A mutation log's version batch data can be split into multiple blocks, and some
of the blocks can be spread across two mutation logs. Thus, the decoder needs
copy unfinished version batch data from previous file progress to the next one.
After reading a new block, all mutations are sorted by version again, which
can invalidate previously tuple. As a result, the decoded file will miss some
of the mutations.
In the old mutation logs, a version's mutations are serialized as a buffer.
Then the buffer is split into smaller chunks, e.g., 10000 bytes each. When
writting chunks to the final mutation log file, these chunks can be flushed
out of order. For instance, the (version, chunck_part) can be in the order of
(3, 0), (4, 0), (3, 1). As a result, the decoder must read forward to find all
chunks of data for a version.
Another complication is that the files are organized into blocks, where (3, 1)
can be in a subsequent block. This change checks the value size for each
version, if the size is smaller than the right size, the decoder will look
for the missing chucks in the next block.
When a value (i.e., mutations for a version) is large, it will be split into
multiple key value pairs. This is not handled previously and fixing it also
consolidate the interface of DecodeProgress.