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+# TLog Spill-By-Reference Design
+## Background
+(This assumes a basic familiarity with [FoundationDB's architecture](https://www.youtu.be/EMwhsGsxfPU).)
+Transaction logs are a distributed Write-Ahead-Log for FoundationDB. They
+receive commits from proxies, and are responsible for durably storing those
+commits, and making them available to storage servers for reading.
+Clients send *mutations*, the list of their set, clears, atomic operations,
+etc., to proxies. Proxies collect mutations into a *batch*, which is the list
+of all changes that need to be applied to the database to bring it from version
+`N-1` to `N`. Proxies then walk through their in-memory mapping of shard
+boundaries to associate one or more *tags*, a small integer uniquely
+identifying a destination storage server, with each mutation. They then send a
+*commit*, the full list of `(tags, mutation)` for each mutation in a batch, to
+the transaction logs.
+The transaction log has two responsibilities: it must persist the commits to
+disk and notify the proxy when a commit is durably stored, and it must make the
+commit available for consumption by the storage server. Each storage server
+*peeks* its own tag, which requests all mutations from the transaction log with
+the given tag at a given version or above. After a storage server durably
+applies the mutations to disk, it *pops* the transaction logs with the same tag
+and its new durable version, notifying the transaction logs that they may
+discard mutations with the given tag and a lesser version.
+To persist commits, a transaction log appends commits to a growable on-disk
+ring buffer, called a *disk queue*, in version order. Commit data is *pushed*
+onto the disk queue, and when all mutations in the oldest commit persisted are
+no longer needed, the disk queue is *popped* to trim its tail.
+To make commits available to storage servers efficiently, a transaction log
+maintains a copy of the commit in-memory, and maintains one queue per tag that
+indexes the location of each mutation in each commit with the specific tag,
+sequentially. This way, responding to a peek from a storage server only
+requires sequentailly walking through the queue, and copying each mutation
+referenced into the response buffer.
+Transaction logs internally handle commits via performing two operations
+concurrently. First, they walk through each mutation in the commit, and push
+the mutation onto an in-memory queue of mutations destined for that tag.
+Second, they include the data in the next batch of pages to durably persist to
+disk. These in-memory queues are popped from when the corresponding storage
+server has persisted the data to its own disk. The disk queue only exists to
+allow the in-memory queues to be rebuilt if the transaction log crashes, is
+never read from except during a transaction log recovering post-crash, and is
+popped when the oldest version it contains is no longer needed in memory.
+TLogs will need to hold the last 5-7 seconds of mutations. In normal
+operation, the default 1.5GB of memory is enough such that the last 5-7 seconds
+of commits should almost always fit in memory. However, in the presence of
+failures, the transaction log can be required to buffer significantly more
+data. Most notably, when a storage server fails, its tag isn't popped until
+data distribution is able to re-replicate all of the shards that storage server
+was responsible for to other storage servers. Before that happens, mutations
+will accumulate on the TLog destined for the failed storage server, in case it
+comes back and is able to rejoin the cluster.
+When this accumulation causes the memory required to hold all the unpopped data
+to exceed `TLOG_SPILL_THREASHOLD` bytes, the transaction log offloads the
+oldest data to disk. This writing of data to disk to reduce TLog memory
+pressure is referred to as *spilling*.
+* Transaction Log *
+* *
+* *
+* +------------------+ pushes +------------+ *
+* | Incoming Commits |----------->| Disk Queue | +------+ *
+* +------------------+ +------------+ |SQLite| *
+* | ^ +------+ *
+* | | ^ *
+* | pops | *
+* +------+-------+------+ | writes *
+* | | | | | *
+* v v v +----------+ *
+* in-memory +---+ +---+ +---+ |Spill Loop| *
+* queues | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | +----------+ *
+* per-tag | | | | | | ^ *
+* |...| |...| |...| | *
+* | | | | *
+* v v v | *
+* +-------+------+--------------+ *
+* queues spilled on overflow *
+* *
+## Overview
+Previously, spilling would work by writing the data to a SQLite B-tree. The
+key would be `(tag, version)`, and the value would be all the mutations
+destined for the given tag at the given version. Peek requests have a start
+version, that is the latest version for which the storage server knows about,
+and the TLog responds by range-reading the B-tree from the start version. Pop
+requests allow the TLog to forget all mutations for a tag until a specific
+version, and the TLog thus issues a range clear from `(tag, 0)` to
+`(tag, pop_version)`. After spilling, the durably written data in the disk
+queue would be trimmed to only include from the spilled version on, as any
+required data is now entirely, durably held in the B-tree. As the entire value
+is copied into the B-tree, this method of spilling will be referred to as
+*spill-by-value* in the rest of this document.
