In parallel restore, use new getPartitionedRestoreSet() to get a set containing
partitioned mutation logs. The loader uses a new parser to extract mutations
from partitioned logs.
TODO: fix unable to restore errors.
Because retore roles run as workload in simulation,
they do not know when DB is destroyed by the backup and restore test workload.
So if DB is destroyed earlier than restore master unlocks DB, which is rare,
restore master should abort the unlocking DB step.
When we pipeline multiple version batches, we should prevent a later
version batch from blocking the earlier version batch by consuming
CPU resources.
To achive the above, we should assign higher priority to actors
in later phases in a version batch.
Because restore master will not invoke an actor at a later phase unless
the actors at the earlier phases have been finished. This priority assignment
will not cause dead lock.
Because the current restore has defined RestoreConfig, windows linker complains.
This commit rename the RestoreConfig used in FastRestore as RestoreConfigFR.
Rewrite the code that collects files for a version batch and that
distribute workload among loaders for files in a version batch.
The new code is easier to understand and maintain.
The current code uses one restore interface to handle the work
for all restore roles, i.e., master, loader and applier.
This makes it harder to review or maintain or scale.
This commit split the restore into multiple roles by mimicing FDB
transaction system:
1) It uses a RestoreWorker as the process to host restore roles;
This commit assumes one restore role per RestoreWorker; but
it should be easy to extend to support multiple roles per RestoreWorker;
2) It creates 3 restore roles:
RestoreMaster: Coordinate the restore process and send commands to the other two roles;
RestoreLoader: Parse backup files to mutations and send mutations to appliers;
RestoreApplier: Sort received mutations and apply them to DB in order.
Compilable version. To be tested in correctness.
Add .h and .cpp files for RestoreLoader and RestoreApplier roles.
We will split the code for each restore role into a separate file.
This commit also fixes the bug in including, and
remove the unused code.
We re-use some code from the existing restore system.
To make code review easier and code cleaner, we move the copied and
small-changed code into two separate files: and