
790 lines
34 KiB

* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include "fdbclient/ClusterConnectionMemoryRecord.h"
#include "fdbserver/ConfigBroadcaster.h"
#include "fdbserver/Knobs.h"
#include "fdbserver/IConfigConsumer.h"
#include "flow/UnitTest.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // must be last include
namespace {
bool matchesConfigClass(ConfigClassSet const& configClassSet, Optional<KeyRef> configClass) {
return !configClass.present() || configClassSet.contains(configClass.get());
// Helper functions for STL containers, with flow-friendly error handling
template <class MapContainer, class K>
auto get(MapContainer& m, K const& k) -> decltype( {
auto it = m.find(k);
ASSERT(it != m.end());
return it->second;
template <class Container, class K>
void remove(Container& container, K const& k) {
auto it = container.find(k);
ASSERT(it != container.end());
} // namespace
class ConfigBroadcasterImpl {
// Holds information about each client connected to the broadcaster.
struct BroadcastClientDetails {
// Triggered when the worker dies.
Future<Void> watcher;
ConfigClassSet configClassSet;
Version lastSeenVersion;
ConfigBroadcastInterface broadcastInterface;
bool operator==(BroadcastClientDetails const& rhs) const {
return configClassSet == rhs.configClassSet && lastSeenVersion == rhs.lastSeenVersion &&
broadcastInterface == rhs.broadcastInterface;
bool operator!=(BroadcastClientDetails const& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
BroadcastClientDetails() = default;
BroadcastClientDetails(Future<Void> watcher,
ConfigClassSet const& configClassSet,
Version lastSeenVersion,
ConfigBroadcastInterface broadcastInterface)
: watcher(watcher), configClassSet(configClassSet), lastSeenVersion(lastSeenVersion),
broadcastInterface(broadcastInterface) {}
ConfigDBType configDBType;
std::map<ConfigKey, KnobValue> snapshot;
std::deque<VersionedConfigMutation> mutationHistory;
std::deque<VersionedConfigCommitAnnotation> annotationHistory;
Version lastCompactedVersion;
Version largestLiveVersion;
Version mostRecentVersion;
CoordinatorsHash coordinatorsHash;
std::unique_ptr<IConfigConsumer> consumer;
Future<Void> consumerFuture;
ActorCollection actors{ false };
std::unordered_map<NetworkAddress, Future<Void>> registrationActors;
std::map<UID, BroadcastClientDetails> clients;
std::map<UID, Future<Void>> clientFailures;
// State related to changing coordinators
// Used to read a snapshot from the previous coordinators after a change
// coordinators command.
Future<Optional<Value>> previousCoordinatorsFuture;
std::unique_ptr<IConfigConsumer> previousCoordinatorsConsumer;
Future<Void> previousCoordinatorsSnapshotFuture;
Version largestConfigNodeVersion{ ::invalidVersion };
UID id;
CounterCollection cc;
Counter compactRequest;
Counter successfulChangeRequest;
Counter failedChangeRequest;
Counter snapshotRequest;
Future<Void> logger;
int coordinators = 0;
std::unordered_set<NetworkAddress> registeredConfigNodes;
std::unordered_set<NetworkAddress> activeConfigNodes;
std::unordered_set<NetworkAddress> registrationResponses;
std::unordered_set<NetworkAddress> registrationResponsesUnregistered;
bool disallowUnregistered = false;
Promise<Void> newConfigNodesAllowed;
Future<Void> pushSnapshot(Version snapshotVersion, BroadcastClientDetails const& client) {
if (client.lastSeenVersion >= snapshotVersion) {
return Void();
ConfigBroadcastSnapshotRequest request;
for (const auto& [key, value] : snapshot) {
if (matchesConfigClass(client.configClassSet, key.configClass)) {
request.snapshot[key] = value;
request.version = snapshotVersion;
// TODO: Don't need a delay if there are no atomic changes.