+Unfortunately, it turned out that spilling in this fashion greatly impacts TLog
+performance. A write bandwidth saturation test was run against a cluster, with
+a modification to the transaction logs to have them act as if there was one
+storage server that was permanently failed; it never sent pop requests to allow
+the TLog to remove data from memory. After 15min, the write bandwidth had
+reduced to 30% of its baseline. After 30min, that became 10%. After 60min,
+that became 5%. Writing entire values gives an immediate 3x additional write
+amplification, and the actual write amplification increases as the B-tree gets
+deeper. (This is an intentional illustration of the worst case, due to the
+workload being a saturating write load.)
+With the recent multi-DC/multi-region work, a failure of a remote data center
+would cause transaction logs to need to buffer all commits, as every commit is
+tagged as destined for the remote datacenter. This would rapidly push
+transaction logs into a spilling regime, and thus write bandwidth would begin
+to rapidly degrade. It is unacceptable for a remote datacenter failure to so
+drastically affect the primary datacenter's performance in the case of a
+failure, so a more performant way of spilling data is required.
+Whereas spill-by-value copied the entire mutation into the B-tree and removes
+it from the disk queue, spill-by-reference leaves the mutations in the disk
+queue and writes a pointer to it into the B-tree. Performance experiments
+revealed that the TLog's performance while spilling was dictated more by the
+number of writes done to the SQLite B-tree, than by the size of those writes.
+Thus, "spill-by-reference" being able to do a significantly better batching
+with its writes to the B-tree is more important than that it writes less data
+in aggregate. Spill-by-reference significantly reduces the volume of data
+written to the B-tree, and the less data that we write, the more we can batch
+versions to be written together.
+* DiskQueue *
+* *
+* ------- Index in B-tree ------- ---- Index in memory ---- *
+* / \ / \ *
+* +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------+ *
+* | Spilled Data | Most Recent Data | *
+* +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------+ *
+* lowest version highest version *
+* *
+Spill-by-reference works by taking a larger range of versions, and building a
+single key-value pair per tag that describes where in the disk queue is every
+relevant commit for that tag. Concretely, this takes the form
+`(tag, last_version) -> [(version, start, end, mutation_bytes), ...]`, where:
+ * `tag` is the small integer representing the storage server this mutation batch is destined for.
+ * `last_version` is the last/maximum version contained in the value's batch.
+ * `version` is the version of the commit that this index entry points to.
+ * `start` is an index into the disk queue of where to find the beginning of the commit.
+ * `end` is an index into the disk queue of where the end of the commit is.
+ * `mutation_bytes` is the number of bytes in the commit that are relevant for this tag.
+And then writing only once per tag spilled into the B-tree for each iteration
+through spilling. This turns the number of writes into the B-Tree from
+`O(tags * versions)` to `O(tags)`.
+Note that each tuple in the list represents a commit, and not a mutation. This
+means that peeking spilled commits will involve reading all mutations that were
+a part of the commit, and then filtering them to only the ones that have the
+tag of interest. Alternatively, one could have each tuple represent a mutation
+within a commit, to prevent over-reading when peeking. There exist
+pathological workloads for each strategy. The purpose of this work is most
+importantly to support spilling of log router tags. These exist on every
+mutation, so that it will get copied to other datacenters. This is the exact
+pathological workload for recording each mutation individually, because it only
+increases the number of IO operations used to read the same amount of data.
