2018-03-07 00:46:21 +08:00
FoundationDB makes your architecture flexible and easy to operate. Your applications can send their data directly to the FoundationDB or to a :doc: `layer<layer-concept>` , a user-written module that can provide a new data model, compatibility with existing systems, or even serve as an entire framework. In both cases, all data is stored in a single place via an ordered, transactional key-value API.
2018-04-20 04:43:19 +08:00
2018-03-07 00:46:21 +08:00
The following diagram details the logical architecture.
2018-04-20 04:43:19 +08:00
.. image :: /images/Architecture.png
2020-01-25 10:34:56 +08:00
Detailed FoundationDB Architecture
The FoundationDB architecture chooses a decoupled design, where
processes are assigned different heterogeneous roles (e.g.,
Coordinators, Storage Servers, Master). Scaling the database is achieved
by horizontally expanding the number of processes for separate roles:
All clients and servers connect to a FoundationDB cluster with a cluster
file, which contains the IP:PORT of the coordinators. Both the clients
and servers use the coordinators to connect with the cluster controller.
The servers will attempt to become the cluster controller if one does
not exist, and register with the cluster controller once one has been
elected. Clients use the cluster controller to keep an up-to-date list
of proxies.
Cluster Controller
The cluster controller is a singleton elected by a majority of
coordinators. It is the entry point for all processes in the cluster. It
is responsible for determining when a process has failed, telling
processes which roles they should become, and passing system information
between all of the processes.
The master is responsible for coordinating the transition of the write
sub-system from one generation to the next. The write sub-system
includes the master, proxies, resolvers, and transaction logs. The three
roles are treated as a unit, and if any of them fail, we will recruit a
replacement for all three roles. The master provides the commit versions
for batches of the mutations to the proxies.
Historically, Ratekeeper and Data Distributor are coupled with Master on
the same process. Since 6.2, both have become a singleton in the
cluster. The life time is no longer tied with Master.
The proxies are responsible for providing read versions, committing
transactions, and tracking the storage servers responsible for each
range of keys. To provide a read version, a proxy will ask all other
proxies to see the largest committed version at this point in time,
while simultaneously checking that the transaction logs have not been
stopped. Ratekeeper will artificially slow down the rate at which the
proxy provides read versions.
Commits are accomplished by:
- Get a commit version from the master.
- Use the resolvers to determine if the transaction conflicts with
previously committed transactions.
- Make the transaction durable on the transaction logs.
The key space starting with the `` \xff `` byte is reserved for system
metadata. All mutations committed into this key space are distributed to
all of the proxies through the resolvers. This metadata includes a
mapping between key ranges and the storage servers which have the data
for that range of keys. The proxies provides this information to clients
on-demand. The clients cache this mapping; if they ask a storage server
for a key it does not have, they will clear their cache and get a more
up-to-date list of servers from the proxies.
Transaction Logs
The transaction logs make mutations durable to disk for fast commit
latencies. The logs receive commits from the proxy in version order, and
only respond to the proxy once the data has been written and fsync’ ed to
an append only mutation log on disk. Before the data is even written to
disk we forward it to the storage servers responsible for that mutation.
Once the storage servers have made the mutation durable, they pop it
from the log. This generally happens roughly 6 seconds after the
mutation was originally committed to the log. We only read from the
log’ s disk when the process has been rebooted. If a storage server has
failed, mutations bound for that storage server will build up on the
logs. Once data distribution makes a different storage server
responsible for all of the missing storage server’ s data we will discard
the log data bound for the failed server.
The resolvers are responsible determining conflicts between
transactions. A transaction conflicts if it reads a key that has been
written between the transaction’ s read version and commit version. The
resolver does this by holding the last 5 seconds of committed writes in
memory, and comparing a new transaction’ s reads against this set of
Storage Servers
The vast majority of processes in a cluster are storage servers. Storage
servers are assigned ranges of key, and are responsible to storing all
of the data for that range. They keep 5 seconds of mutations in memory,
and an on disk copy of the data as of 5 second ago. Clients must read at
a version within the last 5 seconds, or they will get a
`` transaction_too_old `` error. The SSD storage engine stores the data in
a B-tree based on SQLite. The memory storage engine store the data in
memory with an append only log that is only read from disk if the
process is rebooted. In the upcoming FoundationDB 7.0 release, the
B-tree storage engine will be replaced with a brand new *Redwood*
Data Distributor
Data distributor manages the lifetime of storage servers, decides which
storage server is responsible for which data range, and ensures data is
evenly distributed across all storage servers (SS). Data distributor as
a singleton in the cluster is recruited and monitored by Cluster
Controller. See `internal
documentation <https://github.com/apple/foundationdb/blob/master/design/data-distributor-internals.md>`__.
