There are several missing includes for cmath in the code, I added those.
Next, Coro returns a reference to a stack variable and this causes a
warning. As this is probably ok for Coro, I disabled the warning in
that file for GCC. I want to have this warning in the build system as
it is generally a very useful warning to have.
Another change is that major and minor are deprecated for a while now.
I replaced those with gnu_dev_major and gnu_dev_minor.
ErrorOr currently implements operators ==, !=, and <. These do not
compile because Error does not implement ==. This compiles on older
versions of gcc and clang because ErrorOr<T>::operator== is not used
anywhere. It is still wrong though and newer gcc versions complain.
I simply removed these methods.
The most interesting fix is that TraceEvent::~TraceEvent is currently
throwing exceptions. This is illegal behavior in C++11 and a idea in
older versions of C++. For now I simply removed the throw, but this
might need some more thought.