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* MockGlobalState.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbserver/MockGlobalState.h"
#include "fdbserver/workloads/workloads.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/DataDistribution.actor.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h"
class MockGlobalStateImpl {
ACTOR static Future<std::pair<Optional<StorageMetrics>, int>> waitStorageMetrics(MockGlobalState* mgs,
KeyRange keys,
StorageMetrics min,
StorageMetrics max,
StorageMetrics permittedError,
int shardLimit,
int expectedShardCount) {
state TenantInfo tenantInfo;
state Version version = 0;
loop {
auto locations = mgs->getKeyRangeLocations(tenantInfo,
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "MGSWaitStorageMetrics").detail("Phase", "GetLocation");
// NOTE(xwang): in native API, there's code handling the non-equal situation, but I think in mock world
// there shouldn't have any delay to update the locations.
ASSERT_EQ(expectedShardCount, locations.size());
Optional<StorageMetrics> res =
wait(::waitStorageMetricsWithLocation(tenantInfo, version, keys, locations, min, max, permittedError));
if (res.present()) {
return std::make_pair(res, -1);
wait(delay(CLIENT_KNOBS->WRONG_SHARD_SERVER_DELAY, TaskPriority::DataDistribution));
// SOMEDAY: reuse the NativeAPI implementation
ACTOR static Future<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRef>>> splitStorageMetrics(MockGlobalState* mgs,
KeyRange keys,
StorageMetrics limit,
StorageMetrics estimated,
Optional<int> minSplitBytes) {
state TenantInfo tenantInfo;
loop {
state std::vector<KeyRangeLocationInfo> locations =
// Same solution to NativeAPI::splitStorageMetrics, wait some merge finished
wait(delay(CLIENT_KNOBS->STORAGE_METRICS_TOO_MANY_SHARDS_DELAY, TaskPriority::DataDistribution));
Optional<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRef>>> results =
wait(splitStorageMetricsWithLocations(locations, keys, limit, estimated, minSplitBytes));
if (results.present()) {
return results.get();
wait(delay(CLIENT_KNOBS->WRONG_SHARD_SERVER_DELAY, TaskPriority::DataDistribution));
class MockStorageServerImpl {
ACTOR static Future<Void> waitMetricsTenantAware(MockStorageServer* self, WaitMetricsRequest req) {
if (req.tenantInfo.hasTenant()) {
// TODO(xwang) add support for tenant test, search for tenant entry
Optional<TenantMapEntry> entry;
Optional<Key> tenantPrefix = entry.map(&TenantMapEntry::prefix);
if (tenantPrefix.present()) {
// req.keys = req.keys.withPrefix(tenantPrefix.get(), req.arena);
if (!self->isReadable(req.keys)) {
self->sendErrorWithPenalty(req.reply, wrong_shard_server(), self->getPenalty());
} else {
wait(self->metrics.waitMetrics(req, delayJittered(SERVER_KNOBS->STORAGE_METRIC_TIMEOUT)));
return Void();
// Randomly generate keys and kv size between the fetch range, updating the byte sample.
// Once the fetchKeys return, the shard status will become FETCHED.
ACTOR static Future<Void> waitFetchKeysFinish(MockStorageServer* self, MockStorageServer::FetchKeysParams params) {
// between each chunk delay for random time, and finally set the fetchComplete signal.
ASSERT(params.totalRangeBytes > 0);
state int chunkCount = std::ceil(params.totalRangeBytes * 1.0 / SERVER_KNOBS->FETCH_BLOCK_BYTES);
state int64_t currentTotal = 0;
state Key lastKey = params.keys.begin;
state int i = 0;
for (; i < chunkCount && currentTotal < params.totalRangeBytes; ++i) {
int remainedBytes = (chunkCount == 1 ? params.totalRangeBytes : SERVER_KNOBS->FETCH_BLOCK_BYTES);
while (remainedBytes >= lastKey.size()) {
Key nextKey;
// try 10 times
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
nextKey = randomKeyBetween(KeyRangeRef(lastKey, params.keys.end));
if (nextKey < params.keys.end)
// NOTE: in this case, we accumulate the bytes on lastKey on purpose (shall we?)
