Stephen Atherton
Bug fix, if there are range files in a restore which begin at exactly the restore version they will be repeatedly dispatched forever.
2017-12-18 17:48:18 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Restore status bug fix, during restore the apply lag would appear as a large negative number until the first restore batch is completed. Test improvement, snapshot dispatch now chooses a random number of tasks to dispatch per commit.
2017-12-18 15:56:57 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Bug fix, if target snapshot end version is at or before the begin version then no progress would be made.
2017-12-18 00:13:25 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Bug fix, backup never went to differential mode once it was restorable which caused waitBackup to only return once the backup was discontinued.
2017-12-17 23:22:18 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Bug fix. The snapshot dispatch add task retry loop was incorrectly deciding that the second and further transaction of an execution was already committed and therefore skipping it, resulting in missing ranges in the snapshot.
2017-12-17 21:01:31 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Refactored backup task flow and config to support ongoing snapshots and allow stopping the backup cleanly between snapshots. The previously separate tasks for initial and differential mode log dispatching have been merged into BackupLogsDispatchTask.
2017-12-17 14:29:57 -08:00
Evan Tschannen
optimize GetKeyLocationRequests on the proxy so they only require a single map lookup, instead of doing 3 + (3* [number of ranges]) lookups
2017-12-15 20:13:44 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Bug fixes. Added snapshotBatchSize to backupConfig to enable detecting if a transaction for adding a group of tasks to a batch had already completed. Changed KeyRangeMap usage so that each range value to be dispatched has a unique integer value, enabling more efficient range coalescing and avoiding some iterator invalidation bugs.
2017-12-15 01:39:50 -08:00
Yichi Chiang
Add fdbbackup interface
2017-12-14 13:54:01 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Added SnapshotDispatch task for writing snapshots in random order over a specified period of time and adapting speed to a growing or shrinking database. TaskBucket now supports scheduling tasks. TaskFuture now correctly recognizes multiple tasks in its callback space. TaskBucket extendTimeout() now supports specifying the new timeout version. Submitting a backup now requires a snapshot duration.
2017-12-14 01:44:38 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Finished backup container discovery / listing via base URL.
2017-12-12 17:44:03 -08:00
Evan Tschannen
clients ask for key location information directly from the proxy, instead of reading it from the database
2017-12-09 16:10:22 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Merge branch 'release-5.0'
# Conflicts:
# fdbclient/
2017-12-06 16:27:04 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Changed log and range backup task error events to SevWarn from SevError.
2017-12-06 16:21:15 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Blobstore connection details in unit tests now come from environment variables.
2017-12-06 14:38:45 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Merge branch 'backup-container-refactor' of into backup-container-refactor
2017-12-06 14:12:26 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Corrected a bunch of retry loops to not reset the backoff timer.
2017-12-06 14:11:40 -08:00
Balachandar Namasivayam
Make fdbbackup s3 compatible.
s3 sends response in XML. FDB backup expects json response. Added a new libraray xml2json to convert xml to json.
2017-12-05 17:13:15 -08:00
Evan Tschannen
fix: an abort is not successful until a second dummy transaction in committed to ensure that apply mutations has stopped
2017-12-04 17:21:43 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Bug fixes, take(1) is incorrect usage of FlowLock.
2017-12-04 10:20:50 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Taskbucket but fix, caused by accidental removal of task function lookup. Added extendMutex to Task for use around transaction loops that call extendTimeout() to reduce conflicts.
2017-12-03 20:52:09 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Removed unnecessary duplicate variable.
2017-12-02 07:03:34 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Old bug fix, transaction reset() not being called in a retry loop.
2017-12-02 07:02:26 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Bug fixes with transaction options and exception handling that were causing internal errors.
2017-12-01 15:16:44 -08:00
Evan Tschannen
added knobs so that the client failure monitoring update rate and the server failure monitoring update rate are separate knobs
2017-12-01 13:04:32 -08:00
Evan Tschannen
Merge pull request #215 from cie/alexmiller/drtimefix
Fix a race between dumpData and version upgrades.
2017-11-30 18:17:19 -08:00
Alex Miller
Fix a race between dumpData and version upgrades.
This fixes the occasional VersionStampBackupToDB failures, that were caused by
the version upgrade comarision happening before dumpData invocations were
stopped. Committing the first transaction stops dumpData, and thus we can then
do the primary vs secondary version check correctly.
