2018-05-03 00:55:29 +08:00
find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
2022-10-06 01:48:44 +08:00
option(FLOW_USE_ZSTD "Enable zstd compression in flow" OFF)
2022-06-28 08:11:55 +08:00
2022-10-06 01:48:44 +08:00
# NOTE: To enable boost::iostreams with zstd library support, manually add
# zstd.cpp to source files is required. Ref:
# https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_79_0/libs/iostreams/doc/installation.html
list(APPEND FLOW_SRCS ../contrib/boost_zstd/zstd.cpp)
Add test executables to catch missing symbols
Currently, we have code in different folders like `flow/` and `fdbrpc/`
that should remain isolated. For example, `flow/` files should not
include functionality from any other modules. `fdbrpc/` files should
only be able to include functionality from itself and from `flow/`.
However, when creating a shared library, the linker doesn't complain
about undefined symbols -- this only happens when creating an
executable. Thus, for example, it is possible to forward declare an
`fdbclient` function in an `fdbrpc` file and then use it, and nothing
will break (when it should, because this is illegal).
This change adds dummy executables for a few modules (`flow`, `fdbrpc`,
`fdbclient`) that will cause a linker error if there are included
symbols which the linker can't resolve.
2022-06-25 08:08:58 +08:00
# Remove files with `main` defined so we can create a link test executable.
2021-06-08 10:23:47 +08:00
2022-10-05 07:07:07 +08:00
list(APPEND FLOW_SRCS aarch64/memcmp.S aarch64/memcpy.S)
2021-06-08 10:23:47 +08:00
2022-06-24 04:37:35 +08:00
2022-09-02 15:28:13 +08:00
set(FDB_API_VERSION_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ApiVersions.cmake" CACHE STRING "Api version cmake file." FORCE)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ApiVersion.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/flow/ApiVersion.h)
2022-08-24 08:09:19 +08:00
set(FDB_PROTOCOL_VERSION_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ProtocolVersions.cmake" CACHE STRING "Protocol version cmake file." FORCE)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ProtocolVersion.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/flow/ProtocolVersion.h)
2022-06-24 04:37:35 +08:00
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/SourceVersion.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/flow/SourceVersion.h)
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/flow/config.h)
2018-05-03 00:55:29 +08:00
2019-02-09 08:51:13 +08:00
add_flow_target(STATIC_LIBRARY NAME flow SRCS ${FLOW_SRCS})
2021-07-24 08:18:13 +08:00
add_flow_target(STATIC_LIBRARY NAME flow_sampling SRCS ${FLOW_SRCS})
2022-06-28 07:05:55 +08:00
2022-10-06 01:48:44 +08:00
target_link_libraries(flow PRIVATE libzstd_static)
target_compile_definitions(flow PUBLIC ZSTD_LIB_SUPPORTED)
Add test executables to catch missing symbols
Currently, we have code in different folders like `flow/` and `fdbrpc/`
that should remain isolated. For example, `flow/` files should not
include functionality from any other modules. `fdbrpc/` files should
only be able to include functionality from itself and from `flow/`.
However, when creating a shared library, the linker doesn't complain
about undefined symbols -- this only happens when creating an
executable. Thus, for example, it is possible to forward declare an
`fdbclient` function in an `fdbrpc` file and then use it, and nothing
will break (when it should, because this is illegal).
This change adds dummy executables for a few modules (`flow`, `fdbrpc`,
`fdbclient`) that will cause a linker error if there are included
symbols which the linker can't resolve.
2022-06-25 08:08:58 +08:00
# When creating a static or shared library, undefined symbols will be ignored.
# Since we want to ensure no symbols from other modules are used, create an
# executable so the linker will throw errors if it can't find the declaration
# of a symbol.
2022-07-18 23:59:03 +08:00
add_flow_target(LINK_TEST NAME flowlinktest SRCS LinkTest.cpp)
Add test executables to catch missing symbols
Currently, we have code in different folders like `flow/` and `fdbrpc/`
that should remain isolated. For example, `flow/` files should not
include functionality from any other modules. `fdbrpc/` files should
only be able to include functionality from itself and from `flow/`.
However, when creating a shared library, the linker doesn't complain
about undefined symbols -- this only happens when creating an
executable. Thus, for example, it is possible to forward declare an
`fdbclient` function in an `fdbrpc` file and then use it, and nothing
will break (when it should, because this is illegal).
This change adds dummy executables for a few modules (`flow`, `fdbrpc`,
`fdbclient`) that will cause a linker error if there are included
symbols which the linker can't resolve.
