Renamed members of UnitTestParameters to look cleaner. Added getDouble(). Updated more Redwood unit test parameters to be initialized from params.

This commit is contained in:
Steve Atherton 2021-04-07 18:14:44 -07:00
parent b4e42476b7
commit 434f41a093
6 changed files with 105 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -7029,7 +7029,7 @@ TEST_CASE("/redwood/correctness/unit/RedwoodRecordRef") {
bytes += deltaTest(a, b);
double elapsed = timer() - start;
printf("DeltaTest() on random large records %g M/s %g MB/s\n", count / elapsed / 1e6, bytes / elapsed / 1e6);
printf("DeltaTest() on random large records %f M/s %f MB/s\n", count / elapsed / 1e6, bytes / elapsed / 1e6);
@ -7041,7 +7041,7 @@ TEST_CASE("/redwood/correctness/unit/RedwoodRecordRef") {
RedwoodRecordRef b = randomRedwoodRecordRef(keyBuffer, valueBuffer);
bytes += deltaTest(a, b);
printf("DeltaTest() on random small records %g M/s %g MB/s\n", count / elapsed / 1e6, bytes / elapsed / 1e6);
printf("DeltaTest() on random small records %f M/s %f MB/s\n", count / elapsed / 1e6, bytes / elapsed / 1e6);
RedwoodRecordRef rec1;
RedwoodRecordRef rec2;
@ -7058,7 +7058,7 @@ TEST_CASE("/redwood/correctness/unit/RedwoodRecordRef") {
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
total += rec1.getCommonPrefixLen(rec2, 50);
printf("%" PRId64 " getCommonPrefixLen(skip=50) %g M/s\n", total, count / (timer() - start) / 1e6);
printf("%" PRId64 " getCommonPrefixLen(skip=50) %f M/s\n", total, count / (timer() - start) / 1e6);
start = timer();
total = 0;
@ -7066,7 +7066,7 @@ TEST_CASE("/redwood/correctness/unit/RedwoodRecordRef") {
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
total += rec1.getCommonPrefixLen(rec2, 0);
printf("%" PRId64 " getCommonPrefixLen(skip=0) %g M/s\n", total, count / (timer() - start) / 1e6);
printf("%" PRId64 " getCommonPrefixLen(skip=0) %f M/s\n", total, count / (timer() - start) / 1e6);
char buf[1000];
RedwoodRecordRef::Delta& d = *(RedwoodRecordRef::Delta*)buf;
@ -7079,7 +7079,7 @@ TEST_CASE("/redwood/correctness/unit/RedwoodRecordRef") {
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
total += rec1.writeDelta(d, rec2, commonPrefix);
printf("%" PRId64 " writeDelta(commonPrefix=%d) %g M/s\n", total, commonPrefix, count / (timer() - start) / 1e6);
printf("%" PRId64 " writeDelta(commonPrefix=%d) %f M/s\n", total, commonPrefix, count / (timer() - start) / 1e6);
start = timer();
total = 0;
@ -7087,7 +7087,7 @@ TEST_CASE("/redwood/correctness/unit/RedwoodRecordRef") {
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
total += rec1.writeDelta(d, rec2);
printf("%" PRId64 " writeDelta() %g M/s\n", total, count / (timer() - start) / 1e6);
printf("%" PRId64 " writeDelta() %f M/s\n", total, count / (timer() - start) / 1e6);
return Void();
@ -7647,30 +7647,43 @@ TEST_CASE("/redwood/correctness/btree") {
g_redwoodMetricsActor = Void(); // Prevent trace event metrics from starting
state std::string pagerFile = "unittest_pageFile.redwood";
state std::string fileName = params.get("fileName").orDefault("unittest_pageFile.redwood");
IPager2* pager;
state bool serialTest = deterministicRandom()->coinflip();
state bool shortTest = deterministicRandom()->coinflip();
state bool serialTest = params.getInt("serialTest").orDefault(deterministicRandom()->coinflip());
state bool shortTest = params.getInt("shortTest").orDefault(deterministicRandom()->coinflip());
state int pageSize =
shortTest ? 200 : (deterministicRandom()->coinflip() ? 4096 : deterministicRandom()->randomInt(200, 400));
state int64_t targetPageOps = shortTest ? 50000 : 1000000;
state bool pagerMemoryOnly = shortTest && (deterministicRandom()->random01() < .001);
state int maxKeySize = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(1, pageSize * 2);