2017-11-30 17:37:00 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
TaskBucket’s saveAndExtend() is now accomplished through extendTimeout() with an option to save parameters. SaveAndExtendIncrementally() has been removed as it is no longer needed because TaskBucket’s normal execution loop calls extendTimeout() periodically as long as the TaskFunc’s execute() actor has not finished or thrown. If a TaskFunc wants to save changes to task parameters to checkpoint progress for task restarts to benefit from it can call extendTimeout() explicitly with the updateParams flag set to true.
2017-11-30 17:18:57 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Improvement in blob connnection reuse, oldest connnections in pool are now used first.
2017-11-30 12:57:29 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Bug fix, and some code cleanup along the way. If a range backup task dies in finish() the re-run of the task will start at begin == end, which wasn’t being handled correctly.
2017-11-27 15:57:19 -08:00
Evan Tschannen
fix: client might not notice a cluster controller which has changed ids because of process class or exclusion changes
2017-11-27 15:08:03 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Bug fix. The terminator argument of readCommitted() previously did nothing, and end_of_stream() was always sent to the output stream. The parameter was fixed to enable changing this behavior but original the behavior was not being correctly preserved in at least one case.
2017-11-26 22:52:47 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Added comments to describe IBackupFile contract.
2017-11-26 22:02:14 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Bug fix.
2017-11-25 21:13:56 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Merge branch 'master' into backup-container-refactor
# Conflicts:
# fdbclient/
2017-11-25 19:54:51 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Bug fixes and improvements to error handling and trace events. The most serious bug was that restore would start at the wrong version, possibly skipping early log and range files.
2017-11-25 00:46:16 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Bug fix, range end was wrong for final range file of backup range task.
2017-11-19 04:44:33 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Added toString() to Backup/Restore TaskFunc interface so tasks can provide a method to describe important task parameters for the default handleError() methods to use.
2017-11-19 04:39:18 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Trace event improvements and severity changes.
2017-11-19 04:34:28 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Added new backup container method to list everything in a backup.
2017-11-19 04:28:22 -08:00
Evan Tschannen
fix: typeString was not static, so it added a lot of memory to MutationRef
2017-11-17 23:36:09 -08:00
Bhaskar Muppana
Merge pull request #210 from bmuppana/backup-logs
Adding TraceEvents for BackupRangeTask.
2017-11-16 19:12:04 -08:00
Bhaskar Muppana
Adding TraceEvents for BackupRangeTask.
2017-11-16 19:11:31 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Improved backup container unit test, added file reading / verification, more data, and a series of expirations and validating the expected result. Then fixed the bugs that this new testing discovered.
2017-11-16 16:19:56 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Shifted version distribution over folders.
2017-11-15 23:13:04 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Bug fix in restore dispatch, begin file was not being incremented. Removed try/catch because the inherited handleError() is better.
2017-11-15 22:38:31 -08:00
Alex Miller
Fix a subtle valgrind error.
If there was an error in waiting for the read version, we would attempt to
serialize and eventually commit a CommitTransactionRef that had an
uninitialized read_snapshot.
2017-11-15 19:21:20 -08:00
Evan Tschannen
Merge pull request #206 from cie/change-excluded-cluster-controller
Change excluded cluster controller
2017-11-15 17:28:33 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
TaskBucket’s TaskFunc interface now has an optional handleError() which is called on any task that throws an error from execute() or finish(). Restore and Backup tasks use this to ensure that any errors that occur are placed in the backup or restore config’s lastError property. Bug fixes in log and range file encodings.
2017-11-15 13:33:09 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
Merge branch 'master' into backup-container-refactor
# Conflicts:
# fdbclient/BackupAgent.h
# fdbclient/
# fdbclient/KeyBackedTypes.h
2017-11-15 08:14:47 -08:00
Stephen Atherton
IBackupContainer has been rewritten to be a logical interface for storing, reading, deleting, expiring, and querying backup data. The details of how the data is organized or stored is now hidden from users of the interface. Both the local and blobstore containers have been rewritten, the key changes being a multi level directory structure and no more use of temporary files or pseudo-symlinks in the blob store implementation. This refactor has a large impact radius as the previous backup container was just a thin wrapper that presented a single level list of files and offered no methods for managing or interpreting the file structure so all of that logic was spread around other places in the code base. This made moving to the new blob store schema very messy, and without this refactor further changes in the future would only be worse.
