928 lines
38 KiB
928 lines
38 KiB
* QuietDatabase.actor.cpp
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cinttypes>
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#include "fdbclient/FDBOptions.g.h"
#include "fdbclient/SystemData.h"
#include "flow/ActorCollection.h"
#include "fdbrpc/simulator.h"
#include "flow/Trace.h"
#include "fdbclient/DatabaseContext.h"
#include "fdbclient/NativeAPI.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/ReadYourWrites.h"
#include "fdbclient/RunTransaction.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/Knobs.h"
#include "fdbserver/TesterInterface.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/WorkerInterface.actor.h"
#include "fdbserver/ServerDBInfo.h"
#include "fdbserver/Status.actor.h"
#include "fdbclient/ManagementAPI.actor.h"
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
#include "flow/flow.h"
ACTOR Future<std::vector<WorkerDetails>> getWorkers(Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo, int flags = 0) {
loop {
choose {
when(std::vector<WorkerDetails> w = wait(brokenPromiseToNever(
dbInfo->get().clusterInterface.getWorkers.getReply(GetWorkersRequest(flags))))) {
return w;
when(wait(dbInfo->onChange())) {}
// Gets the WorkerInterface representing the Master server.
ACTOR Future<WorkerInterface> getMasterWorker(Database cx, Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo) {
TraceEvent("GetMasterWorker").detail("Stage", "GettingWorkers");
loop {
state std::vector<WorkerDetails> workers = wait(getWorkers(dbInfo));
for (int i = 0; i < workers.size(); i++) {
if (workers[i].interf.address() == dbInfo->get().master.address()) {
.detail("Stage", "GotWorkers")
.detail("MasterId", dbInfo->get().master.id())
.detail("WorkerId", workers[i].interf.id());
return workers[i].interf;
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "GetMasterWorkerError")
.detail("Error", "MasterWorkerNotFound")
.detail("Master", dbInfo->get().master.id())
.detail("MasterAddress", dbInfo->get().master.address())
.detail("WorkerCount", workers.size());
// Gets the WorkerInterface representing the data distributor.
ACTOR Future<WorkerInterface> getDataDistributorWorker(Database cx, Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo) {
TraceEvent("GetDataDistributorWorker").detail("Stage", "GettingWorkers");
loop {
state std::vector<WorkerDetails> workers = wait(getWorkers(dbInfo));
if (!dbInfo->get().distributor.present())
for (int i = 0; i < workers.size(); i++) {
if (workers[i].interf.address() == dbInfo->get().distributor.get().address()) {
.detail("Stage", "GotWorkers")
.detail("DataDistributorId", dbInfo->get().distributor.get().id())
.detail("WorkerId", workers[i].interf.id());
return workers[i].interf;
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "GetDataDistributorWorker")
.detail("Error", "DataDistributorWorkerNotFound")
.detail("DataDistributorId", dbInfo->get().distributor.get().id())
.detail("DataDistributorAddress", dbInfo->get().distributor.get().address())
.detail("WorkerCount", workers.size());
// Gets the number of bytes in flight from the data distributor.
ACTOR Future<int64_t> getDataInFlight(Database cx, WorkerInterface distributorWorker) {
try {
TraceEvent("DataInFlight").detail("Stage", "ContactingDataDistributor");
TraceEventFields md = wait(
timeoutError(distributorWorker.eventLogRequest.getReply(EventLogRequest("TotalDataInFlight"_sr)), 1.0));
int64_t dataInFlight = boost::lexical_cast<int64_t>(md.getValue("TotalBytes"));
return dataInFlight;
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent("QuietDatabaseFailure", distributorWorker.id())
.detail("Reason", "Failed to extract DataInFlight");
// Gets the number of bytes in flight from the data distributor.