state int maxValueSize = randomSize(pageSize * 25);
state int maxCommitSize = shortTest ? 1000 : randomSize(std::min<int>((maxKeySize + maxValueSize) * 20000, 10e6));
state double clearProbability = deterministicRandom()->random01() * .1;
state double clearSingleKeyProbability = deterministicRandom()->random01();
state double clearPostSetProbability = deterministicRandom()->random01() * .1;
state double coldStartProbability = pagerMemoryOnly ? 0 : (deterministicRandom()->random01() * 0.3);
state double advanceOldVersionProbability = deterministicRandom()->random01();
state int64_t targetPageOps = params.getInt("targetPageOps").orDefault(shortTest ? 50000 : 1000000);
state bool pagerMemoryOnly =
params.getInt("pagerMemoryOnly").orDefault(shortTest && (deterministicRandom()->random01() < .001));
state int maxKeySize = params.getInt("maxKeySize").orDefault(deterministicRandom()->randomInt(1, pageSize * 2));
state int maxValueSize = params.getInt("maxValueSize").orDefault(randomSize(pageSize * 25));
state int maxCommitSize =
.orDefault(shortTest ? 1000 : randomSize(std::min<int>((maxKeySize + maxValueSize) * 20000, 10e6)));
state double clearProbability =
params.getDouble("clearProbability").orDefault(deterministicRandom()->random01() * .1);
state double clearSingleKeyProbability =
state double clearPostSetProbability =
params.getDouble("clearPostSetProbability").orDefault(deterministicRandom()->random01() * .1);
state double coldStartProbability = params.getDouble("coldStartProbability")
.orDefault(pagerMemoryOnly ? 0 : (deterministicRandom()->random01() * 0.3));
state double advanceOldVersionProbability =
state int64_t cacheSizeBytes =
pagerMemoryOnly ? 2e9 : (pageSize * deterministicRandom()->randomInt(1, (BUGGIFY ? 2 : 10000) + 1));
state Version versionIncrement = deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(1, 1e8);
state Version remapCleanupWindow = BUGGIFY ? 0 : deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(1, versionIncrement * 50);
state int maxVerificationMapEntries = 300e3;
.orDefault(pagerMemoryOnly ? 2e9
: (pageSize * deterministicRandom()->randomInt(1, (BUGGIFY ? 2 : 10000) + 1)));
state Version versionIncrement =
params.getInt("versionIncrement").orDefault(deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(1, 1e8));
state Version remapCleanupWindow =
.orDefault(BUGGIFY ? 0 : deterministicRandom()->randomInt64(1, versionIncrement * 50));
state int maxVerificationMapEntries = params.getInt("maxVerificationMapEntries").orDefault(300e3);
printf("targetPageOps: %" PRId64 "\n", targetPageOps);
@ -7693,11 +7706,11 @@ TEST_CASE("/redwood/correctness/btree") {
printf("Deleting existing test data...\n");
pager = new DWALPager(pageSize, pagerFile, cacheSizeBytes, remapCleanupWindow, pagerMemoryOnly);
state VersionedBTree* btree = new VersionedBTree(pager, pagerFile);
pager = new DWALPager(pageSize, fileName, cacheSizeBytes, remapCleanupWindow, pagerMemoryOnly);
state VersionedBTree* btree = new VersionedBTree(pager, fileName);
state std::map<std::pair<std::string, Version>, Optional<std::string>> written;
@ -7900,8 +7913,8 @@ TEST_CASE("/redwood/correctness/btree") {
printf("Reopening btree from disk.\n");
IPager2* pager = new DWALPager(pageSize, pagerFile, cacheSizeBytes, remapCleanupWindow);
btree = new VersionedBTree(pager, pagerFile);
IPager2* pager = new DWALPager(pageSize, fileName, cacheSizeBytes, remapCleanupWindow);
btree = new VersionedBTree(pager, fileName);
Version v = btree->getLatestVersion();
@ -7937,7 +7950,7 @@ TEST_CASE("/redwood/correctness/btree") {
state Future<Void> closedFuture = btree->onClosed();
btree = new VersionedBTree(new DWALPager(pageSize, pagerFile, cacheSizeBytes, 0), pagerFile);
