Merge branch 'main' into s3_sdk_credentials
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ _java_cmd = 'java -ea -cp %s:%s' % (
# We could set min_api_version lower on some of these if the testers were updated to support them
testers = {
'python': Tester('python', 'python ' + _absolute_path('python/tests/'), 2040, 23, MAX_API_VERSION, types=ALL_TYPES),
'python3': Tester('python3', 'python3 ' + _absolute_path('python/tests/'), 2040, 23, MAX_API_VERSION, types=ALL_TYPES),
'python': Tester('python', 'python ' + _absolute_path('python/tests/'), 2040, 23, MAX_API_VERSION, types=ALL_TYPES, tenants_enabled=True),
'python3': Tester('python3', 'python3 ' + _absolute_path('python/tests/'), 2040, 23, MAX_API_VERSION, types=ALL_TYPES, tenants_enabled=True),
'ruby': Tester('ruby', _absolute_path('ruby/tests/tester.rb'), 2040, 23, MAX_API_VERSION),
'java': Tester('java', _java_cmd + 'StackTester', 2040, 510, MAX_API_VERSION, types=ALL_TYPES),
'java_async': Tester('java', _java_cmd + 'AsyncStackTester', 2040, 510, MAX_API_VERSION, types=ALL_TYPES),
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ def api_version(ver):
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import traceback
import fdb
from fdb import six
from fdb.tuple import pack, unpack
_network_thread = None
_network_thread_reentrant_lock = threading.RLock()
@ -198,9 +199,10 @@ def transactional(*tr_args, **tr_kwargs):
one of two actions, depending on the type of the parameter passed
to the function at call time.
If given a Database, a Transaction will be created and passed into
the wrapped code in place of the Database. After the function is
complete, the newly created transaction will be committed.
If given a Database or Tenant, a Transaction will be created and
passed into the wrapped code in place of the Database or Tenant.
After the function is complete, the newly created transaction
will be committed.
It is important to note that the wrapped method may be called
multiple times in the event of a commit failure, until the commit
@ -943,128 +945,114 @@ class FormerFuture(_FDBBase):
class Database(_FDBBase):
def __init__(self, dpointer):
self.dpointer = dpointer
self.options = _DatabaseOptions(self)
def __del__(self):
# print('Destroying database 0x%x' % self.dpointer)
class _TransactionCreator(_FDBBase):
def get(self, key):
return Database.__database_getitem(self, key)
return _TransactionCreator.__creator_getitem(self, key)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, slice):
return self.get_range(key.start, key.stop, reverse=(key.step == -1))
return Database.__database_getitem(self, key)
return _TransactionCreator.__creator_getitem(self, key)
def get_key(self, key_selector):
return Database.__database_get_key(self, key_selector)
return _TransactionCreator.__creator_get_key(self, key_selector)
def get_range(self, begin, end, limit=0, reverse=False, streaming_mode=StreamingMode.want_all):
return Database.__database_get_range(self, begin, end, limit, reverse, streaming_mode)
return _TransactionCreator.__creator_get_range(self, begin, end, limit, reverse, streaming_mode)
def get_range_startswith(self, prefix, *args, **kwargs):
return Database.__database_get_range_startswith(self, prefix, *args, **kwargs)
return _TransactionCreator.__creator_get_range_startswith(self, prefix, *args, **kwargs)
def set(self, key, value):
Database.__database_setitem(self, key, value)
_TransactionCreator.__creator_setitem(self, key, value)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Database.__database_setitem(self, key, value)
_TransactionCreator.__creator_setitem(self, key, value)
def clear(self, key):
Database.__database_delitem(self, key)
_TransactionCreator.__creator_delitem(self, key)
def clear_range(self, begin, end):
Database.__database_delitem(self, slice(begin, end))
_TransactionCreator.__creator_delitem(self, slice(begin, end))
