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2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h"
#include "flow/Hash3.h"
#include "flow/Stats.h"
#include "flow/UnitTest.h"
#include "fdbclient/NativeAPI.h"
#include "fdbclient/Notified.h"
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
#include "fdbclient/KeyRangeMap.h"
#include "fdbclient/SystemData.h"
#include "WorkerInterface.h"
#include "TLogInterface.h"
#include "Knobs.h"
#include "IKeyValueStore.h"
#include "flow/ActorCollection.h"
#include "fdbrpc/FailureMonitor.h"
#include "IDiskQueue.h"
#include "fdbrpc/sim_validation.h"
#include "ServerDBInfo.h"
#include "LogSystem.h"
#include "WaitFailure.h"
#include "RecoveryState.h"
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
using std::pair;
using std::make_pair;
using std::min;
using std::max;
struct TLogQueueEntryRef {
UID id;
Version version;
Version knownCommittedVersion;
StringRef messages;
TLogQueueEntryRef() : version(0), knownCommittedVersion(0) {}
TLogQueueEntryRef(Arena &a, TLogQueueEntryRef const &from)
: version(from.version), knownCommittedVersion(from.knownCommittedVersion), id(, messages(a, from.messages) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
ar & version & messages & knownCommittedVersion & id;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
size_t expectedSize() const {
return messages.expectedSize();
struct AlternativeTLogQueueEntryRef {
UID id;
Version version;
Version knownCommittedVersion;
std::vector<TagsAndMessage>* alternativeMessages;
AlternativeTLogQueueEntryRef() : version(0), knownCommittedVersion(0), alternativeMessages(NULL) {}
template <class Ar>
void serialize(Ar& ar) {
ASSERT(!ar.isDeserializing && alternativeMessages);
uint32_t msgSize = expectedSize();
ar & version & msgSize;
for(auto& msg : *alternativeMessages) {
ar.serializeBytes( msg.message );
ar & knownCommittedVersion & id;
uint32_t expectedSize() const {
uint32_t msgSize = 0;
for(auto& msg : *alternativeMessages) {
msgSize += msg.message.size();
return msgSize;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
typedef Standalone<TLogQueueEntryRef> TLogQueueEntry;
struct LogData;
struct TLogData;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
struct TLogQueue : public IClosable {
TLogQueue( IDiskQueue* queue, UID dbgid ) : queue(queue), dbgid(dbgid) {}
// Each packet in the queue is
// uint32_t payloadSize
// uint8_t payload[payloadSize] (begins with uint64_t protocolVersion via IncludeVersion)
// uint8_t validFlag
// TLogQueue is a durable queue of TLogQueueEntry objects with an interface similar to IDiskQueue
// TLogQueue pushes (but not commits) are atomic - after commit fails to return, a prefix of entire calls to push are durable. This is
// implemented on top of the weaker guarantee of IDiskQueue::commit (that a prefix of bytes is durable) using validFlag and by
// padding any incomplete packet with zeros after recovery.
// Before calling push, pop, or commit, the user must call readNext() until it throws
// end_of_stream(). It may not be called again thereafter.
Future<TLogQueueEntry> readNext( TLogData* tLog ) {
return readNext( this, tLog );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
template <class T>
void push( T const& qe, Reference<LogData> logData );
void pop( Version upTo, Reference<LogData> logData );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Future<Void> commit() { return queue->commit(); }
// Implements IClosable
virtual Future<Void> getError() { return queue->getError(); }
virtual Future<Void> onClosed() { return queue->onClosed(); }
virtual void dispose() { queue->dispose(); delete this; }
virtual void close() { queue->close(); delete this; }
IDiskQueue* queue;
UID dbgid;
void updateVersionSizes( const TLogQueueEntry& result, TLogData* tLog );
ACTOR static Future<TLogQueueEntry> readNext( TLogQueue* self, TLogData* tLog ) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
state TLogQueueEntry result;
state int zeroFillSize = 0;
loop {
Standalone<StringRef> h = wait( self->queue->readNext( sizeof(uint32_t) ) );
if (h.size() != sizeof(uint32_t)) {
if (h.size()) {
TEST( true ); // Zero fill within size field
int payloadSize = 0;
memcpy(&payloadSize, h.begin(), h.size());
zeroFillSize = sizeof(uint32_t)-h.size(); // zero fill the size itself
zeroFillSize += payloadSize+1; // and then the contents and valid flag
state uint32_t payloadSize = *(uint32_t*)h.begin();
ASSERT( payloadSize < (100<<20) );
Standalone<StringRef> e = wait( self->queue->readNext( payloadSize+1 ) );
if (e.size() != payloadSize+1) {
TEST( true ); // Zero fill within payload
zeroFillSize = payloadSize+1 - e.size();
if (e[payloadSize]) {
Arena a = e.arena();
ArenaReader ar( a, e.substr(0, payloadSize), IncludeVersion() );
ar >> result;
self->updateVersionSizes(result, tLog);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
return result;
if (zeroFillSize) {
TEST( true ); // Fixing a partial commit at the end of the tlog queue
for(int i=0; i<zeroFillSize; i++)
self->queue->push( StringRef((const uint8_t*)"",1) );
throw end_of_stream();
////// Persistence format (for self->persistentData)
// Immutable keys
2017-09-12 07:37:10 +08:00
static const KeyValueRef persistFormat( LiteralStringRef( "Format" ), LiteralStringRef("FoundationDB/LogServer/2/4") );
static const KeyRangeRef persistFormatReadableRange( LiteralStringRef("FoundationDB/LogServer/2/3"), LiteralStringRef("FoundationDB/LogServer/2/5") );
static const KeyRangeRef persistRecoveryCountKeys = KeyRangeRef( LiteralStringRef( "DbRecoveryCount/" ), LiteralStringRef( "DbRecoveryCount0" ) );
// Updated on updatePersistentData()
static const KeyRangeRef persistCurrentVersionKeys = KeyRangeRef( LiteralStringRef( "version/" ), LiteralStringRef( "version0" ) );
static const KeyRangeRef persistKnownCommittedVersionKeys = KeyRangeRef( LiteralStringRef( "knownCommitted/" ), LiteralStringRef( "knownCommitted0" ) );
static const KeyRangeRef persistUnrecoveredBeforeVersionKeys = KeyRangeRef( LiteralStringRef( "UnrecoveredBefore/" ), LiteralStringRef( "UnrecoveredBefore0" ) );
static const KeyRangeRef persistLogRouterTagsKeys = KeyRangeRef( LiteralStringRef( "LogRouterTags/" ), LiteralStringRef( "LogRouterTags0" ) );
static const KeyRange persistTagMessagesKeys = prefixRange(LiteralStringRef("TagMsg/"));
static const KeyRange persistTagPoppedKeys = prefixRange(LiteralStringRef("TagPop/"));
static Key persistTagMessagesKey( UID id, Tag tag, Version version ) {
BinaryWriter wr( Unversioned() );
wr << id;
wr << tag;
wr << bigEndian64( version );
return wr.toStringRef();
static Key persistTagPoppedKey( UID id, Tag tag ) {
BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr.serializeBytes( persistTagPoppedKeys.begin );
wr << id;
wr << tag;
return wr.toStringRef();
static Value persistTagPoppedValue( Version popped ) {
return BinaryWriter::toValue( popped, Unversioned() );
static Tag decodeTagPoppedKey( KeyRef id, KeyRef key ) {
Tag s;
BinaryReader rd( key.removePrefix(persistTagPoppedKeys.begin).removePrefix(id), Unversioned() );
rd >> s;
return s;
static Version decodeTagPoppedValue( ValueRef value ) {
return BinaryReader::fromStringRef<Version>( value, Unversioned() );
static StringRef stripTagMessagesKey( StringRef key ) {
return key.substr( sizeof(UID) + sizeof(Tag) + persistTagMessagesKeys.begin.size() );
static Version decodeTagMessagesKey( StringRef key ) {
return bigEndian64( BinaryReader::fromStringRef<Version>( stripTagMessagesKey(key), Unversioned() ) );
struct TLogData : NonCopyable {
AsyncTrigger newLogData;
Deque<UID> queueOrder;
std::map<UID, Reference<struct LogData>> id_data;
UID dbgid;
IKeyValueStore* persistentData;
IDiskQueue* rawPersistentQueue;
TLogQueue *persistentQueue;
int64_t diskQueueCommitBytes;
AsyncVar<bool> largeDiskQueueCommitBytes; //becomes true when diskQueueCommitBytes is greater than MAX_QUEUE_COMMIT_BYTES
Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo>> dbInfo;
NotifiedVersion queueCommitEnd;
Version queueCommitBegin;
int64_t instanceID;
int64_t bytesInput;
int64_t bytesDurable;
Version prevVersion;
struct peekTrackerData {
std::map<int, Promise<Version>> sequence_version;
double lastUpdate;
std::map<UID, peekTrackerData> peekTracker;
WorkerCache<TLogInterface> tlogCache;
Future<Void> updatePersist; //SOMEDAY: integrate the recovery and update storage so that only one of them is committing to persistant data.
PromiseStream<Future<Void>> sharedActors;
bool terminated;
TLogData(UID dbgid, IKeyValueStore* persistentData, IDiskQueue * persistentQueue, Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo>> const& dbInfo)
: dbgid(dbgid), instanceID(g_random->randomUniqueID().first()),
persistentData(persistentData), rawPersistentQueue(persistentQueue), persistentQueue(new TLogQueue(persistentQueue, dbgid)),
dbInfo(dbInfo), queueCommitBegin(0), queueCommitEnd(0), prevVersion(0),
diskQueueCommitBytes(0), largeDiskQueueCommitBytes(false),
bytesInput(0), bytesDurable(0), updatePersist(Void()), terminated(false)
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
struct LogData : NonCopyable, public ReferenceCounted<LogData> {
struct TagData : NonCopyable, public ReferenceCounted<TagData> {
std::deque<std::pair<Version, LengthPrefixedStringRef>> versionMessages;
bool nothingPersistent; // true means tag is *known* to have no messages in persistentData. false means nothing.
