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2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013-2018 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h"
#include "ManagementAPI.h"
#include "SystemData.h"
#include "NativeAPI.h"
#include "CoordinationInterface.h"
#include "DatabaseContext.h"
#include "fdbrpc/simulator.h"
#include "StatusClient.h"
#include "flow/UnitTest.h"
#include "fdbrpc/ReplicationPolicy.h"
#include "fdbrpc/Replication.h"
static Future<vector<AddressExclusion>> getExcludedServers( Transaction* const& tr );
bool isInteger(const std::string& s) {
if( s.empty() ) return false;
char *p;
auto ign = strtol(s.c_str(), &p, 10);
return (*p == 0);
// Defines the mapping between configuration names (as exposed by fdbcli, buildConfiguration()) and actual configuration parameters
std::map<std::string, std::string> configForToken( std::string const& mode ) {
std::map<std::string, std::string> out;
std::string p = configKeysPrefix.toString();
if (mode == "new") {
return out;
size_t pos;
// key:=value is unvalidated and unchecked
pos = mode.find( ":=" );
if( pos != std::string::npos ) {
out[p+mode.substr(0, pos)] = mode.substr(pos+2);
return out;
// key=value is constrained to a limited set of options and basic validation is performed
pos = mode.find( "=" );
if( pos != std::string::npos ) {
std::string key = mode.substr(0, pos);
std::string value = mode.substr(pos+1);
if( (key == "logs" || key == "proxies" || key == "resolvers") && isInteger(value) ) {
out[p+key] = value;
return out;
Optional<KeyValueStoreType> storeType;
if (mode == "ssd-1") {
storeType= KeyValueStoreType::SSD_BTREE_V1;
} else if (mode == "ssd" || mode == "ssd-2") {
storeType = KeyValueStoreType::SSD_BTREE_V2;
} else if (mode == "memory") {
storeType= KeyValueStoreType::MEMORY;
// Add any new store types to fdbserver/workloads/ConfigureDatabase, too
if (storeType.present()) {
out[p+"log_engine"] = out[p+"storage_engine"] = format("%d", storeType.get());
return out;
std::string redundancy, log_replicas;
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
IRepPolicyRef storagePolicy;
IRepPolicyRef tLogPolicy;
bool redundancySpecified = true;
if (mode == "single") {
storagePolicy = tLogPolicy = IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyOne());
} else if(mode == "double" || mode == "fast_recovery_double") {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
storagePolicy = tLogPolicy = IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyAcross(2, "zoneid", IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyOne())));
} else if(mode == "triple" || mode == "fast_recovery_triple") {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
storagePolicy = tLogPolicy = IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyAcross(3, "zoneid", IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyOne())));
} else if(mode == "two_datacenter") {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
storagePolicy = tLogPolicy = IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyAcross(3, "zoneid", IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyOne())));
} else if(mode == "three_datacenter") {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
storagePolicy = tLogPolicy = IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyAnd({
IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyAcross(3, "dcid", IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyOne()))),
IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyAcross(3, "zoneid", IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyOne())))
} else if(mode == "three_data_hall") {
storagePolicy = IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyAcross(3, "data_hall", IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyOne())));
tLogPolicy = IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyAcross(2, "data_hall",
IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyAcross(2, "zoneid", IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyOne())))
2017-09-02 06:45:27 +08:00
} else if(mode == "multi_dc") {
storagePolicy = IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyAcross(3, "dcid",
IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyAcross(2, "zoneid", IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyOne())))
tLogPolicy = IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyAcross(2, "dcid",
IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyAcross(2, "zoneid", IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyOne())))
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
} else
redundancySpecified = false;
if (redundancySpecified) {
out[p+"storage_replicas"] =
out[p+"storage_quorum"] = redundancy;
out[p+"log_replicas"] = log_replicas;
out[p+"log_anti_quorum"] = "0";
BinaryWriter policyWriter(IncludeVersion());
serializeReplicationPolicy(policyWriter, storagePolicy);
out[p+"storage_replication_policy"] = policyWriter.toStringRef().toString();
policyWriter = BinaryWriter(IncludeVersion());
serializeReplicationPolicy(policyWriter, tLogPolicy);
out[p+"log_replication_policy"] = policyWriter.toStringRef().toString();
return out;
return out;
ConfigurationResult::Type buildConfiguration( std::vector<StringRef> const& modeTokens, std::map<std::string, std::string>& outConf ) {
for(auto it : modeTokens) {
std::string mode = it.toString();
auto m = configForToken( mode );
if( !m.size() )
return ConfigurationResult::UNKNOWN_OPTION;
for( auto t = m.begin(); t != m.end(); ++t ) {
if( outConf.count( t->first ) ) {
return ConfigurationResult::CONFLICTING_OPTIONS;
outConf[t->first] = t->second;
auto p = configKeysPrefix.toString();
if(!outConf.count(p + "storage_replication_policy") && outConf.count(p + "storage_replicas")) {
