Multiple sibling page updates within the remap cleanup window can now avoid the second update step, copying updated contents over the original page, by instead updating the parent page to point to the new sibling locations.

This commit is contained in:
Steve Atherton 2020-08-09 00:24:52 -07:00
parent 5268dbe1ec
commit c18d16ad30
2 changed files with 360 additions and 115 deletions

View File

@ -105,6 +105,10 @@ public:
// Free pageID to be used again after the commit that moves oldestVersion past v
virtual void freePage(LogicalPageID pageID, Version v) = 0;
// If id is remapped, delete the original as of version v and return the page it was remapped to. The caller
// is then responsible for referencing and deleting the returned page ID.
virtual LogicalPageID detachRemappedPage(LogicalPageID id, Version v) = 0;
// Returns the latest data (regardless of version) for a page by LogicalPageID
// The data returned will be the later of
// - the most recent committed atomic
@ -133,7 +137,7 @@ public:
virtual StorageBytes getStorageBytes() = 0;
// Count of pages in use by the pager client
// Count of pages in use by the pager client (including retained old page versions)
virtual Future<int64_t> getUserPageCount() = 0;
// Future returned is ready when pager has been initialized from disk and is ready for reads and writes.

View File

@ -95,6 +95,17 @@ std::string toString(LogicalPageID id) {
return format("LogicalPageID{%" PRId64 "}", id);
std::string toString(Version v) {
if (v == invalidVersion) {
return "invalidVersion";
return format("%" PRId64, v);
std::string toString(bool b) {
return b ? "true" : "false";
template <typename T>
std::string toString(const Standalone<T>& s) {
return toString((T)s);
@ -136,6 +147,11 @@ std::string toString(const Optional<T>& o) {
return "<not present>";
template <typename F, typename S>
std::string toString(const std::pair<F, S>& o) {
return format("{%s, %s}", toString(o.first).c_str(), toString(o.second).c_str());
// A FIFO queue of T stored as a linked list of pages.
// Main operations are pop(), pushBack(), pushFront(), and flush().
@ -765,6 +781,8 @@ struct RedwoodMetrics {
unsigned int lazyClearRequeueExt;
unsigned int lazyClearFree;
unsigned int lazyClearFreeExt;
unsigned int forceUpdate;
unsigned int detachChild;
double buildStoredPct;
double buildFillPct;
unsigned int buildItemCount;
@ -807,9 +825,9 @@ struct RedwoodMetrics {
return levels[level - 1];
// This will populate a trace event and/or a string with Redwood metrics. The string is a
// reasonably well formatted page of information
void getFields(TraceEvent* e, std::string* s = nullptr) {
// This will populate a trace event and/or a string with Redwood metrics.
// The string is a reasonably well formatted page of information
void getFields(TraceEvent* e, std::string* s = nullptr, bool skipZeroes = false) {
std::pair<const char*, unsigned int> metrics[] = { { "BTreePreload", btreeLeafPreload },
{ "BTreePreloadExt", btreeLeafPreloadExt },
{ "", 0 },
@ -837,18 +855,22 @@ struct RedwoodMetrics {
{ "PagerRemapCopy", pagerRemapCopy },
{ "PagerRemapSkip", pagerRemapSkip } };
double elapsed = now() - startTime;
if (e != nullptr) {
for (auto& m : metrics) {
if(!skipZeroes || m.second != 0) {
e->detail(m.first, m.second);
if(s != nullptr) {
for (auto& m : metrics) {
if (*m.first == '\0') {
if (s != nullptr) {
*s += "\n";
} else {
if (s != nullptr) {
} else if(!skipZeroes || m.second != 0) {