ACTOR Future<int64_t> getDataInFlight(Database cx, Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo) {
WorkerInterface distributorInterf = wait(getDataDistributorWorker(cx, dbInfo));
int64_t dataInFlight = wait(getDataInFlight(cx, distributorInterf));
return dataInFlight;
// Computes the queue size for storage servers and tlogs using the bytesInput and bytesDurable attributes
int64_t getQueueSize(const TraceEventFields& md) {
double inputRate, durableRate;
double inputRoughness, durableRoughness;
int64_t inputBytes, durableBytes;
sscanf(md.getValue("BytesInput").c_str(), "%lf %lf %" SCNd64, &inputRate, &inputRoughness, &inputBytes);
sscanf(md.getValue("BytesDurable").c_str(), "%lf %lf %" SCNd64, &durableRate, &durableRoughness, &durableBytes);
return inputBytes - durableBytes;
int64_t getDurableVersion(const TraceEventFields& md) {
return boost::lexical_cast<int64_t>(md.getValue("DurableVersion"));
// Computes the popped version lag for tlogs
int64_t getPoppedVersionLag(const TraceEventFields& md) {
int64_t persistentDataDurableVersion = boost::lexical_cast<int64_t>(md.getValue("PersistentDataDurableVersion"));
int64_t queuePoppedVersion = boost::lexical_cast<int64_t>(md.getValue("QueuePoppedVersion"));
return persistentDataDurableVersion - queuePoppedVersion;
ACTOR Future<std::vector<WorkerInterface>> getCoordWorkers(Database cx,
Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo) {
state std::vector<WorkerDetails> workers = wait(getWorkers(dbInfo));
Optional<Value> coordinators =
wait(runRYWTransaction(cx, [=](Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr) -> Future<Optional<Value>> {
return tr->get(coordinatorsKey);
if (!coordinators.present()) {
throw operation_failed();
ClusterConnectionString ccs(coordinators.get().toString());
std::vector<NetworkAddress> coordinatorsAddr = wait(ccs.tryResolveHostnames());
std::set<NetworkAddress> coordinatorsAddrSet;
for (const auto& addr : coordinatorsAddr) {
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "CoordinatorAddress").detail("Addr", addr);
std::vector<WorkerInterface> result;
for (const auto& worker : workers) {
NetworkAddress primary = worker.interf.address();
Optional<NetworkAddress> secondary = worker.interf.tLog.getEndpoint().addresses.secondaryAddress;
if (coordinatorsAddrSet.find(primary) != coordinatorsAddrSet.end() ||
(secondary.present() && (coordinatorsAddrSet.find(secondary.get()) != coordinatorsAddrSet.end()))) {
return result;
// This is not robust in the face of a TLog failure
ACTOR Future<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>> getTLogQueueInfo(Database cx,
Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo) {
TraceEvent("MaxTLogQueueSize").detail("Stage", "ContactingLogs");
state std::vector<WorkerDetails> workers = wait(getWorkers(dbInfo));
std::map<NetworkAddress, WorkerInterface> workersMap;
for (auto worker : workers) {
workersMap[worker.interf.address()] = worker.interf;
state std::vector<Future<TraceEventFields>> messages;
state std::vector<TLogInterface> tlogs = dbInfo->get().logSystemConfig.allPresentLogs();
for (int i = 0; i < tlogs.size(); i++) {
auto itr = workersMap.find(tlogs[i].address());
if (itr == workersMap.end()) {
.detail("Reason", "Could not find worker for log server")
.detail("Tlog", tlogs[i].id());
throw attribute_not_found();
itr->second.eventLogRequest.getReply(EventLogRequest(StringRef(tlogs[i].id().toString() + "/TLogMetrics"))),
TraceEvent("MaxTLogQueueSize").detail("Stage", "ComputingMax").detail("MessageCount", messages.size());
state int64_t maxQueueSize = 0;
state int64_t maxPoppedVersionLag = 0;
state int i = 0;
for (; i < messages.size(); i++) {
try {
maxQueueSize = std::max(maxQueueSize, getQueueSize(messages[i].get()));
maxPoppedVersionLag = std::max(maxPoppedVersionLag, getPoppedVersionLag(messages[i].get()));
} catch (Error& e) {
.detail("Reason", "Failed to extract MaxTLogQueue")
.detail("Tlog", tlogs[i].id());
return std::make_pair(maxQueueSize, maxPoppedVersionLag);
// Returns a vector of blob worker interfaces which have been persisted under the system key space
ACTOR Future<std::vector<BlobWorkerInterface>> getBlobWorkers(Database cx,