// Delay restarting the cluster controller to allow messages to be sent to workers.
request.restartDelay = client.broadcastInterface.address() == g_network->getLocalAddress()
: 0.0;
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "ConfigBroadcasterSnapshotRequest", id)
.detail("Size", request.snapshot.size())
.detail("Version", request.version);
return success(brokenPromiseToNever(client.broadcastInterface.snapshot.getReply(request)));
template <class Changes>
Future<Void> pushChanges(BroadcastClientDetails& client, Changes const& changes) {
// Skip if client has already seen the latest version.
if (client.lastSeenVersion >= mostRecentVersion) {
return Void();
ConfigBroadcastChangesRequest req;
for (const auto& versionedMutation : changes) {
if (versionedMutation.version > client.lastSeenVersion &&
matchesConfigClass(client.configClassSet, versionedMutation.mutation.getConfigClass())) {
TraceEvent te(SevDebug, "ConfigBroadcasterSendingChangeMutation", id);
te.detail("Version", versionedMutation.version)
.detail("ReqLastSeenVersion", client.lastSeenVersion)
.detail("ConfigClass", versionedMutation.mutation.getConfigClass())
.detail("KnobName", versionedMutation.mutation.getKnobName())
if (versionedMutation.mutation.isSet()) {
te.detail("Op", "Set").detail("KnobValue", versionedMutation.mutation.getValue().toString());
} else {
te.detail("Op", "Clear");
req.changes.push_back_deep(req.changes.arena(), versionedMutation);
if (req.changes.size() == 0) {
return Void();
client.lastSeenVersion = mostRecentVersion;
req.mostRecentVersion = mostRecentVersion;
// TODO: Don't need a delay if there are no atomic changes.
// Delay restarting the cluster controller to allow messages to be sent to workers.
req.restartDelay = client.broadcastInterface.address() == g_network->getLocalAddress()
: 0.0;
return success(client.broadcastInterface.changes.getReply(req));
: lastCompactedVersion(0), largestLiveVersion(0), mostRecentVersion(0),
id(deterministicRandom()->randomUniqueID()), cc("ConfigBroadcaster"), compactRequest("CompactRequest", cc),
successfulChangeRequest("SuccessfulChangeRequest", cc), failedChangeRequest("FailedChangeRequest", cc),
snapshotRequest("SnapshotRequest", cc) {
logger = cc.traceCounters(
"ConfigBroadcasterMetrics", id, SERVER_KNOBS->WORKER_LOGGING_INTERVAL, "ConfigBroadcasterMetrics");
void addChanges(Standalone<VectorRef<VersionedConfigMutationRef>> const& changes,
Version mostRecentVersion,
Standalone<VectorRef<VersionedConfigCommitAnnotationRef>> const& annotations) {
this->mostRecentVersion = mostRecentVersion;
mutationHistory.insert(mutationHistory.end(), changes.begin(), changes.end());
annotationHistory.insert(annotationHistory.end(), annotations.begin(), annotations.end());
for (const auto& change : changes) {
const auto& mutation = change.mutation;
if (mutation.isSet()) {
snapshot[mutation.getKey()] = mutation.getValue();
} else {
for (auto& [id, client] : clients) {
actors.add(brokenPromiseToNever(pushChanges(client, changes)));
ACTOR static Future<Void> pushSnapshotAndChanges(ConfigBroadcasterImpl* self, Version snapshotVersion) {
std::vector<Future<Void>> futures;
for (const auto& [id, client] : self->clients) {
futures.push_back(brokenPromiseToNever(self->pushSnapshot(snapshotVersion, client)));
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> waitForFailure(ConfigBroadcasterImpl* self,
Future<Void> watcher,
UID clientUID,
NetworkAddress clientAddress,
bool isCoordinator) {
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "ConfigBroadcastClientDied", self->id)
.detail("ClientID", clientUID)
.detail("Address", clientAddress)
self->registrationResponsesUnregistered.find(clientAddress) !=
.detail("IsActive", self->activeConfigNodes.find(clientAddress) != self->activeConfigNodes.end());
if (isCoordinator) {
if (self->activeConfigNodes.find(clientAddress) != self->activeConfigNodes.end()) {
if (self->registrationResponsesUnregistered.find(clientAddress) !=
self->registrationResponsesUnregistered.end()) {
self->disallowUnregistered = false;
// See comment where this promise is reset below.
if (self->newConfigNodesAllowed.isSet()) {
return Void();
// Determines whether the registering ConfigNode is allowed to start
// serving configuration database requests and snapshot data. In order to
// ensure strict serializability, some nodes may be temporarily restricted
// from participation until the other nodes in the system are brought up to
// date.