def __delitem__(self, key_or_slice):
Database.__database_delitem(self, key_or_slice)
_TransactionCreator.__creator_delitem(self, key_or_slice)
def clear_range_startswith(self, prefix):
Database.__database_clear_range_startswith(self, prefix)
_TransactionCreator.__creator_clear_range_startswith(self, prefix)
def get_and_watch(self, key):
return Database.__database_get_and_watch(self, key)
return _TransactionCreator.__creator_get_and_watch(self, key)
def set_and_watch(self, key, value):
return Database.__database_set_and_watch(self, key, value)
return _TransactionCreator.__creator_set_and_watch(self, key, value)
def clear_and_watch(self, key):
return Database.__database_clear_and_watch(self, key)
return _TransactionCreator.__creator_clear_and_watch(self, key)
def create_transaction(self):
pointer = ctypes.c_void_p()
self.capi.fdb_database_create_transaction(self.dpointer, ctypes.byref(pointer))
return Transaction(pointer.value, self)
def _set_option(self, option, param, length):
self.capi.fdb_database_set_option(self.dpointer, option, param, length)
def _atomic_operation(self, opcode, key, param):
Database.__database_atomic_operation(self, opcode, key, param)
_TransactionCreator.__creator_atomic_operation(self, opcode, key, param)
#### Transaction implementations ####
def __database_getitem(tr, key):
def __creator_getitem(tr, key):
return tr[key].value
def __database_get_key(tr, key_selector):
def __creator_get_key(tr, key_selector):
return tr.get_key(key_selector).value
def __database_get_range(tr, begin, end, limit, reverse, streaming_mode):
def __creator_get_range(tr, begin, end, limit, reverse, streaming_mode):
return tr.get_range(begin, end, limit, reverse, streaming_mode).to_list()
def __database_get_range_startswith(tr, prefix, *args, **kwargs):
def __creator_get_range_startswith(tr, prefix, *args, **kwargs):
return tr.get_range_startswith(prefix, *args, **kwargs).to_list()
def __database_setitem(tr, key, value):
def __creator_setitem(tr, key, value):
tr[key] = value
def __database_clear_range_startswith(tr, prefix):
def __creator_clear_range_startswith(tr, prefix):
def __database_get_and_watch(tr, key):
def __creator_get_and_watch(tr, key):
v = tr.get(key)
return v,
def __database_set_and_watch(tr, key, value):
def __creator_set_and_watch(tr, key, value):
tr.set(key, value)
def __database_clear_and_watch(tr, key):
def __creator_clear_and_watch(tr, key):
del tr[key]
def __database_delitem(tr, key_or_slice):
def __creator_delitem(tr, key_or_slice):
del tr[key_or_slice]
def __database_atomic_operation(tr, opcode, key, param):
def __creator_atomic_operation(tr, opcode, key, param):
tr._atomic_operation(opcode, key, param)
# Asynchronous transactions
@ -1074,11 +1062,11 @@ class Database(_FDBBase):
From = asyncio.From
coroutine = asyncio.coroutine
class Database:
class TransactionCreator:
def __database_getitem(tr, key):
def __creator_getitem(tr, key):
# raise Return(( yield From( tr[key] ) ))
raise Return(tr[key])
yield None
@ -1086,26 +1074,26 @@ class Database(_FDBBase):
def __database_get_key(tr, key_selector):
def __creator_get_key(tr, key_selector):
raise Return(tr.get_key(key_selector))
yield None
def __database_get_range(tr, begin, end, limit, reverse, streaming_mode):
def __creator_get_range(tr, begin, end, limit, reverse, streaming_mode):
raise Return((yield From(tr.get_range(begin, end, limit, reverse, streaming_mode).to_list())))
def __database_get_range_startswith(tr, prefix, *args, **kwargs):
def __creator_get_range_startswith(tr, prefix, *args, **kwargs):
raise Return((yield From(tr.get_range_startswith(prefix, *args, **kwargs).to_list())))
def __database_setitem(tr, key, value):
def __creator_setitem(tr, key, value):
tr[key] = value
raise Return()
yield None
@ -1113,7 +1101,7 @@ class Database(_FDBBase):
def __database_clear_range_startswith(tr, prefix):