*s += format("%-15s %-8u %8u/s ", m.first, m.second, int(m.second / elapsed));
if (e != nullptr) {
e->detail(m.first, m.second);
@ -869,18 +891,30 @@ struct RedwoodMetrics {
{ "LazyClear", level.lazyClearFree },
{ "LazyClearExt", level.lazyClearFreeExt },
{ "", 0 },
{ "ForceUpdate", level.forceUpdate },
{ "DetachChild", level.detachChild },
{ "", 0 },
{ "-BldAvgCount", level.pageBuild ? level.buildItemCount / level.pageBuild : 0 },
{ "-BldAvgFillPct", level.pageBuild ? level.buildFillPct / level.pageBuild * 100 : 0 },
{ "-BldAvgStoredPct", level.pageBuild ? level.buildStoredPct / level.pageBuild * 100 : 0 },
{ "", 0 },
{ "-ModAvgCount", level.pageModify ? level.modifyItemCount / level.pageModify : 0 },
{ "-ModAvgFillPct", level.pageModify ? level.modifyFillPct / level.pageModify * 100 : 0 },
{ "-ModAvgStoredPct", level.pageModify ? level.modifyStoredPct / level.pageModify * 100 : 0 }
{ "-ModAvgStoredPct", level.pageModify ? level.modifyStoredPct / level.pageModify * 100 : 0 },
{ "", 0 },
if(e != nullptr) {
for (auto& m : metrics) {
if (m.second != 0) {
e->detail(format("L%d%s", i + 1, m.first + (m.first[0] == '-' ? 1 : 0)), m.second);
if (s != nullptr) {
*s += format("\nLevel %d\n\t", i + 1);
for (auto& m : metrics) {
const char* name = m.first;
bool rate = elapsed != 0;
@ -890,16 +924,10 @@ struct RedwoodMetrics {
if (*name == '\0') {
if (s != nullptr) {
*s += "\n\t";
} else {
if (s != nullptr) {
} else if(!skipZeroes || m.second != 0) {
*s += format("%-15s %8u %8u/s ", name, m.second, rate ? int(m.second / elapsed) : 0);
if (e != nullptr) {
e->detail(format("L%d%s", i + 1, name), m.second);
@ -1124,22 +1152,32 @@ public:
struct RemappedPage {
RemappedPage() : version(invalidVersion) {}
RemappedPage(Version v, LogicalPageID o, LogicalPageID n) : version(v), originalPageID(o), newPageID(n) {}
enum Type { NONE = 'N', REMAP = 'R', FREE = 'F', DETACH = 'D' };
RemappedPage(Version v = invalidVersion, LogicalPageID o = invalidLogicalPageID, LogicalPageID n = invalidLogicalPageID) : version(v), originalPageID(o), newPageID(n) {}
Version version;
LogicalPageID originalPageID;
LogicalPageID newPageID;
bool isFree() const {
return newPageID == invalidLogicalPageID;
static Type getTypeOf(LogicalPageID newPageID) {
if(newPageID == invalidLogicalPageID) {
return FREE;
if(newPageID == 0) {
return DETACH;
return REMAP;
Type getType() const {
return getTypeOf(newPageID);
bool operator<(const RemappedPage& rhs) { return version < rhs.version; }
std::string toString() const {
return format("RemappedPage(%s -> %s @%" PRId64 "}", ::toString(originalPageID).c_str(),
::toString(newPageID).c_str(), version);
return format("RemappedPage(%c: %s -> %s @%s}", getType(), ::toString(originalPageID).c_str(),
::toString(newPageID).c_str(), ::toString(version).c_str());
@ -1484,6 +1522,35 @@ public:
LogicalPageID detachRemappedPage(LogicalPageID pageID, Version v) override {
auto i = remappedPages.find(pageID);
if(i == remappedPages.end()) {
// Page is not remapped
return invalidLogicalPageID;
// Get the page that id was most recently remapped to
auto iLast = i->second.rbegin();
LogicalPageID newID = iLast->second;
ASSERT(RemappedPage::getTypeOf(newID) == RemappedPage::REMAP);
// If the last change remap was also at v then change the remap to a delete, as it's essentially
// the same as the original page being deleted at that version and newID being used from then on.