bool use_system_priority = false,
Version* grv = nullptr) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
if (use_system_priority) {
try {
RangeResult blobWorkersList = wait(tr.getRange(blobWorkerListKeys, CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY));
ASSERT(!blobWorkersList.more && blobWorkersList.size() < CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY);
std::vector<BlobWorkerInterface> blobWorkers;
for (int i = 0; i < blobWorkersList.size(); i++) {
if (grv) {
*grv = tr.getReadVersion().get();
return blobWorkers;
} catch (Error& e) {
ACTOR Future<std::vector<StorageServerInterface>> getStorageServers(Database cx, bool use_system_priority = false) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
if (use_system_priority) {
try {
RangeResult serverList = wait(tr.getRange(serverListKeys, CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY));
ASSERT(!serverList.more && serverList.size() < CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY);
std::vector<StorageServerInterface> servers;
for (int i = 0; i < serverList.size(); i++)
return servers;
} catch (Error& e) {
ACTOR Future<std::pair<std::vector<WorkerInterface>, int>>
getStorageWorkers(Database cx, Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo, bool localOnly) {
state std::vector<StorageServerInterface> servers = wait(getStorageServers(cx));
state std::map<NetworkAddress, WorkerInterface> workersMap;
std::vector<WorkerDetails> workers = wait(getWorkers(dbInfo));
for (const auto& worker : workers) {
workersMap[worker.interf.address()] = worker.interf;
Optional<Value> regionsValue =
wait(runRYWTransaction(cx, [=](Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr) -> Future<Optional<Value>> {
return tr->get("usable_regions"_sr.withPrefix(configKeysPrefix));
int usableRegions = 1;
if (regionsValue.present()) {
usableRegions = atoi(regionsValue.get().toString().c_str());
auto masterDcId = dbInfo->get().master.locality.dcId();
std::pair<std::vector<WorkerInterface>, int> result;
auto& [workerInterfaces, failures] = result;
failures = 0;
for (const auto& server : servers) {
TraceEvent(SevDebug, "DcIdInfo")
.detail("ServerLocalityID", server.locality.dcId())
.detail("MasterDcID", masterDcId);
if (!localOnly || (usableRegions == 1 || server.locality.dcId() == masterDcId)) {
auto itr = workersMap.find(server.address());
if (itr == workersMap.end()) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "GetStorageWorkers")
.detail("Reason", "Could not find worker for storage server")
.detail("SS", server.id());
} else {
return result;
// Helper function to extract he maximum SQ size of all provided messages. All futures in the
// messages vector have to be ready.
int64_t extractMaxQueueSize(const std::vector<Future<TraceEventFields>>& messages,
const std::vector<StorageServerInterface>& servers) {
int64_t maxQueueSize = 0;
UID maxQueueServer;
for (int i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) {
try {
auto queueSize = getQueueSize(messages[i].get());
if (queueSize > maxQueueSize) {
maxQueueSize = queueSize;
maxQueueServer = servers[i].id();
} catch (Error& e) {
.detail("Reason", "Failed to extract MaxStorageServerQueue")
.detail("SS", servers[i].id());
for (auto& m : messages) {
TraceEvent("Messages").detail("Info", m.get().toString());
.detail("Stage", "MaxComputed")
.detail("Max", maxQueueSize)
.detail("MaxQueueServer", format("%016" PRIx64, maxQueueServer.first()));
return maxQueueSize;
// Timeout wrapper when getting the storage metrics. This will do some additional tracing
ACTOR Future<TraceEventFields> getStorageMetricsTimeout(UID storage, WorkerInterface wi, Version version) {
state int retries = 0;
loop {
state Future<TraceEventFields> result =
wi.eventLogRequest.getReply(EventLogRequest(StringRef(storage.toString() + "/StorageMetrics")));
state Future<Void> timeout = delay(30.0);
choose {
when(TraceEventFields res = wait(result)) {
if (version == invalidVersion || getDurableVersion(res) >= static_cast<int64_t>(version)) {
return res;
when(wait(timeout)) {
.detail("Reason", "Could not fetch StorageMetrics")
.detail("Storage", format("%016" PRIx64, storage.first()));
throw timed_out();
