785 lines
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785 lines
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* MultiVersionTransaction.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "bindings/c/foundationdb/fdb_c_options.g.h"
#include "fdbclient/FDBOptions.g.h"
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "fdbclient/IClientApi.h"
#include "flow/ThreadHelper.actor.h"
// FdbCApi is used as a wrapper around the FoundationDB C API that gets loaded from an external client library.
// All of the required functions loaded from that external library are stored in function pointers in this struct.
struct FdbCApi : public ThreadSafeReferenceCounted<FdbCApi> {
typedef struct FDB_future FDBFuture;
typedef struct FDB_result FDBResult;
typedef struct FDB_cluster FDBCluster;
typedef struct FDB_database FDBDatabase;
typedef struct FDB_transaction FDBTransaction;
typedef int fdb_error_t;
typedef int fdb_bool_t;
#pragma pack(push, 4)
typedef struct key {
const uint8_t* key;
int keyLength;
} FDBKey;
typedef struct keyvalue {
const void* key;
int keyLength;
const void* value;
int valueLength;
} FDBKeyValue;
#pragma pack(pop)
/* Memory layout of KeySelectorRef. */
typedef struct keyselector {
FDBKey key;
/* orEqual and offset have not be tested in C binding. Just a placeholder. */
fdb_bool_t orEqual;
int offset;
} FDBKeySelector;
/* Memory layout of GetRangeReqAndResultRef. */
typedef struct getrangereqandresult {
FDBKeySelector begin;
FDBKeySelector end;
FDBKeyValue* data;
int m_size, m_capacity;
} FDBGetRangeReqAndResult;
typedef struct mappedkeyvalue {
FDBKey key;
FDBKey value;
/* It's complicated to map a std::variant to C. For now we assume the underlying requests are always getRange
* and take the shortcut. */
FDBGetRangeReqAndResult getRange;
unsigned char buffer[32];
} FDBMappedKeyValue;
#pragma pack(push, 4)
typedef struct keyrange {
const void* beginKey;
int beginKeyLength;
const void* endKey;
int endKeyLength;
} FDBKeyRange;
#pragma pack(pop)
typedef struct readgranulecontext {
// User context to pass along to functions
void* userContext;
// Returns a unique id for the load. Asynchronous to support queueing multiple in parallel.
int64_t (
*start_load_f)(const char* filename, int filenameLength, int64_t offset, int64_t length, void* context);
// Returns data for the load. Pass the loadId returned by start_load_f
uint8_t* (*get_load_f)(int64_t loadId, void* context);
// Frees data from load. Pass the loadId returned by start_load_f
void (*free_load_f)(int64_t loadId, void* context);
// set this to true for testing if you don't want to read the granule files, just
// do the request to the blob workers
fdb_bool_t debugNoMaterialize;
} FDBReadBlobGranuleContext;
typedef void (*FDBCallback)(FDBFuture* future, void* callback_parameter);
// Network
fdb_error_t (*selectApiVersion)(int runtimeVersion, int headerVersion);
const char* (*getClientVersion)();
fdb_error_t (*setNetworkOption)(FDBNetworkOption option, uint8_t const* value, int valueLength);
fdb_error_t (*setupNetwork)();
fdb_error_t (*runNetwork)();