bool poppedRecently; // `popped` has changed since last updatePersistentData
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Version popped; // see popped version tracking contract below
bool updateVersionSizes;
bool unpoppedRecovered;
Tag tag;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
TagData( Tag tag, Version popped, bool nothingPersistent, bool poppedRecently, bool unpoppedRecovered ) : tag(tag), nothingPersistent(nothingPersistent), popped(popped), poppedRecently(poppedRecently), unpoppedRecovered(unpoppedRecovered), updateVersionSizes(tag != txsTag) {}
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
TagData(TagData&& r) noexcept(true) : versionMessages(std::move(r.versionMessages)), nothingPersistent(r.nothingPersistent), poppedRecently(r.poppedRecently), popped(r.popped), updateVersionSizes(r.updateVersionSizes), tag(r.tag), unpoppedRecovered(r.unpoppedRecovered) {}
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
void operator= (TagData&& r) noexcept(true) {
versionMessages = std::move(r.versionMessages);
nothingPersistent = r.nothingPersistent;
poppedRecently = r.poppedRecently;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
popped = r.popped;
updateVersionSizes = r.updateVersionSizes;
tag = r.tag;
unpoppedRecovered = r.unpoppedRecovered;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
// Erase messages not needed to update *from* versions >= before (thus, messages with toversion <= before)
ACTOR Future<Void> eraseMessagesBefore( TagData *self, Version before, int64_t* gBytesErased, Reference<LogData> tlogData, int taskID ) {
while(!self->versionMessages.empty() && self->versionMessages.front().first < before) {
Version version = self->versionMessages.front().first;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
std::pair<int, int> &sizes = tlogData->version_sizes[version];
int64_t messagesErased = 0;
while(!self->versionMessages.empty() && self->versionMessages.front().first == version) {
auto const& m = self->versionMessages.front();
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if(self->updateVersionSizes) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
sizes.first -= m.second.expectedSize();
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
tlogData->bytesDurable += bytesErased;
*gBytesErased += bytesErased;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Void _ = wait(yield(taskID));
return Void();
Future<Void> eraseMessagesBefore(Version before, int64_t* gBytesErased, Reference<LogData> tlogData, int taskID) {
return eraseMessagesBefore(this, before, gBytesErased, tlogData, taskID);
Map<Version, IDiskQueue::location> versionLocation; // For the version of each entry that was push()ed, the end location of the serialized bytes
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Popped version tracking contract needed by log system to implement ILogCursor::popped():
- Log server tracks for each (possible) tag a popped_version
Impl: TagData::popped (in memory) and persistTagPoppedKeys (in persistentData)
- popped_version(tag) is <= the maximum version for which log server (or a predecessor) is ever asked to pop the tag
Impl: Only increased by tLogPop() in response to either a pop request or recovery from a predecessor
- popped_version(tag) is > the maximum version for which log server is unable to peek messages due to previous pops (on this server or a predecessor)
Impl: Increased by tLogPop() atomically with erasing messages from memory; persisted by updatePersistentData() atomically with erasing messages from store; messages are not erased from queue where popped_version is not persisted
- LockTLogReply returns all tags which either have messages, or which have nonzero popped_versions
Impl: tag_data is present for all such tags
- peek(tag, v) returns the popped_version for tag if that is greater than v
Impl: Check tag_data->popped (after all waits)
AsyncTrigger stopCommit;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
bool stopped, initialized;
DBRecoveryCount recoveryCount;
VersionMetricHandle persistentDataVersion, persistentDataDurableVersion; // The last version number in the portion of the log (written|durable) to persistentData
NotifiedVersion version, queueCommittedVersion;
Version queueCommittingVersion;
Version knownCommittedVersion, durableKnownCommittedVersion;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Deque<std::pair<Version, Standalone<VectorRef<uint8_t>>>> messageBlocks;
std::vector<std::vector<Reference<TagData>>> tag_data; //tag.locality |
int unpoppedRecoveredTags;
Reference<TagData> getTagData(Tag tag) {
int idx = tag.locality >= 0 ? 2*tag.locality : 1-(2*tag.locality);
if(idx >= tag_data.size()) {
if( >= tag_data[idx].size()) {
return tag_data[idx][];
//only callable after getTagData returns a null reference
Reference<TagData> createTagData(Tag tag, Version popped, bool nothingPersistent, bool poppedRecently, bool unpoppedRecovered) {
Reference<TagData> newTagData = Reference<TagData>( new TagData(tag, popped, nothingPersistent, poppedRecently, unpoppedRecovered) );
int idx = tag.locality >= 0 ? 2*tag.locality : 1-(2*tag.locality);
tag_data[idx][] = newTagData;
return newTagData;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Map<Version, std::pair<int,int>> version_sizes;
CounterCollection cc;
Counter bytesInput;
Counter bytesDurable;
UID logId;
Version newPersistentDataVersion;
Future<Void> removed;
PromiseStream<Future<Void>> addActor;
TLogData* tLogData;
Promise<Void> recoveryComplete, committingQueue;
Version unrecoveredBefore, recoveredAt;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Reference<AsyncVar<Reference<ILogSystem>>> logSystem;
Tag remoteTag;
bool isPrimary;
int logRouterTags;
Version logRouterPoppedVersion, logRouterPopToVersion;
int8_t locality;
UID recruitmentID;
explicit LogData(TLogData* tLogData, TLogInterface interf, Tag remoteTag, bool isPrimary, int logRouterTags, UID recruitmentID) : tLogData(tLogData), knownCommittedVersion(1), logId(,
cc("TLog",, bytesInput("BytesInput", cc), bytesDurable("BytesDurable", cc), remoteTag(remoteTag), isPrimary(isPrimary), logRouterTags(logRouterTags), recruitmentID(recruitmentID),
logSystem(new AsyncVar<Reference<ILogSystem>>()), logRouterPoppedVersion(0), durableKnownCommittedVersion(0),
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
// These are initialized differently on init() or recovery
recoveryCount(), stopped(false), initialized(false), queueCommittingVersion(0), newPersistentDataVersion(invalidVersion), unrecoveredBefore(1), recoveredAt(1), unpoppedRecoveredTags(0),
logRouterPopToVersion(0), locality(tagLocalityInvalid)
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
startRole(, UID(), "TLog");
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
specialCounter(cc, "Version", [this](){ return this->version.get(); });
specialCounter(cc, "SharedBytesInput", [tLogData](){ return tLogData->bytesInput; });
specialCounter(cc, "SharedBytesDurable", [tLogData](){ return tLogData->bytesDurable; });
specialCounter(cc, "KvstoreBytesUsed", [tLogData](){ return tLogData->persistentData->getStorageBytes().used; });
specialCounter(cc, "KvstoreBytesFree", [tLogData](){ return tLogData->persistentData->getStorageBytes().free; });
specialCounter(cc, "KvstoreBytesAvailable", [tLogData](){ return tLogData->persistentData->getStorageBytes().available; });
specialCounter(cc, "KvstoreBytesTotal", [tLogData](){ return tLogData->persistentData->getStorageBytes().total; });
specialCounter(cc, "QueueDiskBytesUsed", [tLogData](){ return tLogData->rawPersistentQueue->getStorageBytes().used; });
specialCounter(cc, "QueueDiskBytesFree", [tLogData](){ return tLogData->rawPersistentQueue->getStorageBytes().free; });
specialCounter(cc, "QueueDiskBytesAvailable", [tLogData](){ return tLogData->rawPersistentQueue->getStorageBytes().available; });
specialCounter(cc, "QueueDiskBytesTotal", [tLogData](){ return tLogData->rawPersistentQueue->getStorageBytes().total; });
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
~LogData() {
tLogData->bytesDurable += bytesInput.getValue() - bytesDurable.getValue();
TraceEvent("TLogBytesWhenRemoved", logId).detail("SharedBytesInput", tLogData->bytesInput).detail("SharedBytesDurable", tLogData->bytesDurable).detail("LocalBytesInput", bytesInput.getValue()).detail("LocalBytesDurable", bytesDurable.getValue());
2018-04-23 17:02:13 +08:00
ASSERT_ABORT(tLogData->bytesDurable <= tLogData->bytesInput);
endRole(logId, "TLog", "Error", true);
if(!tLogData->terminated) {
Key logIdKey = BinaryWriter::toValue(logId,Unversioned());
tLogData->persistentData->clear( singleKeyRange(logIdKey.withPrefix(persistCurrentVersionKeys.begin)) );
tLogData->persistentData->clear( singleKeyRange(logIdKey.withPrefix(persistKnownCommittedVersionKeys.begin)) );
tLogData->persistentData->clear( singleKeyRange(logIdKey.withPrefix(persistUnrecoveredBeforeVersionKeys.begin)) );
tLogData->persistentData->clear( singleKeyRange(logIdKey.withPrefix(persistLogRouterTagsKeys.begin)) );
tLogData->persistentData->clear( singleKeyRange(logIdKey.withPrefix(persistRecoveryCountKeys.begin)) );
Key msgKey = logIdKey.withPrefix(persistTagMessagesKeys.begin);
tLogData->persistentData->clear( KeyRangeRef( msgKey, strinc(msgKey) ) );
Key poppedKey = logIdKey.withPrefix(persistTagPoppedKeys.begin);
tLogData->persistentData->clear( KeyRangeRef( poppedKey, strinc(poppedKey) ) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
LogEpoch epoch() const { return recoveryCount; }
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
template <class T>
void TLogQueue::push( T const& qe, Reference<LogData> logData ) {
BinaryWriter wr( Unversioned() ); // outer framing is not versioned
wr << uint32_t(0);
IncludeVersion().write(wr); // payload is versioned
wr << qe;
wr << uint8_t(1);
*(uint32_t*)wr.getData() = wr.getLength() - sizeof(uint32_t) - sizeof(uint8_t);
auto loc = queue->push( wr.toStringRef() );
//TraceEvent("TLogQueueVersionWritten", dbgid).detail("Size", wr.getLength() - sizeof(uint32_t) - sizeof(uint8_t)).detail("Loc", loc);
logData->versionLocation[qe.version] = loc;
void TLogQueue::pop( Version upTo, Reference<LogData> logData ) {
// Keep only the given and all subsequent version numbers
// Find the first version >= upTo
auto v = logData->versionLocation.lower_bound(upTo);
if (v == logData->versionLocation.begin()) return;
if(v == logData->versionLocation.end()) {
v = logData->versionLocation.lastItem();
else {
queue->pop( v->value );
logData->versionLocation.erase( logData->versionLocation.begin(), v ); // ... and then we erase that previous version and all prior versions
void TLogQueue::updateVersionSizes( const TLogQueueEntry& result, TLogData* tLog ) {
auto it = tLog->id_data.find(;
if(it != tLog->id_data.end()) {
it->second->versionLocation[result.version] = queue->getNextReadLocation();
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
ACTOR Future<Void> tLogLock( TLogData* self, ReplyPromise< TLogLockResult > reply, Reference<LogData> logData ) {
state Version stopVersion = logData->version.get();
TEST(true); // TLog stopped by recovering master
TEST( logData->stopped );
TEST( !logData->stopped );
TraceEvent("TLogStop", logData->logId).detail("Ver", stopVersion).detail("IsStopped", logData->stopped).detail("QueueCommitted", logData->queueCommittedVersion.get());
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
logData->stopped = true;
if(!logData->recoveryComplete.isSet()) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
// Lock once the current version has been committed
Void _ = wait( logData->queueCommittedVersion.whenAtLeast( stopVersion ) );
ASSERT(stopVersion == logData->version.get());
TLogLockResult result;
result.end = stopVersion;
result.knownCommittedVersion = logData->knownCommittedVersion;
TraceEvent("TLogStop2", self->dbgid).detail("LogId", logData->logId).detail("Ver", stopVersion).detail("IsStopped", logData->stopped).detail("QueueCommitted", logData->queueCommittedVersion.get()).detail("KnownCommitted", result.knownCommittedVersion);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
reply.send( result );
return Void();
void updatePersistentPopped( TLogData* self, Reference<LogData> logData, Reference<LogData::TagData> data ) {
if (!data->poppedRecently) return;
self->persistentData->set(KeyValueRef( persistTagPoppedKey(logData->logId, data->tag), persistTagPoppedValue(data->popped) ));
data->poppedRecently = false;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if (data->nothingPersistent) return;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
self->persistentData->clear( KeyRangeRef(
persistTagMessagesKey( logData->logId, data->tag, Version(0) ),
persistTagMessagesKey( logData->logId, data->tag, data->popped ) ) );
if (data->popped > logData->persistentDataVersion)
data->nothingPersistent = true;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
ACTOR Future<Void> updatePersistentData( TLogData* self, Reference<LogData> logData, Version newPersistentDataVersion ) {
// PERSIST: Changes self->persistentDataVersion and writes and commits the relevant changes
ASSERT( newPersistentDataVersion <= logData->version.get() );
ASSERT( newPersistentDataVersion <= logData->queueCommittedVersion.get() );
ASSERT( newPersistentDataVersion > logData->persistentDataVersion );
ASSERT( logData->persistentDataVersion == logData->persistentDataDurableVersion );
//TraceEvent("UpdatePersistentData", self->dbgid).detail("Seq", newPersistentDataSeq);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
state bool anyData = false;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
// For all existing tags
state int tagLocality = 0;
state int tagId = 0;
for(tagLocality = 0; tagLocality < logData->tag_data.size(); tagLocality++) {
for(tagId = 0; tagId < logData->tag_data[tagLocality].size(); tagId++) {
state Reference<LogData::TagData> tagData = logData->tag_data[tagLocality][tagId];
if(tagData) {
state Version currentVersion = 0;
// Clear recently popped versions from persistentData if necessary
updatePersistentPopped( self, logData, tagData );
// Transfer unpopped messages with version numbers less than newPersistentDataVersion to persistentData
state std::deque<std::pair<Version, LengthPrefixedStringRef>>::iterator msg = tagData->versionMessages.begin();
while(msg != tagData->versionMessages.end() && msg->first <= newPersistentDataVersion) {
currentVersion = msg->first;
anyData = true;
tagData->nothingPersistent = false;
BinaryWriter wr( Unversioned() );
for(; msg != tagData->versionMessages.end() && msg->first == currentVersion; ++msg)
wr << msg->second.toStringRef();
self->persistentData->set( KeyValueRef( persistTagMessagesKey( logData->logId, tagData->tag, currentVersion ), wr.toStringRef() ) );
Future<Void> f = yield(TaskUpdateStorage);
if(!f.isReady()) {
Void _ = wait(f);
msg = std::upper_bound(tagData->versionMessages.begin(), tagData->versionMessages.end(), std::make_pair(currentVersion, LengthPrefixedStringRef()), CompareFirst<std::pair<Version, LengthPrefixedStringRef>>());
Void _ = wait(yield(TaskUpdateStorage));
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
self->persistentData->set( KeyValueRef( BinaryWriter::toValue(logData->logId,Unversioned()).withPrefix(persistCurrentVersionKeys.begin), BinaryWriter::toValue(newPersistentDataVersion, Unversioned()) ) );
self->persistentData->set( KeyValueRef( BinaryWriter::toValue(logData->logId,Unversioned()).withPrefix(persistKnownCommittedVersionKeys.begin), BinaryWriter::toValue(logData->knownCommittedVersion, Unversioned()) ) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
logData->persistentDataVersion = newPersistentDataVersion;
Void _ = wait( self->persistentData->commit() ); // SOMEDAY: This seems to be running pretty often, should we slow it down???
