
733 lines
24 KiB

* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbserver/QuietDatabase.h"
#include "fdbserver/MutationTracking.h"
#include "fdbserver/workloads/"
#include "fdbserver/workloads/ApiWorkload.h"
#include "fdbserver/workloads/MemoryKeyValueStore.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
//An enum of API operation types used in the random test
//A workload that executes the NativeAPIs functions and verifies that their outcomes are correct
struct ApiCorrectnessWorkload : ApiWorkload {
//Enable to track the activity on a particular key
#define targetKey LiteralStringRef( ??? )
void debugKey(KeyRef key, std::string context) {
if(key == targetKey)
TraceEvent("ApiCorrectnessDebugKey").detail("Context", context).detail("Key", printable(key));
void debugKey(KeyRangeRef keyRange, std::string context) {
TraceEvent("ApiCorrectnessDebugKey").detail("Context", context).detail("Key", printable(targetKey))
.detail("RangeBegin", printable(keyRange.begin)).detail("RangeEnd", printable(keyRange.end));
void debugKey(KeyRef key, std::string context) { }
void debugKey(KeyRangeRef keyRange, std::string context) { }
//The number of gets that should be performed
int numGets;
//The number of getRanges that should be performed
int numGetRanges;
//The number of getRanges using key selectors that should be performed
int numGetRangeSelectors;
//The number of getKeys that should be performed
int numGetKeys;
//The number of clears that should be performed
int numClears;
//The number of clears using key ranges that should be performed
int numClearRanges;
//The smallest legal size of the database after a clear. A smaller size will trigger a database reset
int minSizeAfterClear;
//The maximum number of keys that can be in this client's key space when performing the random test
int maxRandomTestKeys;
//The amount of time to run the random tests
double randomTestDuration;
//The maximum number of keys operated on in a transaction; used to prevent transaction_too_old errors
int maxKeysPerTransaction;
//The number of API calls made by the random test
PerfIntCounter numRandomOperations;
//The API being used by this client
TransactionType transactionType;
// Maximum time to reset DB to the original state
double resetDBTimeout;
ApiCorrectnessWorkload(WorkloadContext const& wcx) : ApiWorkload(wcx), numRandomOperations("Num Random Operations") {
numGets = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("numGets"), 1000);
numGetRanges = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("numGetRanges"), 100);
numGetRangeSelectors = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("numGetRangeSelectors"), 100);
numGetKeys = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("numGetKeys"), 100);
numClears = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("numClears"), 100);
numClearRanges = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("numClearRanges"), 100);
minSizeAfterClear = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("minSizeAfterClear"), (int)(0.1 * numKeys));
maxRandomTestKeys = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("maxRandomTestKeys"), numKeys);
randomTestDuration = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("randomTestDuration"), 60.0);
int maxTransactionBytes = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("maxTransactionBytes"), 500000);
maxKeysPerTransaction = std::max(1, maxTransactionBytes / (maxValueLength + maxLongKeyLength));
resetDBTimeout = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("resetDBTimeout"), 1800.0);
if(maxTransactionBytes > 500000) {
TraceEvent("RemapEventSeverity").detail("TargetEvent", "LargePacketSent").detail("OriginalSeverity", SevWarnAlways).detail("NewSeverity", SevInfo);