if (nextKey == params.keys.end) {
auto bytes = params.totalRangeBytes - currentTotal;
self->byteSampleApplySet(lastKey, bytes);
self->usedDiskSpace += bytes;
currentTotal = params.totalRangeBytes;
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "MockFetchKeysInaccurateSample")
.detail("Range", params.keys)
.detail("LastKey", lastKey)
.detail("Size", bytes);
break; // break the most outside loop
int maxSize = std::min(remainedBytes, 130000) + 1;
int randomSize = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(lastKey.size(), maxSize);
self->usedDiskSpace += randomSize;
currentTotal += randomSize;
self->byteSampleApplySet(lastKey, randomSize);
remainedBytes -= randomSize;
lastKey = nextKey;
self->setShardStatus(params.keys, MockShardStatus::FETCHED, true);
return Void();
bool MockStorageServer::allShardStatusEqual(const KeyRangeRef& range, MockShardStatus status) const {
auto ranges = serverKeys.intersectingRanges(range);
ASSERT(!ranges.empty()); // at least the range is allKeys
for (auto it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it) {
if (it->cvalue().status != status)
return false;
return true;
bool MockStorageServer::allShardStatusIn(const KeyRangeRef& range, const std::set<MockShardStatus>& status) const {
auto ranges = serverKeys.intersectingRanges(range);
ASSERT(!ranges.empty()); // at least the range is allKeys
for (auto it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it) {
if (!status.count(it->cvalue().status))
return false;
return true;
void MockStorageServer::setShardStatus(const KeyRangeRef& range, MockShardStatus status, bool restrictSize) {
auto ranges = serverKeys.intersectingRanges(range);
if (ranges.empty()) {
CODE_PROBE(true, "new shard is adding to server", probe::decoration::rare);
serverKeys.insert(range, ShardInfo{ status, 0 });
// change the old status
if (ranges.begin().begin() < range.begin && ranges.begin().end() > range.end) {
CODE_PROBE(true, "Implicitly split single shard to 3 pieces");
threeWayShardSplitting(ranges.begin().range(), range, ranges.begin().cvalue().shardSize, restrictSize);
} else {
if (ranges.begin().begin() < range.begin) {
CODE_PROBE(true, "Implicitly split begin range to 2 pieces");
twoWayShardSplitting(ranges.begin().range(), range.begin, ranges.begin().cvalue().shardSize, restrictSize);
if (ranges.end().begin() > range.end) {
CODE_PROBE(true, "Implicitly split end range to 2 pieces");
auto lastRange = ranges.end();
twoWayShardSplitting(lastRange.range(), range.end, ranges.end().cvalue().shardSize, restrictSize);
ranges = serverKeys.containedRanges(range);
// now the boundary must be aligned
ASSERT(ranges.begin().begin() == range.begin);
ASSERT(ranges.end().begin() == range.end);
uint64_t newSize = 0;
for (auto it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it) {
newSize += it->cvalue().shardSize;
for (auto it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it) {
auto oldStatus = it.value().status;
if (isStatusTransitionValid(oldStatus, status)) {
it.value() = ShardInfo{ status, newSize };
} else if ((oldStatus == MockShardStatus::COMPLETED || oldStatus == MockShardStatus::FETCHED) &&
(status == MockShardStatus::INFLIGHT || status == MockShardStatus::FETCHED)) {
CODE_PROBE(true, "Shard already on server");
} else {
TraceEvent(SevError, "MockShardStatusTransitionError", id)
.detail("From", oldStatus)
.detail("To", status)
.detail("KeyBegin", range.begin)
.detail("KeyEnd", range.begin);
// split the out range [a, d) based on the inner range's boundary [b, c). The result would be [a,b), [b,c), [c,d). The
// size of the new shards are randomly split from old size of [a, d)
void MockStorageServer::threeWayShardSplitting(const KeyRangeRef& outerRange,
const KeyRangeRef& innerRange,
uint64_t outerRangeSize,
bool restrictSize) {
if (outerRange == innerRange) {
Key left = outerRange.begin;
// random generate 3 shard sizes, the caller guarantee that the min, max parameters are always valid.
int leftSize = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(
restrictSize ? outerRangeSize - 2 * SERVER_KNOBS->MIN_SHARD_BYTES + 1 : SERVER_KNOBS->MAX_SHARD_BYTES);
int midSize = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(
restrictSize ? outerRangeSize - leftSize - SERVER_KNOBS->MIN_SHARD_BYTES + 1 : SERVER_KNOBS->MAX_SHARD_BYTES);
int rightSize =
restrictSize ? outerRangeSize - leftSize - midSize
serverKeys.insert(innerRange, { serverKeys[left].status, (uint64_t)midSize });
serverKeys[left].shardSize = leftSize;
serverKeys[innerRange.end].shardSize = rightSize;
// split the range [a,c) with split point b. The result would be [a, b), [b, c). The
// size of the new shards are randomly split from old size of [a, c)
void MockStorageServer::twoWayShardSplitting(const KeyRangeRef& range,
const KeyRef& splitPoint,
uint64_t rangeSize,
bool restrictSize) {
if (splitPoint == range.begin || !range.contains(splitPoint)) {
Key left = range.begin;
// random generate 3 shard sizes, the caller guarantee that the min, max parameters are always valid.