fdb_error_t (*stopNetwork)();
fdb_error_t (*createDatabase)(const char* clusterFilePath, FDBDatabase** db);
// Database
fdb_error_t (*databaseCreateTransaction)(FDBDatabase* database, FDBTransaction** tr);
fdb_error_t (*databaseSetOption)(FDBDatabase* database,
FDBDatabaseOption option,
uint8_t const* value,
int valueLength);
void (*databaseDestroy)(FDBDatabase* database);
FDBFuture* (*databaseRebootWorker)(FDBDatabase* database,
uint8_t const* address,
int addressLength,
fdb_bool_t check,
int duration);
FDBFuture* (*databaseForceRecoveryWithDataLoss)(FDBDatabase* database, uint8_t const* dcid, int dcidLength);
FDBFuture* (*databaseCreateSnapshot)(FDBDatabase* database,
uint8_t const* uid,
int uidLength,
uint8_t const* snapshotCommmand,
int snapshotCommandLength);
double (*databaseGetMainThreadBusyness)(FDBDatabase* database);
FDBFuture* (*databaseGetServerProtocol)(FDBDatabase* database, uint64_t expectedVersion);
// Transaction
fdb_error_t (*transactionSetOption)(FDBTransaction* tr,
FDBTransactionOption option,
uint8_t const* value,
int valueLength);
void (*transactionDestroy)(FDBTransaction* tr);
void (*transactionSetReadVersion)(FDBTransaction* tr, int64_t version);
FDBFuture* (*transactionGetReadVersion)(FDBTransaction* tr);
FDBFuture* (*transactionGet)(FDBTransaction* tr, uint8_t const* keyName, int keyNameLength, fdb_bool_t snapshot);
FDBFuture* (*transactionGetKey)(FDBTransaction* tr,
uint8_t const* keyName,
int keyNameLength,
fdb_bool_t orEqual,
int offset,
fdb_bool_t snapshot);
FDBFuture* (*transactionGetAddressesForKey)(FDBTransaction* tr, uint8_t const* keyName, int keyNameLength);
FDBFuture* (*transactionGetRange)(FDBTransaction* tr,
uint8_t const* beginKeyName,
int beginKeyNameLength,
fdb_bool_t beginOrEqual,
int beginOffset,
uint8_t const* endKeyName,
int endKeyNameLength,
fdb_bool_t endOrEqual,
int endOffset,
int limit,
int targetBytes,
FDBStreamingMode mode,
int iteration,
fdb_bool_t snapshot,
fdb_bool_t reverse);
FDBFuture* (*transactionGetMappedRange)(FDBTransaction* tr,
uint8_t const* beginKeyName,
int beginKeyNameLength,
fdb_bool_t beginOrEqual,
int beginOffset,
uint8_t const* endKeyName,
int endKeyNameLength,
fdb_bool_t endOrEqual,
int endOffset,
uint8_t const* mapper_name,
int mapper_name_length,
int limit,
int targetBytes,
FDBStreamingMode mode,
int iteration,
fdb_bool_t snapshot,
fdb_bool_t reverse);
FDBFuture* (*transactionGetVersionstamp)(FDBTransaction* tr);
void (*transactionSet)(FDBTransaction* tr,
uint8_t const* keyName,
int keyNameLength,
uint8_t const* value,
int valueLength);
void (*transactionClear)(FDBTransaction* tr, uint8_t const* keyName, int keyNameLength);
void (*transactionClearRange)(FDBTransaction* tr,
uint8_t const* beginKeyName,
int beginKeyNameLength,
uint8_t const* endKeyName,
int endKeyNameLength);
void (*transactionAtomicOp)(FDBTransaction* tr,
uint8_t const* keyName,
int keyNameLength,
uint8_t const* param,
int paramLength,
FDBMutationType operationType);
FDBFuture* (*transactionGetEstimatedRangeSizeBytes)(FDBTransaction* tr,
uint8_t const* begin_key_name,
int begin_key_name_length,