TraceEvent("RemapEventSeverity").detail("TargetEvent", "LargePacketReceived").detail("OriginalSeverity", SevWarnAlways).detail("NewSeverity", SevInfo);
TraceEvent("RemapEventSeverity").detail("TargetEvent", "LargeTransaction").detail("OriginalSeverity", SevWarnAlways).detail("NewSeverity", SevInfo);
TraceEvent("RemapEventSeverity").detail("TargetEvent", "DiskQueueMemoryWarning").detail("OriginalSeverity", SevWarnAlways).detail("NewSeverity", SevInfo);
virtual ~ApiCorrectnessWorkload(){ }
std::string description() {
return "ApiCorrectness";
void getMetrics(vector<PerfMetric>& m) {
m.push_back(PerfMetric("Number of Random Operations Performed", numRandomOperations.getValue(), false));
ACTOR Future<Void> performSetup(Database cx, ApiCorrectnessWorkload *self) {
//Choose a random transaction type (NativeAPI, ReadYourWrites, ThreadSafe, MultiVersion)
std::vector<TransactionType> types;
wait(self->chooseTransactionFactory(cx, types));
return Void();
Future<Void> performSetup(Database const& cx) {
return performSetup(cx, this);
ACTOR Future<Void> performTest(Database cx, Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> data, ApiCorrectnessWorkload *self) {
//Run the scripted test for a maximum of 10 minutes
wait(timeout(self->runScriptedTest(self, data), 600, Void()));
if(!self->hasFailed()) {
// Return database to original state (for a maximum of resetDBTimeout seconds)
try {
wait(timeoutError(::success(self->runSet(data, self)), self->resetDBTimeout));
catch(Error &e) {
if(e.code() == error_code_timed_out) {
self->testFailure("Timeout during database reset");
return Void();
//Run the random test for the user-specified duration
wait(timeout(self->runRandomTest(self, data), self->randomTestDuration, Void()));
return Void();
Future<Void> performTest(Database const& cx, Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> const& data) {
return performTest(cx, data, this);
//Run a scripted set of API operations
ACTOR Future<Void> runScriptedTest(ApiCorrectnessWorkload *self, VectorRef<KeyValueRef> data) {
//Test the set function
bool setResult = wait(self->runSet(data, self));
return Void();
//Test the get function
wait(::success(self->runGet(data, self->numGets, self)));
//Test the getRange function
state int i;
for (i = 0; i < self->numGetRanges; i++) wait(::success(self->runGetRange(data, self)));
//Test the getRange function using key selectors
for (i = 0; i < self->numGetRangeSelectors; i++) wait(::success(self->runGetRangeSelector(data, self)));
//Test the getKey function
wait(::success(self->runGetKey(data, self->numGetKeys, self)));
//Test the clear function
bool clearResult = wait(self->runClear(data, self->numClears, self));
return Void();
//Test the clear function using keyRanges
for(i = 0; i < self->numClearRanges; i++) {
//Alternate restoring the database to its original state and clearing a single range
if(self->store.size() < self->minSizeAfterClear) {
bool resetResult = wait(self->runSet(data, self));
return Void();
bool clearRangeResults = wait(self->runClearRange(data, self));
return Void();
return Void();
//Generate and execute a sequence of random operations
ACTOR Future<Void> runRandomTest(ApiCorrectnessWorkload *self, Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> data) {
loop {
double setProbability = 1 - ((double)self->store.size()) / self->maxRandomTestKeys;
int pdfArray[] = { 0, (int)(100 * setProbability), 100, 50, 50, 20, (int)(100 * (1 - setProbability)), (int)(10 * (1 - setProbability)) };
vector<int> pdf = vector<int>(pdfArray, pdfArray + 8);
OperationType operation = UNINITIALIZED;
//Choose a random operation type (SET, GET, GET_RANGE, GET_RANGE_SELECTOR, GET_KEY, CLEAR, CLEAR_RANGE).