int leftSize = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(SERVER_KNOBS->MIN_SHARD_BYTES,
restrictSize ? rangeSize - SERVER_KNOBS->MIN_SHARD_BYTES + 1
int rightSize =
restrictSize ? rangeSize - leftSize
serverKeys.rawInsert(splitPoint, { serverKeys[left].status, (uint64_t)rightSize });
serverKeys[left].shardSize = leftSize;
void MockStorageServer::removeShard(const KeyRangeRef& range) {
auto ranges = serverKeys.containedRanges(range);
ASSERT(ranges.begin().range() == range);
auto rangeSize = sumRangeSize(range);
usedDiskSpace -= rangeSize;
uint64_t MockStorageServer::sumRangeSize(const KeyRangeRef& range) const {
auto ranges = serverKeys.intersectingRanges(range);
uint64_t totalSize = 0;
for (auto it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it) {
totalSize += it->cvalue().shardSize;
return totalSize;
void MockStorageServer::addActor(Future<Void> future) {
void MockStorageServer::getSplitPoints(const SplitRangeRequest& req) {}
Future<Void> MockStorageServer::waitMetricsTenantAware(const WaitMetricsRequest& req) {
return MockStorageServerImpl::waitMetricsTenantAware(this, req);
void MockStorageServer::getStorageMetrics(const GetStorageMetricsRequest& req) {}
Future<Void> MockStorageServer::run() {
ssi.locality = LocalityData(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>(),
IFailureMonitor::failureMonitor().setStatus(ssi.address(), FailureStatus(false));
TraceEvent("MockStorageServerStart").detail("Address", ssi.address());
addActor(serveStorageMetricsRequests(this, ssi));
return actors.getResult();
void MockStorageServer::set(KeyRef const& key, int64_t bytes, int64_t oldBytes) {
notifyWriteMetrics(key, bytes);
byteSampleApplySet(key, bytes);
auto delta = bytes - oldBytes;
usedDiskSpace += delta;
serverKeys[key].shardSize += delta;
void MockStorageServer::clear(KeyRef const& key, int64_t bytes) {
notifyWriteMetrics(key, bytes);
KeyRange sr = singleKeyRange(key);
usedDiskSpace -= bytes;
serverKeys[key].shardSize -= bytes;
int64_t MockStorageServer::clearRange(KeyRangeRef const& range, int64_t beginShardBytes, int64_t endShardBytes) {
notifyWriteMetrics(range.begin, range.begin.size() + range.end.size());
auto totalByteSize = estimateRangeTotalBytes(range, beginShardBytes, endShardBytes);
usedDiskSpace -= totalByteSize;
clearRangeTotalBytes(range, beginShardBytes, endShardBytes);
return totalByteSize;
void MockStorageServer::get(KeyRef const& key, int64_t bytes) {
// If the read yields no value, randomly sample the empty read.
int64_t bytesReadPerKSecond = std::max(bytes, SERVER_KNOBS->EMPTY_READ_PENALTY);
metrics.notifyBytesReadPerKSecond(key, bytesReadPerKSecond);
int64_t MockStorageServer::getRange(KeyRangeRef const& range, int64_t beginShardBytes, int64_t endShardBytes) {
int64_t totalByteSize = estimateRangeTotalBytes(range, beginShardBytes, endShardBytes);
// For performance concerns, the cost of a range read is billed to the start key and end key of the
// range.
if (totalByteSize > 0) {
int64_t bytesReadPerKSecond = std::max(totalByteSize, SERVER_KNOBS->EMPTY_READ_PENALTY) / 2;
metrics.notifyBytesReadPerKSecond(range.begin, bytesReadPerKSecond);
metrics.notifyBytesReadPerKSecond(range.end, bytesReadPerKSecond);
return totalByteSize;
int64_t MockStorageServer::estimateRangeTotalBytes(KeyRangeRef const& range,
int64_t beginShardBytes,
int64_t endShardBytes) {
int64_t totalByteSize = 0;
auto ranges = serverKeys.intersectingRanges(range);
// use the beginShardBytes as partial size
if (ranges.begin().begin() < range.begin) {
totalByteSize += beginShardBytes;
// use the endShardBytes as partial size
if (ranges.end().begin() < range.end) {
totalByteSize += endShardBytes;
for (auto it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it) {
totalByteSize += it->cvalue().shardSize;
return totalByteSize;
void MockStorageServer::clearRangeTotalBytes(KeyRangeRef const& range, int64_t beginShardBytes, int64_t endShardBytes) {
auto ranges = serverKeys.intersectingRanges(range);
// use the beginShardBytes as partial size
if (ranges.begin().begin() < range.begin) {
auto delta = std::min(ranges.begin().value().shardSize, (uint64_t)beginShardBytes);
ranges.begin().value().shardSize -= delta;
// use the endShardBytes as partial size
if (ranges.end().begin() < range.end) {
auto delta = std::min(ranges.end().value().shardSize, (uint64_t)endShardBytes);
ranges.end().value().shardSize -= delta;
for (auto it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it) {
it->value().shardSize = 0;
void MockStorageServer::notifyWriteMetrics(KeyRef const& key, int64_t size) {
// update write bandwidth and iops as mock the cost of writing a mutation
StorageMetrics s;
// FIXME: remove the / 2 and double the related knobs.