ACTOR static Future<Void> registerNodeInternal(ConfigBroadcaster* broadcaster,
ConfigBroadcasterImpl* self,
ConfigBroadcastInterface configBroadcastInterface) {
if (self->configDBType == ConfigDBType::SIMPLE) {
self->consumerFuture = self->consumer->consume(*broadcaster);
configBroadcastInterface.ready.getReply(ConfigBroadcastReadyRequest{ 0, {}, -1, -1 }))));
return Void();
state NetworkAddress address = configBroadcastInterface.address();
// Ask the registering ConfigNode whether it has registered in the past.
state ConfigBroadcastRegisteredReply reply = wait(
self->largestConfigNodeVersion = std::max(self->largestConfigNodeVersion, reply.lastSeenVersion);
state bool registered = reply.registered;
TraceEvent("ConfigBroadcasterRegisterNodeReceivedRegistrationReply", self->id)
.detail("Address", address)
.detail("Registered", registered)
.detail("DisallowUnregistered", self->disallowUnregistered)
.detail("LastSeenVersion", reply.lastSeenVersion);
if (self->activeConfigNodes.find(address) != self->activeConfigNodes.end()) {
if (self->registrationResponsesUnregistered.find(address) !=
self->registrationResponsesUnregistered.end()) {
// If an unregistered node died which was active, reset the
// disallow unregistered flag so if it re-registers it can be
// set as active again.
self->disallowUnregistered = false;
// Since a node can die and re-register before the broadcaster
// receives notice that the node has died, we need to check for
// re-registration of a node here. There are two places that can
// reset the promise to allow new nodes, so make sure the promise
// is actually set before resetting it. This prevents a node from
// dying, registering, waiting on the promise, then the broadcaster
// receives the notification the node has died and resets the
// promise again.
if (self->newConfigNodesAllowed.isSet()) {
int responsesRemaining = self->coordinators - (int)self->registrationResponses.size();
int nodesTillQuorum = self->coordinators / 2 + 1 - (int)self->activeConfigNodes.size();
if (registered) {
self->disallowUnregistered = true;
} else if ((self->activeConfigNodes.size() < self->coordinators / 2 + 1 && !self->disallowUnregistered) ||
(self->registrationResponsesUnregistered.size() < self->coordinators / 2 &&
responsesRemaining <= nodesTillQuorum)) {
// Received a registration request from an unregistered node. There
// are two cases where we want to allow unregistered nodes to
// register:
// * the cluster is just starting and no nodes are registered
// * there are registered and unregistered nodes, but the
// registered nodes may not represent a majority due to previous
// data loss. In this case, unregistered nodes must be allowed
// to register so they can be rolled forward and form a quorum.
// But only a minority of unregistered nodes should be allowed
// to register so they cannot override the registered nodes as
// a source of truth
if ((self->activeConfigNodes.size() >= self->coordinators / 2 + 1 ||
self->registrationResponsesUnregistered.size() >= self->coordinators / 2 + 1) &&
self->newConfigNodesAllowed.canBeSet()) {
} else {
self->disallowUnregistered = true;
// Read previous coordinators and fetch snapshot from them if they
// exist. This path should only be hit once after the coordinators are
// changed.
Optional<Value> previousCoordinators = wait(self->previousCoordinatorsFuture);
TraceEvent("ConfigBroadcasterRegisterNodeReadPreviousCoordinators", self->id)
.detail("PreviousCoordinators", previousCoordinators)
.detail("HasStartedConsumer", self->previousCoordinatorsSnapshotFuture.isValid());
if (previousCoordinators.present()) {
if (!self->previousCoordinatorsSnapshotFuture.isValid()) {
// Create a consumer to read a snapshot from the previous
// coordinators. The snapshot will be forwarded to the new
// coordinators to bring them up to date.