if (retries > 30) {
.detail("Reason", "Could not fetch StorageMetrics x30")
.detail("Storage", format("%016" PRIx64, storage.first()))
.detail("Version", version);
throw timed_out();
// Gets the maximum size of all the storage server queues
ACTOR Future<int64_t> getMaxStorageServerQueueSize(Database cx,
Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo,
Version version) {
TraceEvent("MaxStorageServerQueueSize").detail("Stage", "ContactingStorageServers");
Future<std::vector<StorageServerInterface>> serversFuture = getStorageServers(cx);
state Future<std::vector<WorkerDetails>> workersFuture = getWorkers(dbInfo);
state std::vector<StorageServerInterface> servers = wait(serversFuture);
state std::vector<WorkerDetails> workers = wait(workersFuture);
std::map<NetworkAddress, WorkerInterface> workersMap;
for (auto worker : workers) {
workersMap[worker.interf.address()] = worker.interf;
state std::vector<Future<TraceEventFields>> messages;
for (int i = 0; i < servers.size(); i++) {
auto itr = workersMap.find(servers[i].address());
if (itr == workersMap.end()) {
.detail("Reason", "Could not find worker for storage server")
.detail("SS", servers[i].id());
throw attribute_not_found();
messages.push_back(getStorageMetricsTimeout(servers[i].id(), itr->second, version));
TraceEvent("MaxStorageServerQueueSize").detail("Stage", "ComputingMax").detail("MessageCount", messages.size());
return extractMaxQueueSize(messages, servers);
// Gets the size of the data distribution queue. If reportInFlight is true, then data in flight is considered part of
// the queue
ACTOR Future<int64_t> getDataDistributionQueueSize(Database cx,
WorkerInterface distributorWorker,
bool reportInFlight) {
try {
TraceEvent("DataDistributionQueueSize").detail("Stage", "ContactingDataDistributor");
TraceEventFields movingDataMessage =
wait(timeoutError(distributorWorker.eventLogRequest.getReply(EventLogRequest("MovingData"_sr)), 1.0));
TraceEvent("DataDistributionQueueSize").detail("Stage", "GotString");
int64_t inQueue = boost::lexical_cast<int64_t>(movingDataMessage.getValue("InQueue"));
if (reportInFlight) {
int64_t inFlight = boost::lexical_cast<int64_t>(movingDataMessage.getValue("InFlight"));
inQueue += inFlight;
return inQueue;
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent("QuietDatabaseFailure", distributorWorker.id())
.detail("Reason", "Failed to extract DataDistributionQueueSize");
// Gets the size of the data distribution queue. If reportInFlight is true, then data in flight is considered part of
// the queue Convenience method that first finds the master worker from a zookeeper interface
ACTOR Future<int64_t> getDataDistributionQueueSize(Database cx,
Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo,
bool reportInFlight) {
WorkerInterface distributorInterf = wait(getDataDistributorWorker(cx, dbInfo));
int64_t inQueue = wait(getDataDistributionQueueSize(cx, distributorInterf, reportInFlight));
return inQueue;
// Gets if the number of process and machine teams does not exceed the maximum allowed number of teams
ACTOR Future<bool> getTeamCollectionValid(Database cx, WorkerInterface dataDistributorWorker) {
state int attempts = 0;
state bool ret = false;
loop {
try {
if (!g_network->isSimulated()) {
return true;
TraceEvent("GetTeamCollectionValid").detail("Stage", "ContactingMaster");
TraceEventFields teamCollectionInfoMessage = wait(timeoutError(
dataDistributorWorker.eventLogRequest.getReply(EventLogRequest("TeamCollectionInfo"_sr)), 1.0));
TraceEvent("GetTeamCollectionValid").detail("Stage", "GotString");
state int64_t currentTeams =
state int64_t desiredTeams =
state int64_t maxTeams = boost::lexical_cast<int64_t>(teamCollectionInfoMessage.getValue("MaxTeams"));
state int64_t currentMachineTeams =
state int64_t healthyMachineTeams =
state int64_t desiredMachineTeams =
state int64_t maxMachineTeams =
state int64_t minServerTeamsOnServer =
state int64_t maxServerTeamsOnServer =
state int64_t minMachineTeamsOnMachine =
state int64_t maxMachineTeamsOnMachine =
// The if condition should be consistent with the condition in serverTeamRemover() and
// machineTeamRemover() that decides if redundant teams exist.
