// This structure contains transient information which is broadcast to all workers for a database,
// permitting them to communicate with each other. It is not available to the client. This mechanism
// (see GetServerDBInfoRequest) is closely parallel to OpenDatabaseRequest for the client.
UIDid;// Changes each time any other member changes
ClientDBInfoclient;// After a successful recovery, eventually proxies that communicate with it
MasterInterfacemaster;// The best guess as to the most recent master, which might still be recovering
DBRecoveryCountrecoveryCount;// A recovery count from DBCoreState. A successful master recovery increments it twice; unsuccessful recoveries may increment it once. Depending on where the current master is in its recovery process, this might not have been written by the current master.
LifetimeTokenmasterLifetime;// Used by masterserver to detect not being the currently chosen master
LocalityDatamyLocality;// (Not serialized) Locality information, if available, for the *local* process
std::vector<UID>priorCommittedLogServers;// If !fullyRecovered and logSystemConfig refers to a new log system which may not have been committed to the coordinated state yet, then priorCommittedLogServers are the previous, fully committed generation which need to stay alive in case this recovery fails