Void _ = wait( delay(0, TaskUpdateStorage) );
// Now that the changes we made to persistentData are durable, erase the data we moved from memory and the queue, increase bytesDurable accordingly, and update persistentDataDurableVersion.
TEST(anyData); // TLog moved data to persistentData
logData->persistentDataDurableVersion = newPersistentDataVersion;
for(tagLocality = 0; tagLocality < logData->tag_data.size(); tagLocality++) {
for(tagId = 0; tagId < logData->tag_data[tagLocality].size(); tagId++) {
if(logData->tag_data[tagLocality][tagId]) {
Void _ = wait(logData->tag_data[tagLocality][tagId]->eraseMessagesBefore( newPersistentDataVersion+1, &self->bytesDurable, logData, TaskUpdateStorage ));
Void _ = wait(yield(TaskUpdateStorage));
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
logData->version_sizes.erase(logData->version_sizes.begin(), logData->version_sizes.lower_bound(logData->persistentDataDurableVersion));
Void _ = wait(yield(TaskUpdateStorage));
while(!logData->messageBlocks.empty() && logData->messageBlocks.front().first <= newPersistentDataVersion) {
int64_t bytesErased = int64_t(logData->messageBlocks.front().second.size()) * SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_MESSAGE_BLOCK_OVERHEAD_FACTOR;
logData->bytesDurable += bytesErased;
self->bytesDurable += bytesErased;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Void _ = wait(yield(TaskUpdateStorage));
if(logData->bytesDurable.getValue() > logData->bytesInput.getValue() || self->bytesDurable > self->bytesInput) {
TraceEvent(SevError, "BytesDurableTooLarge", logData->logId).detail("SharedBytesInput", self->bytesInput).detail("SharedBytesDurable", self->bytesDurable).detail("LocalBytesInput", logData->bytesInput.getValue()).detail("LocalBytesDurable", logData->bytesDurable.getValue());
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
ASSERT(logData->bytesDurable.getValue() <= logData->bytesInput.getValue());
ASSERT(self->bytesDurable <= self->bytesInput);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if( self->queueCommitEnd.get() > 0 )
self->persistentQueue->pop( newPersistentDataVersion+1, logData ); // SOMEDAY: this can cause a slow task (~0.5ms), presumably from erasing too many versions. Should we limit the number of versions cleared at a time?
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
return Void();
// This function (and updatePersistentData, which is called by this function) run at a low priority and can soak up all CPU resources.
// For this reason, they employ aggressive use of yields to avoid causing slow tasks that could introduce latencies for more important
// work (e.g. commits).
ACTOR Future<Void> updateStorage( TLogData* self ) {
while(self->queueOrder.size() && !self->id_data.count(self->queueOrder.front())) {
if(!self->queueOrder.size()) {
return Void();
state Reference<LogData> logData = self->id_data[self->queueOrder.front()];
state Version prevVersion = 0;
state Version nextVersion = 0;
state int totalSize = 0;
state int tagLocality = 0;
state int tagId = 0;
state Reference<LogData::TagData> tagData;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if(logData->stopped) {
if (self->bytesInput - self->bytesDurable >= SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_SPILL_THRESHOLD) {
while(logData->persistentDataDurableVersion != logData->version.get()) {
std::vector<std::pair<std::deque<std::pair<Version, LengthPrefixedStringRef>>::iterator, std::deque<std::pair<Version, LengthPrefixedStringRef>>::iterator>> iters;
for(tagLocality = 0; tagLocality < logData->tag_data.size(); tagLocality++) {
for(tagId = 0; tagId < logData->tag_data[tagLocality].size(); tagId++) {
tagData = logData->tag_data[tagLocality][tagId];
if(tagData) {
iters.push_back(std::make_pair(tagData->versionMessages.begin(), tagData->versionMessages.end()));
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
nextVersion = 0;
while( totalSize < SERVER_KNOBS->UPDATE_STORAGE_BYTE_LIMIT || nextVersion <= logData->persistentDataVersion ) {
nextVersion = logData->version.get();
for( auto &it : iters )
if(it.first != it.second)
nextVersion = std::min( nextVersion, it.first->first + 1 );
if(nextVersion == logData->version.get())
for( auto &it : iters ) {
while (it.first != it.second && it.first->first < nextVersion) {
totalSize += it.first->second.expectedSize();
Void _ = wait( logData->queueCommittedVersion.whenAtLeast( nextVersion ) );
Void _ = wait( delay(0, TaskUpdateStorage) );
//TraceEvent("TlogUpdatePersist", self->dbgid).detail("LogId", logData->logId).detail("NextVersion", nextVersion).detail("Version", logData->version.get()).detail("PersistentDataDurableVer", logData->persistentDataDurableVersion).detail("QueueCommitVer", logData->queueCommittedVersion.get()).detail("PersistDataVer", logData->persistentDataVersion);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if (nextVersion > logData->persistentDataVersion) {
self->updatePersist = updatePersistentData(self, logData, nextVersion);
Void _ = wait( self->updatePersist );
} else {
if( logData->removed.isReady() ) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if(logData->persistentDataDurableVersion == logData->version.get()) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Void _ = wait( delay(0.0, TaskUpdateStorage) );
} else {
else if(logData->initialized) {
ASSERT(self->queueOrder.size() == 1);
state Map<Version, std::pair<int, int>>::iterator sizeItr = logData->version_sizes.begin();
while( totalSize < SERVER_KNOBS->UPDATE_STORAGE_BYTE_LIMIT && sizeItr != logData->version_sizes.end()
&& (logData->bytesInput.getValue() - logData->bytesDurable.getValue() - totalSize >= SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_SPILL_THRESHOLD || sizeItr->value.first == 0) )
Void _ = wait( yield(TaskUpdateStorage) );
nextVersion = sizeItr == logData->version_sizes.end() ? logData->version.get() : sizeItr->key;
for(tagLocality = 0; tagLocality < logData->tag_data.size(); tagLocality++) {
for(tagId = 0; tagId < logData->tag_data[tagLocality].size(); tagId++) {
tagData = logData->tag_data[tagLocality][tagId];
if(tagData) {
auto it = std::lower_bound(tagData->versionMessages.begin(), tagData->versionMessages.end(), std::make_pair(prevVersion, LengthPrefixedStringRef()), CompareFirst<std::pair<Version, LengthPrefixedStringRef>>());
for(; it != tagData->versionMessages.end() && it->first < nextVersion; ++it) {
totalSize += it->second.expectedSize();
Void _ = wait(yield(TaskUpdateStorage));
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
prevVersion = nextVersion;
nextVersion = std::max<Version>(nextVersion, logData->persistentDataVersion);
//TraceEvent("UpdateStorageVer", logData->logId).detail("NextVersion", nextVersion).detail("PersistentDataVersion", logData->persistentDataVersion).detail("TotalSize", totalSize);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Void _ = wait( logData->queueCommittedVersion.whenAtLeast( nextVersion ) );
Void _ = wait( delay(0, TaskUpdateStorage) );
if (nextVersion > logData->persistentDataVersion) {
self->updatePersist = updatePersistentData(self, logData, nextVersion);
Void _ = wait( self->updatePersist );
else {
//recovery wants to commit to persistant data when updatePersistentData is not active, this delay ensures that immediately after
//updatePersist returns another one has not been started yet.
