diff --git a/fdbserver/RestoreMaster.actor.cpp b/fdbserver/RestoreMaster.actor.cpp
index 6bd7fe9506..f4413291d6 100644
--- a/fdbserver/RestoreMaster.actor.cpp
+++ b/fdbserver/RestoreMaster.actor.cpp
@@ -512,8 +512,11 @@ ACTOR static Future<Void> distributeWorkloadPerVersionBatch(Reference<RestoreMas
-	wait(loadFilesOnLoaders(batchData, batchStatus, self->loadersInterf, batchIndex, cx, request, versionBatch, false));
-	wait(loadFilesOnLoaders(batchData, batchStatus, self->loadersInterf, batchIndex, cx, request, versionBatch, true));
+	// New backup has subversion to order mutations at the same version. For mutations at the same version,
+	// range file's mutations have the largest subversion and larger than log file's.
+	// SOMEDAY: Extend subversion to old-style backup.
+	wait(loadFilesOnLoaders(batchData, batchStatus, self->loadersInterf, batchIndex, cx, request, versionBatch, false) &&
+		loadFilesOnLoaders(batchData, batchStatus, self->loadersInterf, batchIndex, cx, request, versionBatch, true));
 	splitKeyRangeForAppliers(batchData, self->appliersInterf, batchIndex);