s.bytesWrittenPerKSecond = mvccStorageBytes(size) / 2;
s.iosPerKSecond = 1;
metrics.notify(key, s);
void MockStorageServer::signalFetchKeys(const KeyRangeRef& range, int64_t rangeTotalBytes) {
if (!allShardStatusEqual(range, MockShardStatus::COMPLETED)) {
actors.add(MockStorageServerImpl::waitFetchKeysFinish(this, { range, rangeTotalBytes }));
void MockStorageServer::byteSampleApplySet(KeyRef const& key, int64_t kvSize) {
// Update byteSample in memory and notify waiting metrics
ByteSampleInfo sampleInfo = isKeyValueInSample(key, kvSize);
auto& byteSample = metrics.byteSample.sample;
int64_t delta = 0;
auto old = byteSample.find(key);
if (old != byteSample.end())
delta = -byteSample.getMetric(old);
if (sampleInfo.inSample) {
delta += sampleInfo.sampledSize;
byteSample.insert(key, sampleInfo.sampledSize);
} else if (old != byteSample.end()) {
if (delta)
metrics.notifyBytes(key, delta);
void MockStorageServer::byteSampleApplyClear(KeyRangeRef const& range) {
// Update byteSample and notify waiting metrics
auto& byteSample = metrics.byteSample.sample;
bool any = false;
if (range.begin < allKeys.end) {
// NotifyBytes should not be called for keys past allKeys.end
KeyRangeRef searchRange = KeyRangeRef(range.begin, std::min(range.end, allKeys.end));
auto r = metrics.waitMetricsMap.intersectingRanges(searchRange);
for (auto shard = r.begin(); shard != r.end(); ++shard) {
KeyRangeRef intersectingRange = shard.range() & range;
int64_t bytes = byteSample.sumRange(intersectingRange.begin, intersectingRange.end);
metrics.notifyBytes(shard, -bytes);
any = any || bytes > 0;
if (range.end > allKeys.end && byteSample.sumRange(std::max(allKeys.end, range.begin), range.end) > 0)
any = true;
if (any) {
byteSample.eraseAsync(range.begin, range.end);
void MockGlobalState::initializeAsEmptyDatabaseMGS(const DatabaseConfiguration& conf, uint64_t defaultDiskSpace) {
ASSERT(conf.storageTeamSize > 0);
configuration = conf;
std::vector<UID> serverIds;
for (int i = 1; i <= conf.storageTeamSize; ++i) {
UID id = indexToUID(i);
allServers[id] = MockStorageServer(id, defaultDiskSpace);
allServers[id].serverKeys.insert(allKeys, { MockShardStatus::COMPLETED, 0 });
shardMapping->assignRangeToTeams(allKeys, { Team(serverIds, true) });
void MockGlobalState::addStorageServer(StorageServerInterface server, uint64_t diskSpace) {
allServers[server.id()] = MockStorageServer(server, diskSpace);
bool MockGlobalState::serverIsSourceForShard(const UID& serverId, KeyRangeRef shard, bool inFlightShard) {
if (!allServers.count(serverId))
return false;
// check serverKeys
auto& mss = allServers.at(serverId);
if (!mss.allShardStatusEqual(shard, MockShardStatus::COMPLETED)) {
return false;
// check keyServers
auto teams = shardMapping->getTeamsForFirstShard(shard);
if (inFlightShard) {
return std::any_of(teams.second.begin(), teams.second.end(), [&serverId](const Team& team) {
return team.hasServer(serverId);
return std::any_of(
teams.first.begin(), teams.first.end(), [&serverId](const Team& team) { return team.hasServer(serverId); });
bool MockGlobalState::serverIsDestForShard(const UID& serverId, KeyRangeRef shard) {
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "ServerIsDestForShard")
.detail("ServerId", serverId)
.detail("Keys", shard)
.detail("Contains", allServers.count(serverId));
if (!allServers.count(serverId))
return false;
// check serverKeys
auto& mss = allServers.at(serverId);
if (!mss.allShardStatusIn(shard,
{ MockShardStatus::INFLIGHT, MockShardStatus::COMPLETED, MockShardStatus::FETCHED })) {
return false;
// check keyServers
auto teams = shardMapping->getTeamsForFirstShard(shard);
return !teams.second.empty() && std::any_of(teams.first.begin(), teams.first.end(), [&serverId](const Team& team) {
return team.hasServer(serverId);
bool MockGlobalState::allShardsRemovedFromServer(const UID& serverId) {
return allServers.count(serverId) && shardMapping->getNumberOfShards(serverId) == 0;
Future<std::pair<Optional<StorageMetrics>, int>> MockGlobalState::waitStorageMetrics(
const KeyRange& keys,
const StorageMetrics& min,
const StorageMetrics& max,
const StorageMetrics& permittedError,
int shardLimit,
int expectedShardCount) {
return MockGlobalStateImpl::waitStorageMetrics(
this, keys, min, max, permittedError, shardLimit, expectedShardCount);
Reference<LocationInfo> buildLocationInfo(const std::vector<StorageServerInterface>& interfaces) {
// construct the location info with the servers
std::vector<Reference<ReferencedInterface<StorageServerInterface>>> serverRefs;
for (const auto& interf : interfaces) {
return makeReference<LocationInfo>(serverRefs);
Future<KeyRangeLocationInfo> MockGlobalState::getKeyLocation(TenantInfo tenant,
Key key,
SpanContext spanContext,
Optional<UID> debugID,
UseProvisionalProxies useProvisionalProxies,
Reverse isBackward,
Version version) {
if (isBackward) {
// DD never ask for backward range.