btree = new VersionedBTree(new DWALPager(pageSize, fileName, cacheSizeBytes, 0), fileName);
@ -8045,22 +8058,22 @@ TEST_CASE(":/redwood/performance/set") {
state int pageSize = params.getIntParam("pageSize").orDefault(SERVER_KNOBS->REDWOOD_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE);
state int64_t pageCacheBytes = params.getIntParam("pageCacheBytes").orDefault(FLOW_KNOBS->PAGE_CACHE_4K);
state int nodeCount = params.getIntParam("nodeCount").orDefault(1e9);
state int maxRecordsPerCommit = params.getIntParam("maxRecordsPerCommit").orDefault(20000);
state int maxKVBytesPerCommit = params.getIntParam("maxKVBytesPerCommit").orDefault(20e6);
state int64_t kvBytesTarget = params.getIntParam("kvBytesTarget").orDefault(4e9);
state int minKeyPrefixBytes = params.getIntParam("minKeyPrefixBytes").orDefault(25);
state int maxKeyPrefixBytes = params.getIntParam("maxKeyPrefixBytes").orDefault(25);
state int minValueSize = params.getIntParam("minValueSize").orDefault(100);
state int maxValueSize = params.getIntParam("maxValueSize").orDefault(500);
state int minConsecutiveRun = params.getIntParam("minConsecutiveRun").orDefault(1);
state int maxConsecutiveRun = params.getIntParam("maxConsecutiveRun").orDefault(100);
state char firstKeyChar = params.getParam("firstKeyChar").orDefault("a")[0];
state char lastKeyChar = params.getParam("lastKeyChar").orDefault("m")[0];
state int pageSize = params.getInt("pageSize").orDefault(SERVER_KNOBS->REDWOOD_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE);
state int64_t pageCacheBytes = params.getInt("pageCacheBytes").orDefault(FLOW_KNOBS->PAGE_CACHE_4K);
state int nodeCount = params.getInt("nodeCount").orDefault(1e9);
state int maxRecordsPerCommit = params.getInt("maxRecordsPerCommit").orDefault(20000);
state int maxKVBytesPerCommit = params.getInt("maxKVBytesPerCommit").orDefault(20e6);
state int64_t kvBytesTarget = params.getInt("kvBytesTarget").orDefault(4e9);
state int minKeyPrefixBytes = params.getInt("minKeyPrefixBytes").orDefault(25);
state int maxKeyPrefixBytes = params.getInt("maxKeyPrefixBytes").orDefault(25);
state int minValueSize = params.getInt("minValueSize").orDefault(100);
state int maxValueSize = params.getInt("maxValueSize").orDefault(500);
state int minConsecutiveRun = params.getInt("minConsecutiveRun").orDefault(1);
state int maxConsecutiveRun = params.getInt("maxConsecutiveRun").orDefault(100);
state char firstKeyChar = params.get("firstKeyChar").orDefault("a")[0];
state char lastKeyChar = params.get("lastKeyChar").orDefault("m")[0];
state Version remapCleanupWindow =
printf("pageSize: %d\n", pageSize);
printf("pageCacheBytes: %" PRId64 "\n", pageCacheBytes);
@ -8543,10 +8556,10 @@ ACTOR Future<Void> doPrefixInsertComparison(int suffixSize,
TEST_CASE(":/redwood/performance/prefixSizeComparison") {
state int suffixSize = 12;
state int valueSize = 100;
state int recordCountTarget = 100e6;
state int usePrefixesInOrder = false;
state int suffixSize = params.getInt("suffixSize").orDefault(12);
state int valueSize = params.getInt("valueSize").orDefault(100);
state int recordCountTarget = params.getInt("recordCountTarget").orDefault(100e6);
state bool usePrefixesInOrder = params.getInt("usePrefixesInOrder").orDefault(0);
suffixSize, valueSize, recordCountTarget, usePrefixesInOrder, KVSource({ { 10, 100000 } })));
@ -8564,9 +8577,9 @@ TEST_CASE(":/redwood/performance/prefixSizeComparison") {
TEST_CASE(":/redwood/performance/sequentialInsert") {
state int prefixLen = 30;
state int valueSize = 100;
state int recordCountTarget = 100e6;
state int prefixLen = params.getInt("prefixLen").orDefault(30);
state int valueSize = params.getInt("valueSize").orDefault(100);
state int recordCountTarget = params.getInt("recordCountTarget").orDefault(100e6);