// Team number is always valid when we disable teamRemover, which avoids false positive in simulation test.
// The minimun team number per server (and per machine) should be no less than 0 so that newly added machine
// can host data on it.
// If the machineTeamRemover does not remove the machine team with the most machine teams,
// we may oscillate between building more server teams by teamBuilder() and removing those teams by
// teamRemover To avoid false positive in simulation, we skip the consistency check in this case.
// This is a corner case. This is a work-around if case the team number requirements cannot be satisfied.
// The checking for too many teams is disabled because teamRemover may not remove a team if it leads to 0
// team on a server
// healthyMachineTeams > desiredMachineTeams) ||
// (!SERVER_KNOBS->TR_FLAG_DISABLE_SERVER_TEAM_REMOVER && currentTeams > desiredTeams) ||
if ((minMachineTeamsOnMachine <= 0 || minServerTeamsOnServer <= 0) &&
ret = false;
if (attempts++ < 10) {
continue; // We may not receive the most recent TeamCollectionInfo
// When DESIRED_TEAMS_PER_SERVER == 1, we see minMachineTeamOnMachine can be 0 in one out of 30k test
// cases. Only check DESIRED_TEAMS_PER_SERVER == 3 for now since it is mostly used configuration.
// TODO: Remove the constraint SERVER_KNOBS->DESIRED_TEAMS_PER_SERVER == 3 to ensure that
// the minimun team number per server (and per machine) is always > 0 for any number of replicas
.detail("CurrentServerTeams", currentTeams)
.detail("DesiredTeams", desiredTeams)
.detail("MaxTeams", maxTeams)
.detail("CurrentHealthyMachineTeams", healthyMachineTeams)
.detail("DesiredMachineTeams", desiredMachineTeams)
.detail("CurrentMachineTeams", currentMachineTeams)
.detail("MaxMachineTeams", maxMachineTeams)
.detail("MinTeamsOnServer", minServerTeamsOnServer)
.detail("MaxTeamsOnServer", maxServerTeamsOnServer)
.detail("MinMachineTeamsOnMachine", minMachineTeamsOnMachine)
.detail("MaxMachineTeamsOnMachine", maxMachineTeamsOnMachine)
.detail("DesiredTeamsPerServer", SERVER_KNOBS->DESIRED_TEAMS_PER_SERVER)
.detail("MaxTeamsPerServer", SERVER_KNOBS->MAX_TEAMS_PER_SERVER)
return ret;
} else {
return true;
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_actor_cancelled) {
TraceEvent("QuietDatabaseFailure", dataDistributorWorker.id())
.detail("Reason", "Failed to extract GetTeamCollectionValid information");
if (attempts > 10) {
TraceEvent("QuietDatabaseNoTeamCollectionInfo", dataDistributorWorker.id())
.detail("Reason", "Had never called build team to build any team");
return true;
// throw;
// Gets if the number of process and machine teams does not exceed the maximum allowed number of teams
// Convenience method that first finds the master worker from a zookeeper interface
ACTOR Future<bool> getTeamCollectionValid(Database cx, Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo) {
WorkerInterface dataDistributorWorker = wait(getDataDistributorWorker(cx, dbInfo));
bool valid = wait(getTeamCollectionValid(cx, dataDistributorWorker));
return valid;
// Checks that data distribution is active
ACTOR Future<bool> getDataDistributionActive(Database cx, WorkerInterface distributorWorker) {
try {
TraceEvent("DataDistributionActive").detail("Stage", "ContactingDataDistributor");
TraceEventFields activeMessage = wait(
timeoutError(distributorWorker.eventLogRequest.getReply(EventLogRequest("DDTrackerStarting"_sr)), 1.0));
return activeMessage.getValue("State") == "Active";
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent("QuietDatabaseFailure", distributorWorker.id())
.detail("Reason", "Failed to extract DataDistributionActive");
// Checks to see if any storage servers are being recruited
ACTOR Future<bool> getStorageServersRecruiting(Database cx, WorkerInterface distributorWorker, UID distributorUID) {
try {
TraceEvent("StorageServersRecruiting").detail("Stage", "ContactingDataDistributor");
TraceEventFields recruitingMessage =
EventLogRequest(StringRef("StorageServerRecruitment_" + distributorUID.toString()))),
TraceEvent("StorageServersRecruiting").detail("Message", recruitingMessage.toString());
if (recruitingMessage.getValue("State") == "Recruiting") {
std::string tssValue;
// if we're tss recruiting, that's fine because that can block indefinitely if only 1 free storage process
if (!recruitingMessage.tryGetValue("IsTSS", tssValue) || tssValue == "False") {
return true;
return false;
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent("QuietDatabaseFailure", distributorWorker.id())
.detail("Reason", "Failed to extract StorageServersRecruiting")
.detail("DataDistributorID", distributorUID);
// Gets the difference between the expected version (based on the version
// epoch) and the actual version.