uint8_t const* end_key_name,
int end_key_name_length);
FDBFuture* (*transactionGetRangeSplitPoints)(FDBTransaction* tr,
uint8_t const* begin_key_name,
int begin_key_name_length,
uint8_t const* end_key_name,
int end_key_name_length,
int64_t chunkSize);
FDBFuture* (*transactionGetBlobGranuleRanges)(FDBTransaction* db,
uint8_t const* begin_key_name,
int begin_key_name_length,
uint8_t const* end_key_name,
int end_key_name_length);
FDBResult* (*transactionReadBlobGranules)(FDBTransaction* db,
uint8_t const* begin_key_name,
int begin_key_name_length,
uint8_t const* end_key_name,
int end_key_name_length,
int64_t beginVersion,
int64_t readVersion,
FDBReadBlobGranuleContext granule_context);
FDBFuture* (*transactionCommit)(FDBTransaction* tr);
fdb_error_t (*transactionGetCommittedVersion)(FDBTransaction* tr, int64_t* outVersion);
FDBFuture* (*transactionGetApproximateSize)(FDBTransaction* tr);
FDBFuture* (*transactionWatch)(FDBTransaction* tr, uint8_t const* keyName, int keyNameLength);
FDBFuture* (*transactionOnError)(FDBTransaction* tr, fdb_error_t error);
void (*transactionReset)(FDBTransaction* tr);
void (*transactionCancel)(FDBTransaction* tr);
fdb_error_t (*transactionAddConflictRange)(FDBTransaction* tr,
uint8_t const* beginKeyName,
int beginKeyNameLength,
uint8_t const* endKeyName,
int endKeyNameLength,
// Future
fdb_error_t (*futureGetDatabase)(FDBFuture* f, FDBDatabase** outDb);
fdb_error_t (*futureGetInt64)(FDBFuture* f, int64_t* outValue);
fdb_error_t (*futureGetUInt64)(FDBFuture* f, uint64_t* outValue);
fdb_error_t (*futureGetBool)(FDBFuture* f, bool* outValue);
fdb_error_t (*futureGetError)(FDBFuture* f);
fdb_error_t (*futureGetKey)(FDBFuture* f, uint8_t const** outKey, int* outKeyLength);
fdb_error_t (*futureGetValue)(FDBFuture* f, fdb_bool_t* outPresent, uint8_t const** outValue, int* outValueLength);
fdb_error_t (*futureGetStringArray)(FDBFuture* f, const char*** outStrings, int* outCount);
fdb_error_t (*futureGetKeyRangeArray)(FDBFuture* f, const FDBKeyRange** out_keyranges, int* outCount);
fdb_error_t (*futureGetKeyArray)(FDBFuture* f, FDBKey const** outKeys, int* outCount);
fdb_error_t (*futureGetKeyValueArray)(FDBFuture* f, FDBKeyValue const** outKV, int* outCount, fdb_bool_t* outMore);
fdb_error_t (*futureGetMappedKeyValueArray)(FDBFuture* f,
FDBMappedKeyValue const** outKVM,
int* outCount,
fdb_bool_t* outMore);
fdb_error_t (*futureSetCallback)(FDBFuture* f, FDBCallback callback, void* callback_parameter);
void (*futureCancel)(FDBFuture* f);
void (*futureDestroy)(FDBFuture* f);
fdb_error_t (*resultGetKeyValueArray)(FDBResult* f, FDBKeyValue const** outKV, int* outCount, fdb_bool_t* outMore);
void (*resultDestroy)(FDBResult* f);
// Legacy Support
FDBFuture* (*createCluster)(const char* clusterFilePath);
FDBFuture* (*clusterCreateDatabase)(FDBCluster* cluster, uint8_t* dbName, int dbNameLength);
void (*clusterDestroy)(FDBCluster* cluster);
fdb_error_t (*futureGetCluster)(FDBFuture* f, FDBCluster** outCluster);
// An implementation of ITransaction that wraps a transaction object created on an externally loaded client library.
