With TLS, a worker (or process) can have a TLS address and non-TLS address.
When a process is created in simulation, the primary address is TLS by default.
The non-TLS one is the TLS address port plus one.
In a connection between two workers, if their primary addresses do not enable
or disable TLS together, one worker will swap its primary address and secondary address
so that the TLS config of the two endpoints can match.
The swap can make the primary address no longer the TLS one that was created
when the process is created. And the swap only happens for worker instead of
process struct in simulation.
This swap can cause worker->address != process->address.
In checkForExtraDataStores actor, we use worker->address to check if a process
is killable and use the process->address to kill the process. The inconsistency
can cause simulation to kill a protected process that is not killable and leads
to simulation failure.
This commit includes functionality to turn on
the object serializer for network communication.
This is done the following way:
- On incoming connections, a process will detect
whether the client supports the object serializer
and will only serialize responses with it, if it does
- On outgoing connections, the command line flag is used
to determine whether the object serializer should be used
to send data.
This way, a cluster can run in mixed mode. To upgrade one
can upgrade one process at a time and set the flag one process
at a time.
This is how this is tested on the simulator:
- The command line flag can take three options: on, off,
and random.
- For off, the object serializer will never we used.
- For on, the object serializer will be always used.
- For random, the simulator will flip a coin for each
process it starts up.
This change allows a user to write a workload in Java.
The way this is implemented is by creating a JVM within the
simulator and calling the corresponding workload class. A
workload can then run in the simulator or on a testing cluster.
If the workload is executed within the simulator, the resulting
test will not be deterministic anymore as it will execute in a
different thread (and even without that it is not clear, whether
we could get determinism as the JVM does a lot of stuff that are
not deterministic).
This is intendet to get better testing of the Java client and
layer authors can use the simulator to test their layers on a single
machine but they can still simulate failing machines etc.
Add a new role for ratekeeper.
Remove StorageServerChanges from data distribution.
Ratekeeper monitors storage servers, which borrows the idea from
- NetworkAddress now contains IPAddress object which can be either
IPv4 or IPv6 address. 128bits are used even for IPv4 addresses,
however only 32bits are used when using/serializing IPv4 address.
- ConnectPacket is updated to store IPv6 address. Backward compatible
with old format since the first 32bits of IP address field is used
for serialization of IPv4.
- Mainly updates rest of the code to use IPAddress structure instead
of plain uint32_t.
- IPv6 address/pair ports should be represented as `[ip]:port` as per
convention. This applies to both cluster files and command line
Let cluster controller to start a new data distributor role by sending a
message to a chosen worker.
Change MasterInterface usage in DataDistribution to masterId
Add DataDistributor rejoin handling.
This allows the data distributor to tell the new cluster controller of its
existence so that the controller doesn't spawn a new one. I.e., there should
be only ONE data distributor in the cluster.
If DataDistributor (DD) doesn't join in a while, then ClusterController (CC) tries
to recruit one as DD. CC also monitors DD and restarts one if it failed.
The Proxy is also monitoring the DD. If DD failed, the Proxy will ask CC for
the new DD.
Add GetRecoveryInfo RPC to master server, which is called by data distributor
to obtain the recovery Transaction version from the master server.