+For a wider set of workloads, there's room to establish a heuristic as to when
+to record mutation(s) versus the entire commit, but performance testing hasn't
+surfaced this as important enough to include in the initial version of this
+Peeking spilled data now works by issuing a range read to the B-tree from
+`(tag, peek_begin)` to `(tag, infinity)`. This is why the key contains the
+last version of the batch, rather than the beginning, so that a range read from
+the peek request's version will always return all relevant batches. For each
+batched tuple, if the version is greater than our peek request's version, then
+we read the commit containing that mutation from disk, extract the relevant
+mutations, and append them to our response. There is a target size of the
+response, 150KB by default. As we iterate through the tuples, we sum
+`mutation_bytes`, which already informs us how many bytes of relevant mutations
+we'll get from a given commit. This allows us to make sure we won't waste disk
+IOs on reads that will end up being discarded as unnecessary.
+Popping spilled data works similarly to before, but now requires recovering
+information from disk. Previously, we would maintain a map from version to
+location in the disk queue for every version we hadn't yet spilled. Once
+spilling has copied the value into the B-tree, knowing where the commit was in
+the disk queue is useless to us, and is removed. In spill-by-reference, that
+information is still needed to know how to map "pop until version 7" to "pop
+until byte 87" in the disk queue. Unfortunately, keeping this information in
+memory would result in TLogs slowly consuming more and more
+memory[^versionmap-memory] as more data is spilled. Instead, we issue a range
+read of the B-tree from `(tag, pop_version)` to `(tag, infinity)` and look at
+the first commit we find with a version greater than our own. We then use its
+starting disk queue location as the limit of what we could pop the disk queue
+until for this tag.
+[^versionmap-memory]: Pessimistic assumptions would suggest that a TLog spilling 1TB of data would require ~50GB of memory to hold this map, which isn't acceptable.
+## Detailed Implementation
+The rough outline of concrete changes proposed looks like:
+0. Allow a new TLog and old TLog to co-exist and be configurable, upgradeable, and recoverable
+0. Modify spilling in new TLogServer
+0. Modify peeking in new TLogServer
+0. Modify popping in new TLogServer
+0. Spill txsTag specially
+### Configuring and Upgrading
+Modifying how transaction logs spill data is a change to the on-disk files of
+transaction logs. The work for enabling safe upgrades and rollbacks of
+persistent state changes to transaction logs was split off into a seperate
+design document: "Forward Compatibility for Transaction Logs".
+That document describes a `log_version` configuration setting that controls the
+availability of new transaction log features. A similar configuration setting
+was created, `log_spill`, that at `log_version >= 3`, one may `fdbcli>
+configure log_spill:=2` to enable spill-by-reference. Only FDB 6.1 or newer
+will be unable to recover transaction log files that were using
+spill-by-reference. FDB 6.2 will use spill-by-reference by default.
+| FDB Version | Default | Configurable |
+| 6.0 | No | No |
+| 6.1 | No | Yes |
+| 6.2 | Yes | Yes |
+If running FDB 6.1, the full command to enable spill-by-reference is
+`fdbcli> configure log_version:=3 log_spill:=2`.
+The TLog implementing spill-by-value was moved to `OldTLogServer_6_0.actor.cpp`
+and namespaced similarly. `tLogFnForOptions` takes a `TLogOptions`, which is
+the version and spillType, and returns the correct TLog implementation
+according to those settings. We maintain a map of
+`(TLogVersion, StoreType, TLogSpillType)` to TLog instance, so that only
+one SharedTLog exists per configuration variant.
+### Generations
+As a background, each time FoundationDB goes through a recovery, it will
+recruit a new generation of transaction logs. This new generation of
+transaction logs will often be recruited on the same worker that hosted the
+previous generation's transaction log. The old generation of transaction logs
+will only shut down once all the data that they have has been fully popped.
+This means that there can be multiple instances of a transaction log in the
+same process.
+Naively, this would create resource issues. Each instance would think that it
+is allowed its own 1.5GB buffer of in-memory mutations. Instead, internally to
+the TLog implmentation, the transaction log is split into two parts. A
+`SharedTLog` is all the data that should be shared across multiple generations.
