Merge branch 'main' of into split-tenant-metadata
This commit is contained in:
@ -898,6 +898,13 @@ def tenant_configure(logger):
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('tenant configure tenant3 tenant_group=tenant_group1')
assert output == 'ERROR: Tenant does not exist (2131)'
expected_output = """
ERROR: assigned_cluster is only valid in metacluster configuration.
ERROR: Tenant configuration is invalid (2140)
output = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error('tenant configure tenant assigned_cluster=nonexist')
assert output == expected_output
def tenant_rename(logger):
setup_tenants(['tenant', 'tenant2'])
@ -1,12 +1,43 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import functools
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import random
import subprocess
from argparse import RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
# TODO: deduplicate with
def enable_logging(level=logging.DEBUG):
"""Enable logging in the function with the specified logging level
level (logging.<level>, optional): logging level for the decorated function. Defaults to logging.ERROR.
def func_decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# initialize logger
logger = logging.getLogger(func.__name__)
# set logging format
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
handler_format = logging.Formatter(
'[%(asctime)s] - %(filename)s:%(lineno)d - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s')
# pass the logger to the decorated function
result = func(logger, *args, **kwargs)
return result
return wrapper
return func_decorator
def run_command(*args):
commands = ["{}".format(args)]
@ -29,6 +60,21 @@ def run_fdbcli_command(cluster_file, *args):
raise Exception('The fdbcli command is stuck, database is unavailable')
def run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error(cluster_file, *args):
"""run the fdbcli statement: fdbcli --exec '<arg1> <arg2> ... <argN>'.
string: Stderr output from fdbcli
command_template = [fdbcli_bin, '-C', "{}".format(cluster_file), '--exec']
commands = command_template + ["{}".format(' '.join(args))]
process =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=fdbcli_env, timeout=20)
return process.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip(), process.stderr.decode('utf-8').strip()
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
raise Exception('The fdbcli command is stuck, database is unavailable')
def get_cluster_connection_str(cluster_file_path):
with open(cluster_file_path, 'r') as f:
conn_str = f.readline().strip()
@ -42,13 +88,96 @@ def metacluster_create(cluster_file, name, tenant_id_prefix):
def metacluster_register(management_cluster_file, data_cluster_file, name):
conn_str = get_cluster_connection_str(data_cluster_file)
return run_fdbcli_command(management_cluster_file, "metacluster register", name, "connection_string={}".format(
conn_str), 'max_tenant_groups=6')
def setup_metacluster(logger, management_cluster, data_clusters):
management_cluster_file = management_cluster[0]
management_cluster_name = management_cluster[1]
tenant_id_prefix = random.randint(0, 32767)
output = metacluster_create(management_cluster_file, management_cluster_name, tenant_id_prefix)
for (cf, name) in data_clusters:
output = metacluster_register(management_cluster_file, cf, name)
def metacluster_status(cluster_file):
return run_fdbcli_command(cluster_file, "metacluster status")
def setup_tenants(management_cluster_file, data_cluster_files, tenants):
for tenant in tenants:
output = run_fdbcli_command(management_cluster_file, 'tenant create', tenant)
expected_output = 'The tenant `{}\' has been created'.format(tenant)
assert output == expected_output
def configure_tenant(management_cluster_file, data_cluster_files, tenant, tenant_group=None, assigned_cluster=None):
command = 'tenant configure {}'.format(tenant)
if tenant_group:
command = command + ' tenant_group={}'.format(tenant_group)
if assigned_cluster:
command = command + ' assigned_cluster={}'.format(assigned_cluster)
output, err = run_fdbcli_command_and_get_error(management_cluster_file, command)
return output, err
def clear_database_and_tenants(logger, management_cluster_file, data_cluster_files):
subcmd1 = 'writemode on'
subcmd3 = 'clearrange ' '"" \\xff'
subcmd4 = 'clearrange \\xff\\xff/management/tenant/map/ \\xff\\xff/management/tenant/map0'
output = run_fdbcli_command(management_cluster_file, subcmd1, subcmd2, subcmd3, subcmd4)
def run_tenant_test(management_cluster_file, data_cluster_files, test_func):
test_func(management_cluster_file, data_cluster_files)
clear_database_and_tenants(management_cluster_file, data_cluster_files)
def clusters_status_test(logger, cluster_files):
for cf in cluster_files:
output = metacluster_status(cf)
assert output == "This cluster is not part of a metacluster"
num_clusters = len(cluster_files)
names = ['meta_mgmt']
names.extend(['data{}'.format(i) for i in range(1, num_clusters)])
setup_metacluster([cluster_files[0], names[0]], zip(cluster_files[1:], names[1:]))
expected = """
number of data clusters: {}
tenant group capacity: {}
allocated tenant groups: 0
expected = expected.format(num_clusters - 1, 12).strip()
output = metacluster_status(cluster_files[0])
assert expected == output
for (cf, name) in zip(cluster_files[1:], names[1:]):
output = metacluster_status(cf)
