`flowbench` is an executable that can be used to microbenchmark parts of the FoundationDB code. The goal is to make it easy to test the performance of various sub-millisecond operations using `flow` and `fdbrpc`. Specifically, this tool can be used to:
- Test the performance effects of changes to the actor compiler or to the `flow` and `fdbrpc` libraries
- Test the performance of various uses of the `flow` and `fdbrpc` libraries
- Find areas for improvement in the `flow` and `fdbrpc` libraries
- Compare `flow`/`fdbrpc` primitives to alternatives provided by the standard library or other third-party libraries.
- Then you can run `bin/flowbench --help` to see possible uses of `flowbench`.
- Running `bin/flowbench` directly will run all registered benchmarks, but you may want to limit your run to a subset of benchmarks. This can be done by running `bin/flowbench --benchmark_filter=<regex>`
- All benchmark names can be listed with `bin/flowbench --benchmark_list_tests`