+A TLog is all the data that is private to one generation. Most notably, the
+1.5GB mutation buffer and the on-disk files are owned by the `SharedTLog`. The
+index for the data added to that buffer is maintained within each TLog. In the
+code, a SharedTLog is `struct TLogData`, and a TLog is `struct LogData`.
+(I didn't choose these names.)
+This background is required, because one needs to keep in mind that we might be
+committing in one TLog instance, a different one might be spilling, and yet
+another might be the one popping data.
+* SharedTLog *
+* *
+* +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ *
+* | TLog 1 | TLog 2 | TLog 3 | TLog 4 | TLog 5 | *
+* +--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ *
+* ^ popping ^spilling ^committing *
+Conceptually, this is because each TLog owns a separate part of the same Disk
+Queue file. The earliest TLog instance needs to be the one that controls when
+the earliest part of the file can be discarded. We spill in version order, and
+thus whatever TLog is responsible for the earliest unspilled version needs to
+be the one doing the spilling. We always commit the newest version, so the
+newest TLog must be the one writing to the disk queue and inserting new data
+into the buffer of mutations.
+### Spilling
+`updatePersistentData()` is the core of the spilling loop, that takes a new
+persistent data version, writes the in-memory index for all commits less than
+that version to disk, and then removes them from memory. By contact, once
+spilling commits an updated persistentDataVersion to the B-tree, then those
+bytes will not need to be recovered into memory after a crash, nor will the
+in-memory bytes be needed to serve a peek response.
+Our new method of spilling iterates through each tag, and builds up a
+`vector` for each tag, where `SpilledData` is:
+``` CPP
+struct SpilledData {
+ Version version;
+ IDiskQueue::location start;
+ uint32_t length;
+ uint32_t mutationBytes;
+And then this vector is serialized, and written to the B-tree as
+`(logId, tag, max(SpilledData.version))` = `serialized(vector)`
+As we iterate through each commit, we record the number of mutation bytes in
+this commit that have our tag of interest. This is so that later, peeking can
+read exactly the number of commits that it needs from disk.
+Although the focus of this project is on the topic of spilling, the code
+implementing itself saw the least amount of total change.
+### Peeking
+A `TLogPeekRequest` contains a `Tag` and a `Version`, and is a request for all
+commits with the specified tag with a commit version greater than or equal to
+the given version. The goal is to return a 150KB block of mutations.
+When servicing a peek request, we will read up to 150KB of mutations from the
+in-memory index. If the peek version is lower than the version that we've
+spilled to disk, then we consult the on-disk index for up to 150KB of
+mutations. (If we tried to read from disk first, and then read from memory, we
+would then be racing with the spilling loop moving data from memory to disk.)
+* *
+* +---------+ Tag +---------+ Tag +--------+ *
+* | Peek |-------->| Spilled | ...------------->| Memory | *
+* | Request | Version | Index | Version | Index | *
+* +---------+ +---------+ +--------+ *
+* | | *
+* +-----------------+-----------------+ | *
+* / \ Start=100 _/ \_ Start=500 + Start=900 + Ptr=0xF00 *
+* / \ Length=50 / \ Length=70 / \ Length=30 / \ Length=30 *
+* +------------------------------------------------+------------------+ *
+* | Disk Queue | Also In Memory | *
+* +------------------------------------------------+------------------+ *
+* *
+Spill-by-value and memory storage engine only ever read from the DiskQueue when
+recovering, and read the entire file linearly. Therefore, `IDiskQueue` had no
+API for random reads to the DiskQueue. That ability is now required for
+peeking, and thus, `IDiskQueue`'s API has been enhanced correspondingly:
+``` CPP
+enum class CheckHashes { NO, YES };
+class IDiskQueue {
+ // ...
+ Future> read(location start, location end, CheckHashes ch);
+ // ...
+Internally, the DiskQueue adds page headers every 4K, which are stripped out
+from the returned data. Therefore, the length of the result will not be the
+same as `end-start`, intentionally. For this reason, the API is `(start, end)`
+and not `(start, length)`.