2022-06-25 08:08:58 +08:00
target_link_libraries(flowlinktest PRIVATE flow stacktrace)
2022-09-28 05:32:12 +08:00
2022-10-05 07:07:07 +08:00
2022-09-28 05:32:12 +08:00
Add test executables to catch missing symbols
Currently, we have code in different folders like `flow/` and `fdbrpc/`
that should remain isolated. For example, `flow/` files should not
include functionality from any other modules. `fdbrpc/` files should
only be able to include functionality from itself and from `flow/`.
However, when creating a shared library, the linker doesn't complain
about undefined symbols -- this only happens when creating an
executable. Thus, for example, it is possible to forward declare an
`fdbclient` function in an `fdbrpc` file and then use it, and nothing
will break (when it should, because this is illegal).
This change adds dummy executables for a few modules (`flow`, `fdbrpc`,
`fdbclient`) that will cause a linker error if there are included
symbols which the linker can't resolve.
2022-06-25 08:08:58 +08:00
foreach(ft flow flow_sampling flowlinktest)
2022-10-05 07:07:07 +08:00
target_include_directories(${ft} PUBLIC "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include")
2022-10-06 01:48:44 +08:00
target_include_directories(${ft} PRIVATE SYSTEM ${ZSTD_LIB_INCLUDE_DIR})
2022-10-05 07:07:07 +08:00
target_link_libraries(${ft} PRIVATE stacktrace)
target_link_libraries(${ft} PUBLIC fmt::fmt SimpleOpt crc32)
target_link_libraries(${ft} PRIVATE folly_memcpy)
target_compile_definitions(${ft} PRIVATE WITH_FOLLY_MEMCPY)
target_link_libraries(${ft} PUBLIC winmm.lib)
target_link_libraries(${ft} PUBLIC psapi.lib)
set(FLOW_LIBS ${FLOW_LIBS} execinfo devstat)
find_library(EIO eio)
target_link_libraries(${ft} PUBLIC ${EIO})
target_link_libraries(${ft} PRIVATE ${FLOW_LIBS})
target_link_libraries(${ft} PUBLIC Valgrind)
target_link_libraries(${ft} PUBLIC OpenSSL::SSL)
target_link_libraries(${ft} PUBLIC Threads::Threads ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS})
2022-06-28 07:05:55 +08:00
target_link_libraries(${ft} PUBLIC boost_target)
2022-10-05 07:07:07 +08:00
target_link_libraries(${ft} PUBLIC Valgrind)
find_library(IO_KIT IOKit)
find_library(CORE_FOUNDATION CoreFoundation)
target_link_libraries(${ft} PRIVATE ${IO_KIT} ${CORE_FOUNDATION})
2022-06-28 07:05:55 +08:00
2021-07-24 08:18:13 +08:00
target_compile_definitions(flow_sampling PRIVATE -DENABLE_SAMPLING)
2021-08-21 00:32:56 +08:00
2022-10-05 07:07:07 +08:00
add_dependencies(flow_sampling_actors flow_actors)
2021-08-21 00:32:56 +08:00
2021-07-24 08:18:13 +08:00
2022-10-05 07:01:02 +08:00
2022-10-05 07:07:07 +08:00
add_library(mkcert OBJECT MkCertCli.cpp)
2022-10-05 07:01:02 +08:00
2022-10-05 07:07:07 +08:00
add_executable(mkcert MkCertCli.cpp)
2022-10-05 07:01:02 +08:00
2022-06-28 07:05:55 +08:00
target_link_libraries(mkcert PUBLIC flow)
Introduce initial Swift support in fdbserver (#10156)
* [fdbserver] workaround the FRT type layout issue to get Swfit getVersion working
* MasterData.actor.h: fix comment typo
* masterserver.swift: some tweaks
* masterserver.swift: remove getVersion function, use the method
* masterserver.swift: print replied version to output for tracing
* [swift] add radar links for C++ interop issues found in getVersion bringup
* Update fdbserver.actor.cpp
* Migrate MasterData closer to full reference type
This removes the workaround for the FRT type layout issue, and gets us closer to making MasterData a full reference type
* [interop] require a new toolchain (>= Oct 19th) to build
* [Swift] fix computation of toAdd for getVersion Swift implementation
* add Swift to FDBClient and add async `atLeast` to NotifiedVersion
* fix
* use new atLeast API in master server
* =build fixup link dependencies in swift fdbclient
* clocks
* +clock implement Clock using Flow's notion of time
* [interop] workaround the immortal retain/release issue
* [swift] add script to get latest centos toolchain
* always install swift hooks; not only in "test" mode
* simulator - first thing running WIP
* cleanups
* more cleanup
* working snapshot
* remove sim debug printlns
* added convenience for whenAtLeast
* try Alex's workaround
* annotate nonnull
* cleanup clock a little bit
* fix missing impls after rebase
* Undo the swift_lookup_Map_UID_CommitProxyVersionReplies workaround
No longer needed - the issue was retain/release
* [flow][swift] add Swift version of BUGGIFY
* [swiftication] add CounterValue type to provide value semantics for Counter types on the Swift side
* remove extraneous requestingProxyUID local
* masterserver: initial Swift state prototype
* [interop] make the Swiftied getVersion work
* masterserver - remove the C++ implementation (it can't be supported as state is now missing)
* Remove unnecessary SWIFT_CXX_REF_IMMORTAL annotations from Flow types
* Remove C++ implementation of CommitProxyVersionReplies - it's in Swift now
