260 lines
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260 lines
8.8 KiB
* MultiInterface.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "flow/FastRef.h"
#include "fdbrpc/Locality.h"
#include <vector>
extern uint64_t debug_lastLoadBalanceResultEndpointToken;
template <class K, class V>
struct KVPair {
// KVPair<K,V> is ordered only by K and described by V
K k;
V v;
KVPair() {}
KVPair(K const& k, V const& v) : k(k), v(v) {}
KVPair(K&& k, V&& v) : k(std::move(k)), v(std::move(v)) {}
template <class K, class V>
bool operator<(KVPair<K, V> const& l, KVPair<K, V> const& r) {
return l.k < r.k;
template <class K, class V>
bool operator<(KVPair<K, V> const& l, K const& r) {
return l.k < r;
template <class K, class V>
bool operator<(K const& l, KVPair<K, V> const& r) {
return l < r.k;
template <class K, class V>
std::string describe(KVPair<K, V> const& p) {
return format("%d ", p.k) + describe(p.v);
template <class T>
struct ReferencedInterface : public ReferenceCounted<ReferencedInterface<T>> {
T interf;
int8_t distance; // one of enum values in struct LBDistance
std::string toString() const { return interf.toString(); }
ReferencedInterface(T const& interf, LocalityData const& locality = LocalityData()) : interf(interf) {
distance = LBLocalityData<T>::Present ? loadBalanceDistance(locality,
: LBDistance::DISTANT;
virtual ~ReferencedInterface() {}
static bool sort_by_distance(Reference<ReferencedInterface<T>> r1, Reference<ReferencedInterface<T>> r2) {
return r1->distance < r2->distance;
template <class T>
struct AlternativeInfo {
T interf;
double probability;
double cumulativeProbability;
int processBusyTime;
double lastUpdate;
AlternativeInfo(T const& interf, double probability, double cumulativeProbability)
: interf(interf), probability(probability), cumulativeProbability(cumulativeProbability), processBusyTime(-1),
lastUpdate(0) {}
bool operator<(double const& r) const { return cumulativeProbability < r; }
bool operator<=(double const& r) const { return cumulativeProbability <= r; }
bool operator==(double const& r) const { return cumulativeProbability == r; }
template <class T>
class ModelInterface : public ReferenceCounted<ModelInterface<T>> {
// If balanceOnRequests is true, the client will load balance based on the number of GRVs released by each proxy
// If balanceOnRequests is false, the client will load balance based on the CPU usage of each proxy
// Only requests which take from the GRV budget on the proxy should set balanceOnRequests to true
ModelInterface(const std::vector<T>& v, bool balanceOnRequests) : balanceOnRequests(balanceOnRequests) {
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
alternatives.push_back(AlternativeInfo(v[i], 1.0 / v.size(), (i + 1.0) / v.size()));
if (v.size()) {
updater = recurring([this]() { updateProbabilities(); }, FLOW_KNOBS->BASIC_LOAD_BALANCE_UPDATE_RATE);
int size() const { return alternatives.size(); }
bool alwaysFresh() const { return LBLocalityData<T>::alwaysFresh(); }
int getBest() const {
return std::lower_bound(alternatives.begin(), alternatives.end(), deterministicRandom()->random01()) -
void updateRecent(int index, int processBusyTime) {
alternatives[index].processBusyTime = processBusyTime;
alternatives[index].lastUpdate = now();
void updateProbabilities() {
double totalBusy = 0;
for (auto& it : alternatives) {
int busyMetric = balanceOnRequests ? it.processBusyTime / FLOW_KNOBS->BASIC_LOAD_BALANCE_COMPUTE_PRECISION
totalBusy += busyMetric;
if (now() - it.lastUpdate > FLOW_KNOBS->BASIC_LOAD_BALANCE_UPDATE_RATE / 2.0) {
if ((balanceOnRequests && totalBusy < FLOW_KNOBS->BASIC_LOAD_BALANCE_MIN_REQUESTS * alternatives.size()) ||
