net: Use IPv6 in simulation testing #963
25% times we will use IPv6 addresses
This commit is contained in:
@ -790,9 +790,16 @@ public:
Reference<Sim2Conn> myc( new Sim2Conn( getCurrentProcess() ) );
Reference<Sim2Conn> peerc( new Sim2Conn( peerp ) );
// TODO Support IPv6
myc->connect(peerc, toAddr);
IPAddress localIp(getCurrentProcess()->address.ip.toV4() + g_random->randomInt(0, 256));
IPAddress localIp;
if (getCurrentProcess()->address.ip.isV6()) {
IPAddress::IPAddressStore store = getCurrentProcess()->address.ip.toV6();
uint16_t* ipParts = (uint16_t*);
ipParts[7] += g_random->randomInt(0, 256);
localIp = IPAddress(store);
} else {
localIp = IPAddress(getCurrentProcess()->address.ip.toV4() + g_random->randomInt(0, 256));
peerc->connect(myc, NetworkAddress(localIp, g_random->randomInt(40000, 60000)));
((Sim2Listener*)peerp->getListener(toAddr).getPtr())->incomingConnection( 0.5*g_random->random01(), Reference<IConnection>(peerc) );
@ -968,17 +975,21 @@ public:
virtual void run() {
virtual ProcessInfo* newProcess(const char* name, uint32_t ip, uint16_t port, uint16_t listenPerProcess,
LocalityData locality, ProcessClass startingClass, const char* dataFolder, const char* coordinationFolder) {
virtual ProcessInfo* newProcess(const char* name, IPAddress ip, uint16_t port, uint16_t listenPerProcess,
LocalityData locality, ProcessClass startingClass, const char* dataFolder,
const char* coordinationFolder) {
ASSERT( locality.machineId().present() );
MachineInfo& machine = machines[ locality.machineId().get() ];
if (!machine.machineId.present())
machine.machineId = locality.machineId();
for( int i = 0; i < machine.processes.size(); i++ ) {
if( machine.processes[i]->locality.machineId() != locality.machineId() ) { // SOMEDAY: compute ip from locality to avoid this check
TraceEvent("Sim2Mismatch").detail("IP", format("%x", ip))
.detailext("MachineId", locality.machineId()).detail("NewName", name)
.detailext("ExistingMachineId", machine.processes[i]->locality.machineId()).detail("ExistingName", machine.processes[i]->name);
.detail("IP", format("%s", ip.toString().c_str()))
.detailext("MachineId", locality.machineId())
.detail("NewName", name)
.detailext("ExistingMachineId", machine.processes[i]->locality.machineId())
.detail("ExistingName", machine.processes[i]->name);
ASSERT( false );
ASSERT( machine.processes[i]->address.port != port );
@ -142,7 +142,9 @@ public:
virtual Future<Void> onProcess( ISimulator::ProcessInfo *process, int taskID = -1 ) = 0;
virtual Future<Void> onMachine( ISimulator::ProcessInfo *process, int taskID = -1 ) = 0;
virtual ProcessInfo* newProcess(const char* name, uint32_t ip, uint16_t port, uint16_t listenPerProcess, LocalityData locality, ProcessClass startingClass, const char* dataFolder, const char* coordinationFolder) = 0;
virtual ProcessInfo* newProcess(const char* name, IPAddress ip, uint16_t port, uint16_t listenPerProcess,
LocalityData locality, ProcessClass startingClass, const char* dataFolder,
const char* coordinationFolder) = 0;
virtual void killProcess( ProcessInfo* machine, KillType ) = 0;
virtual void rebootProcess(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>> zoneId, bool allProcesses ) = 0;
virtual void rebootProcess( ProcessInfo* process, KillType kt ) = 0;
@ -191,22 +191,13 @@ ACTOR Future<Void> runDr( Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> connFile ) {
// SOMEDAY: when a process can be rebooted in isolation from the other on that machine,
// a loop{} will be needed around the waiting on simulatedFDBD(). For now this simply
// takes care of house-keeping such as context switching and file closing.
