Checkpointing progress on large rewrite of how mutations are stored and applied. Not working yet.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Atherton 2017-08-24 17:25:53 -07:00
parent 0b817f95f2
commit 888093463b
1 changed files with 332 additions and 333 deletions

View File

@ -115,18 +115,69 @@ struct SimpleFixedSizeMapRef {
return pages;
std::string toString();
std::string toString() const;
KVPairsT entries;
uint8_t flags;
struct KeyVersionValue {
KeyVersionValue() : version(invalidVersion) {}
KeyVersionValue(Key k, Version ver, Optional<Value> val = Optional<Value>()) : key(k), version(ver), value(val) {}
bool operator< (KeyVersionValue const &rhs) const {
int64_t cmp =;
if(cmp == 0) {
cmp = version - rhs.version;
if(cmp == 0)
return false;
return cmp < 0;
Key key;
Version version;
Optional<Value> value;
bool valid() { return version != invalidVersion; }
inline KeyValue pack() const {
Tuple k;
Tuple v;
return KeyValueRef(k.pack(), v.pack());
static inline KeyVersionValue unpack(KeyValueRef kv) {
Tuple k = Tuple::unpack(kv.key);
if(kv.value.size() == 0)
return KeyVersionValue(k.getString(0), k.getInt(1));
Tuple v = Tuple::unpack(kv.value);
return KeyVersionValue(k.getString(0), k.getInt(1), v.getType(0) == Tuple::NULL_TYPE ? Optional<Value>() : v.getString(0));
static inline KeyVersionValue unpack(KeyRef key) {
debug_printf("Unpacking '%s'\n", printable(key).c_str());
if(key.size() == 0)
return KeyVersionValue(KeyRef(), 0);
return unpack(KeyValueRef(key, ValueRef()));
std::string toString() const {
return format("'%s' -> '%s' @%lld", key.toString().c_str(), value.present() ? value.get().toString().c_str() : "<cleared>", version);
class VersionedBTree : public IVersionedStore {
enum EPageFlags { IS_LEAF = 1};
static Key endKey;
// The end key for the entire tree
static KeyVersionValue endKey;
typedef SimpleFixedSizeMapRef FixedSizeMap;
@ -145,12 +196,32 @@ public:
virtual void set(KeyValueRef keyValue) {
ASSERT(m_writeVersion != invalidVersion);
applyMutation(new Mutation(m_writeVersion, keyValue.key, keyValue.value, MutationRef::SetValue));
SingleKeyMutationsByVersion &changes = insertMutationBoundary(keyValue.key)->second.startKeyMutations;
// Add the set if the changes set is empty or the last entry isn't a set to exactly the same value
if(changes.empty() || !changes.rbegin()->second.equalToSet(keyValue.value))
changes[m_writeVersion] = SingleKeyMutation(keyValue.value);
virtual void clear(KeyRangeRef range) {
ASSERT(m_writeVersion != invalidVersion);
applyMutation(new Mutation(m_writeVersion, range.begin, range.end, MutationRef::ClearRange));
MutationBufferT::iterator iBegin = insertMutationBoundary(range.begin);
MutationBufferT::iterator iEnd = insertMutationBoundary(range.end);
// For each boundary in the cleared range
while(iBegin != iEnd) {
RangeMutation &range = iBegin->second;
// Set the rangeClearedVersion if not set
range.rangeClearVersion = m_writeVersion;
// Add a clear to the startKeyMutations map if it's empty or the last item is not a clear
if(range.startKeyMutations.empty() || !range.startKeyMutations.rbegin()->second.isClear())
range.startKeyMutations[m_writeVersion] = SingleKeyMutation();
virtual void mutate(int op, StringRef param1, StringRef param2) NOT_IMPLEMENTED
@ -182,14 +253,13 @@ public:
Void _ = wait(self->m_pager->commit());
self->m_lastCommittedVersion = latest;
return Void();
Future<Void> init() { return init(this); }
virtual ~VersionedBTree() {
for(Mutation *m : m_mutations)
delete m;
// readAtVersion() may only be called on a version which has previously been passed to setWriteVersion() and never previously passed
@ -229,215 +299,159 @@ private:
typedef std::pair<Version, std::vector<KeyPagePairT>> VersionedKeyToPageSetT;
typedef std::vector<VersionedKeyToPageSetT> VersionedChildrenT;
struct Mutation {
Mutation(Version ver, Key key, Value valueOrEnd, MutationRef::Type op) : version(ver), key(key), valueOrEnd(valueOrEnd), op(op) {}
Version version;
Key key;
Value valueOrEnd;
// Represents a change to a single key - set, clear, or atomic op
struct SingleKeyMutation {
// Clear
