Bug fixes in internal page boundaries and prefix tree overhead calculations. Improved performance test output and increased amount of work it can do. Removed temporary restrictions on correctness test parameter ranges.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Atherton 2018-06-14 17:52:25 -07:00
parent 77df55d9e1
commit ee17854713
3 changed files with 42 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#include "flow/flow.h"
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
//#define REDWOOD_DEBUG 1
#define debug_printf_always(args...) fprintf(stdout, args)

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@ -255,8 +255,16 @@ struct PrefixTree {
static const int getMaxOverhead() {
return 9;
static inline int getMaxOverhead(int index, int keySize, int valueSize) {
bool large = (valueSize > 255 || keySize > 255);
int overhead = 1 + (large ? 2 : 1); // flags and prefix len
// Value length size if present
if(valueSize > 0)
overhead += large ? 2 : 1;
overhead += large ? 4 : 2; // Worst case scenario for split and suffix lengths
if(index % 2 != 0)
overhead += 2; // Left child length, about half of all nodes will have one
return overhead;

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@ -89,30 +89,29 @@ template<typename Allocator>
static vector<std::pair<int, Reference<IPage>>> buildPages(const PrefixTree::EntriesT &entries, uint8_t newFlags, Allocator const &newPageFn, int pageSize) {
vector<std::pair<int, Reference<IPage>>> pages;
int start = 0;
// User key/value bytes in page
int kvBytes = entries[start].key.size() + entries[start].value.size();
// Estimate of per-node overhead
const int avgOverheadPerNode = 6;
int overheadEstimate = avgOverheadPerNode;
int uniqueBytes = kvBytes;
int kvBytes = 0; // User key/value bytes in page
int maxOverhead = 0; // Max overhead that could be needed for the records that will be in the prefix tree
int uniqueBytes = 0; // Data byte count in serialized tree
int i = start + 1;
int start = 0;
int i = 0;
const int iEnd = entries.size();
// Subtract space used for btree page and prefix tree headers, this is how much we can write
// Subtract space used for btree page and prefix tree headers to get prefix tree node space available/
pageSize -= (BTreePage::GetHeaderSize() + PrefixTree::GetHeaderSize());
while(i < iEnd) {
int common = commonPrefixLength(entries[i].key, entries[i - 1].key);
int common = (i == 0) ? 0 : commonPrefixLength(entries[i].key, entries[i - 1].key);
int valueSize = entries[i].value.size();
int kvAdd = entries[i].key.size() + valueSize;
int uniqueAdd = kvAdd - common;
int overheadAdd = avgOverheadPerNode + (valueSize ? 1 : 0);
int overheadAdd = PrefixTree::Node::getMaxOverhead(i, entries[i].key.size(), entries[i].value.size());
//debug_printf("Trying to add index %d klen %d vlen %d common %d overhead %d\n", i, entries[i].key.size(), entries[i].value.size(), common, overheadAdd);
// If the item is unlikely to fit within the page or the end is reached, write page for the interval [start, i)
if((uniqueBytes + overheadEstimate + uniqueAdd + overheadAdd) > pageSize) {
if((uniqueBytes + maxOverhead + uniqueAdd + overheadAdd) > pageSize) {
ASSERT(i != 0);
Reference<IPage> page = newPageFn();
BTreePage *btpage = (BTreePage *)page->begin();
btpage->flags = newFlags;
@ -121,20 +120,20 @@ static vector<std::pair<int, Reference<IPage>>> buildPages(const PrefixTree::Ent
// TODO: Key boundary for tree level compression
int written = btpage->tree.build(&entries[start], &entries[i], StringRef());
if(written > pageSize) {
printf("ERROR: Wrote %d bytes to %d byte page. recs %d uniqueBytes %d overheadEstimate %d\n", written, pageSize, i - start, uniqueBytes, overheadEstimate);
