Changes to backup folder structure in BackupContainerBlobStore at the top level inside the backup bucket. All data files now live under data/<backup_name> and there is an 'index' at backups/<backup_name> which indicates what backups exist. Backup names can now contain '/' characters.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Atherton 2018-01-23 11:46:16 -08:00
parent 7f0b7311b9
commit 7db7a51440
2 changed files with 66 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -947,11 +947,28 @@ private:
class BackupContainerBlobStore : public BackupContainerFileSystem, ReferenceCounted<BackupContainerBlobStore> {
static const std::string BACKUP_BUCKET;
// All backup data goes into a single bucket
static const std::string BUCKET;
// Backup files to under a single folder prefix with subfolders for each named backup
static const std::string DATAFOLDER;
// The metafolder contains keys for which user-named backups exist. Backup names can contain an arbitrary
// number of slashes so the backup names are kept in a separate folder tree from their actual data.
static const std::string INDEXFOLDER;
Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> m_bstore;
std::string m_name;
std::string dataPath(const std::string path) {
return DATAFOLDER + "/" + m_name + "/" + path;
// Get the path of the backups's index entry
std::string indexEntry() {
return INDEXFOLDER + "/" + m_name;
BackupContainerBlobStore(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore, std::string name)
: m_bstore(bstore), m_name(name) {
@ -967,7 +984,7 @@ public:
Future<Reference<IAsyncFile>> readFile(std::string path) {
return Reference<IAsyncFile>(
new AsyncFileReadAheadCache(
Reference<IAsyncFile>(new AsyncFileBlobStoreRead(m_bstore, BACKUP_BUCKET, m_name + "/" + path)),
Reference<IAsyncFile>(new AsyncFileBlobStoreRead(m_bstore, BUCKET, dataPath(path))),
@ -977,10 +994,11 @@ public:
ACTOR static Future<std::vector<std::string>> listURLs(Reference<BlobStoreEndpoint> bstore) {
BlobStoreEndpoint::ListResult contents = wait(bstore->listBucket(BACKUP_BUCKET, {}, '/'));
state std::string basePath = INDEXFOLDER + '/';
BlobStoreEndpoint::ListResult contents = wait(bstore->listBucket(BUCKET, basePath));
std::vector<std::string> results;
for(auto &f : contents.commonPrefixes) {
for(auto &f : contents.objects) {
return results;
@ -1007,25 +1025,28 @@ public:
Future<Reference<IBackupFile>> writeFile(std::string path) {
return Reference<IBackupFile>(new BackupFile(path, Reference<IAsyncFile>(new AsyncFileBlobStoreWrite(m_bstore, BACKUP_BUCKET, m_name + "/" + path))));
return Reference<IBackupFile>(new BackupFile(path, Reference<IAsyncFile>(new AsyncFileBlobStoreWrite(m_bstore, BUCKET, dataPath(path)))));
Future<Void> deleteFile(std::string path) {
return m_bstore->deleteObject(BACKUP_BUCKET, m_name + "/" + path);
return m_bstore->deleteObject(BUCKET, dataPath(path));
ACTOR static Future<FilesAndSizesT> listFiles_impl(Reference<BackupContainerBlobStore> bc, std::string path, std::function<bool(std::string const &)> pathFilter) {
// pathFilter expects container based paths, so create a wrapper which converts a raw path
// to a container path by removing the known backup name prefix.