Void _ = wait( delay(0.0, TaskUpdateStorage) );
} else {
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> updateStorageLoop( TLogData* self ) {
Void _ = wait(delay(0, TaskUpdateStorage));
loop {
Void _ = wait( updateStorage(self) );
void commitMessages( Reference<LogData> self, Version version, const std::vector<TagsAndMessage>& taggedMessages, int64_t& bytesInput ) {
// SOMEDAY: This method of copying messages is reasonably memory efficient, but it's still a lot of bytes copied. Find a
// way to do the memory allocation right as we receive the messages in the network layer.
int64_t addedBytes = 0;
int64_t expectedBytes = 0;
if(!taggedMessages.size()) {
int msgSize = 0;
for(auto& i : taggedMessages) {
msgSize += i.message.size();
// Grab the last block in the blocks list so we can share its arena
// We pop all of the elements of it to create a "fresh" vector that starts at the end of the previous vector
Standalone<VectorRef<uint8_t>> block;
if(self->messageBlocks.empty()) {
block = Standalone<VectorRef<uint8_t>>();
block.reserve(block.arena(), std::max<int64_t>(SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_MESSAGE_BLOCK_BYTES, msgSize));
else {
block = self->messageBlocks.back().second;
for(auto& msg : taggedMessages) {
if(msg.message.size() > block.capacity() - block.size()) {
self->messageBlocks.push_back( std::make_pair(version, block) );
addedBytes += int64_t(block.size()) * SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_MESSAGE_BLOCK_OVERHEAD_FACTOR;
block = Standalone<VectorRef<uint8_t>>();
block.reserve(block.arena(), std::max<int64_t>(SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_MESSAGE_BLOCK_BYTES, msgSize));
block.append(block.arena(), msg.message.begin(), msg.message.size());
for(auto tag : msg.tags) {
if(!(self->locality == tagLocalitySpecial || self->locality == tag.locality || tag.locality < 0)) {
if(tag.locality == tagLocalityLogRouter) {
if(!self->logRouterTags) {
} = % self->logRouterTags;
Reference<LogData::TagData> tagData = self->getTagData(tag);
if(!tagData) {
tagData = self->createTagData(tag, 0, true, true, false);
if (version >= tagData->popped) {
tagData->versionMessages.push_back(std::make_pair(version, LengthPrefixedStringRef((uint32_t*)(block.end() - msg.message.size()))));
if(tagData->versionMessages.back().second.expectedSize() > SERVER_KNOBS->MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) {
TraceEvent(SevWarnAlways, "LargeMessage").detail("Size", tagData->versionMessages.back().second.expectedSize());
if (tag != txsTag) {
expectedBytes += tagData->versionMessages.back().second.expectedSize();
// The factor of VERSION_MESSAGES_OVERHEAD is intended to be an overestimate of the actual memory used to store this data in a std::deque.
// In practice, this number is probably something like 528/512 ~= 1.03, but this could vary based on the implementation.
// There will also be a fixed overhead per std::deque, but its size should be trivial relative to the size of the TLog
// queue and can be thought of as increasing the capacity of the queue slightly.
msgSize -= msg.message.size();
self->messageBlocks.push_back( std::make_pair(version, block) );
addedBytes += int64_t(block.size()) * SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_MESSAGE_BLOCK_OVERHEAD_FACTOR;
self->version_sizes[version] = make_pair(expectedBytes, expectedBytes);
self->bytesInput += addedBytes;
bytesInput += addedBytes;
//TraceEvent("TLogPushed", self->dbgid).detail("Bytes", addedBytes).detail("MessageBytes", messages.size()).detail("Tags", tags.size()).detail("ExpectedBytes", expectedBytes).detail("MCount", mCount).detail("TCount", tCount);
void commitMessages( Reference<LogData> self, Version version, Arena arena, StringRef messages, int64_t& bytesInput ) {
ArenaReader rd( arena, messages, Unversioned() );
int32_t messageLength, rawLength;
uint16_t tagCount;
uint32_t sub;
std::vector<TagsAndMessage> msgs;
while(!rd.empty()) {
TagsAndMessage tagsAndMsg;
rd >> messageLength >> sub >> tagCount;
for(int i = 0; i < tagCount; i++) {
rd >> tagsAndMsg.tags[i];
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
rawLength = messageLength + sizeof(messageLength);
tagsAndMsg.message = StringRef((uint8_t const*)rd.readBytes(rawLength), rawLength);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
commitMessages(self, version, msgs, bytesInput);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Version poppedVersion( Reference<LogData> self, Tag tag) {
auto tagData = self->getTagData(tag);
if (!tagData) {
return self->recoveredAt;
return tagData->popped;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
std::deque<std::pair<Version, LengthPrefixedStringRef>> & getVersionMessages( Reference<LogData> self, Tag tag ) {
auto tagData = self->getTagData(tag);
if (!tagData) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
static std::deque<std::pair<Version, LengthPrefixedStringRef>> empty;
return empty;
return tagData->versionMessages;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
ACTOR Future<Void> tLogPop( TLogData* self, TLogPopRequest req, Reference<LogData> logData ) {
auto tagData = logData->getTagData(req.tag);
if (!tagData) {
tagData = logData->createTagData(req.tag,, true, true, false);
} else if ( > tagData->popped) {
tagData->popped =;
tagData->poppedRecently = true;
if(tagData->unpoppedRecovered && > logData->recoveredAt) {
tagData->unpoppedRecovered = false;
TraceEvent("TLogPoppedTag", logData->logId).detail("Tags", logData->unpoppedRecoveredTags).detail("Tag", req.tag.toString()).detail("DurableKCVer", logData->durableKnownCommittedVersion).detail("RecoveredAt", logData->recoveredAt);
if(logData->unpoppedRecoveredTags == 0 && logData->durableKnownCommittedVersion >= logData->recoveredAt && logData->recoveryComplete.canBeSet()) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if ( > logData->persistentDataDurableVersion )
Void _ = wait(tagData->eraseMessagesBefore(, &self->bytesDurable, logData, TaskTLogPop ));
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
//TraceEvent("TLogPop", self->dbgid).detail("Tag", req.tag).detail("To",;
return Void();
void peekMessagesFromMemory( Reference<LogData> self, TLogPeekRequest const& req, BinaryWriter& messages, Version& endVersion ) {
ASSERT( !messages.getLength() );
auto& deque = getVersionMessages(self, req.tag);
//TraceEvent("TLogPeekMem", self->dbgid).detail("Tag", printable(req.tag1)).detail("PDS", self->persistentDataSequence).detail("PDDS", self->persistentDataDurableSequence).detail("Oldest", map1.empty() ? 0 : map1.begin()->key ).detail("OldestMsgCount", map1.empty() ? 0 : map1.begin()->value.size());
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Version begin = std::max( req.begin, self->persistentDataDurableVersion+1 );
auto it = std::lower_bound(deque.begin(), deque.end(), std::make_pair(begin, LengthPrefixedStringRef()), CompareFirst<std::pair<Version, LengthPrefixedStringRef>>());
Version currentVersion = -1;
for(; it != deque.end(); ++it) {
if(it->first != currentVersion) {
if (messages.getLength() >= SERVER_KNOBS->DESIRED_TOTAL_BYTES) {
endVersion = currentVersion + 1;
//TraceEvent("TLogPeekMessagesReached2", self->dbgid);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
currentVersion = it->first;
messages << int32_t(-1) << currentVersion;
messages << it->second.toStringRef();
ACTOR Future<Void> tLogPeekMessages( TLogData* self, TLogPeekRequest req, Reference<LogData> logData ) {
state BinaryWriter messages(Unversioned());
state BinaryWriter messages2(Unversioned());
state int sequence = -1;
state UID peekId;
if(req.sequence.present()) {
try {
peekId = req.sequence.get().first;
sequence = req.sequence.get().second;
if(sequence > 0) {
auto& trackerData = self->peekTracker[peekId];
trackerData.lastUpdate = now();
Version ver = wait(trackerData.sequence_version[sequence].getFuture());
req.begin = ver;
Void _ = wait(yield());
} catch( Error &e ) {
if(e.code() == error_code_timed_out) {
return Void();
} else {
if( req.returnIfBlocked && logData->version.get() < req.begin ) {
return Void();
//TraceEvent("TLogPeekMessages0", self->dbgid).detail("ReqBeginEpoch", req.begin.epoch).detail("ReqBeginSeq", req.begin.sequence).detail("Epoch", self->epoch()).detail("PersistentDataSeq", self->persistentDataSequence).detail("Tag1", printable(req.tag1)).detail("Tag2", printable(req.tag2));
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
// Wait until we have something to return that the caller doesn't already have
if( logData->version.get() < req.begin ) {
Void _ = wait( logData->version.whenAtLeast( req.begin ) );
Void _ = wait( delay(SERVER_KNOBS->TLOG_PEEK_DELAY, g_network->getCurrentTask()) );
Version poppedVer = poppedVersion(logData, req.tag);
if(poppedVer > req.begin) {
TLogPeekReply rep;
rep.maxKnownVersion = logData->version.get();
rep.popped = poppedVer;
rep.end = poppedVer;
2017-07-14 03:29:21 +08:00
if(req.sequence.present()) {
auto& trackerData = self->peekTracker[peekId];
trackerData.lastUpdate = now();
auto& sequenceData = trackerData.sequence_version[sequence+1];
if(sequenceData.isSet()) {
if(sequenceData.getFuture().get() != rep.end) {
TEST(true); //tlog peek second attempt ended at a different version
return Void();
} else {
req.reply.send( rep );
return Void();
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
state Version endVersion = logData->version.get() + 1;
//grab messages from disk
//TraceEvent("TLogPeekMessages", self->dbgid).detail("ReqBeginEpoch", req.begin.epoch).detail("ReqBeginSeq", req.begin.sequence).detail("Epoch", self->epoch()).detail("PersistentDataSeq", self->persistentDataSequence).detail("Tag1", printable(req.tag1)).detail("Tag2", printable(req.tag2));
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if( req.begin <= logData->persistentDataDurableVersion ) {
// Just in case the durable version changes while we are waiting for the read, we grab this data from memory. We may or may not actually send it depending on
// whether we get enough data from disk.
// SOMEDAY: Only do this if an initial attempt to read from disk results in insufficient data and the required data is no longer in memory
// SOMEDAY: Should we only send part of the messages we collected, to actually limit the size of the result?
