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* RestoreRoleCommon.h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This file delcares common struct and functions shared by restore roles, i.e.,
// RestoreMaster, RestoreLoader, RestoreApplier
#pragma once
#if defined(NO_INTELLISENSE) && !defined(FDBSERVER_RestoreRoleCommon_G_H)
#define FDBSERVER_RestoreRoleCommon_G_H
#include "fdbserver/"
#elif !defined(FDBSERVER_RestoreRoleCommon_H)
#define FDBSERVER_RestoreRoleCommon_H
#include <sstream>
#include "flow/Stats.h"
#include "fdbclient/FDBTypes.h"
#include "fdbclient/CommitTransaction.h"
#include "fdbrpc/fdbrpc.h"
#include "fdbrpc/Locality.h"
#include "fdbserver/CoordinationInterface.h"
#include "fdbserver/RestoreUtil.h"
#include "fdbserver/"
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // has to be last include
extern bool debug_verbose;
extern double mutationVectorThreshold;
struct RestoreRoleInterface;
struct RestoreLoaderInterface;
struct RestoreApplierInterface;
struct RestoreRoleData;
struct RestoreMasterData;
struct RestoreSimpleRequest;
ACTOR Future<Void> handleHeartbeat(RestoreSimpleRequest req, UID id);
ACTOR Future<Void> handleInitVersionBatchRequest(RestoreVersionBatchRequest req, Reference<RestoreRoleData> self);
ACTOR Future<Void> handlerFinishRestoreRequest(RestoreSimpleRequest req, Reference<RestoreRoleData> self, Database cx);
// Helper class for reading restore data from a buffer and throwing the right errors.
// This struct is mostly copied from StringRefReader. We add a sanity check in this struct.
// TODO: Merge this struct with StringRefReader.
struct StringRefReaderMX {
StringRefReaderMX(StringRef s = StringRef(), Error e = Error()) : rptr(s.begin()), end(s.end()), failure_error(e), str_size(s.size()) {}
// Return remainder of data as a StringRef
StringRef remainder() {
return StringRef(rptr, end - rptr);
// Return a pointer to len bytes at the current read position and advance read pos
//Consume a little-Endian data. Since we only run on little-Endian machine, the data on storage is little Endian
const uint8_t * consume(unsigned int len) {
if(rptr == end && len != 0)
throw end_of_stream();
const uint8_t *p = rptr;
rptr += len;
if(rptr > end) {
printf("[ERROR] StringRefReaderMX throw error! string length:%d\n", str_size);
printf("!!!!!!!!!!!![ERROR]!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worker may die due to the error. Master will stuck when a worker die\n");
throw failure_error;
return p;
// Return a T from the current read position and advance read pos
template<typename T> const T consume() {
return *(const T *)consume(sizeof(T));
// Functions for consuming big endian (network byte oselfer) integers.
// Consumes a big endian number, swaps it to little endian, and returns it.
const int32_t consumeNetworkInt32() { return (int32_t)bigEndian32((uint32_t)consume< int32_t>());}
const uint32_t consumeNetworkUInt32() { return bigEndian32( consume<uint32_t>());}
const int64_t consumeNetworkInt64() { return (int64_t)bigEndian64((uint32_t)consume< int64_t>());}
const uint64_t consumeNetworkUInt64() { return bigEndian64( consume<uint64_t>());}
bool eof() { return rptr == end; }
const uint8_t *rptr, *end;
const int str_size;
Error failure_error;
struct RestoreRoleData : NonCopyable, public ReferenceCounted<RestoreRoleData> {
RestoreRole role;
UID nodeID; //
int nodeIndex; // The index (starts from 0) of each role should be unique. We use nodeIndex to ensure cmdID is not duplicate across loaders
std::map<UID, RestoreLoaderInterface> loadersInterf;
std::map<UID, RestoreApplierInterface> appliersInterf;
RestoreApplierInterface masterApplierInterf;
std::map<CMDUID, int> processedCmd;
uint32_t inProgressFlag = 0;
RestoreRoleData() : role(RestoreRole::Invalid) {};
~RestoreRoleData() {};
UID id() const { return nodeID; }
bool isCmdProcessed(CMDUID const &cmdID) {
return processedCmd.find(cmdID) != processedCmd.end();
// Helper functions to set/clear the flag when a worker is in the middle of processing an actor.
void setInProgressFlag(RestoreCommandEnum phaseEnum) {
int phase = (int) phaseEnum;
ASSERT(phase < 32);
inProgressFlag |= (1UL << phase);
void clearInProgressFlag(RestoreCommandEnum phaseEnum) {
int phase = (int) phaseEnum;
ASSERT(phase < 32);
inProgressFlag &= ~(1UL << phase);
bool isInProgress(RestoreCommandEnum phaseEnum) {
int phase = (int) phaseEnum;
ASSERT(phase < 32);
return (inProgressFlag & (1UL << phase));
void resetPerVersionBatch() {
inProgressFlag = 0;
void clearInterfaces() {
std::string describeNode() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "RestoreRoleData role:" << getRoleStr(role) << " nodeID:%s" << nodeID.toString();
return ss.str();
void printRestoreRoleInterfaces() {
printf("Dump restore loaders and appliers info:\n");
for (auto &loader : loadersInterf) {
printf("Loader:%s\n", loader.first.toString().c_str());
for (auto &applier : appliersInterf) {
printf("Applier:%s\n", applier.first.toString().c_str());
// TODO: To remove this function
std::vector<UID> getApplierIDs() {
std::vector<UID> applierIDs;
for (auto &applier : appliersInterf) {
return applierIDs;
// TODO: To remove this function
std::vector<UID> getLoaderIDs() {
std::vector<UID> loaderIDs;
for (auto &loader : loadersInterf) {
return loaderIDs;
// TODO: To remove this function
std::vector<UID> getWorkerIDs() {
std::vector<UID> workerIDs;
for (auto &loader : loadersInterf) {
for (auto &applier : appliersInterf) {
return workerIDs;
void printLowerBounds(std::vector<Standalone<KeyRef>> lowerBounds);
void printApplierKeyRangeInfo(std::map<UID, Standalone<KeyRangeRef>> appliers);
#include "flow/unactorcompiler.h"