2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
# python_performance.py
# This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
# Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import argparse
import os
import sys
import time
import random
import math
import traceback
from collections import OrderedDict
sys . path . append ( os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , ' .. ' ) )
from python_tests import PythonTest
import fdb
import fdb . tuple
fdb . api_version ( 400 )
class PythonPerformance ( PythonTest ) :
tests = {
' future_latency ' : ' Python API future throughput ' ,
' set ' : ' Python API set throughput ' ,
' clear ' : ' Python API clear throughput ' ,
' clear_range ' : ' Python API clear_range throughput ' ,
' parallel_get ' : ' Python API parallel get throughput ' ,
' serial_get ' : ' Python API serial get throughput ' ,
' get_range ' : ' Python API get_range throughput ' ,
' get_key ' : ' Python API get_key throughput ' ,
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' get_single_key_range ' : ' Python API get_single_key_range throughput ' ,
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' alternating_get_set ' : ' Python API alternating get and set throughput ' ,
' write_transaction ' : ' Python API single-key transaction throughput ' ,
def __init__ ( self , key_count = 1000000 , key_size = 16 , value_size = 100 ) :
super ( PythonPerformance , self ) . __init__ ( )
self . key_count = key_count
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self . key_size = key_size
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self . value_str = ' ' . join ( [ ' x ' for i in range ( value_size ) ] )
#Python Performance Tests (checks if functions run and yield correct results, gets performance indicators)
def run_test ( self ) :
try :
db = fdb . open ( None , ' DB ' )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
except :
self . result . add_error ( self . get_error ( ' fdb.open failed ' ) )
try :
self . test_performance ( db )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
except :
self . result . add_error ( self . get_error ( ' Failed to complete all tests ' ) )
def random_key ( self ) :
return self . key ( random . randint ( 0 , self . key_count - 1 ) )
def key ( self , num ) :
return ' %0*d ' % ( self . key_size , num )
def value ( self , key ) :
return self . value_str
def insert_data ( self , db ) :
print ' Loading database '
del db [ : ]
num_keys = 100000 / ( self . key_size + len ( self . value_str ) )
trs = [ db . create_transaction ( ) for i in range ( int ( math . ceil ( float ( self . key_count ) / num_keys ) ) ) ]
success = [ False for i in range ( len ( trs ) ) ]
while not all ( success ) :
futures = { }
for i in range ( self . key_count ) :
if not success [ i / num_keys ] :
trs [ i / num_keys ] [ self . key ( i ) ] = self . value ( self . key ( i ) )
for i , tr in enumerate ( trs ) :
if not success [ i ] :
tr . options . set_retry_limit ( 5 )
futures [ i ] = tr . commit ( )
for i , f in futures . items ( ) :
try :
f . wait ( )
success [ i ] = True
except fdb . FDBError as e :
trs [ i ] . on_error ( e ) . wait ( )
time . sleep ( 60 ) # Give the database time to rebalance
#Tests the performance of the API functions
def test_performance ( self , db ) :
self . insert_data ( db )
if not self . args . tests_to_run :
self . args . tests_to_run = PythonPerformance . tests . keys ( )
else :
for t in self . args . tests_to_run :
if not t in PythonPerformance . tests :
raise Exception ( " Unknown Python performance test ' %s ' " % t )
num_runs = 25
#Run each test
for test in self . args . tests_to_run :
time . sleep ( 5 )
print ( ' Running test %s ' % test )
results = [ ]
fxn_name = ' run_ %s ' % test
assert hasattr ( self , fxn_name ) , ' Test function %s not implemented ' % fxn_name
#Perform each test several times
for x in range ( 0 , num_runs ) :
try :
results . append ( getattr ( self , fxn_name ) ( db ) )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
except :
self . result . add_error ( self . get_error ( ' Performance test failed: ' + PythonPerformance . tests [ test ] ) )
if len ( results ) == num_runs :
median = sorted ( results ) [ num_runs / 2 ]
self . result . add_kpi ( " %s ( %s ) " % ( PythonPerformance . tests [ test ] , self . multi_version_description ( ) ) , int ( median ) , ' keys/s ' )
def run_future_latency ( self , tr , count = 100000 ) :
tr . options . set_retry_limit ( 5 )
tr . get_read_version ( ) . wait ( )