+Spilled data, when using spill-by-value, was resistent to bitrot via data being
+checksummed interally within SQLite's B-tree. Now that reads can be done
+directly, the responsibility for verifing data integrity falls upon the
+DiskQueue. `CheckHashes::YES` will cause the DiskQueue to use the checksum in
+each DiskQueue page to verify data integrity. If an externally maintained
+checksums exists to verify the returned data, then `CheckHashes::NO` can be
+used to elide the checksumming. A page failing its checksum will cause the
+transaction log to die with an `io_error()`.
+What is read from disk is a `TLogQueueEntry`:
+``` CPP
+struct TLogQueueEntryRef {
+ UID id;
+ Version version;
+ Version knownCommittedVersion;
+ StringRef messages;
+Which provides the commit version and the logId of the TLog generation that
+produced this commit, in addition to all of the mutations for that version.
+(`knownCommittedVersion` is only used during FDB's recovery process.)
+### Popping
+As storage servers persist data, they send `pop(tag, version)` requests to the
+transaction log to notify it that it is allowed to discard data for `tag` up
+through `version`. Once all the tags have been popped from the oldest commit
+in the DiskQueue, the tail of the DiskQueue can be discarded to reclaim space.
+If our popped version is in the range of what has been spilled, then we need to
+consult our on-disk index to see what is the next location in the disk queue
+that has data which is useful to us. This act would race with the spilling
+loop changing what data is spilled, and thus disk queue popping
+(`popDiskQueue()`) was made to run serially after spilling completes.
+Also due to spilling and popping largely overlapping in state, the disk queue
+popping loop does not immediately react to a pop request from a storage server
+changing the popped version for a tag. Spilling saves the popped version for
+each tag when the spill loop runs, and if that version changed, then
+`popDiskQueue()` refreshes its knowledge of what the minimum location in the
+disk queue is required for that tag. We can pop the disk queue to the minimum
+of all minimum tag locations, or to the minimum location needed for an
+in-memory mutation if there is no spilled data.
+As a post implementation note, this ended up being a "here be dragons"
+experience, with a surprising number of edge cases in races between
+spilling/popping, various situations of having/not having/having inaccurate
+data for tags, or that tags can stop being pushed to when storage servers are
+removed but their corresponding `TagData` is never removed.
+### Transaction State Store
+For FDB to perform a recovery, there is information that it needs to know about
+the database, such as the configuration, worker exclusions, backup status, etc.
+These values are stored into the database in the `\xff` system keyspace.
+However, during a recovery, FDB can't read this data from the storage servers,
+because recovery hasn't completed, so it doesn't know who the storage servers
+are yet. Thus, a copy of this data is held in-memory on every proxy in the
+*transaction state store*, and durably persisted as a part of commits on the
+transaction logs. Being durably stored on the transaction logs means the list
+of transaction logs can be fetched from the coordinators, and then used to load
+the rest of the information about the database.
+The in-memory storage engine writes an equal amount of mutations and snapshot
+data to a queue, an when a full snapshot of the data has been written, deletes
+the preceeding snapshot and begins writing a new one. When backing an
+in-memory storage engine with the transaction logs, the
+`LogSystemDiskQueueAdapter` implements writing to a queue as committing
+mutations to the transaction logs with a special tag of `txsTag`, and deleting
+the preceeding snapshot as popping the transaction logs for the tag of `txsTag`
+until the version where the last full snapshot began.
+This means that unlike every other commit that is tagged and stored on the
+transaction logs, `txsTag` signifies data that is:
+1. Committed to infrequently
+2. Only peeked on recovery
+3. Popped infrequently, and a large portion of the data is popped at once
+4. A small total volume of data
+The most problematic of these is the infrequent popping. Unpopped data will be
+spilled after some time, and if `txsTag` data is spilled and not popped, it
+will prevent the DiskQueue from being popped as well. This will cause the
+DiskQueue to grow continuously. The infrequent commits and small data volume
+means that there benefits of spill-by-reference over spill-by-value don't apply
+for this tag.
+Thus, even when configured to spill-by-reference, `txsTag` is spilled by value.
