Code cleanup.
Removed commented out code and added some comments for clarification.
This commit is contained in:
@ -474,9 +474,10 @@ public:
typedef Reference< PTreeT > Tree;
Version oldestVersion, latestVersion;
//std::map<Version, Tree> roots;
// This deque keeps track of PTree root nodes at various versions. Since the versions increase monotonically, the deque is
// implicitly sorted and hence binary-searchable.
std::deque<std::pair<Version, Tree>> roots;
//Tree *latestRoot;
struct compare {
bool operator()(const std::pair<Version, Tree>& value, const Version& key)
@ -489,9 +490,7 @@ public:
// TODO: NEELAM: why is it implemented like this? Why not roots[v]?
Tree const& getRoot( Version v ) const {
//auto r = roots.upper_bound(v);
auto r = upper_bound(roots.begin(), roots.end(), v, compare());
return r->second;
@ -502,43 +501,38 @@ public:
struct iterator;
VersionedMap() : oldestVersion(0), latestVersion(0) {
//latestRoot = &roots[0];
roots.emplace_back(0, Tree());
//latestRoot = &(roots.emplace_back(0, Tree()).second);
VersionedMap( VersionedMap&& v ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : oldestVersion(v.oldestVersion), latestVersion(v.latestVersion), roots(std::move(v.roots)) {
//latestRoot = &roots[latestVersion];
//latestRoot = &(roots.back()->second);
void operator = (VersionedMap && v) BOOST_NOEXCEPT {
oldestVersion = v.oldestVersion;
latestVersion = v.latestVersion;
roots = std::move(v.roots);
//latestRoot = &roots[latestVersion];
//latestRoot = &(roots.back()->second);
Version getLatestVersion() const { return latestVersion; }
Version getOldestVersion() const { return oldestVersion; }
//Version getNextOldestVersion() const { return roots.upper_bound(oldestVersion)->first; }
//front element should be the oldest version in the deque, hence the net oldest should be at index 1
//front element should be the oldest version in the deque, hence the next oldest should be at index 1
Version getNextOldestVersion() const { return roots[1]->first; }
void forgetVersionsBefore(Version newOldestVersion) {
ASSERT( newOldestVersion <= latestVersion );
// since the specified newOldestVersion might not exist, we copy the root from next lower version to newOldestVersion position
//roots[newOldestVersion] = getRoot(newOldestVersion);
//roots.erase(roots.begin(), roots.lower_bound(newOldestVersion));
auto r = upper_bound(roots.begin(), roots.end(), newOldestVersion, compare());
roots.insert(upper_bound(roots.begin(), roots.end(), newOldestVersion, compare()), *r);
//auto r = upper_bound(roots.begin(), roots.end(), newOldestVersion, compare());
//roots.insert(upper_bound(roots.begin(), roots.end(), newOldestVersion, compare()), *r);
// if the specified newOldestVersion does not exist, copy the root from next lower version to newOldestVersion position
if (!binary_search(roots.begin(), roots.end(), newOldestVersion, compare())) {
roots.emplace(upper_bound(roots.begin(), roots.end(), newOldestVersion, compare()), newOldestVersion, getRoot(newOldestVersion));
roots.erase(roots.begin(), lower_bound(roots.begin(), roots.end(), newOldestVersion, compare()));
oldestVersion = newOldestVersion;
Future<Void> forgetVersionsBeforeAsync( Version newOldestVersion, TaskPriority taskID = TaskPriority::DefaultYield ) {
ASSERT( newOldestVersion <= latestVersion );
//roots[newOldestVersion] = getRoot(newOldestVersion);
// if the specified newOldestVersion does not exist, copy the root from next lower version to newOldestVersion position
if (!binary_search(roots.begin(), roots.end(), newOldestVersion, compare())) {
//auto r = upper_bound(roots.begin(), roots.end(), newOldestVersion, compare());
@ -548,7 +542,6 @@ public:
vector<Tree> toFree;
//auto newBegin = roots.lower_bound(newOldestVersion);
auto newBegin = lower_bound(roots.begin(), roots.end(), newOldestVersion, compare());
Tree *lastRoot = nullptr;
for(auto root = roots.begin(); root != newBegin; ++root) {
@ -573,10 +566,7 @@ public:
if (version > latestVersion) {
latestVersion = version;
Tree r = getRoot(version);
//latestRoot = &roots[version];
roots.emplace_back(version, r);
//latestRoot = &(roots.emplace_back(version, Tree()).second);
//*latestRoot = r;
} else ASSERT( version == latestVersion );
@ -585,18 +575,14 @@ public:
insert( k, t, latestVersion );
void insert(const K& k, const T& t, Version insertAt) {
//if (PTreeImpl::contains( *latestRoot, latestVersion, k )) PTreeImpl::remove( *latestRoot, latestVersion, k ); // FIXME: Make PTreeImpl::insert do this automatically (see also WriteMap.h FIXME)
//PTreeImpl::insert( *latestRoot, latestVersion, MapPair<K,std::pair<T,Version>>(k,std::make_pair(t,insertAt)) );
if (PTreeImpl::contains(roots.back().second, latestVersion, k )) PTreeImpl::remove( roots.back().second, latestVersion, k ); // FIXME: Make PTreeImpl::insert do this automatically (see also WriteMap.h FIXME)
PTreeImpl::insert( roots.back().second, latestVersion, MapPair<K,std::pair<T,Version>>(k,std::make_pair(t,insertAt)) );
void erase(const K& begin, const K& end) {
//PTreeImpl::remove( *latestRoot, latestVersion, begin, end );
PTreeImpl::remove( roots.back().second, latestVersion, begin, end );
void erase(const K& key ) { // key must be present
PTreeImpl::remove( roots.back().second, latestVersion, key );
//PTreeImpl::remove( *latestRoot, latestVersion, key );
void erase(iterator const& item) { // iterator must be in latest version!
// SOMEDAY: Optimize to use item.finger and avoid repeated search
@ -692,7 +678,6 @@ public:
ViewAtVersion at( Version v ) const { return ViewAtVersion(getRoot(v), v); }
ViewAtVersion atLatest() const { return ViewAtVersion(roots.back().second, latestVersion); }
//ViewAtVersion atLatest() const { return ViewAtVersion(*latestRoot, latestVersion); }
// TODO: getHistory?
Reference in New Issue