int storageCount = stoi(outConf[p + "storage_replicas"]);
IRepPolicyRef storagePolicy = IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyAcross(storageCount, "zoneid", IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyOne())));
BinaryWriter policyWriter(IncludeVersion());
serializeReplicationPolicy(policyWriter, storagePolicy);
outConf[p+"storage_replication_policy"] = policyWriter.toStringRef().toString();
if(!outConf.count(p + "log_replication_policy") && outConf.count(p + "log_replicas")) {
int logCount = stoi(outConf[p + "log_replicas"]);
IRepPolicyRef logPolicy = IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyAcross(logCount, "zoneid", IRepPolicyRef(new PolicyOne())));
BinaryWriter policyWriter(IncludeVersion());
serializeReplicationPolicy(policyWriter, logPolicy);
outConf[p+"log_replication_policy"] = policyWriter.toStringRef().toString();
return ConfigurationResult::SUCCESS;
ConfigurationResult::Type buildConfiguration( std::string const& configMode, std::map<std::string, std::string>& outConf ) {
std::vector<StringRef> modes;
int p = 0;
while ( p < configMode.size() ) {
int end = configMode.find_first_of(' ', p);
if (end == configMode.npos) end = configMode.size();
modes.push_back( StringRef(configMode).substr(p, end-p) );
p = end+1;
return buildConfiguration( modes, outConf );
bool isCompleteConfiguration( std::map<std::string, std::string> const& options ) {
std::string p = configKeysPrefix.toString();
return options.count( p+"log_replicas" ) == 1 &&
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
options.count( p+"log_anti_quorum" ) == 1 &&
options.count( p+"storage_quorum" ) == 1 &&
options.count( p+"storage_replicas" ) == 1 &&
options.count( p+"log_engine" ) == 1 &&
options.count( p+"storage_engine" ) == 1;
ACTOR Future<ConfigurationResult::Type> changeConfig( Database cx, std::map<std::string, std::string> m ) {
state StringRef initIdKey = LiteralStringRef( "\xff/init_id" );
state Transaction tr(cx);
if (!m.size())
return ConfigurationResult::NO_OPTIONS_PROVIDED;
// make sure we have essential configuration options
std::string initKey = configKeysPrefix.toString() + "initialized";
state bool creating = m.count( initKey ) != 0;
if (creating) {
m[initIdKey.toString()] = g_random->randomUniqueID().toString();
if (!isCompleteConfiguration(m))
return ConfigurationResult::INCOMPLETE_CONFIGURATION;
loop {
try {
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::PRIORITY_SYSTEM_IMMEDIATE );
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::LOCK_AWARE );
if (creating) {
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::INITIALIZE_NEW_DATABASE );
tr.addReadConflictRange( singleKeyRange( initIdKey ) );
} else if (m.size()) {
// might be used in an emergency transaction, so make sure it is retry-self-conflicting and CAUSAL_WRITE_RISKY
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::CAUSAL_WRITE_RISKY );
tr.addReadConflictRange( singleKeyRange(m.begin()->first) );
for(auto i=m.begin(); i!=m.end(); ++i)
tr.set( StringRef(i->first), StringRef(i->second) );
Void _ = wait( tr.commit() );
} catch (Error& e) {
state Error e1(e);
if ( (e.code() == error_code_not_committed || e.code() == error_code_transaction_too_old ) && creating) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
// The database now exists. Determine whether we created it or it was already existing/created by someone else. The latter is an error.
loop {
try {
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::PRIORITY_SYSTEM_IMMEDIATE );
Optional<Value> v = wait( tr.get( initIdKey ) );
if (v != m[initIdKey.toString()])
return ConfigurationResult::DATABASE_ALREADY_CREATED;
return ConfigurationResult::DATABASE_CREATED;
} catch (Error& e2) {
Void _ = wait( tr.onError(e2) );
Void _ = wait( tr.onError(e1) );
return ConfigurationResult::SUCCESS;
ConfigureAutoResult parseConfig( StatusObject const& status ) {
ConfigureAutoResult result;
StatusObjectReader statusObj(status);
StatusObjectReader statusObjCluster;
if (!statusObj.get("cluster", statusObjCluster))
return ConfigureAutoResult();
StatusObjectReader statusObjConfig;
if (!statusObjCluster.get("configuration", statusObjConfig))
return ConfigureAutoResult();
if (!statusObjConfig.get("redundancy.factor", result.old_replication))
return ConfigureAutoResult();
result.auto_replication = result.old_replication;
int storage_replication;
int log_replication;
if( result.old_replication == "single" ) {
result.auto_replication = "double";
storage_replication = 2;
log_replication = 2;
} else if( result.old_replication == "double" || result.old_replication == "fast_recovery_double" ) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
storage_replication = 2;
log_replication = 2;
} else if( result.old_replication == "triple" || result.old_replication == "fast_recovery_triple" ) {
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
storage_replication = 3;
log_replication = 3;
} else if( result.old_replication == "two_datacenter" ) {
storage_replication = 3;
log_replication = 3;
} else if( result.old_replication == "three_datacenter" ) {
storage_replication = 3;
log_replication = 3;
} else
return ConfigureAutoResult();
StatusObjectReader machinesMap;
if (!statusObjCluster.get("machines", machinesMap))
return ConfigureAutoResult();
std::map<std::string, std::string> machineid_dcid;
std::set<std::string> datacenters;
int machineCount = 0;
for (auto mach : machinesMap.obj()) {
StatusObjectReader machine(mach.second);
std::string dcId;
if (machine.get("datacenter_id", dcId)) {
machineid_dcid[mach.first] = dcId;
result.machines = machineCount;
if(datacenters.size() > 1)
return ConfigureAutoResult();