expected = "This cluster \"{}\" is a data cluster within the metacluster named \"{" \
"}\"".format(name, names[0])
assert expected == output
def configure_tenants_test_disableClusterAssignment(logger, cluster_files):
tenants = ['tenant1', 'tenant2']
logger.debug('Creating tenants {}'.format(tenants))
setup_tenants(cluster_files[0], cluster_files[1:], tenants)
for tenant in tenants:
out, err = configure_tenant(cluster_files[0], cluster_files[1:], tenant, assigned_cluster='cluster')
assert err == 'ERROR: Tenant configuration is invalid (2140)'
clear_database_and_tenants(cluster_files[0], cluster_files[1:])
if __name__ == "__main__":
script_desc = """
@ -64,34 +193,12 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# keep current environment variables
fdbcli_env = os.environ.copy()
cluster_files = fdbcli_env.get("FDB_CLUSTERS").split(';')
num_clusters = len(cluster_files)
assert len(cluster_files) > 1
fdbcli_bin = args.build_dir + '/bin/fdbcli'
for cf in cluster_files:
output = metacluster_status(cf)
assert output == "This cluster is not part of a metacluster"
# This must be the first test to run, since it sets up the metacluster that
# will be used throughout the test
names = ['meta_mgmt']
names.extend(['data{}'.format(i) for i in range(1, num_clusters)])
tenant_id_prefix = random.randint(0, 32767)
metacluster_create(cluster_files[0], names[0], tenant_id_prefix)
for (cf, name) in zip(cluster_files[1:], names[1:]):
output = metacluster_register(cluster_files[0], cf, name)
expected = """
number of data clusters: {}
tenant group capacity: 0
allocated tenant groups: 0
expected = expected.format(num_clusters - 1).strip()
output = metacluster_status(cluster_files[0])
assert expected == output
for (cf, name) in zip(cluster_files[1:], names[1:]):
output = metacluster_status(cf)
expected = "This cluster \"{}\" is a data cluster within the metacluster named \"{" \
"}\"".format(name, names[0])
assert expected == output
@ -2859,6 +2859,14 @@ struct ConfigureTenantImpl {
++configItr) {
if (configItr->first == "tenant_group"_sr) {
wait(updateTenantGroup(self, tr, self->updatedEntry, configItr->second));
} else if (configItr->first == "assigned_cluster"_sr &&
configItr->second != tenantEntry.get().assignedCluster) {
auto& newClusterName = configItr->second;
TraceEvent(SevWarn, "CannotChangeAssignedCluster")
.detail("TenantName", tenantEntry.get().tenantName)
.detail("OriginalAssignedCluster", tenantEntry.get().assignedCluster)
.detail("NewAssignedCluster", newClusterName);
throw invalid_tenant_configuration();
self->updatedEntry.configure(configItr->first, configItr->second);
@ -711,13 +711,21 @@ struct MetaclusterManagementWorkload : TestWorkload {
newTenantGroup.present() && self->tenantGroups.find(newTenantGroup.get()) != self->tenantGroups.end();
state bool hasCapacity = false;
state Optional<ClusterName> oldClusterName;
if (exists) {
auto& dataDb = self->dataDbs[itr->second.cluster];
hasCapacity = dataDb.ungroupedTenants.size() + dataDb.tenantGroups.size() < dataDb.tenantGroupCapacity;
oldClusterName = itr->second.cluster;
state std::map<Standalone<StringRef>, Optional<Value>> configurationParameters = { { "tenant_group"_sr,
newTenantGroup } };
state Optional<ClusterName> newClusterName = oldClusterName;
if (deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
newClusterName = self->chooseClusterName();
state std::map<Standalone<StringRef>, Optional<Value>> configurationParameters = {
{ "assigned_cluster"_sr, newClusterName }, { "tenant_group"_sr, newTenantGroup }
try {
loop {
@ -778,6 +786,7 @@ struct MetaclusterManagementWorkload : TestWorkload {
ASSERT(oldClusterName == newClusterName);
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() == error_code_tenant_not_found) {
@ -786,8 +795,11 @@ struct MetaclusterManagementWorkload : TestWorkload {
ASSERT(exists && !hasCapacity);
return Void();
} else if (e.code() == error_code_invalid_tenant_configuration) {
ASSERT(exists && tenantGroupExists &&
self->createdTenants[tenant].cluster != self->tenantGroups[newTenantGroup.get()].cluster);
if (oldClusterName == newClusterName) {
ASSERT(tenantGroupExists &&
self->createdTenants[tenant].cluster != self->tenantGroups[newTenantGroup.get()].cluster);
return Void();
@ -393,6 +393,7 @@ struct TenantManagementWorkload : TestWorkload {
} else {
ASSERT(OperationType::METACLUSTER == operationType);
ASSERT(tenantsToCreate.size() == 1);
TenantMapEntryImpl tEntry = tenantsToCreate.begin()->second;
MetaclusterTenantMapEntry modifiedEntry(tEntry);
@ -1550,31 +1551,46 @@ struct TenantManagementWorkload : TestWorkload {
state std::map<Standalone<StringRef>, Optional<Value>> configuration;
state Optional<TenantGroupName> newTenantGroup;
// If true, the options generated may include an unknown option
state bool hasInvalidOption = deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.1;
// True if any tenant group name starts with \xff
state bool hasSystemTenantGroup = false;
state bool specialKeysUseInvalidTuple =
operationType == OperationType::SPECIAL_KEYS && deterministicRandom()->random01() < 0.1;
// True if any selected options would change the tenant's configuration and we would expect an update to be
// written
state bool configurationChanging = false;
// True if the tenant's tenant group will change, and we would expect an update to be written.