FLOW_KNOBS->BASIC_LOAD_BALANCE_MIN_CPU * alternatives.size())) {
double totalProbability = 0;
for (auto& it : alternatives) {
int busyMetric = balanceOnRequests ? it.processBusyTime / FLOW_KNOBS->BASIC_LOAD_BALANCE_COMPUTE_PRECISION
it.probability +=
(1.0 / alternatives.size() - (busyMetric / totalBusy)) * FLOW_KNOBS->BASIC_LOAD_BALANCE_MAX_CHANGE;
it.probability =
std::max(it.probability, 1 / (FLOW_KNOBS->BASIC_LOAD_BALANCE_MAX_PROB * alternatives.size()));
it.probability = std::min(it.probability, FLOW_KNOBS->BASIC_LOAD_BALANCE_MAX_PROB / alternatives.size());
totalProbability += it.probability;
for (auto& it : alternatives) {
it.probability = it.probability / totalProbability;
totalProbability = 0;
for (auto& it : alternatives) {
totalProbability += it.probability;
it.cumulativeProbability = totalProbability;
alternatives.back().cumulativeProbability = 1.0;
template <class F>
F const& get(int index, F T::*member) const {
return alternatives[index].interf.*member;
T const& getInterface(int index) { return alternatives[index].interf; }
UID getId(int index) const { return alternatives[index].interf.id(); }
virtual ~ModelInterface() {}
std::string description() { return describe(alternatives); }
std::vector<AlternativeInfo<T>> alternatives;
Future<Void> updater;
bool balanceOnRequests;
template <class T>
class MultiInterface : public ReferenceCounted<MultiInterface<T>> {
MultiInterface(const std::vector<T>& v, LocalityData const& locality = LocalityData()) {
// This version of MultInterface is no longer used, but was kept around because of templating
virtual ~MultiInterface() {}
template <class T>
class MultiInterface<ReferencedInterface<T>> : public ReferenceCounted<MultiInterface<ReferencedInterface<T>>> {
MultiInterface(const std::vector<Reference<ReferencedInterface<T>>>& v) : alternatives(v), bestCount(0) {
if (LBLocalityData<T>::Present) {
std::stable_sort(alternatives.begin(), alternatives.end(), ReferencedInterface<T>::sort_by_distance);
if (size()) {
for (int i = 1; i < alternatives.size(); i++) {
if (alternatives[i]->distance > alternatives[0]->distance) {
bestCount = i;
bestCount = size();
int size() const { return alternatives.size(); }
int countBest() const { return bestCount; }
LBDistance::Type bestDistance() const {
if (!size())
return LBDistance::DISTANT;
return (LBDistance::Type)alternatives[0]->distance;
bool alwaysFresh() const { return LBLocalityData<T>::alwaysFresh(); }
template <class F>
F const& get(int index, F T::*member) const {
return alternatives[index]->interf.*member;
T const& getInterface(int index) { return alternatives[index]->interf; }
UID getId(int index) const { return alternatives[index]->interf.id(); }
bool hasInterface(UID id) const {
for (const auto& ref : alternatives) {
if (ref->interf.id() == id) {
return true;
return false;
Reference<ReferencedInterface<T>>& operator[](int i) { return alternatives[i]; }
const Reference<ReferencedInterface<T>>& operator[](int i) const { return alternatives[i]; }
virtual ~MultiInterface() {}
std::string description() { return describe(alternatives); }
std::vector<Reference<ReferencedInterface<T>>> alternatives;
int16_t bestCount; // The number of interfaces in the same location as alternatives[0]. The same location means
// DC by default and machine if more than one alternatives are on the same machine).
template <class Ar, class T>
void load(Ar& ar, Reference<MultiInterface<T>>&) {
} //< required for Future<T>
template <class Ar, class T>
void load(Ar& ar, Reference<ModelInterface<T>>&) {
} //< required for Future<T>