ACTOR Future<int64_t> getVersionOffset(Database cx,
WorkerInterface distributorWorker,
Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo) {
loop {
state Transaction tr(cx);
try {
TraceEvent("GetVersionOffset").detail("Stage", "ReadingVersionEpoch");
state Version rv = wait(tr.getReadVersion());
Optional<Standalone<StringRef>> versionEpochValue = wait(tr.get(versionEpochKey));
if (!versionEpochValue.present()) {
return 0;
int64_t versionEpoch = BinaryReader::fromStringRef<int64_t>(versionEpochValue.get(), Unversioned());
int64_t versionOffset = abs(rv - (g_network->timer() * SERVER_KNOBS->VERSIONS_PER_SECOND - versionEpoch));
return versionOffset;
} catch (Error& e) {
ACTOR Future<Void> repairDeadDatacenter(Database cx,
Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo,
std::string context) {
if (g_network->isSimulated() && g_simulator->usableRegions > 1) {
bool primaryDead = g_simulator->datacenterDead(g_simulator->primaryDcId);
bool remoteDead = g_simulator->datacenterDead(g_simulator->remoteDcId);
// FIXME: the primary and remote can both be considered dead because excludes are not handled properly by the
// datacenterDead function
if (primaryDead && remoteDead) {
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "CannotDisableFearlessConfiguration").log();
return Void();
if (primaryDead || remoteDead) {
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "DisablingFearlessConfiguration")
.detail("Location", context)
.detail("Stage", "Repopulate")
.detail("RemoteDead", remoteDead)
.detail("PrimaryDead", primaryDead);
g_simulator->usableRegions = 1;
(primaryDead ? g_simulator->disablePrimary : g_simulator->disableRemote) + " repopulate_anti_quorum=1",
while (dbInfo->get().recoveryState < RecoveryState::STORAGE_RECOVERED) {
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "DisablingFearlessConfiguration")
.detail("Location", context)
.detail("Stage", "Usable_Regions");
wait(success(ManagementAPI::changeConfig(cx.getReference(), "usable_regions=1", true)));
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> reconfigureAfter(Database cx,
double time,
Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo,
std::string context) {
wait(repairDeadDatacenter(cx, dbInfo, context));
return Void();
struct QuietDatabaseChecker {
double start = now();
double maxDDRunTime;
QuietDatabaseChecker(double maxDDRunTime) : maxDDRunTime(maxDDRunTime) {}
struct Impl {
double start;
std::string const& phase;
double maxDDRunTime;
std::vector<std::string> failReasons;
Impl(double start, const std::string& phase, const double maxDDRunTime)
: start(start), phase(phase), maxDDRunTime(maxDDRunTime) {}
template <class T, class Comparison = std::less_equal<>>
Impl& add(BaseTraceEvent& evt,
const char* name,
T value,
T expected,
Comparison const& cmp = std::less_equal<>()) {
std::string k = fmt::format("{}Gate", name);
evt.detail(name, value).detail(k.c_str(), expected);
if (!cmp(value, expected)) {
return *this;
bool success() {
bool timedOut = now() - start > maxDDRunTime;
if (!failReasons.empty()) {
std::string traceMessage = fmt::format("QuietDatabase{}Fail", phase);
std::string reasons = fmt::format("{}", fmt::join(failReasons, ", "));
TraceEvent(timedOut ? SevError : SevWarnAlways, traceMessage.c_str())
.detail("Reasons", reasons)
.detail("FailedAfter", now() - start)
.detail("Timeout", maxDDRunTime);
if (timedOut) {
// this bool is just created to make the assertion more readable
bool ddGotStuck = true;
// This assertion is here to make the test fail more quickly. If quietDatabase takes this
// long without completing, we can assume that the test will eventually time out. However,
// time outs are more annoying to debug. This will hopefully be easier to track down.