StatusObjectReader processesMap;
if (!statusObjCluster.get("processes", processesMap))
return ConfigureAutoResult();
std::set<std::string> oldMachinesWithTransaction;
int oldTransactionProcesses = 0;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<NetworkAddress, ProcessClass>>> machine_processes;
int processCount = 0;
for (auto proc : processesMap.obj()){
StatusObjectReader process(proc.second);
if (!process.has("excluded") || !process.last().get_bool()) {
std::string addrStr;
if (!process.get("address", addrStr))
return ConfigureAutoResult();
std::string class_source;
if (!process.get("class_source", class_source))
return ConfigureAutoResult();
std::string class_type;
if (!process.get("class_type", class_type))
return ConfigureAutoResult();
std::string machineId;
if (!process.get("machine_id", machineId))
return ConfigureAutoResult();
NetworkAddress addr = NetworkAddress::parse(addrStr);
ProcessClass processClass(class_type, class_source);
if(processClass.classType() == ProcessClass::TransactionClass || processClass.classType() == ProcessClass::LogClass) {
if(processClass.classType() == ProcessClass::TransactionClass || processClass.classType() == ProcessClass::ProxyClass || processClass.classType() == ProcessClass::ResolutionClass || processClass.classType() == ProcessClass::StatelessClass || processClass.classType() == ProcessClass::LogClass) {
if( processClass.classSource() == ProcessClass::AutoSource ) {
processClass = ProcessClass(ProcessClass::UnsetClass, ProcessClass::CommandLineSource);
result.address_class[addr] = processClass;
if( processClass.classType() != ProcessClass::TesterClass ) {
machine_processes[machineId].push_back(std::make_pair(addr, processClass));
result.processes = processCount;
result.old_processes_with_transaction = oldTransactionProcesses;
result.old_machines_with_transaction = oldMachinesWithTransaction.size();
std::map<std::pair<int, std::string>, std::vector<std::pair<NetworkAddress, ProcessClass>>> count_processes;
for( auto& it : machine_processes ) {
count_processes[std::make_pair(it.second.size(), it.first)] = it.second;
std::set<std::string> machinesWithTransaction;
std::set<std::string> machinesWithStorage;
int totalTransactionProcesses = 0;
int existingProxyCount = 0;
int existingResolverCount = 0;
int existingStatelessCount = 0;
for( auto& it : machine_processes ) {
for(auto& proc : it.second ) {
if(proc.second == ProcessClass::TransactionClass || proc.second == ProcessClass::LogClass) {
if(proc.second == ProcessClass::StatelessClass) {
if(proc.second == ProcessClass::ProxyClass) {
if(proc.second == ProcessClass::ResolutionClass) {
if(proc.second == ProcessClass::StorageClass) {
if(proc.second == ProcessClass::UnsetClass && proc.second.classSource() == ProcessClass::DBSource) {
if( processCount < 10 )
return ConfigureAutoResult();
result.desired_resolvers = 1;
int resolverCount;
if (!statusObjConfig.get("resolvers", result.old_resolvers)) {
statusObjConfig.get("auto_resolvers", result.old_resolvers);
result.auto_resolvers = result.desired_resolvers;
resolverCount = result.auto_resolvers;
} else {
result.auto_resolvers = result.old_resolvers;
resolverCount = result.old_resolvers;
result.desired_proxies = std::min( 12, processCount / 15 );
int proxyCount;
if (!statusObjConfig.get("proxies", result.old_proxies)) {
statusObjConfig.get("auto_proxies", result.old_proxies);
result.auto_proxies = result.desired_proxies;
proxyCount = result.auto_proxies;
} else {
result.auto_proxies = result.old_proxies;
proxyCount = result.old_proxies;
result.desired_logs = std::min( 12, processCount / 20 );
result.desired_logs = std::max( result.desired_logs, log_replication + 1 );
result.desired_logs = std::min<int>( result.desired_logs, machine_processes.size() );
int logCount;
if (!statusObjConfig.get("logs", result.old_logs)) {
statusObjConfig.get("auto_logs", result.old_logs);
result.auto_logs = result.desired_logs;
logCount = result.auto_logs;
} else {
result.auto_logs = result.old_logs;
logCount = result.old_logs;
logCount = std::max(logCount, log_replication);
totalTransactionProcesses += std::min(existingProxyCount, proxyCount);
totalTransactionProcesses += std::min(existingResolverCount, resolverCount);
totalTransactionProcesses += existingStatelessCount;
//if one process on a machine is transaction class, make them all transaction class
for( auto& it : count_processes ) {
if( machinesWithTransaction.count(it.first.second) && !machinesWithStorage.count(it.first.second) ) {
for(auto& proc : it.second ) {
if(proc.second == ProcessClass::UnsetClass && proc.second.classSource() == ProcessClass::CommandLineSource) {
result.address_class[proc.first] = ProcessClass(ProcessClass::TransactionClass, ProcessClass::AutoSource);
int desiredTotalTransactionProcesses = logCount + resolverCount + proxyCount;
//add machines with all transaction class until we have enough processes and enough machines
for( auto& it : count_processes ) {
if( machinesWithTransaction.size() >= logCount && totalTransactionProcesses >= desiredTotalTransactionProcesses )
if( !machinesWithTransaction.count(it.first.second) && !machinesWithStorage.count(it.first.second) ) {
for(auto& proc : it.second ) {
if(proc.second == ProcessClass::UnsetClass && proc.second.classSource() == ProcessClass::CommandLineSource) {
ASSERT(proc.second != ProcessClass::TransactionClass);
result.address_class[proc.first] = ProcessClass(ProcessClass::TransactionClass, ProcessClass::AutoSource);
if( machinesWithTransaction.size() < logCount || totalTransactionProcesses < desiredTotalTransactionProcesses )
return ConfigureAutoResult();
result.auto_processes_with_transaction = totalTransactionProcesses;
