Address review comments

This commit is contained in:
Xin Dong 2020-10-15 15:25:00 -07:00
parent 1d43729cc9
commit 92e31dd338
4 changed files with 79 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
Release Notes
* Log detailed team collection information both periodically and on trigger. `(PR #3912) <>`_
* For clusters with a large number of shards, avoid slow tasks in the data distributor by adding yields to the shard map destruction. `(PR #3834) <>`_

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@ -631,7 +631,8 @@ struct DDTeamCollection : ReferenceCounted<DDTeamCollection> {
int highestUtilizationTeam;
AsyncTrigger printDetailedTeamsInfo;
double lastTeamsInfoSnapshotTime;
double lastTeamCollectionInfoSnapshotTime;
double lastTeamCollectionInfoLoggingTriggeredTime;
void resetLocalitySet() {
storageServerSet = Reference<LocalitySet>(new LocalityMap<UID>());
@ -770,9 +771,15 @@ struct DDTeamCollection : ReferenceCounted<DDTeamCollection> {
if (self->medianAvailableSpace < SERVER_KNOBS->TARGET_AVAILABLE_SPACE_RATIO) {
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "DDTeamMedianAvailableSpaceTooSmall")
.detail("MedianAvailableSpaceRatio", self->medianAvailableSpace);
// Trigger teams info print
.detail("MedianAvailableSpaceRatio", self->medianAvailableSpace)
.detail("TargetAvailableSpaceRatio", SERVER_KNOBS->TARGET_AVAILABLE_SPACE_RATIO);
if (now() - self->lastTeamCollectionInfoLoggingTriggeredTime >
// It's meaningless to trigger the logging again if the snapshot is stale
// Trigger teams info print
self->lastTeamCollectionInfoLoggingTriggeredTime = now();
@ -2578,41 +2585,42 @@ ACTOR Future<Void> waitUntilHealthy(DDTeamCollection* self, double extraDelay =
// This function is very expensive to call. Use with caution.
// Take a snapshot of necessary data structures from `DDTeamCollection` and print them out with yields to avoid slow
// task on the run loop. This function is very expensive to call due to the data it needs to copy. Use with caution.
ACTOR Future<Void> printSnapshotTeamsInfo(Reference<DDTeamCollection> self, std::string tcIdString) {
state DatabaseConfiguration configuration;
state std::map<UID, Reference<TCServerInfo>> server_info;
state ServerStatusMap server_status;
state std::map<UID, ServerStatus> server_status;
state vector<Reference<TCTeamInfo>> teams;
state std::map<Standalone<StringRef>, Reference<TCMachineInfo>> machine_info;
state std::vector<Reference<TCMachineTeamInfo>> machineTeams;
state std::vector<std::string> internedLocalityRecordKeyNameStrings;
state int machineLocalityMapEntryArraySize;
state std::vector<Reference<LocalityRecord>> machineLocalityMapRecordArray;
// state std::vector<std::string> internedLocalityRecordKeyNameStrings;
// state int machineLocalityMapEntryArraySize;
// state std::vector<Reference<LocalityRecord>> machineLocalityMapRecordArray;
state int traceEventsPrinted = 0;
state std::vector<const UID*> uids;
state std::vector<const UID*> serverIDs;
loop {
wait(self->printDetailedTeamsInfo.onTrigger() || delay(SERVER_KNOBS->DD_TEAMS_INFO_PRINT_INTERVAL));
traceEventsPrinted = 0;
if (now() - self->lastTeamsInfoSnapshotTime >= SERVER_KNOBS->DD_TEAMS_INFO_SNAPSHOT_REFRESH_INTERVAL) {
if (now() - self->lastTeamCollectionInfoSnapshotTime >= SERVER_KNOBS->DD_TEAMS_INFO_SNAPSHOT_REFRESH_INTERVAL) {
// Refresh state snapshot
self->lastTeamsInfoSnapshotTime = now();
self->lastTeamCollectionInfoSnapshotTime = now();
configuration = self->configuration;
server_info = self->server_info;
teams = self->teams;
machine_info = self->machine_info;
machineTeams = self->machineTeams;
internedLocalityRecordKeyNameStrings = self->machineLocalityMap._keymap->_lookuparray;
machineLocalityMapEntryArraySize = self->machineLocalityMap.size();
machineLocalityMapRecordArray = self->machineLocalityMap.getRecordArray();
// internedLocalityRecordKeyNameStrings = self->machineLocalityMap._keymap->_lookuparray;
// machineLocalityMapEntryArraySize = self->machineLocalityMap.size();
// machineLocalityMapRecordArray = self->machineLocalityMap.getRecordArray();
std::vector<const UID*> _uids = self->machineLocalityMap.getObjects();
uids = _uids;
serverIDs = _uids;
auto const& keys = self->server_status.getKeys();
for (auto const& key : keys) {
server_status.set(key, self->server_status.get(key));
server_status.emplace(key, self->server_status.get(key));
@ -2634,7 +2642,7 @@ ACTOR Future<Void> printSnapshotTeamsInfo(Reference<DDTeamCollection> self, std:
.detail("MachineID", server->second->machine->machineID.contents().toString())
.detail("TeamCollectionID", tcIdString);