Several backup tasks have been cleaned up / simplified because they no longer need to manage the ‘raw’ structure of the backup. The addition of IBackupFile and its finish() method simplified the log and range writer tasks. Updated BlobStoreEndpoint to support now-required bucket creation and bucket listing prefix/delimiter options for finding common prefixes. Added KeyBackedSet<T> type. Moved JSONDoc to its own header. Added platform::findFilesRecursively().
Still to do: update command line tool to use new IBackupContainer interface, fix bugs in Restore startup.
2017-11-14 23:33:17 -08:00
Yichi Chiang
Change excluded cluster controller
2017-11-14 13:57:37 -08:00
Balachandar Namasivayam
Fixed an issue where an ACTOR outlives an object passed to it and then crashes while accessing it.
2017-11-14 13:51:23 -08:00
A.J. Beamon
Do not automatically change a cluster file that does not match what you expect.
2017-11-10 14:12:45 -08:00
A.J. Beamon
Merge pull request #180 from cie/bindings-versionstamps-in-tuples
<rdar://problem/25560444> [Feature] Versionstamped keys and tuple/directory incompatibility
2017-11-06 16:39:17 -08:00
A.J. Beamon
Delete spurious spaces
2017-11-06 12:59:00 -08:00
Evan Tschannen
Merge branch 'master' into getrange-perf-improvements
2017-11-04 14:25:45 -07:00
Balachandar Namasivayam
Copy CommitTransactionRequest during tryCommit function call as it is anyway copied inside the function.
2017-11-02 17:00:44 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
Collapse some of the getRange actors into a single actor. Avoid unnecessary comparisons.
2017-11-02 13:39:06 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
Avoid copies and comparisons in RYW get range
2017-11-02 10:51:30 -07:00
John Brownlee
Merge branch 'release-5.0'
# Conflicts:
# fdbclient/
2017-11-02 10:42:30 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
Merge branch 'master' into getrange-perf-improvements
2017-11-02 08:42:26 -07:00
Balachandar Namasivayam
onMasterProxiesChanged was being triggered when any member of ClientDBInfo changed. Change the behavior to be triggered only when proxies field in ClientDBInfo is changed.
2017-11-01 18:29:56 -07:00
Yichi Chiang
Merge branch 'master' of
2017-11-01 16:20:38 -07:00
Yichi Chiang
Fix reusing watch transaction in watchDisabled()
2017-11-01 16:19:18 -07:00
Balachandar Namasivayam
Log actor cancellation error to Client Transaction sampling records.
2017-11-01 11:51:31 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
Merge branch 'master' into log-group-for-unsupported-clients
# Conflicts:
# flow/
# tests/fast/SidebandWithStatus.txt
# tests/rare/LargeApiCorrectnessStatus.txt
# tests/slow/DDBalanceAndRemoveStatus.txt
2017-11-01 11:31:02 -07:00
Stephen Atherton
Previous commit was accidentally early and didn’t compile.
2017-11-01 01:22:08 -07:00
Stephen Atherton
Bug fix in backup file termination, errors during sync() were being logged but then not thrown. This can cause a backup to appear to have a log or keyrange file in it but the temp file pointed to by the log/keyrange symbolic link was not successfully uploaded.
2017-11-01 01:16:16 -07:00
Bhaskar Muppana
Fixing object copy issue with lambdas in KeyBackedTypes.h
2017-10-31 20:17:06 -07:00
Evan Tschannen
fix: tag needs to be assigned directly before using it
2017-10-30 16:23:26 -07:00
Evan Tschannen
fix: disableKey was read before options were set
2017-10-30 13:11:54 -07:00
Evan Tschannen
added the ability to enable and disable all backup and DR agents from fdbbackup and fdbdr.
2017-10-30 12:35:00 -07:00
Evan Tschannen
Merge pull request #194 from cie/alexmiller/valgrind
Fix valgrind errors
2017-10-27 17:25:12 -07:00
Alex Miller
Fix a massive amount of valgrind errors and make them easier to debug in the future.
std::is_pod<> being less restrictive than is_binary_serializable<> meant that
structs that both were POD and had a serialize method defined would be binary
serialized instead of using the defined serialize(). This means that it would
also serialize any padding that the struct contained, which would cause mass
waves of valgrind failures from uninitialized memory.
