Two bug fixes in Redwood related to split KV pairs and one was masking the other. The first bug resulted in an incomplete erasure of fragments for a split KV pair and the second bug would generate an unnecessary explicit null record for the same key which would cause reads to correctly see the key as missing. Redwood correctness test now clears the tree and verifies expected resulting pager footprint, which succeeds due to the bug fixes.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Atherton 2019-10-29 01:31:59 -07:00
parent 40d53e23f5
commit 9c0d671d07
1 changed files with 99 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -2950,6 +2950,18 @@ private:
// A clear range version, if cleared, for the range starting immediately AFTER the start key
Optional<Version> rangeClearVersion;
bool keyCleared() const {
return startKeyMutations.size() == 1 && startKeyMutations.begin()->second.isClear();
bool keyChanged() const {
return !startKeyMutations.empty();
bool rangeCleared() const {
return rangeClearVersion.present();
// Returns true if this RangeMutation doesn't actually mutate anything
bool noChanges() const {
return !rangeClearVersion.present() && startKeyMutations.empty();
@ -3417,10 +3429,15 @@ private:
debug_printf("%s -------------------------------------\n", context.c_str());
// If the boundary range iterators are the same then upperbound and lowerbound have the same key.
// If the key is being mutated, them remove this subtree.
// iMutationBoundary is greatest boundary <= lowerBound->key
// iMutationBoundaryEnd is least boundary >= upperBound->key
// If the boundary range iterators are the same then this subtree only has one unique key, which is the same key as the boundary
// record the iterators are pointing to. There only two outcomes possible: Clearing the subtree or leaving it alone.
// If there are any changes to the one key then the entire subtree should be deleted as the changes for the key
// do not go into this subtree.
if(iMutationBoundary == iMutationBoundaryEnd) {
if(!iMutationBoundary->second.startKeyMutations.empty()) {
if(iMutationBoundary->second.keyChanged()) {
debug_printf("%s lower and upper bound key/version match and key is modified so deleting page, returning %s\n", context.c_str(), toString(results).c_str());
Version firstKeyChangeVersion = self->singleVersion ? self->getLastCommittedVersion() + 1 : iMutationBoundary->second.startKeyMutations.begin()->first;
if(isLeaf) {
@ -3442,25 +3459,60 @@ private:
// unmodified, or possibly/partially modified.
MutationBufferT::const_iterator iMutationBoundaryNext = iMutationBoundary;
// If one mutation range covers the entire page
if(iMutationBoundaryNext == iMutationBoundaryEnd) {
// If there are no changes in the range (no clear, no boundary key mutations)
// OR there are changes but for a key that is less than the page lower boundary and therefore not part of this page
if(iMutationBoundary->second.noChanges() ||
( !iMutationBoundary->second.rangeClearVersion.present() && iMutationBoundary->first < lowerBound->key)
) {
// Cleared means the entire range covering the subtree was cleared. It is assumed true
// if the range starting after the lower mutation boundary was cleared, and then proven false
// below if possible.
bool cleared = iMutationBoundary->second.rangeCleared();
// Unchanged means the entire range covering the subtree was unchanged, it is assumed to be the
// opposite of cleared() and then proven false below if possible.
bool unchanged = !cleared;
debug_printf("%s cleared=%d unchanged=%d\n", context.c_str(), cleared, unchanged);
// If the lower mutation boundary key is the same as the subtree lower bound then whether or not
// that key is being changed or cleared affects this subtree.
if(iMutationBoundary->first == lowerBound->key) {
// If subtree will be cleared (so far) but the lower boundary key is not cleared then the subtree is not cleared
if(cleared && !iMutationBoundary->second.keyCleared()) {
cleared = false;
debug_printf("%s cleared=%d unchanged=%d\n", context.c_str(), cleared, unchanged);
// If the subtree looked unchanged (so far) but the lower boundary is is changed then the subtree is changed
if(unchanged && iMutationBoundary->second.keyChanged()) {
unchanged = false;
debug_printf("%s cleared=%d unchanged=%d\n", context.c_str(), cleared, unchanged);
// If the higher mutation boundary key is the same as the subtree upper bound key then whether
// or not it is being changed or cleared affects this subtree.
if((cleared || unchanged) && iMutationBoundaryEnd->first == upperBound->key) {
// If the key is being changed then the records in this subtree with the same key must be removed
// so the subtree is definitely not unchanged, though it may be cleared to achieve the same effect.
if(iMutationBoundaryEnd->second.keyChanged()) {
unchanged = false;
debug_printf("%s cleared=%d unchanged=%d\n", context.c_str(), cleared, unchanged);
else {
// If the key is not being changed then the records in this subtree can't be removed so the
// subtree is not being cleared.
cleared = false;
debug_printf("%s cleared=%d unchanged=%d\n", context.c_str(), cleared, unchanged);
// The subtree cannot be both cleared and unchanged.
ASSERT(!(cleared && unchanged));
// If no changes in subtree
if(unchanged) {
results.push_back_deep(results.arena(), VersionAndChildrenRef(0, VectorRef<RedwoodRecordRef>((RedwoodRecordRef *)decodeLowerBound, 1), *decodeUpperBound));
debug_printf("%s no changes on this subtree, returning %s\n", context.c_str(), toString(results).c_str());
return results;
// If the range is cleared and there either no sets or the sets aren't relevant to this subtree then delete it
// The last if subexpression is checking that either the next key in the mutation buffer is being changed or
// the upper bound key of this page isn't the same.
