alternatives->size(); alternativeNum++) {
RequestStream<Request> const* thisStream = &alternatives->get(alternativeNum, channel);
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "LoadBalanceTooLongEndpoint")
.detail("Addr", thisStream->getEndpoint().getPrimaryAddress())
.detail("Token", thisStream->getEndpoint().token)
.detail("Failed", IFailureMonitor::failureMonitor().getState(thisStream->getEndpoint()).failed);
// Find an alternative, if any, that is not failed, starting with
// nextAlt. This logic matters only if model == nullptr. Otherwise, the
// bestAlt and nextAlt have been decided.
state RequestStream<Request> const* stream = nullptr;
for (int alternativeNum = 0; alternativeNum < alternatives->size(); alternativeNum++) {
int useAlt = nextAlt;
if (nextAlt == startAlt)
useAlt = bestAlt;
else if ((nextAlt + alternatives->size() - startAlt) % alternatives->size() <= startDistance)
useAlt = (nextAlt + alternatives->size() - 1) % alternatives->size();
stream = &alternatives->get(useAlt, channel);
if (!IFailureMonitor::failureMonitor().getState(stream->getEndpoint()).failed &&
(!firstRequestEndpoint.present() || stream->getEndpoint().token.first() != firstRequestEndpoint.get()))
nextAlt = (nextAlt + 1) % alternatives->size();
if (nextAlt == startAlt)
triedAllOptions = true;
stream = nullptr;
if (!stream && !firstRequestData.isValid()) {
// Everything is down! Wait for someone to be up.
vector<Future<Void>> ok(alternatives->size());
for (int i = 0; i < ok.size(); i++) {
ok[i] = IFailureMonitor::failureMonitor().onStateEqual(alternatives->get(i, channel).getEndpoint(),
if (!alternatives->alwaysFresh()) {
if (now() - g_network->networkInfo.newestAlternativesFailure >
g_network->networkInfo.oldestAlternativesFailure = now();
if (now() - g_network->networkInfo.lastAlternativesFailureSkipDelay >
g_network->networkInfo.lastAlternativesFailureSkipDelay = now();
} else {
double elapsed = now() - g_network->networkInfo.oldestAlternativesFailure;
delay = std::max(delay,
delay = std::max(delay,
// Making this SevWarn means a lot of clutter
if (now() - g_network->networkInfo.newestAlternativesFailure > 1 ||
deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.01) {
.detail("Alternatives", alternatives->description())
.detail("Delay", delay);
g_network->networkInfo.newestAlternativesFailure = now();
choose {
when(wait(quorum(ok, 1))) {}
when(wait(::delayJittered(delay))) { throw all_alternatives_failed(); }
} else {
wait(quorum(ok, 1));
numAttempts = 0; // now that we've got a server back, reset the backoff
} else if (!stream) {
// Only the first location is available.
ErrorOr<REPLY_TYPE(Request)> result = wait(firstRequestData.response);
if (firstRequestData.checkAndProcessResult(atMostOnce)) {
return result.get();
firstRequestEndpoint = Optional<uint64_t>();
} else if (firstRequestData.isValid()) {
// Issue a second request, the first one is taking a long time.