size_t previousCoordinatorsHash = std::hash<std::string>()(previousCoordinators.get().toString());
if (previousCoordinatorsHash != self->coordinatorsHash) {
ServerCoordinators previousCoordinatorsData(Reference<IClusterConnectionRecord>(
new ClusterConnectionMemoryRecord(previousCoordinators.get().toString())));
TraceEvent("ConfigBroadcasterRegisterNodeStartingConsumer", self->id).log();
self->previousCoordinatorsConsumer = IConfigConsumer::createPaxos(
previousCoordinatorsData, 0.5, SERVER_KNOBS->COMPACTION_INTERVAL, true);
self->previousCoordinatorsSnapshotFuture =
} else {
// If the cluster controller restarts without a coordinator
// change having taken place, there is no need to read a
// previous snapshot.
self->previousCoordinatorsSnapshotFuture = Void();
state bool sendSnapshot =
self->previousCoordinatorsConsumer && reply.lastSeenVersion <= self->mostRecentVersion;
// If a coordinator change is ongoing, a quorum of ConfigNodes are
// already registered and the largest version at least one of those
// ConfigNodes knows about is greater than the version of the latest
// snapshot the broadcaster has, don't send a snapshot to any
// ConfigNodes. This could end up overwriting committed data. Consider
// the following scenario, with three ConfigNodes:
// T=0:
// A: v5
// T=1:
// change coordinators, new coordinators are B, C, D
// T=2:
// B: v5, C: v5, D: v5
// T=3:
// B: v5, C: v10, D: v10
// (some commits happen on only C and D)
// (previousCoordinatorsKey has not been cleared yet)
// T=4:
// D dies and loses its data
// T=5:
// D starts
// B: v5 (registered=yes), C: v10 (registered=yes), D: v0 (registered=no)
// Broadcaster: has an old snapshot, only knows about v5
// self->mostRecentVersion=5
// T=6:
// B, C, D (re-)register with broadcaster
// At T=5, the broadcaster would send snapshots to B and D because the
// largest version they know about (5) is less than or equal to
// self->mostRecentVersion (5). But this would cause a majority of
// nodes to think v5 is the latest committed version, causing C to be
// rolled back, and losing commit data between versions 5 and 10.
// This is a special case where the coordinators are being changed.
// During a coordinator change, a majority of ConfigNodes being
// registered means the coordinator change already took place, and it
// is being retried due to some failure. In that case, we don't want to
// resend snapshots if a majority of the new ConfigNodes are
// registered, because they could have been accepting commits. Instead,
// let the rollback/rollforward algorithm update the out of date nodes.
if (self->previousCoordinatorsConsumer && self->largestConfigNodeVersion > self->mostRecentVersion &&
self->registeredConfigNodes.size() >= self->coordinators / 2 + 1) {
sendSnapshot = false;
// Unregistered nodes need to wait for either:
// 1. A quorum of registered nodes to register and send their
// snapshots, so the unregistered nodes can be rolled forward, or
// 2. A quorum of unregistered nodes to contact the broadcaster (this
// means there is no previous data in the configuration database)
// The above conditions do not apply when changing coordinators, as a
// snapshot of the current state of the configuration database needs to
// be sent to all new coordinators.
TraceEvent("ConfigBroadcasterRegisterNodeDetermineEligibility", self->id)
.detail("Registered", registered)
.detail("SendSnapshot", sendSnapshot);
if (!registered && !sendSnapshot) {
sendSnapshot = sendSnapshot || (!registered && self->snapshot.size() > 0);
TraceEvent("ConfigBroadcasterRegisterNodeSendingReadyRequest", self->id)
.detail("ConfigNodeAddress", address)
.detail("SendSnapshot", sendSnapshot)
.detail("SnapshotVersion", self->mostRecentVersion)
.detail("SnapshotSize", self->snapshot.size())
.detail("LargestLiveVersion", self->largestLiveVersion);
if (sendSnapshot) {
Version liveVersion = std::max(self->largestLiveVersion, self->mostRecentVersion);
self->coordinatorsHash, self->snapshot, self->mostRecentVersion, liveVersion }))));
} else {
ConfigBroadcastReadyRequest{ self->coordinatorsHash, {}, -1, -1 }))));
// Start the consumer last, so at least some nodes will be registered.