SingleKeyMutation() : op(MutationRef::ClearRange) {}
// Set
SingleKeyMutation(Value val) : op(MutationRef::SetValue), value(val) {}
// Atomic Op
SingleKeyMutation(MutationRef::Type op, Value val) : op(op), value(val) {}
MutationRef::Type op;
Value value;
inline bool isClear() const { return op == MutationRef::ClearRange; }
inline bool isSet() const { return op == MutationRef::SetValue; }
inline bool isAtomicOp() const { return !isClear() && !isSet(); }
inline bool isAtomicOp() const { return !isSet() && !isClear(); }
struct byVersion { bool operator() (const Mutation *a, const Mutation *b) { return a->version < b->version; } };
struct byKey { bool operator() (const Mutation *a, const Mutation *b) { return a->key < b->key; } };
inline bool equalToSet(ValueRef val) { return isSet() && value == val; }
std::string toString() {
return format("@%lld op=%d key=%s value_or_end=%s", version, op, printable(key).c_str(), printable(valueOrEnd).c_str());
KeyVersionValue toKVV(Key key, Version version) const {
typedef std::set<Mutation *, Mutation::byVersion> MutationsByVersionT;
typedef std::set<Mutation *, Mutation::byKey> MutationsByKeyT;
return KeyVersionValue(key, version);
typedef std::map<Key, MutationsByVersionT> MutationBufferT;
typedef std::map<Version, MutationsByKeyT> MutationBufferPerVersionT;
/* MutationBufferT should be simplified to the following. It is more efficient to mutate,
* has a smaller memory footprint, and may even be easier to use during commit. It does
* not require sets to be modeled as a mutation of a range from key to keyAfter(key). It
* loses the ability to model "range sets" of unspecified existing keys, but that doesn't
* seem very useful anyway. This model also no longer uses the Mutation structure,
* which could possibly be removed entirely unless there is some benefit to having it.
* typedef std::map<Key, std::pair<Optional<Version>, std::map<Version, Optional<Value>>>> MutationBufferT;
* The pair stored for a key in the buffer map represents
* rangeClearVersion: the version at which a range starting with this key was cleared
* individualOps: the individual ops (sets/clear/atomic) done on this key
* - Keys are inserted into the buffer map for every individual operation (set/clear/atomic)
* key and for both the start and end of a range clear.
* - When a new key is inserted in the buffer map it should take on the immediately previous
* entry's range clear version.
* - To apply a single clear, add it to the individual ops only if the last entry is not also a clear.
* - To apply a range clear, set any unset range clear values >= start and < end.
* Example:
* Version Op
* 1 set b
* 2 set b
* 3 clear bb c
* 3 clear b
* 4 clear a d
* 4 set cc
* 5 clear cc g
* Buffer state after these operations:
* Key RangeClearVersion IndividualOps
* a 4
* b 4 1,set 2,set 3,clear
* bb 3
* c 4
* cc 4 4,set 5,clear
* d 5
* gg
// Find or create a mutation buffer boundary for bound and return an iterator to it
MutationBufferT::iterator insertMutationBoundary(Key bound) {
// Find the first split point in buffer that is >= key
MutationBufferT::iterator start = m_buffer.lower_bound(bound);
// If an exact match was found then we're done
if(start != m_buffer.end() && start->first == bound)
return start;
// If begin was found then bound will be the first lexically ordered boundary so we can just insert it.
if(start == m_buffer.begin())
return m_buffer.insert(start, {bound, {}});
// At this point, we know that
// - buffer is not empty
// - bound does not exist in buffer
// - start points to the first thing passed bound (which could even be end())
// Previous will refer to the start of the range we are splitting
MutationBufferT::iterator previous = start;
// Insert the new boundary
start = m_buffer.insert(start, {bound, {}});
// Copy any range mutations from previous boundary to the new one
for(Mutation *m : previous->second)
return start;
void applyMutation(Mutation *m) {
// Mutation pointers can exist in many places in m_buffer so rather than reference count them
// since they will all be deleted together we'll just stash them here.