Ratekeeper monitors system load and slows down client transaction rate
when the cluster is close to saturation by lowering the rate at which
the proxy provides read versions. Ratekeeper as a singleton in the
cluster is recruited and monitored by Cluster Controller.
A client links with specific language bindings (i.e., client libraries)
in order to communicate with a FoundationDB cluster. The language
bindings support loading multiple versions of C libraries, allowing the
client communicates with older version of the FoundationDB clusters.
Currently, C, Go, Python, Java, Ruby bindings are officially supported.
Transaction Processing
A database transaction in FoundationDB starts by a client contacting one
of the Proxies to obtain a read version, which is guaranteed to be
larger than any of commit version that client may know about (even
through side channels outside the FoundationDB cluster). This is needed
so that a client will see the result of previous commits that have
Then the client may issue multiple reads to storage servers and obtain
values at that specific read version. Client writes are kept in local
memory without contacting the cluster. By default, reading a key that
was written in the same transaction will return the newly written value.
At commit time, the client sends the transaction data (all reads and
writes) to one of the Proxies and waits for commit or abort response
from the proxy. If the transaction conflicts with another one and cannot
commit, the client may choose to retry the transaction from the
beginning again. If the transaction commits, the proxy also returns the
commit version back to the client. Note this commit version is larger
than the read version and is chosen by the master.
The FoundationDB architecture separates the scaling of client reads and
writes (i.e., transaction commits). Because clients directly issue reads
to sharded storage servers, reads scale linearly to the number of
storage servers. Similarly, writes are scaled by adding more processes
to Proxies, Resolvers, and Log Servers in the transaction system.
Determine Read Version
When a client requests a read version from a proxy, the proxy asks all
other proxies for their last commit versions, and checks a set of
transaction logs satisfying replication policy are live. Then the proxy
returns the maximum commit version as the read version to the client.
The reason for the proxy to contact all other proxies for commit
versions is to ensure the read version is larger than any previously
committed version. Consider that if proxy `` A `` commits a transaction,
and then the client asks proxy `` B `` for a read version. The read
version from proxy `` B `` must be larger than the version committed by
proxy `` A `` . The only way to get this information is by asking proxy
`` A `` for its largest committed version.
The reason for checking a set of transaction logs satisfying replication
policy are live is to ensure the proxy is not replaced with newer
generation of proxies. This is because proxy is a stateless role
recruited in each generation. If a recovery has happened and the old
proxy is still live, this old proxy could still give out read versions.
As a result, a *read-only* transaction may see stale results (a
read-write transaction will be aborted). By checking a set of
transaction logs satisfying replication policy are live, the proxy makes
sure no recovery has happened, thus the *read-only* transaction sees the
latest data.
Note that the client cannot simply ask the master for read versions. The
master gives out versions to proxies to be committed, but the master
does not know when the versions it gives out are durable on the
transaction logs. Therefore it is not safe to do reads at the largest
version the master has provided because that version might be rolled
back in the event of a failure, so the client could end up reading data
that was never committed. In order for the client to use versions from
the master, the client needs to wait until all in-flight
transaction-batches (a write version is used for a batch of
transactions) to commit. This can take a long time and thus is
inefficient. Another drawback of this approach is putting more work
towards the master, because the master role can’ t be scaled. Even though
giving out read-versions isn’ t very expensive, it still requires the
master to get a transaction budget from the Ratekeeper, batches
requests, and potentially maintains thousands of network connections
from clients.
Transaction Commit
A client transaction commits in the following steps:
1. A client sends a transaction to a proxy.
2. The proxy asks the master for a commit version.
3. The master sends back a commit version that is higher than any commit
version seen before.
4. The proxy sends the read and write conflict ranges to the resolver(s)
with the commit version included.
5. The resolver responds back with whether the transaction has any
conflicts with previous transactions by sorting transactions
according to their commit versions and computing if such a serial
execution order is conflict-free.
- If there are conflicts, the proxy responds back to the client with
a not_committed error.
- If there are no conflicts, the proxy sends the mutations and
commit version of this transaction to the transaction logs.
6. Once the mutations are durable on the logs, the proxy responds back
success to the user.