if (!self->consumerFuture.isValid()) {
if (sendSnapshot) {
self->consumerFuture = self->consumer->consume(*broadcaster);
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> registerNode(ConfigBroadcaster* self,
ConfigBroadcasterImpl* impl,
ConfigBroadcastInterface broadcastInterface,
Version lastSeenVersion,
ConfigClassSet configClassSet,
Future<Void> watcher,
bool isCoordinator) {
state BroadcastClientDetails client(
watcher, std::move(configClassSet), lastSeenVersion, std::move(broadcastInterface));
if (impl->clients.count( {
// Client already registered
return Void();
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "ConfigBroadcasterRegisteringWorker", impl->id)
.detail("MostRecentVersion", impl->mostRecentVersion)
.detail("IsCoordinator", isCoordinator);
if (isCoordinator) {
// A client re-registering will cause the old actor to be
// cancelled.
impl->registrationActors[broadcastInterface.address()] =
registerNodeInternal(self, impl, broadcastInterface);
// Push full snapshot to worker if it isn't up to date.
wait(impl->pushSnapshot(impl->mostRecentVersion, client));
impl->clients[] = client;
impl->clientFailures[] =
waitForFailure(impl, watcher,, broadcastInterface.address(), isCoordinator);
return Void();
Future<Void> registerNode(ConfigBroadcaster& self,
ConfigBroadcastInterface const& broadcastInterface,
Version lastSeenVersion,
ConfigClassSet configClassSet,
Future<Void> watcher,
bool isCoordinator) {
return registerNode(&self, this, broadcastInterface, lastSeenVersion, configClassSet, watcher, isCoordinator);
// Updates the broadcasters knowledge of which replicas are fully up to
// date, based on data gathered by the consumer.
void updateKnownReplicas(std::vector<ConfigFollowerInterface> const& readReplicas) {
if (!newConfigNodesAllowed.canBeSet()) {
for (const auto& cfi : readReplicas) {
if (activeConfigNodes.size() >= coordinators / 2 + 1) {
disallowUnregistered = true;
void applyChanges(Standalone<VectorRef<VersionedConfigMutationRef>> const& changes,
Version mostRecentVersion,
Standalone<VectorRef<VersionedConfigCommitAnnotationRef>> const& annotations,
std::vector<ConfigFollowerInterface> const& readReplicas) {
if (mostRecentVersion >= 0) {
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "ConfigBroadcasterApplyingChanges", id)
.detail("ChangesSize", changes.size())
.detail("AnnotationsSize", annotations.size())
.detail("CurrentMostRecentVersion", this->mostRecentVersion)
.detail("NewMostRecentVersion", mostRecentVersion)
.detail("ActiveReplicas", readReplicas.size());
addChanges(changes, mostRecentVersion, annotations);
template <class Snapshot>
void applySnapshotAndChanges(Snapshot&& snapshot,
Version snapshotVersion,
Standalone<VectorRef<VersionedConfigMutationRef>> const& changes,
Version changesVersion,
Standalone<VectorRef<VersionedConfigCommitAnnotationRef>> const& annotations,
std::vector<ConfigFollowerInterface> const& readReplicas,
Version largestLiveVersion,
bool fromPreviousCoordinators) {
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "ConfigBroadcasterApplyingSnapshotAndChanges", id)
.detail("CurrentMostRecentVersion", this->mostRecentVersion)
.detail("SnapshotSize", snapshot.size())
.detail("SnapshotVersion", snapshotVersion)
.detail("ChangesSize", changes.size())
.detail("ChangesVersion", changesVersion)
.detail("AnnotationsSize", annotations.size())
.detail("ActiveReplicas", readReplicas.size())
.detail("LargestLiveVersion", largestLiveVersion)
.detail("FromPreviousCoordinators", fromPreviousCoordinators);
// Avoid updating state if the snapshot contains no mutations, or if it
// contains old mutations. This can happen when the set of coordinators
// is changed, and a new coordinator comes online that has not yet had
// the current configuration database pushed to it, or when a new
// coordinator contains state from an old configuration database
// generation.