s = time . time ( )
for i in range ( count ) :
tr . get_read_version ( ) . wait ( )
return count / ( time . time ( ) - s )
#Tests the performance of the 'clear' function
def run_clear ( self , db , count = 100000 ) :
tr = db . create_transaction ( )
s = time . time ( )
for i in range ( count ) :
del tr [ self . random_key ( ) ]
return count / ( time . time ( ) - s )
#Tests the performance of the 'clear_range' function
def run_clear_range ( self , db , count = 100000 ) :
tr = db . create_transaction ( )
s = time . time ( )
for i in range ( count ) :
key = self . random_key ( )
del tr [ key : self . key ( int ( key ) + 1 ) ]
return count / ( time . time ( ) - s )
#Tests the performance of the 'set' function
def run_set ( self , db , count = 100000 ) :
tr = db . create_transaction ( )
s = time . time ( )
for i in range ( count ) :
key = self . random_key ( )
tr [ key ] = self . value ( key )
return count / ( time . time ( ) - s )
#Tests the parallel performance of the 'get' function
def run_parallel_get ( self , tr , count = 10000 ) :
tr . options . set_retry_limit ( 5 )
s = time . time ( )
futures = [ ]
for i in range ( count ) :
futures . append ( tr [ self . random_key ( ) ] )
for future in futures :
future . wait ( )
return count / ( time . time ( ) - s )
def run_alternating_get_set ( self , tr , count = 2000 ) :
tr . options . set_retry_limit ( 5 )
s = time . time ( )
futures = [ ]
for i in range ( count ) :
key = self . random_key ( )
val = self . value ( key )
tr [ key ] = val
futures . append ( tr [ key ] )
for f in futures :
f . wait ( )
return count / ( time . time ( ) - s )
#Tests the serial performance of the 'get' function
def run_serial_get ( self , tr , count = 2000 ) :
tr . options . set_retry_limit ( 5 )
if count > self . key_count / 2 :
keys = [ self . random_key ( ) for i in range ( count ) ]
else :
key_set = OrderedDict ( )
while len ( key_set ) < count :
key_set [ self . random_key ( ) ] = ' '
keys = key_set . keys ( )
s = time . time ( )
for k in keys :
tr [ k ] . wait ( )
return count / ( time . time ( ) - s )
#Tests the performance of the 'get_range' function
def run_get_range ( self , tr , count = 100000 ) :
tr . options . set_retry_limit ( 5 )
b = random . randint ( 0 , self . key_count - count )
s = time . time ( )
list ( tr [ self . key ( b ) : self . key ( b + count ) ] )
return count / ( time . time ( ) - s )
#Tests the performance of the 'get_key' function
def run_get_key ( self , tr , count = 2000 ) :
tr . options . set_retry_limit ( 5 )
s = time . time ( )
for i in range ( count ) :
tr . get_key ( fdb . KeySelector ( self . random_key ( ) , True , random . randint ( - 10 , 10 ) ) ) . wait ( )
return count / ( time . time ( ) - s )
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def run_get_single_key_range ( self , tr , count = 2000 ) :
tr . options . set_retry_limit ( 5 )
s = time . time ( )
for i in range ( count ) :
index = random . randint ( 0 , self . key_count )
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list ( tr . get_range ( self . key ( index ) , self . key ( index + 1 ) , limit = 2 ) )
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return count / ( time . time ( ) - s )
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def single_set ( self , tr ) :
key = self . random_key ( )
tr [ key ] = self . value ( key )
def run_write_transaction ( self , db , count = 1000 ) :
s = time . time ( )
for i in range ( count ) :
self . single_set ( db )
return count / ( time . time ( ) - s )
#Adds the stack trace to an error message
def get_error ( self , message ) :
errorMessage = message + " \n " + traceback . format_exc ( )
print ( ' %s ' % errorMessage )
return errorMessage
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
print ( " Running PythonPerformance test on Python version %d . %d . %d %s %d " % ( sys . version_info [ 0 ] , sys . version_info [ 1 ] , sys . version_info [ 2 ] , sys . version_info [ 3 ] [ 0 ] , sys . version_info [ 4 ] ) )
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( )
tests = sorted ( PythonPerformance . tests . keys ( ) )
assert len ( tests ) > 0 , ' Python performance test has no test functions '
test_string = ' , ' . join ( tests [ : - 1 ] )
if len ( tests ) > 1 :
test_string + = ' , and '
test_string + = tests [ - 1 ]
parser . add_argument ( " --tests-to-run " , nargs = " * " , help = " Names of tests to run. Can be any of %s . By default, all tests are run. " % test_string )
PythonPerformance ( ) . run ( parser = parser )