collect and report on code probe information

This commit is contained in:
Markus Pilman 2022-08-20 20:01:09 -06:00
parent 90863d07ad
commit 4808307354
4 changed files with 158 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -119,8 +119,11 @@ class Config:
self.print_coverage_args = {'action': 'store_true'}
self.binary = Path('bin') / ('fdbserver.exe' if == 'nt' else 'fdbserver')
self.binary_args = {'help': 'Path to executable'}
self.hit_per_runs_ratio: int = 20000
self.hit_per_runs_ratio_args = {'help': 'How many test runs should hit each code probe at least once'}
self.output_format: str = 'xml'
self.output_format_args = {'short_name': 'O', 'choices': ['json', 'xml']}
self.output_format_args = {'short_name': 'O', 'choices': ['json', 'xml'],
'help': 'What format TestHarness should produce'}
self.include_test_files: str = r'.*'
self.include_test_files_args = {'help': 'Only consider test files whose path match against the given regex'}
self.exclude_test_files: str = r'.^'
@ -129,6 +132,12 @@ class Config:
self.include_test_names_args = {'help': 'Only consider tests whose names match against the given regex'}
self.exclude_test_names: str = r'.^'
self.exclude_test_names_args = {'help': 'Don\'t consider tests whose names match against the given regex'}
self.details: bool = False
self.details_args = {'help': 'Print detailed results', 'short_name': 'c'}
self.cov_include_files: str = r'.*'
self.cov_include_files_args = {'help': 'Only consider coverage traces that originated in files matching regex'}
self.cov_exclude_files: str = r'.^'
self.cov_exclude_files_args = {'help': 'Ignore coverage traces that originated in files matching regex'}
self.max_stderr_bytes: int = 1000
self.write_stats: bool = True
self.read_stats: bool = True

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import OrderedDict, Tuple
from typing import OrderedDict, Tuple, List
import collections
import fdb
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import struct
from import StatFetcher, TestDescription
from test_harness.config import config
from test_harness.summarize import SummaryTree
from test_harness.summarize import SummaryTree, Coverage
@ -20,6 +20,59 @@ def str_to_tuple(s: str | None):
return tuple(res)
fdb_db = None
def open_db(cluster_file: str | None):
global fdb_db
if fdb_db is None:
fdb_db =
return fdb_db
def chunkify(iterable, sz: int):
count = 0
res = []
for item in iterable:
count += 1
if count >= sz:
yield res
res = []
count = 0
if len(res) > 0:
yield res
def write_coverage_chunk(tr, path: Tuple[str, ...], coverage: List[Tuple[Coverage, bool]]):
cov_dir =, path)
for cov, covered in coverage:
tr.add(cov_dir.pack((cov.file, cov.line, cov.comment)), struct.pack('<I', 1 if covered else 0))
def write_coverage(cluster_file: str | None, cov_path: Tuple[str, ...], coverage: OrderedDict[Coverage, bool]):
db = open_db(cluster_file)
assert config.joshua_dir is not None
for chunk in chunkify(coverage.items(), 100):
write_coverage_chunk(db, cov_path, chunk)
def _read_coverage(tr, cov_path: Tuple[str, ...]) -> OrderedDict[Coverage, int]:
res = collections.OrderedDict()
cov_dir =, cov_path)
for k, v in tr[cov_dir.range()]:
file, line, comment = cov_dir.unpack(k)
count = struct.unpack('<I', v)[0]
res[Coverage(file, line, comment)] = count
return res
def read_coverage(cluster_file: str | None, cov_path: Tuple[str, ...]) -> OrderedDict[Coverage, int]:
db = open_db(cluster_file)
return _read_coverage(db, cov_path)
class TestStatistics:
def __init__(self, runtime: int, run_count: int):
self.runtime: int = runtime
@ -28,12 +81,12 @@ class TestStatistics:
class Statistics:
def __init__(self, cluster_file: str | None, joshua_dir: Tuple[str, ...]):
self.db: fdb.Database =
self.stats_dir: fdb.DirectorySubspace = self.open_stats_dir(self.db, joshua_dir)
self.db = open_db(cluster_file)
self.stats_dir = self.open_stats_dir(self.db, joshua_dir)
self.stats: OrderedDict[str, TestStatistics] = self.read_stats_from_db(self.db)
def open_stats_dir(self, tr, app_dir: Tuple[str]) -> fdb.DirectorySubspace:
def open_stats_dir(self, tr, app_dir: Tuple[str]):
stats_dir = app_dir + ('runtime_stats',)
return, stats_dir)
@ -47,11 +100,12 @@ class Statistics:
return result
def _write_runtime(self, tr: fdb.Transaction, test_name: str, time: int) -> None:
def _write_runtime(self, tr, test_name: str, time: int) -> None:
key = self.stats_dir.pack((test_name,))
tr.add(key, struct.pack('<II', time, 1))
def write_runtime(self, test_name: str, time: int) -> None:
assert self.db is not None
self._write_runtime(self.db, test_name, time)