if ((snapshot.size() != 0 || changes.size() != 0) &&
(snapshotVersion > this->mostRecentVersion || changesVersion > this->mostRecentVersion)) {
this->snapshot = std::forward<Snapshot>(snapshot);
this->lastCompactedVersion = snapshotVersion;
this->largestLiveVersion = std::max(this->largestLiveVersion, largestLiveVersion);
addChanges(changes, changesVersion, annotations);
actors.add(pushSnapshotAndChanges(this, snapshotVersion));
if (!fromPreviousCoordinators) {
ConfigBroadcasterImpl(ConfigFollowerInterface const& cfi) : ConfigBroadcasterImpl() {
configDBType = ConfigDBType::SIMPLE;
coordinators = 1;
consumer = IConfigConsumer::createTestSimple(cfi, 0.5, Optional<double>{});
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "ConfigBroadcasterStartingConsumer", id).detail("Consumer", consumer->getID());
ConfigBroadcasterImpl(ServerCoordinators const& coordinators,
ConfigDBType configDBType,
Future<Optional<Value>> previousCoordinatorsFuture)
: ConfigBroadcasterImpl() {
this->configDBType = configDBType;
this->coordinators = coordinators.configServers.size();
if (configDBType != ConfigDBType::DISABLED) {
if (configDBType == ConfigDBType::SIMPLE) {
consumer = IConfigConsumer::createSimple(coordinators, 0.5, SERVER_KNOBS->COMPACTION_INTERVAL);
} else {
this->previousCoordinatorsFuture = previousCoordinatorsFuture;
consumer = IConfigConsumer::createPaxos(coordinators, 0.5, SERVER_KNOBS->COMPACTION_INTERVAL);
coordinatorsHash = std::hash<std::string>()(coordinators.ccr->getConnectionString().toString());
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "ConfigBroadcasterStartingConsumer", id)
.detail("Consumer", consumer->getID())
.detail("UsingSimpleConsumer", configDBType == ConfigDBType::SIMPLE)
.detail("CoordinatorsCount", this->coordinators)
.detail("CoordinatorsHash", coordinatorsHash)
.detail("CompactionInterval", SERVER_KNOBS->COMPACTION_INTERVAL);
JsonBuilderObject getStatus() const {
JsonBuilderObject result;
JsonBuilderArray mutationsArray;
for (const auto& versionedMutation : mutationHistory) {
JsonBuilderObject mutationObject;
mutationObject["version"] = versionedMutation.version;
const auto& mutation = versionedMutation.mutation;
mutationObject["type"] = mutation.isSet() ? "set" : "clear";
mutationObject["config_class"] = mutation.getConfigClass().orDefault("<global>"_sr);
mutationObject["knob_name"] = mutation.getKnobName();
if (mutation.isSet()) {
mutationObject["knob_value"] = mutation.getValue().toString();
result["mutations"] = std::move(mutationsArray);
JsonBuilderArray commitsArray;
for (const auto& versionedAnnotation : annotationHistory) {
JsonBuilderObject commitObject;
commitObject["version"] = versionedAnnotation.version;
commitObject["description"] = versionedAnnotation.annotation.description;
commitObject["timestamp"] = versionedAnnotation.annotation.timestamp;
result["commits"] = std::move(commitsArray);
JsonBuilderObject snapshotObject;
std::map<Optional<Key>, std::vector<std::pair<Key, Value>>> snapshotMap;
for (const auto& [configKey, value] : snapshot) {
snapshotMap[configKey.configClass.castTo<Key>()].emplace_back(configKey.knobName, value.toString());
for (const auto& [configClass, kvs] : snapshotMap) {
JsonBuilderObject kvsObject;
for (const auto& [knobName, knobValue] : kvs) {
kvsObject[knobName] = knobValue;
snapshotObject[configClass.orDefault("<global>"_sr)] = std::move(kvsObject);
result["snapshot"] = std::move(snapshotObject);
result["last_compacted_version"] = lastCompactedVersion;
result["most_recent_version"] = mostRecentVersion;
return result;
void compact(Version compactionVersion) {
auto it = std::find_if(mutationHistory.begin(), mutationHistory.end(), [compactionVersion](const auto& vm) {
return vm.version > compactionVersion;
mutationHistory.erase(mutationHistory.begin(), it);
auto it = std::find_if(annotationHistory.begin(),
