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* This source file is part of the FoundationDB open source project
2022-03-22 04:36:23 +08:00
* Copyright 2013-2022 Apple Inc. and the FoundationDB project authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fdbclient/DatabaseContext.h"
#include "fdbclient/"
#include "flow/EncryptUtils.h"
#include "flow/IRandom.h"
#include "flow/BlobCipher.h"
#include "fdbserver/workloads/"
#include "flow/ITrace.h"
#include "flow/Trace.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <random>
#include "flow/actorcompiler.h" // This must be the last #include.
#define MEGA_BYTES (1024 * 1024)
#define NANO_SECOND (1000 * 1000 * 1000)
struct WorkloadMetrics {
double totalEncryptTimeNS;
double totalDecryptTimeNS;
double totalKeyDerivationTimeNS;
int64_t totalBytes;
void reset() {
totalEncryptTimeNS = 0;
totalDecryptTimeNS = 0;
totalKeyDerivationTimeNS = 0;
totalBytes = 0;
WorkloadMetrics() { reset(); }
double computeEncryptThroughputMBPS() {
// convert bytes -> MBs & nano-seonds -> seconds
return (totalBytes * NANO_SECOND) / (totalEncryptTimeNS * MEGA_BYTES);
double computeDecryptThroughputMBPS() {
// convert bytes -> MBs & nano-seonds -> seconds
return (totalBytes * NANO_SECOND) / (totalDecryptTimeNS * MEGA_BYTES);
void updateKeyDerivationTime(double val) { totalKeyDerivationTimeNS += val; }
void updateEncryptionTime(double val) { totalEncryptTimeNS += val; }
void updateDecryptionTime(double val) { totalDecryptTimeNS += val; }
void updateBytes(int64_t val) { totalBytes += val; }
void recordMetrics(const std::string& mode, const int numIterations) {
.detail("Mode", mode)
.detail("EncryptTimeMS", totalEncryptTimeNS / 1000)
.detail("DecryptTimeMS", totalDecryptTimeNS / 1000)
.detail("EncryptMBPS", computeEncryptThroughputMBPS())
.detail("DecryptMBPS", computeDecryptThroughputMBPS())
.detail("KeyDerivationTimeMS", totalKeyDerivationTimeNS / 1000)
.detail("TotalBytes", totalBytes)
.detail("AvgCommitSize", totalBytes / numIterations);
// Workload generator for encryption/decryption operations.
// 1. For every client run, it generate unique random encryptionDomainId range and simulate encryption of
// either fixed size or variable size payload.
// 2. For each encryption run, it would interact with BlobCipherKeyCache to fetch the desired encryption key,
// which then is used for encrypting the plaintext payload.
// 3. Encryption operation generates 'encryption header', it is leveraged to decrypt the ciphertext obtained from
// step#2 (simulate real-world scenario)
// Correctness validations:
// -----------------------
// Correctness invariants are validated at various steps:
// 1. Encryption key correctness: as part of performing decryption, BlobCipherKeyCache lookup is done to procure
// desired encrytion key based on: {encryptionDomainId, baseCipherId}; the obtained key is validated against
// the encryption key used for encrypting the data.
// 2. After encryption, generated 'encryption header' fields are validated, encrypted buffer size and contents are
// validated.
// 3. After decryption, the obtained deciphertext is validated against the orginal plaintext payload.
// Performance metrics:
// -------------------
// The workload generator profiles below operations across the iterations and logs the details at the end, they are:
// 1. Time spent in encryption key fetch (and derivation) operations.
// 2. Time spent encrypting the buffer (doesn't incude key lookup time); also records the throughput in MB/sec.
// 3. Time spent decrypting the buffer (doesn't incude key lookup time); also records the throughput in MB/sec.
