BUGGIFY recovery to lock only the minimum number of TLogs required to prevent a quorum.
This is to test the quorum logic introduced in the previous patch, and should flush out any other bugs that rely on TLog locking during recovery.
This commit is contained in:
@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ struct TagPartitionedLogSystem : ILogSystem, ReferenceCounted<TagPartitionedLogS
// Creates a new logSystem representing the (now frozen) epoch
// No other important side effects.
// The writeQuorum in the master info is from the previous configuration
state vector<Future<TLogLockResult>> tLogReply;
state vector<Future<TLogLockResult>> tLogReply(prevState.tLogs.size());
if (!prevState.tLogs.size()) {
// This is a brand new database
@ -622,8 +622,12 @@ struct TagPartitionedLogSystem : ILogSystem, ReferenceCounted<TagPartitionedLogS
state Future<Void> rejoins = trackRejoins( dbgid, allLogServers, rejoinRequests );
for(int t=0; t<logServers.size(); t++)
tLogReply.push_back( lockTLog( dbgid, logServers[t]) );
state bool buggify_lock_minimal_tlogs = BUGGIFY;
if (!buggify_lock_minimal_tlogs) {
for(int t=0; t<logServers.size(); t++) {
tLogReply[t] = lockTLog( dbgid, logServers[t]);
state Optional<Version> last_end;
@ -631,6 +635,9 @@ struct TagPartitionedLogSystem : ILogSystem, ReferenceCounted<TagPartitionedLogS
state int cycles = 0;
loop {
if (buggify_lock_minimal_tlogs) {
lockMinimalTLogSet( dbgid, prevState, logServers, logFailed, &tLogReply );
std::vector<LocalityData> availableItems, badCombo;
std::vector<TLogLockResult> results;
std::string sServerState;
@ -639,7 +646,7 @@ struct TagPartitionedLogSystem : ILogSystem, ReferenceCounted<TagPartitionedLogS
cycles ++;
for(int t=0; t<logServers.size(); t++) {
if (tLogReply[t].isReady() && !tLogReply[t].isError() && !logFailed[t]->get()) {
if (tLogReply[t].isValid() && tLogReply[t].isReady() && !tLogReply[t].isError() && !logFailed[t]->get()) {
sServerState += 'a';
@ -781,11 +788,11 @@ struct TagPartitionedLogSystem : ILogSystem, ReferenceCounted<TagPartitionedLogS
// Wait for anything relevant to change
std::vector<Future<Void>> changes;
for(int i=0; i<logServers.size(); i++) {
if (!tLogReply[i].isReady())
if (tLogReply[i].isValid() && !tLogReply[i].isReady()) {
changes.push_back( ready(tLogReply[i]) );
else {
changes.push_back( logServers[i]->onChange() );
} else {
changes.push_back( logFailed[i]->onChange() );
changes.push_back( logServers[i]->onChange() );
@ -913,6 +920,174 @@ struct TagPartitionedLogSystem : ILogSystem, ReferenceCounted<TagPartitionedLogS
static void lockMinimalTLogSet(const UID& dbgid, const DBCoreState& prevState,
const std::vector<Reference<AsyncVar<OptionalInterface<TLogInterface>>>>& logServers,
const std::vector<Reference<AsyncVar<bool>>>& logFailed,
vector<Future<TLogLockResult>>* tLogReply ) {
// Invariant: tLogReply[i] must correspond to the tlog stored as logServers[i].
ASSERT(tLogReply->size() == prevState.tLogLocalities.size());
ASSERT(logFailed.size() == tLogReply->size());
// For any given index, only one of the following will be true.
auto locking_completed = [&logFailed, tLogReply](int index) {
const auto& entry = tLogReply->at(index);
return entry.isValid() && entry.isReady() && !entry.isError();
auto locking_failed = [&logFailed, tLogReply](int index) {
const auto& entry = tLogReply->at(index);
return (logFailed[index]->get() && !(entry.isValid() && entry.isReady() && !entry.isError())) ||
(entry.isValid() && entry.isReady() && entry.isError());
auto locking_pending = [&logFailed, tLogReply](int index) {
const auto& entry = tLogReply->at(index);
return !logFailed[index]->get() && (entry.isValid() && !entry.isReady());
auto locking_skipped = [&logFailed, tLogReply](int index) {
const auto& entry = tLogReply->at(index);
return !logFailed[index]->get() && !entry.isValid();
auto can_obtain_quorum = [&prevState](std::function<bool(int)> filter) {
LocalityGroup filter_true;
std::vector<LocalityData> filter_false, unused;
for (int i = 0; i < prevState.tLogLocalities.size() ; i++) {
if (filter(i)) {
} else {
bool valid = filter_true.validate(prevState.tLogPolicy);
if (!valid && prevState.tLogWriteAntiQuorum > 0) {
valid = !validateAllCombinations(unused, filter_true, prevState.tLogPolicy, filter_false, prevState.tLogWriteAntiQuorum, false);
return valid;
// Step 1: Check that there aren't already enough locked TLogs.
// This isn't needed for correctness, but prevents us from doing a lot of unnecessary work below.
