2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
* Error . h
* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
* Copyright 2013 - 2018 Apple Inc . and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS ,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied .
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License .
# ifndef FLOW_ERROR_H
# define FLOW_ERROR_H
# pragma once
# include <exception>
# include <map>
# include <boost/preprocessor/assert_msg.hpp>
# include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/is_empty.hpp>
# include <boost/preprocessor/control/if.hpp>
# include "Platform.h"
# include "Knobs.h"
enum { invalid_error_code = 0xffff } ;
2017-09-29 03:35:03 +08:00
class ErrorCodeTable : public std : : map < int , std : : pair < const char * , const char * > > {
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public :
ErrorCodeTable ( ) ;
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void addCode ( int code , const char * name , const char * description ) ;
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} ;
class Error {
public :
int code ( ) const { return error_code ; }
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const char * name ( ) const ;
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const char * what ( ) const ;
bool isInjectedFault ( ) const { return flags & FLAG_INJECTED_FAULT ; } // Use as little as possible, so injected faults effectively test real faults!
bool isValid ( ) const { return error_code ! = invalid_error_code ; }
template < class Ar >
void serialize ( Ar & ar ) {
ar & error_code ;
Error ( ) : error_code ( invalid_error_code ) , flags ( 0 ) { }
explicit Error ( int error_code ) ;
static void init ( ) ;
static std : : map < int , int > & errorCounts ( ) ;
static ErrorCodeTable & errorCodeTable ( ) ;
static Error fromCode ( int error_code ) { Error e ; e . error_code = error_code ; return e ; } // Doesn't change errorCounts
static Error fromUnvalidatedCode ( int error_code ) ; // Converts codes that are outside the legal range (but not necessarily individually unknown error codes) to unknown_error()
Error asInjectedFault ( ) const ; // Returns an error with the same code() as this but isInjectedFault() is true
private :
uint16_t error_code ;
uint16_t flags ;
enum Flags { FLAG_INJECTED_FAULT = 1 } ;
} ;
# undef ERROR
2017-09-29 03:35:03 +08:00
# define ERROR(name, number, description) inline Error name() { return Error( number ); }; enum { error_code_##name = number };
2017-05-26 04:48:44 +08:00
# include "error_definitions.h"
//actor_cancelled has been renamed
inline Error actor_cancelled ( ) { return Error ( error_code_operation_cancelled ) ; }
enum { error_code_actor_cancelled = error_code_operation_cancelled } ;
extern Error internal_error_impl ( const char * file , int line ) ;
# define internal_error() internal_error_impl( __FILE__, __LINE__ )
extern bool isAssertDisabled ( int line ) ;
//#define ASSERT( condition ) ((void)0)
# define ASSERT( condition ) if (!((condition) || isAssertDisabled(__LINE__))) { throw internal_error(); }
# define ASSERT_ABORT( condition ) if (!((condition) || isAssertDisabled(__LINE__))) { internal_error(); abort(); } // For use in destructors, where throwing exceptions is extremely dangerous
# define UNSTOPPABLE_ASSERT( condition ) if (!(condition)) { throw internal_error(); }
# define UNREACHABLE() { throw internal_error(); }
// ASSERT_WE_THINK() is to be used for assertions that we want to validate in testing, but which are judged too
// risky to evaluate at runtime, because the code should work even if they are false and throwing internal_error() would
// result in a bug. Don't use it for assertions that are *expensive*; look at EXPENSIVE_VALIDATION.
# define ASSERT_WE_THINK( condition ) ASSERT( !g_network->isSimulated() || condition )
# define ABORT_ON_ERROR( code_to_run ) \
try { code_to_run ; } \
catch ( Error & e ) { criticalError ( FDB_EXIT_ABORT , " AbortOnError " , e . what ( ) ) ; } \
catch ( . . . ) { criticalError ( FDB_EXIT_ABORT , " AbortOnError " , " Aborted due to unknown error " ) ; }
# define NOT_IN_CLEAN BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(0, "This code can not be enabled in a clean build.");
# else
# define NOT_IN_CLEAN
# endif
# define FDB_EXPAND(...) __VA_ARGS__
/* Windows compilers won't allow the syntax of:
#if 0 && ENABLED(x)
So these macros replicate that , you instead do :
# if CENABLED(0, x)
# define CENABLED(x,y) BOOST_PP_IF(x, ENABLED(y), 0)
# define CDISABLED(x,y) BOOST_PP_IF(x, DISABLED(y), 0)
# endif