secondRequestData.startRequest(backoff, triedAllOptions, stream, request, model);
state bool firstFinished = false;
loop choose {
when(ErrorOr<REPLY_TYPE(Request)> result =
wait(firstRequestData.response.isValid() ? firstRequestData.response : Never())) {
if (firstRequestData.checkAndProcessResult(atMostOnce)) {
return result.get();
firstRequestEndpoint = Optional<uint64_t>();
firstFinished = true;
when(ErrorOr<REPLY_TYPE(Request)> result = wait(secondRequestData.response)) {
if (secondRequestData.checkAndProcessResult(atMostOnce)) {
return result.get();
if (++numAttempts >= alternatives->size()) {
backoff = std::min(
} else {
// Issue a request, if it takes too long to get a reply, go around the loop
firstRequestData.startRequest(backoff, triedAllOptions, stream, request, model);
firstRequestEndpoint = stream->getEndpoint().token.first();
loop {
choose {
when(ErrorOr<REPLY_TYPE(Request)> result = wait(firstRequestData.response)) {
if (model) {
model->secondMultiplier =
std::max(model->secondMultiplier - FLOW_KNOBS->SECOND_REQUEST_MULTIPLIER_DECAY, 1.0);
model->secondBudget =
std::min(model->secondBudget + FLOW_KNOBS->SECOND_REQUEST_BUDGET_GROWTH,
if (firstRequestData.checkAndProcessResult(atMostOnce)) {
return result.get();
firstRequestEndpoint = Optional<uint64_t>();
when(wait(secondDelay)) {
secondDelay = Never();
if (model && model->secondBudget >= 1.0) {
model->secondBudget -= 1.0;
if (++numAttempts >= alternatives->size()) {
backoff = std::min(
nextAlt = (nextAlt + 1) % alternatives->size();
if (nextAlt == startAlt)
triedAllOptions = true;
resetReply(request, taskID);
secondDelay = Never();
// Subclasses must initialize all members in their default constructors
// Subclasses must serialize all members
struct BasicLoadBalancedReply {
int processBusyTime;
BasicLoadBalancedReply() : processBusyTime(0) {}
Optional<BasicLoadBalancedReply> getBasicLoadBalancedReply(const BasicLoadBalancedReply* reply);
Optional<BasicLoadBalancedReply> getBasicLoadBalancedReply(const void*);
// A simpler version of LoadBalance that does not send second requests where the list of servers are always fresh
ACTOR template <class Interface, class Request, class Multi>
Future<REPLY_TYPE(Request)> basicLoadBalance(Reference<ModelInterface<Multi>> alternatives,
RequestStream<Request> Interface::*channel,
Request request = Request(),
TaskPriority taskID = TaskPriority::DefaultPromiseEndpoint,
bool atMostOnce = false) {
setReplyPriority(request, taskID);
if (!alternatives)
return Never();
ASSERT(alternatives->size() && alternatives->alwaysFresh());
state int bestAlt = alternatives->getBest();
state int nextAlt = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, std::max(alternatives->size() - 1, 1));
if (nextAlt >= bestAlt)
state int startAlt = nextAlt;
state int startDistance = (bestAlt + alternatives->size() - startAlt) % alternatives->size();
state int numAttempts = 0;
state double backoff = 0;
state int useAlt;
loop {
// Find an alternative, if any, that is not failed, starting with nextAlt
state RequestStream<Request> const* stream = nullptr;
for (int alternativeNum = 0; alternativeNum < alternatives->size(); alternativeNum++) {
useAlt = nextAlt;
if (nextAlt == startAlt)
useAlt = bestAlt;
else if ((nextAlt + alternatives->size() - startAlt) % alternatives->size() <= startDistance)
useAlt = (nextAlt + alternatives->size() - 1) % alternatives->size();
stream = &alternatives->get(useAlt, channel);
if (!IFailureMonitor::failureMonitor().getState(stream->getEndpoint()).failed)
nextAlt = (nextAlt + 1) % alternatives->size();
stream = nullptr;
if (!stream) {
// Everything is down! Wait for someone to be up.
vector<Future<Void>> ok(alternatives->size());
for (int i = 0; i < ok.size(); i++) {
ok[i] = IFailureMonitor::failureMonitor().onStateEqual(alternatives->get(i, channel).getEndpoint(),
wait(quorum(ok, 1));
numAttempts = 0; // now that we've got a server back, reset the backoff
} else {
if (backoff > 0.0) {
ErrorOr<REPLY_TYPE(Request)> result = wait(stream->tryGetReply(request));
if (result.present()) {
Optional<BasicLoadBalancedReply> loadBalancedReply = getBasicLoadBalancedReply(&result.get());
if (loadBalancedReply.present()) {
alternatives->updateRecent(useAlt, loadBalancedReply.get().processBusyTime);
return result.get();
if (result.getError().code() != error_code_broken_promise &&
result.getError().code() != error_code_request_maybe_delivered) {
throw result.getError();
if (atMostOnce) {
throw request_maybe_delivered();
if (++numAttempts >= alternatives->size()) {
backoff = std::min(
nextAlt = (nextAlt + 1) % alternatives->size();
resetReply(request, taskID);
#include "flow/unactorcompiler.h"