CommitSubtree() will now return an empty page set even for the tree root because commit_impl() handles this correctly. Improved commitSubtree() debug output related to which mutations are relevant to a subtree. Added random setting of range clear boundaries after clear() in Redwood correctness to make sure mutation buffer logic handles this correctly. B+Tree's dbEnd mutation is represented as a clear to prevent unnecessary rightmost subtree traversal during commit.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Atherton 2019-10-28 04:00:37 -07:00
parent 2ee1782c19
commit 0d993522d3
2 changed files with 51 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -209,6 +209,9 @@ public:
virtual StorageBytes getStorageBytes() = 0;
// Count of pages in use by the pager client
virtual int64_t getUserPageCount() = 0;
// Future returned is ready when pager has been initialized from disk and is ready for reads and writes.
// It is invalid to call most other functions until init() is ready.
// TODO: Document further.

View File

@ -1310,7 +1310,7 @@ public:
// Get the number of pages in use but not by the pager itself.
int64_t getUserPageCount() {
int64_t getUserPageCount() override {
int userPages = pHeader->pageCount - 2 - freeList.numPages - freeList.numEntries - delayedFreeList.numPages - delayedFreeList.numEntries;
debug_printf("COWPager(%s) userPages=%" PRId64 " totalPageCount=%" PRId64 " freeQueuePages=%" PRId64 " freeQueueCount=%" PRId64 " delayedFreeQueuePages=%" PRId64 " delayedFreeQueueCount=%" PRId64 "\n", filename.c_str(), userPages, pHeader->pageCount, freeList.numPages, freeList.numEntries, delayedFreeList.numPages, delayedFreeList.numEntries);
return userPages;
@ -2716,10 +2716,13 @@ public:
// When starting a new mutation buffer its start version must be greater than the last write version
ASSERT(v > m_writeVersion);
m_pBuffer = &m_mutationBuffers[v];
// Create range representing the entire keyspace. This reduces edge cases to applying mutations
// because now all existing keys are within some range in the mutation map.
(*m_pBuffer)[dbBegin.key] = RangeMutation();
// Setting the dbEnd key to be cleared prevents having to treat a range clear to dbEnd as a special
// case in order to avoid traversing down the rightmost edge of the tree.
(*m_pBuffer)[dbEnd.key].startKeyMutations[0] = SingleKeyMutation();
else {
// It's OK to set the write version to the same version repeatedly so long as m_pBuffer is not null
@ -2750,14 +2753,19 @@ public:
self->setWriteVersion(self->getLatestVersion() + 1);
// The lazy delete queue should now be empty and contain only the new page to start writing to
// on the next commit.
LazyDeleteQueueT::QueueState s = self->m_lazyDeleteQueue.getState();
ASSERT(s.numEntries == 0);
ASSERT(s.numPages == 1);
debug_printf("rootPageCount %d\n", self->m_header.root.count);
// The btree should now be a single non-oversized root page.
ASSERT(self->m_header.height == 1);
// All that should be in use now is the root page and the lazy delete queue empty page.
ASSERT(((COWPager *)self->m_pager)->getUserPageCount() == self->m_header.root.count + 1);
ASSERT(self->m_header.root.count == 1);
// From the pager's perspective the only pages that should be in use are the btree root and
// the previously mentioned lazy delete queue page.
ASSERT(self->m_pager->getUserPageCount() == 2);
return Void();
@ -3033,22 +3041,6 @@ private:
LazyDeleteQueueT m_lazyDeleteQueue;
int m_maxPartSize;
void printMutationBuffer(MutationBufferT::const_iterator begin, MutationBufferT::const_iterator end) const {
while(begin != end) {
debug_printf("'%s': %s\n", printable(begin->first).c_str(), begin->second.toString().c_str());
void printMutationBuffer(MutationBufferT *buf) const {
return printMutationBuffer(buf->begin(), buf->end());
// Find or create a mutation buffer boundary for bound and return an iterator to it
MutationBufferT::iterator insertMutationBoundary(Key boundary) {
ASSERT(m_pBuffer != nullptr);
@ -3413,7 +3405,16 @@ private:
state MutationBufferT::const_iterator iMutationBoundaryEnd = mutationBuffer->lower_bound(upperBound->key);
self->printMutationBuffer(iMutationBoundary, iMutationBoundaryEnd);
debug_printf("%s ---------MUTATION BUFFER SLICE ---------------------\n", context.c_str());
auto begin = iMutationBoundary;
while(1) {
debug_printf("%s Mutation: '%s': %s\n", context.c_str(), printable(begin->first).c_str(), begin->second.toString().c_str());
if(begin == iMutationBoundaryEnd) {
debug_printf("%s -------------------------------------\n", context.c_str());
// If the boundary range iterators are the same then upperbound and lowerbound have the same key.