ACTOR Future<ISimulator::KillType> simulatedFDBDRebooter(
Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> connFile,
uint32_t ip,
bool sslEnabled,
Reference<TLSOptions> tlsOptions,
uint16_t port,
uint16_t listenPerProcess,
LocalityData localities,
ProcessClass processClass,
std::string* dataFolder,
std::string* coordFolder,
std::string baseFolder,
ClusterConnectionString connStr,
bool useSeedFile,
bool runBackupAgents)
ACTOR Future<ISimulator::KillType> simulatedFDBDRebooter(Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> connFile, IPAddress ip,
bool sslEnabled, Reference<TLSOptions> tlsOptions,
uint16_t port, uint16_t listenPerProcess,
LocalityData localities, ProcessClass processClass,
std::string* dataFolder, std::string* coordFolder,
std::string baseFolder, ClusterConnectionString connStr,
bool useSeedFile, bool runBackupAgents) {
state ISimulator::ProcessInfo *simProcess = g_simulator.getCurrentProcess();
state UID randomId = g_nondeterministic_random->randomUniqueID();
state int cycles = 0;
@ -363,19 +354,10 @@ std::string describe(int const& val) {
// Since a datacenter kill is considered to be the same as killing a machine, files cannot be swapped across datacenters
std::map< Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>, std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > > availableFolders;
// process count is no longer needed because it is now the length of the vector of ip's, because it was one ip per process
ACTOR Future<Void> simulatedMachine(
ClusterConnectionString connStr,
std::vector<uint32_t> ips,
bool sslEnabled,
Reference<TLSOptions> tlsOptions,
LocalityData localities,
ProcessClass processClass,
std::string baseFolder,
bool restarting,
bool useSeedFile,
bool runBackupAgents,
bool sslOnly)
ACTOR Future<Void> simulatedMachine(ClusterConnectionString connStr, std::vector<IPAddress> ips, bool sslEnabled,
Reference<TLSOptions> tlsOptions, LocalityData localities,
ProcessClass processClass, std::string baseFolder, bool restarting,
bool useSeedFile, bool runBackupAgents, bool sslOnly) {
state int bootCount = 0;
state std::vector<std::string> myFolders;
state std::vector<std::string> coordFolders;
@ -603,6 +585,20 @@ ACTOR Future<Void> simulatedMachine(
IPAddress makeIPAddressForSim(bool isIPv6, std::array<int, 4> parts) {
if (isIPv6) {
IPAddress::IPAddressStore addrStore{ 0xAB, 0xCD };
uint16_t* ptr = (uint16_t*);
ptr[4] = (uint16_t)(parts[0] << 8);
ptr[5] = (uint16_t)(parts[1] << 8);
ptr[6] = (uint16_t)(parts[2] << 8);
ptr[7] = (uint16_t)(parts[3] << 8);
return IPAddress(addrStore);
} else {
return IPAddress(parts[0] << 24 | parts[1] << 16 | parts[2] << 8 | parts[3]);
#include "fdbclient/MonitorLeader.h"
ACTOR Future<Void> restartSimulatedSystem(
@ -658,21 +654,40 @@ ACTOR Future<Void> restartSimulatedSystem(
std::vector<uint32_t> ipAddrs;
std::vector<IPAddress> ipAddrs;
int processes = atoi(ini.GetValue(machineIdString.c_str(), "processes"));
auto ip = ini.GetValue(machineIdString.c_str(), "ipAddr");
auto parseIp = [](const char* ipStr) -> IPAddress {
Optional<IPAddress> parsedIp = IPAddress::parse(ipStr);
if (parsedIp.present()) {
return parsedIp.get();
} else {
return IPAddress(strtoul(ipStr, NULL, 10));
if( ip == NULL ) {
for (int i = 0; i < processes; i++){
ipAddrs.push_back(strtoul(ini.GetValue(machineIdString.c_str(), format("ipAddr%d", i*listenersPerProcess).c_str()), NULL, 10));
for (int i = 0; i < processes; i++) {
const char* val =
ini.GetValue(machineIdString.c_str(), format("ipAddr%d", i * listenersPerProcess).c_str());
else {
// old way
ipAddrs.push_back(strtoul(ip, NULL, 10));
for (int i = 1; i < processes; i++){
ipAddrs.push_back(ipAddrs.back() + 1);
if (ipAddrs.back().isV6()) {
IPAddress::IPAddressStore store = ipAddrs.back().toV6();
uint16_t* ptr = (uint16_t*);
ptr[7] += 1;
} else {
ipAddrs.push_back(IPAddress(ipAddrs.back().toV4() + 1));
@ -1058,10 +1073,9 @@ void SimulationConfig::generateNormalConfig(int minimumReplication, int minimumR
void setupSimulatedSystem( vector<Future<Void>> *systemActors, std::string baseFolder,
int* pTesterCount, Optional<ClusterConnectionString> *pConnString,
Standalone<StringRef> *pStartingConfiguration, int extraDB, int minimumReplication, int minimumRegions, Reference<TLSOptions> tlsOptions)