result.auto_machines_with_transaction = machinesWithTransaction.size();
if( 3*totalTransactionProcesses > processCount )
return ConfigureAutoResult();
return result;
ACTOR Future<ConfigurationResult::Type> autoConfig( Database cx, ConfigureAutoResult conf ) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
return ConfigurationResult::INCOMPLETE_CONFIGURATION; //FIXME: correct return type
loop {
try {
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::ACCESS_SYSTEM_KEYS );
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::PRIORITY_SYSTEM_IMMEDIATE );
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::LOCK_AWARE );
vector<ProcessData> workers = wait( getWorkers(&tr) );
std::map<NetworkAddress, Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>> address_processId;
for(auto& w : workers) {
address_processId[w.address] = w.locality.processId();
for(auto& it : conf.address_class) {
if( it.second.classSource() == ProcessClass::CommandLineSource ) {
} else {
tr.set(processClassKeyFor(address_processId[it.first].get()), processClassValue(it.second));
tr.set(processClassChangeKey, g_random->randomUniqueID().toString());
if(conf.auto_logs != conf.old_logs)
tr.set(configKeysPrefix.toString() + "auto_logs", format("%d", conf.auto_logs));
if(conf.auto_proxies != conf.old_proxies)
tr.set(configKeysPrefix.toString() + "auto_proxies", format("%d", conf.auto_proxies));
if(conf.auto_resolvers != conf.old_resolvers)
tr.set(configKeysPrefix.toString() + "auto_resolvers", format("%d", conf.auto_resolvers));
if( conf.auto_replication != conf.old_replication ) {
std::vector<StringRef> modes;
std::map<std::string,std::string> m;
auto r = buildConfiguration( modes, m );
if (r != ConfigurationResult::SUCCESS)
return r;
for(auto& kv : m)
tr.set(kv.first, kv.second);
Void _ = wait( tr.commit() );
return ConfigurationResult::SUCCESS;
} catch( Error &e ) {
Void _ = wait( tr.onError(e));
Future<ConfigurationResult::Type> changeConfig( Database const& cx, std::vector<StringRef> const& modes, Optional<ConfigureAutoResult> const& conf ) {
if( modes.size() && modes[0] == LiteralStringRef("auto") && conf.present() ) {
return autoConfig(cx, conf.get());
std::map<std::string,std::string> m;
auto r = buildConfiguration( modes, m );
if (r != ConfigurationResult::SUCCESS)
return r;
return changeConfig(cx, m);
Future<ConfigurationResult::Type> changeConfig( Database const& cx, std::string const& modes ) {
TraceEvent("ChangeConfig").detail("Mode", modes);
std::map<std::string,std::string> m;
auto r = buildConfiguration( modes, m );
if (r != ConfigurationResult::SUCCESS)
return r;
return changeConfig(cx, m);
ACTOR Future<vector<ProcessData>> getWorkers( Transaction* tr ) {
state Future<Standalone<RangeResultRef>> processClasses = tr->getRange( processClassKeys, CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY );
state Future<Standalone<RangeResultRef>> processData = tr->getRange( workerListKeys, CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY );
Void _ = wait( success(processClasses) && success(processData) );
ASSERT( !processClasses.get().more && processClasses.get().size() < CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY );
ASSERT( !processData.get().more && processData.get().size() < CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY );
std::map<Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>,ProcessClass> id_class;
for( int i = 0; i < processClasses.get().size(); i++ ) {
id_class[decodeProcessClassKey(processClasses.get()[i].key)] = decodeProcessClassValue(processClasses.get()[i].value);
std::vector<ProcessData> results;
for( int i = 0; i < processData.get().size(); i++ ) {
ProcessData data = decodeWorkerListValue(processData.get()[i].value);
ProcessClass processClass = id_class[data.locality.processId()];
if(processClass.classSource() == ProcessClass::DBSource || data.processClass.classType() == ProcessClass::UnsetClass)
data.processClass = processClass;
if(data.processClass.classType() != ProcessClass::TesterClass)
return results;
ACTOR Future<vector<ProcessData>> getWorkers( Database cx ) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::READ_SYSTEM_KEYS );
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::PRIORITY_SYSTEM_IMMEDIATE ); // necessary?
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::LOCK_AWARE );
vector<ProcessData> workers = wait( getWorkers(&tr) );
return workers;
} catch (Error& e) {
Void _ = wait( tr.onError(e) );
ACTOR Future<std::vector<NetworkAddress>> getCoordinators( Database cx ) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::LOCK_AWARE );
Optional<Value> currentKey = wait( tr.get( coordinatorsKey ) );
if (!currentKey.present())
return std::vector<NetworkAddress>();
return ClusterConnectionString( currentKey.get().toString() ).coordinators();
} catch (Error& e) {
Void _ = wait( tr.onError(e) );
ACTOR Future<CoordinatorsResult::Type> changeQuorum( Database cx, Reference<IQuorumChange> change ) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
state int retries = 0;
//quorum changes do not balance coordinators evenly across datacenters
g_simulator.maxCoordinatorsInDatacenter = g_simulator.killableMachines + 1;
loop {
try {
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::LOCK_AWARE );
Optional<Value> currentKey = wait( tr.get( coordinatorsKey ) );
if (!currentKey.present())
return CoordinatorsResult::BAD_DATABASE_STATE; // Someone deleted this key entirely?
state ClusterConnectionString old( currentKey.get().toString() );
if ( cx->cluster && old.clusterKeyName().toString() != cx->cluster->getConnectionFile()->getConnectionString().clusterKeyName() )
return CoordinatorsResult::BAD_DATABASE_STATE; // Someone changed the "name" of the database??