if(iLast->first == v) {
debug_printf("DWALPager(%s) op=detachDelete originalID=%s newID=%s @%" PRId64 " oldestVersion=%" PRId64 "\n", filename.c_str(),
toString(pageID).c_str(), toString(newID).c_str(), v, pLastCommittedHeader->oldestVersion);
iLast->second = invalidLogicalPageID;
remapQueue.pushBack(RemappedPage{ v, pageID, invalidLogicalPageID });
} else {
debug_printf("DWALPager(%s) op=detach originalID=%s newID=%s @%" PRId64 " oldestVersion=%" PRId64 "\n", filename.c_str(),
toString(pageID).c_str(), toString(newID).c_str(), v, pLastCommittedHeader->oldestVersion);
// Mark id as converted to its last remapped location as of v
i->second[v] = 0;
remapQueue.pushBack(RemappedPage{ v, pageID, 0 });
return newID;
void freePage(LogicalPageID pageID, Version v) override {
// If pageID has been remapped, then it can't be freed until all existing remaps for that page have been undone,
// so queue it for later deletion
@ -1623,29 +1690,123 @@ public:
return std::min(pLastCommittedHeader->oldestVersion, snapshots.front().version);
ACTOR static Future<Void> remapCopyAndFree(DWALPager* self, RemappedPage p, VersionToPageMapT *m, VersionToPageMapT::iterator i) {
debug_printf("DWALPager(%s) remapCleanup copyAndFree %s\n", self->filename.c_str(), p.toString().c_str());
ACTOR static Future<Void> removeRemapEntry(DWALPager* self, RemappedPage p, Version oldestRetainedVersion) {
// Get iterator to the versioned page map entry for the original page
state PageToVersionedMapT::iterator iPageMapPair = self->remappedPages.find(p.originalPageID);
// The iterator must be valid and not empty and its first page map entry must match p's version
ASSERT(iPageMapPair != self->remappedPages.end());
state VersionToPageMapT::iterator iVersionPagePair = iPageMapPair->second.begin();
ASSERT(iVersionPagePair->first == p.version);
RemappedPage::Type firstType = p.getType();
state RemappedPage::Type secondType;
bool secondAfterOldestRetainedVersion = false;
bool deleteAtSameVersion = false;
if(p.newPageID == iVersionPagePair->second) {
deleteAtSameVersion = false;
auto nextEntry = iVersionPagePair;
if(nextEntry == iPageMapPair->second.end()) {
secondType = RemappedPage::NONE;
} else {
secondType = RemappedPage::getTypeOf(nextEntry->second);
secondAfterOldestRetainedVersion = nextEntry->first >= oldestRetainedVersion;
} else {
ASSERT(iVersionPagePair->second == invalidLogicalPageID);
secondType = RemappedPage::FREE;
deleteAtSameVersion = true;
ASSERT(firstType == RemappedPage::REMAP || secondType == RemappedPage::NONE);
// Scenarios and actions to take:
// The first letter (firstType) is the type of the entry just popped from the remap queue.
// The second letter (secondType) is the type of the next item in the queue for the same
// original page ID, if present. If not present, secondType will be NONE.
// Since the next item can be arbitrarily ahead in the queue, secondType is determined by
// looking at the remappedPages structure.
// R == Remap F == Free D == Detach | == oldestRetaineedVersion
// R R | free new ID
// R F | free new ID if R and D are at different versions
// R D | do nothing
// R | R copy new to original ID, free new ID
// R | F copy new to original ID, free new ID
// R | D copy new to original ID
// R | copy new to original ID, free new ID
// F | free original ID
// D | free original ID
// Note that
// Special case: Page is detached while it is being read in remapCopyAndFree()
// Initial state: R |
// Start remapCopyAndFree(), intending to copy new, ID to originalID and free newID
// New state: R | D
// Read of newID completes.
// Copy new contents over original, do NOT free new ID
// Later popped state: D |
// free original ID
state bool freeNewID = (firstType == RemappedPage::REMAP && secondType != RemappedPage::DETACH && !deleteAtSameVersion);
state bool copyNewToOriginal = (firstType == RemappedPage::REMAP && (secondAfterOldestRetainedVersion || secondType == RemappedPage::NONE));
state bool freeOriginalID = (firstType == RemappedPage::FREE || firstType == RemappedPage::DETACH);
debug_printf("DWALPager(%s) remapCleanup %s secondType=%c mapEntry=%s oldestRetainedVersion=%" PRId64 " \n",
self->filename.c_str(), p.toString().c_str(), secondType, ::toString(*iVersionPagePair).c_str(), oldestRetainedVersion);
if(copyNewToOriginal) {
debug_printf("DWALPager(%s) remapCleanup copy %s\n", self->filename.c_str(), p.toString().c_str());
// Read the data from the page that the original was mapped to
Reference<IPage> data = wait(self->readPage(p.newPageID, false));
Reference<IPage> data = wait(self->readPage(p.newPageID, false, true));
// Write the data to the original page so it can be read using its original pageID
self->updatePage(p.originalPageID, data);
} else if (firstType == RemappedPage::REMAP) {
// Now that the page data has been copied to the original page, the versioned page map entry is no longer
// needed and the new page ID can be freed as of the next commit.