void setupSimulatedSystem(vector<Future<Void>>* systemActors, std::string baseFolder, int* pTesterCount,
Optional<ClusterConnectionString>* pConnString, Standalone<StringRef>* pStartingConfiguration,
int extraDB, int minimumReplication, int minimumRegions, Reference<TLSOptions> tlsOptions) {
// SOMEDAY: this does not test multi-interface configurations
SimulationConfig simconfig(extraDB, minimumReplication, minimumRegions);
StatusObject startingConfigJSON = simconfig.db.toJSON(true);
@ -1138,6 +1152,11 @@ void setupSimulatedSystem( vector<Future<Void>> *systemActors, std::string baseF
TEST( sslEnabled ); // SSL enabled
TEST( !sslEnabled ); // SSL disabled
// Use IPv6 25% of the time
bool useIPv6 = g_random->random01() < 0.25;
TEST( useIPv6 );
TEST( !useIPv6 );
vector<NetworkAddress> coordinatorAddresses;
if(minimumRegions > 1) {
//do not put coordinators in the primary region so that we can kill that region safely
@ -1145,7 +1164,7 @@ void setupSimulatedSystem( vector<Future<Void>> *systemActors, std::string baseF
for( int dc = 1; dc < dataCenters; dc+=2 ) {
int dcCoordinators = coordinatorCount / nonPrimaryDcs + ((dc-1)/2 < coordinatorCount%nonPrimaryDcs);
for(int m = 0; m < dcCoordinators; m++) {
uint32_t ip = 2<<24 | dc<<16 | 1<<8 | m;
auto ip = makeIPAddressForSim(useIPv6, { 2, dc, 1, m });
coordinatorAddresses.push_back(NetworkAddress(ip, sslEnabled && !sslOnly ? 2 : 1, true, sslEnabled && sslOnly));
TraceEvent("SelectedCoordinator").detail("Address", coordinatorAddresses.back());
@ -1161,10 +1180,16 @@ void setupSimulatedSystem( vector<Future<Void>> *systemActors, std::string baseF
int machines = machineCount / dataCenters + (dc < machineCount % dataCenters);
for(int m = 0; m < dcCoordinators; m++) {
if(coordinatorCount>4 && (assignedMachines==4 || (m+1==dcCoordinators && assignedMachines<4 && assignedMachines+machines-dcCoordinators>=4))) {
uint32_t ip = 2<<24 | dc<<16 | 1<<8 | m;
TraceEvent("SkippedCoordinator").detail("Address", ip).detail("M", m).detail("Machines", machines).detail("Assigned", assignedMachines).detail("DcCoord", dcCoordinators).detail("CoordinatorCount", coordinatorCount);
auto ip = makeIPAddressForSim(useIPv6, { 2, dc, 1, m });
.detail("Address", ip.toString())
.detail("M", m)
.detail("Machines", machines)
.detail("Assigned", assignedMachines)
.detail("DcCoord", dcCoordinators)
.detail("CoordinatorCount", coordinatorCount);
} else {
uint32_t ip = 2<<24 | dc<<16 | 1<<8 | m;
auto ip = makeIPAddressForSim(useIPv6, { 2, dc, 1, m });
coordinatorAddresses.push_back(NetworkAddress(ip, sslEnabled && !sslOnly ? 2 : 1, true, sslEnabled && sslOnly));
TraceEvent("SelectedCoordinator").detail("Address", coordinatorAddresses.back()).detail("M", m).detail("Machines", machines).detail("Assigned", assignedMachines).detail("DcCoord", dcCoordinators).detail("P1", (m+1==dcCoordinators)).detail("P2", (assignedMachines<4)).detail("P3", (assignedMachines+machines-dcCoordinators>=4)).detail("CoordinatorCount", coordinatorCount);
@ -1176,10 +1201,13 @@ void setupSimulatedSystem( vector<Future<Void>> *systemActors, std::string baseF
for(int i = 0; i < (coordinatorAddresses.size()/2)+1; i++) {
TraceEvent("ProtectCoordinator").detail("Address", coordinatorAddresses[i]).detail("Coordinators", describe(coordinatorAddresses)).backtrace();
.detail("Address", coordinatorAddresses[i])
.detail("Coordinators", describe(coordinatorAddresses));
NetworkAddress(coordinatorAddresses[i].ip, coordinatorAddresses[i].port, true, false));
if(coordinatorAddresses[i].port==2) {
g_simulator.protectedAddresses.insert(NetworkAddress(coordinatorAddresses[i].ip, 1, true, false));
@ -1235,9 +1263,9 @@ void setupSimulatedSystem( vector<Future<Void>> *systemActors, std::string baseF
std::vector<uint32_t> ips;
for (int i = 0; i < processesPerMachine; i++){
ips.push_back(2 << 24 | dc << 16 | g_random->randomInt(1, i+2) << 8 | machine);
std::vector<IPAddress> ips;
for (int i = 0; i < processesPerMachine; i++) {
ips.push_back(makeIPAddressForSim(useIPv6, { 2, dc, g_random->randomInt(1, i + 2), machine }));
// check the sslEnablementMap using only one ip(
LocalityData localities(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>(), zoneId, machineId, dcUID);
@ -1246,9 +1274,9 @@ void setupSimulatedSystem( vector<Future<Void>> *systemActors, std::string baseF