+### Disk Queue Recovery
+If a transaction log dies and restarts, all commits that were in memory at the
+time of the crash must be loaded back into memory. Recovery is blocked on this
+process, as there might have been a commit to the transaction state store
+immediately before crashing, and that data needs to be fully readable during a
+In spill-by-value, the DiskQueue only ever contained commits that were also
+held in memory, and thus recovery would need to read up to 1.5GB of data. With
+spill-by-reference, the DiskQueue could theoretically contain terrabytes of
+data. To keep recovery times boundedly low, FDB must still only read the
+commits that need to be loaded back into memory.
+This is done by persisting the location in the DiskQueue of the last spilled
+commit to the SQLite B-Tree. This is done in the same transaction as the
+spilling of that commit. This provides an always accurate pointer to where
+data that needs to be loaded into memory begins. The pointer is to the
+beginning of the last commit rather than the end, to make sure that the pointer
+is always contained within the DiskQueue. This provides extra sanity checking
+on the validity of the DiskQueue's contents at recovery, at the cost of
+potentially reading 10MB more than what would be required.
+## Testing
+Correctness bugs in spilling would manifest as data corruption, which is well covered by simulation.
+The only special testing code added was to enable changing `log_spill` in `ConfigureTest`.
+This covers switching between spilling methods in the presence of faults.
+An `ASSERT` was added to simulation that verifies that commits read from the
+DiskQueue on recovery are only the commits which have not been spilled.
+The rest of the testing is to take a physical cluster and try the extremes that
+can only happen at scale:
+* Verify that recovery times are not impacted when a large amount of data is spilled
+* Verify that long running tests hit a steady state of memory usage (and thus there are likely no leaks).
+* Plot how quickly (MB/s) a remote datacenter can catch up in old vs new spilling strategy
+* See what happens when there's 1 tlog and more than 100 storage servers.
+ * Verify that peek requests get limited
+ * See if tlog commits can get starved by excessive peeking
+# TLog Spill-By-Reference Operational Guide
+## Notable Behavior Changes
+TL;DR: Spilling involves less IOPS and is faster. Peeking involves more IOPS and is slower. Popping involves >0 IOPS.
+### Spilling
+The most notable effect of the spilling changes is that the Disk Queue files
+will now grow to potentially terrabytes in size.
+ 1. Spilling will occur in larger batches, which will result in a more
+sawtooth-like `BytesInput - BytesDurable` value. I'm not aware that this will have any meaningful impact.
+ * Disk queue files will grow when spilling is happening
+ * Alerting based on DQ file size is no longer appropriate
+As a curious aside, throughput decreases as spilled volume increases, which
+quite possibly worked as accidental backpressure. As a feature, this no longer
+exists, but means write-heavy workloads can drown storage servers faster than
+### Peeking
+Peeking has seen tremendous changes. Its involves more IO operations and memory usage.
+The expected implication of this are:
+1. A peek of spilled data will involve a burst of IO operations.
+ Theoretically, this burst can drown out queued write operations to disk,
+ thus and slowing down TLog commits. This hasn't been observed in testing.
+ Low IOPS devices, such as HDD or network attached storage, would struggle
+ more here than locally attached SSD.
+2. Generating a peek response of 150KB could require reading 100MB of data, and allocating buffers to hold that 100MB.
+ OOMs were observed in early testing. Code has been added to specifically
+ limit how much memory can be allocated for serving a signle peek request
+ and all concurrent peek requests, with knobs to allow tuning this per
+ deployment configuration.
+### Popping
+Popping will transition from being an only in-memory operation to one that
+can involve reads from disk if the popped tag has spilled data.
+Due to a strange quirk, TLogs will allocate up to 2GB of memory as a read cache
+for SQLite's B-tree. The expected maximum size of the B-tree has drastically
+reduced, so these reads should almost never actually hit disk. The number of
+writes to disk will stay the same, so performance should stay unchanged.
+### Disk Queues
+This work should have a minimal impact on recovery times, which is why recovery
+hasn't been significantly mentioned in this document. However, there are two
+minor impacts on recovery times:
+1. Larger disk queue file means more file to zero out in the case of recovery.
+ This should be negligable when fallocate `ZERO_RANGE` is available, because then it's only a metadata operation.