Note the proxy sends each resolver their respective key ranges, if any
one of the resolvers detects a conflict then the transaction is not
committed. This has the flaw that if only one of the resolvers detects a
conflict, the other resolver will still think the transaction has
succeeded and may fail future transactions with overlapping write
conflict ranges, even though these future transaction can commit. In
practice, a well designed workload will only have a very small
percentage of conflicts, so this amplification will not affect
performance. Additionally, each transaction has a five seconds window.
After five seconds, resolvers will remove the conflict ranges of old
transactions, which also limits the chance of this type of false
Background Work
There are a number of background work happening besides the transaction
- **Ratekeeper** collects statistic information from proxies,
transaction logs, and storage servers and compute the target
transaction rate for the cluster.
- **Data distribution** monitors all storage servers and perform load
balancing operations to evenly distribute data among all storage
- **Storage servers** pull mutations from transaction logs, write them
into storage engine to persist on disks.
- **Proxies** periodically send empty commits to transaction logs to
keep commit versions increasing, in case there is no client generated
Transaction System Recovery
The transaction system implements the write pipeline of the FoundationDB
cluster and its performance is critical to the transaction commit
latency. A typical recovery takes about a few hundred milliseconds, but
longer recovery time (usually a few seconds) can happen. Whenever there
is a failure in the transaction system, a recovery process is performed
to restore the transaction system to a new configuration, i.e., a clean
state. Specifically, the Master process monitors the health of Proxies,
Resolvers, and Transaction Logs. If any one of the monitored process
failed, the Master process terminates. The Cluster Controller will
detect this event, and then recruits a new Master, which coordinates the
recovery and recruits a new transaction system instance. In this way,
the transaction processing is divided into a number of epochs, where
each epoch represents a generation of the transaction system with its
unique Master process.
For each epoch, the Master initiates recovery in several steps. First,
the Master reads the previous transaction system states from
Coordinators and lock the coordinated states to prevent another Master
process from recovering at the same time. Then the Master recovers
previous transaction system states, including all Log Servers’
Information, stops these Log Servers from accepting transactions, and
recruits a new set of Proxies, Resolvers, and Transaction Logs. After
previous Log Servers are stopped and new transaction system is
recruited, the Master writes the coordinated states with current
transaction system information. Finally, the Master accepts new
transaction commits. See details in this
`documentation <https://github.com/apple/foundationdb/blob/master/design/recovery-internals.md> `__ .
Because Proxies and Resolvers are stateless, their recoveries have no
extra work. In contrast, Transaction Logs save the logs of committed
transactions, and we need to ensure all previously committed
transactions are durable and retrievable by storage servers. That is,
for any transactions that the Proxies may have sent back commit
response, their logs are persisted in multiple Log Servers (e.g., three
servers if replication degree is 3).
Finally, a recovery will *fast forward* time by 90 seconds, which would
abort any in-progress client transactions with `` transaction_too_old ``
error. During retry, these client transactions will find the new
generation of transaction system and commit.
**``commit_result_unknown`` error:** If a recovery happened while a
transaction is committing (i.e., a proxy has sent mutations to
transaction logs). A client would have received
`` commit_result_unknown `` , and then retried the transaction. It’ s
completely permissible for FDB to commit both the first attempt, and the
second retry, as `` commit_result_unknown `` means the transaction may or
may not have committed. This is why it’ s strongly recommended that
transactions should be idempotent, so that they handle
`` commit_result_unknown `` correctly.
Post <https://forums.foundationdb.org/t/technical-overview-of-the-database/135/26>`__
`Existing Architecture
Documentation <https://github.com/apple/foundationdb/blob/master/documentation/sphinx/source/kv-architecture.rst>`__
Presentation <https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLbzoR-pLrL6q7uYN-94-p_-Q3hyAmpI7o&v=EMwhsGsxfPU&feature=emb_logo>`__
`Data Distribution
Documentation <https://github.com/apple/foundationdb/blob/master/design/data-distributor-internals.md>`__
Documentation <https://github.com/apple/foundationdb/blob/master/design/recovery-internals.md>`__
.. |image1| image :: images/architecture-1.jpeg
.. |image2| image :: images/architecture-2.jpeg
.. |image3| image :: images/architecture-3.jpeg
.. |image4| image :: images/architecture-4.jpeg
.. |image5| image :: images/architecture-5.jpeg
.. |image6| image :: images/architecture-6.jpeg