peekMessagesFromMemory( logData, req, messages2, endVersion );
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> kvs = wait(
persistTagMessagesKey(logData->logId, req.tag, req.begin),
persistTagMessagesKey(logData->logId, req.tag, logData->persistentDataDurableVersion + 1)), SERVER_KNOBS->DESIRED_TOTAL_BYTES, SERVER_KNOBS->DESIRED_TOTAL_BYTES));
//TraceEvent("TLogPeekResults", self->dbgid).detail("ForAddress", req.reply.getEndpoint().address).detail("Tag1Results", s1).detail("Tag2Results", s2).detail("Tag1ResultsLim", kv1.size()).detail("Tag2ResultsLim", kv2.size()).detail("Tag1ResultsLast", kv1.size() ? printable(kv1[0].key) : "").detail("Tag2ResultsLast", kv2.size() ? printable(kv2[0].key) : "").detail("Limited", limited).detail("NextEpoch", next_pos.epoch).detail("NextSeq", next_pos.sequence).detail("NowEpoch", self->epoch()).detail("NowSeq", self->sequence.getNextSequence());
for (auto &kv : kvs) {
auto ver = decodeTagMessagesKey(kv.key);
messages << int32_t(-1) << ver;
if (kvs.expectedSize() >= SERVER_KNOBS->DESIRED_TOTAL_BYTES)
endVersion = decodeTagMessagesKey(kvs.end()[-1].key) + 1;
messages.serializeBytes( messages2.toStringRef() );
} else {
peekMessagesFromMemory( logData, req, messages, endVersion );
//TraceEvent("TLogPeekResults", self->dbgid).detail("ForAddress", req.reply.getEndpoint().address).detail("MessageBytes", messages.getLength()).detail("NextEpoch", next_pos.epoch).detail("NextSeq", next_pos.sequence).detail("NowSeq", self->sequence.getNextSequence());
TLogPeekReply reply;
reply.maxKnownVersion = logData->version.get();
reply.messages = messages.toStringRef();
reply.end = endVersion;
//TraceEvent("TlogPeek", self->dbgid).detail("LogId", logData->logId).detail("EndVer", reply.end).detail("MsgBytes", reply.messages.expectedSize()).detail("ForAddress", req.reply.getEndpoint().address);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if(req.sequence.present()) {
auto& trackerData = self->peekTracker[peekId];
trackerData.lastUpdate = now();
auto& sequenceData = trackerData.sequence_version[sequence+1];
if(sequenceData.isSet()) {
if(sequenceData.getFuture().get() != reply.end) {
TEST(true); //tlog peek second attempt ended at a different version
return Void();
} else {
req.reply.send( reply );
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> doQueueCommit( TLogData* self, Reference<LogData> logData ) {
state Version ver = logData->version.get();
state Version commitNumber = self->queueCommitBegin+1;
state Version knownCommittedVersion = logData->knownCommittedVersion;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
self->queueCommitBegin = commitNumber;
logData->queueCommittingVersion = ver;
Future<Void> c = self->persistentQueue->commit();
self->diskQueueCommitBytes = 0;
Void _ = wait(c);
Void _ = wait(self->queueCommitEnd.whenAtLeast(commitNumber-1));
//Calling check_yield instead of yield to avoid a destruction ordering problem in simulation
if(g_network->check_yield(g_network->getCurrentTask())) {
Void _ = wait(delay(0, g_network->getCurrentTask()));
ASSERT( ver > logData->queueCommittedVersion.get() );
logData->durableKnownCommittedVersion = knownCommittedVersion;
if(logData->unpoppedRecoveredTags == 0 && knownCommittedVersion >= logData->recoveredAt && logData->recoveryComplete.canBeSet()) {
TraceEvent("TLogRecoveryComplete", logData->logId).detail("Tags", logData->unpoppedRecoveredTags).detail("DurableKCVer", logData->durableKnownCommittedVersion).detail("RecoveredAt", logData->recoveredAt);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
TraceEvent("TLogCommitDurable", self->dbgid).detail("Version", ver);
if(logData->logSystem->get() && (!logData->isPrimary || logData->logRouterPoppedVersion < logData->logRouterPopToVersion)) {
logData->logRouterPoppedVersion = ver;
logData->logSystem->get()->pop(ver, logData->remoteTag, knownCommittedVersion, logData->locality);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> commitQueue( TLogData* self ) {
state Reference<LogData> logData;
loop {
bool foundCount = 0;
for(auto it : self->id_data) {
if(!it.second->stopped) {
logData = it.second;
ASSERT(foundCount < 2);
if(!foundCount) {
Void _ = wait( self->newLogData.onTrigger() );
TraceEvent("CommitQueueNewLog", self->dbgid).detail("LogId", logData->logId).detail("Version", logData->version.get()).detail("Committing", logData->queueCommittingVersion).detail("Commmitted", logData->queueCommittedVersion.get());
if(logData->committingQueue.canBeSet()) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
loop {
if(logData->stopped && logData->version.get() == std::max(logData->queueCommittingVersion, logData->queueCommittedVersion.get())) {
Void _ = wait( logData->queueCommittedVersion.whenAtLeast(logData->version.get() ) );
choose {
when(Void _ = wait( logData->version.whenAtLeast( std::max(logData->queueCommittingVersion, logData->queueCommittedVersion.get()) + 1 ) ) ) {
while( self->queueCommitBegin != self->queueCommitEnd.get() && !self->largeDiskQueueCommitBytes.get() ) {
Void _ = wait( self->queueCommitEnd.whenAtLeast(self->queueCommitBegin) || self->largeDiskQueueCommitBytes.onChange() );
self->sharedActors.send(doQueueCommit(self, logData));
when(Void _ = wait(self->newLogData.onTrigger())) {}
ACTOR Future<Void> tLogCommit(
TLogData* self,
TLogCommitRequest req,
Reference<LogData> logData,
PromiseStream<Void> warningCollectorInput ) {
state Optional<UID> tlogDebugID;
tlogDebugID = g_nondeterministic_random->randomUniqueID();
g_traceBatch.addAttach("CommitAttachID", req.debugID.get().first(), tlogDebugID.get().first());
g_traceBatch.addEvent("CommitDebug", tlogDebugID.get().first(), "TLog.tLogCommit.BeforeWaitForVersion");
logData->knownCommittedVersion = std::max(logData->knownCommittedVersion, req.knownCommittedVersion);
Void _ = wait( logData->version.whenAtLeast( req.prevVersion ) );
//Calling check_yield instead of yield to avoid a destruction ordering problem in simulation
if(g_network->check_yield(g_network->getCurrentTask())) {
Void _ = wait(delay(0, g_network->getCurrentTask()));
if(logData->stopped) {
req.reply.sendError( tlog_stopped() );
return Void();
if (logData->version.get() == req.prevVersion) { // Not a duplicate (check relies on no waiting between here and self->version.set() below!)
g_traceBatch.addEvent("CommitDebug", tlogDebugID.get().first(), "TLog.tLogCommit.Before");
TraceEvent("TLogCommit", logData->logId).detail("Version", req.version);
commitMessages(logData, req.version, req.arena, req.messages, self->bytesInput);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
// Log the changes to the persistent queue, to be committed by commitQueue()
TLogQueueEntryRef qe;
qe.version = req.version;
qe.knownCommittedVersion = req.knownCommittedVersion;
qe.messages = req.messages; = logData->logId;
self->persistentQueue->push( qe, logData );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
self->diskQueueCommitBytes += qe.expectedSize();
if( self->diskQueueCommitBytes > SERVER_KNOBS->MAX_QUEUE_COMMIT_BYTES ) {
// Notifies the commitQueue actor to commit persistentQueue, and also unblocks tLogPeekMessages actors
self->prevVersion = logData->version.get();
logData->version.set( req.version );
g_traceBatch.addEvent("CommitDebug", tlogDebugID.get().first(), "TLog.tLogCommit.AfterTLogCommit");
// Send replies only once all prior messages have been received and committed.
state Future<Void> stopped = logData->stopCommit.onTrigger();
Void _ = wait( timeoutWarning( logData->queueCommittedVersion.whenAtLeast( req.version ) || stopped, 0.1, warningCollectorInput ) );
if(stopped.isReady()) {
req.reply.sendError( tlog_stopped() );
return Void();
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
g_traceBatch.addEvent("CommitDebug", tlogDebugID.get().first(), "TLog.tLogCommit.After");
req.reply.send( Void() );
return Void();
2018-05-02 10:43:35 +08:00
ACTOR Future<Void> initPersistentState( TLogData* self, Reference<LogData> logData, std::vector<Tag> allTags ) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
// PERSIST: Initial setup of persistentData for a brand new tLog for a new database
IKeyValueStore *storage = self->persistentData;
storage->set( persistFormat );
storage->set( KeyValueRef( BinaryWriter::toValue(logData->logId,Unversioned()).withPrefix(persistCurrentVersionKeys.begin), BinaryWriter::toValue(logData->version.get(), Unversioned()) ) );
storage->set( KeyValueRef( BinaryWriter::toValue(logData->logId,Unversioned()).withPrefix(persistKnownCommittedVersionKeys.begin), BinaryWriter::toValue(logData->knownCommittedVersion, Unversioned()) ) );
storage->set( KeyValueRef( BinaryWriter::toValue(logData->logId,Unversioned()).withPrefix(persistUnrecoveredBeforeVersionKeys.begin), BinaryWriter::toValue(logData->unrecoveredBefore, Unversioned()) ) );
storage->set( KeyValueRef( BinaryWriter::toValue(logData->logId,Unversioned()).withPrefix(persistLogRouterTagsKeys.begin), BinaryWriter::toValue(logData->logRouterTags, Unversioned()) ) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
storage->set( KeyValueRef( BinaryWriter::toValue(logData->logId,Unversioned()).withPrefix(persistRecoveryCountKeys.begin), BinaryWriter::toValue(logData->recoveryCount, Unversioned()) ) );
2018-05-02 10:43:35 +08:00
for(auto tag : allTags) {
logData->createTagData(tag, 0, true, true, true);
updatePersistentPopped( self, logData, logData->getTagData(tag) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
TraceEvent("TLogInitCommit", logData->logId);
Void _ = wait( self->updatePersist );
Void _ = wait( self->persistentData->commit() );
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> rejoinMasters( TLogData* self, TLogInterface tli, DBRecoveryCount recoveryCount, Future<Void> registerWithMaster, bool isPrimary ) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
state UID lastMasterID(0,0);
loop {
auto const& inf = self->dbInfo->get();
bool isDisplaced = !std::count( inf.priorCommittedLogServers.begin(), inf.priorCommittedLogServers.end(), );
if(isPrimary) {
isDisplaced = isDisplaced && inf.recoveryCount >= recoveryCount && inf.recoveryState != 0;
} else {
isDisplaced = isDisplaced && ( ( inf.recoveryCount > recoveryCount && inf.recoveryState != 0 ) || ( inf.recoveryCount == recoveryCount && inf.recoveryState == 7 ) );
if(isDisplaced) {
for(auto& log : inf.logSystemConfig.tLogs) {
if( std::count( log.tLogs.begin(), log.tLogs.end(), ) ) {
isDisplaced = false;
if(isDisplaced) {
for(auto& old : inf.logSystemConfig.oldTLogs) {
for(auto& log : old.tLogs) {
if( std::count( log.tLogs.begin(), log.tLogs.end(), ) ) {
isDisplaced = false;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if ( isDisplaced )
TraceEvent("TLogDisplaced","Reason", "DBInfoDoesNotContain").detail("RecoveryCount", recoveryCount).detail("InfRecoveryCount", inf.recoveryCount).detail("RecoveryState", inf.recoveryState)
.detail("LogSysConf", describe(inf.logSystemConfig.tLogs)).detail("PriorLogs", describe(inf.priorCommittedLogServers)).detail("OldLogGens", inf.logSystemConfig.oldTLogs.size());
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if (BUGGIFY) Void _ = wait( delay( SERVER_KNOBS->BUGGIFY_WORKER_REMOVED_MAX_LAG * g_random->random01() ) );
throw worker_removed();
if( registerWithMaster.isReady() ) {
if ( self->dbInfo->get() != lastMasterID) {
// The TLogRejoinRequest is needed to establish communications with a new master, which doesn't have our TLogInterface
TLogRejoinRequest req(tli);
TraceEvent("TLogRejoining", self->dbgid).detail("Master", self->dbInfo->get();
choose {
when ( bool success = wait( brokenPromiseToNever( self->dbInfo->get().master.tlogRejoin.getReply( req ) ) ) ) {
if (success)
lastMasterID = self->dbInfo->get();
when ( Void _ = wait( self->dbInfo->onChange() ) ) { }
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