Included in this change is additional uses of valgrind client requests so that
attempts to send uninitialized memory are reported at the sending site, versus
as part of checksum calculation in sending the packet.
2017-10-27 16:54:44 -07:00
Evan Tschannen
fix: last restorable subspace was not initialized
2017-10-27 14:06:15 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
Don't use the results arena for conflict ranges. Rearrange the code to avoid the copy unless necessary.
2017-10-26 09:35:34 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
Merge branch 'master' into getrange-perf-improvements
2017-10-26 09:25:04 -07:00
Alec Grieser
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into bindings-versionstamps-in-tuples
2017-10-26 08:58:09 -07:00
Balachandar Namasivayam
Merge branch 'master' into add-new-atomic-ops
2017-10-25 18:03:34 -07:00
Balachandar Namasivayam
Addressed review comments.
Changed naming for NewMin and NewAnd to MinV2 and AndV2
2017-10-25 14:48:05 -07:00
Balachandar Namasivayam
Add correctness tests for all atomic ops
2017-10-25 13:36:49 -07:00
Alec Grieser
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into bindings-versionstamps-in-tuples
2017-10-24 18:08:47 -07:00
Alec Grieser
Merge branch 'master' into bindings-versionstamps-in-tuples
2017-10-24 18:05:10 -07:00
Bhaskar Muppana
Fixing Backup wrong key range issue.
2017-10-24 15:26:55 -07:00
Bhaskar Muppana
Fixing memory corruption in KeyBackedTypes.h
2017-10-23 18:03:53 -07:00
Balachandar Namasivayam
Make atomic ops differentiate between unset and empty values.
2017-10-23 16:48:13 -07:00
Stephen Atherton
Merge branch 'master' into backup-container-refactor
# Conflicts:
# fdbrpc/
2017-10-20 21:38:28 -07:00
Stephen Atherton
Merge branch 'release-5.0'
# Conflicts:
# fdbrpc/
# flow/error_definitions.h
2017-10-20 21:16:55 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
Remove unintentionally committed line
2017-10-20 09:47:10 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
Eliminate another copy
2017-10-20 09:46:35 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
Eliminate some more copies
2017-10-20 09:27:17 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
Whitespace fix
2017-10-20 09:24:49 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
Convert extraConflictRanges from KeyRange to std::pair<Key, Key> to avoid copies.
2017-10-20 09:17:47 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
Eliminate some copies
2017-10-20 09:11:26 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
Change the reply priority for NativeAPI requests to the cluster to TaskDefaultPromiseEndpoint.
2017-10-20 09:03:48 -07:00
Stephen Atherton
Bug fix, file backup on Windows has been broken for a long time because it was constructing a path using / and then checking that it matches a normalized absolute path which would have the / converted to \.
2017-10-19 13:33:12 -07:00
Bhaskar Muppana
Merge pull request #186 from bmuppana/backup-joshua-fix
Backup joshua fixes
2017-10-19 08:17:38 -07:00
Bhaskar Muppana
Fail with correct error code in case of abort or discontinue of
non-existing backups.
2017-10-18 23:17:48 -07:00
Stephen Atherton
TaskBucket now logs a trace event for any task execution failures. Previously only external timeouts were logged, but now timeouts or any other error from inside the task is logged as well.
2017-10-18 17:26:18 -07:00
Alec Grieser
Merge branch 'master' into add-new-atomic-ops
2017-10-18 16:36:44 -07:00
Bhaskar Muppana
Fixing spaces in BackupCorrectness TraceEvents.
2017-10-18 14:27:52 -07:00
Alec Grieser
Merge branch 'master' into bindings-versionstamps-in-tuples
2017-10-18 14:13:01 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
Merge pull request #178 from cie/bindings-java-repackage
<rdar://problem/33271641> "cie" should be removed from Java binding package path
2017-10-18 13:34:07 -07:00
Stephen Atherton
Improved error handling and memory usage in AsyncFileBlobStoreWrite. Writes will now fail if any upload has already failed, rather than buffering unboundedly until sync() is called to complete the file. There is also a configurable limit on how many uploads can be pending before writes will stall waiting for one to finish.