// TODO: Once toolchain supports C++17, use std::not_fn().
auto not_locking_completed = [&locking_completed](int index) { return !locking_completed(index); };
if (!can_obtain_quorum(not_locking_completed)) {
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "MasterRecoveryTLogLockingAlreadySucceeded", dbgid);
// Step 2: Verify that if all the failed TLogs come back, they can't form a quorum.
if (can_obtain_quorum(locking_failed)) {
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "MasterRecoveryTLogLockingImpossible", dbgid);
// Step 3: It's possible for us to succeed, but we need to lock additional logs.
// First, we need an accurate picture of what TLogs we're capable of locking. We can't tell the
// difference between a temporarily failed TLog and a permanently failed TLog. Thus, we assume
// all failures are permanent, and manually re-issue lock requests if they rejoin.
for (int i = 0; i < logFailed.size(); i++) {
const auto& r = tLogReply->at(i);
TEST(locking_failed(i) && (r.isValid() && !r.isReady())); // A TLog failed with a pending request.
// The reboot_a_tlog BUGGIFY below should cause the above case to be hit.
if (locking_failed(i)) {
tLogReply->at(i) = Future<TLogLockResult>();
// We're trying to paritition the set of old tlogs into two sets, L and R, such that:
// (1). R does not validate the policy
// (2). |R| is as large as possible
// (3). L contains all the already-locked TLogs
// and then we only issue lock requests to TLogs in L. This is safe, as R does not have quorum,
// so no commits may occur. It does not matter if L forms a quorum or not.
// We form these sets by starting with L as all machines and R as the empty set, and moving a
// random machine from L to R until (1) or (2) no longer holds as true. Code-wise, L is
// [0..end-can_omit), and R is [end-can_omit..end), and we move a random machine via randomizing
// the order of the tlogs. Choosing a random machine was verified to generate a good-enough
// result to be interesting intests sufficiently frequently that we don't need to try to
// calculate the exact optimal solution.
std::vector<std::pair<LocalityData, int>> tlogs;
for (int i = 0; i < prevState.tLogLocalities.size(); i++) {
tlogs.emplace_back(prevState.tLogLocalities[i], i);
// Rearrange the array such that things that the left is logs closer to being locked, and
// the right is logs that can't be locked. This makes us prefer locking already-locked TLogs,
// which is how we respect the decisions made in the previous execution.
auto idx_to_order = [&locking_completed, &locking_failed, &locking_pending, &locking_skipped](int index) {
if (locking_completed(index)) return 0;
if (locking_pending(index)) return 1;
if (locking_skipped(index)) return 2;
if (locking_failed(index)) return 3;
ASSERT(false); // Programmer error.
return -1;
std::sort(tlogs.begin(), tlogs.end(),
// TODO: Change long type to `auto` once toolchain supports C++17.
[&idx_to_order](const std::pair<LocalityData, int>& lhs, const std::pair<LocalityData, int>& rhs) {
return idx_to_order(lhs.second) < idx_to_order(rhs.second);
// Indexes that aren't in the vector are the ones we're considering omitting. Remove indexes until
// the removed set forms a quorum.
int can_omit = 0;
std::vector<int> to_lock_indexes;
for (auto it = tlogs.cbegin() ; it != tlogs.cend() - 1 ; it++ ) {
auto filter = [&to_lock_indexes](int index) {
return std::find(to_lock_indexes.cbegin(), to_lock_indexes.cend(), index) == to_lock_indexes.cend();
while(true) {
if (can_obtain_quorum(filter)) {
} else {
ASSERT(can_omit < tlogs.size());
if (prevState.tLogReplicationFactor - prevState.tLogWriteAntiQuorum == 1) {
ASSERT(can_omit == 0);
// Our previous check of making sure there aren't too many failed logs should have prevented this.
// If we've managed to leave more tlogs unlocked than (RF-AQ), it means we've hit the case
// where the policy engine has allowed us to have multiple logs in the same failure domain
// with independant sets of data. This case will validated that no code is relying on the old
// quorum=(RF-AQ) logic, and now goes through the policy engine instead.
TEST(can_omit >= prevState.tLogReplicationFactor - prevState.tLogWriteAntiQuorum); // Locking a subset of the TLogs while ending an epoch.
const bool reboot_a_tlog = g_simulator.enableConnectionFailures && BUGGIFY && g_random->random01() < 0.25;
TraceEvent(SevInfo, "MasterRecoveryTLogLocking", dbgid)
.detail("locks", tlogs.size() - can_omit)
.detail("skipped", can_omit)
.detail("replication", prevState.tLogReplicationFactor)
.detail("antiquorum", prevState.tLogWriteAntiQuorum)
.detail("reboot_buggify", reboot_a_tlog);
for (int i = 0; i < tlogs.size() - can_omit; i++) {
const int index = tlogs[i].second;
Future<TLogLockResult>& entry = tLogReply->at(index);
if (!entry.isValid()) {
entry = lockTLog( dbgid, logServers[index] );
if (reboot_a_tlog) {
for (int i = 0; i < tlogs.size() - can_omit; i++) {
const int index = tlogs[i].second;
if (logServers[index]->get().present()) {
// Intentionally leave `tlogs.size() - can_omit` .. `tlogs.size()` as !isValid() Futures.
template <class T>
static vector<T> getReadyNonError( vector<Future<T>> const& futures ) {
// Return the values of those futures which have (non-error) values ready
Reference in New Issue