} else {
Void _ = wait( self->dbInfo->onChange() );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
} else {
Void _ = wait( registerWithMaster || self->dbInfo->onChange() );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
ACTOR Future<Void> respondToRecovered( TLogInterface tli, Promise<Void> recoveryComplete ) {
state bool finishedRecovery = true;
try {
Void _ = wait( recoveryComplete.getFuture() );
} catch( Error &e ) {
if(e.code() != error_code_end_of_stream) {
finishedRecovery = false;
TraceEvent("TLogRespondToRecovered","Finished", finishedRecovery);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
loop {
TLogRecoveryFinishedRequest req = waitNext( tli.recoveryFinished.getFuture() );
if(finishedRecovery) {
} else {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
ACTOR Future<Void> cleanupPeekTrackers( TLogData* self ) {
loop {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
auto it = self->peekTracker.begin();
while(it != self->peekTracker.end()) {
double timeUntilExpiration = it->second.lastUpdate + SERVER_KNOBS->PEEK_TRACKER_EXPIRATION_TIME - now();
if(timeUntilExpiration < 1.0e-6) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
for(auto seq : it->second.sequence_version) {
if(!seq.second.isSet()) {
it = self->peekTracker.erase(it);
} else {
minTimeUntilExpiration = std::min(minTimeUntilExpiration, timeUntilExpiration);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Void _ = wait( delay(minTimeUntilExpiration) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
void getQueuingMetrics( TLogData* self, TLogQueuingMetricsRequest const& req ) {
TLogQueuingMetricsReply reply;
reply.localTime = now();
reply.instanceID = self->instanceID;
reply.bytesInput = self->bytesInput;
reply.bytesDurable = self->bytesDurable;
reply.storageBytes = self->persistentData->getStorageBytes();
reply.v = self->prevVersion;
req.reply.send( reply );
ACTOR Future<Void> serveTLogInterface( TLogData* self, TLogInterface tli, Reference<LogData> logData, PromiseStream<Void> warningCollectorInput ) {
state Future<Void> dbInfoChange = Void();
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
loop choose {
when( Void _ = wait( dbInfoChange ) ) {
dbInfoChange = self->dbInfo->onChange();
bool found = false;
if(self->dbInfo->get().recoveryState >= RecoveryState::FULLY_RECOVERED) {
for(auto& logs : self->dbInfo->get().logSystemConfig.tLogs) {
if( std::count( logs.tLogs.begin(), logs.tLogs.end(), logData->logId ) ) {
found = true;
if(found && self->dbInfo->get().logSystemConfig.recruitmentID == logData->recruitmentID) {
logData->logSystem->set(ILogSystem::fromServerDBInfo( self->dbgid, self->dbInfo->get() ));
if(!logData->isPrimary) {
logData->logSystem->get()->pop(logData->logRouterPoppedVersion, logData->remoteTag, logData->durableKnownCommittedVersion, logData->locality);
if(!logData->isPrimary && logData->stopped) {
TraceEvent("TLogAlreadyStopped", self->dbgid);
logData->removed = logData->removed && logData->logSystem->get()->endEpoch();
} else {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
when( TLogPeekRequest req = waitNext( tli.peekMessages.getFuture() ) ) {
logData->addActor.send( tLogPeekMessages( self, req, logData ) );
when( TLogPopRequest req = waitNext( tli.popMessages.getFuture() ) ) {
logData->addActor.send( tLogPop( self, req, logData ) );
when( TLogCommitRequest req = waitNext( tli.commit.getFuture() ) ) {
//TraceEvent("TLogCommitReq", logData->logId).detail("Ver", req.version).detail("PrevVer", req.prevVersion).detail("LogVer", logData->version.get());
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
TEST(logData->stopped); // TLogCommitRequest while stopped
if (!logData->stopped)
logData->addActor.send( tLogCommit( self, req, logData, warningCollectorInput ) );
req.reply.sendError( tlog_stopped() );
when( ReplyPromise< TLogLockResult > reply = waitNext( tli.lock.getFuture() ) ) {
logData->addActor.send( tLogLock(self, reply, logData) );
when (TLogQueuingMetricsRequest req = waitNext(tli.getQueuingMetrics.getFuture())) {
getQueuingMetrics(self, req);
when (TLogConfirmRunningRequest req = waitNext(tli.confirmRunning.getFuture())){
if (req.debugID.present() ) {
UID tlogDebugID = g_nondeterministic_random->randomUniqueID();
g_traceBatch.addAttach("TransactionAttachID", req.debugID.get().first(), tlogDebugID.first());
g_traceBatch.addEvent("TransactionDebug", tlogDebugID.first(), "TLogServer.TLogConfirmRunningRequest");
if (!logData->stopped)
req.reply.sendError( tlog_stopped() );
void removeLog( TLogData* self, Reference<LogData> logData ) {
TraceEvent("TLogRemoved", logData->logId).detail("Input", logData->bytesInput.getValue()).detail("Durable", logData->bytesDurable.getValue());
logData->stopped = true;
if(!logData->recoveryComplete.isSet()) {
logData->addActor = PromiseStream<Future<Void>>(); //there could be items still in the promise stream if one of the actors threw an error immediately
if(self->id_data.size()) {
} else {
throw worker_removed();
ACTOR Future<Void> pullAsyncData( TLogData* self, Reference<LogData> logData, std::vector<Tag> tags, Version beginVersion, Optional<Version> endVersion, bool poppedIsKnownCommitted ) {
state Future<Void> dbInfoChange = Void();
state Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor> r;
state Version tagAt = beginVersion;
state Version lastVer = 0;
while (!endVersion.present() || logData->version.get() < endVersion.get()) {
loop {
choose {
when(Void _ = wait( r ? r->getMore() : Never() ) ) {
if(poppedIsKnownCommitted) {
logData->knownCommittedVersion = std::max(logData->knownCommittedVersion, r->popped());
when( Void _ = wait( dbInfoChange ) ) {
if( logData->logSystem->get() ) {
r = logData->logSystem->get()->peek( logData->logId, tagAt, tags );
} else {
r = Reference<ILogSystem::IPeekCursor>();
dbInfoChange = logData->logSystem->onChange();
if(logData->stopped) {
return Void();
Version ver = 0;
std::vector<TagsAndMessage> messages;
while (true) {
bool foundMessage = r->hasMessage();
if (!foundMessage || r->version().version != ver) {
ASSERT(r->version().version > lastVer);
if (ver) {
if(endVersion.present() && ver > endVersion.get()) {
return Void();
commitMessages(logData, ver, messages, self->bytesInput);
// Log the changes to the persistent queue, to be committed by commitQueue()
AlternativeTLogQueueEntryRef qe;
qe.version = ver;
qe.knownCommittedVersion = logData->knownCommittedVersion;
qe.alternativeMessages = &messages;
2017-07-14 03:29:21 +08:00 = logData->logId;
self->persistentQueue->push( qe, logData );
self->diskQueueCommitBytes += qe.expectedSize();
if( self->diskQueueCommitBytes > SERVER_KNOBS->MAX_QUEUE_COMMIT_BYTES ) {
// Notifies the commitQueue actor to commit persistentQueue, and also unblocks tLogPeekMessages actors
//FIXME: could we just use the ver and lastVer variables, or replace them with this?
self->prevVersion = logData->version.get();
logData->version.set( ver );
lastVer = ver;
ver = r->version().version;
2018-03-18 01:24:44 +08:00
if (!foundMessage) {
if(ver > logData->version.get()) {
if(endVersion.present() && ver > endVersion.get()) {
return Void();
// Log the changes to the persistent queue, to be committed by commitQueue()
TLogQueueEntryRef qe;
qe.version = ver;
qe.knownCommittedVersion = logData->knownCommittedVersion;
qe.messages = StringRef();
2017-07-14 03:29:21 +08:00 = logData->logId;
self->persistentQueue->push( qe, logData );
self->diskQueueCommitBytes += qe.expectedSize();
if( self->diskQueueCommitBytes > SERVER_KNOBS->MAX_QUEUE_COMMIT_BYTES ) {
// Notifies the commitQueue actor to commit persistentQueue, and also unblocks tLogPeekMessages actors
//FIXME: could we just use the ver and lastVer variables, or replace them with this?
self->prevVersion = logData->version.get();
logData->version.set( ver );
messages.push_back( TagsAndMessage(r->getMessageWithTags(), r->getTags()) );
tagAt = std::max( r->version().version, logData->version.get() + 1 );
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> tLogCore( TLogData* self, Reference<LogData> logData, TLogInterface tli ) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if(logData->removed.isReady()) {
Void _ = wait(delay(0)); //to avoid iterator invalidation in restorePersistentState when removed is already ready
if(logData->removed.getError().code() != error_code_worker_removed) {
throw logData->removed.getError();
removeLog(self, logData);
return Void();
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
state PromiseStream<Void> warningCollectorInput;
state Future<Void> warningCollector = timeoutWarningCollector( warningCollectorInput.getFuture(), 1.0, "TLogQueueCommitSlow", self->dbgid );
state Future<Void> error = actorCollection( logData->addActor.getFuture() );
logData->addActor.send( waitFailureServer( tli.waitFailure.getFuture()) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
logData->addActor.send( logData->removed );
//FIXME: update tlogMetrics to include new information, or possibly only have one copy for the shared instance
logData->addActor.send( traceCounters("TLogMetrics", logData->logId, SERVER_KNOBS->STORAGE_LOGGING_DELAY, &logData->cc, logData->logId.toString() + "/TLogMetrics"));
logData->addActor.send( serveTLogInterface(self, tli, logData, warningCollectorInput) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if(!logData->isPrimary) {
std::vector<Tag> tags;
logData->addActor.send( pullAsyncData(self, logData, tags, logData->unrecoveredBefore, Optional<Version>(), true) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
try {
Void _ = wait( error );
throw internal_error();
} catch( Error &e ) {
if( e.code() != error_code_worker_removed )
removeLog(self, logData);
return Void();
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
ACTOR Future<Void> checkEmptyQueue(TLogData* self) {
TraceEvent("TLogCheckEmptyQueueBegin", self->dbgid);
try {
TLogQueueEntry r = wait( self->persistentQueue->readNext(self) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
throw internal_error();
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() != error_code_end_of_stream) throw;
TraceEvent("TLogCheckEmptyQueueEnd", self->dbgid);
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> checkRecovered(TLogData* self) {
TraceEvent("TLogCheckRecoveredBegin", self->dbgid);
Optional<Value> v = wait( self->persistentData->readValue(StringRef()) );
TraceEvent("TLogCheckRecoveredEnd", self->dbgid);
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> restorePersistentState( TLogData* self, LocalityData locality, Promise<Void> oldLog, Promise<Void> recovered, PromiseStream<InitializeTLogRequest> tlogRequests ) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
state double startt = now();
state Reference<LogData> logData;
state KeyRange tagKeys;
// PERSIST: Read basic state from persistentData; replay persistentQueue but don't erase it
TraceEvent("TLogRestorePersistentState", self->dbgid);
IKeyValueStore *storage = self->persistentData;
state Future<Optional<Value>> fFormat = storage->readValue(persistFormat.key);
state Future<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>> fVers = storage->readRange(persistCurrentVersionKeys);
state Future<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>> fKnownCommitted = storage->readRange(persistKnownCommittedVersionKeys);
state Future<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>> fUnrecoveredBefore = storage->readRange(persistUnrecoveredBeforeVersionKeys);
state Future<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>> fLogRouterTags = storage->readRange(persistLogRouterTagsKeys);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
state Future<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>> fRecoverCounts = storage->readRange(persistRecoveryCountKeys);
// FIXME: metadata in queue?