// Now that the page contents have been copied to the original page, if necessary, we can remove the remap entry from memory
// But only erase the entry if it matches p. It won't if the original page ID was remapped and detached at the same version.
if(p.newPageID == iVersionPagePair->second) {
iVersionPagePair = iPageMapPair->second.erase(iVersionPagePair);
if(iPageMapPair->second.empty()) {
} else {
// If we intend to free the new ID but there is no next entry, one could have been added during the wait above.
// If so, and it was a detach operation, then we can't free the new page ID.
if(freeNewID && secondType == RemappedPage::NONE && RemappedPage::getTypeOf(iVersionPagePair->second) == RemappedPage::DETACH) {
freeNewID = false;
if(freeNewID) {
debug_printf("DWALPager(%s) remapCleanup freeNew %s\n", self->filename.c_str(), p.toString().c_str());
self->freeUnmappedPage(p.newPageID, 0);
if(freeOriginalID) {
debug_printf("DWALPager(%s) remapCleanup freeOriginal %s\n", self->filename.c_str(), p.toString().c_str());
self->freeUnmappedPage(p.originalPageID, 0);
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> remapCleanup(DWALPager* self) {
state ActorCollection copies(true);
state ActorCollection tasks(true);
state Promise<Void> signal;
self->remapCleanupStop = false;
@ -1654,8 +1815,7 @@ public:
state Version oldestRetainedVersion = self->effectiveOldestVersion();
// Cutoff is the version we can pop to
state RemappedPage cutoff;
cutoff.version = oldestRetainedVersion - self->remapCleanupWindow;
state RemappedPage cutoff(oldestRetainedVersion - self->remapCleanupWindow);
// Minimum version we must pop to before obeying stop command.
state Version minStopVersion = cutoff.version - (self->remapCleanupWindow * SERVER_KNOBS->REDWOOD_REMAP_CLEANUP_LAG);
@ -1663,46 +1823,15 @@ public:
loop {
state Optional<RemappedPage> p = wait(self->remapQueue.pop(cutoff));
debug_printf("DWALPager(%s) remapCleanup popped %s\n", self->filename.c_str(), ::toString(p).c_str());
// Stop if we have reached the cutoff version, which is the start of the cleanup coalescing window
if (!p.present()) {
// Get iterator to the versioned page map entry for the original page
auto iPageMapPair = self->remappedPages.find(p.get().originalPageID);
// The iterator must be valid and not empty and its first page map entry must match p's version
ASSERT(iPageMapPair != self->remappedPages.end());
auto iVersionPagePair = iPageMapPair->second.begin();
ASSERT(iVersionPagePair->first == p.get().version);
// If this is a free page entry then free the original page ID
if(p.get().isFree()) {
debug_printf("DWALPager(%s) remapCleanup free %s\n", self->filename.c_str(),
self->freeUnmappedPage(p.get().originalPageID, 0);
// There can't be any more entries in the page map after this one so verify that
// the map size is 1 and erase the map for p's original page ID.
ASSERT(iPageMapPair->second.size() == 1);
else {
// If there is no next page map entry or there is but it is after the oldest retained version
// then p must be copied to unmap it.
auto iNextVersionPagePair = iVersionPagePair;
if(iNextVersionPagePair == iPageMapPair->second.end() || iNextVersionPagePair->first > oldestRetainedVersion) {
// Copy the remapped page to the original so it can be freed.
copies.add(remapCopyAndFree(self, p.get(), &iPageMapPair->second, iVersionPagePair));
else {
debug_printf("DWALPager(%s) remapCleanup skipAndFree %s\n", self->filename.c_str(), p.get().toString().c_str());
self->freeUnmappedPage(p.get().newPageID, 0);
Future<Void> task = removeRemapEntry(self, p.get(), oldestRetainedVersion);
if(!task.isReady()) {
// If the stop flag is set and we've reached the minimum stop version according the the allowed lag then stop.
