Doc: Remove the auto generated file

For 6.1 release, we use the script (will be removed) to generate the comment for JSON status docuemnt;
We manually change the docuemnt to document the 7 occurances of the map keyword
This commit is contained in:
Meng Xu 2019-03-19 11:25:43 -07:00
parent 924212d53c
commit 44fe828bb9
2 changed files with 0 additions and 870 deletions

View File

@ -1,620 +0,0 @@
.. -*- mode: rst; -*-
.. |json-status-format| replace::
"_error":"some error description"
"version":"3.0.0", // a process version will not be reported if it is not protocol-compatible; it will be absent from status
"locality":{ // This will contain any locality fields that are provided on the command line
"data_lag": {
"durability_lag": {
"$map": 1
"$map": 1
"$map": 1
"command_line":"-r simulation",
"available_bytes":0, //an estimate of the process' fair share of the memory available to fdbservers
"limit_bytes":0, // memory limit per process
"name":{ // when not limiting
"(other FDB error messages)"
"free_bytes":3451233456234, // an estimate of how many bytes are free to allocate to fdbservers without swapping
"busy":0.0, // from 0.0 (idle) to 1.0 (fully busy)
"total_bytes":123412341234 // an estimate of total physical RAM
"usage_cores":0.0 // average number of logical cores utilized by the process over the recent past; value may be > 1.0
"logs":[ // this field will be absent if a value has not been explicitly set
"name":{ // when not limiting
"description":"The database is not being saturated by the workload."
"name":{ // when not limiting
"description":"The database is not being saturated by the workload."
"latency_probe":{ // all measurements are based on running sample transactions
"read_seconds":7, // time to perform a single read
"immediate_priority_transaction_start_seconds":0.0, // time to start a sample transaction at system immediate priority
"batch_priority_transaction_start_seconds":0.0, // time to start a sample transaction at batch priority
"transaction_start_seconds":0.0, // time to start a sample transaction at normal priority
"commit_seconds":0.02 // time to commit a sample transaction
"count" : 1,
"protocol_version" : "fdb00a400050001",
"source_version" : "9430e1127b4991cbc5ab2b17f41cfffa5de07e9d"
"name":{ // when not limiting
"name":{ // when not limiting
"description":"Cluster file contents do not match current cluster connection string. Verify cluster file is writable and has not been overwritten externally."
"name":{ // when not limiting
"description":"Recovery complete."
"bytes":{ // of operations (independent of hz). Perfectly spaced operations will have a roughness of 1.0 . Randomly spaced (Poisson-distributed) operations will have a roughness of 2.0, with increased bunching resulting in increased values. Higher roughness can result in increased latency due to increased queuing.
"resolvers":1, // this field will be absent if a value has not been explicitly set
"logs":2, // this field will be absent if a value has not been explicitly set
"proxies":5 // this field will be absent if a value has not been explicitly set
"name":{ // when not limiting
"total_kv_size_bytes":0, // estimated
"name":{ // when not limiting
"free_bytes":0, // an estimate of how many bytes are free to allocate to fdbservers without swapping
"total_bytes":0 // an estimate of total physical RAM
"locality":{ // This will contain any locality fields that are provided on the command line
"logical_core_utilization":0.4 // computed as cpu_seconds / elapsed_seconds; value may be capped at 0.5 due to hyper-threading
"name":{ // when not limiting
"description":"The cluster file is not up to date."