Void _ = wait( waitForAll( (vector<Future<Optional<Value>>>(), fFormat ) ) );
Void _ = wait( waitForAll( (vector<Future<Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>>>>(), fVers, fKnownCommitted, fUnrecoveredBefore, fLogRouterTags, fRecoverCounts) ) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if (fFormat.get().present() && !persistFormatReadableRange.contains( fFormat.get().get() )) {
//FIXME: remove when we no longer need to test upgrades from 4.X releases
TraceEvent("ElapsedTime").detail("SimTime", now()).detail("RealTime", 0).detail("RandomUnseed", 0);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
TraceEvent(SevError, "UnsupportedDBFormat", self->dbgid).detail("Format", printable(fFormat.get().get())).detail("Expected", persistFormat.value.toString());
throw worker_recovery_failed();
if (!fFormat.get().present()) {
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> v = wait( self->persistentData->readRange( KeyRangeRef(StringRef(), LiteralStringRef("\xff")), 1 ) );
if (!v.size()) {
TEST(true); // The DB is completely empty, so it was never initialized. Delete it.
throw worker_removed();
} else {
// This should never happen
TraceEvent(SevError, "NoDBFormatKey", self->dbgid).detail("FirstKey", printable(v[0].key));
ASSERT( false );
throw worker_recovery_failed();
state std::vector<Future<ErrorOr<Void>>> removed;
if(fFormat.get().get() == LiteralStringRef("FoundationDB/LogServer/2/3")) {
//FIXME: need for upgrades from 5.X to 6.0, remove once this upgrade path is no longer needed
if(recovered.canBeSet()) recovered.send(Void());
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
while(!tlogRequests.isEmpty()) {
Void _ = wait( oldTLog::tLog(self->persistentData, self->rawPersistentQueue, self->dbInfo, locality, self->dbgid) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
throw internal_error();
ASSERT(fVers.get().size() == fRecoverCounts.get().size());
state std::map<UID, Version> id_unrecoveredBefore;
for(auto it : fUnrecoveredBefore.get()) {
id_unrecoveredBefore[ BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(it.key.removePrefix(persistUnrecoveredBeforeVersionKeys.begin), Unversioned())] = BinaryReader::fromStringRef<Version>( it.value, Unversioned() );
state std::map<UID, int> id_logRouterTags;
for(auto it : fLogRouterTags.get()) {
id_logRouterTags[ BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(it.key.removePrefix(persistLogRouterTagsKeys.begin), Unversioned())] = BinaryReader::fromStringRef<int>( it.value, Unversioned() );
state std::map<UID, Version> id_knownCommitted;
for(auto it : fKnownCommitted.get()) {
id_knownCommitted[ BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(it.key.removePrefix(persistKnownCommittedVersionKeys.begin), Unversioned())] = BinaryReader::fromStringRef<Version>( it.value, Unversioned() );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
state int idx = 0;
state Promise<Void> registerWithMaster;
state std::map<UID, TLogInterface> id_interf;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
for(idx = 0; idx < fVers.get().size(); idx++) {
state KeyRef rawId = fVers.get()[idx].key.removePrefix(persistCurrentVersionKeys.begin);
UID id1 = BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>( rawId, Unversioned() );
UID id2 = BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>( fRecoverCounts.get()[idx].key.removePrefix(persistRecoveryCountKeys.begin), Unversioned() );
ASSERT(id1 == id2);
2018-03-03 09:56:49 +08:00
TLogInterface recruited(id1, self->dbgid, locality);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
DUMPTOKEN( recruited.peekMessages );
DUMPTOKEN( recruited.popMessages );
DUMPTOKEN( recruited.commit );
DUMPTOKEN( recruited.lock );
DUMPTOKEN( recruited.getQueuingMetrics );
DUMPTOKEN( recruited.confirmRunning );
//We do not need the remoteTag, because we will not be loading any additional data
logData = Reference<LogData>( new LogData(self, recruited, Tag(), true, id_logRouterTags[id1], UID()) );
logData->locality = tagLocalitySpecial;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
logData->stopped = true;
self->id_data[id1] = logData;
id_interf[id1] = recruited;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
logData->unrecoveredBefore = id_unrecoveredBefore[id1];
logData->recoveredAt = logData->unrecoveredBefore;
logData->knownCommittedVersion = id_knownCommitted[id1];
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Version ver = BinaryReader::fromStringRef<Version>( fVers.get()[idx].value, Unversioned() );
logData->persistentDataVersion = ver;
logData->persistentDataDurableVersion = ver;
logData->recoveryCount = BinaryReader::fromStringRef<DBRecoveryCount>( fRecoverCounts.get()[idx].value, Unversioned() );
logData->removed = rejoinMasters(self, recruited, logData->recoveryCount, registerWithMaster.getFuture(), false);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
TraceEvent("TLogRestorePersistentStateVer", id1).detail("Ver", ver);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
// Restore popped keys. Pop operations that took place after the last (committed) updatePersistentDataVersion might be lost, but
// that is fine because we will get the corresponding data back, too.
tagKeys = prefixRange( rawId.withPrefix(persistTagPoppedKeys.begin) );
loop {
if(logData->removed.isReady()) break;
Standalone<VectorRef<KeyValueRef>> data = wait( self->persistentData->readRange( tagKeys, BUGGIFY ? 3 : 1<<30, 1<<20 ) );
if (!data.size()) break;
((KeyRangeRef&)tagKeys) = KeyRangeRef( keyAfter(data.back().key, tagKeys.arena()), tagKeys.end );
for(auto &kv : data) {
Tag tag = decodeTagPoppedKey(rawId, kv.key);
Version popped = decodeTagPoppedValue(kv.value);
TraceEvent("TLogRestorePop", logData->logId).detail("Tag", tag.toString()).detail("To", popped);
auto tagData = logData->getTagData(tag);
ASSERT( !tagData );
logData->createTagData(tag, popped, false, false, false);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
state Future<Void> allRemoved = waitForAll(removed);
state UID lastId = UID(1,1); //initialized so it will not compare equal to a default UID
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
try {
loop {
if(allRemoved.isReady()) {
TEST(true); //all tlogs removed during queue recovery
throw worker_removed();
choose {
when( TLogQueueEntry qe = wait( self->persistentQueue->readNext(self) ) ) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if(!self->queueOrder.size() || self->queueOrder.back() != self->queueOrder.push_back(;
if( != lastId) {
lastId =;
auto it = self->id_data.find(;
if(it != self->id_data.end()) {
logData = it->second;
} else {
logData = Reference<LogData>();
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
//TraceEvent("TLogRecoveredQE", self->dbgid).detail("LogId","Ver", qe.version).detail("MessageBytes", qe.messages.size()).detail("Tags", qe.tags.size())
// .detail("Tag0", qe.tags.size() ? qe.tags[0].tag : invalidTag).detail("Version", logData->version.get());
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if(logData) {
logData->knownCommittedVersion = std::max(logData->knownCommittedVersion, qe.knownCommittedVersion);
if( qe.version > logData->version.get() ) {
commitMessages(logData, qe.version, qe.arena(), qe.messages, self->bytesInput);
logData->version.set( qe.version );
logData->queueCommittedVersion.set( qe.version );
while (self->bytesInput - self->bytesDurable >= recoverMemoryLimit) {
TEST(true); // Flush excess data during TLog queue recovery
TraceEvent("FlushLargeQueueDuringRecovery", self->dbgid).detail("BytesInput", self->bytesInput).detail("BytesDurable", self->bytesDurable).detail("Version", logData->version.get()).detail("PVer", logData->persistentDataVersion);
choose {
when( Void _ = wait( updateStorage(self) ) ) {}
when( Void _ = wait( allRemoved ) ) { throw worker_removed(); }
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
when( Void _ = wait( allRemoved ) ) { throw worker_removed(); }
} catch (Error& e) {
if (e.code() != error_code_end_of_stream) throw;
TraceEvent("TLogRestorePersistentStateDone", self->dbgid).detail("Took", now()-startt);
TEST( now()-startt >= 1.0 ); // TLog recovery took more than 1 second
for(auto it : self->id_data) {
if(it.second->queueCommittedVersion.get() == 0) {
TraceEvent("TLogZeroVersion", self->dbgid).detail("LogId", it.first);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
self->sharedActors.send( tLogCore( self, it.second, id_interf[it.first] ) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if(registerWithMaster.canBeSet()) registerWithMaster.send(Void());
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
return Void();
bool tlogTerminated( TLogData* self, IKeyValueStore* persistentData, TLogQueue* persistentQueue, Error const& e ) {
// Dispose the IKVS (destroying its data permanently) only if this shutdown is definitely permanent. Otherwise just close it.