localities, processClass, baseFolder, false, machine == useSeedForMachine, true, sslOnly ), "SimulatedMachine"));
if (extraDB && g_simulator.extraDB->toString() != conn.toString()) {
std::vector<uint32_t> extraIps;
std::vector<IPAddress> extraIps;
for (int i = 0; i < processesPerMachine; i++){
extraIps.push_back(4 << 24 | dc << 16 | g_random->randomInt(1, i + 2) << 8 | machine);
extraIps.push_back(makeIPAddressForSim(useIPv6, { 4, dc, g_random->randomInt(1, i + 2), machine }));
Standalone<StringRef> newMachineId(g_random->randomUniqueID().toString());
@ -1278,8 +1306,8 @@ void setupSimulatedSystem( vector<Future<Void>> *systemActors, std::string baseF
int testerCount = *pTesterCount = g_random->randomInt(4, 9);
int useSeedForMachine = g_random->randomInt(0, testerCount);
for(int i=0; i<testerCount; i++) {
std::vector<uint32_t> ips;
ips.push_back(0x03040301 + i);
std::vector<IPAddress> ips;
ips.push_back(makeIPAddressForSim(useIPv6, { 3, 4, 3, i + 1 }));
Standalone<StringRef> newZoneId = Standalone<StringRef>(g_random->randomUniqueID().toString());
LocalityData localities(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>(), newZoneId, newZoneId, Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>());
systemActors->push_back( reportErrors( simulatedMachine(
@ -1351,8 +1379,15 @@ ACTOR void setupAndRun(std::string dataFolder, const char *testFile, bool reboot
state int minimumRegions = 0;
checkExtraDB(testFile, extraDB, minimumReplication, minimumRegions);
wait( g_simulator.onProcess( g_simulator.newProcess(
"TestSystem", 0x01010101, 1, 1, LocalityData(Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>(), Standalone<StringRef>(g_random->randomUniqueID().toString()), Standalone<StringRef>(g_random->randomUniqueID().toString()), Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>()), ProcessClass(ProcessClass::TesterClass, ProcessClass::CommandLineSource), "", "" ), TaskDefaultYield ) );
// TODO (IPv6) Use IPv6?
g_simulator.newProcess("TestSystem", IPAddress(0x01010101), 1, 1,
ProcessClass(ProcessClass::TesterClass, ProcessClass::CommandLineSource), "", ""),
if (tlsOptions->enabled()) {
@ -1368,7 +1403,8 @@ ACTOR void setupAndRun(std::string dataFolder, const char *testFile, bool reboot
else {
g_expect_full_pointermap = 1;
setupSimulatedSystem( &systemActors, dataFolder, &testerCount, &connFile, &startingConfiguration, extraDB, minimumReplication, minimumRegions, tlsOptions );
setupSimulatedSystem(&systemActors, dataFolder, &testerCount, &connFile, &startingConfiguration, extraDB,
minimumReplication, minimumRegions, tlsOptions);
wait( delay(1.0) ); // FIXME: WHY!!! //wait for machines to boot
std::string clusterFileDir = joinPath( dataFolder, g_random->randomUniqueID().toString() );
@ -152,9 +152,8 @@ struct MemoryLifetime : KVWorkload {
tr = ReadYourWritesTransaction(cx);
wait( delay(0.01) );
//we cannot check the contents like other operations so just touch all the values to make sure we dont crash
for(int i = 0; i < getAddress_res1.size(); i++) {
int a,b,c,d,count=-1;
ASSERT(sscanf(getAddress_res1[i], "%d.%d.%d.%d%n", &a,&b,&c,&d, &count)==4 && count == strlen(getAddress_res1[i]));
for (int i = 0; i < getAddress_res1.size(); i++) {
if(now() - startTime > self->testDuration)
@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ struct SaveAndKillWorkload : TestWorkload {
ini.SetValue(machineIdString, "zoneId", (process->locality.zoneId().present()) ? process->locality.zoneId().get().printable().c_str() : "");
ini.SetValue(machineIdString, "mClass", format("%d", process->startingClass.classType()).c_str());
ini.SetValue(machineIdString, format("ipAddr%d", process->address.port - 1).c_str(),
format("%d", process->address.ip.toV4()).c_str());
ini.SetValue(machineIdString, format("%d", process->address.port-1).c_str(), process->dataFolder);
ini.SetValue(machineIdString, format("c%d", process->address.port-1).c_str(), process->coordinationFolder);
else {
ini.SetValue(machineIdString, format("ipAddr%d", process->address.port - 1).c_str(),
format("%d", process->address.ip.toV4()).c_str());
int oldValue = machines.find(machineId)->second;
ini.SetValue(machineIdString, format("%d", process->address.port-1).c_str(), process->dataFolder);
ini.SetValue(machineIdString, format("c%d", process->address.port-1).c_str(), process->coordinationFolder);
Reference in New Issue