if (++traceEventsPrinted % 100 == 0) { // TODO: Knob-ify this number?
if (++traceEventsPrinted % SERVER_KNOBS->DD_TEAMS_INFO_PRINT_YIELD_COUNT == 0) {
@ -2644,13 +2652,13 @@ ACTOR Future<Void> printSnapshotTeamsInfo(Reference<DDTeamCollection> self, std:
for (; i < server_info.size(); i++) {
const UID& uid = server->first;
TraceEvent("ServerStatus", uid)
.detail("Healthy", !server_status.get(uid).isUnhealthy())
.detail("Healthy", !
.detail("MachineIsValid", server_info[uid]->machine.isValid())
server_info[uid]->machine.isValid() ? server_info[uid]->machine->machineTeams.size() : -1)
.detail("TeamCollectionID", tcIdString);
if (++traceEventsPrinted % 100 == 0) { // TODO: Knob-ify this number?
if (++traceEventsPrinted % SERVER_KNOBS->DD_TEAMS_INFO_PRINT_YIELD_COUNT == 0) {
@ -2665,7 +2673,7 @@ ACTOR Future<Void> printSnapshotTeamsInfo(Reference<DDTeamCollection> self, std:
.detail("TeamSize", team->size())
.detail("MemberIDs", team->getServerIDsStr())
.detail("TeamCollectionID", tcIdString);
if (++traceEventsPrinted % 100 == 0) { // TODO: Knob-ify this number?
if (++traceEventsPrinted % SERVER_KNOBS->DD_TEAMS_INFO_PRINT_YIELD_COUNT == 0) {
@ -2683,7 +2691,7 @@ ACTOR Future<Void> printSnapshotTeamsInfo(Reference<DDTeamCollection> self, std:
// Healthy machine has at least one healthy server
for (auto& server : _machine->serversOnMachine) {
if (!server_status.get(server->id).isUnhealthy()) {
if (!>id).isUnhealthy()) {
isMachineHealthy = true;
@ -2698,7 +2706,7 @@ ACTOR Future<Void> printSnapshotTeamsInfo(Reference<DDTeamCollection> self, std:
.detail("ServersID", machine->second->getServersIDStr())
.detail("TeamCollectionID", tcIdString);
if (++traceEventsPrinted % 100 == 0) { // TODO: Knob-ify this number?
if (++traceEventsPrinted % SERVER_KNOBS->DD_TEAMS_INFO_PRINT_YIELD_COUNT == 0) {
@ -2712,49 +2720,50 @@ ACTOR Future<Void> printSnapshotTeamsInfo(Reference<DDTeamCollection> self, std:
.detail("MachineIDs", team->getMachineIDsStr())
.detail("ServerTeams", team->serverTeams.size())
.detail("TeamCollectionID", tcIdString);
if (++traceEventsPrinted % 100 == 0) { // TODO: Knob-ify this number?
if (++traceEventsPrinted % SERVER_KNOBS->DD_TEAMS_INFO_PRINT_YIELD_COUNT == 0) {
i = 0;
.detail("Size", internedLocalityRecordKeyNameStrings.size())
.detail("TeamCollectionID", tcIdString);
for (; i < internedLocalityRecordKeyNameStrings.size(); i++) {
.detail("KeyIndex", i)
.detail("KeyName", internedLocalityRecordKeyNameStrings[i])
.detail("TeamCollectionID", tcIdString);
if (++traceEventsPrinted % 100 == 0) { // TODO: Knob-ify this number?
// TODO: re-enable the following logging or remove them.
// i = 0;
// TraceEvent("LocalityRecordKeyName")
// .detail("Size", internedLocalityRecordKeyNameStrings.size())
// .detail("TeamCollectionID", tcIdString);
// for (; i < internedLocalityRecordKeyNameStrings.size(); i++) {
// TraceEvent("LocalityRecordKeyIndexName")
// .detail("KeyIndex", i)
// .detail("KeyName", internedLocalityRecordKeyNameStrings[i])
// .detail("TeamCollectionID", tcIdString);
// if (++traceEventsPrinted % SERVER_KNOBS->DD_TEAMS_INFO_PRINT_YIELD_COUNT == 0) {
// wait(yield());
// }
// }
i = 0;
.detail("Size", machineLocalityMapEntryArraySize)
.detail("TeamCollectionID", tcIdString);
for (; i < uids.size(); i++) {
const auto& uid = uids[i];
Reference<LocalityRecord> record = machineLocalityMapRecordArray[i];
if (record.isValid()) {
.detail("LocalityIndex", i)
.detail("UID", uid->toString())
.detail("LocalityRecord", record->toString())
.detail("TeamCollectionID", tcIdString);
} else {
.detail("LocalityIndex", i)
.detail("UID", uid->toString())
.detail("LocalityRecord", "[NotFound]")
.detail("TeamCollectionID", tcIdString);
if (++traceEventsPrinted % 100 == 0) { // TODO: Knob-ify this number?
// i = 0;
// TraceEvent("MachineLocalityMap")
// .detail("Size", machineLocalityMapEntryArraySize)
// .detail("TeamCollectionID", tcIdString);
// for (; i < serverIDs.size(); i++) {
// const auto& serverID = serverIDs[i];
// Reference<LocalityRecord> record = machineLocalityMapRecordArray[i];
// if (record.isValid()) {
// TraceEvent("MachineLocalityMap")
// .detail("LocalityIndex", i)
// .detail("UID", serverID->toString())
// .detail("LocalityRecord", record->toString())
// .detail("TeamCollectionID", tcIdString);
// } else {
// TraceEvent("MachineLocalityMap")
// .detail("LocalityIndex", i)
// .detail("UID", serverID->toString())
// .detail("LocalityRecord", "[NotFound]")
// .detail("TeamCollectionID", tcIdString);
// }
// if (++traceEventsPrinted % SERVER_KNOBS->DD_TEAMS_INFO_PRINT_YIELD_COUNT == 0) {
// wait(yield());
// }
// }