def __creator_clear_range_startswith(tr, prefix):
raise Return()
yield None
@ -1121,7 +1109,7 @@ class Database(_FDBBase):
def __database_get_and_watch(tr, key):
def __creator_get_and_watch(tr, key):
v = tr.get(key)
raise Return(v,
yield None
@ -1129,7 +1117,7 @@ class Database(_FDBBase):
def __database_set_and_watch(tr, key, value):
def __creator_set_and_watch(tr, key, value):
tr.set(key, value)
raise Return(
yield None
@ -1137,7 +1125,7 @@ class Database(_FDBBase):
def __database_clear_and_watch(tr, key):
def __creator_clear_and_watch(tr, key):
del tr[key]
raise Return(
yield None
@ -1145,7 +1133,7 @@ class Database(_FDBBase):
def __database_delitem(tr, key_or_slice):
def __creator_delitem(tr, key_or_slice):
del tr[key_or_slice]
raise Return()
yield None
@ -1153,11 +1141,101 @@ class Database(_FDBBase):
def __database_atomic_operation(tr, opcode, key, param):
def __creator_atomic_operation(tr, opcode, key, param):
tr._atomic_operation(opcode, key, param)
raise Return()
yield None
return Database
return TransactionCreator
def process_tenant_name(name):
if isinstance(name, tuple):
return pack(name)
elif isinstance(name, bytes):
return name
raise TypeError('Tenant name must be of type ' + bytes.__name__ + ' or of type ' + tuple.__name__)
class Database(_TransactionCreator):
def __init__(self, dpointer):
self.dpointer = dpointer
self.options = _DatabaseOptions(self)
def __del__(self):
# print('Destroying database 0x%x' % self.dpointer)
def _set_option(self, option, param, length):
self.capi.fdb_database_set_option(self.dpointer, option, param, length)
def open_tenant(self, name):
tname = process_tenant_name(name)
pointer = ctypes.c_void_p()
self.capi.fdb_database_open_tenant(self.dpointer, tname, len(tname), ctypes.byref(pointer))
return Tenant(pointer.value)
def create_transaction(self):
pointer = ctypes.c_void_p()
self.capi.fdb_database_create_transaction(self.dpointer, ctypes.byref(pointer))
return Transaction(pointer.value, self)
def allocate_tenant(self, name):
Database.__database_allocate_tenant(self, process_tenant_name(name), [])
def delete_tenant(self, name):
Database.__database_delete_tenant(self, process_tenant_name(name), [])
# Attempt to allocate a tenant in the cluster. If the tenant already exists,
# this function will return a tenant_already_exists error. If the tenant is created
# concurrently, then this function may return success even if another caller creates
# it.
# The existence_check_marker is expected to be an empty list. This function will
# modify the list after completing the existence check to avoid checking for existence
# on retries. This allows the operation to be idempotent.
def __database_allocate_tenant(tr, name, existence_check_marker):
key = b'\xff\xff/management/tenant_map/%s' % name
if not existence_check_marker:
existing_tenant = tr[key].wait()
if existing_tenant != None:
raise fdb.FDBError(2132) # tenant_already_exists
tr[key] = b''
# Attempt to remove a tenant in the cluster. If the tenant doesn't exist, this
# function will return a tenant_not_found error. If the tenant is deleted
# concurrently, then this function may return success even if another caller deletes
# it.
# The existence_check_marker is expected to be an empty list. This function will
# modify the list after completing the existence check to avoid checking for existence
# on retries. This allows the operation to be idempotent.
def __database_delete_tenant(tr, name, existence_check_marker):
key = b'\xff\xff/management/tenant_map/%s' % name
if not existence_check_marker:
existing_tenant = tr[key].wait()
if existing_tenant == None:
raise fdb.FDBError(2131) # tenant_not_found
del tr[key]
class Tenant(_TransactionCreator):
def __init__(self, tpointer):
self.tpointer = tpointer
def __del__(self):
def create_transaction(self):
pointer = ctypes.c_void_p()
