Merge pull request #214 from cie/alexmiller/fallocate
Use fallocate to zero ranges instead of writing zeroes
This commit is contained in:
@ -227,10 +227,27 @@ public:
return success(result);
// TODO(alexmiller): Remove when we upgrade the dev docker image to >14.10
virtual Future<Void> zeroRange( int64_t offset, int64_t length ) override {
bool success = false;
if (ctx.fallocateZeroSupported) {
int rc = fallocate( fd, FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE, offset, length );
if (rc == EOPNOTSUPP) {
ctx.fallocateZeroSupported = false;
if (rc == 0) {
success = true;
return success ? Void() : IAsyncFile::zeroRange(offset, length);
virtual Future<Void> truncate( int64_t size ) {
if(failed) {
return io_timeout();
@ -484,6 +501,7 @@ private:
int outstanding;
double ioStallBegin;
bool fallocateSupported;
bool fallocateZeroSupported;
std::priority_queue<IOBlock*, std::vector<IOBlock*>, IOBlock::indirect_order_by_priority> queue;
Int64MetricHandle countAIOSubmit;
Int64MetricHandle countAIOCollect;
@ -499,7 +517,7 @@ private:
EventMetricHandle<SlowAioSubmit> slowAioSubmitMetric;
uint32_t opsIssued;
Context() : iocx(0), evfd(-1), outstanding(0), opsIssued(0), ioStallBegin(0), fallocateSupported(true), submittedRequestList(nullptr) {
Context() : iocx(0), evfd(-1), outstanding(0), opsIssued(0), ioStallBegin(0), fallocateSupported(true), fallocateZeroSupported(true), submittedRequestList(nullptr) {
@ -25,7 +25,61 @@
#include "flow/UnitTest.h"
#include <iostream>
IAsyncFile::~IAsyncFile() = default;
const static unsigned int ONE_MEGABYTE = 1<<20;
const static unsigned int FOUR_KILOBYTES = 4<<10;
ACTOR static Future<Void> zeroRangeHelper( Reference<IAsyncFile> f, int64_t offset, int64_t length, int fixedbyte) {
state int64_t pos = offset;
state void* zeros = aligned_alloc( ONE_MEGABYTE, ONE_MEGABYTE );
memset( zeros, fixedbyte, ONE_MEGABYTE );
while(pos < offset+length) {
state int len = std::min<int64_t>( ONE_MEGABYTE, offset+length-pos );
Void _ = wait( f->write( zeros, len, pos ) );
pos += len;
Void _ = wait( yield() );
return Void();
Future<Void> IAsyncFile::zeroRange(int64_t offset, int64_t length) {
return uncancellable(zeroRangeHelper(Reference<IAsyncFile>::addRef(this), offset, length, 0));
TEST_CASE( "fileio/zero" ) {
state std::string filename = "/tmp/__ZEROJUNK__";
state Reference<IAsyncFile> f =
// Verify that we can grow a file with zero().
Void _ = wait(f->sync());
Void _ = wait(f->zeroRange(0, ONE_MEGABYTE));
int64_t size = wait(f->size());
// Verify that zero() does, in fact, zero.
Void _ = wait(zeroRangeHelper(f, 0, ONE_MEGABYTE, 0xff));
Void _ = wait(f->zeroRange(0, ONE_MEGABYTE));
state uint8_t* page = (uint8_t*)malloc(FOUR_KILOBYTES);
int n = wait( f->read(page, FOUR_KILOBYTES, 0) );
for (int i = 0; i < FOUR_KILOBYTES; i++) {
ASSERT(page[i] == 0);
// Destruct our file and remove it.
Void _ = wait( IAsyncFileSystem::filesystem()->deleteFile(filename, true) );
return Void();
ACTOR static Future<Void> incrementalDeleteHelper( std::string filename, bool mustBeDurable, int64_t truncateAmt, double interval ) {
state Reference<IAsyncFile> file;
@ -53,7 +107,7 @@ ACTOR static Future<Void> incrementalDeleteHelper( std::string filename, bool mu
return Void();
Future<Void> IAsyncFile::incrementalDelete( std::string filename, bool mustBeDurable ) {
Future<Void> IAsyncFileSystem::incrementalDeleteFile( std::string filename, bool mustBeDurable ) {
return uncancellable(incrementalDeleteHelper(
@ -74,6 +128,6 @@ TEST_CASE( "fileio/incrementalDelete" ) {
Void _ = wait(f->truncate(fileSize));
//close the file by deleting the reference
Void _ = wait(IAsyncFile::incrementalDelete(filename, true));
Void _ = wait(IAsyncFileSystem::filesystem()->incrementalDeleteFile(filename, true));
return Void();
@ -24,10 +24,14 @@
#include "flow/flow.h"
//All outstanding operations must be cancelled before the destructor of IAsyncFile is called.
// All outstanding operations must be cancelled before the destructor of IAsyncFile is called.
// The desirability of the above semantic is disputed. Some classes (AsyncFileBlobStore,
// AsyncFileCached) maintain references, while others (AsyncFileNonDurable) don't, and the comment
// is unapplicable to some others as well (AsyncFileKAIO). It's safest to assume that all operations
// must complete or cancel, but you should probably look at the file implementations you'll be using.
class IAsyncFile {
virtual ~IAsyncFile();
// Pass these to g_network->open to get an IAsyncFile
enum {
// Implementation relies on the low bits being the same as the SQLite flags (this is validated by a static_assert there)
@ -52,16 +56,15 @@ public:
// For read() and write(), the data buffer must remain valid until the future is ready
virtual Future<int> read( void* data, int length, int64_t offset ) = 0; // Returns number of bytes actually read (from [0,length])
virtual Future<Void> write( void const* data, int length, int64_t offset ) = 0;
// The zeroed data is not guaranteed to be durable after `zeroRange` returns. A call to sync() would be required.