ASSERT(key < allKeys.end);
GetKeyServerLocationsReply rep;
KeyRange single = singleKeyRange(key);
auto teamPair = shardMapping->getTeamsForFirstShard(single);
auto& srcTeam = teamPair.second.empty() ? teamPair.first : teamPair.second;
ASSERT_EQ(srcTeam.size(), 1);
rep.results.emplace_back(single, extractStorageServerInterfaces(srcTeam.front().servers));
return KeyRangeLocationInfo(KeyRange(toPrefixRelativeRange(rep.results[0].first, tenant.prefix), rep.arena),
Future<std::vector<KeyRangeLocationInfo>> MockGlobalState::getKeyRangeLocations(
TenantInfo tenant,
KeyRange keys,
int limit,
Reverse reverse,
SpanContext spanContext,
Optional<UID> debugID,
UseProvisionalProxies useProvisionalProxies,
Version version) {
if (reverse) {
// DD never ask for backward range.
ASSERT(keys.begin < keys.end);
GetKeyServerLocationsReply rep;
auto ranges = shardMapping->intersectingRanges(keys);
auto it = ranges.begin();
for (int count = 0; it != ranges.end() && count < limit; ++it, ++count) {
auto teamPair = shardMapping->getTeamsFor(it->begin());
auto& srcTeam = teamPair.second.empty() ? teamPair.first : teamPair.second;
ASSERT_EQ(srcTeam.size(), 1);
rep.results.emplace_back(it->range(), extractStorageServerInterfaces(srcTeam.front().servers));
CODE_PROBE(it != ranges.end(), "getKeyRangeLocations is limited");
std::vector<KeyRangeLocationInfo> results;
for (int shard = 0; shard < rep.results.size(); shard++) {
results.emplace_back((toPrefixRelativeRange(rep.results[shard].first, tenant.prefix) & keys),
return results;
std::vector<StorageServerInterface> MockGlobalState::extractStorageServerInterfaces(const std::vector<UID>& ids) const {
std::vector<StorageServerInterface> interfaces;
for (auto& id : ids) {
return interfaces;
Future<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRef>>> MockGlobalState::splitStorageMetrics(const KeyRange& keys,
const StorageMetrics& limit,
const StorageMetrics& estimated,
const Optional<int>& minSplitBytes) {
return MockGlobalStateImpl::splitStorageMetrics(this, keys, limit, estimated, minSplitBytes);
std::vector<Future<Void>> MockGlobalState::runAllMockServers() {
std::vector<Future<Void>> futures;
for (auto& [id, _] : allServers) {
return futures;
Future<Void> MockGlobalState::runMockServer(const UID& id) {
return allServers.at(id).run();
int64_t MockGlobalState::get(KeyRef const& key) {
auto ids = shardMapping->getSourceServerIdsFor(key);
int64_t randomBytes = 0;
if (deterministicRandom()->random01() > emptyProb) {
randomBytes = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(minByteSize, maxByteSize + 1);
// randomly choose 1 server
auto id = deterministicRandom()->randomChoice(ids);
allServers.at(id).get(key, randomBytes);
return randomBytes;
int64_t MockGlobalState::getRange(KeyRangeRef const& range) {
auto ranges = shardMapping->intersectingRanges(range);
int64_t totalSize = 0;
KeyRef begin, end;
for (auto it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it) {
auto ids = shardMapping->getSourceServerIdsFor(it->begin());
if (range.begin > it->begin()) {
begin = range.begin;
if (range.end < it->end()) {
end = range.end;
// randomly choose 1 server
auto id = deterministicRandom()->randomChoice(ids);
int64_t beginSize = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(0, SERVER_KNOBS->MIN_SHARD_BYTES),
endSize = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(0, SERVER_KNOBS->MIN_SHARD_BYTES);
totalSize += allServers.at(id).getRange(KeyRangeRef(begin, end), beginSize, endSize);
return totalSize;
int64_t MockGlobalState::set(KeyRef const& key, int valueSize, bool insert) {
auto ids = shardMapping->getSourceServerIdsFor(key);
int64_t oldKvBytes = 0;
insert |= (deterministicRandom()->random01() < emptyProb);
if (!insert) {
oldKvBytes = key.size() + deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(minByteSize, maxByteSize + 1);