self.capi.fdb_tenant_create_transaction(self.tpointer, ctypes.byref(pointer))
return Transaction(pointer.value, self)
@ -1458,6 +1536,10 @@ def init_c_api():
_capi.fdb_database_destroy.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
_capi.fdb_database_destroy.restype = None
_capi.fdb_database_open_tenant.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)]
_capi.fdb_database_open_tenant.restype = ctypes.c_int
_capi.fdb_database_open_tenant.errcheck = check_error_code
_capi.fdb_database_create_transaction.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)]
_capi.fdb_database_create_transaction.restype = ctypes.c_int
_capi.fdb_database_create_transaction.errcheck = check_error_code
@ -1466,6 +1548,13 @@ def init_c_api():
_capi.fdb_database_set_option.restype = ctypes.c_int
_capi.fdb_database_set_option.errcheck = check_error_code
_capi.fdb_tenant_destroy.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
_capi.fdb_tenant_destroy.restype = None
_capi.fdb_tenant_create_transaction.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)]
_capi.fdb_tenant_create_transaction.restype = ctypes.c_int
_capi.fdb_tenant_create_transaction.errcheck = check_error_code
_capi.fdb_transaction_destroy.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p]
_capi.fdb_transaction_destroy.restype = None
@ -1686,10 +1775,10 @@ def init(event_model=None):
raise asyncio.Return(self)
return it()
FDBRange.iterate = iterate
AT = Database.declare_asynchronous_transactions()
AT = _TransactionCreator.declare_asynchronous_transactions()
for name in dir(AT):
if name.startswith("_Database__database_"):
setattr(Database, name, getattr(AT, name))
if name.startswith("__TransactionCreator__creator_"):
setattr(_TransactionCreator, name, getattr(AT, name))
def to_list(self):
if self._mode == StreamingMode.iterator:
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
# This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
# Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import fdb
import sys
import json
from fdb.tuple import pack
if __name__ == '__main__':
def test_tenant_tuple_name(db):
tuplename=(b'test', b'level', b'hierarchy', 3, 1.24, 'str')
tenant[b'foo'] = b'bar'
assert tenant[b'foo'] == b'bar'
del tenant[b'foo']
def cleanup_tenant(db, tenant_name):
tenant = db.open_tenant(tenant_name)
del tenant[:]
except fdb.FDBError as e:
if e.code == 2131: # tenant not found
def test_tenant_operations(db):
cleanup_tenant(db, b'tenant1')
cleanup_tenant(db, b'tenant2')
tenant1 = db.open_tenant(b'tenant1')
tenant2 = db.open_tenant(b'tenant2')
db[b'tenant_test_key'] = b'no_tenant'
tenant1[b'tenant_test_key'] = b'tenant1'
tenant2[b'tenant_test_key'] = b'tenant2'
tenant1_entry = db[b'\xff\xff/management/tenant_map/tenant1']
tenant1_json = json.loads(tenant1_entry)
prefix1 = tenant1_json['prefix'].encode('utf8')
tenant2_entry = db[b'\xff\xff/management/tenant_map/tenant2']
tenant2_json = json.loads(tenant2_entry)
prefix2 = tenant2_json['prefix'].encode('utf8')
assert tenant1[b'tenant_test_key'] == b'tenant1'
assert db[prefix1 + b'tenant_test_key'] == b'tenant1'
assert tenant2[b'tenant_test_key'] == b'tenant2'
assert db[prefix2 + b'tenant_test_key'] == b'tenant2'
assert db[b'tenant_test_key'] == b'no_tenant'
tr1 = tenant1.create_transaction()
del tr1[:]
except fdb.FDBError as e:
assert tenant1[b'tenant_test_key'] == None
assert db[prefix1 + b'tenant_test_key'] == None
assert tenant2[b'tenant_test_key'] == b'tenant2'
assert db[prefix2 + b'tenant_test_key'] == b'tenant2'
assert db[b'tenant_test_key'] == b'no_tenant'
assert False
except fdb.FDBError as e:
assert e.code == 2131 # tenant not found
del tenant2[:]
assert db[prefix1 + b'tenant_test_key'] == None
assert db[prefix2 + b'tenant_test_key'] == None
assert db[b'tenant_test_key'] == b'no_tenant'
del db[b'tenant_test_key']
assert db[b'tenant_test_key'] == None
def test_tenants(db):