@ -1713,7 +1842,7 @@ public:
debug_printf("DWALPager(%s) remapCleanup stopped (stop=%d)\n", self->filename.c_str(), self->remapCleanupStop);
return Void();
@ -1889,8 +2018,7 @@ public:
Future<int64_t> getUserPageCount() override {
return map(getUserPageCount_cleanup(this), [=](Void) {
int64_t userPages = pHeader->pageCount - 2 - freeList.numPages - freeList.numEntries -
delayedFreeList.numPages - delayedFreeList.numEntries - remapQueue.numPages
- remapQueue.numEntries;
delayedFreeList.numPages - delayedFreeList.numEntries - remapQueue.numPages;
debug_printf("DWALPager(%s) userPages=%" PRId64 " totalPageCount=%" PRId64 " freeQueuePages=%" PRId64
" freeQueueCount=%" PRId64 " delayedFreeQueuePages=%" PRId64 " delayedFreeQueueCount=%" PRId64
@ -2871,6 +2999,38 @@ public:
typedef FIFOQueue<LazyClearQueueEntry> LazyClearQueueT;
struct ParentInfo {
ParentInfo() {
count = 0;
bits = 0;
void clear() {
count = 0;
bits = 0;
static uint32_t mask(LogicalPageID id) {
return 1 << (id & 31);
void pageUpdated(LogicalPageID child) {
auto m = mask(child);
if((bits & m) == 0) {
bits |= m;
bool maybeUpdated(LogicalPageID child) {
return (mask(child) & bits) != 0;
uint32_t bits;
int count;
typedef std::unordered_map<LogicalPageID, ParentInfo> ParentInfoMapT;
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct MetaKey {
static constexpr int FORMAT_VERSION = 8;
@ -3025,7 +3185,7 @@ public:
// If this page is height 2, then the children are leaves so free them directly
if (btPage.height == 2) {
debug_printf("LazyClear: freeing child %s\n", toString(btChildPageID).c_str());
self->freeBtreePage(btChildPageID, v);
self->freeBTreePage(btChildPageID, v);
freedPages += btChildPageID.size();
metrics.lazyClearFree += 1;
metrics.lazyClearFreeExt += (btChildPageID.size() - 1);
@ -3044,7 +3204,7 @@ public:
// Free the page, now that its children have either been freed or queued
debug_printf("LazyClear: freeing queue entry %s\n", toString(entry.pageID).c_str());
self->freeBtreePage(entry.pageID, v);
self->freeBTreePage(entry.pageID, v);
freedPages += entry.pageID.size();
metrics.lazyClearFree += 1;
metrics.lazyClearFreeExt += entry.pageID.size() - 1;
@ -3149,7 +3309,7 @@ public:
return commit_impl(this);
ACTOR static Future<Void> destroyAndCheckSanity_impl(VersionedBTree* self) {
ACTOR static Future<Void> clearAllAndCheckSanity_impl(VersionedBTree* self) {
debug_printf("Clearing tree.\n");
@ -3194,7 +3354,7 @@ public:
return Void();
Future<Void> destroyAndCheckSanity() { return destroyAndCheckSanity_impl(this); }
Future<Void> clearAllAndCheckSanity() { return clearAllAndCheckSanity_impl(this); }
// Represents a change to a single key - set, clear, or atomic op
@ -3415,6 +3575,8 @@ private:
Future<Void> m_init;
std::string m_name;
int m_blockSize;
std::unordered_map<LogicalPageID, ParentInfo> parents;
ParentInfoMapT childUpdateTracker;
// MetaKey changes size so allocate space for it to expand into
union {
@ -3606,7 +3768,7 @@ private:
// must be rewritten anyway to count for the change in child count or child links.
// Free the old IDs, but only once (before the first output record is added).
if (records.empty()) {
self->freeBtreePage(previousID, v);
self->freeBTreePage(previousID, v);
for (p = 0; p < pages.size(); ++p) {
LogicalPageID id = wait(self->m_pager->newPageID());
@ -3774,7 +3936,7 @@ private:
void freeBtreePage(BTreePageIDRef btPageID, Version v) {
void freeBTreePage(BTreePageIDRef btPageID, Version v) {
// Free individual pages at v
for (LogicalPageID id : btPageID) {
m_pager->freePage(id, v);
@ -3783,7 +3945,7 @@ private:
// Write new version of pageID at version v using page as its data.
// Attempts to reuse original id(s) in btPageID, returns BTreePageID.