state bool tenantGroupChanging = false;
// Generate a tenant group. Sometimes do this at the same time that we include an invalid option to ensure
// that the configure function still fails
if (!hasInvalidOption || deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
if (deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
newTenantGroup = self->chooseTenantGroup(true);
hasSystemTenantGroup = hasSystemTenantGroup || newTenantGroup.orDefault(""_sr).startsWith("\xff"_sr);
configuration["tenant_group"_sr] = newTenantGroup;
if (exists && itr->second.tenantGroup != newTenantGroup) {
configurationChanging = true;
tenantGroupChanging = true;
if (hasInvalidOption) {
// Configuring 'assignedCluster' requires reading existing tenant entry. It is relevant only in
// the case of metacluster.
state bool assignToDifferentCluster = false;
if (operationType == OperationType::METACLUSTER && deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
ClusterName newClusterName = "newcluster"_sr;
if (deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
newClusterName = self->dataClusterName;
configuration["assigned_cluster"_sr] = newClusterName;
assignToDifferentCluster = (newClusterName != self->dataClusterName);
// In the future after we enable tenant movement, this may be
// state bool configurationChanging = tenangGroupCanging || assignToDifferentCluster.
state bool configurationChanging = tenantGroupChanging;
// If true, the options generated may include an unknown option
state bool hasInvalidOption = false;
if (configuration.empty() || deterministicRandom()->coinflip()) {
configuration["invalid_option"_sr] = ""_sr;
hasInvalidOption = true;
state Version originalReadVersion = wait(self->getLatestReadVersion(self, operationType));
@ -1586,23 +1602,26 @@ struct TenantManagementWorkload : TestWorkload {
Versionstamp currentVersionstamp = wait(getLastTenantModification(self, operationType));
if (configurationChanging) {
ASSERT_GT(currentVersionstamp.version, originalReadVersion);
auto itr = self->createdTenants.find(tenant);
if (itr->second.tenantGroup.present()) {
auto tenantGroupItr = self->createdTenantGroups.find(itr->second.tenantGroup.get());
ASSERT(tenantGroupItr != self->createdTenantGroups.end());
if (--tenantGroupItr->second.tenantCount == 0) {
if (tenantGroupChanging) {
ASSERT(configuration.count("tenant_group"_sr) > 0);
auto itr = self->createdTenants.find(tenant);
if (itr->second.tenantGroup.present()) {
auto tenantGroupItr = self->createdTenantGroups.find(itr->second.tenantGroup.get());
ASSERT(tenantGroupItr != self->createdTenantGroups.end());
if (--tenantGroupItr->second.tenantCount == 0) {
if (newTenantGroup.present()) {
itr->second.tenantGroup = newTenantGroup;
if (newTenantGroup.present()) {
itr->second.tenantGroup = newTenantGroup;
return Void();
} catch (Error& e) {
state Error error = e;
@ -1613,7 +1632,7 @@ struct TenantManagementWorkload : TestWorkload {
ASSERT(hasInvalidOption || specialKeysUseInvalidTuple);
return Void();
} else if (e.code() == error_code_invalid_tenant_configuration) {
ASSERT(hasInvalidOption || assignToDifferentCluster);
return Void();
} else if (e.code() == error_code_invalid_metacluster_operation) {
ASSERT(operationType == OperationType::METACLUSTER != self->useMetacluster);
Reference in New Issue