@ -3437,6 +3438,8 @@ private:
return results;
// If one mutation range covers the entire subtree, then check if the entire subtree is modified,
// unmodified, or possibly/partially modified.
MutationBufferT::const_iterator iMutationBoundaryNext = iMutationBoundary;
// If one mutation range covers the entire page
@ -3479,20 +3482,13 @@ private:
state Version writeVersion;
state bool isRoot = (rootID == self->m_header.root.get());
// Leaf Page
if(page->flags & BTreePage::IS_LEAF) {
state Standalone<VectorRef<RedwoodRecordRef>> merged;
debug_printf("%s MERGING EXISTING DATA WITH MUTATIONS:\n", context.c_str());
self->printMutationBuffer(iMutationBoundary, iMutationBoundaryEnd);
// It's a given that the mutation map is not empty so it's safe to do this
Key mutationRangeStart = iMutationBoundary->first;
debug_printf("%s Leaf page, merging changes.\n", context.c_str());
// If replacement pages are written they will be at the minimum version seen in the mutations for this leaf
Version minVersion = invalidVersion;
@ -3635,7 +3631,7 @@ private:
writeVersion = self->singleVersion ? self->getLastCommittedVersion() + 1 : minVersion;
// If everything in the page was deleted then this page should be deleted as of the new version
// Note that if a single range clear covered the entire page then we should not get this far
if(merged.empty() && !isRoot) {
if(merged.empty()) {
debug_printf("%s All leaf page contents were cleared, returning %s\n", context.c_str(), toString(results).c_str());
self->freeBtreePage(rootID, writeVersion);
return results;
@ -3812,10 +3808,6 @@ private:
state Version latestVersion = self->m_pager->getLatestVersion();
debug_printf("%s: pager latestVersion %" PRId64 "\n", self->m_name.c_str(), latestVersion);
state Standalone<BTreePageID> rootPageID = self->m_header.root.get();
state RedwoodRecordRef lowerBound = dbBegin.withPageID(rootPageID);
Standalone<VersionedChildrenT> versionedRoots = wait(commitSubtree(self, mutations, self->m_pager->getReadSnapshot(latestVersion), rootPageID, self->m_header.height == 1, &lowerBound, &dbEnd, &lowerBound, &dbEnd));
@ -4368,12 +4360,12 @@ private:
return Void();
debug_printf("readFullKVPair: Split, first record %s\n", rec.toString().c_str());
// Split value, need to coalesce split value parts into a buffer in arena,
// after which cur1 will point to the first part and kv.key will reference its key
ASSERT(rec.chunk.start + rec.value.get().size() ==;
debug_printf("readFullKVPair: Split, totalsize %d %s\n",, self->toString().c_str());
// Allocate space for the entire value in the same arena as the key
state int bytesLeft =;
state StringRef dst = makeString(bytesLeft, self->m_arena);
@ -5401,6 +5393,7 @@ TEST_CASE("!/redwood/correctness/btree") {
state int maxCommitSize = shortTest ? 1000 : randomSize(std::min<int>((maxKeySize + maxValueSize) * 20000, 10e6));
state int mutationBytesTarget = shortTest ? 5000 : randomSize(std::min<int>(maxCommitSize * 100, 100e6));
state double clearProbability = deterministicRandom()->random01() * .1;
state double clearPostSetProbability = deterministicRandom()->random01() * .1;
state double coldStartProbability = deterministicRandom()->random01();
state double advanceOldVersionProbability = deterministicRandom()->random01();
state double maxWallClockDuration = 60;
@ -5415,6 +5408,7 @@ TEST_CASE("!/redwood/correctness/btree") {
printf("maxCommitSize: %d\n", maxCommitSize);
printf("mutationBytesTarget: %d\n", mutationBytesTarget);
printf("clearProbability: %f\n", clearProbability);
printf("clearPostSetProbability: %f\n", clearPostSetProbability);
printf("coldStartProbability: %f\n", coldStartProbability);
printf("advanceOldVersionProbability: %f\n", advanceOldVersionProbability);
@ -5518,6 +5512,22 @@ TEST_CASE("!/redwood/correctness/btree") {
// Sometimes set the range start after the clear
if(deterministicRandom()->random01() < clearPostSetProbability) {
KeyValue kv = randomKV(0, maxValueSize);
kv.key = range.begin;
written[std::make_pair(kv.key.toString(), version)] = kv.value.toString();
// Sometimes set the range end after the clear
if(deterministicRandom()->random01() < clearPostSetProbability) {
KeyValue kv = randomKV(0, maxValueSize);
kv.key = range.end;
written[std::make_pair(kv.key.toString(), version)] = kv.value.toString();
else {
// Set a key