View File

@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
"client": {
"cluster_file": {
"path": "/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster",
"up_to_date": true
"coordinators": {
"coordinators": [
"address": "",
"reachable": true
"quorum_reachable": true
"database_status": {
"available": true,
"healthy": true
"messages": [
"name": <name_string>,
"description": <description_string>
"timestamp": 1415650089
"cluster": {
"clients": {
"count": 1,
"supported_versions": [
"client_version": "4.2.0",
"connected_clients": [
"address": "",
"log_group": "default"
"count": 1,
"protocol_version": "fdb00a400050001",
"source_version": "a21e22025bafd7da5e642182683d450e7b68ca26"
"cluster_controller_timestamp": 1415650089,
"configuration": {
"coordinators_count": 1,
"excluded_servers": [
{"address": ""}
"logs": 2, // this field will be absent if a value has not been explicitly set
"policy": "zoneid^3 x 1",
"proxies": 5, // this field will be absent if a value has not been explicitly set
"redundancy": {
"factor": < "single"
| "double"
| "triple"
| "custom"
| "two_datacenter"
| "three_datacenter"
| "three_data_hall"
"resolvers": 1, // this field will be absent if a value has not been explicitly set
"storage_engine": < "ssd"
| "memory"
| "custom"
"data": {
"average_partition_size_bytes": 0,
"least_operating_space_bytes_log_server": 0,
"least_operating_space_bytes_storage_server": 0,
"moving_data": {
"in_flight_bytes": 0,
"in_queue_bytes": 0
"partitions_count": 2,
"state": {
"name": < "initializing"
| "missing_data"
| "healing"
| "optimizing_team_collections"
| "healthy_repartitioning"
| "healthy_removing_server"
| "healthy_rebalancing"
| "healthy"
"description": <string>,
"healthy": true,
"min_replicas_remaining": 0
"total_disk_used_bytes": 0,
"total_kv_size_bytes": 0 // estimated
"database_available": true,
"database_locked": false,
"fault_tolerance": {
"max_machine_failures_without_losing_availability": 0,
"max_machine_failures_without_losing_data": 0
"latency_probe": { // all measurements are based on running sample transactions
"commit_seconds": 0.0, // time to commit a sample transaction
"read_seconds": 0.0, // time to perform a single read
"transaction_start_seconds": 0.0, // time to start a sample transaction at normal priority
"immediate_priority_transaction_start_seconds":0.0, // time to start a sample transaction at system immediate priority
"batch_priority_transaction_start_seconds":0.0 // time to start a sample transaction at batch priority
"machines": {
<id_string>: {
"address": "",
"cpu": {
"logical_core_utilization": 0.0 // computed as cpu_seconds / elapsed_seconds; value may be capped at 0.5 due to hyper-threading
"datacenter_id": <id_string>,
"excluded": false,
"locality": {
"machineid": <id_string>,
"dcid": <id_string>
"machine_id": <id_string>,
"memory": {
"committed_bytes": 0,
"free_bytes": 0, // an estimate of how many bytes are free to allocate to fdbservers without swapping
"total_bytes": 0 // an estimate of total physical RAM
"network": {
"megabits_received": {"hz": 0.0},
"megabits_sent": {"hz": 0.0},
"tcp_segments_retransmitted": {"hz": 0.0}
"messages": [
"name": <name_string>,
"description": <description_string>,
"issues": [
"name": < "incorrect_cluster_file_contents"
| ...
"description": "Cluster file contents do not match current cluster connection string. Verify the cluster file and its parent directory are writable and that the cluster file has not been overwritten externally."
"reasons": [
{"description": <string>}
"unreachable_processes": [
{"address": ""}
"processes": {
<id_string>: {
"address": "",
"uptime_seconds": 1234.2345,
"command_line": <string>,
"cpu": {
"usage_cores": 0.0 // average number of logical cores utilized by the process over the recent past; value may be > 1.0
"disk": {
"busy": 0.0 // from 0.0 (idle) to 1.0 (fully busy)
"excluded": false,
"machine_id": <id_string>,
"fault_domain": <id_string>,
"locality": { // This will contain any locality fields that are provided on the command line
"machineid": <id_string>,
"dcid": <id_string>
"memory": {
"available_bytes": 0, //an estimate of the process' fair share of the memory available to fdbservers
"limit_bytes": 0, // memory limit per process
"unused_allocated_bytes": 0,
"used_bytes": 0
"messages": [
"name": <name_string>,
"description": <description_string>,
"raw_log_message": <string>,
"time": 0.0,
"type": <string>
"network": {
"connections_established": {"hz": 0.0},
"connections_closed": {"hz": 0.0},
"connection_errors": {"hz": 0.0},
"megabits_received": {"hz": 0.0},
"megabits_sent": {"hz": 0.0}
"roles": [
"id": <id_string>,
"role": < "master"
| "proxy"
| "log"
| "storage"
| "resolver"
| "cluster_controller"
"version": "3.0.0" // a process version will not be reported if it is not protocol-compatible; it will be absent from status
"qos": {
"limiting_queue_bytes_storage_server": 0,
"limiting_version_lag_storage_server": 0,
"performance_limited_by": {
"name": <name_string>, // "workload" when not limiting
"description": <description_string>,
"reason_id": 0,
"reason_server_id": <id_string>
"released_transactions_per_second": 0.0,
"transactions_per_second_limit": 0.0,
"worst_queue_bytes_log_server": 460,
"worst_queue_bytes_storage_server": 0,
"worst_version_lag_storage_server": 0
"recovery_state": {
"name": <name_string>, / "fully_recovered" is the healthy state; other states are normal to transition through but not to persist in
"description": <description_string>,
"required_logs": 3,
"required_proxies": 1,
"required_resolvers": 1
"workload": {
"bytes": { // A given counter can be reset. Roughness is a measure of the "bunching" of operations (independent of hz). Perfectly spaced operations will have a roughness of 1.0 . Randomly spaced (Poisson-distributed) operations will have a roughness of 2.0, with increased bunching resulting in increased values. Higher roughness can result in increased latency due to increased queuing.
"written": {"counter": 0, "hz": 0.0, "roughness": 0.0}
"operations": {
"reads": {"hz": 0.0},
"writes": {"counter": 0, "hz": 0.0, "roughness": 0.0}
"transactions": {
"committed": {"counter": 0, "hz": 0.0, "roughness": 0.0},
"conflicted": {"counter": 0, "hz": 0.0, "roughness": 0.0},
"started": {"counter": 0, "hz": 0.0, "roughness": 0.0}
"layers": {