struct EncryptionOpsWorkload : TestWorkload {
int mode;
int64_t numIterations;
int pageSize;
int maxBufSize;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buff;
Arena arena;
std::unique_ptr<WorkloadMetrics> metrics;
EncryptCipherDomainId minDomainId;
EncryptCipherDomainId maxDomainId;
EncryptCipherBaseKeyId minBaseCipherId;
EncryptCipherBaseKeyId headerBaseCipherId;
EncryptCipherRandomSalt headerRandomSalt;
EncryptionOpsWorkload(WorkloadContext const& wcx) : TestWorkload(wcx) {
mode = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("fixedSize"), 1);
numIterations = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("numIterations"), 10);
pageSize = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("pageSize"), 4096);
maxBufSize = getOption(options, LiteralStringRef("maxBufSize"), 512 * 1024);
buff = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(maxBufSize);
// assign unique encryptionDomainId range per workload clients
minDomainId = wcx.clientId * 100 + mode * 30 + 1;
maxDomainId = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(minDomainId, minDomainId + 10) + 5;
minBaseCipherId = 100;
headerBaseCipherId = wcx.clientId * 100 + 1;
metrics = std::make_unique<WorkloadMetrics>();
.detail("Mode", getModeStr())
.detail("MinDomainId", minDomainId)
.detail("MaxDomainId", maxDomainId);
~EncryptionOpsWorkload() { TraceEvent("EncryptionOpsWorkload_Done").log(); }
bool isFixedSizePayload() { return mode == 1; }
std::string getModeStr() const {
if (mode == 1) {
return "FixedSize";
} else if (mode == 0) {
return "VariableSize";
// no other mode supported
throw internal_error();
void generateRandomBaseCipher(const int maxLen, uint8_t* buff, int* retLen) {
memset(buff, 0, maxLen);
*retLen = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(maxLen / 2, maxLen);
generateRandomData(buff, *retLen);
void setupCipherEssentials() {
Reference<BlobCipherKeyCache> cipherKeyCache = BlobCipherKeyCache::getInstance();
TraceEvent("SetupCipherEssentials_Start").detail("MinDomainId", minDomainId).detail("MaxDomainId", maxDomainId);
uint8_t buff[AES_256_KEY_LENGTH];
std::vector<Reference<BlobCipherKey>> cipherKeys;
int cipherLen = 0;
for (EncryptCipherDomainId id = minDomainId; id <= maxDomainId; id++) {
generateRandomBaseCipher(AES_256_KEY_LENGTH, &buff[0], &cipherLen);
cipherKeyCache->insertCipherKey(id, minBaseCipherId, buff, cipherLen);
ASSERT(cipherLen > 0 && cipherLen <= AES_256_KEY_LENGTH);
cipherKeys = cipherKeyCache->getAllCiphers(id);
ASSERT_EQ(cipherKeys.size(), 1);
// insert the Encrypt Header cipherKey; record cipherDetails as getLatestCipher() may not work with multiple
// test clients
generateRandomBaseCipher(AES_256_KEY_LENGTH, &buff[0], &cipherLen);
cipherKeyCache->insertCipherKey(ENCRYPT_HEADER_DOMAIN_ID, headerBaseCipherId, buff, cipherLen);
Reference<BlobCipherKey> latestCipher = cipherKeyCache->getLatestCipherKey(ENCRYPT_HEADER_DOMAIN_ID);
ASSERT_EQ(latestCipher->getBaseCipherId(), headerBaseCipherId);
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(latestCipher->rawBaseCipher(), buff, cipherLen), 0);
headerRandomSalt = latestCipher->getSalt();
.detail("MinDomainId", minDomainId)
.detail("MaxDomainId", maxDomainId)
.detail("HeaderBaseCipherId", headerBaseCipherId)
.detail("HeaderRandomSalt", headerRandomSalt);
void resetCipherEssentials() {
Reference<BlobCipherKeyCache> cipherKeyCache = BlobCipherKeyCache::getInstance();
void updateLatestBaseCipher(const EncryptCipherDomainId encryptDomainId,
uint8_t* baseCipher,
int* baseCipherLen,
EncryptCipherBaseKeyId* nextBaseCipherId) {
Reference<BlobCipherKeyCache> cipherKeyCache = BlobCipherKeyCache::getInstance();
Reference<BlobCipherKey> cipherKey = cipherKeyCache->getLatestCipherKey(encryptDomainId);
*nextBaseCipherId = cipherKey->getBaseCipherId() + 1;
generateRandomBaseCipher(AES_256_KEY_LENGTH, baseCipher, baseCipherLen);
ASSERT(*baseCipherLen > 0 && *baseCipherLen <= AES_256_KEY_LENGTH);
TraceEvent("UpdateBaseCipher").detail("DomainId", encryptDomainId).detail("BaseCipherId", *nextBaseCipherId);
Reference<BlobCipherKey> getEncryptionKey(const EncryptCipherDomainId& domainId,
const EncryptCipherBaseKeyId& baseCipherId,
const EncryptCipherRandomSalt& salt) {
const bool simCacheMiss = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(1, 100) < 15;
Reference<BlobCipherKeyCache> cipherKeyCache = BlobCipherKeyCache::getInstance();
Reference<BlobCipherKey> cipherKey = cipherKeyCache->getCipherKey(domainId, baseCipherId, salt);
if (simCacheMiss) {
TraceEvent("SimKeyCacheMiss").detail("EncyrptDomainId", domainId).detail("BaseCipherId", baseCipherId);
// simulate KeyCache miss that may happen during decryption; insert a CipherKey with known 'salt'
// Ensure the update was a NOP
Reference<BlobCipherKey> cKey = cipherKeyCache->getCipherKey(domainId, baseCipherId, salt);
return cipherKey;
Reference<EncryptBuf> doEncryption(Reference<BlobCipherKey> textCipherKey,
Reference<BlobCipherKey> headerCipherKey,
uint8_t* payload,
int len,
const EncryptAuthTokenMode authMode,
BlobCipherEncryptHeader* header) {
uint8_t iv[AES_256_IV_LENGTH];
generateRandomData(&iv[0], AES_256_IV_LENGTH);