int prefixTrim = bc->m_name.size() + 1;
state int prefixTrim = bc->dataPath("").size();
std::function<bool(std::string const &)> rawPathFilter = [=](const std::string &folderPath) {
ASSERT(folderPath.size() >= prefixTrim);
return pathFilter(folderPath.substr(prefixTrim));
state BlobStoreEndpoint::ListResult result = wait(bc->m_bstore->listBucket(BACKUP_BUCKET, bc->m_name + "/" + path, '/', std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), rawPathFilter));
state BlobStoreEndpoint::ListResult result = wait(bc->m_bstore->listBucket(BUCKET, bc->dataPath(path), '/', std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), rawPathFilter));
FilesAndSizesT files;
for(auto &o : result.objects)
files.push_back({>m_name.size() + 1), o.size});
for(auto &o : result.objects) {
ASSERT( >= prefixTrim);
files.push_back({, o.size});
return files;
@ -1034,7 +1055,13 @@ public:
ACTOR static Future<Void> create_impl(Reference<BackupContainerBlobStore> bc) {
Void _ = wait(bc->m_bstore->createBucket(BACKUP_BUCKET));
Void _ = wait(bc->m_bstore->createBucket(BUCKET));
// Check/create the index entry
bool exists = wait(bc->m_bstore->objectExists(BUCKET, bc->indexEntry()));
if(!exists) {
Void _ = wait(bc->m_bstore->writeEntireFile(BUCKET, bc->indexEntry(), ""));
return Void();
@ -1045,7 +1072,7 @@ public:
ACTOR static Future<Void> deleteContainer_impl(Reference<BackupContainerBlobStore> bc, int *pNumDeleted) {
state PromiseStream<BlobStoreEndpoint::ListResult> resultStream;
state Future<Void> done = bc->m_bstore->listBucketStream(BACKUP_BUCKET, resultStream, bc->m_name + "/", '/', std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
state Future<Void> done = bc->m_bstore->listBucketStream(BUCKET, resultStream, bc->dataPath(""), '/', std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
state std::list<Future<Void>> deleteFutures;
loop {
choose {
@ -1055,7 +1082,7 @@ public:
when(BlobStoreEndpoint::ListResult list = waitNext(resultStream.getFuture())) {
for(auto &object : list.objects) {
int *pNumDeletedCopy = pNumDeleted; // avoid capture of this
deleteFutures.push_back(map(bc->m_bstore->deleteObject(BACKUP_BUCKET,, [pNumDeletedCopy](Void) {
deleteFutures.push_back(map(bc->m_bstore->deleteObject(BUCKET,, [pNumDeletedCopy](Void) {
if(pNumDeletedCopy != nullptr)
return Void();
@ -1075,6 +1102,9 @@ public:
// Now that all files are deleted, delete the index entry
Void _ = wait(bc->m_bstore->deleteObject(BUCKET, bc->indexEntry()));
return Void();
@ -1083,7 +1113,10 @@ public:
const std::string BackupContainerBlobStore::BACKUP_BUCKET = "FDB_BACKUPS_V2";
const std::string BackupContainerBlobStore::BUCKET = "FDB_BACKUPS_V2";
const std::string BackupContainerBlobStore::DATAFOLDER = "data";
const std::string BackupContainerBlobStore::INDEXFOLDER = "backups";
std::string IBackupContainer::lastOpenError;
std::vector<std::string> IBackupContainer::getURLFormats() {
@ -1112,7 +1145,7 @@ Reference<IBackupContainer> IBackupContainer::openContainer(std::string url)
throw backup_invalid_url();
for(auto c : resource)
if(!isalnum(c) && c != '_' && c != '-' && c != '.')
if(!isalnum(c) && c != '_' && c != '-' && c != '.' && c != '/')
throw backup_invalid_url();
r = Reference<IBackupContainer>(new BackupContainerBlobStore(bstore, resource));
@ -1312,28 +1345,28 @@ ACTOR Future<Void> testBackupContainer(std::string url) {
Void _ = wait(c->create());
state int64_t versionMultiplier = g_random->randomInt64(0, std::numeric_limits<Version>::max() / 500);
state int64_t versionShift = g_random->randomInt64(0, std::numeric_limits<Version>::max() - 500);
state Reference<IBackupFile> log1 = wait(c->writeLogFile(100 * versionMultiplier, 150 * versionMultiplier, 10));
state Reference<IBackupFile> log1 = wait(c->writeLogFile(100 + versionShift, 150 + versionShift, 10));
Void _ = wait(writeAndVerifyFile(c, log1, 0));