[compactionVersion](const auto& va) { return va.version > compactionVersion; });
annotationHistory.erase(annotationHistory.begin(), it);
lastCompactedVersion = compactionVersion;
Future<Void> getError() const { return consumerFuture || actors.getResult(); }
Future<Void> getClientFailure(UID clientUID) const { return clientFailures.find(clientUID)->second; }
UID getID() const { return id; }
static void runPendingRequestStoreTest(bool includeGlobalMutation, int expectedMatches);
ConfigBroadcaster::ConfigBroadcaster() {}
ConfigBroadcaster::ConfigBroadcaster(ConfigFollowerInterface const& cfi)
: impl(PImpl<ConfigBroadcasterImpl>::create(cfi)) {}
ConfigBroadcaster::ConfigBroadcaster(ServerCoordinators const& coordinators,
ConfigDBType configDBType,
Future<Optional<Value>> previousCoordinatorsFuture)
: impl(PImpl<ConfigBroadcasterImpl>::create(coordinators, configDBType, previousCoordinatorsFuture)) {}
ConfigBroadcaster::ConfigBroadcaster(ConfigBroadcaster&&) = default;
ConfigBroadcaster& ConfigBroadcaster::operator=(ConfigBroadcaster&&) = default;
ConfigBroadcaster::~ConfigBroadcaster() = default;
Future<Void> ConfigBroadcaster::registerNode(ConfigBroadcastInterface const& broadcastInterface,
Version lastSeenVersion,
ConfigClassSet const& configClassSet,
Future<Void> watcher,
bool isCoordinator) {
return impl->registerNode(*this, broadcastInterface, lastSeenVersion, configClassSet, watcher, isCoordinator);
void ConfigBroadcaster::applyChanges(Standalone<VectorRef<VersionedConfigMutationRef>> const& changes,
Version mostRecentVersion,
Standalone<VectorRef<VersionedConfigCommitAnnotationRef>> const& annotations,
std::vector<ConfigFollowerInterface> const& readReplicas) {
impl->applyChanges(changes, mostRecentVersion, annotations, readReplicas);
void ConfigBroadcaster::applySnapshotAndChanges(
std::map<ConfigKey, KnobValue> const& snapshot,
Version snapshotVersion,
Standalone<VectorRef<VersionedConfigMutationRef>> const& changes,
Version changesVersion,
Standalone<VectorRef<VersionedConfigCommitAnnotationRef>> const& annotations,
std::vector<ConfigFollowerInterface> const& readReplicas,
Version largestLiveVersion,
bool fromPreviousCoordinators) {
void ConfigBroadcaster::applySnapshotAndChanges(
std::map<ConfigKey, KnobValue>&& snapshot,
Version snapshotVersion,
Standalone<VectorRef<VersionedConfigMutationRef>> const& changes,
Version changesVersion,
Standalone<VectorRef<VersionedConfigCommitAnnotationRef>> const& annotations,
std::vector<ConfigFollowerInterface> const& readReplicas,
Version largestLiveVersion,
bool fromPreviousCoordinators) {
Future<Void> ConfigBroadcaster::getError() const {
return impl->getError();
Future<Void> ConfigBroadcaster::getClientFailure(UID clientUID) const {
return impl->getClientFailure(clientUID);
UID ConfigBroadcaster::getID() const {
return impl->getID();
JsonBuilderObject ConfigBroadcaster::getStatus() const {
return impl->getStatus();
void ConfigBroadcaster::compact(Version compactionVersion) {
ACTOR static Future<Void> lockConfigNodesImpl(ServerCoordinators coordinators) {
if (coordinators.configServers.empty()) {
return Void();
CoordinatorsHash coordinatorsHash = std::hash<std::string>()(coordinators.ccr->getConnectionString().toString());
std::vector<Future<Void>> lockRequests;
for (int i = 0; i < coordinators.configServers.size(); i++) {
if (coordinators.configServers[i].hostname.present()) {
lockRequests.push_back(retryGetReplyFromHostname(ConfigFollowerLockRequest{ coordinatorsHash },
} else {
retryBrokenPromise(coordinators.configServers[i].lock, ConfigFollowerLockRequest{ coordinatorsHash }));
int quorum_size = lockRequests.size() / 2 + 1;
wait(quorum(lockRequests, quorum_size));
return Void();
Future<Void> ConfigBroadcaster::lockConfigNodes(ServerCoordinators coordinators) {
return lockConfigNodesImpl(coordinators);