// TODO: Update mapForVersion if we're going to use it in commitSubtree, or remove it
//auto &mapForVersion = m_buffer_byVersion[m_writeVersion];
// TODO: Combine both cases of these if's as they are now nearly identical except for mutation repeat check and boundary selection
if(m->isClear()) {
auto start = insertMutationBoundary(m->key);
auto end = insertMutationBoundary(m->valueOrEnd);
while(start != end) {
auto &mutationSet = start->second;
auto im = mutationSet.end();
bool skip = false;
// If mutationSet has stuff in it, see if the new mutation replaces or
// combines with the last entry in mutationSet.
if(im != mutationSet.begin()) {
// If the previous last mutation is a clear, then the new clear does nothing so we can skip it.
if((*im)->isClear()) {
skip = true;
else {
// If the version is the same, erase it so we can replace it with the new mutation
if((*im)->version == m->version)
mutationSet.insert(mutationSet.end(), m);
else {
auto &mutationSet = insertMutationBoundary(m->key)->second;
auto im = mutationSet.end();
bool skip = false;
if(im != mutationSet.begin()) {
// If the previous last mutation is a set to the same value as the new one then we can skip the new mutation as it does nothing
if((*im)->isSet() && m->isSet() && (*im)->valueOrEnd == m->valueOrEnd) {
skip = true;
else {
// If the version is the same, erase it so we can replace it with the new mutation
if((*im)->version == m->version)
mutationSet.insert(mutationSet.end(), m);
for(auto &i : m_buffer) {
debug_printf("'%s'\n", printable(i.first).c_str());
for(auto j : i.second) {
debug_printf("\t%s\n", j->toString().c_str());
struct KeyVersionValue {
KeyVersionValue() : version(invalidVersion) {}
KeyVersionValue(Key k, Version ver, Optional<Value> val = Optional<Value>()) : key(k), version(ver), value(val) {}
bool operator< (KeyVersionValue const &rhs) const {
int64_t cmp =;
if(cmp == 0) {
cmp = version - rhs.version;
if(cmp == 0)
return false;
return cmp < 0;
Key key;
Version version;
Optional<Value> value;
inline KeyValue pack() const {
Tuple k;
Tuple v;
return KeyValueRef(k.pack(), v.pack());
static inline KeyVersionValue unpack(KeyValueRef kv) {
Tuple k = Tuple::unpack(kv.key);
if(kv.value.size() == 0)
return KeyVersionValue(k.getString(0), k.getInt(1));
Tuple v = Tuple::unpack(kv.value);
return KeyVersionValue(k.getString(0), k.getInt(1), v.getType(0) == Tuple::NULL_TYPE ? Optional<Value>() : v.getString(0));
return KeyVersionValue(key, version, value);
std::string toString() const {
return format("'%s' -> '%s' @%lld", key.toString().c_str(), value.present() ? value.get().toString().c_str() : "<cleared>", version);
return format("op=%d val=%s", op, printable(value).c_str());
// Represents mutations on a single key and a possible clear to a range that begins
// immediately after that key
typedef std::map<Version, SingleKeyMutation> SingleKeyMutationsByVersion;
struct RangeMutation {
// Mutations for exactly the start key
SingleKeyMutationsByVersion startKeyMutations;
// A clear range version, if cleared, for the range starting immediately AFTER the start key
Optional<Version> rangeClearVersion;
// Returns true if this RangeMutation doesn't actually mutate anything
bool noChanges() const {
return !rangeClearVersion.present() && startKeyMutations.empty();
std::string toString() const {
std::string result;
result.append("rangeClearVersion: ");
result.append(format("%lld", rangeClearVersion.get()));
result.append("<not present>");
result.append(" startKeyMutations: ");
for(SingleKeyMutationsByVersion::value_type const &m : startKeyMutations)
result.append(format("[%lld => %s] ", m.first, m.second.toString().c_str()));
return result;
typedef std::map<Key, RangeMutation> MutationBufferT;
/* Mutation Buffer Overview
* MutationBuffer maps the start of a range to a RangeMutation. The end of the range is
* the next range start in the map.
* - The buffer starts out with keys '' and endKey.key already populated.
* - When a new key is inserted into the buffer map, it is by definition
* splitting an existing range so it should take on the rangeClearVersion of
* the immediately preceding key which is the start of that range
* - Keys are inserted into the buffer map for every individual operation (set/clear/atomic)
* key and for both the start and end of a range clear.