state Reference<IBackupFile> log2 = wait(c->writeLogFile(150 * versionMultiplier, 300 * versionMultiplier, 10));
state Reference<IBackupFile> log2 = wait(c->writeLogFile(150 + versionShift, 300 + versionShift, 10));
Void _ = wait(writeAndVerifyFile(c, log2, g_random->randomInt(0, 10000000)));
state Reference<IBackupFile> range1 = wait(c->writeRangeFile(160 * versionMultiplier, 10));
state Reference<IBackupFile> range1 = wait(c->writeRangeFile(160 + versionShift, 10));
Void _ = wait(writeAndVerifyFile(c, range1, g_random->randomInt(0, 1000)));
state Reference<IBackupFile> range2 = wait(c->writeRangeFile(300 * versionMultiplier, 10));
state Reference<IBackupFile> range2 = wait(c->writeRangeFile(300 + versionShift, 10));
Void _ = wait(writeAndVerifyFile(c, range2, g_random->randomInt(0, 100000)));
state Reference<IBackupFile> range3 = wait(c->writeRangeFile(310 * versionMultiplier, 10));
state Reference<IBackupFile> range3 = wait(c->writeRangeFile(310 + versionShift, 10));
Void _ = wait(writeAndVerifyFile(c, range3, g_random->randomInt(0, 3000000)));
Void _ = wait(c->writeKeyspaceSnapshotFile({range1->getFileName(), range2->getFileName()}, range1->size() + range2->size()));
Void _ = wait(c->writeKeyspaceSnapshotFile({range3->getFileName()}, range3->size()));
printf("Checking full file listing\n");
printf("Checking file list dump\n");
FullBackupListing listing = wait(c->dumpFileList());
ASSERT(listing.logs.size() == 2);
ASSERT(listing.ranges.size() == 3);
@ -1348,30 +1381,30 @@ ACTOR Future<Void> testBackupContainer(std::string url) {
ASSERT(rest.get().logs.size() == 0);
ASSERT(rest.get().ranges.size() == 1);
Optional<RestorableFileSet> rest = wait(c->getRestoreSet(150 * versionMultiplier));
Optional<RestorableFileSet> rest = wait(c->getRestoreSet(150 + versionShift));
Optional<RestorableFileSet> rest = wait(c->getRestoreSet(300 * versionMultiplier));
Optional<RestorableFileSet> rest = wait(c->getRestoreSet(300 + versionShift));
ASSERT(rest.get().logs.size() == 1);
ASSERT(rest.get().ranges.size() == 2);
printf("Expire 1\n");
Void _ = wait(c->expireData(100 * versionMultiplier));
Void _ = wait(c->expireData(100 + versionShift));
BackupDescription d = wait(c->describeBackup());
printf("Backup Description 2\n%s", d.toString().c_str());
ASSERT(d.minLogBegin == 100 * versionMultiplier);
ASSERT(d.minLogBegin == 100 + versionShift);
ASSERT(d.maxRestorableVersion == desc.maxRestorableVersion);
printf("Expire 2\n");
Void _ = wait(c->expireData(101 * versionMultiplier));
Void _ = wait(c->expireData(101 + versionShift));
BackupDescription d = wait(c->describeBackup());
printf("Backup Description 3\n%s", d.toString().c_str());
ASSERT(d.minLogBegin == 100 * versionMultiplier);
ASSERT(d.minLogBegin == 100 + versionShift);
ASSERT(d.maxRestorableVersion == desc.maxRestorableVersion);
printf("Expire 3\n");
Void _ = wait(c->expireData(300 * versionMultiplier));
Void _ = wait(c->expireData(300 + versionShift));
BackupDescription d = wait(c->describeBackup());
printf("Backup Description 4\n%s", d.toString().c_str());
@ -1379,7 +1412,7 @@ ACTOR Future<Void> testBackupContainer(std::string url) {
ASSERT(d.maxRestorableVersion == desc.maxRestorableVersion);
printf("Expire 4\n");
Void _ = wait(c->expireData(301 * versionMultiplier, true));
Void _ = wait(c->expireData(301 + versionShift, true));
BackupDescription d = wait(c->describeBackup());
printf("Backup Description 4\n%s", d.toString().c_str());
ASSERT(d.snapshots.size() == 1);
@ -1414,7 +1447,7 @@ TEST_CASE("backup/containers/url") {
return Void();
TEST_CASE("backup/containers/list") {
TEST_CASE("backup/containers_list") {
if (!g_network->isSimulated()) {
state const char *url = getenv("FDB_TEST_BACKUP_URL");
ASSERT(url != nullptr);

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@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ testName=UnitTests