for (auto& id : ids) {
allServers.at(id).set(key, valueSize + key.size(), oldKvBytes);
return oldKvBytes;
int64_t MockGlobalState::clear(KeyRef const& key) {
auto ids = shardMapping->getSourceServerIdsFor(key);
int64_t randomBytes = 0;
if (deterministicRandom()->random01() > emptyProb) {
randomBytes = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(minByteSize, maxByteSize + 1) + key.size();
for (auto& id : ids) {
allServers.at(id).clear(key, randomBytes);
return randomBytes;
int64_t MockGlobalState::clearRange(KeyRangeRef const& range) {
auto ranges = shardMapping->intersectingRanges(range);
int64_t totalSize = 0;
KeyRef begin, end;
for (auto it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it) {
auto ids = shardMapping->getSourceServerIdsFor(it->begin());
if (range.begin > it->begin()) {
begin = range.begin;
if (range.end < it->end()) {
end = range.end;
int64_t beginSize = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(0, SERVER_KNOBS->MIN_SHARD_BYTES),
endSize = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(0, SERVER_KNOBS->MIN_SHARD_BYTES);
int64_t lastSize = -1;
for (auto& id : ids) {
int64_t size = allServers.at(id).clearRange(KeyRangeRef(begin, end), beginSize, endSize);
ASSERT(lastSize == size || lastSize == -1); // every server should return the same result
totalSize += lastSize;
return totalSize;
TEST_CASE("/MockGlobalState/initializeAsEmptyDatabaseMGS/SimpleThree") {
BasicTestConfig testConfig;
testConfig.simpleConfig = true;
testConfig.minimumReplication = 3;
testConfig.logAntiQuorum = 0;
DatabaseConfiguration dbConfig = generateNormalDatabaseConfiguration(testConfig);
TraceEvent("UnitTestDbConfig").detail("Config", dbConfig.toString());
auto mgs = std::make_shared<MockGlobalState>();
for (int i = 1; i <= dbConfig.storageTeamSize; ++i) {
auto id = MockGlobalState::indexToUID(i);
std::cout << "Check server " << i << "\n";
ASSERT(mgs->serverIsSourceForShard(id, allKeys));
ASSERT(mgs->allServers.at(id).sumRangeSize(allKeys) == 0);
return Void();
struct MockGlobalStateTester {
// expectation [r0.begin, r0.end) => [r0.begin, x1), [x1, x2), [x2, r0.end)
void testThreeWaySplitFirstRange(MockStorageServer& mss) {
auto it = mss.serverKeys.ranges().begin();
uint64_t oldSize =
deterministicRandom()->randomInt(SERVER_KNOBS->MIN_SHARD_BYTES, std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
MockShardStatus oldStatus = it.cvalue().status;
it->value().shardSize = oldSize;
KeyRangeRef outerRange = it->range();
Key x1 = keyAfter(it->range().begin);
Key x2 = keyAfter(x1);
std::cout << "it->range.begin: " << it->range().begin.toHexString() << " size: " << oldSize << "\n";
mss.threeWayShardSplitting(outerRange, KeyRangeRef(x1, x2), oldSize, false);
auto ranges = mss.serverKeys.containedRanges(outerRange);
ASSERT(ranges.begin().range() == KeyRangeRef(outerRange.begin, x1));
ASSERT(ranges.begin().cvalue().status == oldStatus);
ASSERT(ranges.begin().range() == KeyRangeRef(x1, x2));
ASSERT(ranges.begin().cvalue().status == oldStatus);
ASSERT(ranges.begin().range() == KeyRangeRef(x2, outerRange.end));
ASSERT(ranges.begin().cvalue().status == oldStatus);
// expectation [r0.begin, r0.end) => [r0.begin, x1), [x1, r0.end)
void testTwoWaySplitFirstRange(MockStorageServer& mss) {
auto it = mss.serverKeys.nthRange(0);
MockShardStatus oldStatus = it.cvalue().status;
uint64_t oldSize =
deterministicRandom()->randomInt(SERVER_KNOBS->MIN_SHARD_BYTES, std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
it->value().shardSize = oldSize;
KeyRangeRef outerRange = it->range();
Key x1 = keyAfter(it->range().begin);
std::cout << "it->range.begin: " << it->range().begin.toHexString() << " size: " << oldSize << "\n";
mss.twoWayShardSplitting(it->range(), x1, oldSize, false);
auto ranges = mss.serverKeys.containedRanges(outerRange);
ASSERT(ranges.begin().range() == KeyRangeRef(outerRange.begin, x1));