// All API calls to that transaction are routed through the external library.
class DLTransaction : public ITransaction, ThreadSafeReferenceCounted<DLTransaction> {
DLTransaction(Reference<FdbCApi> api, FdbCApi::FDBTransaction* tr) : api(api), tr(tr) {}
~DLTransaction() override { api->transactionDestroy(tr); }
void cancel() override;
void setVersion(Version v) override;
ThreadFuture<Version> getReadVersion() override;
ThreadFuture<Optional<Value>> get(const KeyRef& key, bool snapshot = false) override;
ThreadFuture<Key> getKey(const KeySelectorRef& key, bool snapshot = false) override;
ThreadFuture<RangeResult> getRange(const KeySelectorRef& begin,
const KeySelectorRef& end,
int limit,
bool snapshot = false,
bool reverse = false) override;
ThreadFuture<RangeResult> getRange(const KeySelectorRef& begin,
const KeySelectorRef& end,
GetRangeLimits limits,
bool snapshot = false,
bool reverse = false) override;
ThreadFuture<RangeResult> getRange(const KeyRangeRef& keys,
int limit,
bool snapshot = false,
bool reverse = false) override;
ThreadFuture<RangeResult> getRange(const KeyRangeRef& keys,
GetRangeLimits limits,
bool snapshot = false,
bool reverse = false) override;
ThreadFuture<MappedRangeResult> getMappedRange(const KeySelectorRef& begin,
const KeySelectorRef& end,
const StringRef& mapper,
GetRangeLimits limits,
bool snapshot,
bool reverse) override;
ThreadFuture<Standalone<VectorRef<const char*>>> getAddressesForKey(const KeyRef& key) override;
ThreadFuture<Standalone<StringRef>> getVersionstamp() override;
ThreadFuture<int64_t> getEstimatedRangeSizeBytes(const KeyRangeRef& keys) override;
ThreadFuture<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRef>>> getRangeSplitPoints(const KeyRangeRef& range,
int64_t chunkSize) override;
ThreadFuture<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRangeRef>>> getBlobGranuleRanges(const KeyRangeRef& keyRange) override;
ThreadResult<RangeResult> readBlobGranules(const KeyRangeRef& keyRange,
Version beginVersion,
Optional<Version> readVersion,
ReadBlobGranuleContext granule_context) override;
void addReadConflictRange(const KeyRangeRef& keys) override;
void atomicOp(const KeyRef& key, const ValueRef& value, uint32_t operationType) override;
void set(const KeyRef& key, const ValueRef& value) override;
void clear(const KeyRef& begin, const KeyRef& end) override;
void clear(const KeyRangeRef& range) override;
void clear(const KeyRef& key) override;
ThreadFuture<Void> watch(const KeyRef& key) override;
void addWriteConflictRange(const KeyRangeRef& keys) override;
ThreadFuture<Void> commit() override;
Version getCommittedVersion() override;
ThreadFuture<int64_t> getApproximateSize() override;
void setOption(FDBTransactionOptions::Option option, Optional<StringRef> value = Optional<StringRef>()) override;
ThreadFuture<Void> onError(Error const& e) override;
void reset() override;
void addref() override { ThreadSafeReferenceCounted<DLTransaction>::addref(); }
void delref() override { ThreadSafeReferenceCounted<DLTransaction>::delref(); }
const Reference<FdbCApi> api;
FdbCApi::FDBTransaction* const tr;
// An implementation of IDatabase that wraps a database object created on an externally loaded client library.
// All API calls to that database are routed through the external library.
class DLDatabase : public IDatabase, ThreadSafeReferenceCounted<DLDatabase> {
DLDatabase(Reference<FdbCApi> api, FdbCApi::FDBDatabase* db) : api(api), db(db), ready(Void()) {}
DLDatabase(Reference<FdbCApi> api, ThreadFuture<FdbCApi::FDBDatabase*> dbFuture);
~DLDatabase() override {
if (db) {
ThreadFuture<Void> onReady();
Reference<ITransaction> createTransaction() override;
void setOption(FDBDatabaseOptions::Option option, Optional<StringRef> value = Optional<StringRef>()) override;
double getMainThreadBusyness() override;
// Returns the protocol version reported by the coordinator this client is connected to
// If an expected version is given, the future won't return until the protocol version is different than expected
// Note: this will never return if the server is running a protocol from FDB 5.0 or older
ThreadFuture<ProtocolVersion> getServerProtocol(
Optional<ProtocolVersion> expectedVersion = Optional<ProtocolVersion>()) override;
void addref() override { ThreadSafeReferenceCounted<DLDatabase>::addref(); }
void delref() override { ThreadSafeReferenceCounted<DLDatabase>::delref(); }
ThreadFuture<int64_t> rebootWorker(const StringRef& address, bool check, int duration) override;
ThreadFuture<Void> forceRecoveryWithDataLoss(const StringRef& dcid) override;
ThreadFuture<Void> createSnapshot(const StringRef& uid, const StringRef& snapshot_command) override;
const Reference<FdbCApi> api;
db; // Always set if API version >= 610, otherwise guaranteed to be set when onReady future is set
ThreadFuture<Void> ready;
// An implementation of IClientApi that re-issues API calls to the C API of an externally loaded client library.