state CoordinatorsResult::Type result = CoordinatorsResult::SUCCESS;
std::vector<NetworkAddress> _desiredCoordinators = wait( change->getDesiredCoordinators( &tr, old.coordinators(), Reference<ClusterConnectionFile>(new ClusterConnectionFile(old)), result ) );
std::vector<NetworkAddress> desiredCoordinators = _desiredCoordinators;
if (result != CoordinatorsResult::SUCCESS)
return result;
if (!desiredCoordinators.size())
return CoordinatorsResult::INVALID_NETWORK_ADDRESSES;
std::sort(desiredCoordinators.begin(), desiredCoordinators.end());
std::string newName = change->getDesiredClusterKeyName();
if (newName.empty()) newName = old.clusterKeyName().toString();
if ( old.coordinators() == desiredCoordinators && old.clusterKeyName() == newName)
return retries ? CoordinatorsResult::SUCCESS : CoordinatorsResult::SAME_NETWORK_ADDRESSES;
state ClusterConnectionString conn( desiredCoordinators, StringRef( newName + ':' + g_random->randomAlphaNumeric( 32 ) ) );
if(g_network->isSimulated()) {
for(int i = 0; i < (desiredCoordinators.size()/2)+1; i++) {
auto address = NetworkAddress(desiredCoordinators[i].ip,desiredCoordinators[i].port,true,false);
TraceEvent("ProtectCoordinator").detail("Address", address).backtrace();
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
TraceEvent("AttemptingQuorumChange").detail("FromCS", old.toString()).detail("ToCS", conn.toString());
TEST(old.clusterKeyName() != conn.clusterKeyName()); // Quorum change with new name
TEST(old.clusterKeyName() == conn.clusterKeyName()); // Quorum change with unchanged name
vector<Future<Optional<LeaderInfo>>> leaderServers;
ClientCoordinators coord( Reference<ClusterConnectionFile>( new ClusterConnectionFile( conn ) ) );
for( int i = 0; i < coord.clientLeaderServers.size(); i++ )
leaderServers.push_back( retryBrokenPromise( coord.clientLeaderServers[i].getLeader, GetLeaderRequest( coord.clusterKey, UID() ), TaskCoordinationReply ) );
choose {
when( Void _ = wait( waitForAll( leaderServers ) ) ) {}
when( Void _ = wait( delay(5.0) ) ) {
return CoordinatorsResult::COORDINATOR_UNREACHABLE;
tr.set( coordinatorsKey, conn.toString() );
Void _ = wait( tr.commit() );
ASSERT( false ); //commit should fail, but the value has changed
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent("RetryQuorumChange").error(e).detail("Retries", retries);
Void _ = wait( tr.onError(e) );
struct SpecifiedQuorumChange : IQuorumChange {
vector<NetworkAddress> desired;
explicit SpecifiedQuorumChange( vector<NetworkAddress> const& desired ) : desired(desired) {}
virtual Future<vector<NetworkAddress>> getDesiredCoordinators( Transaction* tr, vector<NetworkAddress> oldCoordinators, Reference<ClusterConnectionFile>, CoordinatorsResult::Type& ) {
return desired;
Reference<IQuorumChange> specifiedQuorumChange(vector<NetworkAddress> const& addresses) { return Reference<IQuorumChange>(new SpecifiedQuorumChange(addresses)); }
struct NoQuorumChange : IQuorumChange {
virtual Future<vector<NetworkAddress>> getDesiredCoordinators( Transaction* tr, vector<NetworkAddress> oldCoordinators, Reference<ClusterConnectionFile>, CoordinatorsResult::Type& ) {
return oldCoordinators;
Reference<IQuorumChange> noQuorumChange() { return Reference<IQuorumChange>(new NoQuorumChange); }
struct NameQuorumChange : IQuorumChange {
std::string newName;
Reference<IQuorumChange> otherChange;
explicit NameQuorumChange( std::string const& newName, Reference<IQuorumChange> const& otherChange ) : newName(newName), otherChange(otherChange) {}
virtual Future<vector<NetworkAddress>> getDesiredCoordinators( Transaction* tr, vector<NetworkAddress> oldCoordinators, Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> cf, CoordinatorsResult::Type& t ) {
return otherChange->getDesiredCoordinators(tr, oldCoordinators, cf, t);
virtual std::string getDesiredClusterKeyName() {
return newName;
Reference<IQuorumChange> nameQuorumChange(std::string const& name, Reference<IQuorumChange> const& other) {
return Reference<IQuorumChange>(new NameQuorumChange( name, other ));
struct AutoQuorumChange : IQuorumChange {
int desired;
explicit AutoQuorumChange( int desired ) : desired(desired) {}
virtual Future<vector<NetworkAddress>> getDesiredCoordinators( Transaction* tr, vector<NetworkAddress> oldCoordinators, Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> ccf, CoordinatorsResult::Type& err ) {
return getDesired( this, tr, oldCoordinators, ccf, &err );
ACTOR static Future<int> getRedundancy( AutoQuorumChange* self, Transaction* tr ) {
state Future<Optional<Value>> fStorageReplicas = tr->get( LiteralStringRef("storage_replicas").withPrefix( configKeysPrefix ) );
state Future<Optional<Value>> fLogReplicas = tr->get( LiteralStringRef("log_replicas").withPrefix( configKeysPrefix ) );
Void _ = wait( success( fStorageReplicas ) && success( fLogReplicas ) );
int redundancy = std::min(
atoi( fStorageReplicas.get().get().toString().c_str() ),
atoi( fLogReplicas.get().get().toString().c_str() ) );
return redundancy;
ACTOR static Future<bool> isAcceptable( AutoQuorumChange* self, Transaction* tr, vector<NetworkAddress> oldCoordinators, Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> ccf, int desiredCount, std::set<AddressExclusion>* excluded ) {
// Are there enough coordinators for the redundancy level?
if (oldCoordinators.size() < desiredCount) return false;
if (oldCoordinators.size() % 2 != 1) return false;
// Check availability
ClientCoordinators coord(ccf);
vector<Future<Optional<LeaderInfo>>> leaderServers;
for( int i = 0; i < coord.clientLeaderServers.size(); i++ )
leaderServers.push_back( retryBrokenPromise( coord.clientLeaderServers[i].getLeader, GetLeaderRequest( coord.clusterKey, UID() ), TaskCoordinationReply ) );
Optional<vector<Optional<LeaderInfo>>> results = wait( timeout( getAll(leaderServers), CLIENT_KNOBS->IS_ACCEPTABLE_DELAY ) );
if (!results.present()) return false; // Not all responded
for(auto& r : results.get())
if (!r.present())
return false; // Coordinator doesn't know about this database?