2017-10-18 05:51:30 -07:00
Alec Grieser
added experimental warning to external callbacks docs
2017-10-17 13:18:58 -07:00
Alec Grieser
removed reference to cie in vexillographer.csproj
2017-10-17 09:30:53 -07:00
Alex Miller
Merge pull request #170 from cie/alexmiller/flowprofile
Add support for profiling a running fdb cluster to fdbcli, fix security issues, and add an improved backtrace.
2017-10-16 16:51:53 -07:00
Alex Miller
Address review comments.
* Fixed fdbcli to be more idiomatic.
* Removed is_binary_serializable in favor of std::is_pod<>
* Removed custom enable_if<> in favor of std::enable_if<>
* Removed HEY REVIEWER comments
* Removed print from
* Added FLOW_PROFILER_ENABLED=yes to circus components that wished to enable the flow profiler.
2017-10-16 16:46:52 -07:00
Alex Miller
Add toggleable profiling support to fdbserver+fdbcli.
This adds the fdbcli commands:
* profile list -- Lists all workers in a way that doesn't fill `kill`'s list.
* profile flow run -- Allows starting flow profiling on a set of hosts for a specified interval.
And threads through all the support for enabling and disabling profiling as an RPC.
2017-10-16 16:05:02 -07:00
Balachandar Namasivayam
Add the new ops and AND to NON_ASSOCIATIVE_MASK.
In the storage server, read the entire value if the op is ByteMin or ByteMax.
2017-10-16 11:06:31 -07:00
Alec Grieser
changed java package from to
2017-10-16 08:31:44 -07:00
Stephen Atherton
Added DNS resolution. Interface is INetworkConnections::resolveTCPEndpoint() to resolve, or for convenience INetworkConnections::connect(host, service) will resolve host and service (port number or service name like http) and connect to one of the addresses at random.
BlobStoreEndpoint now only accepts hostnames and an optional service, so this update is not compatible with the previous URL formats having many IP addresses.
2017-10-15 21:51:11 -07:00
Stephen Atherton
Merge pull request #173 from bmuppana/master
Backup log messages.
2017-10-13 18:31:53 -07:00
Evan Tschannen
Merge pull request #157 from cie/choose-leader-on-stateless-processes
Catch and update processClass change from DBSource
2017-10-13 14:03:29 -07:00
Yichi Chiang
Introduce prevChangeID to CandidacyRequest and LeaderHeartbeatRequest
2017-10-12 17:11:58 -07:00
Bhaskar Muppana
Backup log messages.
2017-10-12 16:12:42 -07:00
Stephen Atherton
Missed file from merge of master into backup-refactor
2017-10-12 11:25:29 -07:00
Stephen Atherton
Missed file from merge of master into continuous-backup.
2017-10-12 11:04:11 -07:00
Stephen Atherton
Merge branch 'master' into continuous-backup
# Conflicts:
# fdbclient/
2017-10-12 11:03:23 -07:00
Balachandar Namasivayam
Add documentation for the new atomic ops byte_min an byte_max as well as changing description for min and max atomic op.
2017-10-11 18:43:19 -07:00
Alec Grieser
updated javadocs
2017-10-10 16:56:32 -07:00
Balachandar Namasivayam
Modified existing behavior of MIN and AND atomic ops. The new behavior results in a 'SET' if the atomic op is performed on a non -existing key.
Added new atomic ops ByteMin and ByteMax that does lexicographic comparison of byte strings.
2017-10-10 13:02:22 -07:00
Alex Miller
Move cpuProfilerRequest from WorkerInterface to ClientWorkerInterface.
A way to access this stream is required if we wish to be able to toggle
profiling from fdbcli. There's two ways to do this:
1. Use `monitorLeader()` to get a `ClusterControllerFullInterface`, and use
`getWorkers` from there to get a list of `WorkerInterface`s, from which we can
access cpuProfilerRequest.
2. Move cpuProfilerRequest to ClientWorkerInterface and use the existing code
in the client that can fetch a list of all `ClientWorkerInterface`s.
The split between WorkerInterface and ClientWorkerInterface appears to be
what a client might have a need to call versus what is fdbserver-internal (and
thus no client should even want to call). Thus, it seems to make more sense to
acknowledge that profiling is useful to be able to toggle from a client, and go
with option (2).