int totalDensity = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < pdf.size(); i++)
totalDensity += pdf[i];
int cumulativeDensity = 0;
int random = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, totalDensity);
for(int i = 0; i < pdf.size() - 1; i++) {
if(cumulativeDensity + pdf[i] <= random && random < cumulativeDensity + pdf[i] + pdf[i + 1]) {
operation = (OperationType)i;
cumulativeDensity += pdf[i];
//Test the set operation
if(operation == SET) {
bool useShortKeys = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 2) == 1;
int minKeyLength = useShortKeys ? self->minShortKeyLength : self->minLongKeyLength;
int maxKeyLength = useShortKeys ? self->maxShortKeyLength : self->maxLongKeyLength;
state Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> newData = self->generateData(std::min((uint64_t)100, self->maxRandomTestKeys - self->store.size()), minKeyLength, maxKeyLength,
self->minValueLength, self->maxValueLength, self->clientPrefix, true);
data.append_deep(data.arena(), newData.begin(), newData.size());
bool result = wait(self->runSet(newData, self));
return Void();
//Test the get operation
else if(operation == GET) {
bool result = wait(self->runGet(data, 10, self));
return Void();
//Test the getRange operation
else if(operation == GET_RANGE) {
bool result = wait(self->runGetRange(data, self));
return Void();
//Test the getRange operation with key selectors
else if(operation == GET_RANGE_SELECTOR) {
bool result = wait(self->runGetRangeSelector(data, self));
return Void();
//Test the getKey operation
else if(operation == GET_KEY) {
bool result = wait(self->runGetKey(data, 10, self));
return Void();
//Test the clear operation
else if(operation == CLEAR) {
bool result = wait(self->runClear(data, 10, self));
return Void();
//Test the clear operation (using key range)
else if(operation == CLEAR_RANGE) {
bool result = wait(self->runClearRange(data, self));
return Void();
//Adds the key-value pairs in data to the database and memory store
ACTOR Future<bool> runSet(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> data, ApiCorrectnessWorkload *self) {
state int currentIndex = 0;
while(currentIndex < data.size()) {
state Reference<TransactionWrapper> transaction = self->createTransaction();
//Set keys in the database
loop {
try {
//For now, make this transaction self-conflicting to avoid commit errors
Optional<Value> value = wait(transaction->get(data[currentIndex].key));
for(int i = currentIndex; i < std::min(currentIndex + self->maxKeysPerTransaction, data.size()); i++) {
transaction->set(data[i].key, data[i].value);
for(int i = currentIndex; i < std::min(currentIndex + self->maxKeysPerTransaction, data.size()); i++)
DEBUG_MUTATION("ApiCorrectnessSet", transaction->getCommittedVersion(), MutationRef(MutationRef::DebugKey, data[i].key, data[i].value));
currentIndex += self->maxKeysPerTransaction;
catch(Error &e) {
//Set keys in memory
for(int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
self->store.set(data[i].key, data[i].value);
self->debugKey(data[i].key, "Set");
//Check that the database and memory store are the same
bool result = wait(self->compareDatabaseToMemory());
self->testFailure("Set resulted in incorrect database");
return result;
//Gets a specified number of values from the database and memory store and compares them, returning true if all
//results were the same
ACTOR Future<bool> runGet(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> data, int numReads, ApiCorrectnessWorkload *self) {
//Generate a set of random keys to get
state Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRef>> keys;
for (int i = 0; i < numReads; i++) keys.push_back_deep(keys.arena(), self->selectRandomKey(data, 0.9));
state vector<Optional<Value>> values;
state int currentIndex = 0;
while(currentIndex < keys.size()) {
state Reference<TransactionWrapper> transaction = self->createTransaction();
//Get the values from the database
loop {
try {
state vector<Future<Optional<Value>>> dbValueFutures;
for(int i = currentIndex; i < std::min(currentIndex + self->maxKeysPerTransaction, keys.size()); i++)
for(int i = 0; i < dbValueFutures.size(); i++)
currentIndex += self->maxKeysPerTransaction;
catch(Error &e) {
bool result = true;
//Get the values from the memory store and compare them
for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
if(values[i] != self->store.get(keys[i])) {
result = false;
self->testFailure("Get returned incorrect results");
return result;
//Gets a single range of values from the database and memory stores and compares them, returning true if the
//results were the same