// Check exclusions
for(auto& c : oldCoordinators) {
if (addressExcluded(*excluded, c)) return false;
// Check locality
// FIXME: Actual locality!
std::sort( oldCoordinators.begin(), oldCoordinators.end() );
for(int i=1; i<oldCoordinators.size(); i++)
if (oldCoordinators[i-1].ip == oldCoordinators[i].ip)
return false; // Multiple coordinators share an IP
return true; // The status quo seems fine
ACTOR static Future<vector<NetworkAddress>> getDesired( AutoQuorumChange* self, Transaction* tr, vector<NetworkAddress> oldCoordinators, Reference<ClusterConnectionFile> ccf, CoordinatorsResult::Type* err ) {
state int desiredCount = self->desired;
if(desiredCount == -1) {
int redundancy = wait( getRedundancy( self, tr ) );
desiredCount = redundancy*2 - 1;
std::vector<AddressExclusion> excl = wait( getExcludedServers( tr ) );
state std::set<AddressExclusion> excluded( excl.begin(), excl.end() );
vector<ProcessData> _workers = wait(getWorkers(tr));
state vector<ProcessData> workers = _workers;
std::map<NetworkAddress, LocalityData> addr_locality;
for(auto w : workers)
addr_locality[w.address] = w.locality;
// since we don't have the locality data for oldCoordinators:
// check if every old coordinator is in the workers vector and
// check if multiple old coordinators map to the same locality data (same machine)
bool checkAcceptable = true;
std::set<Optional<Standalone<StringRef>>> checkDuplicates;
if (workers.size()){
for (auto addr : oldCoordinators) {
auto findResult = addr_locality.find(addr);
if (findResult == addr_locality.end() || checkDuplicates.count(findResult->second.zoneId())){
checkAcceptable = false;
if (checkAcceptable){
bool ok = wait(isAcceptable(self, tr, oldCoordinators, ccf, desiredCount, &excluded));
if (ok) return oldCoordinators;
std::vector<NetworkAddress> chosen;
self->addDesiredWorkers(chosen, workers, desiredCount, excluded);
if (chosen.size() < desiredCount) {
if (chosen.size() < oldCoordinators.size()) {
TraceEvent("NotEnoughMachinesForCoordinators").detail("EligibleWorkers", workers.size()).detail("DesiredCoordinators", desiredCount).detail("CurrentCoordinators", oldCoordinators.size());
*err = CoordinatorsResult::NOT_ENOUGH_MACHINES;
return vector<NetworkAddress>();
desiredCount = std::max(oldCoordinators.size(), (workers.size() - 1) | 1);
return chosen;
void addDesiredWorkers(vector<NetworkAddress>& chosen, const vector<ProcessData>& workers, int desiredCount, const std::set<AddressExclusion>& excluded) {
vector<ProcessData> remainingWorkers(workers);
std::map<StringRef, int> maxCounts;
std::map<StringRef, std::map<StringRef, int>> currentCounts;
std::map<StringRef, int> hardLimits;
vector<StringRef> fields({
for(auto field = fields.begin(); field != fields.end(); field++) {
if(field->toString() == "machineid") {
hardLimits[*field] = 1;
else {
hardLimits[*field] = desiredCount;
while(chosen.size() < desiredCount) {
bool found = false;
for (auto worker = remainingWorkers.begin(); worker != remainingWorkers.end(); worker++) {
if(addressExcluded(excluded, worker->address)) {
bool valid = true;
for(auto field = fields.begin(); field != fields.end(); field++) {
if(maxCounts[*field] == 0) {
maxCounts[*field] = 1;
auto value = worker->locality.get(*field).orDefault(LiteralStringRef(""));
auto currentCount = currentCounts[*field][value];
if(currentCount >= maxCounts[*field]) {
valid = false;
if(valid) {
for(auto field = fields.begin(); field != fields.end(); field++) {
auto value = worker->locality.get(*field).orDefault(LiteralStringRef(""));
currentCounts[*field][value] += 1;
found = true;
if(!found) {
bool canIncrement = false;
for(auto field = fields.begin(); field != fields.end(); field++) {
if(maxCounts[*field] < hardLimits[*field]) {
maxCounts[*field] += 1;
canIncrement = true;
if(!canIncrement) {
Reference<IQuorumChange> autoQuorumChange( int desired ) { return Reference<IQuorumChange>(new AutoQuorumChange(desired)); }
ACTOR Future<Void> excludeServers( Database cx, vector<AddressExclusion> servers ) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
state std::string versionKey = g_random->randomUniqueID().toString();
loop {
try {
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::ACCESS_SYSTEM_KEYS );
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::PRIORITY_SYSTEM_IMMEDIATE );
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::LOCK_AWARE );
tr.addReadConflictRange( singleKeyRange(excludedServersVersionKey) ); //To conflict with parallel includeServers
tr.set( excludedServersVersionKey, versionKey );
for(auto& s : servers)
tr.set( encodeExcludedServersKey(s), StringRef() );
TraceEvent("ExcludeServersCommit").detail("Servers", describe(servers));
Void _ = wait( tr.commit() );
return Void();
} catch (Error& e) {
Void _ = wait( tr.onError(e) );
ACTOR Future<Void> includeServers( Database cx, vector<AddressExclusion> servers ) {
state bool includeAll = false;
state Transaction tr(cx);
state std::string versionKey = g_random->randomUniqueID().toString();
loop {
try {
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::ACCESS_SYSTEM_KEYS );