* - To apply a single clear, add it to the individual ops only if the last entry is not also a clear.
* - To apply a range clear, after inserting the new range boundaries do the following to the start
* boundary and all successive boundaries < end
* - set the range clear version if not already set
* - add a clear to the startKeyMutations if the final entry is not a clear.
* - Note that there are actually TWO valid ways to represent
* set c = val1 at version 1
* clear c\x00 to z at version 2
* with this model. Either
* c = { rangeClearVersion = 2, startKeyMutations = { 1 => val1 }
* z = { rangeClearVersion = <not present>, startKeyMutations = {}
* OR
* c = { rangeClearVersion = <not present>, startKeyMutations = { 1 => val1 }
* c\x00 = { rangeClearVersion = 2, startKeyMutations = { 2 => <not present> }
* z = { rangeClearVersion = <not present>, startKeyMutations = {}
* This is because the rangeClearVersion applies to a range begining with the first
* key AFTER the start key, so that the logic for reading the start key is more simple
* as it only involves consulting startKeyMutations. When adding a clear range, the
* boundary key insert/split described above is valid, and is what is currently done,
* but it would also be valid to see if the last key before startKey is equal to
* keyBefore(startKey), and if so that mutation buffer boundary key can be used instead
* without adding an additional key to the buffer.
void printMutationBuffer(MutationBufferT::const_iterator begin, MutationBufferT::const_iterator end) {
while(begin != end) {
debug_printf("'%s': %s\n", printable(begin->first).c_str(), begin->second.toString().c_str());
void printMutationBuffer() {
return printMutationBuffer(m_buffer.begin(), m_buffer.end());
void initMutationBuffer() {
// Create range representing the entire keyspace. This reduces edge cases to applying mutations
// because now all existing keys are within some range in the mutation map.
// Find or create a mutation buffer boundary for bound and return an iterator to it
MutationBufferT::iterator insertMutationBoundary(Key boundary) {
// Find the first split point in buffer that is >= key
MutationBufferT::iterator ib = m_buffer.lower_bound(boundary);
// Since the initial state of the mutation buffer contains the range '' through
// the maximum possible key, our search had to have found something.
ASSERT(ib != m_buffer.end());
// If we found the boundary we are looking for, return its iterator
if(ib->first == boundary)
return ib;
// ib is our insert hint. Insert the new boundary and set ib to its entry
ib = m_buffer.insert(ib, {boundary, RangeMutation()});
// ib is certainly > begin() because it is guaranteed that the empty string
// boundary exists and the only way to have found that is to look explicitly
// for it in which case we would have returned above.
MutationBufferT::iterator iPrevious = ib;
ib->second.rangeClearVersion = iPrevious->second.rangeClearVersion;
return ib;
void buildNewRoot(Version version, vector<std::pair<int, Reference<IPage>>> &pages, std::vector<LogicalPageID> &logicalPageIDs, FixedSizeMap::KVPairsT &childEntries) {
// While there are multiple child pages for this version we must write new tree levels.
while(pages.size() > 1) {
@ -469,17 +483,54 @@ private:
// Returns list of (version, list of (lower_bound, list of children) )
ACTOR static Future<VersionedChildrenT> commitSubtree(VersionedBTree *self, Reference<IPagerSnapshot> snapshot, LogicalPageID root, Key lowerBoundKey, Key upperBoundKey, MutationBufferT::const_iterator iMutationMap, MutationBufferT::const_iterator iMutationMapEnd) {
ACTOR static Future<VersionedChildrenT> commitSubtree(VersionedBTree *self, Reference<IPagerSnapshot> snapshot, LogicalPageID root, Key lowerBoundKey, Key upperBoundKey) {
state std::string printPrefix = format("commit subtree(lowerboundkey %s, page %u) ", lowerBoundKey.toString().c_str(), root);
debug_printf("%s\n", printPrefix.c_str());
if(iMutationMap == iMutationMapEnd) {
debug_printf("%s no changes\n", printPrefix.c_str());
// Decode the upper and lower bound keys for this subtree
// Note that these could be truncated to be the shortest usable boundaries between two pages but that
// still works for what we're using them for here, so instead of using the KVV unpacker we'll have to
// something else here that supports incomplete keys.