2017-10-05 14:08:28 -07:00
Alex Miller
Address code review comments.
* Fixed memory corruption with SystemData key constants
* Removed duplication in ClusterController
* Reworked fdbcli actions to better represent explicit vs default assignments
2017-10-04 13:36:18 -07:00
Alex Miller
Allow client profiling to be configured from fdbcli.
This adds the following commands:
* profile client status
* profile client on 0.001 100MB
* profile client off
2017-10-04 13:36:18 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
Merge pull request #131 from cie/33300740-with-shutdown-hooks
<rdar://problem/33300740> Java: support callbacks from external multi-version client threads
2017-10-04 09:17:25 -07:00
Evan Tschannen
fix: read_lock_aware had the same code as used_during_commit_protection_disable
2017-10-03 09:37:45 -07:00
Evan Tschannen
Merge branch 'release-5.0'
# Conflicts:
# fdbbackup/
# fdbserver/
2017-10-01 18:46:44 -07:00
Stephen Atherton
Knob change, blob requests should be allowed more time.
2017-10-01 16:45:47 -07:00
Stephen Atherton
Added comments for clarity.
2017-10-01 16:03:12 -07:00
Stephen Atherton
Improved behavior of slow writes during backup. KeyRange and Log backup tasks now use TaskBucket::saveAndExtend() to keep the task alive until flushing the file finishes or fails with an error (blob uploads fail after a limited number of retries). This prevents blob uploads from being retried too often if the destination is slow since a task abort and retry would start the backoff counters back at zero. Also removed a debugging behavior that was accidentally checked in.
2017-10-01 16:01:24 -07:00
Alex Miller
Fixing code review comments.
2017-09-29 15:58:36 -07:00
Alex Miller
Add write conflict ranges to metadata modifications on backup data dumps.
2017-09-29 15:58:36 -07:00
Alex Miller
Ensure VersionStamps are strictly increasing with DR ACI switchovers.
This should be the final change in making sure that versionstamps are never
higher than the read version of a database that they're read from.
2017-09-29 15:58:36 -07:00
Alex Miller
Make atomicSwitchover preserve an ever-increasing commit version.
2017-09-29 15:58:36 -07:00
Evan Tschannen
fix: ensure connections to blob store are evenly distributed across network addresses
added a per address limit to the number of open connections
lowered a variety of knobs to prevent us from using too much memory
2017-09-29 14:59:24 -07:00
Evan Tschannen
renamed past_version to transaction_too_old
implemented read_lock_aware option
2017-09-28 16:35:08 -07:00
Yichi Chiang
Support log group field in status json
2017-09-28 16:31:29 -07:00
Evan Tschannen
Merge pull request #160 from cie/use-error-descriptions
Add the ability to access name and description in Error. Update error…
2017-09-28 16:00:39 -07:00
Evan Tschannen
added the ability to disable timeKeeper; disabled timeKeeper before consistency check in simulation
2017-09-28 13:13:24 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
Add the ability to access name and description in Error. Update error descriptions.
2017-09-28 12:35:03 -07:00
Bhaskar Muppana
Merge pull request #158 from bmuppana/master
<rdar://problem/34557380> Need a way to map real time to version
2017-09-27 17:56:42 -07:00
Bhaskar Muppana
Fixing PR comments
<rdar://problem/34557380> Need a way to map real time to version
2017-09-27 17:56:01 -07:00
Alec Grieser
changed name from thread_completion_hook to network_thread_completion_hook
2017-09-27 11:30:39 -07:00
Alec Grieser
changed name from shutdown hook to thread completion hook ; added hook parameter
2017-09-26 17:00:04 -07:00
Alec Grieser
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 33300740-with-shutdown-hooks
2017-09-26 11:28:40 -07:00
A.J. Beamon
When using setKey() on Standalone<KeySelectorRef> in RYW, make sure that the key is part of the key selector's arena.
2017-09-25 15:52:45 -07:00
Bhaskar Muppana
<rdar://problem/34557380> Need a way to map real time to version
2017-09-25 12:51:37 -07:00
Evan Tschannen
refactored monitor leader again to be even safer.
fixed a problem where we would write the header to clusters files twice
added extra logging in monitor leader
2017-09-22 15:06:11 -07:00