// The DL prefix stands for "dynamic library".
class DLApi : public IClientApi {
DLApi(std::string fdbCPath, bool unlinkOnLoad = false);
void selectApiVersion(int apiVersion) override;
const char* getClientVersion() override;
void setNetworkOption(FDBNetworkOptions::Option option, Optional<StringRef> value = Optional<StringRef>()) override;
void setupNetwork() override;
void runNetwork() override;
void stopNetwork() override;
Reference<IDatabase> createDatabase(const char* clusterFilePath) override;
Reference<IDatabase> createDatabase609(const char* clusterFilePath); // legacy database creation
void addNetworkThreadCompletionHook(void (*hook)(void*), void* hookParameter) override;
const std::string fdbCPath;
const Reference<FdbCApi> api;
const bool unlinkOnLoad;
int headerVersion;
bool networkSetup;
Mutex lock;
std::vector<std::pair<void (*)(void*), void*>> threadCompletionHooks;
void init();
class MultiVersionDatabase;
// An implementation of ITransaction that wraps a transaction created either locally or through a dynamically loaded
// external client. When needed (e.g on cluster version change), the MultiVersionTransaction can automatically replace
// its wrapped transaction with one from another client.
class MultiVersionTransaction : public ITransaction, ThreadSafeReferenceCounted<MultiVersionTransaction> {
MultiVersionTransaction(Reference<MultiVersionDatabase> db,
UniqueOrderedOptionList<FDBTransactionOptions> defaultOptions);
~MultiVersionTransaction() override;
void cancel() override;
void setVersion(Version v) override;
ThreadFuture<Version> getReadVersion() override;
ThreadFuture<Optional<Value>> get(const KeyRef& key, bool snapshot = false) override;
ThreadFuture<Key> getKey(const KeySelectorRef& key, bool snapshot = false) override;
ThreadFuture<RangeResult> getRange(const KeySelectorRef& begin,
const KeySelectorRef& end,
int limit,
bool snapshot = false,
bool reverse = false) override;
ThreadFuture<RangeResult> getRange(const KeySelectorRef& begin,
const KeySelectorRef& end,
GetRangeLimits limits,
bool snapshot = false,
bool reverse = false) override;
ThreadFuture<RangeResult> getRange(const KeyRangeRef& keys,
int limit,
bool snapshot = false,
bool reverse = false) override;
ThreadFuture<RangeResult> getRange(const KeyRangeRef& keys,
GetRangeLimits limits,
bool snapshot = false,
bool reverse = false) override;
ThreadFuture<MappedRangeResult> getMappedRange(const KeySelectorRef& begin,
const KeySelectorRef& end,
const StringRef& mapper,
GetRangeLimits limits,
bool snapshot,
bool reverse) override;
ThreadFuture<Standalone<VectorRef<const char*>>> getAddressesForKey(const KeyRef& key) override;
ThreadFuture<Standalone<StringRef>> getVersionstamp() override;
void addReadConflictRange(const KeyRangeRef& keys) override;
ThreadFuture<int64_t> getEstimatedRangeSizeBytes(const KeyRangeRef& keys) override;
ThreadFuture<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRef>>> getRangeSplitPoints(const KeyRangeRef& range,
int64_t chunkSize) override;
ThreadFuture<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRangeRef>>> getBlobGranuleRanges(const KeyRangeRef& keyRange) override;
ThreadResult<RangeResult> readBlobGranules(const KeyRangeRef& keyRange,
Version beginVersion,
Optional<Version> readVersion,
ReadBlobGranuleContext granule_context) override;
void atomicOp(const KeyRef& key, const ValueRef& value, uint32_t operationType) override;
void set(const KeyRef& key, const ValueRef& value) override;
void clear(const KeyRef& begin, const KeyRef& end) override;