ACTOR static Future<BTreePageIDRef> updateBtreePage(VersionedBTree* self, BTreePageIDRef oldID, Arena* arena,
ACTOR static Future<BTreePageIDRef> updateBTreePage(VersionedBTree* self, BTreePageIDRef oldID, Arena* arena,
Reference<IPage> page, Version writeVersion) {
state BTreePageIDRef newID;
newID.resize(*arena, oldID.size());
@ -3881,19 +4043,23 @@ private:
// If the last record in the range has a null link then this will be null.
const RedwoodRecordRef* expectedUpperBound;
bool inPlaceUpdate;
// CommitSubtree will call one of the following three functions based on its exit path
// Subtree was cleared.
void cleared() {
inPlaceUpdate = false;
childrenChanged = true;
expectedUpperBound = nullptr;
// Page was updated in-place through edits and written to maybeNewID
void updatedInPlace(BTreePageIDRef maybeNewID, BTreePage* btPage, int capacity) {
inPlaceUpdate = true;
auto& metrics = g_redwoodMetrics.level(btPage->height);
metrics.pageModify += 1;
metrics.pageModify += (maybeNewID.size() - 1);
metrics.pageModifyExt += (maybeNewID.size() - 1);
metrics.modifyFillPct += (double)btPage->size() / capacity;
metrics.modifyStoredPct += (double)btPage->kvBytes / capacity;
metrics.modifyItemCount += btPage->tree().numItems;
@ -3915,6 +4081,7 @@ private:
// writePages() was used to build 1 or more replacement pages.
void rebuilt(Standalone<VectorRef<RedwoodRecordRef>> newRecords) {
inPlaceUpdate = false;
newLinks = newRecords;
childrenChanged = true;
@ -3955,14 +4122,15 @@ private:
struct InternalPageModifier {
InternalPageModifier() {}
InternalPageModifier(BTreePage* p, BTreePage::BinaryTree::Mirror* m, bool updating)
: btPage(p), m(m), updating(updating), changesMade(false) {}
InternalPageModifier(BTreePage* p, BTreePage::BinaryTree::Mirror* m, bool updating, ParentInfo *parentInfo)
: btPage(p), m(m), updating(updating), changesMade(false), parentInfo(parentInfo) {}
bool updating;
BTreePage* btPage;
BTreePage::BinaryTree::Mirror* m;
Standalone<VectorRef<RedwoodRecordRef>> rebuild;
bool changesMade;
ParentInfo *parentInfo;
bool empty() const {
if (updating) {
@ -4058,6 +4226,13 @@ private:
// endpoint.
changesMade = true;
} else {
if(u.inPlaceUpdate) {
for(auto id : u.decodeLowerBound->getChildPage()) {
keep(u.cBegin, u.cEnd);
@ -4342,12 +4517,12 @@ private:
// If the tree is now empty, delete the page
if (deltaTree.numItems == 0) {
self->freeBtreePage(rootID, writeVersion);
self->freeBTreePage(rootID, writeVersion);
debug_printf("%s Page updates cleared all entries, returning %s\n", context.c_str(),
} else {
// Otherwise update it.
BTreePageIDRef newID = wait(self->updateBtreePage(self, rootID, &update->newLinks.arena(),
BTreePageIDRef newID = wait(self->updateBTreePage(self, rootID, &update->newLinks.arena(),
page.castTo<IPage>(), writeVersion));
update->updatedInPlace(newID, btPage, newID.size() * self->m_blockSize);
@ -4360,7 +4535,7 @@ private:
// If everything in the page was deleted then this page should be deleted as of the new version
if (merged.empty()) {
self->freeBtreePage(rootID, writeVersion);
self->freeBTreePage(rootID, writeVersion);
debug_printf("%s All leaf page contents were cleared, returning %s\n", context.c_str(),
@ -4514,7 +4689,7 @@ private:
if (btPage->height == 2) {
debug_printf("%s: freeing child page in cleared subtree range: %s\n",
context.c_str(), ::toString(rec.getChildPage()).c_str());
self->freeBtreePage(rec.getChildPage(), writeVersion);
self->freeBTreePage(rec.getChildPage(), writeVersion);
} else {
debug_printf("%s: queuing subtree deletion cleared subtree range: %s\n",
context.c_str(), ::toString(rec.getChildPage()).c_str());
@ -4550,7 +4725,10 @@ private:
debug_printf("%s Recursions done, processing slice updates.\n", context.c_str());
state InternalPageModifier m(btPage, cursor.mirror, tryToUpdate);
// Note: parentInfo could be invalid after a wait and must be re-initialized.