ASSERT(ranges.begin().cvalue().status == oldStatus);
ASSERT(ranges.begin().range() == KeyRangeRef(x1, outerRange.end));
ASSERT(ranges.begin().cvalue().status == oldStatus);
KeyRangeLocationInfo getKeyLocationInfo(KeyRef key, std::shared_ptr<MockGlobalState> mgs) {
return mgs
TenantInfo(), key, SpanContext(), Optional<UID>(), UseProvisionalProxies::False, Reverse::False, 0)
std::vector<KeyRangeLocationInfo> getKeyRangeLocations(KeyRangeRef keys,
int limit,
std::shared_ptr<MockGlobalState> mgs) {
return mgs
TEST_CASE("/MockGlobalState/MockStorageServer/SplittingFunctions") {
BasicTestConfig testConfig;
testConfig.simpleConfig = true;
testConfig.minimumReplication = 1;
testConfig.logAntiQuorum = 0;
DatabaseConfiguration dbConfig = generateNormalDatabaseConfiguration(testConfig);
TraceEvent("UnitTestDbConfig").detail("Config", dbConfig.toString());
auto mgs = std::make_shared<MockGlobalState>();
MockGlobalStateTester tester;
auto& mss = mgs->allServers.at(MockGlobalState::indexToUID(1));
std::cout << "Test 3-way splitting...\n";
std::cout << "Test 2-way splitting...\n";
mss.serverKeys.insert(allKeys, { MockShardStatus::COMPLETED, 0 }); // reset to empty
return Void();
TEST_CASE("/MockGlobalState/MockStorageServer/SetShardStatus") {
BasicTestConfig testConfig;
testConfig.simpleConfig = true;
testConfig.minimumReplication = 1;
testConfig.logAntiQuorum = 0;
DatabaseConfiguration dbConfig = generateNormalDatabaseConfiguration(testConfig);
TraceEvent("SetShardStatusUnitTestDbConfig").detail("Config", dbConfig.toString());
auto mgs = std::make_shared<MockGlobalState>();
auto& mss = mgs->allServers.at(MockGlobalState::indexToUID(1));
mss.serverKeys.insert(allKeys, { MockShardStatus::UNSET, 0 }); // manually reset status
// split to 3 shards [allKeys.begin, a, b, allKeys.end]
KeyRange testRange(KeyRangeRef("a"_sr, "b"_sr));
mss.setShardStatus(testRange, MockShardStatus::INFLIGHT, false);
ASSERT(mss.allShardStatusEqual(testRange, MockShardStatus::INFLIGHT));
// [allKeys.begin, a, ac, b, bc, allKeys.end]
testRange = KeyRangeRef("ac"_sr, "bc"_sr);
mss.setShardStatus(testRange, MockShardStatus::INFLIGHT, false);
ASSERT(mss.allShardStatusEqual(testRange, MockShardStatus::INFLIGHT));
testRange = KeyRangeRef("b"_sr, "bc"_sr);
mss.setShardStatus(testRange, MockShardStatus::FETCHED, false);
ASSERT(mss.allShardStatusEqual(testRange, MockShardStatus::FETCHED));
mss.setShardStatus(testRange, MockShardStatus::COMPLETED, false);
ASSERT(mss.allShardStatusEqual(testRange, MockShardStatus::COMPLETED));
mss.setShardStatus(testRange, MockShardStatus::FETCHED, false);
ASSERT(mss.allShardStatusEqual(testRange, MockShardStatus::COMPLETED));
ASSERT(mss.serverKeys.size() == 5);
return Void();
namespace {
inline bool locationInfoEqualsToTeam(Reference<LocationInfo> loc, const std::vector<UID>& ids) {
return loc->locations()->size() == ids.size() &&
std::all_of(ids.begin(), ids.end(), [loc](const UID& id) { return loc->locations()->hasInterface(id); });
}; // namespace
TEST_CASE("/MockGlobalState/MockStorageServer/GetKeyLocations") {
BasicTestConfig testConfig;
testConfig.simpleConfig = true;
testConfig.minimumReplication = 1;
testConfig.logAntiQuorum = 0;
DatabaseConfiguration dbConfig = generateNormalDatabaseConfiguration(testConfig);
TraceEvent("UnitTestDbConfig").detail("Config", dbConfig.toString());
auto mgs = std::make_shared<MockGlobalState>();
// add one empty server
mgs->addStorageServer(StorageServerInterface(mgs->indexToUID(mgs->allServers.size() + 1)));
// define 3 ranges:
// team 1 (UID 1,2,...,n-1):[begin, 1.0), [2.0, end)
// team 2 (UID 2,3,...n-1, n): [1.0, 2.0)
ShardsAffectedByTeamFailure::Team team1, team2;
for (int i = 0; i < mgs->allServers.size() - 1; ++i) {
UID id = mgs->indexToUID(i + 1);
id = mgs->indexToUID(i + 2);
Key one = doubleToTestKey(1.0), two = doubleToTestKey(2.0);