+2. A larger file means more bisection iterations to find the first page.
+ If we say Disk Queue files are typically ~4GB now, and people are unlikely
+ to have more than 4TB drives, then this means in the worst case, another 8
+ sequential IOs will need to be done when first recovering a disk queue file
+ to find the most recent page with a binary search.
+ If this turns out to be an issue, it's trivial to address. There's no
+ reason to do only a binary search when drives support parallel requests. A
+ 32-way search could reasonably be done, and would would make a 4TB Disk
+ Queue file faster to recover than a 4GB one currently.
+3. Disk queue files can now shrink.
+ The particular logic currently used is that:
+ If one file is significantly larger than the other file, then it will be
+ truncated to the size of the other file. This resolves situations where a
+ particular storage server or remote DC being down causes one DiskQueue file
+ to be grown to a massive size, and then the data is rapidly popped.
+ Otherwise, If the files are of reasonably similar size, then we'll take
+ `pushLocation - popLocation` as the number of "active" bytes, and then
+ shrink the file by `TLOG_DISK_QUEUE_SHRINK_BYTES` bytes if the file is
+!!! note
+ While writing this, I've realized it's probably a good idea to limit that
+ the disk queue can't shrink under 4GB of size, to prevent size thrashing on
+ bursty workloads.
+## Knobs
+: How many bytes of mutations should be spilled at once in a spill-by-reference TLog.
+ Increasing it could increase throughput in spilling regimes.
+ Decreasing it will decrease how sawtooth-like TLog memory usage is.
+: How many bytes of mutations should be spilled at once in a spill-by-value TLog.
+ This knob is pre-existing, and has only been "changed" to only apply to spill-by-value.
+: How many batches of spilled data index batches should be read from disk to serve one peek request.
+ Increasing it will potentially increase the throughput of peek requests.
+ Decreasing it will decrease the number of read IOs done per peek request.
+: How many bytes a batch of spilled data indexes can be.
+ Increasing it will increase TLog throughput while spilling.
+ Decreasing it will decrease the latency and increase the throughput of peek requests.
+: How many bytes of memory can be allocated to hold the results of reads from disk to respond to peek requests.
+ Increasing it will increase the number of parallel peek requests a TLog can handle at once.
+ Decreasing it will reduce TLog memory usage.
+ If increased, `--max_memory` should be increased by the same amount.
+: When a DiskQueue needs to extend a file, by how many bytes should it extend the file.
+ Increasing it will reduce metadata operations done to the drive, and likely tail commit latency.
+ Decreasing it will reduce allocated but unused space in the DiskQueue files.
+ Note that this was previously hardcoded to 20MB, and is only being promoted to a knob.
+: If a DiskQueue file has extra space left when switching to the other file, by how many bytes should it be shrunk.
+ Increasing this will cause disk space to be returned to the OS faster.
+ Decreasing this will decrease TLog tail latency due to filesystem metadata updates.
+## Observability
+With the new changes, we must ensure that sufficent information has been exposed such that:
+1. If something goes wrong in production, we can understand what and why from trace logs.
+2. We can understand if the TLog is performing suboptimally, and if so, which knob we should change and by how much.
+The following metrics were added to `TLogMetrics`:
+### Spilling
+### Peeking
+: The number of peek requests that are blocked on acquiring memory for reads.
+: The amount of memory currently reserved for serving peek requests.
+### Popping
+: The oldest version that's still useful.
+: The locality of the tag that's preventing the DiskQueue from being further popped.
+: The id of the tag that's preventing the DiskQueue from being further popped.
+## Monitoring and Alerting
+To answer questions like:
+1. What new graphs should exist?
+2. What old graphs might exist that would no longer be meaningful?
+3. What alerts might exist that need to be changed?
+4. What alerts should be created?
+Of which I'm aware of:
+* Any current alerts on "Disk Queue files more than [constant size] GB" will need to be removed.
+* Any alerting or monitoring of `log*.sqlite` as an indication of spilling will no longer be effective.
+* A graph of `BytesInput - BytesPopped` will give an idea of the number of "active" bytes in the DiskQueue file.