* [swift interop] remove more SWIFT_CXX_REF_IMMORTAL
* [swift interop] add SWIFT_CXX_IMMORTAL_SINGLETON_TYPE annotation for semanticly meaningful immortal uses
* Move master server waitForPrev to swift
* =build fix linking swift in all modules
* =build single link option
* =cmake avoid manual math, just get "last" element from list
* implement Streams support (#18)
* [interop] update to new toolchain #6
* [interop] remove C++ vtable linking workarounds
* [interop] make MasterData proper reference counted SWIFT_CXX_REF_MASTERDATA
* [interop] use Swift array to pass UIDs to registerLastCommitProxyVersionReplies
* [interop] expose MasterServer actor to C++ without wrapper struct
* [interop] we no longer need expose on methods 🥳
* [interop] initial prototype of storing CheckedContinuation on the C++ side
* Example of invoking a synchronous swift function from a C++ unit test. (#21)
* move all "tests" we have in Swift, and priority support into real modules (#24)
* Make set continuation functions inline
* Split flow_swift into flow_swift and flow_swift_future to break circular dependency
* rename SwiftContinuationCallbackStruct to FlowCallbackForSwiftContinuation
* Future interop: use a method in a class template for continuation set call
* Revert "Merge pull request #22 from FoundationDB/cpp-continuation" (#30)
* Basic Swift Guide (#29)
Co-authored-by: Alex Lorenz <arphaman@gmail.com>
* Revert "Revert "Merge pull request #22 from FoundationDB/cpp-continuation" (#30)"
This reverts commit c025fe6258c4c4904d5e70cd549d408bb61f2802.
* Restore the C++ continuation, but it seems waitValue is broken for CInt somehow now
* disable broken tests - waitValue not accessible
* Streams can be async iterated over (#27)
Co-authored-by: Alex Lorenz <arphaman@gmail.com>
* remove work in progress things (#35)
* remove some not used (yet) code
* remove expose func for CInt, it's a primitive so we always have witness info (#37)
* +masterdata implement provideVersions in Swift (#36)
* serveLiveCommittedVersion in Swift (#38)
* Port updateLiveCommittedVersion to swift (#33)
Co-authored-by: Konrad `ktoso` Malawski <konrad_malawski@apple.com>
* Implement updateRecoveryData in Swift (#39)
Co-authored-by: Alex Lorenz <arphaman@gmail.com>
* Simplify flow_swift to avoid multiple targets and generate separate CheckedContinuation header
* Uncomment test which was blocked on extensions not being picked up (#31)
* [interop] Use a separate target for Swift-to-C++ header generation
* reduce boilerplate in future and stream support (#41)
* [interop] require interop v8 - that will fix linker issue (https://github.com/apple/swift/issues/62448)
* [interop] fix swift_stream_support.h Swift include
* [interop] bump up requirement to version 9
* [interop] Generalize the Flow.Optional -> Swift.Optional conversion using generics
* [WIP] masterServer func in Swift (#45)
* [interop] Try conforms_to with a SWIFT_CONFORMS_TO macro for Optional conformance (#49)
* [interop] include FlowOptionalProtocol source file when generating Flow_CheckedContinuation.h
This header generation step depends on the import of the C++ Flow module, which requires the presence of FlowOptionalProtocol
* conform Future to FlowFutureOps
* some notes
* move to value() so we can use discardable result for Flow.Void
* make calling into Swift async funcs nicer by returning Flow Futures
* [interop] hide initial use of FlowCheckedContinuation in flow.h to break dependency cycle
* [fdbserver] fix an EncryptionOpsUtils.h modularization issue (showed up with modularized libc++)
* Pass GCC toolchain using CMAKE_Swift_COMPILE_EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN to Swift's clang importer
* [interop] drop the no longer needed libstdc++ include directories
* [cmake] add a configuration check to ensure Swift can import C++ standard library
* [swift] include msgpack from msgpack_DIR
* [interop] make sure the FDB module maps have 'export' directive
* add import 'flow_swift' to swift_fdbserver_cxx_swift_value_conformance.swift
This is needed for CONFORMS_TO to work in imported modules
* make sure the Swift -> C++ manually bridged function signature matches generated signature
* [interop][workaround] force back use of @expose attribute before _Concurrency issue is fixed
* [interop] make getResolutionBalancer return a pointer to allow Swift to use it
We should revert back to a reference once compiler allows references again
* [interop] add a workaround for 'pop' being marked as unsafe in Swift
* masterserver.swift: MasterData returns the Swift actor pointer in an unsafe manner
* Add a 'getCopy' method to AsyncVar to make it more Swift friendly
* [interop] bump up the toolchain requirement
* Revert "[interop][workaround] force back use of @expose attribute before _Concurrency issue is fixed"
This reverts commit b01b271a76d1677bbb7c5c9c64cdad4b8b2b9612.