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::PRIORITY_SYSTEM_IMMEDIATE );
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::LOCK_AWARE );
// includeServers might be used in an emergency transaction, so make sure it is retry-self-conflicting and CAUSAL_WRITE_RISKY
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::CAUSAL_WRITE_RISKY );
tr.addReadConflictRange( singleKeyRange(excludedServersVersionKey) );
tr.set( excludedServersVersionKey, versionKey );
for(auto& s : servers ) {
if (!s.isValid()) {
tr.clear( excludedServersKeys );
includeAll = true;
} else if (s.isWholeMachine()) {
// Eliminate both any ip-level exclusion ( and any port-level exclusions (
tr.clear( KeyRangeRef( encodeExcludedServersKey(s), encodeExcludedServersKey(s) + char(':'+1) ) );
} else {
tr.clear( encodeExcludedServersKey(s) );
TraceEvent("IncludeServersCommit").detail("Servers", describe(servers));
Void _ = wait( tr.commit() );
return Void();
} catch (Error& e) {
TraceEvent("IncludeServersError").error(e, true);
Void _ = wait( tr.onError(e) );
ACTOR Future<Void> setClass( Database cx, AddressExclusion server, ProcessClass processClass ) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::ACCESS_SYSTEM_KEYS );
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::PRIORITY_SYSTEM_IMMEDIATE );
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::LOCK_AWARE );
vector<ProcessData> workers = wait( getWorkers(&tr) );
bool foundChange = false;
for(int i = 0; i < workers.size(); i++) {
if( server.excludes(workers[i].address) ) {
if(processClass.classType() != ProcessClass::InvalidClass)
tr.set(processClassKeyFor(workers[i].locality.processId().get()), processClassValue(processClass));
foundChange = true;
tr.set(processClassChangeKey, g_random->randomUniqueID().toString());
Void _ = wait( tr.commit() );
return Void();
} catch (Error& e) {
Void _ = wait( tr.onError(e) );
ACTOR static Future<vector<AddressExclusion>> getExcludedServers( Transaction* tr ) {
Standalone<RangeResultRef> r = wait( tr->getRange( excludedServersKeys, CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY ) );
ASSERT( !r.more && r.size() < CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY );
vector<AddressExclusion> exclusions;
for(auto i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) {
auto a = decodeExcludedServersKey( i->key );
if (a.isValid())
exclusions.push_back( a );
return exclusions;
ACTOR Future<vector<AddressExclusion>> getExcludedServers( Database cx ) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::READ_SYSTEM_KEYS );
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::PRIORITY_SYSTEM_IMMEDIATE ); // necessary?
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::LOCK_AWARE );
vector<AddressExclusion> exclusions = wait( getExcludedServers(&tr) );
return exclusions;
} catch (Error& e) {
Void _ = wait( tr.onError(e) );
ACTOR Future<int> setDDMode( Database cx, int mode ) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
state int oldMode = -1;
state BinaryWriter wr(Unversioned());
wr << mode;
loop {
try {
Optional<Value> old = wait( tr.get( dataDistributionModeKey ) );
if (oldMode < 0) {
oldMode = 1;
if (old.present()) {
BinaryReader rd(old.get(), Unversioned());
rd >> oldMode;
if (!mode) {
BinaryWriter wrMyOwner(Unversioned());
wrMyOwner << dataDistributionModeLock;
tr.set( moveKeysLockOwnerKey, wrMyOwner.toStringRef() );
tr.set( dataDistributionModeKey, wr.toStringRef() );
Void _ = wait( tr.commit() );
return oldMode;
} catch (Error& e) {
Void _ = wait (tr.onError(e));
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
ACTOR Future<Void> waitForExcludedServers( Database cx, vector<AddressExclusion> excl ) {
state std::set<AddressExclusion> exclusions( excl.begin(), excl.end() );
if (!excl.size()) return Void();
loop {
state Transaction tr(cx);
try {
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::READ_SYSTEM_KEYS );
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::PRIORITY_SYSTEM_IMMEDIATE ); // necessary?
tr.setOption( FDBTransactionOptions::LOCK_AWARE );
// Just getting a consistent read version proves that a set of tlogs satisfying the exclusions has completed recovery
// Check that there aren't any storage servers with addresses violating the exclusions
Standalone<RangeResultRef> serverList = wait( tr.getRange( serverListKeys, CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY ) );
ASSERT( !serverList.more && serverList.size() < CLIENT_KNOBS->TOO_MANY );
state bool ok = true;
for(auto& s : serverList) {
auto addr = decodeServerListValue( s.value ).address();
if ( addressExcluded(exclusions, addr) ) {
ok = false;
if (ok) {
Optional<Standalone<StringRef>> value = wait( tr.get(logsKey) );
auto logs = decodeLogsValue(value.get());
for( auto const& log : logs.first ) {
if (log.second == NetworkAddress() || addressExcluded(exclusions, log.second)) {
ok = false;
for( auto const& log : logs.second ) {
if (log.second == NetworkAddress() || addressExcluded(exclusions, log.second)) {
ok = false;
if (ok) return Void();
Void _ = wait( delayJittered( 1.0 ) ); // SOMEDAY: watches!