View File

@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@ private:
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to parse knob option '%s'\n", syn.c_str());
testParams.setParam(syn.substr(7), args.OptionArg());
testParams.set(syn.substr(7), args.OptionArg());

View File

@ -570,15 +570,15 @@ struct P2PNetworkTest {
// The client will close the connection after a random idleMilliseconds.
// Reads and writes can optionally preceded by random delays, waitReadMilliseconds and waitWriteMilliseconds.
TEST_CASE(":/network/p2ptest") {
state P2PNetworkTest p2p(params.getParam("listenerAddresses").orDefault(""),
state P2PNetworkTest p2p(params.get("listenerAddresses").orDefault(""),
return Void();

View File

@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ struct UnitTestWorkload : TestWorkload {
testRunLimit = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("maxTestCases"), -1);
// Consume all remaining options as testParams which the unit test can access
for(auto &kv : options) {
if(kv.value.size() != 0) {
testParams.setParam(kv.key.toString(), getOption(options, kv.key, StringRef()).toString());
for (auto& kv : options) {
if (kv.value.size() != 0) {
testParams.set(kv.key.toString(), getOption(options, kv.key, StringRef()).toString());

View File

@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ UnitTest::UnitTest(const char* name, const char* file, int line, TestFunction fu
g_unittests.tests = this;
void UnitTestParameters::setParam(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) {
void UnitTestParameters::set(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) {
printf("setting %s = %s\n", name.c_str(), value.c_str());
params[name] = value;
Optional<std::string> UnitTestParameters::getParam(const std::string& name) const {
Optional<std::string> UnitTestParameters::get(const std::string& name) const {
auto it = params.find(name);
if (it != params.end()) {
return it->second;
@ -40,14 +40,26 @@ Optional<std::string> UnitTestParameters::getParam(const std::string& name) cons
return {};
void UnitTestParameters::setParam(const std::string& name, int64_t value) {
setParam(name, format("%" PRId64, value));
void UnitTestParameters::set(const std::string& name, int64_t value) {
set(name, format("%" PRId64, value));
Optional<int64_t> UnitTestParameters::getIntParam(const std::string& name) const {
auto opt = getParam(name);
void UnitTestParameters::set(const std::string& name, double value) {
set(name, format("%g", value));
Optional<int64_t> UnitTestParameters::getInt(const std::string& name) const {
auto opt = get(name);
if (opt.present()) {
return atoll(opt.get().c_str());
return {};
Optional<double> UnitTestParameters::getDouble(const std::string& name) const {
auto opt = get(name);
if (opt.present()) {
return atof(opt.get().c_str());
return {};

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@ -52,16 +52,22 @@ struct UnitTestParameters {
std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
// Set a named parameter to a string value, replacing any existing value
void setParam(const std::string& name, const std::string& value);
void set(const std::string& name, const std::string& value);
// Set a named parameter to an integer converted to a string value, replacing any existing value
void setParam(const std::string& name, int64_t value);
void set(const std::string& name, int64_t value);
// Set a named parameter to a double converted to a string value, replacing any existing value
void set(const std::string& name, double value);
// Get a parameter's value, will return !present() if parameter was not set
Optional<std::string> getParam(const std::string& name) const;
Optional<std::string> get(const std::string& name) const;
// Get a parameter's value as an integer, will return !present() if parameter was not set
Optional<int64_t> getIntParam(const std::string& name) const;
Optional<int64_t> getInt(const std::string& name) const;
// Get a parameter's value parsed as a double, will return !present() if parameter was not set
Optional<double> getDouble(const std::string& name) const;
// Unit test definition structured as a linked list item