# Expect a cluster file as input. This test will write to the FDB cluster, so
# be aware of potential side effects.
if __name__ == '__main__':
clusterFile = sys.argv[1]
db =
db.options.set_transaction_timeout(2000) # 2 seconds
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ from cancellation_timeout_tests import test_db_retry_limits
from cancellation_timeout_tests import test_combinations
from size_limit_tests import test_size_limit_option, test_get_approximate_size
from tenant_tests import test_tenants
@ -112,12 +113,13 @@ class Stack:
class Instruction:
def __init__(self, tr, stack, op, index, isDatabase=False, isSnapshot=False):
def __init__(self, tr, stack, op, index, isDatabase=False, isTenant=False, isSnapshot=False):
|||| = tr
self.stack = stack
self.op = op
self.index = index
self.isDatabase = isDatabase
self.isTenant = isTenant
self.isSnapshot = isSnapshot
def pop(self, count=None, with_idx=False):
@ -277,6 +279,7 @@ class Tester:
def __init__(self, db, prefix):
self.db = db
self.tenant = None
self.instructions = self.db[fdb.tuple.range((prefix,))]
@ -317,7 +320,8 @@ class Tester:
def new_transaction(self):
with Tester.tr_map_lock:
Tester.tr_map[self.tr_name] = self.db.create_transaction()
tr_source = self.tenant if self.tenant is not None else self.db
Tester.tr_map[self.tr_name] = tr_source.create_transaction()
def switch_transaction(self, name):
self.tr_name = name
@ -335,18 +339,22 @@ class Tester:
# print("%d. Instruction is %s" % (idx, op))
isDatabase = op.endswith(six.u('_DATABASE'))
isTenant = op.endswith(six.u('_TENANT'))
isSnapshot = op.endswith(six.u('_SNAPSHOT'))
if isDatabase:
op = op[:-9]
obj = self.db
elif isTenant:
op = op[:-7]
obj = self.tenant if self.tenant else self.db
elif isSnapshot:
op = op[:-9]
obj = self.current_transaction().snapshot
obj = self.current_transaction()
inst = Instruction(obj, self.stack, op, idx, isDatabase, isSnapshot)
inst = Instruction(obj, self.stack, op, idx, isDatabase, isTenant, isSnapshot)
if inst.op == six.u("PUSH"):
@ -583,6 +591,19 @@ class Tester:
prefix = inst.pop()
Tester.wait_empty(self.db, prefix)
elif inst.op == six.u("TENANT_CREATE"):
name = inst.pop()
elif inst.op == six.u("TENANT_DELETE"):
name = inst.pop()
elif inst.op == six.u("TENANT_SET_ACTIVE"):
name = inst.pop()
self.tenant = self.db.open_tenant(name)
elif inst.op == six.u("TENANT_CLEAR_ACTIVE"):
self.tenant = None
elif inst.op == six.u("UNIT_TESTS"):
@ -600,6 +621,8 @@ class Tester:
except fdb.FDBError as e:
print("Unit tests failed: %s" % e.description)
@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ setuptools>=20.10.0,<=57.4.0
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
.. |database-type| replace:: ``Database``
.. |database-class| replace:: :class:`Database`
.. |database-auto| replace:: the :func:`@fdb.transactional <transactional>` decorator
.. |tenant-type| replace:: FIXME
.. |tenant-type| replace:: :class:`Tenant`
.. |transaction-class| replace:: :class:`Transaction`
.. |get-key-func| replace:: :func:`Transaction.get_key`
.. |get-range-func| replace:: :func:`Transaction.get_range`
@ -316,9 +316,29 @@ A |database-blurb1| |database-blurb2|
Returns a new :class:`Transaction` object. Consider using the :func:`@fdb.transactional <transactional>` decorator to create transactions instead, since it will automatically provide you with appropriate retry behavior.
.. method:: Database.open_tenant(tenant_name)
Opens an existing tenant to be used for running transactions and returns it as a :class`Tenant` object.
The tenant name can be either a byte string or a tuple. If a tuple is provided, the tuple will be packed using the tuple layer to generate the byte string tenant name.
.. |sync-read| replace:: This read is fully synchronous.
.. |sync-write| replace:: This change will be committed immediately, and is fully synchronous.
.. method:: Database.allocate_tenant(tenant_name):
Creates a new tenant in the cluster. |sync-write|
The tenant name can be either a byte string or a tuple and cannot start with the ``\xff`` byte. If a tuple is provided, the tuple will be packed using the tuple layer to generate the byte string tenant name.
.. method:: Database.delete_tenant(tenant_name):
Delete a tenant from the cluster. |sync-write|
The tenant name can be either a byte string or a tuple. If a tuple is provided, the tuple will be packed using the tuple layer to generate the byte string tenant name.
It is an error to delete a tenant that still has data. To delete a non-empty tenant, first clear all of the keys in the tenant.