state KeyVersionValue lowerBoundKVV = KeyVersionValue::unpack(lowerBoundKey);
state KeyVersionValue upperBoundKVV = KeyVersionValue::unpack(upperBoundKey);
// Find the slice of the mutation buffer that is relevant to this subtree
state MutationBufferT::const_iterator iMutationBoundary = self->m_buffer.lower_bound(lowerBoundKVV.key);
state MutationBufferT::const_iterator iMutationBoundaryEnd = self->m_buffer.lower_bound(upperBoundKVV.key);
// If the lower bound key and the upper bound key are the same then there can't be any changes to
// this subtree since changes would happen after the upper bound key as the mutated versions would
// necessarily be higher.
if(lowerBoundKVV.key == upperBoundKVV.key) {
debug_printf("%s no changes, lower and upper bound keys are the same.\n", printPrefix.c_str());
return VersionedChildrenT({ {0,{{lowerBoundKey,root}}} });
// If the mutation buffer key found is greater than the lower bound key then go to the previous mutation
// buffer key because it may cover deletion of some keys at the start of this subtree.
if(iMutationBoundary->first > lowerBoundKVV.key)
else {
// If the there are no mutations, we're done
if(iMutationBoundary == iMutationBoundaryEnd) {
debug_printf("%s no changes, mutation buffer start/end are the same\n", printPrefix.c_str());
return VersionedChildrenT({ {0,{{lowerBoundKey,root}}} });
// Another way to have no mutations is to have a single mutation range cover this
// subtree but have no changes in it
MutationBufferT::const_iterator iMutationBoundaryNext = iMutationBoundary;
if(iMutationBoundaryNext->second.noChanges()) {
debug_printf("%s no changes because sole mutation range was empty\n", printPrefix.c_str());
return VersionedChildrenT({ {0,{{lowerBoundKey,root}}} });
debug_printf("%s MUTATION BUFFER:\n", printPrefix.c_str());
self->printMutationBuffer(iMutationBoundary, iMutationBoundaryEnd);
state FixedSizeMap map;
Reference<const IPage> rawPage = wait(snapshot->getPhysicalPage(root));
map = FixedSizeMap::decode(StringRef(rawPage->begin(), rawPage->size()));
@ -493,7 +544,7 @@ private:
SimpleFixedSizeMapRef::KVPairsT::const_iterator iExistingEnd = map.entries.end();
// It's a given that the mutation map is not empty so it's safe to do this
Key mutationRangeStart = iMutationMap->first;
Key mutationRangeStart = iMutationBoundary->first;
// There will be multiple loops advancing iExisting, existing will track its current value
KeyVersionValue existing;
@ -503,104 +554,79 @@ private:
// If replacement pages are written they will be at the minimum version seen in the mutations for this leaf
Version minVersion = std::numeric_limits<Version>::max();
// First read and output any existing values that are less than or equal to the first mutation key
while(iExisting != iExistingEnd && existing.key <= mutationRangeStart) {
debug_printf("Added existing pre range %s\n", KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
if(iExisting != iExistingEnd) {
lastExisting = existing;
existing = KeyVersionValue::unpack(*iExisting);
// Now, process each mutation range and merge changes with existing data.
while(iMutationBoundary != iMutationBoundaryEnd) {
debug_printf("%s Processing Mutation Range: '%s' to '%s'\n", printPrefix.c_str(), printable(iMutationBoundary->first).c_str(), printable(iMutationBoundaryEnd->first).c_str());
debug_printf("%s Mutations: %s\n", printPrefix.c_str(), iMutationBoundary->second.toString().c_str());
while(iMutationMap != iMutationMapEnd) {
printf("mutationRangeStart %s\n", printable(mutationRangeStart).c_str());
MutationsByVersionT::const_iterator iMutations = iMutationMap->second.begin();
MutationsByVersionT::const_iterator iMutationsEnd = iMutationMap->second.end();
SingleKeyMutationsByVersion::const_iterator iMutations;
// The end of the mutation range is the next key in the mutation map
Key mutationRangeEnd = (iMutationMap == iMutationMapEnd) ? endKey : iMutationMap->first;
printf("mutationRangeEnd %s\n", printable(mutationRangeEnd).c_str());
// If the mutation boundary key is the same as the page lowerBound key then start reading single
// key mutations at the first version greater than the lowerBoundKey version.