printf("ERROR: Wrote %d bytes to %d byte page. recs %d uniqueBytes %d maxOverhead %d\n", written, pageSize, i - start, uniqueBytes, maxOverhead);
pages.push_back({start, page});
start = i;
kvBytes = 0;
overheadEstimate = 0;
maxOverhead = 0;
uniqueBytes = common;
common = 0;
kvBytes += kvAdd;
uniqueBytes += uniqueAdd;
overheadEstimate += overheadAdd;
maxOverhead += overheadAdd;
@ -148,7 +147,7 @@ static vector<std::pair<int, Reference<IPage>>> buildPages(const PrefixTree::Ent
// TODO: Key boundary for tree level compression
int written = btpage->tree.build(&entries[start], &entries[i], StringRef());
if(written > pageSize) {
printf("ERROR: Wrote %d bytes to %d byte page. recs %d uniqueBytes %d overheadEstimate %d\n", written, pageSize, i - start, uniqueBytes, overheadEstimate);
printf("ERROR: Wrote %d bytes to %d byte page. recs %d uniqueBytes %d maxOverhead %d\n", written, pageSize, i - start, uniqueBytes, maxOverhead);
pages.push_back({start, page});
@ -678,8 +677,7 @@ private:
while(iMutations != iMutationsEnd) {
const SingleKeyMutation &m = iMutations->second;
// ( (page_size - map_overhead) / min_kvpairs_per_leaf ) - kvpair_overhead_est - keybytes
int maxPartSize = ((self->m_pageSize - 1 - 4) / 3) - 21 - iMutationBoundary->first.size();
ASSERT(maxPartSize > 0);
int maxPartSize = std::min(255, self->m_pageSize / 4);
if(m.isClear() || m.value.size() <= maxPartSize) {
if(iMutations->first < minVersion || minVersion == invalidVersion)
minVersion = iMutations->first;
@ -807,7 +805,7 @@ private:
state std::vector<Future<VersionedChildrenT>> futureChildren;
state std::vector<LogicalPageID> childPageIDs;
bool first = false;
bool first = true;
while(existingCursorValid) {
// The lower bound for the first child is lowerBoundKey
Key childLowerBound = first ? lowerBoundKey : existingCursor.getKey();
@ -1789,9 +1787,9 @@ TEST_CASE("/redwood/correctness") {
// We must be able to fit at least two any two keys plus overhead in a page to prevent
// a situation where the tree cannot be grown upward with decreasing level size.
// TODO: Handle arbitrarily large keys
state int maxKeySize = 5; //(pageSize / 4) - 40;
state int maxKeySize = pageSize / 4;
ASSERT(maxKeySize > 0);
state int maxValueSize = 5; //pageSize * 3;
state int maxValueSize = pageSize * 3;
printf("Using page size %d, max key size %d, max value size %d\n", pageSize, maxKeySize, maxValueSize);
@ -1931,13 +1929,15 @@ TEST_CASE("/redwood/performance/set") {
Void _ = wait(btree->init());
state int nodeCount = 100000;
state int maxChangesPerVersion = 5;
state int versions = 1000;
int maxKeySize = 100;
state int maxChangesPerVersion = 100;
state int versions = 5000;
int maxKeySize = 50;
int maxValueSize = 500;
state std::string key(maxKeySize, 'k');
state std::string value(maxKeySize, 'v');
state int64_t kvBytes = 0;
state int records = 0;
state double startTime = now();
while(--versions) {
@ -1953,11 +1953,15 @@ TEST_CASE("/redwood/performance/set") {
kv.key = StringRef((uint8_t *)key.data(), g_random->randomInt(10, key.size()));
kv.value = StringRef((uint8_t *)value.data(), g_random->randomInt(0, value.size()));
kvBytes += kv.key.size() + kv.value.size();
if(g_random->random01() < .01) {
printf("Committing %lld\n", version);
Void _ = wait(btree->commit());
double elapsed = now() - startTime;
printf("Wrote (cumulative) %d bytes in %d records in %f seconds, %.2f MB/s\n", kvBytes, records, elapsed, kvBytes / elapsed / 1e6);
@ -1967,5 +1971,8 @@ TEST_CASE("/redwood/performance/set") {
Void _ = wait(closedFuture);
double elapsed = now() - startTime;
printf("Wrote (final) %d bytes in %d records in %f seconds, %.2f MB/s\n", kvBytes, records, elapsed, kvBytes / elapsed / 1e6);
return Void();