ASSERT(!ddGotStuck || !g_network->isSimulated());
return false;
return true;
Impl startIteration(std::string const& phase) const {
Impl res(start, phase, maxDDRunTime);
return res;
// Waits until a database quiets down (no data in flight, small tlog queue, low SQ, no active data distribution). This
// requires the database to be available and healthy in order to succeed.
ACTOR Future<Void> waitForQuietDatabase(Database cx,
Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> dbInfo,
std::string phase,
int64_t dataInFlightGate = 2e6,
int64_t maxTLogQueueGate = 5e6,
int64_t maxStorageServerQueueGate = 5e6,
int64_t maxDataDistributionQueueSize = 0,
int64_t maxPoppedVersionLag = 30e6,
int64_t maxVersionOffset = 1e6) {
state QuietDatabaseChecker checker(isBuggifyEnabled(BuggifyType::General) ? 4000.0 : 1000.0);
state Future<Void> reconfig =
reconfigureAfter(cx, 100 + (deterministicRandom()->random01() * 100), dbInfo, "QuietDatabase");
state Future<int64_t> dataInFlight;
state Future<std::pair<int64_t, int64_t>> tLogQueueInfo;
state Future<int64_t> dataDistributionQueueSize;
state Future<bool> teamCollectionValid;
state Future<int64_t> storageQueueSize;
state Future<bool> dataDistributionActive;
state Future<bool> storageServersRecruiting;
state Future<int64_t> versionOffset;
auto traceMessage = "QuietDatabase" + phase + "Begin";
// In a simulated environment, wait 5 seconds so that workers can move to their optimal locations
if (g_network->isSimulated())
while (dbInfo->get().recoveryState != RecoveryState::FULLY_RECOVERED) {
// The quiet database check (which runs at the end of every test) will always time out due to active data movement.
// To get around this, quiet Database will disable the perpetual wiggle in the setup phase.
printf("Set perpetual_storage_wiggle=0 ...\n");
state Version version = wait(setPerpetualStorageWiggle(cx, false, LockAware::True));
printf("Set perpetual_storage_wiggle=0 Done.\n");
// Require 3 consecutive successful quiet database checks spaced 2 second apart
state int numSuccesses = 0;
loop {
try {
WorkerInterface distributorWorker = wait(getDataDistributorWorker(cx, dbInfo));
UID distributorUID = dbInfo->get().distributor.get().id();
TraceEvent("QuietDatabaseGotDataDistributor", distributorUID)
.detail("Locality", distributorWorker.locality.toString());
dataInFlight = getDataInFlight(cx, distributorWorker);
tLogQueueInfo = getTLogQueueInfo(cx, dbInfo);
dataDistributionQueueSize = getDataDistributionQueueSize(cx, distributorWorker, dataInFlightGate == 0);
teamCollectionValid = getTeamCollectionValid(cx, distributorWorker);
storageQueueSize = getMaxStorageServerQueueSize(cx, dbInfo, version);
dataDistributionActive = getDataDistributionActive(cx, distributorWorker);
storageServersRecruiting = getStorageServersRecruiting(cx, distributorWorker, distributorUID);
versionOffset = getVersionOffset(cx, distributorWorker, dbInfo);
wait(success(dataInFlight) && success(tLogQueueInfo) && success(dataDistributionQueueSize) &&
success(teamCollectionValid) && success(storageQueueSize) && success(dataDistributionActive) &&
success(storageServersRecruiting) && success(versionOffset));
maxVersionOffset += dbInfo->get().recoveryCount * SERVER_KNOBS->MAX_VERSIONS_IN_FLIGHT;
auto check = checker.startIteration(phase);
std::string evtType = "QuietDatabase" + phase;
TraceEvent evt(evtType.c_str());