void clear(const KeyRangeRef& range) override;
void clear(const KeyRef& key) override;
ThreadFuture<Void> watch(const KeyRef& key) override;
void addWriteConflictRange(const KeyRangeRef& keys) override;
ThreadFuture<Void> commit() override;
Version getCommittedVersion() override;
ThreadFuture<int64_t> getApproximateSize() override;
void setOption(FDBTransactionOptions::Option option, Optional<StringRef> value = Optional<StringRef>()) override;
ThreadFuture<Void> onError(Error const& e) override;
void reset() override;
void addref() override { ThreadSafeReferenceCounted<MultiVersionTransaction>::addref(); }
void delref() override { ThreadSafeReferenceCounted<MultiVersionTransaction>::delref(); }
// return true if the underlying transaction pointer is not empty
bool isValid() override;
const Reference<MultiVersionDatabase> db;
ThreadSpinLock lock;
struct TransactionInfo {
Reference<ITransaction> transaction;
ThreadFuture<Void> onChange;
// Timeout related variables for MultiVersionTransaction objects that do not have an underlying ITransaction
// The time when the MultiVersionTransaction was last created or reset
std::atomic<double> startTime;
// A lock that needs to be held if using timeoutTsav or currentTimeout
ThreadSpinLock timeoutLock;
// A single assignment var (i.e. promise) that gets set with an error when the timeout elapses or the transaction
// is reset or destroyed.
Reference<ThreadSingleAssignmentVar<Void>> timeoutTsav;
// A reference to the current actor waiting for the timeout. This actor will set the timeoutTsav promise.
ThreadFuture<Void> currentTimeout;
// Configure a timeout based on the options set for this transaction. This timeout only applies
// if we don't have an underlying database object to connect with.
void setTimeout(Optional<StringRef> value);
// Creates a ThreadFuture<T> that will signal an error if the transaction times out.
template <class T>
ThreadFuture<T> makeTimeout();
template <class T>
ThreadResult<T> abortableTimeoutResult(ThreadFuture<Void> abortSignal);
TransactionInfo transaction;
TransactionInfo getTransaction();
void updateTransaction();
void setDefaultOptions(UniqueOrderedOptionList<FDBTransactionOptions> options);
std::vector<std::pair<FDBTransactionOptions::Option, Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>>> persistentOptions;
struct ClientDesc {
std::string const libPath;
bool const external;
ClientDesc(std::string libPath, bool external) : libPath(libPath), external(external) {}
struct ClientInfo : ClientDesc, ThreadSafeReferenceCounted<ClientInfo> {
ProtocolVersion protocolVersion;
std::string releaseVersion = "unknown";
IClientApi* api;
bool failed;
std::atomic_bool initialized;
std::vector<std::pair<void (*)(void*), void*>> threadCompletionHooks;
: ClientDesc(std::string(), false), protocolVersion(0), api(nullptr), failed(true), initialized(false) {}
ClientInfo(IClientApi* api)
: ClientDesc("internal", false), protocolVersion(0), api(api), failed(false), initialized(false) {}
ClientInfo(IClientApi* api, std::string libPath)
: ClientDesc(libPath, true), protocolVersion(0), api(api), failed(false), initialized(false) {}
void loadVersion();
bool canReplace(Reference<ClientInfo> other) const;
class MultiVersionApi;
// An implementation of IDatabase that wraps a database created either locally or through a dynamically loaded
// external client. The MultiVersionDatabase monitors the protocol version of the cluster and automatically
// replaces the wrapped database when the protocol version changes.