.. method:: Database.get(key)
Returns the value associated with the specified key in the database (or ``None`` if the key does not exist). |sync-read|
@ -460,6 +480,17 @@ Database options
.. method:: Database.options.set_snapshot_ryw_disable()
Tenant objects
.. class:: Tenant
.. method:: Tenant.create_transaction()
Returns a new :class:`Transaction` object. Consider using the :func:`@fdb.transactional <transactional>` decorator to create transactions instead, since it will automatically provide you with appropriate retry behavior.
.. _api-python-transactional-decorator:
@ -479,9 +510,9 @@ Transactional decoration
The ``@fdb.transactional`` decorator makes ``simple_function`` a transactional function. All functions using this decorator must have an argument **named** ``tr``. This specially named argument is passed a transaction that the function can use to do reads and writes.
A caller of a transactionally decorated function can pass a :class:`Database` instead of a transaction for the ``tr`` parameter. Then a transaction will be created automatically, and automatically committed before returning to the caller. The decorator will retry calling the decorated function until the transaction successfully commits.
A caller of a transactionally decorated function can pass a :class:`Database` or :class:`Tenant` instead of a transaction for the ``tr`` parameter. Then a transaction will be created automatically, and automatically committed before returning to the caller. The decorator will retry calling the decorated function until the transaction successfully commits.
If ``db`` is a :class:`Database`, a call like ::
If ``db`` is a :class:`Database` or :class:`Tenant`, a call like ::
simple_function(db, 'a', 'b')
@ -744,7 +775,7 @@ Committing
.. decorator:: transactional()
The ``transactional`` decorator makes it easy to write transactional functions which accept either a :class:`Database` or a :class:`Transaction` as a parameter and automatically commit. See :func:`@fdb.transactional <transactional>` for explanation and examples.
The ``transactional`` decorator makes it easy to write transactional functions which accept a :class:`Database`, :class`Tenant`, or :class:`Transaction` as a parameter and automatically commit. See :func:`@fdb.transactional <transactional>` for explanation and examples.
.. method :: Transaction.commit()
@ -754,7 +785,7 @@ Committing
.. note :: Consider using the :func:`@fdb.transactional <transactional>` decorator, which not only calls :meth:`Database.create_transaction` and :meth:`Transaction.commit()` for you but also implements the required error handling and retry logic for transactions.
.. note :: Consider using the :func:`@fdb.transactional <transactional>` decorator, which not only calls :meth:`Database.create_transaction` or :meth`Tenant.create_transaction` and :meth:`Transaction.commit()` for you but also implements the required error handling and retry logic for transactions.
.. warning :: |used-during-commit-blurb|
@ -155,6 +155,12 @@ Here is a complete list of valid parameters:
**Example**: The URL parameter *header=x-amz-storage-class:REDUCED_REDUNDANCY* would send the HTTP header required to use the reduced redundancy storage option in the S3 API.
Signing Protocol
AWS signature version 4 is the default signing protocol choice. This boolean knob ``--knob_http_request_aws_v4_header`` can be used to select between v4 style and v2 style signatures.
If the knob is set to ``true`` then v4 signature will be used and if set to ``false`` then v2 signature will be used.
.. _blob-credential-files:
Blob Credential Files
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ enum {
@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ CSimpleOpt::SOption gConverterOptions[] = { { OPT_CONTAINER, "-r", SO_REQ_SEP },
{ OPT_HEX_KEY_PREFIX, "--hex-prefix", SO_REQ_SEP },
{ OPT_BEGIN_VERSION_FILTER, "--begin-version-filter", SO_REQ_SEP },
{ OPT_END_VERSION_FILTER, "--end-version-filter", SO_REQ_SEP },
{ OPT_KNOB, "--knob-", SO_REQ_SEP },
{ OPT_HELP, "-?", SO_NONE },
{ OPT_HELP, "-h", SO_NONE },
{ OPT_HELP, "--help", SO_NONE },
@ -26,17 +26,21 @@
#include <vector>
#include "fdbbackup/BackupTLSConfig.h"
#include "fdbclient/BuildFlags.h"
#include "fdbbackup/FileConverter.h"
#include "fdbclient/"
#include "fdbclient/BackupContainer.h"
#include "fdbbackup/FileConverter.h"
#include "fdbclient/CommitTransaction.h"
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "fdbclient/IKnobCollection.h"
#include "fdbclient/Knobs.h"
#include "fdbclient/MutationList.h"
#include "flow/ArgParseUtil.h"
#include "flow/IRandom.h"
#include "flow/Trace.h"
#include "flow/flow.h"
#include "flow/serialize.h"
#include "fdbclient/BuildFlags.h"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // has to be last include
#define SevDecodeInfo SevVerbose
@ -73,11 +77,13 @@ void printDecodeUsage() {
" --list-only Print file list and exit.\n"
" -k KEY_PREFIX Use the prefix for filtering mutations\n"
" --hex-prefix HEX_PREFIX\n"
" The prefix specified in HEX format, e.g., \\x05\\x01.\n"
" The prefix specified in HEX format, e.g., \"\\\\x05\\\\x01\".\n"
" --begin-version-filter BEGIN_VERSION\n"
" The version range's begin version (inclusive) for filtering.\n"
" --end-version-filter END_VERSION\n"
" The version range's end version (exclusive) for filtering.\n"
" Changes a knob value. KNOBNAME should be lowercase."