EncryptBlobCipherAes265Ctr encryptor(textCipherKey, headerCipherKey, &iv[0], AES_256_IV_LENGTH, authMode);
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
Reference<EncryptBuf> encrypted = encryptor.encrypt(payload, len, header, arena);
auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// validate encrypted buffer size and contents (not matching with plaintext)
ASSERT_EQ(encrypted->getLogicalSize(), len);
ASSERT_NE(memcmp(encrypted->begin(), payload, len), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(header->flags.headerVersion, EncryptBlobCipherAes265Ctr::ENCRYPT_HEADER_VERSION);
metrics->updateEncryptionTime(std::chrono::duration<double, std::nano>(end - start).count());
return encrypted;
void doDecryption(Reference<EncryptBuf> encrypted,
int len,
const BlobCipherEncryptHeader& header,
uint8_t* originalPayload,
Reference<BlobCipherKey> orgCipherKey) {
ASSERT_EQ(header.flags.headerVersion, EncryptBlobCipherAes265Ctr::ENCRYPT_HEADER_VERSION);
ASSERT_EQ(header.flags.encryptMode, ENCRYPT_CIPHER_MODE_AES_256_CTR);
Reference<BlobCipherKey> cipherKey = getEncryptionKey(header.cipherTextDetails.encryptDomainId,
Reference<BlobCipherKey> headerCipherKey = getEncryptionKey(header.cipherHeaderDetails.encryptDomainId,
DecryptBlobCipherAes256Ctr decryptor(cipherKey, headerCipherKey, &header.cipherTextDetails.iv[0]);
const bool validateHeaderAuthToken = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 100) < 65;
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
if (validateHeaderAuthToken) {
decryptor.verifyHeaderAuthToken(header, arena);
Reference<EncryptBuf> decrypted = decryptor.decrypt(encrypted->begin(), len, header, arena);
auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// validate decrypted buffer size and contents (matching with original plaintext)
ASSERT_EQ(decrypted->getLogicalSize(), len);
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(decrypted->begin(), originalPayload, len), 0);
metrics->updateDecryptionTime(std::chrono::duration<double, std::nano>(end - start).count());
Future<Void> setup(Database const& ctx) override { return Void(); }
std::string description() const override { return "EncryptionOps"; }
Future<Void> start(Database const& cx) override {
uint8_t baseCipher[AES_256_KEY_LENGTH];
int baseCipherLen = 0;
EncryptCipherBaseKeyId nextBaseCipherId;
// Setup encryptDomainIds and corresponding baseCipher details
for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) {
bool updateBaseCipher = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(1, 100) < 5;
// Step-1: Encryption key derivation, caching the cipher for later use
Reference<BlobCipherKeyCache> cipherKeyCache = BlobCipherKeyCache::getInstance();
// randomly select a domainId
const EncryptCipherDomainId encryptDomainId = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(minDomainId, maxDomainId);
ASSERT(encryptDomainId >= minDomainId && encryptDomainId <= maxDomainId);
if (updateBaseCipher) {
// simulate baseCipherId getting refreshed/updated
updateLatestBaseCipher(encryptDomainId, &baseCipher[0], &baseCipherLen, &nextBaseCipherId);
cipherKeyCache->insertCipherKey(encryptDomainId, nextBaseCipherId, &baseCipher[0], baseCipherLen);
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
Reference<BlobCipherKey> cipherKey = cipherKeyCache->getLatestCipherKey(encryptDomainId);
// Each client working with their own version of encryptHeaderCipherKey, avoid using getLatest()
Reference<BlobCipherKey> headerCipherKey =
cipherKeyCache->getCipherKey(ENCRYPT_HEADER_DOMAIN_ID, headerBaseCipherId, headerRandomSalt);
auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
metrics->updateKeyDerivationTime(std::chrono::duration<double, std::nano>(end - start).count());
// Validate sanity of "getLatestCipher", especially when baseCipher gets updated
if (updateBaseCipher) {
ASSERT_EQ(cipherKey->getBaseCipherId(), nextBaseCipherId);
ASSERT_EQ(cipherKey->getBaseCipherLen(), baseCipherLen);
ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(cipherKey->rawBaseCipher(), baseCipher, baseCipherLen), 0);
int dataLen = isFixedSizePayload() ? pageSize : deterministicRandom()->randomInt(100, maxBufSize);
generateRandomData(buff.get(), dataLen);
// Encrypt the payload - generates BlobCipherEncryptHeader to assist decryption later
BlobCipherEncryptHeader header;
const EncryptAuthTokenMode authMode = deterministicRandom()->randomInt(0, 100) < 50
try {
Reference<EncryptBuf> encrypted =
doEncryption(cipherKey, headerCipherKey, buff.get(), dataLen, authMode, &header);
// Decrypt the payload - parses the BlobCipherEncryptHeader, fetch corresponding cipherKey and
// decrypt
doDecryption(encrypted, dataLen, header, buff.get(), cipherKey);
} catch (Error& e) {
.detail("DomainId", encryptDomainId)
.detail("BaseCipherId", cipherKey->getBaseCipherId())
.detail("AuthMode", authMode);
// Cleanup cipherKeys
return Void();
Future<bool> check(Database const& cx) override { return true; }
void getMetrics(std::vector<PerfMetric>& m) override { metrics->recordMetrics(getModeStr(), numIterations); }
WorkloadFactory<EncryptionOpsWorkload> EncryptionOpsWorkloadFactory("EncryptionOps");