std::vector<KeyRangeRef> ranges{ KeyRangeRef(allKeys.begin, one),
KeyRangeRef(one, two),
KeyRangeRef(two, allKeys.end) };
mgs->shardMapping->assignRangeToTeams(ranges[0], { team1 });
mgs->shardMapping->assignRangeToTeams(ranges[1], { team2 });
mgs->shardMapping->assignRangeToTeams(ranges[2], { team1 });
// query key location
MockGlobalStateTester tester;
// -- team 1
Key testKey = doubleToTestKey(0.5);
auto locInfo = tester.getKeyLocationInfo(testKey, mgs);
ASSERT(locationInfoEqualsToTeam(locInfo.locations, team1.servers));
// -- team 2
testKey = doubleToTestKey(1.3);
locInfo = tester.getKeyLocationInfo(testKey, mgs);
ASSERT(locationInfoEqualsToTeam(locInfo.locations, team2.servers));
// query range location
testKey = doubleToTestKey(3.0);
// team 1,2,1
auto locInfos = tester.getKeyRangeLocations(KeyRangeRef(allKeys.begin, testKey), 100, mgs);
ASSERT(locInfos.size() == 3);
ASSERT(locInfos[0].range == ranges[0]);
ASSERT(locationInfoEqualsToTeam(locInfos[0].locations, team1.servers));
ASSERT(locInfos[1].range == ranges[1]);
ASSERT(locationInfoEqualsToTeam(locInfos[1].locations, team2.servers));
ASSERT(locInfos[2].range == KeyRangeRef(ranges[2].begin, testKey));
ASSERT(locationInfoEqualsToTeam(locInfos[2].locations, team1.servers));
// team 1,2
locInfos = tester.getKeyRangeLocations(KeyRangeRef(allKeys.begin, testKey), 2, mgs);
ASSERT(locInfos.size() == 2);
ASSERT(locInfos[0].range == ranges[0]);
ASSERT(locationInfoEqualsToTeam(locInfos[0].locations, team1.servers));
ASSERT(locInfos[1].range == ranges[1]);
ASSERT(locationInfoEqualsToTeam(locInfos[1].locations, team2.servers));
return Void();
TEST_CASE("/MockGlobalState/MockStorageServer/WaitStorageMetricsRequest") {
BasicTestConfig testConfig;
testConfig.simpleConfig = true;
testConfig.minimumReplication = 1;
testConfig.logAntiQuorum = 0;
DatabaseConfiguration dbConfig = generateNormalDatabaseConfiguration(testConfig);
TraceEvent("WaitStorageMetricsRequestUnitTestConfig").detail("Config", dbConfig.toString());
state std::shared_ptr<MockGlobalState> mgs = std::make_shared<MockGlobalState>();
std::for_each(mgs->allServers.begin(), mgs->allServers.end(), [](auto& server) {
server.second.metrics.byteSample.sample.insert("something"_sr, 500000);
state Future<Void> allServerFutures = waitForAll(mgs->runAllMockServers());
KeyRange testRange = allKeys;
ShardSizeBounds bounds = ShardSizeBounds::shardSizeBoundsBeforeTrack();
std::pair<Optional<StorageMetrics>, int> res =
wait(mgs->waitStorageMetrics(testRange, bounds.min, bounds.max, bounds.permittedError, 1, 1));
// std::cout << "get result " << res.second << "\n";
// std::cout << "get byte "<< res.first.get().bytes << "\n";
ASSERT_EQ(res.second, -1); // the valid result always return -1, strange contraction though.
ASSERT_EQ(res.first.get().bytes, 500000);
return Void();
TEST_CASE("/MockGlobalState/MockStorageServer/DataOpsSet") {
BasicTestConfig testConfig;
testConfig.simpleConfig = true;
testConfig.minimumReplication = 1;
testConfig.logAntiQuorum = 0;
DatabaseConfiguration dbConfig = generateNormalDatabaseConfiguration(testConfig);
TraceEvent("DataOpsUnitTestConfig").detail("Config", dbConfig.toString());
state std::shared_ptr<MockGlobalState> mgs = std::make_shared<MockGlobalState>();
state Future<Void> allServerFutures = waitForAll(mgs->runAllMockServers());
// insert
for (auto& server : mgs->allServers) {
ShardSizeBounds bounds = ShardSizeBounds::shardSizeBoundsBeforeTrack();
std::pair<Optional<StorageMetrics>, int> res = wait(
mgs->waitStorageMetrics(KeyRangeRef("a"_sr, "bc"_sr), bounds.min, bounds.max, bounds.permittedError, 1, 1));
// SOMEDAY: how to integrate with isKeyValueInSample() better?
if (res.first.get().bytes > 0) {
// If sampled
ASSERT_EQ(res.first.get().bytes, testSize);
ASSERT_GT(res.first.get().bytesWrittenPerKSecond, 0);
return Void();