} catch (Error& e) {
Void _ = wait( tr.onError(e) );
ACTOR Future<Void> timeKeeperSetDisable(Database cx) {
loop {
state Transaction tr(cx);
try {
tr.set(timeKeeperDisableKey, StringRef());
Void _ = wait(tr.commit());
return Void();
} catch (Error &e) {
Void _ = wait(tr.onError(e));
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
ACTOR Future<Void> lockDatabase( Transaction* tr, UID id ) {
Optional<Value> val = wait( tr->get(databaseLockedKey) );
if(val.present()) {
if(BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(val.get().substr(10), Unversioned()) == id) {
return Void();
} else {
//TraceEvent("DBA_lock_locked").detail("expecting", id).detail("lock", BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(val.get().substr(10), Unversioned()));
throw database_locked();
tr->atomicOp(databaseLockedKey, BinaryWriter::toValue(id, Unversioned()).withPrefix(LiteralStringRef("0123456789")), MutationRef::SetVersionstampedValue);
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> lockDatabase( Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, UID id ) {
Optional<Value> val = wait( tr->get(databaseLockedKey) );
if(val.present()) {
if(BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(val.get().substr(10), Unversioned()) == id) {
return Void();
} else {
//TraceEvent("DBA_lock_locked").detail("expecting", id).detail("lock", BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(val.get().substr(10), Unversioned()));
throw database_locked();
tr->atomicOp(databaseLockedKey, BinaryWriter::toValue(id, Unversioned()).withPrefix(LiteralStringRef("0123456789")), MutationRef::SetVersionstampedValue);
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> lockDatabase( Database cx, UID id ) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
Void _ = wait( lockDatabase(&tr, id) );
Void _ = wait( tr.commit() );
return Void();
} catch( Error &e ) {
if(e.code() == error_code_database_locked)
throw e;
Void _ = wait( tr.onError(e) );
ACTOR Future<Void> unlockDatabase( Transaction* tr, UID id ) {
Optional<Value> val = wait( tr->get(databaseLockedKey) );
return Void();
if(val.present() && BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(val.get().substr(10), Unversioned()) != id) {
//TraceEvent("DBA_unlock_locked").detail("expecting", id).detail("lock", BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(val.get().substr(10), Unversioned()));
throw database_locked();
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> unlockDatabase( Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, UID id ) {
Optional<Value> val = wait( tr->get(databaseLockedKey) );
return Void();
if(val.present() && BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(val.get().substr(10), Unversioned()) != id) {
//TraceEvent("DBA_unlock_locked").detail("expecting", id).detail("lock", BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(val.get().substr(10), Unversioned()));
throw database_locked();
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> unlockDatabase( Database cx, UID id ) {
state Transaction tr(cx);
loop {
try {
Void _ = wait( unlockDatabase(&tr, id) );
Void _ = wait( tr.commit() );
return Void();
} catch( Error &e ) {
if(e.code() == error_code_database_locked)
throw e;
Void _ = wait( tr.onError(e) );
ACTOR Future<Void> checkDatabaseLock( Transaction* tr, UID id ) {
Optional<Value> val = wait( tr->get(databaseLockedKey) );
if (val.present() && BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(val.get().substr(10), Unversioned()) != id) {
//TraceEvent("DBA_check_locked").detail("expecting", id).detail("lock", BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(val.get().substr(10), Unversioned())).backtrace();
throw database_locked();
return Void();
ACTOR Future<Void> checkDatabaseLock( Reference<ReadYourWritesTransaction> tr, UID id ) {
Optional<Value> val = wait( tr->get(databaseLockedKey) );
if (val.present() && BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(val.get().substr(10), Unversioned()) != id) {
//TraceEvent("DBA_check_locked").detail("expecting", id).detail("lock", BinaryReader::fromStringRef<UID>(val.get().substr(10), Unversioned())).backtrace();
throw database_locked();
return Void();
TEST_CASE("ManagementAPI/AutoQuorumChange/checkLocality") {
Void _ = wait(Future<Void>(Void()));
std::vector<ProcessData> workers;
std::vector<NetworkAddress> chosen;
std::set<AddressExclusion> excluded;
AutoQuorumChange change(5);
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ProcessData data;
auto dataCenter = std::to_string(i / 4 % 2);
auto dataHall = dataCenter + std::to_string(i / 2 % 2);
auto rack = dataHall + std::to_string(i % 2);
auto machineId = rack + std::to_string(i);
data.locality.set(LiteralStringRef("dcid"), StringRef(dataCenter));
data.locality.set(LiteralStringRef("data_hall"), StringRef(dataHall));
data.locality.set(LiteralStringRef("rack"), StringRef(rack));
data.locality.set(LiteralStringRef("zoneid"), StringRef(rack));
data.locality.set(LiteralStringRef("machineid"), StringRef(machineId));
data.address.ip = i;
change.addDesiredWorkers(chosen, workers, 5, excluded);
std::map<StringRef, std::set<StringRef>> chosenValues;
ASSERT(chosen.size() == 5);
std::vector<StringRef> fields({
for(auto worker = chosen.begin(); worker != chosen.end(); worker++) {
ASSERT(worker->ip < workers.size());
LocalityData data = workers[worker->ip].locality;
for(auto field = fields.begin(); field != fields.end(); field++) {
ASSERT(chosenValues[LiteralStringRef("dcid")].size() == 2);
ASSERT(chosenValues[LiteralStringRef("data_hall")].size() == 4);
ASSERT(chosenValues[LiteralStringRef("zoneid")].size() == 5);
ASSERT(chosenValues[LiteralStringRef("machineid")].size() == 5);
return Void();