class MultiVersionDatabase final : public IDatabase, ThreadSafeReferenceCounted<MultiVersionDatabase> {
MultiVersionDatabase(MultiVersionApi* api,
int threadIdx,
std::string clusterFilePath,
Reference<IDatabase> db,
Reference<IDatabase> versionMonitorDb,
bool openConnectors = true);
~MultiVersionDatabase() override;
Reference<ITransaction> createTransaction() override;
void setOption(FDBDatabaseOptions::Option option, Optional<StringRef> value = Optional<StringRef>()) override;
double getMainThreadBusyness() override;
// Returns the protocol version reported by the coordinator this client is connected to
// If an expected version is given, the future won't return until the protocol version is different than expected
// Note: this will never return if the server is running a protocol from FDB 5.0 or older
ThreadFuture<ProtocolVersion> getServerProtocol(
Optional<ProtocolVersion> expectedVersion = Optional<ProtocolVersion>()) override;
void addref() override { ThreadSafeReferenceCounted<MultiVersionDatabase>::addref(); }
void delref() override { ThreadSafeReferenceCounted<MultiVersionDatabase>::delref(); }
// Create a MultiVersionDatabase that wraps an already created IDatabase object
// For internal use in testing
static Reference<IDatabase> debugCreateFromExistingDatabase(Reference<IDatabase> db);
ThreadFuture<int64_t> rebootWorker(const StringRef& address, bool check, int duration) override;
ThreadFuture<Void> forceRecoveryWithDataLoss(const StringRef& dcid) override;
ThreadFuture<Void> createSnapshot(const StringRef& uid, const StringRef& snapshot_command) override;
// private:
struct LegacyVersionMonitor;
// A struct that manages the current connection state of the MultiVersionDatabase. This wraps the underlying
// IDatabase object that is currently interacting with the cluster.
struct DatabaseState : ThreadSafeReferenceCounted<DatabaseState> {
DatabaseState(std::string clusterFilePath, Reference<IDatabase> versionMonitorDb);
// Replaces the active database connection with a new one. Must be called from the main thread.
void updateDatabase(Reference<IDatabase> newDb, Reference<ClientInfo> client);
// Called when a change to the protocol version of the cluster has been detected.
// Must be called from the main thread
void protocolVersionChanged(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion);
// Adds a client (local or externally loaded) that can be used to connect to the cluster
void addClient(Reference<ClientInfo> client);
// Watch the cluster protocol version for changes and update the database state when it does.
// Must be called from the main thread
ThreadFuture<Void> monitorProtocolVersion();
// Starts version monitors for old client versions that don't support connect packet monitoring (<= 5.0).
// Must be called from the main thread
void startLegacyVersionMonitors();
// Cleans up state for the legacy version monitors to break reference cycles
void close();
Reference<IDatabase> db;
const Reference<ThreadSafeAsyncVar<Reference<IDatabase>>> dbVar;
std::string clusterFilePath;
// Used to monitor the cluster protocol version. Will be the same as db unless we have either not connected
// yet or if the client version associated with db does not support protocol monitoring. In those cases,
// this will be a specially created local db.
Reference<IDatabase> versionMonitorDb;
bool closed;
ThreadFuture<Void> changed;
ThreadFuture<Void> dbReady;
ThreadFuture<Void> protocolVersionMonitor;
// Versions older than 6.1 do not benefit from having their database connections closed. Additionally,
// there are various issues that result in negative behavior in some cases if the connections are closed.