View File

@ -1,39 +1,99 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import re
import sys
from typing import List, Tuple
from typing import List, Tuple, OrderedDict
from test_harness.summarize import SummaryTree
from test_harness.summarize import SummaryTree, Coverage
from test_harness.config import config
import argparse
import test_harness.fdb
class GlobalStatistics:
def __init__(self):
self.total_probes_hit: int = 0
self.total_cpu_time: int = 0
self.total_test_runs: int = 0
self.total_missed_probes: int = 0
class EnsembleResults:
def __init__(self, cluster_file: str | None, ensemble_id: str):
self.global_statistics = GlobalStatistics()
self.fdb_path = ('joshua', 'ensembles', 'results', 'application', ensemble_id)
self.coverage_path = self.fdb_path + ('coverage',)
self.statistics = test_harness.fdb.Statistics(cluster_file, self.fdb_path)
self.out = SummaryTree('EnsembleResults')
stats: List[Tuple[str, int, int]] = []
coverage_dict: OrderedDict[Coverage, int] = test_harness.fdb.read_coverage(cluster_file, self.coverage_path)
self.coverage: List[Tuple[Coverage, int]] = []
self.min_coverage_hit: int | None = None
self.ratio = self.global_statistics.total_test_runs / config.hit_per_runs_ratio
for cov, count in coverage_dict.items():
if, cov.file) is None:
if, cov.file) is not None:
self.global_statistics.total_probes_hit += count
self.coverage.append((cov, count))
if count <= self.ratio:
self.global_statistics.total_missed_probes += 1
if self.min_coverage_hit is None or self.min_coverage_hit > count:
self.min_coverage_hit = count
self.coverage.sort(key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0].file, x[0].line))
self.stats: List[Tuple[str, int, int]] = []
for k, v in self.statistics.stats.items():
stats.append((k, v.runtime, v.run_count))
stats.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for k, runtime, run_count in stats:
child = SummaryTree('Test')
child.attributes['Name'] = k
child.attributes['Runtime'] = str(runtime)
child.attributes['RunCount'] = str(run_count)
self.global_statistics.total_test_runs += v.run_count
self.global_statistics.total_cpu_time += v.runtime
self.stats.append((k, v.runtime, v.run_count))
self.stats.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
self.coverage_ok: bool = self.min_coverage_hit is not None
if self.coverage_ok:
self.coverage_ok = self.min_coverage_hit > self.ratio
def dump(self):
errors = 0
out = SummaryTree('EnsembleResults')
out.attributes['TotalRunTime'] = str(self.global_statistics.total_cpu_time)
out.attributes['TotalTestRuns'] = str(self.global_statistics.total_test_runs)
out.attributes['TotalProbesHit'] = str(self.global_statistics.total_probes_hit)
out.attributes['MinProbeHit'] = str(self.min_coverage_hit)
out.attributes['TotalProbes'] = str(len(self.coverage))
out.attributes['MissedProbes'] = str(self.global_statistics.total_missed_probes)
for cov, count in self.coverage:
severity = 10 if count > self.ratio else 40
if severity == 40:
errors += 1
if (severity == 40 and errors <= config.max_errors) or config.details:
child = SummaryTree('CodeProbe')
child.attributes['Severity'] = str(severity)
child.attributes['File'] = cov.file
child.attributes['Line'] = str(cov.line)
child.attributes['Comment'] = cov.comment
child.attributes['HitCount'] = str(count)
if config.details:
for k, runtime, run_count in self.stats:
child = SummaryTree('Test')
child.attributes['Name'] = k
child.attributes['Runtime'] = str(runtime)
child.attributes['RunCount'] = str(run_count)
if errors > 0:
out.attributes['Errors'] = str(errors)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('TestHarness Results', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('-C', '--cluster-file', required=False, help='Path to cluster file')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-format', default='json', choices=['json', 'xml'], help='Format of the output')
parser.add_argument('ensemble_id', type=str, help='The ensemble to fetch the result for')
args = parser.parse_args()
config.pretty_print = True
config.output_format = args.output_format
results = EnsembleResults(args.cluster_file, args.ensemble_id)
results = EnsembleResults(config.cluster_file, args.ensemble_id)
exit(0 if results.coverage_ok else 1)

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from __future__ import annotations
import collections
import inspect
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import traceback
@ -44,6 +45,11 @@ class SummaryTree:
# minidom doesn't support omitting the xml declaration which is a problem for joshua
# However, our xml is very simple and therefore serializing manually is easy enough
attrs = []
print_width = 120
print_width, _ = os.get_terminal_size()
except OSError:
for k, v in self.attributes.items():
attrs.append('{}={}'.format(k, xml.sax.saxutils.quoteattr(v)))
elem = '{}<{}{}'.format(prefix,, ('' if len(attrs) == 0 else ' '))
@ -52,7 +58,7 @@ class SummaryTree:
curr_line_len = len(elem)
for i in range(len(attrs)):
attr_len = len(attrs[i])
if i == 0 or attr_len + curr_line_len + 1 <= 120:
if i == 0 or attr_len + curr_line_len + 1 <= print_width:
if i != 0:
out.write(' ')
@ -381,6 +387,11 @@ class Summary:
for f in trace_files[0]:
if config.joshua_dir is not None:
import test_harness.fdb
test_harness.fdb.str_to_tuple(config.joshua_dir) + ('coverage',),
def ok(self):
return not self.error