// All uses below occur before waits so no reinitialization is done.
state ParentInfo *parentInfo = &self->childUpdateTracker[rootID.front()];
state InternalPageModifier m(btPage, cursor.mirror, tryToUpdate, parentInfo);
// Apply the possible changes for each subtree range recursed to, except the last one.
// For each range, the expected next record, if any, is checked against the first boundary
@ -4568,17 +4746,55 @@ private:
context.c_str(), m.changesMade, update->toString().c_str());
m.applyUpdate(*slices.back(), m.changesMade ? update->subtreeUpperBound : update->decodeUpperBound);
state bool detachChildren = (parentInfo->count > 2);
state bool forceUpdate = false;
if(!m.changesMade && detachChildren) {
debug_printf("%s Internal page forced rewrite because at least %d children have been updated in-place.\n", context.c_str(), parentInfo->count);
m.updating = true;
forceUpdate = true;
// If page contents have changed
if (m.changesMade) {
if ((m.empty())) {
if (m.changesMade || forceUpdate) {
if (m.empty()) {
debug_printf("%s All internal page children were deleted so deleting this page too, returning %s\n",
context.c_str(), toString(*update).c_str());
self->freeBtreePage(rootID, writeVersion);
self->freeBTreePage(rootID, writeVersion);
} else {
if (m.updating) {
// Page was updated in place
BTreePageIDRef newID = wait(self->updateBtreePage(self, rootID, &update->newLinks.arena(),
// Page was updated in place (or being forced to be updated in place to update child page ids)
debug_printf("%s Internal page modified in-place tryUpdate=%d forceUpdate=%d\n", context.c_str(), tryToUpdate, forceUpdate);
if(detachChildren) {
int detached = 0;
auto &stats = g_redwoodMetrics.level(btPage->height);
while(cursor.valid()) {
if(cursor.get().value.present()) {
for(auto &p : cursor.get().getChildPage()) {
if(parentInfo->maybeUpdated(p)) {
LogicalPageID newID = self->m_pager->detachRemappedPage(p, writeVersion);
if(newID != invalidLogicalPageID) {
p = newID;
if(detached == 0) {
debug_printf("%s No children detached, returning %s\n", context.c_str(), toString(*update).c_str());
return Void();
BTreePageIDRef newID = wait(self->updateBTreePage(self, rootID, &update->newLinks.arena(),
page.castTo<IPage>(), writeVersion));
update->updatedInPlace(newID, btPage, newID.size() * self->m_blockSize);
@ -4588,6 +4804,24 @@ private:
// Page was rebuilt, possibly split.
debug_printf("%s Internal page modified, creating replacements.\n", context.c_str());
if(detachChildren) {
auto &stats = g_redwoodMetrics.level(btPage->height);
for(auto &rec : m.rebuild) {
if(rec.value.present()) {
for(auto &p : rec.getChildPage()) {
if(parentInfo->maybeUpdated(p)) {
LogicalPageID newID = self->m_pager->detachRemappedPage(p, writeVersion);
if(newID != invalidLogicalPageID) {
p = newID;
Standalone<VectorRef<RedwoodRecordRef>> newChildEntries =
wait(writePages(self, update->subtreeLowerBound, update->subtreeUpperBound, m.rebuild,
btPage->height, writeVersion, rootID));
@ -7220,9 +7454,16 @@ TEST_CASE("!/redwood/correctness/btree") {
// Check for errors
if (errorCount != 0) throw internal_error();
// Reopen pager and btree with a remap cleanup window of 0 to reclaim all old pages
state Future<Void> closedFuture = btree->onClosed();
btree = new VersionedBTree(new DWALPager(pageSize, pagerFile, cacheSizeBytes, 0), pagerFile);
Future<Void> closedFuture = btree->onClosed();
closedFuture = btree->onClosed();
@ -7328,7 +7569,7 @@ TEST_CASE("!/redwood/performance/set") {
state int minValueSize = 100;
state int maxValueSize = 500;
state int minConsecutiveRun = 1;
state int maxConsecutiveRun = 10;
state int maxConsecutiveRun = 100000;
state char firstKeyChar = 'a';
state char lastKeyChar = 'm';
state Version remapCleanupWindow = SERVER_KNOBS->REDWOOD_REMAP_CLEANUP_WINDOW;