
332 lines
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* NativeAPI.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "flow/flow.h"
#include "flow/"
#include "FDBTypes.h"
#include "MasterProxyInterface.h"
#include "FDBOptions.g.h"
#include "CoordinationInterface.h"
#include "ClusterInterface.h"
#include "ClientLogEvents.h"
// Incomplete types that are reference counted
class DatabaseContext;
template <> void addref( DatabaseContext* ptr );
template <> void delref( DatabaseContext* ptr );
void validateOptionValue(Optional<StringRef> value, bool shouldBePresent);
void enableClientInfoLogging();
struct NetworkOptions {
std::string localAddress;
std::string clusterFile;
Optional<std::string> traceDirectory;
uint64_t traceRollSize;
uint64_t traceMaxLogsSize;
std::string traceLogGroup;
Optional<bool> logClientInfo;
Standalone<VectorRef<ClientVersionRef>> supportedVersions;
bool slowTaskProfilingEnabled;
// The default values, TRACE_DEFAULT_ROLL_SIZE and TRACE_DEFAULT_MAX_LOGS_SIZE are located in Trace.h.
NetworkOptions() : localAddress(""), clusterFile(""), traceDirectory(Optional<std::string>()), traceRollSize(TRACE_DEFAULT_ROLL_SIZE), traceMaxLogsSize(TRACE_DEFAULT_MAX_LOGS_SIZE), traceLogGroup("default"),
{ }
class Database {
Database() {} // an uninitialized database can be destructed or reassigned safely; that's it
void operator= ( Database const& rhs ) { db = rhs.db; }
Database( Database const& rhs ) : db(rhs.db) {}
Database(Database&& r) noexcept(true) : db(std::move(r.db)) {}
void operator= (Database&& r) noexcept(true) { db = std::move(r.db); }
// For internal use by the native client:
explicit Database(Reference<DatabaseContext> cx) : db(cx) {}
explicit Database( DatabaseContext* cx ) : db(cx) {}
inline DatabaseContext* getPtr() const { return db.getPtr(); }
DatabaseContext* operator->() const { return db.getPtr(); }
Reference<DatabaseContext> db;
void setNetworkOption(FDBNetworkOptions::Option option, Optional<StringRef> value = Optional<StringRef>() );
// Configures the global networking machinery
void setupNetwork(uint64_t transportId = 0, bool useMetrics = false);
// This call blocks while the network is running. To use the API in a single-threaded
// environment, the calling program must have ACTORs already launched that are waiting
// to use the network. In this case, the program can terminate by calling stopNetwork()
// from a callback, thereby releasing this call to return. In a multithreaded setup
// this call can be called from a dedicated "networking" thread. All the network-based
// callbacks will happen on this second thread. When a program is finished, the
// call stopNetwork (from a non-networking thread) can cause the runNetwork() call to
// return.
// Throws network_already_setup if g_network has already been initalized
void runNetwork();
// See above. Can be called from a thread that is not the "networking thread"
// Throws network_not_setup if g_network has not been initalized
void stopNetwork();
* Starts and holds the monitorLeader and failureMonitorClient actors
class Cluster : public ReferenceCounted<Cluster>, NonCopyable {
enum { API_VERSION_LATEST = -1 };
// Constructs a Cluster. This uses the global networking enging configured in setupNetwork()
// apiVersion may be set to API_VERSION_LATEST
static Reference<Cluster> createCluster( Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> connFile, int apiVersion );
static Reference<Cluster> createCluster(std::string connFileName, int apiVersion);
// See DatabaseContext::createDatabase
Future<Database> createDatabase( Standalone<StringRef> dbName, LocalityData locality = LocalityData() );
void setOption(FDBClusterOptions::Option option, Optional<StringRef> value);
Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> getConnectionFile() { return connectionFile; }
int apiVersionAtLeast(int minVersion) { return apiVersion < 0 || apiVersion >= minVersion; }
Future<Void> onConnected(); // Returns after a majority of coordination servers are available and have reported a leader. The cluster file therefore is valid, but the database might be unavailable.