&& (iMutationBoundary->second.startKeyMutations.empty() || iMutationBoundary->first < lowerBound->key)
&& (!iMutationBoundaryEnd->second.startKeyMutations.empty() || upperBound->key != iMutationBoundaryEnd->first)
) {
// If subtree is cleared
if(cleared) {
debug_printf("%s %s cleared, deleting it, returning %s\n", context.c_str(), isLeaf ? "Page" : "Subtree", toString(results).c_str());
Version clearVersion = self->singleVersion ? self->getLastCommittedVersion() + 1 : iMutationBoundary->second.rangeClearVersion.get();
if(isLeaf) {
@ -3492,7 +3544,6 @@ private:
// If replacement pages are written they will be at the minimum version seen in the mutations for this leaf
Version minVersion = invalidVersion;
int changes = 0;
// Now, process each mutation range and merge changes with existing data.
bool firstMutationBoundary = true;
@ -3515,11 +3566,13 @@ private:
SingleKeyMutationsByVersion::const_iterator iMutationsEnd = iMutationBoundary->second.startKeyMutations.end();
// Iterate over old versions of the mutation boundary key, outputting if necessary
bool boundaryKeyWritten = false;
while(cursor.valid() && cursor.get().key == iMutationBoundary->first) {
// If not in single version mode or there were no changes to the key
if(!self->singleVersion || iMutationBoundary->second.noChanges()) {
merged.push_back(merged.arena(), cursor.get());
debug_printf("%s Added %s [existing, boundary start]\n", context.c_str(), merged.back().toString().c_str());
boundaryKeyWritten = true;
else {
@ -3534,16 +3587,26 @@ private:
while(iMutations != iMutationsEnd) {
const SingleKeyMutation &m = iMutations->second;
if(m.isClear() || m.value.size() <= self->m_maxPartSize) {
if(iMutations->first < minVersion || minVersion == invalidVersion)
minVersion = iMutations->first;
merged.push_back(merged.arena(), m.toRecord(iMutationBoundary->first, iMutations->first));
debug_printf("%s Added non-split %s [mutation, boundary start]\n", context.c_str(), merged.back().toString().c_str());
// If the boundary key was not yet written to the merged list then clears can be skipped.
// Note that in a more complex scenario where there are multiple sibling pages for the same key, with different
// versions and/or part numbers, this is still a valid thing to do. This is because a changing boundary
// key (set or clear) will result in any instances (different versions, split parts) of this key
// on sibling pages to the left of this page to be removed, so an explicit clear need only be stored
// if a record with the mutation boundary key was already written to this page.
if(!boundaryKeyWritten && iMutations->second.isClear()) {
debug_printf("%s Skipped %s [mutation, unnecessary boundary key clear]\n", context.c_str(), m.toRecord(iMutationBoundary->first, iMutations->first).toString().c_str());
else {
merged.push_back(merged.arena(), m.toRecord(iMutationBoundary->first, iMutations->first));
debug_printf("%s Added non-split %s [mutation, boundary start]\n", context.c_str(), merged.back().toString().c_str());
if(iMutations->first < minVersion || minVersion == invalidVersion)
minVersion = iMutations->first;
boundaryKeyWritten = true;
else {
if(iMutations->first < minVersion || minVersion == invalidVersion)
minVersion = iMutations->first;
int bytesLeft = m.value.size();
int start = 0;
RedwoodRecordRef whole(iMutationBoundary->first, iMutations->first, m.value);
@ -3555,6 +3618,7 @@ private:
start += partSize;
debug_printf("%s Added split %s [mutation, boundary start] bytesLeft %d\n", context.c_str(), merged.back().toString().c_str(), bytesLeft);
boundaryKeyWritten = true;
@ -3595,7 +3659,6 @@ private:
Version clearVersion = clearRangeVersion.get();
if(clearVersion < minVersion || minVersion == invalidVersion)
minVersion = clearVersion;
merged.push_back(merged.arena(), RedwoodRecordRef(cursor.get().key, clearVersion));
debug_printf("%s Added %s [existing, middle clear]\n", context.c_str(), merged.back().toString().c_str());
@ -3608,7 +3671,17 @@ private:
// Write any remaining existing keys, which are not subject to clears as they are beyond the cleared range.
bool upperMutationBoundaryKeyChanged = iMutationBoundaryEnd->second.keyChanged();
while(cursor.valid()) {
// If the upper mutation boundary is being changed and the cursor's key matches it then stop because none of the earlier
// versions or fragments of that key should be written.
if(upperMutationBoundaryKeyChanged && cursor.get().key == iMutationBoundaryEnd->first) {
debug_printf("%s Skipped %s and beyond [existing, matches changed upper mutation boundary]\n", context.c_str(), cursor.get().toString().c_str());
Version changedVersion = iMutationBoundaryEnd->second.startKeyMutations.begin()->first;
if(changedVersion < minVersion || minVersion == invalidVersion)
minVersion = changedVersion;
merged.push_back(merged.arena(), cursor.get());
debug_printf("%s Added %s [existing, tail]\n", context.c_str(), merged.back().toString().c_str());
@ -3620,7 +3693,6 @@ private:
if(minVersion == invalidVersion) {
results.push_back_deep(results.arena(), VersionAndChildrenRef(0, VectorRef<RedwoodRecordRef>((RedwoodRecordRef *)decodeLowerBound, 1), *decodeUpperBound));
debug_printf("%s No changes were made during mutation merge, returning %s\n", context.c_str(), toString(results).c_str());
ASSERT(changes == 0);
return results;
@ -5642,6 +5714,8 @@ TEST_CASE("!/redwood/correctness/btree") {
if(errorCount != 0)
throw internal_error();
Future<Void> closedFuture = btree->onClosed();