if(iMutationBoundary->first == lowerBoundKVV.key)
iMutations = iMutationBoundary->second.startKeyMutations.upper_bound(lowerBoundKVV.version);
iMutations = iMutationBoundary->second.startKeyMutations.begin();
// Tracks whether there was a clearRange covering mutationRange to mutationEnd (or beyond) in the mutation set
Version rangeClearedVersion = invalidVersion;
SingleKeyMutationsByVersion::const_iterator iMutationsEnd = iMutationBoundary->second.startKeyMutations.end();
// Now insert the mutations which affect the individual key of mutationRangeStart
bool firstMutation = true;
while(iMutations != iMutationsEnd) {
Mutation *m = *iMutations;
debug_printf("mutation: %s first: %d\n", m->toString().c_str(), firstMutation);
// Potentially update earliest version of mutations being applied.
if(m->version < minVersion)
minVersion = m->version;
if(m->isClear()) {
// Any clear range mutation applies at least from mutationRangeStart to mutationRangeEnd, by definition,
// because clears cause insertions of split points into the mutation buffer
if(rangeClearedVersion == invalidVersion)
rangeClearedVersion = m->version;
// Here we're only handling clears for the key mutationRangeStart, if the rest of the range
// is cleared it will be handled below
// Only write a clear if this is either not the first mutation OR
// lastExisting was a clear for the same key
if(!firstMutation || (lastExisting.value.present() && lastExisting.key == mutationRangeStart)) {
merged.push_back(KeyVersionValue(mutationRangeStart, m->version).pack());
debug_printf("Added clear of existing or from mutation buffer %s\n", KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
else if(m->isSet()) {
// Write the new value if this is not the first mutation or they is different from
// lastExisting or the lastExisting value was either empty or not the same as m.
if( !firstMutation
|| lastExisting.key != m->key
|| !lastExisting.value.present()
|| lastExisting.value.get() != m->valueOrEnd
merged.push_back(KeyVersionValue(m->key, m->version, m->valueOrEnd).pack());
debug_printf("Added set mutation %s\n", KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
else { // isAtomicOp
// TODO: apply atomic op to last existing, update lastExisting
firstMutation = false;
// Next, while the existing key is in this mutation range output it and also emit
// a clear at each key if required.
while(iExisting != iExistingEnd && existing.key < mutationRangeEnd) {
// Output old versions of the mutation boundary key
while(iExisting != iExistingEnd && existing.key == iMutationBoundary->first) {
debug_printf("Added existing in range %s\n", KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
debug_printf("Added existing version of mutation boundary start key: %s\n", KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
if(iExisting != iExistingEnd) {
lastExisting = existing;
if(iExisting != iExistingEnd)
existing = KeyVersionValue::unpack(*iExisting);
// If the next key is different than the last then add a clear of the last key
// at the range clear version if the range was cleared
if(existing.key != lastExisting.key && rangeClearedVersion != invalidVersion) {
merged.push_back(KeyVersionValue(lastExisting.key, rangeClearedVersion).pack());
debug_printf("Added clear of existing, next key different %s\n", KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
else if(rangeClearedVersion != invalidVersion) {
// If there are no more existing keys but the range was cleared then we might have to add a clear of the last key
// but only if the key encoded in upperBoundKey is not the same, which case the clear belongs in that page.
if(existing.key != KeyVersionValue::unpack(KeyValueRef(upperBoundKey, StringRef())).key) {
merged.push_back(KeyVersionValue(existing.key, rangeClearedVersion).pack());
debug_printf("Added clear of last existing %s\n", KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
mutationRangeStart = mutationRangeEnd;
// Output mutations for the mutation boundary start key
while(iMutations != iMutationsEnd) {
merged.push_back(iMutations->second.toKVV(iMutationBoundary->first, iMutations->first).pack());
debug_printf("Added mutation of boundary start key: %s\n", KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
// Get the clear version for this range, which is the last thing that we need from it,
Optional<Version> clearRangeVersion = iMutationBoundary->second.rangeClearVersion;
// Advance to the next boundary because we need to know the end key for the current range.
// Write existing keys which are less than the next mutation boundary key, clearing if needed.
while(iExisting != iExistingEnd && existing.key < iMutationBoundary->first) {
debug_printf("Added existing key in mutation range: %s\n", KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
// Write a clear of this key if needed. A clear is required if clearRangeVersion is set and the next key is different
// than this one. Note that the next key might be the in our right sibling, we can use the page upperBound to get that.