Error deferred_error;
void checkDeferredError() { if (deferred_error.code() != invalid_error_code) throw deferred_error; }
private: friend class ThreadSafeCluster;
friend class AtomicOpsApiCorrectnessWorkload; // This is just for testing purposes. It needs to change apiVersion
friend class AtomicOpsWorkload; // This is just for testing purposes. It needs to change apiVersion
friend class VersionStampWorkload; // This is just for testing purposes. It needs to change apiVersion
Cluster( Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> connFile, int apiVersion = API_VERSION_LATEST );
Reference<AsyncVar<Optional<struct ClusterInterface>>> clusterInterface;
Future<Void> leaderMon, failMon, connected;
Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> connectionFile;
int apiVersion;
struct StorageMetrics;
struct TransactionOptions {
double maxBackoff;
uint32_t getReadVersionFlags;
uint32_t customTransactionSizeLimit;
bool checkWritesEnabled : 1;
bool causalWriteRisky : 1;
bool commitOnFirstProxy : 1;
bool debugDump : 1;
bool lockAware : 1;
bool readOnly : 1;
bool firstInBatch : 1;
TransactionOptions() {
if (BUGGIFY) {
commitOnFirstProxy = true;
void reset() {
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
struct TransactionInfo {
Optional<UID> debugID;
int taskID;
explicit TransactionInfo( int taskID ) : taskID( taskID ) {}
struct TransactionLogInfo : public ReferenceCounted<TransactionLogInfo>, NonCopyable {
TransactionLogInfo() : logToDatabase(true) {}
TransactionLogInfo(std::string identifier) : logToDatabase(false), identifier(identifier) {}
BinaryWriter trLogWriter{ IncludeVersion() };
bool logsAdded{ false };
bool flushed{ false };
template <typename T>
void addLog(const T& event) {
ASSERT(logToDatabase || identifier.present());
if(identifier.present()) {
if (flushed) {
if(logToDatabase) {
logsAdded = true;
static_assert(std::is_base_of<FdbClientLogEvents::Event, T>::value, "Event should be derived class of FdbClientLogEvents::Event");
trLogWriter << event;
bool logToDatabase;
Optional<std::string> identifier;
struct Watch : public ReferenceCounted<Watch>, NonCopyable {
Key key;
Optional<Value> value;
bool valuePresent;
Optional<Value> setValue;
bool setPresent;
Promise<Void> onChangeTrigger;
Promise<Void> onSetWatchTrigger;
Future<Void> watchFuture;
Watch() : watchFuture(Never()), valuePresent(false), setPresent(false) { }
Watch(Key key) : key(key), watchFuture(Never()), valuePresent(false), setPresent(false) { }
Watch(Key key, Optional<Value> val) : key(key), value(val), watchFuture(Never()), valuePresent(true), setPresent(false) { }
void setWatch(Future<Void> watchFuture);
class Transaction : NonCopyable {
explicit Transaction( Database const& cx );
void preinitializeOnForeignThread() {
committedVersion = invalidVersion;
void setVersion( Version v );
Future<Version> getReadVersion() { return getReadVersion(0); }
Future< Optional<Value> > get( const Key& key, bool snapshot = false );
Future< Void > watch( Reference<Watch> watch );
Future< Key > getKey( const KeySelector& key, bool snapshot = false );
//Future< Optional<KeyValue> > get( const KeySelectorRef& key );
Future< Standalone<RangeResultRef> > getRange( const KeySelector& begin, const KeySelector& end, int limit, bool snapshot = false, bool reverse = false );
Future< Standalone<RangeResultRef> > getRange( const KeySelector& begin, const KeySelector& end, GetRangeLimits limits, bool snapshot = false, bool reverse = false );
Future< Standalone<RangeResultRef> > getRange( const KeyRange& keys, int limit, bool snapshot = false, bool reverse = false ) {
return getRange( KeySelector( firstGreaterOrEqual(keys.begin), keys.arena() ),
KeySelector( firstGreaterOrEqual(keys.end), keys.arena() ), limit, snapshot, reverse );
Future< Standalone<RangeResultRef> > getRange( const KeyRange& keys, GetRangeLimits limits, bool snapshot = false, bool reverse = false ) {
return getRange( KeySelector( firstGreaterOrEqual(keys.begin), keys.arena() ),
KeySelector( firstGreaterOrEqual(keys.end), keys.arena() ), limits, snapshot, reverse );
Future< Standalone<VectorRef< const char*>>> getAddressesForKey (const Key& key );
void enableCheckWrites();
void addReadConflictRange( KeyRangeRef const& keys );
void addWriteConflictRange( KeyRangeRef const& keys );
void makeSelfConflicting();
Future< Void > warmRange( Database cx, KeyRange keys );
Future< StorageMetrics > waitStorageMetrics( KeyRange const& keys, StorageMetrics const& min, StorageMetrics const& max, StorageMetrics const& permittedError, int shardLimit );
Future< StorageMetrics > getStorageMetrics( KeyRange const& keys, int shardLimit );
Future< Standalone<VectorRef<KeyRef>> > splitStorageMetrics( KeyRange const& keys, StorageMetrics const& limit, StorageMetrics const& estimated );
// If checkWriteConflictRanges is true, existing write conflict ranges will be searched for this key
void set( const KeyRef& key, const ValueRef& value, bool addConflictRange = true );
void atomicOp( const KeyRef& key, const ValueRef& value, MutationRef::Type operationType, bool addConflictRange = true );
void clear( const KeyRangeRef& range, bool addConflictRange = true );
void clear( const KeyRef& key, bool addConflictRange = true );
Future<Void> commit(); // Throws not_committed or commit_unknown_result errors in normal operation
void setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::Option option, Optional<StringRef> value = Optional<StringRef>() );
Version getCommittedVersion() { return committedVersion; } // May be called only after commit() returns success
Future<Standalone<StringRef>> getVersionstamp(); // Will be fulfilled only after commit() returns success
Promise<Standalone<StringRef>> versionstampPromise;
Future<Void> onError( Error const& e );
void flushTrLogsIfEnabled();
// These are to permit use as state variables in actors:
Transaction() : info( TaskDefaultEndpoint ) {}
void operator=(Transaction&& r) noexcept(true);
void reset();
void fullReset();
double getBackoff();
void debugTransaction(UID dID) { info.debugID = dID; }
Future<Void> commitMutations();
void setupWatches();
void cancelWatches(Error const& e = transaction_cancelled());
TransactionInfo info;
int numErrors;
std::vector<Reference<Watch>> watches;
int apiVersionAtLeast(int minVersion) const;
void checkDeferredError();
Database getDatabase(){
return cx;
static Reference<TransactionLogInfo> createTrLogInfoProbabilistically(const Database& cx);
TransactionOptions options;
double startTime;
Reference<TransactionLogInfo> trLogInfo;
Future<Version> getReadVersion(uint32_t flags);
void setPriority(uint32_t priorityFlag);
Database cx;
double backoff;
Version committedVersion;
CommitTransactionRequest tr;
Future<Version> readVersion;
vector<Future<std::pair<Key, Key>>> extraConflictRanges;
Promise<Void> commitResult;
Future<Void> committing;
Future<Version> waitForCommittedVersion( Database const& cx, Version const& version );
std::string unprintable( const std::string& );
int64_t extractIntOption( Optional<StringRef> value, int64_t minValue = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(), int64_t maxValue = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() );