197 lines
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197 lines
6.5 KiB
* MutationList.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "fdbclient/CommitTransaction.h"
struct MutationListRef {
// Represents an ordered, but not random-access, list of mutations that can be O(1) deserialized and
// quickly serialized, (forward) iterated or appended to.
// MutationListRef is a list of struct Blob
// Each blob has a struct Header following by the mutation's param1 and param2 content.
// The Header has the mutation's type and the length of param1 and param2
struct Blob {
// StringRef data Format: |type|p1len|p2len|p1_content|p2_content|
// |type|p1len|p2len| is the header; p1_content has p1len length; p2_content has p2len length
StringRef data;
Blob* next;
Blob *blob_begin;
struct Header {
int type, p1len, p2len;
const uint8_t* p1begin() const {
//(this+1) moves the pointer by Header size and get to the beginning of p1_content
return (const uint8_t*)(this + 1);
const uint8_t* p2begin() const { return (const uint8_t*)(this+1) + p1len; }
const uint8_t* end() const { return (const uint8_t*)(this+1) + p1len + p2len; }
static_assert( sizeof(Header) == 12, "Header packing problem" );
static_assert( sizeof(Header) == MutationRef::OVERHEAD_BYTES, "Invalid MutationRef Overhead Bytes");
struct Iterator {
const MutationRef& operator*() { return item; }
const MutationRef* operator->() { return &item; }
void operator++() {
ASSERT(blob->data.size() > 0);
auto e = ptr->end(); // e points to the end of the current blob
if (e == blob->data.end()) { // the condition sanity checks e is at the end of current blob
blob = blob->next;
e = blob ? blob->data.begin() : NULL;
ptr = (Header*)e;
bool operator == ( Iterator const& i ) const { return ptr == i.ptr; }
bool operator != ( Iterator const& i) const { return ptr != i.ptr; }
explicit operator bool() const { return blob!=NULL; }
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef const MutationRef value_type;
typedef int64_t difference_type;
typedef const MutationRef* pointer;
typedef const MutationRef& reference;
Iterator( Blob* blob, const Header* ptr ) : blob(blob), ptr(ptr) { decode(); }
Iterator() : blob(NULL), ptr(NULL) { }
friend struct MutationListRef;
const Blob* blob; // The blob containing the indicated mutation
const Header* ptr; // The header of the indicated mutation
MutationRef item;
void decode() {
item.type = (MutationRef::Type) ptr->type;
item.param1 = StringRef( ptr->p1begin(), ptr->p1len );
item.param2 = StringRef( ptr->p2begin(), ptr->p2len );
MutationListRef() : blob_begin(NULL), blob_end(NULL), totalBytes(0) {
MutationListRef( Arena& ar, MutationListRef const& r ) : blob_begin(NULL), blob_end(NULL), totalBytes(0) {
append_deep(ar, r.begin(), r.end());
Iterator begin() const {
if (blob_begin) return Iterator(blob_begin, (Header*)blob_begin->data.begin());
return Iterator(NULL, NULL);
Iterator end() const { return Iterator(NULL, NULL); }
size_t expectedSize() const { return sizeof(Blob) + totalBytes; }
int totalSize() const { return totalBytes; }
MutationRef push_back_deep( Arena& arena, MutationRef const& m ) {
int mutationSize = sizeof(Header) + m.param1.size() + m.param2.size();
Header* p = (Header*)allocate(arena, mutationSize);
p->type = m.type;
p->p1len = m.param1.size();
p->p2len = m.param2.size();
memcpy(p+1, m.param1.begin(), p->p1len);
memcpy( (uint8_t*)(p+1) + p->p1len, m.param2.begin(), p->p2len );
totalBytes += mutationSize;
return MutationRef((MutationRef::Type)p->type, StringRef(p->p1begin(), p->p1len), StringRef(p->p2begin(), p->p2len));
void append_deep( Arena& arena, Iterator begin, Iterator end ) {
for(auto blob = begin.blob; blob; blob=blob->next) {
const uint8_t* b = blob==begin.blob ? (const uint8_t*)begin.ptr : blob->data.begin();
const uint8_t* e = blob==end.blob ? (const uint8_t*)end.ptr : blob->data.end();
int len = e-b;
if(len > 0) {
void* a = allocate(arena, len);
memcpy(a, b, len);
totalBytes += len;
if(blob == end.blob)
void append_deep( Arena& arena, MutationRef const* begin, int count ) {
// FIXME: More efficient? Eliminate?
for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
push_back_deep(arena, begin[i]);
template <class Ar>
void serialize_load( Ar& ar ) {
serializer(ar, totalBytes);
if(totalBytes > 0) {
blob_begin = blob_end = new (ar.arena()) Blob;
blob_begin->next = NULL;
blob_begin->data = StringRef((const uint8_t*)ar.arenaRead(totalBytes), totalBytes); // Zero-copy read when deserializing from an ArenaReader
// FIXME: this is re-implemented on the commit proxy to include a yield, any changes to this function should also
// done there
template <class Ar>
void serialize_save( Ar& ar ) const {
serializer(ar, totalBytes);
for(auto b = blob_begin; b; b=b->next)
void* allocate(Arena& arena, int bytes) {
bool useBlob = false;
blob_begin = blob_end = new (arena) Blob;
else if(!arena.hasFree(bytes, blob_end->data.end())) {
blob_end->next = new(arena) Blob;
blob_end = blob_end->next;
useBlob = true;
uint8_t* b = new(arena) uint8_t[bytes];
if (useBlob) {
ASSERT(b == blob_end->data.end());
blob_end->data = StringRef( blob_end->data.begin(), blob_end->data.size() + bytes );
return b;
blob_end->data = StringRef(b, bytes);
blob_end->next = NULL;
return b;
Blob *blob_end;
int totalBytes;
typedef Standalone<MutationListRef> MutationList;
template <class Ar> void load( Ar& ar, MutationListRef& r ) { r.serialize_load(ar); }
template <class Ar> void save( Ar& ar, MutationListRef const& r ) { r.serialize_save(ar); }