Major changes include:
1. Eliminate memcpy due to authToken
2. Update TraceEvent message format
3. Remove redundant code.
flow/BlobCipher unit test
devRunCorrectness - 100k
* Introduce "default encryption domain"
In current FDB native encryption data at-rest implementation,
an entity getting encrypted (mutation, KV and/or file) is categorized
into one of following encryption domains:
1. Tenant domain, where, Encryption domain == Tenant boundaries
2. FDB system keyspace - FDB metadata encryption domain
3. FDB Encryption Header domain - used to generate digest for
plaintext EncryptionHeader.
The scheme doesn't support encryption if an entity can't be categorized
into any of above mentioned encryption domains, for instance, non-tenant
mutations are NOT supported.
Patch extend the encryption support for mutations for which corresponding
Tenant information can't be obtained (Key length shorter than TenantPrefix)
and/or mutations do not belong to any valid Tenant
(FDB management cluster data) by mapping such mutations to a
"default encryption domain".
CommitProxy driven TLog encryption implementation requires every transaction
mutation to contain 1 KV, not crossing Tenant-boundaries. Only exception to
this rule is ClearRange mutations. For now ClearRange mutations are mapped
to 'default encryption domain', in subsequent patch appropriate handling
for ClearRange mutations shall be proposed.
devRunCorrectness - 100k
Adding the following metrics:
* BlobCipherKeyCache hit/miss
* EKP: KMS requests latencies
* For each component that using encryption, they now need to pass a UsageType enum to the encryption helper methods (GetEncryptCipherKeys/GetLatestEncryptCipherKey/encrypt/decrypt) and those methods will help to log get cipher key latency samples and encryption/decryption cpu times accordingly.