ACTOR Future<bool> runGetRange(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> data, ApiCorrectnessWorkload *self) {
//Generate a random range
Key key = self->selectRandomKey(data, 0.5);
Key key2 = self->selectRandomKey(data, 0.5);
state Key start = std::min(key, key2);
state Key end = std::max(key, key2);
//Generate a random maximum number of results
state int limit = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 101);
state bool reverse = deterministicRandom()->random01() > 0.5 ? false : true;
//Get the range from memory
state Standalone<RangeResultRef> storeResults = self->store.getRange(KeyRangeRef(start, end), limit, reverse);
//Get the range from the database
state Standalone<RangeResultRef> dbResults;
state Version readVersion;
state Reference<TransactionWrapper> transaction = self->createTransaction();
loop {
try {
Version version = wait(transaction->getReadVersion());
readVersion = version;
KeyRangeRef range(start, end);
Standalone<RangeResultRef> rangeResults = wait(transaction->getRange(range, limit, reverse));
dbResults = rangeResults;
catch(Error &e) {
//Compare the ranges
bool result = self->compareResults(dbResults, storeResults, readVersion);
self->testFailure("GetRange returned incorrect results");
return result;
//Gets a single range of values using key selectors from the database and memory store and compares them, returning
//true if the results were the same
ACTOR Future<bool> runGetRangeSelector(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> data, ApiCorrectnessWorkload *self) {
KeySelector selectors[2];
Key keys[2];
int maxSelectorAttempts = 100;
int currentSelectorAttempts = 0;
//Generate a random pair of key selectors and determine the keys they point to
//Don't use key selectors which would return results outside the key-space of this client unless this client
//is the first or last client
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
loop {
//Gradually decrease the maximum offset to increase the likelihood of finding a valid key selector in a small store
selectors[i] = self->generateKeySelector(data, std::min(100, maxSelectorAttempts - currentSelectorAttempts));
keys[i] = self->store.getKey(selectors[i]);
if(keys[i].startsWith(StringRef(self->clientPrefix)) || (keys[i].size() == 0 && self->clientPrefixInt == 0) ||
(keys[i].startsWith(LiteralStringRef("\xff")) && self->clientPrefixInt == self->clientCount - 1))
//Don't loop forever trying to generate valid key selectors if there are no keys in the store
if(++currentSelectorAttempts == maxSelectorAttempts)
return true;
state KeySelector startSelector;
state KeySelector endSelector;
state Key startKey;
state Key endKey;
//Make sure startKey is less than endKey
if(keys[0] < keys[1]) {
startSelector = selectors[0];
startKey = keys[0];
endSelector = selectors[1];
endKey = keys[1];
else {
startSelector = selectors[1];
startKey = keys[1];
endSelector = selectors[0];
endKey = keys[0];
//Choose a random maximum number of results
state int limit = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 101);
state bool reverse = deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.5 ? false : true;
//Get the range from the memory store
state Standalone<RangeResultRef> storeResults = self->store.getRange(KeyRangeRef(startKey, endKey), limit, reverse);
//Get the range from the database
state Standalone<RangeResultRef> dbResults;
state Reference<TransactionWrapper> transaction = self->createTransaction();
state Version readVersion;
loop {
try {
Version version = wait(transaction->getReadVersion());
readVersion = version;
Standalone<RangeResultRef> range = wait(transaction->getRange(startSelector, endSelector, limit, reverse));
if(endKey == self->store.endKey()) {
for(int i = 0; i < range.size(); i++) {
//Don't include results in the 0xFF key-space
dbResults.push_back_deep(dbResults.arena(), range[i]);
if( reverse && dbResults.size() < storeResults.size() ) {
storeResults.resize( storeResults.arena(), dbResults.size() );
dbResults = range;
catch(Error &e) {
//Compare the results
bool result = self->compareResults(dbResults, storeResults, readVersion);
self->testFailure("GetRange (KeySelector) returned incorrect results");
return result;
//Gets a specified number of keys from the database and memory store and compares them, returning true if all
//results were the same
ACTOR Future<bool> runGetKey(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> data, int numGetKeys, ApiCorrectnessWorkload *self) {
//Generate a set of random key selectors
state Standalone<VectorRef<KeySelectorRef>> selectors;
for(int i = 0; i < numGetKeys; i++)
selectors.push_back_deep(selectors.arena(), self->generateKeySelector(data, 100));
state Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRef>> keys;
state int currentIndex = 0;
while(currentIndex < selectors.size()) {
//Get the keys from the database
state Reference<TransactionWrapper> transaction = self->createTransaction();
loop {
try {
state vector<Future<Standalone<KeyRef>>> dbKeyFutures;
for(int i = currentIndex; i < std::min(currentIndex + self->maxKeysPerTransaction, selectors.size()); i++)
for(int i = 0; i < dbKeyFutures.size(); i++)
keys.push_back_deep(keys.arena(), dbKeyFutures[i].get());
currentIndex += self->maxKeysPerTransaction;
catch(Error &e) {
state bool result = true;
//Get the keys from the memory store and compare them
state int i;
for(i = 0; i < selectors.size(); i++) {
KeyRef key = self->store.getKey(selectors[i]);
if(keys[i].startsWith(StringRef(self->clientPrefix)) && keys[i] != key)
result = false;
else if(keys[i] < StringRef(self->clientPrefix) && key != self->store.startKey())
result = false;
else if(keys[i] > StringRef(self->clientPrefix + "\xff") && key != self->store.endKey())
result = false;
//If there was a failure, print some debugging info about the failed key
if(!result) {
printf("Bad result for key selector %s: db=%s, mem=%s\n", selectors[i].toString().c_str(), printable(keys[i]).c_str(), printable(key).c_str());
state int dir = selectors[i].offset > 0 ? 1 : -1;
state int j;
for(j = 0; j <= abs(selectors[i].offset); j++) {
state KeySelector sel = KeySelectorRef(selectors[i].getKey(), selectors[i].orEqual, j * dir);
state Key storeKey = self->store.getKey(sel);
state Reference<TransactionWrapper> tr = self->createTransaction();
state Key dbKey;
loop {
try {
Key key = wait(tr->getKey(sel));
dbKey = key;
catch(Error &e) {
if(!(storeKey == self->store.startKey() && dbKey < StringRef(self->clientPrefix)) && !(storeKey == self->store.endKey() && dbKey > StringRef(self->clientPrefix + "\xff")))
printf("Offset %d: db=%s, mem=%s\n", j * dir, printable(dbKey).c_str(), printable(storeKey).c_str());
self->testFailure("GetKey returned incorrect results");
return result;
//Clears a specified number of keys from the database and memory store
ACTOR Future<bool> runClear(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> data, int numClears, ApiCorrectnessWorkload *self)
//Generate a random set of keys to clear
state Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRef>> keys;
for (int i = 0; i < numClears; i++) keys.push_back_deep(keys.arena(), self->selectRandomKey(data, 0.9));
state int currentIndex = 0;
while(currentIndex < keys.size()) {
//Clear the keys from the database
state Reference<TransactionWrapper> transaction = self->createTransaction();
loop {
try {
//For now, make this transaction self-conflicting to avoid commit errors
Optional<Value> value = wait(transaction->get(keys[0]));
for(int i = currentIndex; i < std::min(currentIndex + self->maxKeysPerTransaction, keys.size()); i++) {
for(int i = currentIndex; i < std::min(currentIndex + self->maxKeysPerTransaction, keys.size()); i++)
DEBUG_MUTATION("ApiCorrectnessClear", transaction->getCommittedVersion(), MutationRef(MutationRef::DebugKey, keys[i], StringRef()));
currentIndex += self->maxKeysPerTransaction;
catch(Error &e) {
//Clear the keys from the memory store
for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
self->debugKey(keys[i], "Clear");
//Check that the database and memory store are the same
bool result = wait(self->compareDatabaseToMemory());
self->testFailure("Clear resulted in incorrect database");
return result;
//Clears a single range of keys from the database and memory store
ACTOR Future<bool> runClearRange(VectorRef<KeyValueRef> data, ApiCorrectnessWorkload *self) {
//Generate a random range to clear
Key key = self->selectRandomKey(data, 0.5);
Key key2 = self->selectRandomKey(data, 0.5);
state Key start = std::min(key, key2);
state Key end = std::max(key, key2);
//Clear the range in memory
self->store.clear(KeyRangeRef(start, end));
//Clear the range in the database
state Reference<TransactionWrapper> transaction = self->createTransaction();
loop {
try {
//For now, make this transaction self-conflicting to avoid commit errors
Optional<Value> value = wait(transaction->get(start));
state KeyRangeRef range(start, end);
if(!range.empty()) {
DEBUG_KEY_RANGE("ApiCorrectnessClear", transaction->getCommittedVersion(), range);
catch(Error &e) {
self->debugKey(KeyRangeRef(start, end), "ClearRange");
//Check that the database and memory store are the same
bool result = wait(self->compareDatabaseToMemory());
self->testFailure("Clear (range) resulted in incorrect database");
return result;
WorkloadFactory<ApiCorrectnessWorkload> ApiCorrectnessWorkloadFactory("ApiCorrectness");