// This operation holds a reference to the AsyncFile, and does not need to be cancelled before a reference is dropped.
virtual Future<Void> zeroRange( int64_t offset, int64_t length );
virtual Future<Void> truncate( int64_t size ) = 0;
virtual Future<Void> sync() = 0;
virtual Future<Void> flush() { return Void(); } // Sends previous writes to the OS if they have been buffered in memory, but does not make them power safe
virtual Future<int64_t> size() = 0;
virtual std::string getFilename() = 0;
// Unlinks a file and then deletes it slowly by truncating the file repeatedly.
// If mustBeDurable, returns only when the file is guaranteed to be deleted even after a power failure.
static Future<Void> incrementalDelete( std::string filename, bool mustBeDurable );
// Attempt to read the *length bytes at offset without copying. If successful, a pointer to the
// requested bytes is written to *data, and the number of bytes successfully read is
// written to *length. If unsuccessful, *data and *length are undefined.
@ -83,11 +86,15 @@ typedef void (*runCycleFuncPtr)();
class IAsyncFileSystem {
virtual Future< Reference<class IAsyncFile> > open( std::string filename, int64_t flags, int64_t mode ) = 0;
// Opens a file for asynchronous I/O
virtual Future< Reference<class IAsyncFile> > open( std::string filename, int64_t flags, int64_t mode ) = 0;
virtual Future< Void > deleteFile( std::string filename, bool mustBeDurable ) = 0;
// Deletes the given file. If mustBeDurable, returns only when the file is guaranteed to be deleted even after a power failure.
virtual Future< Void > deleteFile( std::string filename, bool mustBeDurable ) = 0;
// Unlinks a file and then deletes it slowly by truncating the file repeatedly.
// If mustBeDurable, returns only when the file is guaranteed to be deleted even after a power failure.
virtual Future<Void> incrementalDeleteFile( std::string filename, bool mustBeDurable );
static IAsyncFileSystem* filesystem() { return filesystem(g_network); }
static runCycleFuncPtr runCycleFunc() { return reinterpret_cast<runCycleFuncPtr>(reinterpret_cast<flowGlobalType>(g_network->global(INetwork::enRunCycleFunc))); }
@ -409,8 +409,8 @@ public:
TraceEvent("DiskQueueShutdownDeleting", self->dbgid)
.detail("File0", self->filename(0))
.detail("File1", self->filename(1));
Void _ = wait( IAsyncFile::incrementalDelete( self->filename(0), false ) );
Void _ = wait( IAsyncFile::incrementalDelete( self->filename(1), true ) );
Void _ = wait( IAsyncFileSystem::filesystem()->incrementalDeleteFile( self->filename(0), false ) );
Void _ = wait( IAsyncFileSystem::filesystem()->incrementalDeleteFile( self->filename(1), true ) );
TraceEvent("DiskQueueShutdownComplete", self->dbgid)
.detail("DeleteFiles", deleteFiles)
@ -585,20 +585,11 @@ public:
ACTOR static UNCANCELLABLE Future<Void> truncateFile(RawDiskQueue_TwoFiles* self, int file, int64_t pos) {
state TrackMe trackMe(self);
state StringBuffer zeros( self->dbgid );
TraceEvent("DQTruncateFile", self->dbgid).detail("File", file).detail("Pos", pos).detail("File0Name", self->files[0].dbgFilename);
zeros.alignReserve( sizeof(Page), 1<<20 );
memset( zeros.append(1<<20), 0, 1<<20 );
while(pos < self->files[file].size) {
state int len = std::min<int64_t>(zeros.size(), self->files[file].size-pos);
Void _ = wait( self->files[file].f->write( zeros.str.begin(), len, pos ) );
pos += len;
state Reference<IAsyncFile> f = self->files[file].f; // Hold onto a reference in the off-chance that the DQ is removed from underneath us.
Void _ = wait( f->zeroRange( pos, self->files[file].size-pos ) );
Void _ = wait(self->files[file].syncQueue->onSync());
// We intentionally don't return the f->zero future, so that TrackMe is destructed after f->zero finishes.
return Void();
@ -1827,8 +1827,8 @@ private:
Void _ = wait( self->readThreads->stop() && self->writeThread->stop() );
if (deleteOnClose) {
Void _ = wait( IAsyncFile::incrementalDelete( self->filename, true ) );
Void _ = wait( IAsyncFile::incrementalDelete( self->filename + "-wal", false ) );
Void _ = wait( IAsyncFileSystem::filesystem()->incrementalDeleteFile( self->filename, true ) );
Void _ = wait( IAsyncFileSystem::filesystem()->incrementalDeleteFile( self->filename + "-wal", false ) );
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "KVDoCloseError", self->logID)
@ -489,7 +489,12 @@ inline static void aligned_free(void* ptr) { free(ptr); }
inline static void* aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size) { return memalign(alignment, size); }
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
inline static void* aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size) { return malloc(size); } // FIXME: OSX doesn't have memalign(). All allocations are 16-byte aligned
#include <cstdlib>
inline static void* aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size) {
void* ptr = nullptr;
posix_memalign(&ptr, alignment, size);
return ptr;
inline static void aligned_free(void* ptr) { free(ptr); }
Reference in New Issue