self->terminated = true;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if (e.code() == error_code_worker_removed || e.code() == error_code_recruitment_failed) {
} else {
if ( e.code() == error_code_worker_removed ||
e.code() == error_code_recruitment_failed ||
e.code() == error_code_file_not_found )
TraceEvent("TLogTerminated", self->dbgid).error(e, true);
return true;
} else
return false;
ACTOR Future<Void> updateLogSystem(TLogData* self, Reference<LogData> logData, LogSystemConfig recoverFrom, Reference<AsyncVar<Reference<ILogSystem>>> logSystem) {
loop {
bool found = false;
if(self->dbInfo->get().logSystemConfig.recruitmentID == logData->recruitmentID) {
if( self->dbInfo->get().logSystemConfig.isNextGenerationOf(recoverFrom) ) {
logSystem->set(ILogSystem::fromOldLogSystemConfig( logData->logId, self->dbInfo->get().myLocality, self->dbInfo->get().logSystemConfig ));
found = true;
} else if( self->dbInfo->get().logSystemConfig.isEqualIds(recoverFrom) ) {
logSystem->set(ILogSystem::fromLogSystemConfig( logData->logId, self->dbInfo->get().myLocality, self->dbInfo->get().logSystemConfig, false, true ));
found = true;
else if( self->dbInfo->get().recoveryState >= RecoveryState::FULLY_RECOVERED ) {
logSystem->set(ILogSystem::fromLogSystemConfig( logData->logId, self->dbInfo->get().myLocality, self->dbInfo->get().logSystemConfig, true ));
found = true;
if( !found ) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
} else {
logData->logSystem->get()->pop(logData->logRouterPoppedVersion, logData->remoteTag, logData->durableKnownCommittedVersion, logData->locality);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
TraceEvent("TLogUpdate", self->dbgid).detail("LogId", logData->logId).detail("RecruitmentID", logData->recruitmentID).detail("DbRecruitmentID", self->dbInfo->get().logSystemConfig.recruitmentID).detail("RecoverFrom", recoverFrom.toString()).detail("DbInfo", self->dbInfo->get().logSystemConfig.toString()).detail("Found", found).detail("LogSystem", (bool) logSystem->get() ).detail("RecoveryState", self->dbInfo->get().recoveryState);
for(auto it : self->dbInfo->get().logSystemConfig.oldTLogs) {
TraceEvent("TLogUpdateOld", self->dbgid).detail("LogId", logData->logId).detail("DbInfo", it.toString());
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Void _ = wait( self->dbInfo->onChange() );
ACTOR Future<Void> tLogStart( TLogData* self, InitializeTLogRequest req, LocalityData locality ) {
state TLogInterface recruited(self->dbgid, locality);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
recruited.locality = locality;
DUMPTOKEN( recruited.peekMessages );
DUMPTOKEN( recruited.popMessages );
DUMPTOKEN( recruited.commit );
DUMPTOKEN( recruited.lock );
DUMPTOKEN( recruited.getQueuingMetrics );
DUMPTOKEN( recruited.confirmRunning );
for(auto it : self->id_data) {
if( !it.second->stopped ) {
TraceEvent("TLogStoppedByNewRecruitment", self->dbgid).detail("StoppedId", it.first.toString()).detail("RecruitedId","EndEpoch", it.second->logSystem->get().getPtr() != 0);
if(!it.second->isPrimary && it.second->logSystem->get()) {
it.second->removed = it.second->removed && it.second->logSystem->get()->endEpoch();
if(it.second->committingQueue.canBeSet()) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
it.second->stopped = true;
if(!it.second->recoveryComplete.isSet()) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
state Reference<LogData> logData = Reference<LogData>( new LogData(self, recruited, req.remoteTag, req.isPrimary, req.logRouterTags, req.recruitmentID) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
self->id_data[] = logData;
logData->locality = req.locality;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
logData->recoveryCount = req.epoch;
logData->removed = rejoinMasters(self, recruited, req.epoch, Future<Void>(Void()), req.isPrimary);
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
TraceEvent("TLogStart", logData->logId);
state Future<Void> updater;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
try {
if( logData->removed.isReady() ) {
throw logData->removed.getError();
if (req.recoverFrom.logSystemType == 2) {
logData->unrecoveredBefore = req.startVersion;
logData->recoveredAt = req.recoverAt;
logData->knownCommittedVersion = req.startVersion - 1;
logData->persistentDataVersion = logData->unrecoveredBefore - 1;
logData->persistentDataDurableVersion = logData->unrecoveredBefore - 1;
logData->queueCommittedVersion.set( logData->unrecoveredBefore - 1 );
logData->version.set( logData->unrecoveredBefore - 1 );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
logData->unpoppedRecoveredTags = req.allTags.size();
Void _ = wait( initPersistentState( self, logData, req.allTags ) || logData->removed );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
TraceEvent("TLogRecover", self->dbgid).detail("LogId", logData->logId).detail("At", req.recoverAt).detail("Known", req.knownCommittedVersion).detail("Unrecovered", logData->unrecoveredBefore).detail("Tags", describe(req.recoverTags)).detail("Locality", req.locality).detail("LogRouterTags", logData->logRouterTags);
if(logData->recoveryComplete.isSet()) {
throw worker_removed();
updater = updateLogSystem(self, logData, req.recoverFrom, logData->logSystem);
logData->initialized = true;
if(req.isPrimary && !logData->stopped && logData->unrecoveredBefore <= req.recoverAt) {
if(req.recoverFrom.logRouterTags > 0 && req.locality != tagLocalityInvalid) {
logData->logRouterPopToVersion = req.recoverAt;
std::vector<Tag> tags;
Void _ = wait(pullAsyncData(self, logData, tags, logData->unrecoveredBefore, req.recoverAt, true) || logData->removed);
} else if(!req.recoverTags.empty()) {
ASSERT(logData->unrecoveredBefore > req.knownCommittedVersion);
Void _ = wait(pullAsyncData(self, logData, req.recoverTags, req.knownCommittedVersion + 1, req.recoverAt, false) || logData->removed);
if(req.isPrimary && logData->version.get() < req.recoverAt && !logData->stopped) {
// Log the changes to the persistent queue, to be committed by commitQueue()
TLogQueueEntryRef qe;
qe.version = req.recoverAt;
qe.knownCommittedVersion = logData->knownCommittedVersion;
qe.messages = StringRef(); = logData->logId;
self->persistentQueue->push( qe, logData );
self->diskQueueCommitBytes += qe.expectedSize();
if( self->diskQueueCommitBytes > SERVER_KNOBS->MAX_QUEUE_COMMIT_BYTES ) {
self->prevVersion = logData->version.get();
logData->version.set( req.recoverAt );
if(logData->recoveryComplete.isSet()) {
throw worker_removed();
//PullAsyncData will add tags that were popped in the previous generation,
//so we need to pop all tags that did not have data at the recovery version.
std::vector<Future<Void>> popFutures;
std::set<Tag> allTags(req.allTags.begin(), req.allTags.end());
for(int tagLocality = 0; tagLocality < logData->tag_data.size(); tagLocality++) {
for(int tagId = 0; tagId < logData->tag_data[tagLocality].size(); tagId++) {
auto data = logData->tag_data[tagLocality][tagId];
if(data && !allTags.count(data->tag) && data->tag.locality != tagLocalityLogRouter) {
TraceEvent("TLogPopOnRecover", self->dbgid).detail("LogId", logData->logId).detail("Tag", data->tag.toString()).detail("Ver", req.recoverAt);
popFutures.push_back(tLogPop(self, TLogPopRequest(req.recoverAt, 0, data->tag), logData));
Void _ = wait(waitForAll(popFutures));
TraceEvent("TLogPull2Complete", self->dbgid).detail("LogId", logData->logId);
logData->addActor.send( respondToRecovered( recruited, logData->recoveryComplete ) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
} else {
// Brand new tlog, initialization has already been done by caller
Void _ = wait( initPersistentState( self, logData, std::vector<Tag>() ) || logData->removed );
if(logData->recoveryComplete.isSet()) {
throw worker_removed();
logData->initialized = true;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
Void _ = wait(logData->committingQueue.getFuture() || logData->removed );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
} catch( Error &e ) {
if(e.code() != error_code_actor_cancelled) {
if( e.code() != error_code_worker_removed ) {
Void _ = wait( delay(0.0) ); // if multiple recruitment requests were already in the promise stream make sure they are all started before any are removed
removeLog(self, logData);
return Void();
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
req.reply.send( recruited );
TraceEvent("TLogReady", logData->logId).detail("AllTags", describe(req.allTags)).detail("Locality", logData->locality);
updater = Void();
Void _ = wait( tLogCore( self, logData, recruited ) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
return Void();
// New tLog (if !recoverFrom.size()) or restore from network
ACTOR Future<Void> tLog( IKeyValueStore* persistentData, IDiskQueue* persistentQueue, Reference<AsyncVar<ServerDBInfo>> db, LocalityData locality, PromiseStream<InitializeTLogRequest> tlogRequests, UID tlogId, bool restoreFromDisk, Promise<Void> oldLog, Promise<Void> recovered ) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
state TLogData self( tlogId, persistentData, persistentQueue, db );
state Future<Void> error = actorCollection( self.sharedActors.getFuture() );
TraceEvent("SharedTlog", tlogId);
// FIXME: Pass the worker id instead of stubbing it
startRole(tlogId, UID(), "SharedTLog");
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
try {
if(restoreFromDisk) {
Void _ = wait( restorePersistentState( &self, locality, oldLog, recovered, tlogRequests ) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
} else {
Void _ = wait( checkEmptyQueue(&self) && checkRecovered(&self) );
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
//Disk errors need a chance to kill this actor.
Void _ = wait(delay(0.000001));
if(recovered.canBeSet()) recovered.send(Void());
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
self.sharedActors.send( cleanupPeekTrackers(&self) );
self.sharedActors.send( commitQueue(&self) );
self.sharedActors.send( updateStorageLoop(&self) );
loop {
choose {
when ( InitializeTLogRequest req = waitNext(tlogRequests.getFuture() ) ) {
if( !self.tlogCache.exists( req.recruitmentID ) ) {
self.tlogCache.set( req.recruitmentID, req.reply.getFuture() );
self.sharedActors.send( self.tlogCache.removeOnReady( req.recruitmentID, tLogStart( &self, req, locality ) ) );
} else {
forwardPromise( req.reply, self.tlogCache.get( req.recruitmentID ) );
when ( Void _ = wait( error ) ) { throw internal_error(); }
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent("TLogError", tlogId).error(e, true);
endRole(tlogId, "SharedTLog", "Error", true);
if(recovered.canBeSet()) recovered.send(Void());
while(!tlogRequests.isEmpty()) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
for( auto& it : self.id_data ) {
if(!it.second->recoveryComplete.isSet()) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
if (tlogTerminated( &self, persistentData, self.persistentQueue, e )) {
return Void();
} else {
struct DequeAllocatorStats {
static int64_t allocatedBytes;
int64_t DequeAllocatorStats::allocatedBytes = 0;
template <class T>
struct DequeAllocator : std::allocator<T> {
template<typename U>
struct rebind {
typedef DequeAllocator<U> other;
DequeAllocator() {}
template<typename U>
DequeAllocator(DequeAllocator<U> const& u) : std::allocator<T>(u) {}
T* allocate(std::size_t n, std::allocator<void>::const_pointer hint = 0) {
DequeAllocatorStats::allocatedBytes += n * sizeof(T);
//fprintf(stderr, "Allocating %lld objects for %lld bytes (total allocated: %lld)\n", n, n * sizeof(T), DequeAllocatorStats::allocatedBytes);
return std::allocator<T>::allocate(n, hint);
void deallocate(T* p, std::size_t n) {
DequeAllocatorStats::allocatedBytes -= n * sizeof(T);
//fprintf(stderr, "Deallocating %lld objects for %lld bytes (total allocated: %lld)\n", n, n * sizeof(T), DequeAllocatorStats::allocatedBytes);
return std::allocator<T>::deallocate(p, n);
TEST_CASE( "fdbserver/tlogserver/VersionMessagesOverheadFactor" ) {
typedef std::pair<Version, LengthPrefixedStringRef> TestType; // type used by versionMessages
for(int i = 1; i < 9; ++i) {
for(int j = 0; j < 20; ++j) {
DequeAllocatorStats::allocatedBytes = 0;
DequeAllocator<TestType> allocator;
std::deque<TestType, DequeAllocator<TestType>> d(allocator);
int numElements = g_random->randomInt(pow(10, i-1), pow(10, i));
for(int k = 0; k < numElements; ++k) {
int removedElements = 0;//g_random->randomInt(0, numElements); // FIXME: the overhead factor does not accurately account for removal!
for(int k = 0; k < removedElements; ++k) {
int64_t dequeBytes = DequeAllocatorStats::allocatedBytes + sizeof(std::deque<TestType>);
int64_t insertedBytes = (numElements-removedElements) * sizeof(TestType);
double overheadFactor = std::max<double>(insertedBytes, dequeBytes-10000) / insertedBytes; // We subtract 10K here as an estimated upper bound for the fixed cost of an std::deque
//fprintf(stderr, "%d elements (%d inserted, %d removed):\n", numElements-removedElements, numElements, removedElements);
//fprintf(stderr, "Allocated %lld bytes to store %lld bytes (%lf overhead factor)\n", dequeBytes, insertedBytes, overheadFactor);
return Void();