* [interop] add FIXME comments highlighting new issue workarounds
* [interop] adopt the new C++ interoperability compiler flag
* [interop] generate swift compile commands
* Do not deduplicate Swift compilation commands
* [interop] generate swift compile commands
* Do not deduplicate Swift compilation commands
* flow actorcompiler.h: add a SWIFT_ACTOR empty macro definition
This is needed to make the actor files parsable by clangd
* [cmake] add missing dependencies
* experimental cross compile
* [cmake] fix triple in cross-compiled cmake flags
* [interop] update to interop toolchain version 16
* [x-compile] add flags for cross-compiling boost
* cleanup x-compile cmake changes
* [cmake] fix typo in CMAKE_Swift_COMPILER_EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN config variable
* [interop] pass MasterDataActor from Swift to C++ and back to Swift
* [fdbserver] Swift->C++ header generation for FDBServer should use same module cache path
* Update swift_get_latest_toolchain.sh to fetch 5.9 toochains
* set HAVE_FLAG_SEARCH_PATHS_FIRST for cross compilation
* Resolve conflicts in net2/sim2/actors, can't build yet
* undo SWIFT_ACTOR changes, not necessary for merge
* guard c++ compiler flags with is_cxx_compile
* Update flow/actorcompiler/ActorParser.cs
Co-authored-by: Evan Wilde <etceterawilde@gmail.com>
* update the boost dependency
* Include boost directory from the container for Swift
* conform flow's Optional to FlowOptionalProtocol again
* Guard entire RocksDBLogForwarder.h with SSD_ROCKSDB_EXPERIMENTAL to avoid failing on missing rocksdb APIs
* remove extraneous merge marker
* [swift] update swift_test_streams.swifto to use vars in more places
* Add header guard to flow/include/flow/ThreadSafeQueue.h to fix moduralization issue
* Update net and sim impls
* [cmake] use prebuilt libc++ boost only when we're actually using libc++
* [fdbserver] Swift->C++ header generation for FDBServer should use same module cache path
* fixups after merge
* remove CustomStringConvertible conformance that would not be used
* remove self-caused deprecation warnings in future_support
* handle newly added task priority
* reformatting
* future: make value() not mutating
* remove FIXME, not needed anymore
* future: clarify why as functions
* Support TraceEvent in Swift
* Enable TraceEvent using a class wrapper in Swift
* prearing WITH_SWIFT flag
* wip disabled failing Go stuff
* cleanup WITH_SWIFT_FLAG and reenable Go
* wip disabled failing Go stuff
* move setting flag before printing it
* Add SWIFT_IDE_SETUP and cleanup guides and build a bit
* Revert "Wipe packet buffers that held serialized WipedString (#10018)"
This reverts commit e2df6e33029897360f8e11b3aea8fef97393a98c.
* [Swift] Compile workaround in KeyBackedRangeMap; default init is incorrect
* [interop] do not add FlowFutureOps conformance when building flow clang module for Flow checked continuation header pre-generation
* make sure to show -DUSE_LIBCXX=OFF in readme
* readme updates
* do not print to stderr
* Update Swift and C++ code to build with latest Swift 5.9 toolchain now that we no longer support universal references and bridge the methods that take in a constant reference template parameter correctly
* Fix SERVER_KNOBS and enable use them for masterserver
* Bump to C++20, Swift is now able to handle it as well
* Put waitForPrev behind FLOW_WITH_SWIFT knob
* Forward declare updateLiveCommittedVersion
* Remove unused code
* fix wrong condition set for updateLiveCommittedVersion
* Revert "Revert "Wipe packet buffers that held serialized WipedString (#10018)""
This reverts commit 5ad8dce0525fb1844664ed2ccd7ba595db6913dd.