// Therefore, we leave them open.
std::map<ProtocolVersion, Reference<IDatabase>> legacyDatabaseConnections;
// Versions 5.0 and older do not support connection packet monitoring and require alternate techniques to
// determine the cluster version.
std::list<Reference<LegacyVersionMonitor>> legacyVersionMonitors;
Optional<ProtocolVersion> dbProtocolVersion;
// This maps a normalized protocol version to the client associated with it. This prevents compatible
// differences in protocol version not matching each other.
std::map<ProtocolVersion, Reference<ClientInfo>> clients;
std::vector<std::pair<FDBDatabaseOptions::Option, Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>>> options;
UniqueOrderedOptionList<FDBTransactionOptions> transactionDefaultOptions;
Mutex optionLock;
// A struct that enables monitoring whether the cluster is running an old version (<= 5.0) that doesn't support
// connect packet monitoring.
struct LegacyVersionMonitor : ThreadSafeReferenceCounted<LegacyVersionMonitor> {
LegacyVersionMonitor(Reference<ClientInfo> const& client) : client(client), monitorRunning(false) {}
// Terminates the version monitor to break reference cycles
void close();
// Starts the connection monitor by creating a database object at an old version.
// Must be called from the main thread
void startConnectionMonitor(Reference<DatabaseState> dbState);
// Runs a GRV probe on the cluster to determine if the client version is compatible with the cluster.
// Must be called from main thread
void runGrvProbe(Reference<DatabaseState> dbState);
Reference<ClientInfo> client;
Reference<IDatabase> db;
Reference<ITransaction> tr;
ThreadFuture<Void> versionMonitor;
bool monitorRunning;
const Reference<DatabaseState> dbState;
friend class MultiVersionTransaction;
// An implementation of IClientApi that can choose between multiple different client implementations either provided
// locally within the primary loaded fdb_c client or through any number of dynamically loaded clients.
// This functionality is used to provide support for multiple protocol versions simultaneously.
class MultiVersionApi : public IClientApi {
void selectApiVersion(int apiVersion) override;
const char* getClientVersion() override;
void setNetworkOption(FDBNetworkOptions::Option option, Optional<StringRef> value = Optional<StringRef>()) override;
void setupNetwork() override;
void runNetwork() override;
void stopNetwork() override;
void addNetworkThreadCompletionHook(void (*hook)(void*), void* hookParameter) override;
// Creates an IDatabase object that represents a connection to the cluster
Reference<IDatabase> createDatabase(const char* clusterFilePath) override;
static MultiVersionApi* api;
Reference<ClientInfo> getLocalClient();
void runOnExternalClients(int threadId,
bool runOnFailedClients = false);
void runOnExternalClientsAllThreads(std::function<void(Reference<ClientInfo>)>, bool runOnFailedClients = false);
void updateSupportedVersions();
bool callbackOnMainThread;
bool localClientDisabled;
static bool apiVersionAtLeast(int minVersion);
void loadEnvironmentVariableNetworkOptions();
void disableMultiVersionClientApi();
void setCallbacksOnExternalThreads();
void addExternalLibrary(std::string path);
void addExternalLibraryDirectory(std::string path);
// Return a vector of (pathname, unlink_on_close) pairs. Makes threadCount - 1 copies of the library stored in
// path, and returns a vector of length threadCount.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>> copyExternalLibraryPerThread(std::string path);
void disableLocalClient();
void setSupportedClientVersions(Standalone<StringRef> versions);
void setNetworkOptionInternal(FDBNetworkOptions::Option option, Optional<StringRef> value);
Reference<ClientInfo> localClient;
std::map<std::string, ClientDesc> externalClientDescriptions;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<Reference<ClientInfo>>> externalClients;
bool networkStartSetup;
volatile bool networkSetup;
volatile bool bypassMultiClientApi;
volatile bool externalClient;
int apiVersion;
int nextThread = 0;
int threadCount;
Mutex lock;
std::vector<std::pair<FDBNetworkOptions::Option, Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>>> options;
std::map<FDBNetworkOptions::Option, std::set<Standalone<StringRef>>> setEnvOptions;
volatile bool envOptionsLoaded;