check.add(evt, "DataInFlight", dataInFlight.get(), dataInFlightGate)
.add(evt, "MaxTLogQueueSize", tLogQueueInfo.get().first, maxTLogQueueGate)
.add(evt, "MaxTLogPoppedVersionLag", tLogQueueInfo.get().second, maxPoppedVersionLag)
.add(evt, "DataDistributionQueueSize", dataDistributionQueueSize.get(), maxDataDistributionQueueSize)
.add(evt, "TeamCollectionValid", teamCollectionValid.get(), true, std::equal_to<>())
.add(evt, "MaxStorageQueueSize", storageQueueSize.get(), maxStorageServerQueueGate)
.add(evt, "DataDistributionActive", dataDistributionActive.get(), true, std::equal_to<>())
.add(evt, "StorageServersRecruiting", storageServersRecruiting.get(), false, std::equal_to<>())
.add(evt, "VersionOffset", versionOffset.get(), maxVersionOffset);
evt.detail("RecoveryCount", dbInfo->get().recoveryCount).detail("NumSuccesses", numSuccesses);
if (check.success()) {
if (++numSuccesses == 3) {
auto msg = "QuietDatabase" + phase + "Done";
} else {
wait(delay(g_network->isSimulated() ? 2.0 : 30.0));
} else {
numSuccesses = 0;
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(("QuietDatabase" + phase + "Error").c_str()).errorUnsuppressed(e);
if (e.code() != error_code_actor_cancelled && e.code() != error_code_attribute_not_found &&
e.code() != error_code_timed_out)
TraceEvent(("QuietDatabase" + phase + "Error").c_str()).error(e);
// Client invalid operation occurs if we don't get back a message from one of the servers, often corrected
// by retrying
if (e.code() != error_code_attribute_not_found && e.code() != error_code_timed_out)
auto evtType = "QuietDatabase" + phase + "Retry";
TraceEvent evt(evtType.c_str());
int notReadyCount = 0;
if (dataInFlight.isReady() && dataInFlight.isError()) {
auto key = "NotReady" + std::to_string(notReadyCount++);
evt.detail(key.c_str(), "dataInFlight");
if (tLogQueueInfo.isReady() && tLogQueueInfo.isError()) {
auto key = "NotReady" + std::to_string(notReadyCount++);
evt.detail(key.c_str(), "tLogQueueInfo");
if (dataDistributionQueueSize.isReady() && dataDistributionQueueSize.isError()) {
auto key = "NotReady" + std::to_string(notReadyCount++);
evt.detail(key.c_str(), "dataDistributionQueueSize");
if (teamCollectionValid.isReady() && teamCollectionValid.isError()) {
auto key = "NotReady" + std::to_string(notReadyCount++);
evt.detail(key.c_str(), "teamCollectionValid");
if (storageQueueSize.isReady() && storageQueueSize.isError()) {
auto key = "NotReady" + std::to_string(notReadyCount++);
evt.detail(key.c_str(), "storageQueueSize");
if (dataDistributionActive.isReady() && dataDistributionActive.isError()) {
auto key = "NotReady" + std::to_string(notReadyCount++);
evt.detail(key.c_str(), "dataDistributionActive");
if (storageServersRecruiting.isReady() && storageServersRecruiting.isError()) {
auto key = "NotReady" + std::to_string(notReadyCount++);
evt.detail(key.c_str(), "storageServersRecruiting");
if (versionOffset.isReady() && versionOffset.isError()) {
auto key = "NotReady" + std::to_string(notReadyCount++);
evt.detail(key.c_str(), "versionOffset");
numSuccesses = 0;
return Void();
Future<Void> quietDatabase(Database const& cx,
Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo> const> const& dbInfo,
std::string phase,
int64_t dataInFlightGate,
int64_t maxTLogQueueGate,
int64_t maxStorageServerQueueGate,
int64_t maxDataDistributionQueueSize,
int64_t maxPoppedVersionLag,
int64_t maxVersionOffset) {
return waitForQuietDatabase(cx,