@ -97,6 +103,8 @@ struct DecodeParams {
Version beginVersionFilter = 0;
Version endVersionFilter = std::numeric_limits<Version>::max();
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> knobs;
// Returns if [begin, end) overlap with the filter range
bool overlap(Version begin, Version end) const {
// Filter [100, 200), [50,75) [200, 300)
@ -130,8 +138,39 @@ struct DecodeParams {
if (!prefix.empty()) {
s.append(", KeyPrefix: ").append(printable(KeyRef(prefix)));
for (const auto& [knob, value] : knobs) {
s.append(", KNOB-").append(knob).append(" = ").append(value);
return s;
void updateKnobs() {
auto& g_knobs = IKnobCollection::getMutableGlobalKnobCollection();
for (const auto& [knobName, knobValueString] : knobs) {
try {
auto knobValue = g_knobs.parseKnobValue(knobName, knobValueString);
g_knobs.setKnob(knobName, knobValue);
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_invalid_option_value) {
std::cerr << "WARNING: Invalid value '" << knobValueString << "' for knob option '" << knobName
<< "'\n";
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "InvalidKnobValue")
.detail("Knob", printable(knobName))
.detail("Value", printable(knobValueString));
} else {
std::cerr << "ERROR: Failed to set knob option '" << knobName << "': " << e.what() << "\n";
TraceEvent(SevError, "FailedToSetKnob")
.detail("Knob", printable(knobName))
.detail("Value", printable(knobValueString));
// Reinitialize knobs in order to update knobs that are dependent on explicitly set knobs
g_knobs.initialize(Randomize::True, IsSimulated::False);
// Decode an ASCII string, e.g., "\x15\x1b\x19\x04\xaf\x0c\x28\x0a",
@ -256,6 +295,16 @@ int parseDecodeCommandLine(DecodeParams* param, CSimpleOpt* args) {
case OPT_KNOB: {
Optional<std::string> knobName = extractPrefixedArgument("--knob", args->OptionSyntax());
if (!knobName.present()) {
std::cerr << "ERROR: unable to parse knob option '" << args->OptionSyntax() << "'\n";
param->knobs.emplace_back(knobName.get(), args->OptionArg());
@ -552,6 +601,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
StringRef url(param.container_url);
setupNetwork(0, UseMetrics::True);
// Must be called after setupNetwork() to be effective
openTraceFile(NetworkAddress(), 10 << 20, 500 << 20, param.log_dir, "decode", param.trace_log_group);
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "fdbclient/json_spirit/json_spirit_writer_template.h"
#include "fdbclient/json_spirit/json_spirit_reader_template.h"
#include "flow/Error.h"
// JSONDoc is a convenient reader/writer class for manipulating JSON documents using "paths".
// Access is done using a "path", which is a string of dot-separated
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ ACTOR Future<Void> updateSecret_impl(Reference<S3BlobStoreEndpoint> b) {
JSONDoc accounts(doc.last().get_obj());
if (accounts.has(credentialsFileKey, false) && accounts.last().type() == json_spirit::obj_type) {
JSONDoc account(accounts.last());
S3BlobStoreEndpoint::Credentials creds;
S3BlobStoreEndpoint::Credentials creds = b->credentials.get();
if (b->lookupKey) {
std::string apiKey;
if (account.tryGet("api_key", apiKey))
Reference in New Issue