* Enable go-bindings in cmake
* Revert "Revert "Wipe packet buffers that held serialized WipedString (#10018)""
This reverts commit 5ad8dce0525fb1844664ed2ccd7ba595db6913dd.
* USE_SWIFT flag so we "build without swift" until ready to by default
* uncomment a few tests which were disabled during USE_SWIFT enablement
* the option is WITH_SWIFT, not USE
* formatting
* Fix masterserver compile error
* Fix some build errors.
How did it not merge cleanly? :/
* remove initializer list from constructor
* Expect Swift toolchain only if WITH_SWIFT is enabled
* Don't require Flow_CheckedContinuation when Swift is disabled
* Don't compile FlowCheckedContinuation when WITH_SWIFT=OFF
* No-op Swift macros
* More compile guards
* fix typo
* Run clang-format
* Guard swift/bridging include in fdbrpc
* Remove printf to pass the test
* Remove some more printf to avoid potential issues
TODO: Need to be TraceEvents instead
* Remove __has_feature(nullability) as its only used in Swift
* Don't use __FILENAME__
* Don't call generate_module_map outside WITH_SWIFT
* Add some more cmake stuff under WITH_SWIFT guard
* Some more guards
* Bring back TLSTest.cpp
* clang-format
* fix comment formatting
* Remove unused command line arg
* fix cmake formatting in some files
* Address some review comments
* fix clang-format error
Co-authored-by: Alex Lorenz <arphaman@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Russell Sears <russell_sears@apple.com>
Co-authored-by: Evan Wilde <etceterawilde@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Alex Lorenz <aleksei_lorenz@apple.com>
Co-authored-by: Vishesh Yadav <vishesh_yadav@apple.com>
Co-authored-by: Vishesh Yadav <vishesh3y@gmail.com>
2023-06-03 05:09:28 +08:00
generate_modulemap("${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/flow/include" "Flow" flow
add_library(flow_swift STATIC
stream_support.swift # general stream support types
flow_stream_support.swift # conformances for future types that we vend with this module (E.g. CInt, Void)
future_support.swift # general support types
trace_support.swift # general support types
flow_future_support.swift # conformances for future types that we vend with this module (E.g. CInt, Void)
target_include_directories(flow_swift PUBLIC
target_link_directories(flow PUBLIC "${SWIFT_LINK_PATHS}")
# We need to make sure that Swift, and the concurrency library is linked
# in every module that uses flow, because we implement the Swift hooks in flow.
# TODO(swift): With upcoming CMake 3.26 we can get rid of this as it should realize
# that modules need Swift and use Swift for the linking which
# will do the right thing.
target_link_options(flow PUBLIC
# Link with runtime initialization stub (not needed on Darwin).
list(GET SWIFT_LINK_PATHS_LIST -1 LastPath) # get the last element the list
target_link_options(flow PUBLIC "${LastPath}/swiftrt.o")
# TODO: the TBD validation skip is because of swift_job_run_generic, though it seems weird why we need to do that?
target_compile_options(flow_swift PRIVATE "$<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:Swift>:SHELL:-Xcc -std=c++20 -Xfrontend -validate-tbd-against-ir=none -Xcc -DNO_INTELLISENSE -Xcc -ivfsoverlay${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/flow/include/headeroverlay.yaml>")
# Ensure that C++ code in fdbserver can import Swift using a compatibility header.
-Xcc -std=c++20 -Xcc -DNO_INTELLISENSE -Xcc -ivfsoverlay${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/flow/include/headeroverlay.yaml
# Important: This is needed to avoid including headers that depends on this generated header.
-Xcc -std=c++20 -Xcc -DNO_INTELLISENSE -Xcc -ivfsoverlay${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/flow/include/headeroverlay.yaml
add_dependencies(flow_swift_checked_continuation_header flow_actors boost_target)
add_dependencies(flow_swift_header flow_swift_checked_continuation_header)
add_dependencies(flow_swift flow_swift_header)
add_dependencies(flow_swift flow_actors)
add_dependencies(flow_swift boost_target)
# TODO(swift): rdar://99107402 - this will only work once CMake 3.25 is released:
# target_link_libraries(flow PRIVATE flow_swift)
add_dependencies(flow flow_swift)
endif() # WITH SWIFT