spawnProcess was waiting for 3 seconds and terminating
the child process for synchronous calls, but in the
simulator, this can lead to non-determinism, because
some cases the command can run in <3 or >3 seconds.
The fix is to increase the wait for duration to be
very long that it has to synchronously wait and get
the results or the test will timeout.
- ignorePopDeadline to have highier limit in simulator
to accommdate for the buggify delays and make snapshot succeed.
- introduce a new knob for auto resetting the disabling of tlog pop
With CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY in snapTest, by the time getRange
gathers all the results, the storage server's oldest version has
gone past the req->version and hence the transaction fails with
If the disable tlog pop txn takes more than 30 seconds then
tlog will automatically start enabling pop, fix is to timeout
the txn if it takes more than 10 seconds and retry a new
txn to disable tlog pop.
tLogCommit exects no blocking between duplicate check and
setting of the new version, that constraint was broken
when synchronous execProcessingHelper was introduced.
As a fix, execProcessingHelper was made asynchronous.
- remove partially snapped directories to avoid no cluster file assert
- snap create to retry max 3 times for not_fully_recovered and keep
retrying for the other failures
- wait for snapTLogFailKeys in a loop, otherwise in some race
condition it can cause a false assert
- in single region, there does not seem to be a guarantee of
tagLocalityListKey for a given DC ID, avoiding that assert for now
- to find the workers that are coordinators, looking up by primary
address is not sufficient in some cases, hence looking by both
primary and secondary address
- test make files to reflect the location of the new test cases
Earlier the test was checking for the following condition:
durable version of storage > min version of tlog, but the
check has been modified to:
durable version of storage >= min version of tlog - 1.
Ensure that the pre-snap validate keys are exactly 1000 in
the case of commit retires.
'--restoring' command line option was introduced to indicate
simulated fdbserver to restore from snapshot and restart the cluster.
As part of this change that option is removed and restore
information is stored in the restartInfo.ini.
In Tlogs, disable pop is done whlie taking snapshots. Earlier, tlogs
were ignoring the pops if it got pop requests when pops were
disabled. In this change, instead of ignoring the pop - it remembers
the list of pops in-memory and plays them once the popping is