KeyVersionValue nextEntry;
if(iExisting != iExistingEnd)
nextEntry = KeyVersionValue::unpack(*iExisting);
nextEntry = upperBoundKVV;
if(clearRangeVersion.present() && existing.key != nextEntry.key) {
merged.push_back(KeyVersionValue(existing.key, clearRangeVersion.get()).pack());
debug_printf("Added clear of existing key in mutation range: %s\n", KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
if(iExisting != iExistingEnd)
existing = nextEntry;
// Write any remaining existing keys, which are not subject to clears as they are beyond the cleared range.
while(iExisting != iExistingEnd) {
debug_printf("Added existing tail key: %s\n", KeyVersionValue::unpack(merged.back()).toString().c_str());
if(iExisting != iExistingEnd)
existing = KeyVersionValue::unpack(*iExisting);
debug_printf("%s DONE MERGING MUTATIONS WITH EXISTING LEAF CONTENTS\n", printPrefix.c_str());
// TODO: Make version and key splits based on contents of merged list
@ -644,26 +670,13 @@ private:
else {
state std::vector<Future<VersionedChildrenT>> m_futureChildren;
auto childMutBegin = iMutationMap;
for(int i=0; i<map.entries.size(); i++) {
MutationBufferT::const_iterator childMutEnd;
Key upperBoundKey;
if (i+1 != map.entries.size()) {
upperBoundKey = map.entries[i+1].key;
childMutEnd = self->m_buffer.lower_bound( KeyVersionValue::unpack(KeyValueRef(upperBoundKey, ValueRef())).key );
else {
upperBoundKey = endKey;
childMutEnd = iMutationMapEnd;
// The next child page might have existing kv pairs that are covered by the previous mutation range
if(childMutBegin != iMutationMap)
m_futureChildren.push_back(self->commitSubtree(self, snapshot, *(uint32_t*)map.entries[i].value.begin(), map.entries[i].key, upperBoundKey, childMutBegin, childMutEnd));
childMutBegin = childMutEnd;
Key currentUpperBound;
if(i + 1 < map.entries.size())
currentUpperBound = map.entries[i].key;
currentUpperBound = upperBoundKey;
m_futureChildren.push_back(self->commitSubtree(self, snapshot, *(uint32_t*)map.entries[i].value.begin(), map.entries[i].key, currentUpperBound));
Void _ = wait(waitForAll(m_futureChildren));
@ -797,26 +810,16 @@ private:
ACTOR static Future<Void> commit_impl(VersionedBTree *self) {
Version latestVersion = wait(self->m_pager->getLatestVersion());
for(auto &i : self->m_buffer) {
debug_printf("'%s'\n", printable(i.first).c_str());
for(auto j : i.second) {
debug_printf("\t%s\n", j->toString().c_str());
debug_printf("BEGINNING COMMIT.\n");
VersionedChildrenT _ = wait(commitSubtree(self, self->m_pager->getReadSnapshot(latestVersion), self->m_root, StringRef(), endKey, self->m_buffer.begin(), self->m_buffer.end()));
VersionedChildrenT _ = wait(commitSubtree(self, self->m_pager->getReadSnapshot(latestVersion), self->m_root, StringRef(), endKey.pack().key));
Void _ = wait(self->m_pager->commit());
self->m_lastCommittedVersion = self->m_writeVersion;
for(Mutation *m : self->m_mutations)
delete m;
return Void();
@ -824,10 +827,6 @@ private:
IPager *m_pager;
MutationBufferT m_buffer;
// TODO: Use or lose this
MutationBufferPerVersionT m_buffer_byVersion;
std::vector<Mutation *> m_mutations;
Version m_writeVersion;
Version m_lastCommittedVersion;
int m_page_size_override;
@ -917,7 +916,7 @@ private:
Key VersionedBTree::endKey = Key(LiteralStringRef("\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"));
KeyVersionValue VersionedBTree::endKey(LiteralStringRef("\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"), std::numeric_limits<Version>::max());
KeyValue randomKV(int keySize = 10, int valueSize = 5) {
int kLen = g_random->randomInt(1, keySize);
@ -1110,7 +1109,7 @@ TEST_CASE("/redwood/performance/set") {
return Void();
std::string SimpleFixedSizeMapRef::toString() {
std::string SimpleFixedSizeMapRef::toString() const {
std::string result;
result.append(format("flags=0x%x data: ", flags));
for(auto const &kv : entries) {