View File

@ -219,8 +219,9 @@ ServerKnobs::ServerKnobs(bool randomize, ClientKnobs* clientKnobs, bool isSimula
init( DD_VALIDATE_LOCALITY, true ); if( randomize && BUGGIFY ) DD_VALIDATE_LOCALITY = false;
init( DD_CHECK_INVALID_LOCALITY_DELAY, 60 ); if( randomize && BUGGIFY ) DD_CHECK_INVALID_LOCALITY_DELAY = 1 + deterministicRandom()->random01() * 600;
init( DD_ENABLE_VERBOSE_TRACING, false ); if( randomize && BUGGIFY ) DD_ENABLE_VERBOSE_TRACING = true;
init( DD_TEAMS_INFO_PRINT_INTERVAL, 1800); // Print detailed DD team status every 30 mins
init( DD_TEAMS_INFO_SNAPSHOT_REFRESH_INTERVAL, 300); // Refresh snapshot of the detailed teams info every 5 mins
init( DD_TEAMS_INFO_PRINT_INTERVAL, 1800 ); if( randomize && BUGGIFY ) DD_TEAMS_INFO_PRINT_INTERVAL = 30; // Print detailed DD team status every 30 mins
init( DD_TEAMS_INFO_SNAPSHOT_REFRESH_INTERVAL, 300 ); // Refresh snapshot of the detailed teams info every 5 mins
// TeamRemover
init( TR_FLAG_DISABLE_MACHINE_TEAM_REMOVER, false ); if( randomize && BUGGIFY ) TR_FLAG_DISABLE_MACHINE_TEAM_REMOVER = deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.1 ? true : false; // false by default. disable the consistency check when it's true

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@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ public:
// TeamRemover to remove redundant teams
bool TR_FLAG_DISABLE_MACHINE_TEAM_REMOVER; // disable the machineTeamRemover actor